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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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29147271 No.29147271 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (in Japanese)

>Kara no Kyoukai – the Garden of Sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (in Japanese)
English translations by cokesakto
Kara no Kyoukai Anime Movies
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (updated 2018-05-30)
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate hollow ataraxia
Fate Zero
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files Manga

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English Patch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nUY3G5Z8tgBnfvELhbLiYhmLolDI2TwC/
French Patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french

Other works
>Angel Voice (A doujin anthology that contains the short novel "Notes." written by Nasu, and the Manga "clowick canaan-vail" drawn by Takeuchi.)
>Fate Apocrypha
>Fate Extra
>Fate Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fate strange Fake
>Fate type Redline
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade manga
>Tsuki no Sango
>Tsuki no Sango Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate/complete material II Character material.
>Fate Art Books
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>Tsukihime doujins from 2008
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation

Previous: >>28335375

>> No.29149266

Melty discord for the anon who asked about it
tfw suck at fighting games

>> No.29155596

is there a place to see the japanese script of CCC (including all the bad ends)? since i just saw these and want to check it myself

dust of osiris' page in JP wiki also mentions this. but doesn't this mean sion became DoO in extraverse? didn't she already die at birth or something.

>> No.29162752
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>> No.29162781
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>> No.29162859
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>> No.29162883
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>> No.29163452
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>> No.29163524

Do something, /tmg/.

>> No.29163561
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>> No.29163677

not the anon you're replying to but what's the difference between the steam version and the community version? I've seen that the OP also has the torrent for all the PC melty games and I wanna know what's that all about,
t.recently started reading tsukihime and curious about other stuff relating to that

>> No.29167003
File: 1.84 MB, 633x2309, ries and dust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Community version adds rollback netcode (MUCH better performance online), and some training features, if you want to actually play it with people. Steam version is unplayable with other people pretty much even in your house, but what it does have is a fully translated arcade mode you can read if you're interested in story. Though if that's the case, you should probably start at the beginning.

Melty story goes like this, you will have to steal each of these games except MBAA:

- Re-Act Final Tuned Story Mode (Like 20 hours of mostly VN format. The actual MB story. You can also play the original MB1, but ReAct has the main story in it too, and it's a better game.)

- Re-Act Arcade Mode
(beat with every character, melty also has plenty of hidden stuff in win quotes that's sometimes pretty significant)

- Act Cadenza Arcade Mode
(beat with every character, Neco Arc Chaos has two randomly chosen arcade modes)

- Actress Again Arcade Mode
(beat with every character, Riesbyfe and NAC again have two arcade modes. Dust of Osiris is from here)
(Also has a hidden boss rush, you need to install a patch for it)

>> No.29167259
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I guess it bears mentioning that for Arcade Modes, as far as story goes, you only need to beat the story-relevant characters like Shiki, Sion, or White Len, to mostly figure out what's going on in that part of the story, but then some of the coolest shit in it is unrelated to the main plot of whoever is currently running the Tatari.

Melty over its four installments just has a lot of stuff hidden in it. It's tough to give specific advice if you don't want to just go through everything, besides make sure you've read Kagetsu Tohya first. You can also read the manga, but that's just the 'main story', not including all the shit that happened after it.

>> No.29167468

>You can also play the original MB1, but ReAct has the main story in it too, and it's a better game.
alright so if I understood correctly, ReAct has the same story as the original melty blood game so it doesn't really matter which one I choose to play? (but if I got it right it means I can just go to ReAct once I'm done with the remaining arcs in Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya?). Also I don't mind grinding through arcade games since I had no problem playing Guilty Gear stuff a lot long time ago (still play it from time to time with my high school friend)

>> No.29167658

Yeah - MB1 is also a massive kusoge. There is not much reason to play it over Re-Act.

I wrote the story in that order since it goes in that order chronologically, even if it's sometimes scattered. KT isn't necessary for the base MB story, but once you get to the Arcades, you'd start spoiling yourself.

Also, you might want to watch/read Kara no Kyoukai before getting all the way to MBAA if you somehow haven't.

>> No.29167737 [DELETED] 

I guess it won't be a problem since I already watched and am familiar with KnK

>> No.29167781

I guess it won't be a problem since I already watched and am familiar with KnK. Thanks anon

>> No.29186306
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Alucard Bergstein

>> No.29188910
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can touko see the future?

>> No.29189360

I think Nasu breaking the fourth wall as the narrator in Mahoyo every once in a while makes him a better developed character than Guda

>> No.29192364

What are Nasu's favorite visual kei bands?

>> No.29193121

Why did the japs hate Heaven's Feel? I see the hate towards HF is the reason Nasu never bothered to try to write something more adult again.

>> No.29198857
File: 1.16 MB, 3075x2346, rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of HF. And away we go! The theater ran HF 1 and 2 back to back tonight before the release of Spring Song later this week.

>> No.29199066
File: 1.20 MB, 2991x2505, I am pretty drunk, thanks for asking!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29206258

I wish I had a poster of the original. It's one of my favorite illustrations in the series.

>> No.29207950

which movie is that scene from, again? I can't seem to remember

>> No.29209455

the poster is from the first movie (Overlooking View) iirc

>> No.29210149

that's what I thought, thanks

>> No.29213506
File: 66 KB, 800x800, fateextella-figurine-figma-nero-claudius-max-factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will farm the lotto after waking up.

>> No.29224174

Does anyone have that Guda being praised/described by servants that was made during Babylonia anime?

>> No.29225187
File: 1.24 MB, 4352x2072, nip shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this? It was just translated around that time, you can tell because it doesn't even get into the lostbelt shit

>> No.29226688

Yes that's right. Thank you anon.

>> No.29231294

How'd ya'll feel about an arpg set in the nasuverse, one that'd take more cues from The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II and the tuskihime side of the world than the fate side.

>> No.29231400

I'd like a noir detective game taking place during the events of Tsukihime where you're playing as a detective investigating the murders and at some point you cross paths with some characters desu

>> No.29231523

Yeah I could feel that, would it be the exact events of the game or would you have it be an alternate route/universe that it takes place in?

>> No.29231686

Just to clarify when I say alternate route I don't mean one already in the game, I meant one not outlined in the game(like how Melty Blood takes place after an unexplored route)

>> No.29231717

anything would do in my opinion. Tsukihime from a POV of a normal person with no special skills trying to solve the case would be interesting, though for the sake of freshness it can be some alternative universe but with minor divergences. Not really keen on the arpg aspect though. Not sure about that. It could work as some sort of VN

>> No.29231854

That's fair, the detective game would probably work better in a different genre, maybe a telltale style game or even just a straight vn like you suggested.

>> No.29232268

At this point it's more plausible for Nasu to be lurking these threads and stealing my idea rather than type moon releasing the remake

>> No.29239501
File: 2.86 MB, 300x300, 90923377247584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open this GIF file to have a LOL.

>> No.29239605

Damn this gif seems vintage as fuck.

>> No.29248242
File: 48 KB, 750x760, 1602827345317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Tsukihime remake have a bigger soundtrack than Mahoyo?

>> No.29273596
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>you will never see this

>> No.29286061
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>> No.29304866
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>> No.29305786

>2 days until hf3

>> No.29306797

I would impregnate all four of these women, and make them race to see who could bear my child first!

>> No.29307489
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How come every time EMIYA plays in F/SN something cool happens but anytime I queue it up I fail spectacularly?

>> No.29313897

You're not emiya

>> No.29314206

So how do you anons feel about UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH, the melty blood spiritual successor?

>> No.29319182

It really doesn't play the same.I'm glad that French Bread survived after Melty Blood died but I'd rather have a sequel/expansion with Stay Night/HA characters.

>> No.29325035
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Don't hit on her silly boys

>> No.29330770
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This is erotic

>> No.29336055

t. touchless virgin

>> No.29343358
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>Tsukihime from a POV of a normal person (with no special skills) trying to solve the case would be interesting
Vampires, Mystic Eyes, Magic, Curses?
I refuse to believe such bullshit Mr.Zelretch, everything can be explained through humans or some other logical explanation!

>> No.29354911

How would Battler fare in Tsukihime?

>> No.29355785
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He soloes the nasuverse with endless autism

>> No.29356516
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>> No.29363095

I want to fondle Arc's Type-Moons

>> No.29363684
File: 95 KB, 593x468, shiki tohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a generic character design

>> No.29366374

what do you want more from shiki chad tohno?

>> No.29366890

Not too flashy and not too forgettable

>> No.29371393

>what a generic character design
sort of, the uniform and aesthetic really make him stand out more than he should

>> No.29372056
File: 760 KB, 3303x2985, arc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where could I find tsukihime wallpapers? Most of type moon related wallapapers are fate

>> No.29373644

I liked the shitty glasses Aoko gave him. Now he's Persona 5 protagonist.

>> No.29377310

>black hair protagonists with bowl-cut length hair
Welcome to eroge. To be fair, Shiki's shirt is pretty distinct with the weird orange outlines.

>> No.29385859

I dunno, it worked for me
I listened to it while writing an email to the university I applied to, and it worked

>> No.29386205

Have they released an image of the remake Powerd Ciel yet? Or just in her normal fighting clothes. I don't like her new hair but I'm willing to give it a chance if her overall design is okay.

>> No.29387700
File: 432 KB, 1400x1125, ciel (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use boorus for pictures that are large enough to be wallpapers.

>> No.29391382


Wow... what kind of glasses is the OG Tohno shiki wearing? they look half frame glasses or harry potter glasses?

>> No.29401080

Just got back from Spring Song. Seeing Kirei getting his nose broken was extremely satisfying.

>> No.29402290
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There were a couple of really fat guys at my showing and one of them brought his mom. I wonder if those guys were also from /tmg/?

>> No.29414887

Requiem vol 2 is getting translated

>> No.29415073
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>no hf showings in my country

>> No.29416268
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>> No.29416407

He's wearing his glasses too low and the upper frame isn't drawn to let his eyes show, they're oval framed.

>> No.29416610

>Nasu more than 2 years ago: Yeah Part 2 is going to go out with a bang, we'll have it done quickly and then we're gonna move on from FGO. No more milking
*Proceeds to milk as much as possible and drag it out for years with content draught everywhere*

It's funny that all it took for FGO to die is to have a competitor that has actual gameplay. Not even good gameplay, just more than the trashfire that is FGO.

I wonder if the whales are panicking.

>> No.29418862

Revenue is certainly down, but I do caution that spending is likely a fair bit up as DW is developing other stuff.
Still, it is a good sign.

>> No.29419685

the original looks great
the new one looks like a bitch

>> No.29429278

new one is just persona 5 protag

>> No.29434062

>governor locked the state down again the day of the movie
oh what fun

>> No.29437421

yet so good

>> No.29438352
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>> No.29445279

Bro, that scene gave me a boner and I felt like such a degenerate.

>> No.29449515

How did YOU get into Type Moon and what keeps you coming back?

>> No.29453908
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I got in as a newfag who caught the VN bug, along with figuring out all the memes being thrown around back then.
I stick around for one reason.

>> No.29455164
File: 594 KB, 859x696, ha problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im around 90% in hollow ataraxia, is it normal for me to not be able to view certain eclipse scenes? specifically, the h-scenes. when I go to the emiya household map, there's nothing for me to select, even though it says "new" in the map of fuyuki

pic related, took it yesterday

>> No.29459070

Should I just watch the el-melloi II case files anime or should I read the light novels?

>> No.29459582

the anime has a fuck ton of filler and was overall not very good.

>> No.29459916 [DELETED] 


>> No.29460319

Alright, thanks

>> No.29465508

You should have "uncensor" selected (or decensor if you got the decensored CGs patch). It's weird that it's grayed out.

>> No.29466110
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>> No.29466402

For the Kara no kyoukai light novel; has anyone made a pdf out of the baka-tsuki translation of the first volume? I wanna read it on my e-reader and everyone says coke's translation is dodgy

>> No.29467692

I did

>> No.29470920

Fate/Zero anime, Kara no Kyoukai movies and UBW anime, then I read the VN, FSF and FZ LN and then Tsukihime
>what keeps you coming back
it's fun

>> No.29474175

The filler was fun though.

Read the LNs first then watch the anime. Technically, the anime only covers the rail zeppelin arc so you could watch it after you are done with those books if you want.

>> No.29475144

fsn visual novel and other fate adaptations
Stockholm syndrome

>> No.29475440
File: 30 KB, 360x270, EhhlwhuWsAAcY1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday Illya

>> No.29477812

that's what I thought, I've got no clue why it's grayed out, everything else has worked fine

>> No.29478538

Did you forget to install the H patch somehow?

>> No.29478679
File: 65 KB, 724x687, fha install folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so, this is what my install folder looks like, I might just be a retard

>> No.29489959

Nevermind, I figured out how to do what I wanted to do. Turns out not being lazy has its rewards

>> No.29503230

The Fate Zero LN has an edited version on https://readfag.wordpress.com/unedited/fatezero/ that seems to flow better (at least to me it does). Could this get added to the OP for future threads?There only seems to be pdfs though, no epubs...

>> No.29539807
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>always knew of fate mainly because archer reminded me of DMC1 dante but never picked it up due to laziness
>kung flu happens
>welp might as well start reading the VN
>fast forward a few months and ive read all the TM vns minus mahoyo and watched KnK/UBW/HF/CF etc etc

>> No.29540875

I there a way to make a F/SN romhack?

>> No.29542728
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>> No.29543873
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>> No.29547840

learn to use ONscripter
I'm trying myself
good luck since there are barely any tutorials for that shit

>> No.29547856


>> No.29567771
File: 1.66 MB, 1637x2400, 1604657359812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so perfect bros

>> No.29568181

You read the VN when you were younger, life was simpler and probably better, and associate the character with that era of your life.

>> No.29568258

i read it relatively recently though

>> No.29568268

lucky you, then

>> No.29575860
File: 81 KB, 888x888, 1575283800475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will anyone bother translating the remake if it sucks?

>> No.29576383

F/SN doesn't use onscripter.

>> No.29585383
File: 60 KB, 638x472, 1603154569109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a % likelihood that the Tsukihime remake will have H scenes.

>> No.29585399


>> No.29591291
File: 306 KB, 944x751, 85839734_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29595845

Is Kinoko Nasu even a real person?
I don't think its about the gender anymore (even though Kinoko is usually female given name, hehe), Nasu is an extremely rare family name, like less than 4000 people have it in Japan and Kinoko too is also a really uncommon name
Might it be a made up name or is there actually a person in Japan named Nasu Kinoko?

>> No.29597574

Are there ONscripter versions of the VNs avaliable?

>> No.29599034

Any English version of Tsukihime or KT you'll find on the web uses ONscripter, and the VNs from stay night onward use Kirikiri.

>> No.29600370

My name is Dirk Diggler. No I can't show you my ID you just have to take my word for it.

>> No.29601814
File: 556 KB, 1920x1280, 02ec10b3102cbd724883569cfbf0bad8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did YOU get into Type Moon

>Browse Gelbooru for anime artworks
>Kept seeing "Fate" and "Fate/Grand Order" being tagged so many times
>Eventually get intrested and do research about it
>Find it's a multi media and research the defentive order for the series
>Try the F/SN VN
> 1 Year later and still tries other TM stuff

> what keeps you coming back?
/tmg/, it's the best place to talk about Fate as well TM stuff too.
/v/ is a shithole when it comes to Fate threads.
/a/ is better, but it's not good since it's filled with obnoxious waifufags and secondaries.
There's the Fate series subreddit, but it's basically /a/ minus the toxicity of waifufags.

>> No.29601982

Oh sweet, thanks.

>> No.29603234

When nasu said last year about something the old fans would enjoy, he was obviously talking about the H scenes in the remake.

>> No.29603493

Kinoko is obviously a pen name. Nasu is probably his real last name despite it being unusual. Of course, there's a possibility he made that up as well.

>> No.29609991

Call me crazy but I think fate threads on /v/ are much better than the ones on /a/, you can still discuss the vns well enough in the bi weekly kuro porn dumps but the threads on /a/ are just pure waifu war shitflinging

>> No.29612033

Serious question, have nu-Fate works like FGO and Extella actually retconned old Nasuverse lore or was it just exaggerating from those that hate the new lore?

>> No.29612551
File: 672 KB, 806x651, archer rin HA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fate

>> No.29613298

Nasuverse lore always relied on parallel universes as a crutch, so a lot of the retcons aren't technically retcons. I won't touch on the grand metanarrative timeline pruning or whatever Nasu came up with since I don't care about it, but most details were explained away with parallel universes even before nu-Fate. KnK and Tsukihime are very similar but cannot exist simultaneously? Parallel universes. Zero isn't consistent with events described in stay night? Parallel universes. Saber said she can only be summoned as a Saber? Parallel universes, and so on and so forth. He preemptively justifies everything with parallel universes instead of attempting to build a cohesive world.

>> No.29616355
File: 355 KB, 2048x1814, EnL6zgeUUAIxBKr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy for them to beat me up, just because it would make them real.

>> No.29617162

Has nasu abandoned saber face in favor of mashu face?

>> No.29617318

Touko is so fucking hot I would call her dirty red so she beats me to death if that means she'll pay attention to me just an instant

>> No.29617351

Hair down redhead KnK Touko is her hottest form by some way.

>> No.29617384


Why is the thought of Shiki beating the shit out of me such a turn on?

>> No.29618120

I watched Prisma Ilya when I was 12 during my yuri phase
Many years passed and I thought 'fuck it' and picked up the VN last year

>> No.29620474
File: 584 KB, 2382x3465, 1588035489944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because that's the appeal of her character
>shiki will never put her knife against your throat while threatening you
>you will never be able to smell her due to proximity

>> No.29621248 [DELETED] 

I wasn't around for a while. How did you finally drive away the attention whoring tripfag?

>> No.29623466

>saber face
Caster Artoria was just released 3 months ago
>mashu face

>> No.29624002

>I watched Prisma Ilya when I was 12

>first season was 7 years ago
jesus fuck

>> No.29628190

Give me a % likelihood that it'll even come out

>> No.29628227


>> No.29631566
File: 137 KB, 343x440, 1582394888012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chances are so extremely against your favor that you might as well hope for some sort of miracle

>> No.29632504
File: 597 KB, 529x733, xBVuttD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nasu has retconned the 27 DAA existing in fate and one of them being inside the burial agency, yes. He did that in the FGOxMelty crossover manga. The more time passes the more he separates his different timelines, I'm pretty sure I saw ancient pre-FSN release quotes from him years ago that implied FSN takes place in the same timeline as Tsukihime and he only went back on that after release.

>> No.29641052

>27 DAA
what does that stand for?

>> No.29645314

27 Dead Apostle Ancestors

>> No.29647608

Wow, Nasu actually said burial agency members could fight servants? I thought that was just limited to Ciel.

>> No.29647765
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>> No.29653406

Yeah, servants used to not be nearly as big as a deal as they are now. like every F/SN servant is a complete joke now that needs to get powerboosts through retcons because Nasu keeps escalating the powerlevels.

>> No.29661253

Thanks for the breakdown anon, I should be done with KT this week so I’ll start with react after

>> No.29671346
File: 3.59 MB, 2066x1380, 14F1F1CB-5CB3-45EA-8D97-3AAD48A91278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29672636

Power creep.

>> No.29693053
File: 707 KB, 3234x1989, find em fuck em and flee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29695525

Kirei's relationship with his wife troubles me because I hate his actions as a character, but I feel sorry for him because he just can't understand that she loved him

>> No.29695804

Kirei is a product of a fucked system, in fact all major factions in the Nasuverse are fucked.
The oddballs who disregard the system are the good guys, or the big bad.

>> No.29697728

Because the readers were misogynistic basement dwellers who victim blame rape victims. They were also massive manchildren, so the revelation that Shirou grew out of wanting to be a superhero made them throw a tantrum. Also, their reading comprehension skills were too poor to detect red herrings and lies, so they unironically believed Sakura was the one who killed civilians.

>> No.29707285
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>> No.29707371

Post the kyrie eleison

>> No.29707819
File: 830 KB, 3261x2082, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up with a billion pics because the theater was empty on the last night of Spring Song. It ran locally for 5 nights.

>> No.29707838
File: 912 KB, 3177x1941, i will forget the memory of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29708729
File: 788 KB, 1258x600, 1606267675535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will we EVER get it

>> No.29708997

He’s never said that, only that Ciel could fight Servants defensively. Only thing he’s said is that Servants are a match for the 27 DAAs
Eh, if anything I feel it’s the opposite. Being on the “x who could beat or just even put up a fight against Servants” list used to be impressive.

>> No.29709624

He said it in the picture that anon posted. Well I'm assuming that was Nasu talking.

>> No.29714670

Where are the Illya and Taiga routes

>> No.29716676

Where is Mitsuzuri route

>> No.29719443
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>> No.29719850

Where is the track girls harem route

>> No.29724681

Where is Issei Ryuudou's Route?

>> No.29729514

No, >>29632504 says the burial agency members are so powerful they can fight servants even though they're human. It's in fate/complete material 3 https://exhentai.org/s/42ba95f9ed/427658-57

Of course, when Sanda brought up that the 27 DAA not existing in fate worlds is bullshit because complete material says they do Nasu said "That was burned by Goetia" so now we can have long and pointless arguments about how much of the complete material books is still canon, like 1/3th of Zelretch lore is in them for example and Nasu just went "lol retcon"

>> No.29730587

On the B-side of wakame paradise.

>> No.29730617

seeing some faggot e-celebs talking about then, then being told to "read the vn faggot" on some board.
I don't know why I keep coming back.

>> No.29731204

Literally right in that pic
>A military organization composed of the strongest members of the church. In addition to their gigantic fighting power, they have the right to immediately eliminate heretics even if they happen to be an archbishop.
>Before anything else they are sought for their ability to reliably kill heresies; faith and personality are secondary and ternary, respectively. Naturally, their members are composed of fucked-up people. In addition, their strength allows them to cross swords with Servants while having human bodies.
>Their greatest opponents are vampires, especially the greatest and oldest vampires known as the "27 Dead Apostle Ancestors." By the way, following their "strength over everything" doctrine to its logical conclusion invites strange cases like when one of the 27 Ancestors became a member.

>> No.29748897
File: 14 KB, 172x250, IMG_1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El-Melloi II's Adventure vol 1 is going to be released on Dec 25th. From the synopsis, Gray and Waver are on a trip to Singapore where they met a man named Ergo. Also that mysterious phrase "the Six Sources of Atlas" from the preview turns out to be an ancient experiment conducted by Atlas, Wandering Sea and other magi.

>> No.29749656
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>> No.29750482

cute earrings gil

>> No.29750841

Should I watch Fate Zero after I finish reading Fate or start reading Hollow Ataraxia? I took a break after first finishing it but am interested in more now

>> No.29750904

Read Hollow Ataraxia first

>> No.29751150


>> No.29751194

original looks great

>> No.29751623

Does strange fake take place in a parallel universe?

>> No.29751638

Every Fate spin-off takes place in a alternate/parallel universe

>> No.29751656

Case Files -> F/SN (until the routes split) is one continuous timeline. it's the only one though.
Yes, and an explicitly weird one at that.

>> No.29751869

Will do, thanks.

>> No.29751923

"Thus, I ask the God"
El-Melloi II and Gray visit Singapore during summer for a lecture at a Clock Tower branch.
In a country of mixed cultures, they meet a young man named Ergo. The Sixth Origin from Atlas appears to be on the trail of this mysterious young man. What is the ancient experiment carried out by the Atlas Institute and another magician, the Wandering Sea Baldanders? And what is the name of God that El-Melloi II shall ask?
"The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II", where magecraft and legends blend together with illusion and myths, begins.

>> No.29752015

Case Files has a lot of stuff that wouldn't be able to happen in the F/SN "timeline"
I haven't read Case Files but I'm pretty sure the twenty seven apostles exists in there which means it couldn't be part of a proper Fate world

>> No.29752206

>I haven't read Case Files but I'm pretty sure the twenty seven apostles exists in there which means it couldn't be part of a proper Fate world
The organization known as the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors doesn't exist in Case Files. Some individuals who are members of it do exist, but the organization does not.
In one of the Strange Fake afterwords Nasu says that CS is on the exact same timeline as F/SN. It was designed to fit perfectly.

>> No.29753463
File: 551 KB, 1437x2000, EnvsMuxVQBUUvYa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we throwback now

>> No.29756709
File: 2.74 MB, 1028x1500, 1583652630513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Case Files is happenin bros

>> No.29759660

Fuck yes. I just saw this show up this morning. Can't fucking wait. Also Rin on the cover.

>> No.29760060

Where can I read the others?

>> No.29760144
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>> No.29760199

BL has translations (but not complete), there's the manga (not complete) and the anime (not complete)

>> No.29760203

fha spoils zero

>> No.29760217

no it doesn't lol

>> No.29760481

u wot m8

>> No.29760530

Buy the books.

>> No.29761650

I can't read japanese

>> No.29761769

Learn Japanese

>> No.29768758

Wonder how they’ll handle adult Rin. They’ll probably try to ignore the 5th grail war and not try to talk about Shirou due to keeping the canon route ambiguous.

>> No.29773565

That's not Rin you glue eater

>> No.29774244

Rin is going to appear in the sequels (the original blurb mentions rin and luvia facing off) although I suppose that isn't necessarily Rin on the cover.

>> No.29774268

Rin is confirmed to be in this book even if that somehow isn't her on the cover.

>> No.29776692

tsukihime 2 the dark six when

>> No.29776855

I shall respect Tiger
I shall never misuse Tiger Kwon Do
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice

>> No.29776947
File: 68 KB, 500x608, 1519502508992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're telling me some Japanese lady came along and revived the entire field of Rune magic by herself?

>> No.29777242
File: 1.06 MB, 3318x2427, guess who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29777852

After tsukihime remake in 2022. After that tsukihime 2, then the entirety of 2020s will be filled with type moon milking tsukihime until we regret ever wishing for new tsukihime content.

>> No.29780644

This one of those Vampire the masquerade visual novels?

>> No.29781131
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>> No.29781433
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what did touko think of waver

>> No.29781465
File: 198 KB, 590x411, touk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention scary

>> No.29784905

uh what? i don't think it does homie

>> No.29785024

I like kotomine kirei.

Infact, I like him so much I want to make passionate love to him. Smell his mapo breath. Feel his tender abs. Caress his arms.
I want to raise children with him. I want to preach with him. I want to live with him.
I don't like kotomine kirei.
I love kotomine kirei.

>> No.29786654

Damn it's been a while. I recall that she found him interesting and amusing.

>> No.29786718

OK, Claudia.

>> No.29799241
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>> No.29800905

Ok Shirou

>> No.29819360


>> No.29826636

Anyone feel like taking bets on whether this is going to result in White Wolf doing more for Tsukihime's 20th than Type-Moon?

>> No.29829129

Well since TM will do nothing it's going to be easy.

>> No.29832457



>> No.29832711

She shows up for like 1 scene in these movies.

>> No.29833144

so do gil and cu
she's just not popular compared to the other jobbers

>> No.29833198


>> No.29833228

Cu has actual screen time though, and Gil's scene is memorable enough. Caster does fuck all for less than 5 minutes.

>> No.29833377

Yeah I had forgotten Caster was even in Presage Flower until I watched the 4 hour movie showing last week.

>> No.29835370

Man, i still hope someone puts the translation on the gba tsukihime rom. It would be funny as hell if an english gba version came out before the remake

>> No.29839523

she does indirectly help Shirou save Sakura

>> No.29839578
File: 111 KB, 561x960, 2863491-hollow_magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so according to the fate zero novel, Sakura is more suited for Tohsaka magecraft, but how would she even utilize gem magecraft considering her element's Hollow/Imaginary Numbers?

>> No.29841701

what does nu-fate mean?

>> No.29841812

Basically everything that encapsulates Extra and onwards.
It represents the works and the newfags and normies that go along with them.

>> No.29842364

Am I supposed to ignore everything after 2010 then? I only started recently with TM through Tsukihime that a friend recommended.

>> No.29842750
File: 54 KB, 427x597, 1534747736922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>through Tsukihime
That's not Fate.

>> No.29842948

Yes and I'm going through F/HA now

>> No.29846408

When it come to Fate, yes, it would be the last thing I would do in TM.

>> No.29846600 [DELETED] 

The real reason why I think Tsukihime Remake has been delayed and why I think 2020 could be the year of the Remake.
Happy Birthday to Kinoko Nasu, the man himself, just wants to play and finish Tsukihime 2 before finishing the Tsukihime remake. Now why do I think this? And why are you reading this? This man can’t help it since his origin is “Games.” He has to add Tsukihime 2 to his reality marble Neverland Overdrive. "Which is a word he can play games forever without aging.” Wait a second…“forever without aging.” Sounds to me like Nasu is a Dead Apostle himself. In fact, it makes sense since he’s the Sekai of his reality marble. Nasu has to be a vampire in order to work and play at the same time. Young depressed Nasu has been planning this ever since Tsuki Bako. As of right now, the Tsukihime remake is being developed by old and depressed Nasu. Now I’ll show you the connections with Tsukihime Remake and Fate Stay Night 15th Anniversary Tsukihime logo.

Optional suggestion to listen while reading the rest.

Tsukihime Red Pill

Tsukihime Blue Pill

Tsukihime Trial Edition

Tsukihime Half Moon Edition


Tsukihime Rinne


Rinne Tsukihime Box edition

Shingetsutan Tsukihime

Tsukihime 1.5 Sacchin Memories

Melty Blood

Melty Blood HD Under The Night In-Birth

Tsukihime: Fool’s Errand

Tsukihime 2

Tsukihime 2.9

Tsukihime Half Moon Remake Edition

Tsukihime Remake

Tsukihime Remake The Sequel 18+ Edition

Arcueid Birthday is 12/25/2000

Tsukihime release date is 12/29/2000

Melty Blood release date is 12/30/2002


It means that Santa Arcueid is going to ride a Nrvnqsr Reindeer sled and is going to deliver the Tsukihime remake disc on Christmas day to all the naughty Tsukihime deprived virus fans who have been anxiously waiting for this game. Arcueid final destination is to sled to the MOON where she happily commands grab Nrvnqsr off the sled and rushes to the MOON. Arcueid lands on the moon and finds a flat rock to sit on. The moon princess gazes at the Earth and smiles as if she finally accomplished her goal. Blessing us with her cheerfulness radiance on the everlasting lunar phase.

I’d like to end my Ted Talk with a quote from An Internet Hero. I loved it so much I wanted to add a TM twist.

Special thanks for this person who helped me write this.

"Life does not have inherent meaning; to say that our lives are pointless and our achievements meaningless is to state the obvious. No matter how grand our achievements or how broad their scope, time turns all to dust and death destroys all memory. But that does not mean we cannot ascribe our own meaning to what we do. It is because nothing has meaning unto itself that we are free to create meaning, to make metaphor, and in doing so reflect on ourselves and our world."

"So why do I do it? I do it to express my hatred, and more importantly my disdain, for TYPE-MOON. I do it to express the camaraderie I feel for those of us who have followed them for years only to be disappointed by them. I do it to prove to myself that I can persevere. The act is meaningless; I give it meaning."


>> No.29846791

Honestly, nu-fate starts with Extra in 2010 but it wasn't that bad yet and plenty of people enjoy Extra and CCC so you should check Extra out for a few hours to see if you enjoy it or not
I honestly cannot recommend anything made after CCC in 2013, the writing and general mood is just so fucking bad. If you try to pick up FGO for example you'll be forced to read easily 30 hours of utterly irredeemable trash before getting to any parts that can be considered "good" and half the shit you read in those 30 hours isn't even canon to the later parts of the story anymore because Nasu retconned plotpoints with spinoff manga and anime along the way instead of changing the actual ingame text

>> No.29849456

>Sakura is more suited for Tohsaka magecraft
Do you remember which part mentioned that?

>> No.29849640

Wait forget it. It was mentioned right in the first vol right?

>> No.29850905

>Sakura’s body does indeed have fitting potentials to become a magus. On this matter she was far better than Kariya and his elder brother Byakuya. Yet, it was inevitably a potential more appropriate for a magus of the Tōsaka brand of thaumaturgy, with fundamental differences to the thaumaturgy of the Matō.

This is from the first volume of Fate/Zero but it's translated so if that annoys you, you gotta find the original japanese LN yourself

>> No.29851053

The general quality of the franchise went down as per >>29846791 but there are still some post-2013 works you should check out. Strange Fake in particular is a good read with fantastic concepts and (unlike Apocrypha) a good execution, it draws on some Tsukihime lore but you mentioned having started with Tsukihime so that shouldn't be a concern. If you like the slice of life bits in F/HA then the adaptation of the cooking manga is also worth a watch, it's probably the closest we'll ever get to a F/HA anime.

>> No.29853466
File: 125 KB, 674x865, fuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the VN
Have some OC

>> No.29853515
File: 58 KB, 504x453, taiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cropped for extra meme factor

>> No.29857608

You're not funny.

>> No.29863176

Doesn't its say that in the VN as well? Like that was the reason she had to be conditioned for Matou/Makiri magic

>> No.29864022

Ufo, stop cock teasing me already and give me at least the release month of BDs

>> No.29864106
File: 918 KB, 961x561, rin flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finished replaying UBW

>> No.29864414

I like it.

>> No.29864946
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>> No.29867430

We already know HF3 BD release date though? It's March 31st

>> No.29870664

Woops, must have missed the announcement

>> No.29870707

What's the title of that track you hear when first fighting against Lancer?

>> No.29872601

Do we know if they are making the Normal End too?

>> No.29872976

And then the Heaven's Feel Lost Butterfly Q&A booklet makes things even more complicated
>If Sakura had stayed with the Tohsaka and Rin was adopted instead of Sakura into
the Matou family, how would things be different?
>N: In the end, Sakura couldn’t be handled by Tokiomi (the Imaginary attribute is too rare so
Tokiomi who is simply a brilliant person couldn’t teach her) so she would be sent abroad to the
Clock Tower or something.

>> No.29873044

shit my bad, i ended up fucking up the formatting.

>> No.29873196


>> No.29873402

Japanese high school in the 80s was the peak of human civilization

>> No.29873627

>peak of human civilization
That was right before we got fire. It was all downhill from there.

>> No.29875824

tfw shes not real

>> No.29877455

Is it weird if the only reason I still kinda follow type moon in Mahoyo? Like, I have lost interest in all their works, Ataraxia being the exception.

>> No.29878709

Been reading the Tsukihime VN and just finished Ciel's route (both the true and good ending). I want to ask what did Shiki do by "killing the world/nature" to weaken Arcueid in the final fight? Maybe I'm just a retard but wouldn't something like that have larger consequences? Also is the moment he wakes up in Ciel's lap a dream or reality?

>> No.29880732

Not at all.

>> No.29881243

I think that's just the surrounding area he kills and also he wakes up for real at the end.

>> No.29881265

But anons, no more Mahoyo will ever happen.

>> No.29881628

I wish I had more lorefags in my life, but everyone is a secondary or even tertiary who doesn't want to read any of the main material

>> No.29881780

Not until Nasu dies.

>> No.29882148

But who will write it then?

>> No.29882226
File: 414 KB, 800x600, savages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29883124

Two ways, one is that I clearly meant that hope for Mahoyo does not go until Nasu dies, the other is that the IP becomes free.
Even outright saying that it will never happen again is not enough to get us to let go.

>> No.29883222

why must this place attract retards and newfag unfunny posters?
/tmg/ really is filled with rejects, it is sad that many of the knowledgeable and good posters won't let go of /vg/ autism.

>> No.29883557

uuum, okay

>> No.29885527

We don't know yet

>> No.29885740

Is it possible to download Melty Blood sprites and CGs somewhere?

>> No.29890570

An artificial brain with uploaded Nasu's memories and pre-Extra works

>> No.29894776
File: 744 KB, 1422x760, x3Iswcp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accepts it's never happening. Even if it does, can you imagine 2021 Nasu writing it? Absolutely horrible. Mahoyo 2 and 3 don't even have an old version he can work off because he never bothered writing it down

>> No.29895062

We have accepted it, but we will still cling on to talking about what we do have.
That is pretty common for VN's.

>> No.29895857

Is Nasu bad now? t. haven't read anything of his written after 2009

>> No.29897638

if you need the MBAACC ones you can use the file extractor that comes with the community edition

>> No.29897748
File: 47 KB, 1278x317, leltsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Kinoko Nasu birthday, the man himself, just wants to play and finish Tsukihime 2 before finishing the Tsukihime remake. This man can’t help it since his origin is “Games.” He has to add Tsukihime 2 to his reality marble Neverland Overdrive. "Which is a word he can play games forever without aging.” Wait a second…“forever without aging.” Sounds to me like Nasu is a Dead Apostle himself. In fact, it makes sense since he’s the Sekai of his own reality marble. Nasu has to be a vampire in order to work and play at the same time. Young depressed Nasu has been planning this ever since Tsuki Bako. As of right now, the Tsukihime remake is being developed by old and depressed Nasu. Now I'm going to show you the similiarites with Tsukihime Remake and Fate Stay Night 15th Anniversary Tsukihime logo delaying the remake.

Don't listen to this while reading the rest.

TDV PILL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIEEzy_ngrw

Tsukihime Trial Edition

Tsukihime Half Moon Edition


Tsukihime Rinne


Rinne Tsukihime Box edition

Shingetsutan Tsukihime

Tsukihime 1.5 Sacchin Memories

Melty Blood

Melty Blood HD Under The Night In-Birth

Tsukihime: Fool’s Errand

Tsukihime 2

Tsukihime 2.9

Tsukihime Half Moon Remake Edition

Tsukihime Remake

Tsukihime Remake The Sequel 18+ Edition Sacchin x Noel

Arcueid Birthday is 12/25/2000

Tsukihime release date is 12/29/2000

Melty Blood release date is 12/30/2002


It means that Santa Arcueid is going to ride a Nrvnqsr Reindeer sled and is going to deliver the Tsukihime remake disc on Christmas day to all the naughty Tsukihime deprived virus fans who have been anxiously waiting for this game. Arcueid final destination is to sled to the MOON where she happily commands grab Nrvnqsr off the sled and rushes to the MOON. Arcueid lands on the moon and finds a flat rock to sit on. The moon princess gazes at the Earth and smiles as if she finally accomplished her goal. Blessing us with her cheerfulness radiance on the everlasting lunar phase.

I’d like to end my Ted Talk with a quote from An Internet Hero.

Special thanks for this person who helped me write this.https://imgur.com/a/azlBL0C

"Life does not have inherent meaning; to say that our lives are pointless and our achievements meaningless is to state the obvious. No matter how grand our achievements or how broad their scope, time turns all to dust and death destroys all memory. But that does not mean we cannot ascribe our own meaning to what we do. It is because nothing has meaning unto itself that we are free to create meaning, to make metaphor, and in doing so reflect on ourselves and our world."

"So why the fuck did I type this while drinking Alice piss tea? I do it to express my hatred, and more importantly my disdain, for TYPE-MOON. I do it to express the camaraderie I feel for those of us who have followed them for years only to be disappointed by them. I do it to prove to myself that I can persevere. The act is meaningless; I give it meaning."


>> No.29906656

In the very first chapter of FGO the main heroine explains that she managed to survive through the current problem because a servant was already summoned in their main base, and said servant lost his master in an explosion and was about to vanish. So the servant made a contract with her and they fused.
4 years later Nasu decides that actually, the big bad has been trying to fuse her with the servant since she was a child and even suceeded in doing so. He shows this in a new years special anime episode.

the second scenario is canon because it reveals the character design of the big bad, something the game hasn't done to this day, and also hints at plotpoints for FGOs second story arc.
the first scenario is actually in the fucking game.
Yes, Nasu is really bad now.

>> No.29911386

Yeah that shit really annoys me, like how hard could it be to keep some basic consistency to the story. Does Nasu never actually go back and read what he wrote before? It's really amazing that there are people that praise a story that can't even keep major plot points consistent.

>> No.29911613

Illya is smart and just fucking with you

>> No.29913741

Just finished Mahoyo but because my japanese is not that good yet I had a hard time especially with the end, which Nasu work should I read next?
I am thinking of either Tsukihime or Kara no Kyoukai, which would be easier to understand?

>> No.29914016

>which would be easier to understand?

>> No.29919538
File: 973 KB, 3048x2175, that should be obvious with one look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29919633
File: 63 KB, 1200x675, DcxnLHEWAAA4wGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex Sab-, I mean, Saber Alter is so beautiful.

>> No.29922156
File: 76 KB, 765x136, kusanoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this 草の字 business about?

I don't really get it... I'm guessing its a nickname, but why?

>> No.29922203
File: 238 KB, 795x278, kusanoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, screenshotted the wrong line

>> No.29922758


>> No.29923738

A true 日本語 expert can correct me if I'm retarded here. When I read Mahoyo, I thought that was just a goofy nickname for Soujuurou because his name has 草 in it.

>> No.29924456

According to some native from int it's a rare nickname, where you use the first letter of their name
He also calls tobimaru once in that farm if I remember correctly but it's pretty much only used by tobimaru throughout the story

>> No.29924541

Cheers. I guess this is just one of those things you need to know about.

>> No.29926720

I have my doubts, because there is this shit going on in FGO that "textures can be manipulated and facts are manipulated textures".
That is, heroes from mythologies, with all their magic and shit never existed and their heroic materializations is an expression of Alaya, that is, the pan-human conscious manipulate the texture creating the phenomena of the Throne of Heroes and their Noble Phantams.
Assuming such heavily malleable thing actually exists in FGO and that Chaldeas is a bugged recreation of the Soul of the World and that litterally everything that happend on that moment on Chaldea works under the texture manipulation rule, Nasu litterally can recreate facts at will.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Mashu or Guda ended up being the villain or something.
And don't even get me started on the Danganronpa V3 similarities.

>> No.29926958 [DELETED] 

>That makes no sense. I thought that it was by the action of the trees of fantasy that humans vanished from the Earth.
>If the earth was rendered to tabula rasa before the manifestation of the Fantasy Trees, there wouldn't be a reason to go through the trouble of creating the Fantasy Trees and The lostbelts"
>The tabula rasa of the earth wasn't a process as to render the annihilation of man, but to the purpose of creating an environment as to permit for the Alien God's descent?
>...it couldn't be helped. Indeed, was it on account that it couldn't be helped that humanity was moved out of the way?
>Without a blank texture, the Alien God could not descend? But in that case, the Lostbelts themselves would become as an obstruction. Why did it create the Lostbelts, then?
>Is it because it was unfamiliar with the earth? It can't be. It's something that could render the earth to tabula rasa in an instant. It shouldn't be the case that the alien god knows nothing of the earth, or nothing of humans. It must have investigated, that's why it preemptively attacked Chaldea.
>The alien god is thorough in its preparations. That's why nobody knows of its true form.
>That's right, the alien god have one clear flaw. It has no substance.
>If it bore any physicality, there wouldn't be a need for it to rely on Alter-Egos... Rasputin. limbo. muramasa. Why is it that an existence of an Alien Star would elect to employ Heroic Spirits of the Earth?
>...could it be that it can only use things that once existed in the Earth in the past?
>If the Fantasy Trees are cultivated to their blooming, the Alien God acquires incarnation... and then, what?
>The Alien God descent upon the earth will be an incarnation based on the Earth itself. Something FABRICATED created with the data of Earth that it acquired from us.

>The theory doesn't make any sense any more but it does look like Nasu reusing an old idea. The reason Crimson Moon accepted to help the earth is because he wanted his imperfect clones-ish TAs to be a vessel for his reincarnation. He was said to abide neither to Alaya or Gaia. But to be fair using fake/fiction information in order to incarnate into a powerful enough vessel for some "humanity saving intention"(Marisbilly is probably similar) that in practice does nothing but kill a bunch of people is also reminiscent of Zepia/Tatari.

>> No.29927013
File: 735 KB, 854x480, fabrication.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That makes no sense. I thought that it was by the action of the trees of fantasy that humans vanished from the Earth.
>If the earth was rendered to tabula rasa before the manifestation of the Fantasy Trees, there wouldn't be a reason to go through the trouble of creating the Fantasy Trees and The lostbelts"
>The tabula rasa of the earth wasn't a process as to render the annihilation of man, but to the purpose of creating an environment as to permit for the Alien God's descent?
>...it couldn't be helped. Indeed, was it on account that it couldn't be helped that humanity was moved out of the way?
>Without a blank texture, the Alien God could not descend? But in that case, the Lostbelts themselves would become as an obstruction. Why did it create the Lostbelts, then?
>Is it because it was unfamiliar with the earth? It can't be. It's something that could render the earth to tabula rasa in an instant. It shouldn't be the case that the alien god knows nothing of the earth, or nothing of humans. It must have investigated, that's why it preemptively attacked Chaldea.
>The alien god is thorough in its preparations. That's why nobody knows of its true form.
>That's right, the alien god have one clear flaw. It has no substance.
>If it bore any physicality, there wouldn't be a need for it to rely on Alter-Egos... Rasputin. limbo. muramasa. Why is it that an existence of an Alien Star would elect to employ Heroic Spirits of the Earth?
>...could it be that it can only use things that once existed in the Earth in the past?
>If the Fantasy Trees are cultivated to their blooming, the Alien God acquires incarnation... and then, what?
>The Alien God descent upon the earth will be an incarnation based on the Earth itself. Something FABRICATED created with the data of Earth that it acquired from us.

>Oh so this is why there is a nip that keeps repeating that he thinks the Alien God is like Crimson Moon.

>The theory doesn't make any sense any more but it does look like Nasu reusing an old idea. The reason Crimson Moon accepted to help the earth is because he wanted his imperfect clones-ish TAs to be a vessel for his reincarnation. He was said to abide neither to Alaya or Gaia. But to be fair using fake/fiction information in order to incarnate into a powerful enough vessel for some "humanity saving intention"(Marisbilly is probably similar) that in practice does nothing but kill a bunch of people is also reminiscent of Zepia/Tatari.

>> No.29927334

>if Mashu or Guda ended up being the villain
That would actually somewhat redeem it for me

>> No.29927505

If things go the way I think they will, Nasu will litterally make the "WE REJECT DANGANRONPA" ending of DV3.
Litterally everything on FGO will be zapped out as being just a simulation of something.
The thing is, this is probably affect everything since OG Fate, as basically everything on the Throne of Heroes might be a litteral sperg of humanity.

>> No.29928460

I mean that ending does make sense considering how fucked FGO timelines are and that there is no indication of such an extreme future in any of the other works

>> No.29929283

Isn't Notes and Extra as extreme? I even sometimes remember of Overcount 1999/Land of Steel when I read fgo.

>> No.29931855

Speaking of nuFate's lore ""update"", i wonder if Nasu would go wild and change the "mysteries will surely disappear one day" which has been a thing since KnK. Still, this is pretty much a baseless theory as there are only two things that could be said to be "hints" so far:
Case Files material
>00 AD: The remaining magus from the Age of Gods lay the foundation of the Mage's Association. "Mystery will one day disappear , but let preserve the knowledge as an academia." was their motto(reason to take action). However---
the word "however" seems suspicious doesn't it?

FGO Tesla 2nd interlude
>Nikola Tesla: Mmmm, it’s not the first time someone points this out to me, but honestly, I can’t really see it. Ah. Let me make something clear here. I am not fond of terms Mana and Od, our gracious Lady. The Age of Gods is over. The True Ether disappeared, as I’ve heard. The mystics are far distant from humanity, and the myths and legends fade into the horizon of the past, unstable as phantasms… Before long, humanity establishes civilization, progress, and science by its own hands, while the gods only lose their substance and become faint Divine Spirits. This is how mages describe the world. Which means a planet once brimming with mystics is now a planet brimming with civilization, where the many blessing of power and technology can be given even to the uneducated… However, how true is that statement, Lady? The greater magical energy that is Mana is still present on the Earth to this day, and the mystics still operate in secrecy… and now they are about to destroy the planet. I perceive the great project of the Human Order incineration and great shift to the blanked Earth as the end results of the mystics.

>> No.29932511

If you wish to update the OP, simply make the next thread.

>> No.29932680
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>"mysteries will surely disappear one day"
based as fuck

>> No.29938160

That Q&A just meant that Tokiomi wasn't good enough to teach Sakura I think

>> No.29945241

The Tsukihime .bin and .cue files on the mega won't mount properly. I tried with wincdemu and virtual clone drive, neither works. What do I do?

>> No.29946353
File: 197 KB, 643x1059, every_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasu litterally can recreate facts at will



>> No.29946492

After searching the archive it seems like for whatever reason, daemon tools is the only software that can mount the unpatched download of Tsukihime, but current daemon tools is full of fucking malware. I'm at a loss here.

>> No.29948304

You give Nasu way too much fucking credit, there are already actual retcons in the lostbelt arc. Like Kirsch saying he has a servant that can see the future

>> No.29948531

>Kirsch saying he has a servant that can see the future

>> No.29949285

That servant was revealed to be Europa-Hera in Olympus, she was the oracle for the Olympian Gods/Kirschtaria side

>> No.29949375

Which is obviously a retcon.

>> No.29957311


>> No.29958406

>a day after Tsuki's 20th anniversary
>that day is the last full moon of the year

>> No.29958598
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>live performance

>> No.29961423

Just use some random old version.

>> No.29962300
File: 415 KB, 1411x2000, HaruTsukiSora_0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, this a clear way of Nasu not having to adress the Remake Question.
Putting that litterally after the possible dates is a clear sign of "yeah no remake this year again ".
Can't say I am surprised though as decembers have been really depressing in recent years...

>> No.29962430

Is it finally happening? Is there hope?

>> No.29962443

The date is because it's on the full moon. That's on the announcement page.

>> No.29962663
File: 45 KB, 640x480, s193-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, don't raise hopes for anything. That is litterally a consolation prize that we have to use for coping.
There is a full moon today as well but they choose something near tsukihime anniversary.
Nah, it wasn't just because of that. It was to make them not have to talk about what they should.
"fuck remake, let's retell the tales of a timeline where tsukihime didn't happened".
What a great message, don't you think?

>> No.29962725

Not that I mind being wrong, obviously.

>> No.29962833

are people really excited about a live performance (that is obviously being shown because this year has been shit) of a story that is not new at all? I know tsuki fans are desperate but this is really just sad.
Though I do hope it will mean something as well because it's my favorite tm work

>> No.29962939

fuck off let me finish the vn and the sequels before it gets announced so that I can feel superior

>> No.29962968
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I wouldn't say excited. You do have those redditors that are actuall "OMG TSUKIHIME REMAKE FOR SURE NOW" but I would say in general people are like, very anesthetized.
Don't worry, it most probably won't be lol

>> No.29963225
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>> No.29966132
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For me, it's Arcueid

>> No.29966937
File: 472 KB, 727x763, 1588158722879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love atari dumbledore too!

>> No.29967385
File: 161 KB, 1197x1569, 1603542853829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Gilgamesh.
But Arcbros get a pass anyway.

>> No.29972464

>Tsukihime: Fool's Errand

I thought I was the only person that ever read that, holy shit

>> No.29973357

Day of the PADORU soon, fellow tmg.

>> No.29973990

Nasu knows what slaving away on a deadline is like, so now he's spending most of his time chilling and occasionally doing some work.

>> No.29975837

Do we know if Mahoyo and Tsukihime take place in the same universe?

>> No.29975887

No? It physically and temproraly impossible

>> No.29977903

It's the same non-human order universe (world tree) but different timelines (because Tsuki and Mahoyo cannot coexist in the same town).

DAA exist in Mahoyo.

>> No.29978386

>It's the same non-human order universe (world tree)
I have no idea wtf you just said

>> No.29979118

welcome to nu-nasu lore

>> No.29980812

Is this from a mod or something?

>> No.29981475

So how many different universes are their and what are in each universe?

>> No.29982443

Nasu seemed to imply that there are 2 types of world. Fate and Tsukihime. He says that the foundation of Fate is "the affirmation of history" while the foundation of Tsukihime is "the [censored] of history". Something like KnK is probably a Fate world since a long time ago he said that the Fujou who are psychics in Tsukihime are magi in KnK.

>> No.29982527

i like tohsaka

>> No.29982584

i like tohsaka's anus

>> No.29982951

i like aozaki

>> No.29983041

i like taiga

>> No.29983205

Which one?

>> No.29983784

Aoko of course
Touko gets wanked everywhere and wears glasses

>> No.29986169
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>> No.29986446

>want to play tsukihime
>have to finish HF first
I don't know what it is I do actually, it's Sakura but compared to the first two routes I find it so boring

>> No.29986611

HF is the most kino route. Don't be filtered.

>> No.29986727


>> No.29986785

Yeah, I'll give it another shot.

>> No.29986817

Why did Mahoyo fail?

>> No.29986939

It didn't.

>> No.29987331

Whichever is more convenient for the writing.

>> No.29987333

Tsukihime Remake and Mahoyo part 2 and 3. It's been 10 years since the announcement and they're still "working" on it while Mahoyo 2 and 3 might not ever come out.

Can ya'll explain why?

>> No.29987354

>Can ya'll explain why?
Because FGO makes mad gatcha bucks and Nasu doesn't give a shit anymore.

>> No.29987631

The remake wasn't coming out before FGO either. The last update we got was last year when he said it was in playtesting. So it's clearly done and ready to ship.

>> No.29987774

It still would have taken a long time, no doubt, but FGO permanently killed any hopes. I mean Mahoyo was delayed a bunch but it did finally come out eventually.

>> No.29987874

How did FGO kill any hope if Nasu said the game is basically ready?

>> No.29987895

>Nasu said
And you trust him?

>> No.29987940


>> No.29987966

get a load of this guy

>> No.29988051

This reminds of of the cliche line they have in romance manga for girls where the guy says "do you hate me" and she says "no" and then he says "you like me then" in a very childish kind of logic. I trust him in the sense that I'm not paranoid and think I'm being lied to. Nasu being retarded about scheduling is consistent with how he's always been.

>> No.29988199

If the Tsukihime remake ever comes out within my lifetime, I'll apologize and pre-order it immediately, but I'm not a believer.

>> No.29988298

When did the decline of Type Moon begin?

>> No.29988770


>> No.29988822

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.29989506
File: 90 KB, 679x680, ElQpSFjXIAAcqeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever, trust what Nasu says.

>> No.29991193


this shit is so cringe and already known

>> No.29991511



>> No.29991608

As >>29986939 said, it didn't.
At all, Nasu and Takeuchi were simply delusional and thought it would be as popular as the large works from the past.
Except it wasn't pandering, and the market has shrunken since then.

>> No.29991689

Zero was the portent of doom.
However, I will actually say Melty/KT.
That is how cynical I am.

>> No.29991747

Why wasn't it as popular as the large works from the past?

>> No.29991790

>thought it would be as popular as the large works from the past
Does anyone have Mahoyo sales figures? I remember somewhere that it was actually one of the best selling PC games in that decade in Japan.

>> No.29991826
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NGL I thought that said Shuriken.

>> No.29991945


People pulling the their asses "Mahoyo failed".

ME: http://www.getchu.com/pc/salesranking201204.html

>> No.29993398

How do (you) rank Nasu's works?

>Notes. (Angel Voice)
>Kara no Kyōkai
>Tsukihime & KT
>Fate/stay night & Fate/hollow ataraxia
>Decoration Disorder Disconnection (DDD)
>Mahōtsukai no Yoru
>Tsuki no Sango
>Fate/Extra & Fate/Extra CCC
>Fate/Extella & Extella Zero in great detail on his blog

>> No.29993610

From best to worst (that I've read):

Fate/Stay Night
Kara no Kyoukai
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.29995310

You posted only the month of sale, and it is only one vendor, though it is one of the largest.
Important to note, every title that sold better is an eroge.
Proving the point about goddamn pandering being super important to sales.

>> No.29995390

>everything else with Aoko in it
The rest is irrelevant to me these days.

>> No.29995512

Mahoyo not being voiced and having the length of one Fate route but being full price probably didn't help even if the quality was much higher.

>> No.29996021

The price for the length is the only legit problem I have with it.
The lack of voices is a pleb filter, it certainly would've helped sales if it was optional, but I appreciate Nasu sticking to his beliefs.

>> No.30004579

>no new thread
fine I'll copy and paste it myself

>> No.30004773

new thread since no one bothered to make one and this one is already on page 10 >>30004644
