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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 1280x720, fuckyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2948907 No.2948907 [Reply] [Original]

FUCK YES Ryukishi's terrible drawings! now in 720p!


>> No.2948946

So we're all agreed it's Kinzo in that pic at 1:28 now, right?

>> No.2948950

It goes without saying

>> No.2948956
File: 133 KB, 865x480, kinzolia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2948985


>> No.2948996

This made me feel like I was playing the real thing for a few seconds. I feel sad now.

>> No.2948998
File: 170 KB, 708x973, 3108754(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Siesta 410 thread.

>> No.2948999

Cardboard cutouts.

>> No.2949002

Dr. Breen looks like Kinzo. Therefore, the culprit is THE FINAL BOSS

>> No.2949004

Too bad the game itself won't be at that resolution. When the hell will Japan move past 800x600?

>> No.2949006


>> No.2949014
File: 401 KB, 700x979, siesta00-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Siesta 00 more.

>> No.2949021
File: 343 KB, 600x800, 3311047(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Siesta 410 more.

>> No.2949025
File: 103 KB, 466x475, NatsuhiAngry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi's gonna show everyone who the whore is in Episode 5.

>> No.2949037
File: 324 KB, 640x480, umineko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the hell will Japan move past 800x600?
When they move past 640x480...

>> No.2949048

Haven't you ever seen those otaku room images? They all still have 16" CRTs

>> No.2949056

Also it didn't have enough Rosa.

>> No.2949062

Rosa is a cunt. Fuck her.

>> No.2949073
File: 92 KB, 473x700, 42a979ef8269ec71f8738ae7e8a4df2dba752527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is sad that not much people like the Siestas. I love them.

>> No.2949074

That's Virgilia

>> No.2949086
File: 103 KB, 504x746, 3189201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is sad that not much people like the Siestas.
They don't? I thought everyone loved bunny demon girls.

>> No.2949104
File: 38 KB, 800x448, 1247438595490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly Kinzo

>> No.2949105

I'm calling child protection on Ryukishi for creating Rosa

>> No.2949106


Where can I download it? For...research purposes if ya know what I mean?

>> No.2949117

The other person in the flower garden is obviously a goathead wearing Virgilia's clothes.

>> No.2949142

It's not virgilia or kinzo, it's the other Beatrice. There are two Beatrices

>> No.2949145

I fucking love Siesta 410's shit-eating grin. So awesome.

>> No.2949147


Use UltraGet or some other youtube-downloading program.

>> No.2949150
File: 79 KB, 400x750, 1504221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949165
File: 63 KB, 411x600, Adse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in the "Who is your favorite character XD" threads I only see 1 or 2 post of the Siestas out of 200 replies.

>> No.2949176
File: 230 KB, 480x640, 3028911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949180

Siestas are great but they don't compare to Beatrice and Battler.

Beatrice = Battler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else

>> No.2949181

Well, no shit. You can like them without them being your favorite character.

>> No.2949187
File: 128 KB, 435x650, 2892045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949197
File: 109 KB, 600x800, 1620040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949199

Japan disagrees.

Battler > Ange > Beato >>>>>>>>> Everyone else


>> No.2949202
File: 184 KB, 580x630, 4359429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949216

Japan is crazy for liking Ange more than Beatrice.

>> No.2949217
File: 635 KB, 589x863, 4855977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Krauss above Shannon

>> No.2949220

C-C-C-CROSS COUNTER was simply too awesome.

>> No.2949222

Ange is such a whore, who cares what Japan thinks?

>> No.2949233

Gohda > George, Kyrie, Lamda, etc...


>> No.2949234

Why are so many people above Ronove? That's disgusting.

>> No.2949236


Why the fuck can't they use 1024x768, at the very least?

>> No.2949238
File: 339 KB, 1000x800, 1234380043171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah motherfucker

>> No.2949239

Those nips love their gohda

>> No.2949257

Goat-head is above Hideyoshi and Nanjo? Hahahaha. Though I do got to say that Goat-head is simply fabulous.

>> No.2949260

Kyrie is more gar than any man in the game

>> No.2949262


What, did you expect many side characters who happen to be female that do not love the protagonist to be high in the rankings? Get the fuck out of here, she was doomed for low-tier the moment they decided for her to love goofy George.

If, by some strange story arc, she falls in love with Battler, I can guarantee she'll shoot to the top.

>> No.2949271

Rosa is in fourth, ergo, elevens love child abuse.

>> No.2949272

Rosa would be higher if it wasn't for Ep4.

The fact that she has 4th now? Entirely due to Ep2.

>> No.2949274
File: 129 KB, 693x800, GoldenThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously there weren't only discussing which was their favorite character (since that kind of threads always go out of subject). I meant that they are not mentioned that often as the other characters around here.

And I can't belive actually voted for the relatives and the boat driver as favorite characters. Japan sure is weird. Also, why some characters have a "-" instead of the position.

>> No.2949277

He is the perfect lover. He is too good for Japan.

>> No.2949282

Damn straight they do. Little shits do what they're told or they get the hammer.

>> No.2949286
File: 80 KB, 221x480, Siesta410Battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2949298

Seriously, Ronove is fucking awesome. I can't wait to see him in the anime.

>> No.2949300

Gohda is probably the person who put small bombs in the food. He is an excellent cook who is new to the house. Most likely he was hired to kill the whole family.

>> No.2949312

>>Rosa above Natsuhi
>>Ange above beato
>>Gohda being above Genji
>>Ghoda not being dead last
>>Goat-kun not among the top ten

Japan, I don like your tastes at all. I'm not saying this to piss of people who like Ange but ange has got to be the most two dimensional deus ex machina with no redeeming value except being imouto ever.

>> No.2949318

>Japan, I don like your tastes at all. I'm not saying this to piss of people who like Ange but ange has got to be the most two dimensional deus ex machina with no redeeming value except being imouto ever
Could not agree more. Also, why won't she shut the fuck up? She should be a good deux ex machina and barely exist until her time comes. Instead, she ruins over half of the episode. Fucking whore.

>> No.2949322

Was is Ghoda so high on the list?
No really he didn't do anything except die easy and be a pussy.

>> No.2949330

Only Battler should be above Beato.

>> No.2949336


Uuuh, how is she two dimensional?

>> No.2949337

It was the frequent use of "onii-chan" that decided Ange's popularity, had to be. Her quasi-goth personality shit can't be all that attractive.

>> No.2949344

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.2949351

Ange has a really bad MANFACE plaguing her sprites, even by 07th Expansion standards. I never liked her all the much because of that.

>> No.2949354

I like Natsuhi a little more than Rosa, but I like them both and I was pleasantly surprised to see them in the top 5.

But yeah, Ange really shouldn't be second.

I'm also not sure why Krauss is as high as he is. One decent scene in Episode 4 doesn't make up for him being a shitty character the rest of the time.

>> No.2949361

She disgraces the word "onii-chan." Ugly fucks like her shouldn't be able to use it.

>> No.2949366

Why wouldn't anyone like Ange? She's Battler with tits, you don't feel so gay. Though she shouldn't be above Beato.

>> No.2949370

Again I'm not saying this to troll or piss people off.

But see, she has a pretty bland personality that's not as expressive (you can blame Bern for that) or complex as the other characters. Most of the parts she was in (with the exception of the Witch hierarchy and such) was a waste of time. Her only redeemable addition to the story was powering Battler up and pulling him together. As a plot device and pawn she did her job but as a character she brought nothing much to the table.

>> No.2949376

obvious female voting majority is obvious

>> No.2949383

Ange has none of Battler's personality.

>> No.2949387

Are you kidding? She figured out the secret to magic. That's pretty big if you ask me.

>> No.2949389

I hated her goth personality so fucking much. I bet if Battler was in that situation he's bitch slap the bullies, bitch slap eva then come and bitch slap beatrice back in time.

Her drama with the bullying was especially hard to slow.

>> No.2949396


>> No.2949403

Yeah, figured out the secret to something that doesn't exist. That equates to nothing.

>> No.2949404

am I the only one that saw the wasted potential that was Ange, that to me makes it even more tragic? She had determination and was intelligent, had she not be sacrificed she and Battler would have made an awesome duo. She didn't get to shine and that to me is the most tragic.

>> No.2949406

I'll give her that. But compare her too all the characters. Even goat-kun with his ten seconds of character spot light was more enjoyable to read than the painful as hell school life of ange.

>> No.2949408

If you honestly think Umineko is going to end on an anti-fantasy note, I pity you.

>> No.2949413

I'm gonna be honest here.

I'd like Ange more if she was more attractive. Definitely man face going on, even by Ryukishi standards.

>> No.2949416

It was painful because it was familiar, wasn't it, Anonymous?

It's okay. I'm here for you.

>> No.2949419

>I hated her goth personality so fucking much

What goth personality? She was indifferent because Eva abused her and she wanted to stay out of people's way. That's not goth or even close to it. Goth is being all whiney and dark for no reason but your own pity.

>> No.2949420

This as well. Here we have a no nonsense character that could have lasted a bit longer and what we get is her pathetic school life for the majority of episode 4.

Her man face also detracted a lot from her.

>> No.2949430

Wouldn't it be appropriate to change your trip after saying that?

>> No.2949437

How do you even pronounce her name? Normal like Angie, or some Japanese romanized revisionism like Angay?

>> No.2949442

It's En-ge.

>> No.2949443

Definitely not. I even argued (against !Nipaa0mi0. of all people) that Higurashi did in fact involve magic and that Rika wasn't having crazy delusions.

I'm confident that by the end of the series Batora will believe.

>> No.2949446

She was a bitch to people unrelated. Even to people who wanted to help her she still had the indifference nonsense going on. It was understandable given her past but it rubbed me the wrong way.

Actually no, I got expelled from school once. Do you know why? I beat up a couple bullies of mine. Ange didn't have that resolve so she went and bitched to the stakes to do something and they didn't so she lashed out at every one for her own inability to handle the situation.

>> No.2949454

You're not battler.

>> No.2949458


Did you read the Witches Tanabata story?

>> No.2949460

Not that guy but I found it painful because it was fucking boring. I was never bullied in school.

>> No.2949481

yes that's why I said in this post>>2949370
That it was bern's fault.

>> No.2949482

Really? And here I was wondering why I didn't get any birthday presents today.

I see. Pity you didn't enjoy those parts. I liked them, although I can see why you wouldn't.

>> No.2949495
File: 19 KB, 219x450, kbwq3k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely would have liked Ange better if she didn't have blatant manface. Even Battler's more fabulous than her.
Guess he got all the good genes.

>> No.2949506

The first OP is much better.

>> No.2949737

This shit is embarrassing to watch.

It's trying to pull off a serious mood with the shittiest art ever spawned spinning across the screen.

>> No.2949755

It's only exciting for those that know the context of everything. Unless you played the game then you wouldn't.

>> No.2949768

Except that I already played the game and am waiting for Episode 5.

All the OPs are terrible.

>> No.2949779

Then you're a graphics fag that can't appreciate something unless it looks pretty.

>> No.2949787

The upbeat tempo had this feeling of "You want to solve these murders? Hell Yes you want to." Also Natushi had a bunch of screen time in the OP was weird.

>> No.2949802
File: 198 KB, 555x417, that child is massive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, the art is tolerable for the most part, save for George being fat and Maria being a giant of a 9 year old.

>> No.2949818

I wish Ryukishi07 would hire a competent artist. It's nice to have an emphasis on plot and writing rather than aesthetics, but the 20-or-so hours of staring at manfaces and crabclaws are rather arduous. ZUN can get away with his art because Touhou's gameplay excludes it for the most part, but for a VN, art is really important.

>> No.2949825

Yes it did. Looks like the theme has shifted from Battler having his ass handed to him every fucking time to Battler being awesome.

>> No.2949830

So we all know the art is terrible, but which character looks the best? Ronove, I think.

>> No.2949838

The art it's self sucks but the song, timing dramatic angles and fast pace and informative scenes makes it fucking awesome. Stop the hate.

>> No.2949845

Tie between Ronove and Virgilia.

Goldsmith is also awesome.

>> No.2949859

The song is much worse than the first one.

>but for a VN, art is really important.
For you. I don't particularly care about art in visual novels.

>> No.2949860

How did battler die in episode 4? Small bombs?

>> No.2949870

Yeah small bombs.

>> No.2949873

most likely some kind of poison in the food he ate, either that or Tokyo gassed the area around the mansion.

>> No.2949880

I'm really being serious about that, nano machines.

>> No.2949881


Ep4 TIPS just say he was missing.

>> No.2949887

I find it funny how an edible object is higher than the goat.

>> No.2949888
File: 242 KB, 822x789, 4741580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Siestas sisters

>> No.2950084

I don't appreciate someone trying to pass off shitty art as something not shitty.

>> No.2950116

>Siestas sisters
Do you know whats going on in you pic.

>> No.2950163

Just posting the pairing poll results.


>> No.2950175

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.2950195

Is that really pairing? I'm assuming it includes non-romantic pairings.

>> No.2950198
File: 13 KB, 274x167, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2950223

Lol, Battler and Ange, wincest is universal.

I wonder why Lucifer x Battler scored so high, rather than the other stakes though.

>> No.2950227

Stake's Valentine side story.

>> No.2950233

This poll isn't about love interests

>> No.2950240

>This poll is not necessarily about love interests
Fixed myself

>> No.2950243 [SPOILER] 
File: 726 KB, 965x924, 4974781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siesta 410 porn.

>> No.2950245
File: 40 KB, 270x160, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures for this one made me lol

>> No.2950249

I was expecting a real bunny, kind of like a joke.

>> No.2950251

Me too

>> No.2950262 [SPOILER] 
File: 499 KB, 800x1028, 261393 - Eva_Beatrice Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But why would I fool Anonymous?

Here, have some Evatrice porn.

>> No.2950271


Where was that again?

>> No.2950277


Perhaps but you have to give it to Ryukishi's current artist that they're designs are pretty unique. The eyes sometimes look the same on certain characters,but the current artist isnt afraid to create a truely looking old character. I mean hell just look at the huge diffirence between the Umineko anime and the actual VN's art. Except for the adults they prettied everyone up as much as they could.

By the way,is it himself(Ryukishi) that draws the art or someone else? Because if it is him or even if its not and its just a close friend,it's also nice to keep in mind that most artists can be -EXTREMELY- bitchy about what they're told to create. They could edit character designs to fit their whims as much as they wanted.

But then again,he might actually have a real artist somewhere. I still have no idea who the hell painted Beatrices photo. Or was that photo just some clever photoshopping skills?

>> No.2950296

Ryukishi IS the artist.

07thExpansion is made of 3 people

Ryukishi who writes the story and does the artwork
His brother who programs the game
A friend of theirs that manages the website.

>> No.2950309

He hired a professional to do the portraits

Famous composers also lend him music to use.

>> No.2950354


>> No.2950396

I'm disappointed by how low AngexMammon is. It's probably the only thing about Ange I like.

>> No.2950402
File: 318 KB, 677x367, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and Natsuhi doesn't look like Kaiba AT ALL!
