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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 214x235, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29597670 No.29597670 [Reply] [Original]

>western touhou communities are all dead
>replay sites are dead or scattered
>nobody in the west makes touhou fan content anymore
>even in the east, touhou is losing numbers year by year
Is this the end? Will we ever see a comeback?

>> No.29597860

Do you REALLY want Touhou to get popular these days? Have you not seen the countless other series' communities get completely destroyed by letting in the wrong people? Just enjoy what's still there or contribute yourself

>> No.29597917

If anything, I'd argue it's being purified.

>> No.29598348

>western touhou communities are all dead

>> No.29598462

Didn't the world cup happen just a few months ago? And didn't the west do relatively well? This doesn't mean popularity in the west isn't declining, but there's still a strong dedicated community. I prefer that to a large community that has no love for the game.

>> No.29598472

>western touhou communities are all dead
They are not.
They're are alive and well in places such as Discord. Now, would you want to be part of a community of yuri obsessed faggots and Discord trannies who became trannies because of how obsessed they are with yuri and how much self-hate they feel towards themselves for being born males? That's a different thing.

>> No.29598523

Let's see what 18 will bring us.
Also, I firmly believe that discord twitter and all that other shit needs to be exterminated

>> No.29598534

Those people can hardly be called fans because they care very little about the actual series content and more about larping as the latest popular cute girl and ERPing in secret chatrooms

>> No.29598611

Too green.

>> No.29598687

> I firmly believe that discord twitter and all that other shit needs to be exterminated
>needs to be exterminated
no u

>> No.29598753

Go back there discordnorm

>> No.29598808

Touhou must remain underground

>> No.29598921
File: 122 KB, 410x365, fecatia smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord sucks
This website is better.
The only thing Discord has going for it, is that it has slightly larger filesizes and webms with sound. Which is why I have been begging the mods 24/7 to enable sound webms so we can compete with that hellhole of a client.

>> No.29599131

There's the sound script, but I kinda don't like how hacky it feels

>> No.29599291
File: 151 KB, 494x500, guitR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contribute yourself
This. I may have gotten into touhou late into it's lifespan but at least I'm making the Alice Gets Trolled comic

>> No.29599460
File: 53 KB, 1024x578, ごめんなさい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back and take your astolfo memes with you

>> No.29599572
File: 3 KB, 688x67, german imageboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a way of coping with the stagnant technology of this website.
Go on any other imageboard that is internationally available.
4chan has only like 4mb of image upload capacity. No sound webms outside a few select boards. And a small selection of allowed file types that are mostly based on what was common in 2020.
Hell, I would pay a 4chan pass just to have half of that.

>> No.29599612

normally I'd call you a faggot but to be honest you've probably contributed more original content to the touhou fanbase than I have in all the years I've been apart of it.

>> No.29599630

>based on what was common in 2020

>> No.29600139

Doesn't make sense to me why there still are board-specific features, surely it would be simple to enable them elsewhere

>> No.29600440

Have you not checked out Twitter and Tumbl'rs absolutely cringey and unrelated LGBT shit that is, somehow, and uncanonically related, to Touhou?
Don't get me started with the trannies.

Someone post that one picture where ZUN disapproves of yuri instead of not caring, please!

>> No.29600597
File: 580 KB, 596x1450, 1602937242278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a woman.
Kill yourself.
A rope costs pretty cheap, by the way.

>> No.29600832
File: 42 KB, 250x250, 1426469040951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29601877
File: 1.18 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (345).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This put a smile on my face. Thank you anon

>> No.29602222

There's nothing wrong with yuri, liking it doesn't make you trans or a normalfag

>> No.29602367

>Someone post that one picture where ZUN disapproves of yuri instead of not caring, please!
That was a false image, the quote was from a satire website
I dislike normalfags as much as everyone else here but I really don't understand this "hate for yuri" I've started seeing these last few years, I guess it's because it attracts normalfags but yuri on it's own was never a bad thing

>> No.29602804

I stopped using this board regularly years ago. Haven't played Touhou or watched an anime in years. I'm losing interest in weeb media and this website as well. Went through a /pol/ phase but I'm turning apolitical again. I'm just getting old I guess. I feel constantly alienated by the discord circlejerks or am otherwise met with ridicule or indifference whenever I post. The demographics are changing. I feel like a fossil. Guess I'll play my retro vidya in solitude or maybe talk to actual humans in real life or something.

>> No.29603623

You are always welcome here on /jp/
But yea, I guess people are not as interested in the Otaku side of things anymore as they used to.

>> No.29603885

>I guess it's because it attracts normalfags
You're answering why am I requesting the picture.
Have you seriously not looked how yuri is done in the West? Because I am specifically against it alongside its obviously attached tumblr shithole style.

>> No.29604856

That was a false image from a satire site, but ZUN got shown Cookie on one of the stream and his reaction was more "eh?" iirc

>> No.29606944

This is the most sane western community you'll find. The others are discord based or twitter based, neither of which are of quality considering the absolute cancer that takes place on both.
Tumblr I don't fucking know, but I assume it's as bad as it always has been.
Now, if that's not your point then I don't know what is. Now, if you mean board activity, I don't know why you bother considering what happened in the very second month of this year. I don't know why you all keep saying this every few months. It's like you all forgot what happened back in February.
A large portion of posters got rangebanned from the site because some Australians were spamming CP. It got what I assume to be entire IP ranges as well as at least half an ISP blocked. I seriously doubt those were lifted because that was the very first instance I saw the activity on /jp/ diminish. Outside of the other threads, the next fastest general gets 0.17 posts per minute the last time I looked. Considering that, the rest of the board is pretty slow. Slow as it always has been outside of the "golden age" of this board.
Another thing I would like to point out is that a large chunk of the site's activity is on a certain board because of something very relevant to why many have become NEETs in the past year. I don't see it dying down anytime soon. The most you can hope for is for the posters to eventually leave that board and return to the others when it blows over.

>> No.29608268

I almost thought this was moved from /v/.

>> No.29617276

This is a really good image, thank you

>> No.29618200

It’s active enough.

Small but dedicated groups are usually better than giant ones full of bandwagonners and trendchasers.

Slow boards are usually better than fast ones.

This is fine.

I hope Reimu never gets into smash cause if she does it will be the apocalypse.

>> No.29618386
File: 634 KB, 661x795, reimu pfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss the old 2hu days honestly, but i dont think its that dead

>> No.29619001

>>nobody in the west makes touhou fan content anymore
A website for CYOA stories that came out of here is still kicking though, and there are a few discord servers with good discussion. A *few*. At the very least I can vouch for that site, even if it's really fallen on hard times in terms of "rate of activity".

>> No.29621240

is it really still kicking? there's like two active stories on there a month
one of those writefags writes amazing smut though

>> No.29621601

imagine being this asshurt at people who like to watch girls fuck

>> No.29627454

The further something is removed from the western spheres of the net these days, the better.

>> No.29628583

I feel like i saw this thread 2 years ago
Touhou has kind of plateaued in popularity and it receives and has fans go inactive nowadays because it's lasted so long.
It seems decently strong in Japan though, Lost Word had a couple of million players or some shit, though with Corona that might have gone down.

>> No.29628607

>and it receives and has fans go inactive nowadays because it's lasted so long.
by this I mean that it both gets new fans due to the backlog of touhou stuff that exists and also has people get tired with it, do other things and then maybe come back once in a while

>> No.29628608

Same here, except I didn't go through a /pol/ phase because I'm not retarded. How old are you? 31 yo here.

>> No.29628876

>the circlejerk doesn't like you when you don't stay on top of being part of the circle
Stop the presses.

>> No.29629402

We need more people like you. OP is right. Every community I used to frequent is just about dead.
But it doesn't end here. If anyone thinks touhou is going anywhere they're going to have to wait for every fan to die out.
My hope is before zun hangs up hit hat he makes at least one more Phantasmagoria type game.

>> No.29629626

Official 2hu vtuber

>> No.29630090

The western 2hu fanbase is frankly, split between a number of platform nowadays and there isn't the same fresh enthusiasm as in 2009 simply because people are more used to all the stuff.
You've got people who lurk on Youtube and Aminos and all that crap, you've got Twitter and Discord trash, and then you've got /jp/ and old sites that are relics of the early/late 2000s internet.
No one's going to stop memeing about Touhou on 4chan, but it's definitely going to be a different fandom for the rest of the west who doesn't seem that interested in OC, and rather just consume it.
Frankly, a lot of fandoms and such have fallen victim to the modern internet and its infrastructure. The sites are extremely centralized, group people together based on their interests via algorithms and all that shit, and then restrict to a degree what they can do. That's how the old obscure sites die, but /jp/ lives because it's on 4chan which will survive forever soley because of infamy.
