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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2952352 No.2952352 [Reply] [Original]

It appears /r9k/ are full of uneducated faggots who believe stuff on hearsay.

The issue is about Japanese whalers hunting whales and whether it is legal or illegal.

Here are the facts: It is legal. The Japanese whalers have not broken any laws in regards to hunting whales.

"But it is illegal!"
As I said already, it is not.

"But hunting whales is brutal/inhumane!"
You are entitled to your opinion. This has no bearing on whether it is legal or illegal.

"But they are hunting in foreign territories thus they are breaking international laws!"
Says who? If they are breaking laws, why aren't they being taken to court? Because they're NOT BREAKING ANY LAWS.

"But Japan are breaking our federal laws!"
Your countries laws don't apply to Japan.

"They hunt too many whales!"
Japan is given a sustainable quota of whales in which to hunt. They do not hunt "too many."

"I am Australian and..."
Get the fuck out of my sight you hypocritical descendant of Britfag criminals. No one cares what you think.

To conclude, if you have a problem with whaling take it up with the international community and international laws, not Japan. Japan is simply following the stipulated law, whether your butthurt self likes that or not. If Japan was breaking laws without a shadow of doubt, then they would have been brought to court and tried already.

Anyone else are simply butthurt Australians trying to take revenge for World War 2. Get over it you cavemen scum.

>> No.2952354
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>> No.2952358

( `ー´)

>> No.2952367

Here are the other threads:


I know I'm right but being Pro-Japan/Anti-Whaling, I am in the minority amongst the Anti-Japan/Anti-Whaling (same thing) groups.

This is /jp/, you like Japan right? More than the scummy Australians? Then please help me.

>> No.2952365

Is this what you do with your life? You spend every single moment writing/copypasting walls of text that are too long to read and then making boring thread after boring thread? Go play some eroge or something.

>> No.2952373

Cool story bro.

>> No.2952374


As opposed to masturbating to naked dolls like /jp/ does? Go fuck yourself shitstain.

>> No.2952372


>> No.2952375
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>> No.2952378

Bah, you faggots are fucking useless. /jp/, a piece of shit board if I ever saw one.


>> No.2952379

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
No trolling outside /b/.

>> No.2952380

The only way YOU will ever get any discussion in your threads is, when you samefag, which you'll probably do any minute now.

>> No.2952385

Japan needs to do some "whaling" on American shores, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2952383

poor ISM, he's losing his spark

but I like your aikido pasta

>> No.2952382


Go fuck yourself sagefag. We might as well all be trolls. We all want attention and responses whenever we make a thread.

>> No.2952389


I get the feeling that whale blood would look really nice on my wall.


>> No.2952391
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>> No.2952392

Why should it be bad to hunt whales?
I don't get it.

>> No.2952393

>This is /jp/, you like Japan right?

Oh ISM, you card.

>> No.2952395

>It appears /r9k/ are full of uneducated faggots who believe stuff on hearsay.


>> No.2952399


>> No.2952408

Australia should just take a cue from Russia and start gunning down every unauthorized fishing boat sailing within their territorial waters, simple as that.

>> No.2952424


Looking at it objectively, what is different about hunting whales sustainably and having ENTIRE FARMS dedicated to SYSTEMATICALL KILLING sheep, cows and chickens?

Key word: sustainability. Population of whales is irrelevant: If sustainable killing of cows are possible, then why not SUSTAINABLE killing of whales?

Why is it okay to kill cows by the millions but not the cute little whales?

>> No.2952429

I'm Anti-Japan but Pro-Whaling, so I'll just say:

Fuck off ISM.

>> No.2952436

since ancient times humans killed animals, everywhere on this planet. i also heard that japan isnt the only country that does whaling. norway wasnt it?

>> No.2952440



>> No.2952456


I think Iceland do too. But people only target Japan because of wanting to take revenge for World War 2.

>> No.2952458


Except the population of Norway is 1/42 of that of Japan, which means 1/42 potential whale-meat eaters to cater to. So many threadbare arguments in this thread.

>> No.2952461

/jp/ is not about actual Japan, you know.

>> No.2952464

I live in wales, don't see many japs around here. nothing illegal about 'em when I do see them though.

Good thread OP

>> No.2952466


So sustainable whaling is possible?

>> No.2952467

>what is different about hunting whales sustainably and having ENTIRE FARMS dedicated to SYSTEMATICALL KILLING sheep

That's an argument to stop killing sheep, not to start killing whales.

>> No.2952483


When faced with criticism, Chinese people always say "fix the problems in your country first"

So I put forward to you, why is the killing of sheep at genocidal proportions (we're raising sheep to be killed by the fuckload) still continued yet some random whale needs to be saved?

I too would like to see less sheep and whales killed.

What I hate however is double standards,

>> No.2952507

Russfag here, we're fucking tired of these filthy japs stealing our fish and stuff. Their government does nothing about this and only encourages them to continue. All we can do is blow up some of their boats. US should have nuked half of their population.

>> No.2952514


You're a russkiefag. Your country is filled with drunk wife-beating mysogynists, Your country is the biggest producer of child porn on the internet.

If you have an opinion, then you are automatically wrong, russkiefag.

>> No.2952525

Why are you trying to hold me responsible for other people? I never participated in sheep killing, neither have I benefitted from any. I specifically hate everyone who did (and everyone outside of my room, for that matter).

And let's be realistic - to stop people from killing sheep is implausible today. To stop them from killing whales is entirely possible. It doesn't solve the problem, but is at least a step in the right direction. It may be a double standard, but people who want to stop whale killing aren't the ones responsible for it.

>> No.2952527


And, dumbass, if they're whaling in foreign waters they have to abide by the local whaling laws. Derp derpity derp.

>> No.2952531


>> No.2952535

Exactly. Only people who are completely perfect and above criticism are allowed to criticize others. It's hypocritical to tell me to stop spitting on people at crosswalks when you yourself chew with your mouth open. Fucking double standards.

>> No.2952540

Americans are the only ones who sympathize with whales because they're the only animal which can come close to weighing almost as much as the average American.

>> No.2952543

>Why are you trying to hold me responsible for other people?

Don't be so melodramatic ya queer, I wasn't asking you directly.

>> No.2952544
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>> No.2952560


No seriously, Russia is a cesspool of shit. Russkiefags should do the world a favor and stay there.

>> No.2952585

You know that everyone eventually gets what their deserve? Sure trolling on the internet and propagating racism may be fun for you, for whatever reason, but remember someday, one way or other, you'll regret everything you have done up to this point.

>> No.2952590


Karma is for religion-fags to feel better about themselves by falsely believing that justice exists.

Karma, like the false entity known as god, is completely made up by superstitious fags and these fairy tales are continually passed on as facts to retards like yourself.

So go fuck jesus in the ass, religionist.

>> No.2952592
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Somehow i doubt what you saying is true. Probably that's because you're tripfag and all your posts automatically full of AIDS and fail.

>> No.2952615

>DURR HURR I slander religion, guyze look how cool I am.

>> No.2952622


Religion is shit, and the people who subscribe to religion, even shittier.

This is neither news nor an attempt at comedy.

Just simple facts.

>> No.2952625

I know one thing exists. Some kind of gene deficiency that created worst human scum such as yourself. How can a person promoting hate, be it by jokingly or seriously, live with himself? I regret that responding to trolls like you and discussing anything on the Internet is so unbelievably pointless. Why don't you promote your "way of thinking" in the real world? Let me see how that goes for you.

>> No.2952629

>damn son, look how edgy I am

>> No.2952641

Don't tell me people on /jp/ are Christians?

/jp/ just got even shittier. Jesus fucking christ in the ass with a shit-stained dildo laced with the holy cum of god himself.

>> No.2952644

This thread is shit.

>> No.2952648
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>> No.2952656
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No, we're just not so juvenile that we think we can get popular by discrediting every religion on the planet, when we are clearly only trying to get back at our Christian parents for taking us to church on Sunday and to look edgy to our peers

>> No.2952661

How low can you go? Ever thought about coming out of your "trolling shell" and discussing something without resorting to slender, racism or slur? Oh wait... You get a kick out of it, nevermind, keep trolling. Someday you'll run out of proxies.

>> No.2952664

>we think we can get popular by discrediting every religion on the planet

You're fucking slow. Religion itself discredits itself. I'm merely treating religion as it should be treated: with ridicule.

>> No.2952681


How the fuck can I do that? I am surrounded by the stupidity of the common man.

>> No.2952685

I'm just wondering what are you hoping to accomplish OP? I imagine there aren't many of us who are japanese whale hunters in real life, so it's not like we can influence the situation.

>> No.2952696


Most people still have opinions though.

>> No.2952738


>> No.2952752


I'm 21, how about you?

>> No.2952794

The problem is that you are comparing slaughtering domesticated animals to hunting wild endangered animals.

It is an absurd comparison, and even the most tenuous connection between the two is shattered by the fact that Japan is only legally allowed to hunt whales for research purposes.

Thus, while byproduct whale meat might be obtained and sold as a result of such hunts, that cannot legally become the main purpose of them, and as such makes those hunts incomparable to the breding and cultivation of livestock for the purpose of producing food product. To suggest otherwise is to suggest the hunts are, in fact, breaking the international moratorium.

>> No.2952811


So it okay to hunt whales then if we can find a way to domesticate and farm them or will the anti-whaling fags still find a way to complain>?

>> No.2952846 [DELETED] 


If Japan is inhabitated is so smart, why haven't they come up with a way of synthesizing food that's like whale meat both in taste and texture instead?

>> No.2952850


If Japan is so smart, why haven't they come up with a way of synthesizing food that's like whale meat both in taste and texture instead?

>> No.2952861


Because they're creating sex robots so that ronery fags from /jp/ and possible /r9k/ can fuck 'em.

>> No.2952866

how's whale meat taste?

>> No.2952891


Tastes like chikken except more satisfying because you eat it in the knowledge that the hippie Ausfags are probably bawwling about it.

>> No.2952898

Seriously, who gives a shit about the whales?

What did they ever do for us?

>> No.2952908

If they like to eat whale that much why don't they just raise it in farm or something? wouldn't that easy for JP technology? Hunting something that already endanger for your own greed is bad

>> No.2952911

It is not illegal for them, that is why it is a problem. Bullshit to them harvesting at sustainable levels. I don't care if killing them is inhumane, FFS, they arn't human, but driving them to extinction is not very desireable.

>> No.2952914

Well, it wouldn't really be 'hunting' anymore. Also, whale fisheries are generally considered to be an impossibility, due to the vast distances they travel in order to mate and obtain the immense amounts of food they require, as well as their slow rate of breeding.

But yeah, if you could somehow find a way to domesticate and farm them, without being dependent on infusions of new stock, then I'm sure the IWC would be very interested in hearing from you. And if you've got a cure for cancer up your sleeve, well, don't hesitate to speak up on that as well.

>> No.2952918

They did Moby-Dick. And Moby-Dick was fuckawesome.

>> No.2952916

every animal is part of a bigger natural chain, enjoy your logic in the ruin, human only land

>> No.2952925

OP here. The best general forum:


(remove the dots over the letters)
> ofygldkfvjcodgvihydyhr dgfgov v blh tvdvhgki sf

>> No.2952927


Japan isnt driving whales to extinction, ever heard of quotas?

>> No.2952928


Floridafag here. Why do you hate aussies so much? I don't have a problem with them at all.

>> No.2952946


Everyone on 4chan hates Ausfags.

I personally hate them because of their anti-Japan attitudes disguised as Pro-Whales.

>> No.2952961

Aren't those quotas set by the Institute of Cetacean Research? ICR, an institution that receives a chunk of its funding from a company that handles the byproducts of the whales (whale meat and such)? Yes, I'm sure they are not biased at all...

>> No.2952973


If you got a problem with perceived biases, then go bomb their headquarters. You are doing nothing to solve the problem by attacking the whalers.

>> No.2952998

It's not like the whales would be the first animals to disappear from the world.

>> No.2953099


>> No.2953105

I'm...not attacking anyone? Merely pointing out flaws in arguments.
