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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2959608 No.2959608 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ play WoW?

>> No.2959613

Yes but few would admit it.

>> No.2959615

Haven't updated my subscription in about a month and a half, but yeah, more or less.

>> No.2959616

I quit a year ago.

>> No.2959620

I used to play it loads before BC

when BC hit i quit after a few months, came back for lich, got to 80, messed with raids for a month or two and quit again

the endgame just isn't fun anymore.

>> No.2959628

I used to before it turned to shit.

>> No.2959629

I would imagine so, NEETs must play some sort of MMO.

>> No.2959631

Had to, hated it.

WoW is for casualfags, real weeaboos bow down to asian grindfests.

Who here was in L2 kor open?

>> No.2959634

I used to play 2 years RO. Does this count?

>> No.2959638

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.2959646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2959647

I would, in all honesty, rather sit around and do nothing than play an MMO.

>> No.2959651

Only faggots play Corean MMOs.

>> No.2959652

Progress Quest is THE game for you.

>> No.2959655

Japanese people play Korean MMOs

They were crazy over RO untill Gung-Ho decided to enforce their rules.

>> No.2959658

What rules? No Japanese allowed?

>> No.2959656

Yes. Better than all the other generic korean grindfest mmo.

At least there is something to do in WoW endgame.

>> No.2959662

Crying over repair costs is not "something to do"

>> No.2959664

I would play if I had friends.

A /jp/ guild would be cool, but I fear it turning into massive circlejerking and drama.

>> No.2959668

Rather "No cheating allowed", "No Third Party Tools allowed" and stuff like that.
Gung-Ho is a japanese company and belongs to Softbank Group.

Softbank Group owns most of Gravity, Co. (the guys who make RO) since.. uh.. 2004 or 2005, I can't remember when that terrible deal with Samsung ended.

>> No.2959669

On US or EU servers? This is the other problem but it would be fun

>> No.2959670

no girls on /jp/, thus no drama.

>> No.2959674
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I off-and-on play FFXI. I think the latest /jp/ MMO craze is Emil Chronicle Online, though.

>> No.2959676

It depends, I'm not sure whether there are more Amerifriends or Eurofriends on /jp/.

>> No.2959685

A /jp/ guild would probably turn into Weeabootique 2.0

>> No.2959682

Used to, acouple of years ago.
The only thing I still find fun is leveling and some PvP, can't enjoy end game.

>> No.2959694

I played vanilla WoW for about two years, and I found most of the fun in PvP (with balanced sides) and befriending with other peoples who just started the game and showing them a few things. After Tuberculosis came out I was not able to handle all of the raiding and forced grinding so I quit

>> No.2959696

we had that a few times already. Everyone names themselves after Touhous and composes music and other shit.

>> No.2959736

In 2006 I did.

>> No.2959773

No, I only play the awesome Scandinavian-developed-indie-revolutionary-permadeath/pvp sandbox-worlds-where-I-can-do-anything-I-want-and-will-be-ten-times-as-awesome-as-UO-in-its-first-ye
ar-MMOs that either fail and never come out, or come out and then fail.

Currently on Mortal, awaiting disillusionment

>> No.2959775



>> No.2959818
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No, because I'm not a faggot.

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2959843

Yep, 80 arc mage and ret pally.

Well i haven't played much since 3.1

>> No.2959862


>> No.2959883

I've been playing since release, but only because I don't pay for it so there's no reason to cancel my account. Don't ask how, I'm not telling because some fags will ruin it.

Raiding with vent makes me feel like I have friends and a social life, mostly because I've been playing with roughly the same people as when I started in vanilla and because the #1 US guild used to be on my server so it's pretty active.

Was going to quit until I saw the Devastate buff for Prot Warriors yesterday. If it goes live I'll probably stick around.

>> No.2959897

WoW is not a NEET MMO.

>> No.2959929


>> No.2959943

I used too, but I quit recently. Burnt out after playing in a top guild that wasn't as good as they claimed to be.

>> No.2959956

sup Krynn

>> No.2959960

why would I want to play something so shitty

>> No.2960004

But the tique is great!

>> No.2960025
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>I'm not a faggot
>browsing /jp/

>> No.2960050

I quit a few months ago. Got boring.

>> No.2960068

I've been clean for half a year!

>> No.2960104

To play eroges you gotta have a little bit of bisexuality in you, for the cocks and all. Call it 'wanting to be the girl' or whatever.

>> No.2960114

I've come to 2 conclusions during my subscription--

1. Getting addicted to MMOs is either absolutely counterintuitive or completely incomprehensible

2. Playing MMOs isn't really something adults do-- it's something kids do to seem adult.
Anybody still actively playing WoW after their teens just hasn't matured past it yet.

>> No.2960115

>you gotta have a little bit of bisexuality in you, for the cocks
Sucks to be a lesbian.

>> No.2960120

I played, when I finally up to lvl 80 I dropped the game because is shit

>> No.2960155

You're not understanding, when two men are gay it's like manly, why do you think the Greeks and Romans loved the statues of naked men? Yuri is fine too, but it's good just to keep 'dirty' to mock dykes.

>> No.2960273
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MO is not perma death though...
Can't wait to play it the 20.
