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29613909 No.29613909 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

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>> No.29613952

Last thread >>28505162

Beautify 2.0
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JeGCMO92sV3bihd01LCCKMdH6xthZzyj/view?usp=sharing
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/14r65djPDPvfn5PjV11QAMAH6ykw3r3cl/view?usp=sharing

Sorry for the dead air. I was 'playing' Umineko.

>> No.29615536
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>> No.29617016

Newish to the game, any reason why changing my LG's appearance doesn't change how she looks on the screen?

>> No.29617323

Just why is there a tax system in the game? I get what it does, but I don't understand why it exists. It feels like nothing but more tedium, even with a tax box at home.

>> No.29617542

to make it feel more alive and real i guess

>> No.29617673
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Are there any <Cave Chads> that have no idea how to interior decorate here?

>> No.29617842

It exists so you can refuse to pay your taxes and become a criminal. Duh.

>> No.29623296

You changing her sprite, portrait, or evochat pic?

>> No.29623314

I assume sprite, since I'm basically just trying every random option.

>> No.29623411

ah well I figured it out, guess you can only edit the custom 1 (which I suppose is binary and I'm retarded)

>> No.29624907

Which level Performer should I be before I attempt to play at parties without getting stoned 100% of the time?

>> No.29626098

I just raised mine with bonus points like an hour ago. Usually I stop at 30, which 99% negates it, only having to avoid a few specific NPC's. This time I went 20. At that point most unique NPC's stone you, but regular dudes don't, so you'll gain a lot of money but rarely finish. But 20 is enough to slowly grind to 30 and beyond.
Anything below 20 is tedious

>> No.29626920

>then you can finally play dwarf fortress
I don't know if I should be upset, or laugh.

>> No.29627177
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I don't want to move onto Dwarf Fortress because it's not cute

>> No.29636302

>exploring surface tiles for a junk stone
>putz about a tiny bit too long and a cockatrice domes me
>lose my special boots
I gotta stop doing that.

>> No.29644376
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Post good sprites

>> No.29647270

Always stick to the map edges, dude. You can escape in an instant that way.

>> No.29648256

ironically, much like the Monoeye ladies a good deal of the time 1-shotting my LG, I THOUGHT I could take the cockatrice. I could not.
So far this LG has died to 1-shots 4 times, perhaps this really good artifact that also has level 1 monster summoning is too dangerous to run.

>> No.29656801

>running an artifiact with monster summoning
Are you insane, anon?

let's see your stats

>> No.29657538
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is it that bad? I think after I got another fire res piece I can probably swap out this ring now.

My first run so I don't really know a ton.

>> No.29657967

>get happy bed after like 5-10 cupids
>make it paper, stick with eastern since I didn't have good fire res, toss in house
>get another in probably 10 kills
>go to another dungeon
>2 in the same room
>and another
These are really nice for furniture, really glad I used my wish rod for seven league boots and not this bed.

>> No.29658607

The monsters that are summoned will keep scaling up with you as you level. Eventually you'll pass them, but it could take awhile.

But if you're fine with random things killing you from time to time, feel free to keep it.

>> No.29658706

a bit annoying to lose relationship with my pawn, though since we're married it doesn't? matter maybe. Iunno, I'll look at the random rings and whatnot I've gotten via trades/dungeons.

At least I've stopped starving to death like a retard all the time, and found the weight lifting skill so I'm not stuck with fucking 2 free s.

>> No.29658972

How to survive the chaos child in act 3?

>> No.29658998

It's fine
The ring isn't that special, most of what it does can be found quite commonly on other gear.
I wouldn't consider anything it does worth putting up with the monster harassment.
If you want fire resist, you can turn your stuff to dragonscale once you get scrolls of superior material., though I'm pretty sure you need material kits for items of { } rarity.

>> No.29659041

fortunately after losing my non-seven-leagues boots to said cockatrice, I used the material kit from the cat house quest on them, then also picked up that fried prawn, so that's all good.

>> No.29659964

>Went for the dex evasion build with dual wield and bow
>breeze through early and early game
>didn't even need to buy gear or rely on pets
>hit level 50
>dungeons all have caster type monsters now
>immediately get sniped by spells
>die instantly

I'm gonna have to multiclass into a warrior, of all the fucking things you can't dodge spells?

>> No.29660020

start a farm , eat enemis for resistance
evasion sucks in late game anyway

>> No.29661245

and here I was thinking I was hotshit for killing Ultima just by not getting hit

>> No.29661643

Dodging normal attacks works all the way into endgame. It's the spacts that can't be dodged that kill evasion. It's still useful though, since 10% less damage is still 10% less. Just don't sacrifice pv for it.

>> No.29661897
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>> No.29664947

Just got a wish as a lv 1 fairy pianist. What should I get?

>> No.29665170

Funnily, dual wield is making you weaker. Particularly that early.

>> No.29670568
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>The monstrously based GOD OF MONEY is too new to have any artwork

It ain't fair.

>> No.29670624

> 3 hours ago

Too late for you, anon, but for future anons GET A HAPPY BED. Seven League Boots used to be the hot item, but that is outmoded. Just buy a deed of truck and forget your travel issues forever.

>> No.29671389

Lol I got the happy bed like 5 minutes later from some enemy

>> No.29671715

Then I don't know. I feel like there isn't really anything THAT valuable you can wish for. Happy Beds aren't that hard to get if you know what to look for, and SLB are outmoded by TRUKK. You can keep a more valuable item in your boot slot instead, and Truck is already so fast in the overworld that you wouldn't want to be faster. As that would actually hinder things.

And anything else is honestly not that hard to get either. Wishes are great if you don't know what you are doing and want a boon, I guess?

>> No.29672994

Shift cores, Light pens, Gain attribute scrolls

Also Mani alarm clock, Yaca bank and Ehekatl painting
I don't place much value on Secret Experience of Kumiromi, but it's an option

Don't fall for the seven league boots or happy bed memes, it's not 2014 anymore

>> No.29673652

Don't get a happy bed, they drop like candy

Honestly, just look at the <Mantiya> page on the wiki and pick one of those items. The one that stops garden being invaded maybe.
Bed drops all the time, secret experience can be farmed, 7leagueboots isn't particularly better than just dumping bonus points in perform and doing that instead early and plainly worse later

Shift cores are a fun novelty, if you get one go for gamma, speed is better than other stats and it also negates mutant speed malus if you play one of those

If you are new enough to be asking this, you shoudn't waste a wish on the attribute scolls, they're only really relevant on super high level characters who's regular progression options scaled to the point of being somewhat slower

>> No.29673930

this isn't a word
the word you're looking for is penalty

Also, omega shift core is easily the best unless you're a mutant, the HP drain is very minor, and your natural regeneration can mostly offset it.
Shift cores are also only obtainable through wishes, and are generally helpful at all stages of the game.

>> No.29674544

The Itzpalt item is the best because you don't have to worry about identifying food to make sure it isn't cursed. It's a significant quality of life improvement.

>> No.29674646

Malus is a genus of about 30–55 species of small deciduous trees or shrubs in the family Rosaceae

Wrong also
Takes a very long time before the hp malus doesn't rape you while the mp malus means you can't be healed via magic

>> No.29674861

speaking of curses, remind me, does curses on seeds actually do shit

>> No.29674929

The pronalty of +20% to every stat is massive, and the penalty of 0.66% of your HP per turn is ridiculously easy to handle, especially with how easily you'll handle threats with it active.
It's literally 150 turns to take you from full to 0, and you can just heal partway through, drink potions, or use a rod.
It also has another big pronalty in that your gauge doesn't naturally decay while it's active

Gamma doesn't have any penalties, but only gives a pronalty to speed and DV, while omega does not only that but also boosts your damage output and accuracy.

>> No.29674941


>> No.29675531
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I want to murder this cat BUT turn it into a meatdoll so I can have it watch my crops. I see nothing in changelogs showing any change to meatdolls. But trying on different enemies, no matter how many I use innervation on, I never get meatdolls. They used to be consistent.
Anyone know how meatdolls work now? Do I need to hit them with the 'they're at less than 1/9 hp' innervation to even have a chance?
The other alternative is to knock out punch and sand bag it but that's not as cute
I was going to just leave it alive but the talk of god items from act 3 reminded me that if I put in the smite farm item, it'll kill my kitty

>> No.29675640

Also if you've got a limb count speed penalty you should be riding anyway. Always being at full speed is better than only being at full speed about halfway through a tough battle.

>> No.29675728

Use 2 gamma cores for basic dungeons
For 'tough' battles, just stand around slightly overweight until 100% meter. At stairs or in the entrance to the boss floor, depending on boss.
Being kokou buffed and gamma buffed is > being on a mount unless you did a terrible job raising your own speed

>> No.29675755

You need to trigger the decapitation effect of the nerve wire.
Bringing them to 1 hp with knockout works.
I'm not sure what the condition after that is. Enemies that always drop corpses such as unique npcs, bosses, and ranch creatures will always drop meat dolls instead. I'd assume the chance is based on your chance of getting a corpse normally?

tl;dr use knockout then thread of innervation and hope for the best

>> No.29675809

Thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting my time with knockout.
Seems what I want to do is knockout capture the cat, buy a ranch, breed it and repeatedly murder its children until I get my cute dolly

>> No.29676032

The virgin gamma core
>needs two of them for even basic dungeons
>boosts speed to avoid long confrontations
>afraid of fighting, uses overweight damage to charge it up
>will never know the feeling of oneshotting a boss
>uses kokou because no friends
>probably a mutant or fairy

The chad omega core
>only needs one of them to completely break advanced dungeons
>oneshots bosses constantly
>boosts every stat
>HP is in the negatives, doesn't care because everything else is already dead
>constant massive damage gauge attacks
>always has his little girl, female defender, miss vampire, and <Alsapia> the murderer mask by his side, has never touched kokou in his life
>speed is still higher than the gamma core user thanks to constant picnic baskets and breakfasts

>> No.29676064

>One to one shot
>Uses pets
Why would you care about pets if you are 1 shotting everything
Kokou is the superior way to play

>> No.29676207

for RP value and companionship

>> No.29676605

>speed is still higher than the gamma core user thanks to constant picnic baskets and breakfasts
Not only can you just summon pets at will for bonuses like this even if otherwise playing solo for kokou bonuses, picnic baskets give 100% benefit solo AND speed potential isn't even hard to raise anymore, while everything else is as trivial as ever thanks to mass blessing pots of pot

>> No.29677456

Swimming skill, good?

>> No.29679461

Why is there no little boy pet? Like what's up with that?

>> No.29680508

There is, ano just decided not to add it to the starter pet list, because it detracts from the joke. You can either find one randomly, or buy one from the local slave trader.

>> No.29681418

Oh my god he's adorable. I can't wait to put him on a leash

>> No.29686185

My pets got hit with eye of mana and their health keeps draining even after the mob that casted it is dead, due to over-casting. Anyway to prevent this?

>> No.29689228

>just stand around slightly overweight until 100% meter
I can't imagine putting that much effort into playing Elona. It sounds nightmarish.

>Why would you care about pets if you are 1 shotting everything
Lay Hand

Hand your pet a scroll of mana or something.

>> No.29689269

>Literally just hold 5, or take a heavy item out of dimensional storage and hold 5
This of all things is what you consider to be too much effort in Elona

>Lay Hand
Just don't fucking die goddamn

>> No.29690222

>hold 5
>don't die

>> No.29690272

You hold 5 when above stairs to the floor with boss, in the long corridors some bosses have they never aggro into until you approach them, etc There's no threat if you have > 1 IQ.
Its not hard to understand

>> No.29690495

Prediction: in the next version of Plus, Ano will change overweight damage so that it doesn't give you gauge.

>> No.29702225
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>the little boy wields <Homo Sex> proudly
>the little boy gets wet

>> No.29704340
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how to not fuck this up?

>> No.29704618

You don't.

>> No.29704637
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I get this message when trying to use an omega shift core on myself, what do?
ignore it until you're at end game levels

>> No.29704696

>give LG Drake Rod and Rankis
>while timestopped, trips a sleep gas trap
how does that work

>> No.29705551

>Find 4 Godly Ammos in a dungeon, excited to finally have special rounds
>both arrows and the energy cell have massive counts, multiple types
>bullet that I can use has 6 total explosive rounds

>> No.29705613

you're welcome. should have joined the superior melee club scrub

>> No.29707329

You need full gauge to activate it

>> No.29707532

>toobee xd
its shit

>> No.29711006
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>> No.29714364

Okay so me and my pets keep splitting and giving birth to hostile girls almost every 3 minutes, how do I stop this? It's not a hex or a status and it's been going on for a while, and it's also not an alien pregnancy

>> No.29714909

>Okay so me and my pets keep splitting and giving birth to hostile girls almost every 3 minutes,

>> No.29717143

You did stashed poison/dye bottles to deal with such events,have you?drinking acid works too

>> No.29717160

How do you get more casino chips?

>> No.29717197

materials or material scrolls

>> No.29717620 [DELETED] 

do your trees wither over time or can you just harvest them later?

>> No.29718891

Dig them up in Nefia material spots. Not sure offhand which Nefia type is more likely to have them, though.

You mean fruit trees? They're permanent.

>> No.29719590

Should I just sell the deeds of heirship if I don't have any genes?

>> No.29723891

As I recall, your gene cannot inherit deeds of heirship. Or any deed at all, for that matter. So yeah, just sell them.
If you want to be sure, you can just test it yourself. Keep the deed in your inventory, make a gene, incarnate and check the trunk.

>> No.29725951

I feel like rerolling my gunner for a mage, principally because I want to have AoE at my disposal, and mages seem to have it all.

Also because I want to try out different pets.

>> No.29726076
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You hate to see it.
That being said, this was the Lumiest town fountain and I had just gotten a wish from the mage guild fountain so I can't be too angry.

>> No.29726104

you can always pick up magic on your gunner

>> No.29727446

>make your shift core appearance a magical girl equivalent of your default character
Now THIS is RP.

>> No.29728426

Ano changed it so other races can do the alien infestation trick too. One of the imp races is a school-girl-looking succubus that can do it to you, so if that's what's spawning, drink some poison.

>> No.29737379

>didn't kill the two lesimas dungeon npcs for their unique figurines before talking to them
Had I only known.

>> No.29738116

They spawn in the void, IIRC. Or at least amur cage if not.

>> No.29739759

>go down stairs
>8? skeleton mages and a bunch of other shit
>headshot the most dangerous thing
>instantly get confuse-locked to death
I should've teleported out of that room, that's for sure

>> No.29739962

Anyone know where I can get Elona ELM?

>> No.29744558

oh shoot, just finished the base game main quest and didn't realize there was that Gwen NPC in Yowyn to kill. Tried afterwards and she levelled a building in a rage after beheading my fallen angel.

Any cool pets you'd recommend trying to get for the southern continent?

>> No.29749473

Yes, there's a skeleton mage ambush in lesimas and they can quite easily para-lock you to death.
Try to get some gear with paralysis immunity on it, or cast Gem (and the rest of your buffs) on before going through every stairway.
I usually play loss and the second tip isn't a bad habit to have in general

>> No.29750638

Yeah, I should've just used the orbital strike to blow them all up, I just didn't realize how strong they'd be.
Also learned to never take the pitfall quest.

>> No.29751130
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But how?

>> No.29752062
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>the fallen angel falls

>> No.29752083

The pitfall quest is very easy bronze coins and plat, even just when you're walking around randomly to trigger them.
Once you can cast detect objects it becomes an absolute cakewalk

>> No.29752086

>werewolf murders the informer
>no idea where the adventurer I was looking for ran off to

>> No.29752484

Just cast resurrection.

... you do have resurrection, right?

>> No.29752543

what if I need those books for something else?

>> No.29752623

>using magic

>> No.29762573
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>Kokou? Why would I ever use that? The pets are the main appeal to this game.

>> No.29765787

>tfw too lazy to make alt sprite for shift core
Every time I try, I remember how limited elona's sprite size is, realize what I want to do won't work and stop

>> No.29767529

How long until npcs respawn?
I murdered the inn keeper for reasons I no longer remember and now I am suffering with no shelter

>> No.29768220

>playing as a manlet

>> No.29769972

~3 days I think.

>> No.29770015


Oh, but you can buy a shelter for the general good vendor, if you're lucky.

Placed shelters in towns don't despawn (normally).

>> No.29770338


>Oh, but you can buy a shelter for the general good vendor, if you're lucky.
This is what I did
Then remembered time doesn't speed up in shelters now for some reason, and after > 10 mins reading a book, irl time, walked into the ether to tank it, figuring I had a corruption cure lying around. I did not
Now I can't wield weps and move < 50 speed

>> No.29775663

I just hold down Enter on top of a book of my choosing. Goes well enough,

>> No.29783035

>couldn't manage to read the spellbook of domination
well, hope that shows up in a shop again soon

>> No.29783775

please stop falling in every fountain we come across Petto

>> No.29784608

I decided to take the mutant pill.
It really makes me realise how much I take elea starts for granted.
Not having cooking and needing to get magic entirely from scratch on top of all the other early game priorities certainly makes things rougher

>> No.29786051

>Can't get rod of domi in magic seeds guaranteed because its > the 4th slot


>>Not having cooking and needing to get magic entirely from scratch on top of all the other early game priorities certainly makes things rougher
Nah it doesn't
Just take the magic casting skill as your free feat on start, go farm without the skill by only grabbing heavy and above items and having your little girl beat off all the enemies so they don't bother you, buy gardening.

>> No.29786097

Christ Grass Dancers are insane. I gotta find a solution to that shit.

>> No.29789859

There's a free pair of wings in the graveyard.

>> No.29789960

>fallen angel is considered a fairy for slots
>but doesn't have float cbit
no wings hats or boots?. Luckily I had a ring on another who could be given.

>> No.29791203

>lost my gun on a floor of 20 ankhara or whatever
Now THIS is hell

>> No.29795210

I have no doubt, this game is intentionally trolling me

>> No.29797936
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finally tracked down the adventurer who was holding this after I missed him due to a werewolf; switched around the materials and now we've got a real solid cloak. Also covers confusion and blindness, so I'm really happy with it.

>> No.29804593

I wish there were better visual queues for starvation; I can miss it often if I'm playing music. Kinda humorous.

>> No.29817552

>three immunities
Not too shabby.

>> No.29819731
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>fell for the shift core meme

>> No.29822450

No, you fell for the omega meme
I specifically said that -regen on hp and mp is too much for the early game, and by the time its a non-issue, you are so overpowered the entire game is enitrely trivial.
I said get gamma. Which has no downside, lets you do more of everything and negates mutant speed malus. Maybe overweight too? Hard to tell since I tend to be using koukou with it so I'm in positive speed even if massively burdened

>> No.29822802

it looks worse than it is, i was just standing around on a now-empty map waiting for it to run out and seeing how low it could go
the omega chip damage is rounded up, so it disproportionately affects lower health characters
i haven't really dipped into the negatives since
once you get regeneration, or even better, a weapon with nether damage, it becomes a total non issue
even at the start there's ways of getting your HP back fast if you really need it

>> No.29822861

And you only need to use regen, nether wep, etc, because you are using omega. Wasting turns. Rather than gaining them.

>> No.29822936

Regen boosts stamina recovery, you should be using it anyway.

>> No.29822992

those are both things that are useful anyway
have you seen how frequently you can fire off gauge attacks with an omega core?

>> No.29823071

Why would I need to do that
Stamina hasn't been an actual issue for literal years. You can spam shining wave/strings/violent garden/ whatever op shit you want for act 1 near endlessly now.
You don't run into stamina issues cooking now and haven't for years because drinking exists
That's wasting a turn to fix an issue you shoudln't have and one you made yourself.
Act 2 you get continuous attacks which, even after multi hit nerfs, is still more or less free to use and broken.

Gauge attacks aren't very good.

>> No.29823184
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>> No.29823691

gauge attacks are based

>> No.29830356

>level 8
>m-maybe I can attempt a level 3 dungeon now
>turns out I can't

>> No.29831621

Imagine being able to finish puppy cave.

>> No.29838717

Then you post a sheet if you are so hot.

>> No.29839103
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>> No.29848553

Fuck that noise. I'll stay in custom g. At least there is no anti afk to screw you over.

>> No.29849068

Coomer here, is there a mod that converts Elona into a full H game

>> No.29852844

>level 100 lockpicking
>chest in Valley of Hereafter breaks 6 blessed in a row
didn't see that one coming

>> No.29854008

just hold a magatama or whatever and no fucking issues
also what kind of fucking buzzkill loser actually has to afk cheat to play elona anyway jesus

>> No.29855376

man I gotta figure out pets, my Little Girl and Fallen Angel are getting absolutely shredded. Seems like maybe I just need to skip around and get more powerful pets since these are lacking atm.
Any good way to power level pets? Have a number of cool ones from the diaries and whatnot but they're level 1~.

>> No.29855441

>3 GAU-17 Customs from the Metal Vespa place
Oh, delicious Stardust.

>> No.29857670

You can use picnic baskets, and share herbed food through talking with them to increase both of your stats.
Gene fusing higher level stuff into them will give them a boost.
You can also strengthen them with AP at Leold's once you're in act 2, and pets that start at low level are actually better for getting AP

>> No.29859588

Teleport, run around, speed buff. I just wish you could go back and kill it afterwards.

>> No.29859857

What is this anti-afk that I keep hearing about?

>> No.29860475

10k turns of repeating yourself summons a squad of last dancers to kill you.

I've never seen anyone actually reach it, and you'd just need your script to move back and forth every now and then to avoid it if you wanted to script.

>> No.29863510

it's more for the old tactic of binding something to a button and leaving something to hold that button down

>> No.29863836

If getting ganked while reading your stockpile of spellbooks is your fetish thats your concern. Anti afk mechanic is by principle a terrible mechanic and should stay in shitty gook mmos.

>> No.29864397

>another fundamental gameplay mechanic that screws you over unless you luck out and find a specific random item
>said item also prevents you from training one skill while held

>> No.29865093

It's what retards like to do to cope

>> No.29865731

>wiki claims you can make a great deal of money with making dragon scale/diamond rings of speed and selling them
>not the case at all
More outdated shit I imagine.

>> No.29867579

go buy a juicer from the cyber dome then
you can make it paperwork with an inferior material scroll

it's specifically for attacks

>> No.29868620

>afk cheat
Hope you forget to cast contingency the next time you're playing loss.

>> No.29872286
File: 604 KB, 1472x2006, 68503761_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wiki is trying to support info for literally every iteration of the game and every update of those iterations. Which is impossible to do in a coherent manner. The wiki is next to useless by now.

>> No.29872309

When is riding ever actually worth it? It just caps your cast chance. Playing custom+-g btw.

>> No.29872385

>you can fap to little sisters
this information is accurate among all versions of elona.
if you're slow as shit you can compensate

>> No.29872779

It removes the limb speed penalty for both you and your pet. Useful if you want to go double-mutant, although pets can only hold 20 items, so max slots aren't quite as powerful for them.

>> No.29873824

Guise how do I train negoiation? Buying and selling doesn't raise it. I'm tired of selling battleaxes for 1 gp and seeing them in the seller inventory for 3000 gp

>> No.29873871

it does train it , you probably used up all potential.
it also won't increase if you sell shit, so you must buy and sell EXPENSIVE stuff

>> No.29874044

You'll never get good money by selling equipment yourself, get a shop and an adequate shopkeeper.

>> No.29874533

Speaking of shops, can you have multiple? Or just one? I have no use for pets beyond stuff like this but i feel like the games gonna just say ''no fuck you'' if I buy a shop.

>> No.29875298

lads I read a book and it summoned a little sister what should I do
also what are some neat things to do with allies as far as tactics and equipment go? I'll probably need to turn her into a ranged character so she doesn't end up dying all the time and hating me for it

>> No.29875381

that's not how it works
>luck out
buddy that shit is common as fuck

>> No.29875449

> I'll probably need to turn her into a ranged character so she doesn't end up dying all the time and hating me for it
ah , if only combat was the only thing that could kill your character

>> No.29879053

Learn resurrection and her deaths will only make her love you more.

>> No.29879714

The only thing annoying me with the pee pee wee stuff is trying to get wishes. Game just keeps raining. When it rains, you aren't thirsty, can't drink from wells
Usually I'd be on my 2nd-3rd wish at this point, instead I've had 0

>> No.29881807

Can you Cheer spooks?

>> No.29884184

should I get a magic locomotive, or a Truck?

>> No.29884249

Truck is already as fast as you'll need for overland travel on roads. Any faster might actually interfere with quests or shops respawning as you do circuits.

>> No.29885679

Truck is fine, I bought the battleship and I'm hemorrhaging money every time the bill comes.

>> No.29900721

How to farm AP for God pet, as in the God themselves as pets?

>> No.29902285

1) take them to the memory palace in act 2 and nuke their stats to reset their AP INI.

2) Suffer 1 ap at a time from nigh-capped void npcs.

>> No.29903231

>put my seven league boots to +12 and gave them the ranged locking mechanism
>just found a glowing pair
Well well well...

>> No.29904237
File: 57 KB, 614x83, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which, I used that craft repair? bench thing that the wiki says sets to maximum. Why are these different, because I used the bench before the +15 one had the < > added via hammer?

>> No.29904853

>Lune wants to sell me a nuke instead of verifying my 2m for the mansion
>assume I have to go blow up Palmia
>miscount the turn counter for return and end up eating the nuke

>> No.29905653

Is one and two options or step?

>> No.29909343

How do I use devil fragments?

>> No.29915027
File: 655 KB, 804x628, graveyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been having my saves corrupt when I close the game for a while.
I did what I thought was a fresh install, but I ended up having the same thing happen, but occasionally deleted saves from my original E+ install would appear in my game select.
Does anyone know what could fix this?

>> No.29915815

I would assume so, higher quality can have higher stats

>> No.29915849

identify them if you've never done that before
go to a shopkeeper

they currently have no other use

>> No.29918923

You can have multiple shops and give each one a different specialization to optimize profit.

>> No.29921821

Surprising, thanks
Guess I'll do that so I can have 1 general and 1 food

>> No.29925481

Best place to get diaries? Need a few so I can make strange diaries.

>> No.29926249

was indeed the case. Good to know!

>> No.29928568

Where can a fella like me trying to run cargo to pay for a shop get a deed of Truck?

>> No.29929050

Just checked, my unupgraded goods seller has that. >93k. You'd be better off just buying the shop.

>> No.29929730

>Kiss a bard
>Karma - 4
Well fuck
I guess murder is okay but molestation is not

>> No.29929782

bard are looked down upon. If you touched one of coruse will be disgusted

>> No.29930473

Got a message of having too many magic points after training with npc. Had no idea that added to that. Time do dump all my platinum in it and for once use buffs that aren't shift cores without getting annoyed at their low duration

>> No.29934513
File: 258 KB, 590x390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get a really good bullet/cell after upgrading a so/so one, has time stop ammo
>immediately find a living bow with picrel
Do I switch to archery? Also had a so/so living pistol I found previously popping about.

>> No.29936016

>starved to death decorating my house
MANY such cases

>> No.29936606

Has a 3% proc rate, don't let it dazzle you.
>living pistol
If you max out magic damage it'll do great.

>> No.29948443

any good ways to zoom out to take pictures of my house? Or just walking around + piecing together smaller pictures is the only option?

>> No.29948725

I just realized that I have been making a terrible mistake by dumping most of my spell points into Wish, that it has only been making it harder. This is... quite unfortunate.

>> No.29949725

Can you sabotage your character build by, for example, occasionally using spells or should I do whatever I want?

>> No.29950180

You'll need casting ~1300 or so before leveling wish lowers difficulty. Before that amount, you want a lower wish level. But you gain dozens of levels a cast, so even then spell points are a waste.

>> No.29950227

Yea that's what I'm saying, I (stupidly) assumed that leveling it was what I wanted to do, so whenever I ACTUALLY intended to try it would be a decent level. God only knows how many spell points I wasted on that.

>> No.29951146

>pet was at 66 proper level
>check a little later and it's at 111

>> No.29960733

Potential is per-stat and per-skill (and per-spell), so spellcasting won't interfere with anything else.

>> No.29961729

Proper level is the highest level thing you've killed.

>> No.29963264
File: 93 KB, 745x212, guard fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guard suddenly attacked another guard and wrecked him holy shit.

>> No.29964409

Embarrassing to ask :(
How do i remove anti save scumming features from a loss character with elosnack?

>> No.29966519


>> No.29966585


>> No.29967154
File: 14 KB, 885x148, diary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean this? Void is probably best. Going to test this out and see if its a good source of viable pets.

>> No.29969727

If you're not even in act 2 don't bother with that and just restart. You'te not very far into the game. Also what did you expect from playing loss?

>> No.29969822

increase life and mana back up and reset your karma
just take backups of your save next time

>> No.29972328
File: 7 KB, 48x72, Bysymlha_the_amber_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not going to accept death, get difficulty mommy to drop you down to normal mode.

>> No.29984178

>>New? Start here:
first google drive link dead

>> No.29990650

Whenever a new version comes out, the old version gets deleted. The wiki forum should have the latest version.

>> No.30009721

So I've been gone for quite some time, and I see that Custom is no longer updated. Should I hang back on 1.90 or just suck it up and play 2.0?

>> No.30010257

People are just going to recommend 2.0 because
>New is better

>> No.30011842

Is it viable to give your pet 20 hands or is there a limit on number of attacks per turn?

>> No.30013611
File: 10 KB, 185x23, elonaplus_SLHrmDHFTc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very tempting alias

>> No.30013665

yes , even more so if you play a guy full of muscles 2 meters tall

>> No.30019350

No limit outside of the accuracy penalty. And Chain if you're on Plus.

>> No.30025425

It's viable, but it's more viable to fill those hands with claws and have them use MA, ranged, or throwing, than it is to dual wield.

>> No.30027768

>learn >70 hours in, completely incidentally, that you can cook meat by casting fire magic on it
elona never ceases to amaze me

>> No.30038455
File: 612 KB, 1240x1200, 1587682786228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30041626

>never thought much of cooking, just sold corpses/whatever
>cooking makes so much money
>hit cooking 100
>now every "cooking" makes 2 of the item

>> No.30044272

No I'd rec 2.0 because the ability to drink via traveling food/max thirst at maid in any town but Yowyn makes the main annoying mechanic actually beneficial, as the sp regen is really good and the new spacts acts and mechanics added are fun and useful to use
Trying to just equate it to 'new good old bad' or the reverse is just being petty.
The only reason I'd actually go back to custom at this point is because G is attached to it and my duel wield mutant is simply trash in current vanilla and custom, only g makes it worth playing

>> No.30046885

I never understood why people got so mad about thirst. It's not really more annoying than eating food.

>> No.30053934

Took me a good many tries but I managed to kill Estork. I killed him second try but couldn't manage the emission; a number more ended like that. But, we got it down.

>> No.30057322

well I'm into Act 3 and man is the lack of translation killing me. "I think Not" and "huh?" for every option is pretty hilarious though.

>> No.30059538


>> No.30059560

a) I think not.
b) I think not.
c) I think not.

>> No.30063234

probably 600 hours in several characters and I didn't know this

>> No.30065719

Ever find random chared food on you? it's because you had uncooked food and were hit by fire. It bypasses fire resistances and fire blankets too.

>> No.30071422

Does diminish bleeding exists outside of that one static artifact?

>> No.30071478

Yep. Super rare, It spawns on belts and amulets.
There's also a tonfa that has it, and maybe one other static artifact.

>> No.30071613

Should've played Custom-G then.

>> No.30072452

Does the enchantment even stack? Might settle for the belt if it doesnt.

>> No.30072946

It's a toggle. Either you have it or you don't.
It's also not all that great, any source of healing reduces bleed and can cure it too, already,

>> No.30078963

how does Caves of Qud compare to elona? looks similar so i may give it a try

>> No.30080431
File: 173 KB, 706x508, tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this not working to stop this pet from overcasting itself to death?

>> No.30081327

I think there's a tweak that makes pets heal allies or something, do you have it enabled? Also, just to be sure, this is happening during combat, right? Custom AI only kicks in while an enemy is targetted.

>> No.30084079

It's closer to something like ToME than Elona, plus it has permadeath. That being said, I highly recommend it.

>> No.30084505

complete apples and oranges, coq is nothing like elona. It doesnt really have any good goals to work towards yet and outside of combat the game is quite shallow, nothing like the quests and jobs and extra content elona has, but the combat and building up your character are pretty fun.

>> No.30100193

Make an command on top of the spell of
>Self MP >10% and

>> No.30111899

Yea, unfortunately can't do anything about that now, such is the fate of playing E+ when friends reccy'd it.

>> No.30131739

I consider it a fairly fine 'babbies first roguelike'. Not bad or anything, especially given its price

Doesn't play like elona at all though. Its very basic and barebones. Easy combat, not much to do outside of combat and reading random genned gibberish

>> No.30131794

Anyone know what's older >>30080431
This custom ai system, or the one in FF12?
Just curious, both are from really long ago

>> No.30131995

>Now, if you've played a game like Final Fantasy XII or Dragon Age Origins, you probably have a pretty good idea of how this AI system works just from that screenshot.

>> No.30132061


>> No.30132799

Hey, found something that helps my blind ass if you're running in fullscreen! Couldn't stand most fullscreen resolutions because the scaling is awful, and I also can't deal with windowed resolutions because of my shitty eyes / pixel size. Did some googling and found this.
My native resolution is 1680x1050, so I set the config resolution to 840*524 and used this program and hoo boy that's nice. Crisp 2x on everything and no glitches so far.

>> No.30137401

720x576 looks fine on my 1440p

>> No.30148001

I have a coffin of necromancy but no Necro Force for some reason.

>> No.30161004

I tried installing the latest beautify mod but when I switched to the custom body, the original is morphed into it. Any idea how to fix it?

>> No.30169804 [DELETED] 

Is there any reason not to kill my museum visitors to get their figurines?

>> No.30170461

My visitors are really unbothered by the child I have tied up

>> No.30186356

Looks a lot cleaner on my 1440p monitor with the tool you linked. Pixel density was too high for windowed to be an option so this helps. Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.30189075

child labor and slavery is still better than being a bad bard

>> No.30190063

Have you actually summoned the undead yet?

Neat if this makes sprites more visible since elona's tiny sprites are kind of lame

>> No.30190555
File: 41 KB, 215x215, The_maniacs_trapped_her_inside_a_pingpong_ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My golfbag golem's savefile perished during a brownout.

>> No.30195165


>> No.30195913

>Many years ago actually did that autistic 21 wep mutant thing legit.
>Actually did make a backup, on a usb
>PC breaks
>The usb went corrupt
Never cared to do that again since, especially given the only way to make that char not suck would be playing G, which is just so out of date thanks to custom being dead
Only hope would be it being on the hardrive still, but I don't even have the harddrive anymore

>> No.30213941

Also lost my data a few years back dues to a black out that happens exactly when the game is autosaving. Had a back up but its 100+ hours behind. Been using custom g and turned off its auto save cause not going to risk it happening again.

>> No.30218922

If I'm trying to Gene Engineer limbs onto a pet, which limbs are most important? Also, is going over the 13 limit worth the speed reduction?

>> No.30226466

>He/She plays elona for the combat

>> No.30226508

Hands are the most valuable slot because weapons,someone correct me if wrong though

>> No.30236935

Makes sense, I'm trying to engineer some limbs onto a Yith so I'm thinking the most important additions are a body and head since they've got four hands already.

>> No.30238866

Is there anyway to stop spells from leveling up? The mana cost for casting identify is getting ridiculous.

>> No.30240681

lmao just ID at the town
and stop being a manalet

>> No.30244035

Does anyone know how someone could burst into flames on the world map? It tends to happen when I'm moving through snow.

>> No.30244356

Is it actual fire or just a fire effect from, say, fury triggering?

If it's the first, there shouldn't be any combat on the world map since angry burgers were fixed. But technically, if a hostile were to be on the world map they can still fight.

If it's the later, well fury can cause it. There is a similar "fire" effect around the 15th when dungeons get fired up. You'll get more loot during this time.

>> No.30244999

Actual fire, blanket charges will be consumed as normal and logs describe me being burnt, but without any clear source.

>> No.30248276

Hmm. Are you using anything like pet ai? The only things that should be able to set you on fire are yourself, your pets, another npc, or walking into fire.

Well, and ragnorok, but that's a bit more obviouse.

>> No.30249003

What version are you on? Maybe it's something that was added in Omake or newer Plus.

>> No.30250495

couldn't someone make pregnant aliens spawn on the overworld and trigger ragnarok weapon?

>> No.30252902

Never seen aliens spawn on the over world. Given how old the mechanic is it's probably been blockedd a decade ago.

But, if you could that should cause titans and dragons on the over world too, though, shouldn't it?

Now I'm kinda curious what would happen if you tried that in an old save where angry burgers could still spawn in the world map.

>> No.30263424
File: 13 KB, 308x18, 2020-05-30_17.42.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30266436


>> No.30278887

Dueled an adventurer and now every time they show up they suicide charge me immediately and eat my karma.
How fix?

>> No.30312104

I believe the way I fixed that problem was casting incognito or using a disguise set when I went into town. After a while they seemed to calm down

>> No.30313763

I'm a bit confused as to how to use incognito.
The first time I used it, I put it on before entering a guild and every npc immediately aggroed on me while the duration was still up.

>> No.30313957

I havent played this in a long while back then I was using elona plus 1.87 should I just use the newer version of plus or start using OOMSEST?

>> No.30317646

You use it after they aggro, I think. Although it doesn't work on guildmasters.

>> No.30317699

>should I just
>What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>> No.30318359

its almost like I asked that to know what people enjoy playing more cause I wanted to hear opinions but you lack reading comprehension don't you?

>> No.30319184

You're the one that can't read the pastebin. Make up your own mind rather than begging to be told what to think, you passive-aggressive faggot.

>> No.30319472

>you wanna know my opinion? You must like being told what to think
Do you see a movie with your friends and not ask what they think nigger? Do you not look at reviews of a product before you buy it? Stop acting like a retard.

>> No.30320594

Weird, I assumed putting on the disguise in front of them wouldn't work.

>> No.30324261

Did they fix that retarded leveling rate?

>> No.30325296

That could mean many things, and the answer is "no" to all of them, but the 1.90 bug.

>> No.30325734

Only Elona can scratch the itch you now have for it. Caves of Qud is still a decent game though.

>> No.30325925

which version has the best content pets?

>> No.30326909

Omake, probably.

>> No.30333333
File: 246 KB, 528x800, 1400134590969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see you guys play anything but LOSS.

>> No.30340561

Nice trip-hexes. But I only play normal mode, and if something bad happens, I close the window to reset every time. Sometimes I even reset for something as benign as failing to cast a spell.

>> No.30347120

I wouldn't want to lose 300 hours on a character only to have it disappear because I wasn't paying attention in the void once.

>> No.30348938

>cant use pot of potential with alchemical rain
Ano, please.

>> No.30348996

>grindin at 4 am
>for some god forsaken reason power goes out
>right in the middle of the save
I actually felt physical pain as I sat in the dark knowing I just lost many hours of my life.

>> No.30356465

You guys need an uninterruptible power supply.

>> No.30359027

But then I wouldn't get to see the H scenes I modded into the game over event.

>> No.30359043

It's called autism and we already have it.

>> No.30360350

>GOR scenes
shit taste, should mod consensual scenes instead

>> No.30360771

I have but I haven't yet figured out how to do it from the character chat menu. I think you have to push an event and end the chat but I am hesitant to define new event ids.

>> No.30369013

I haven't looked into events but each ID is just an integer value, right? As long as you declare a variable for it (e.g. "EVENT_H = 71") you can just change that one declaration when new events get added.
I faintly recall reading that HSP has some sort of "macro" system that lets things like that be handled at compile time rather than taking up RAM, but I don't remember the details.

>> No.30376834

Because it's a Japanese game and even in their escapist fantasy they can't help but insert memoirs of their dull real life existence.

>> No.30380919

>author didn't entirely manage to escape the burden of daily life, resulting in modern concepts finding their way in his perfect fictional world because he couldn't even dream of a life free of those
That's a really sad perspective and I hope it's not a thing that actually happens

>> No.30405104
File: 106 KB, 800x800, 26469151_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite god?

>> No.30405165

No, by adding something like a tax system, you create potential to ignore that tax system and become an outcast of society.

>> No.30407878


>> No.30409634

Jure my wife and pet.

>> No.30410711

<The Chaos Child> for being the only thing that made me panic after all the training I did leading up to act 3. I'm gonna fuck it up this time.

>> No.30415022

mani I dont care if the androids aren't optimal they look cool as fuck

>> No.30415095

Nothing wrong with the androids, armor bit gives 75% damage reduction and decent ranged AI.

>> No.30415632

this. Androids and the deathsythes are the coolest God pets

>> No.30421773

It is absolutely a thing in Japanese escapist fantasy (see: every single isekai in existence, MGE, etc.)

>> No.30421870
File: 2.20 MB, 2000x1125, morrigan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the compulsion feats like in Omake Overhaul? I was thinking going Hypersexual for the RP of having a shota sex slave but I heard they can be extremely obnoxious to manage overtime.

>> No.30422176

Will the huge stats penalty that comes with using a soul spindle eventually solve itself or will the pet be forever crippled?

>> No.30428882

Depends on the exact one, but for the addiction ones, over time you build up frustration, this has no cap and builds up rather quickly. Do the whatever your addiction is to lower the cap.Each level of frustration lowers you stats a bit, and you can't go past 0, so you'll always be on the verge of having your stats start to drop.

It was balanced based on the idea that addicts will spend every waking hour following their addictions.

I'm sure it's possible to play like that though, most such runs usually end because people get bored of the tedium, or skip time and don't realize frustration scales forever.

>> No.30430091

anyone playing oomSEST?

>> No.30430911


elona+ is too up its own ass for me at this point.

>> No.30431155

how the fuck do you deal with these plat costs

learning new skills STARTS at 15p and bumping potentials costs like 5p each

>> No.30431237

also glass equipment seems to be a lot rarer now. This makes harvest time quests and the doing dungeons early game significantly harder

>> No.30432616

It's more or less the same as Vanilla's.

Dungeons give quite a substantial platinum reward, but if you want the powergaming grind method look into gardening.

>> No.30432680

Oh right! Can't forget, get Wizard's Harvest ASAP.

>> No.30432903

oh shit

>> No.30435929
File: 354 KB, 477x397, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I tried making a custom body/character sprite and I think it came out well but I've got a problem where armor and shit I wear show up in my character in the overworld, how could I fix this?

>> No.30436959

Use a dresser. I think there's one in Palmia.

>> No.30438288
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 1607116881237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, thanks

>> No.30455457

nice sprite anon

>> No.30466756

The most flagrant one is the fucking adventurer guilds in Isekais.
Nips want to escape their mundane corporate jobs for assured income by reading manga about a fantasy world where people are hired to do mundane jobs for assured incomes.

>> No.30467868

hunting gobos sounds more fun than doing paperwork all day

>> No.30471550

Death soon.

Does anyone want any changes made to the OP in general?

>> No.30474578

just a memest, cuter one would be fine

>> No.30482146

You say this, but I can't think of a single story where adventurer guilds are a major thing the whole way through, either they are a (lazy) way to get the mc actually adventuring until the actual plot comes around, and then the story moves on. or just a background thing.

it's just a trope dude, it comes from vidya.

>> No.30483830 [DELETED] 

>hunting gobos
Not if it's from a fucking adventurer's guild.

>> No.30484024

Is it really when it's the video game fantasy equivalent of generic busywork (bonus points if you have to deliver an ass of a creature too)?
>it's just a trope dude, it comes from vidya.
I think the problem is that the Japanese took the concept of adventurers coming together in a central hub zone to go down into horrible dungeons to fight horrible monsters and actualized it into a pseudo-corporate enterprise.

>> No.30484359

>I think the problem is that the Japanese took the concept of adventurers coming together in a central hub zone to go down into horrible dungeons to fight horrible monsters and actualized it into a pseudo-corporate enterprise.
probably yeah, but you are still talking about some vague concept instead of actual stories that do this.

>> No.30484394

I always saw it as a way for governments to control adventurers and disincentivize them acting against the establishment, which makes sense as in fantasy settings individuals generally have much more power.
It's better to have the guy who can single-handedly destroy several platoons of soldiers as an S-Rank adventurer than a potential super-terrorist.
