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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2980143 No.2980143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I started going to Futaba a few months back.

Why can't you guys be cool like them? It's almost unbearable when I come back to /jp/. What happened to the glory days?

>> No.2980156

Because the summerfags like talking about overspoken and false Umineko theories, VN localizing companies that are bound to end up bankrupt, and the occasional game that gets translated.

>> No.2980162
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>What happened to the glory days?
Are we already approaching this mindset? /jp/ is only one year old.

But yeah, Futaba is cooler and always has been.

>> No.2980163

ITT: nekofags shitting up /jp/

>> No.2980164

But we do that all year round.
Except, score out 'localizing companies' and stick 'fan translation groups'.

>> No.2980165

What's cooler about Futaba?

>> No.2980168

People started complaining about summer and how /jp/ sucks or how this or that doesn't belong here.

>> No.2980171
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Futaba actually comes up with original content sometimes.

>> No.2980172

What is a nekofag?

>> No.2980175


>> No.2980180

It's in moon, and that's about it, seriously, of all the time I've been in futaba, it's basically /b/ in japanese.

>> No.2980181


/jp/ has been like this since around the beginning of this year. All you guys do is talk about the same tired shit.

>> No.2980184


It's more like (/b/ - shit) + (/jp/ - shit)

>> No.2980191

It's a retard from /a/'s attempt to force a meme and bring us down to their level of interfrachise hate and spam.

>> No.2980194

If you think /jp/ always talks about the same stuff, I dare you check /m/

>> No.2980195

No, it's (/b/+/jp/)*shit!

>> No.2980196

Beats me. I think it has to do with overly hostile people who seem to dislike nearly everything, an increase in trolling activity (and one guy who keeps posting a bunch of daily threads), and, of course, our lack of motivation toward doing anything "productive".

But "glory days" is an exaggeration. I think we've had far worse stretches in /jp/ in the past than now (fall of '08, in particular).

>> No.2980197

I am sorry that we cannot uphold your high standards.
Please make a Thread about whatever you wish to talk about. I am curious

>> No.2980201

Futaba is a horrible board, for the most part.

Now stop getting your shitty metathreads all over /jp/ and go back to pretending that you're really Japanese, okay? And don't even start with that "glory days" bullshit. This isn't /b/.

>> No.2980213

Their jousou board is best.

The only real difference between /jp/ now and one year ago is that nobody complains about the split, there are a few less touhou threads, and everybody plays sengoku rance instead of elona.

>> No.2980218



>> No.2980231
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Want me to fix your weapon?

>> No.2980243
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I can talk about the glory of the Supreme Commander Char Aznable 24/7 for the rest of my life with pleasure yet I can't do the same about 99% of the fringe bullshit here. What's up with that?
