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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 220x168, 345646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2944480 No.2944480 [Reply] [Original]

This is what the world thinks of America, especially Japan. You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.2944488

/jp/ - America/General

>> No.2944489

We support a terrorist nation, so of course everyone hates us.

>> No.2944491

America doesnt give a shit about the opinions of other "countries". Cant prove me wrong

>> No.2944494

Oh wow three people on a road with signs.

My outlook on life will never be the same.

>> No.2944498

lol Russians

>> No.2944500

Seemed like people cared quite a bit when a few nations decided they weren't going to ship oil to the West anymore.

>> No.2944514

I think Japan is more criminal than America with all their rape games and eel porn and underage half-naked posing 'idol'-videos and a completely retarded society in general. Seriously I'd rather live in America than in that piece of shit nipcountry. And bombing third world countrys is pretty fun; I don't get why everyone is so butthurt about it.

>> No.2944530
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>I think Japan is more criminal than America
lol Amerifag liar.

>> No.2944548


Correction: USA is _a_ war criminal.

If you're going to protest in English, at least take the time to proofread your signs.

Christ, no wonder Americans laugh at the rest of the world.

>> No.2944552

I live in the EU.

>> No.2944558

So they think the americans are against war?
Lrn2 make a thread

>> No.2944564

Sure you do Amerishit. ;)

>> No.2944629

>against war
Don't make me laugh.

>> No.2944641

>not American
>uses smilies
Back to 3rd world Gaia with you.

>> No.2945494

yeah war USA, USA, USA

>> No.2945500

Wow, some jealous anti-america fag is really jealous and anti-america. THESE TEARS OF YOURS MAKE ME SMILE.

>> No.2945504

keep it in /b/ please

>> No.2945508



>> No.2945519
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>> No.2945521

I was talking to people who live in South Korea: they want us there.

>> No.2945535


That's such bullshit and you know it. The way they measure those things are total bias or simply made up. It's funny how uneducated you twerps who bash the US truly are.

>> No.2945545

Cool story bro, a bunch of shit categories that no one gives a fuck about

>> No.2945548
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>> No.2945552
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U mad

>> No.2945558


>> No.2945600

Thats funny guys but you really cant do anything about our feeling of superiority. We know we're the best. We dont have to make silly charts to show anything like you insecure faggots

>> No.2945617


Exactly. Why do you think they NEED to make charts like this? Think about it. We know the answer. ;)

>> No.2945622


>> No.2945623

>All posts pertaining to bashing america
>Same fucking person

>> No.2945624

As a western (real) European, I'll take Americans over slavs any day.

>> No.2945641
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>> No.2945652

I'll never understand why Europe hates America so much. So pitiful.

>> No.2945657


Wow, that picture caught me off-guard. Something I see every day posted on /jp/. Blasphemy.

>> No.2945660 [DELETED] 

Truly, Iceland is the greatest nation on earth with its cultural domination of every corner of the globe.

I often wonder how things would have been in a world colonised by the British Empire and later ruled over by the USA instead of Iceland. But here I am instread in my traditional Icelandic dress, eating rotten shark meat.

>> No.2945662 [DELETED] 

Truly, Iceland is the greatest nation on earth with its cultural domination of every corner of the globe.

I often wonder how things would have been in a world colonised by the British Empire and later ruled over by the USA instead of Iceland. But here I am instead in my traditional Icelandic dress, eating rotten shark meat.

>> No.2945665

Truly, Iceland is the greatest nation on earth with its cultural domination of every corner of the globe.

I often wonder how things would have been in a world colonised by the British Empire and later ruled over by the USA instead of Iceland. But here I am instead in my traditional Icelandic dress, eating rotten shark meat.

>> No.2945670 [DELETED] 


Strangely aroused.

>> No.2945674


Strangely aroused.

>> No.2945682

because USA is war criminal

>> No.2945691
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Oh hey, is this a viva freedom thread?

>> No.2945694

I'll never understand why America has such a huge persecution complex against Europeans. We're not all like that. The chances of anyone insulting you IRL about being American are incredibly low and would most likely be done in jest if at all.

>> No.2945695

/jp/ is beyond retarded today. I can't even explain it in words. I normally stay pretty entertained, but this is just beyond lame. Adios.

>> No.2945697


Because Euros of the chans and troll Americans have made Europe look like some kind of stuck up, better than you, snob.

>> No.2945704

Most Europeans don't hate Americans. They do, however, hate the cocky bunch of you that think your country is the epitome of humanity.

>> No.2945705

As an Ausfailian, I'm amused by how anything even aguely labeled as "European" becomes politically toxic. Even hints at raising taxes? "HE'S A SOCIALIST COMMUNIST FASCIST (huh?) ASSHOLE". President recognises you've done some bad shit in the past? "OH WELL SHUCKS HE'S ACTING SO EUROPEAN", etc.

>> No.2945708


Stop acting like you're kings of the world, and we'll stop calling you on it.

>> No.2945713

But I've seen Americans on TV and in newspapers make the same sorts of claims that they're being persecuted by Europeans, when I don't really see any of that in real life.


Take this article for example. Have you ever heard so much bullshit in one article? A lot of Americans actually believe this shit.

>> No.2945718


So if I buy a house in San Marino and go live there permanently I'll be automatically granted some extra years of life?
Fuck yeah, it's just a 1 hour and a half ride from here.

>> No.2945727

Why cant you Eurofags just accept the truth?

>> No.2945731
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>implying that socialism and fascism are somehow incompatible

>> No.2945756

>As a western (real) European, I'll take Americans over slavs any day.
Yet you will come sucking our cock if US will start to bully your asses.

>> No.2945758

Most far-left socialists don't actually know what fascism is and they just throw it around as an insult. Kind of like what they're criticising America for, but hey.

All far-left socialists should go read Mussolini's "Manifesto of the Fascist Struggle" before criticising anyone.

>> No.2945768

Don't make me put you down again, untermensch.

>> No.2945775

>Implying anyone who calls anyone in American politics a fascist actually knows what the word means, whether they be left or right.

>> No.2945781

Most far-right wingnuts throw socialist about as if they know what it means. Same for communism.

>> No.2945784

Listen yo your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.2945789

American politicians do that. European politicians, both left and right wing, prefer to use "fascism".

>> No.2945794


Sounds like a jealousy issue.

>> No.2945797

They do now exactly and are absolutely right. Have fun with your federalisation of everything amerikkans and enjoy your socialized health-care or more like rationalized chemicals for the stupid masses. All of you will be falling into the net of the social engineerers. The moment you make yourself dependent of someone you will be forced to live under his rules. Just see and don't counter this with sme silly paper arrgument like constitushuun, nobody cares.

>> No.2945799

If you think western Europe would rather have slavs roll over them than be allied with the USA, you are deluded.

There's a reason the UK built up such a large nuclear arsenal.

>> No.2945803

Fuck off back to /n/.

Oh wait.

Just fuck off in general.

>> No.2945804

If you think that universal healthcare is a stepping stone to GULAGs, you are probably the sort of far-right wingnut he was talking about.

>> No.2945819

>Rush is God, Beck is Jesus and Coulter is the virgin Mary. The real bible is Atlas Shrugged. Noah's Arc was built to save the right from the flood of liberals.

It's funny how your country is slipping in almost every metric (quality of life, education, etc), your most right-leaning states are both the poorest and net importers of federal money, and yet you bellyache constantly about ideas that, in the rest of the first world, are considered still relatively right-wing.

When every single first world nation has a UCH system, which covers more of their population and costs less of their GDP than the (rapidly failing) US system, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

>> No.2945822

>enjoy your socialized health-care or more like rationalized chemicals for the stupid masses.
What the fuck. Try living in any country with UHC some time, it's nothing like your ridiculous hellish notion.

>> No.2945823

man that's old hat.

now that we have obama everyone loves us!

that's just how america works.
we get a war minded president for awhile, then we get a peace minded president.

>> No.2945824
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You can live in denial, but your countries will jump on our and Chinese cocks when US start beating shit out of you.
Not like they need to beat you up as you're already their slaves and they can ignore your bitching.

>> No.2945837

It's better being American or Slav than being fucking chav and having a woman as monarch.

>> No.2945838

You should do your homework first. What do you think is going on in european countries? Keep in mind that it will be getting only worse with the enonomic situation. There were plenty high-ranked people in politics and economics statinh in public their wish for even much stronger regulation of the lifes of people on welfare from the state. Always with the same strawman argument about alcoholics wasting the money on alcohol, single moms that can't raise their children, about asocials producing 10+ children and the list goes on and on.
Maybe you should start reading news, ignorant.

It's the lifetime wish for every elite power circle to total control the lifes of its slaves.
Nothing else than modern day eugenics, the sterelization of the working poor, covered in egalitarian and liberal ideologies.

>> No.2945839

China and the US. If you aren't with us, you aren't worth mentioning. Oh, and Japan can come along too since they are our lapdogs.

>> No.2945840
File: 40 KB, 400x536, der-untermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has been doing pretty good lately, but Russia? Not so much.

Come back when you stop being an AIDS-ridden third world country that worships bureaucrats.

>> No.2945844
File: 898 KB, 1280x800, bless america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2945845

>Come back when you stop being an AIDS-ridden third world country that worships bureaucrats
>worships bureaucrats

More like China amirite

>> No.2945847

America is the best because everyone wears our style of clothes instead of their shitty traditional wear.

>> No.2945849

I don't have to find out about Europe from Fox News and Ann Coulter because I already live here.

>> No.2945853

US need China more than China need US.

>> No.2945854

Modern China has nothing on the same level as Putin.

>> No.2945858

My god, I should really stop posting in this thread. I don't even like /n/.

>> No.2945862


That doesn't change the fact that they are the only countries that matter.

>> No.2945865

No problem man. Enjoy your spreading herpes, Queen (woman) as monarch, crooked teeth, really bad food, 40% youth obesity, chavs, pounds, bad infrastructure, overpriced market

Yeah I feel really bad about being a slav now...

>> No.2945867

Here some statements of the Science Czar of the current Obama administration to outline what I meant with egalitarian and liberal coverage

>Babies who are born out of wedlock or to teenage mothers to be forcibly taken away from their mother by the government and put up for adoption. Another proposed measure would force single mothers to demonstrate to the government that they can care for the child, effectively introducing licensing to have children

>Forcibly and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to the nation’s water and food supply

Implementing a system of “involuntary birth control,” where both men and women would be mandated to have an infertility device implanted into their body at puberty and only have it removed temporarily if they received permission from the government to have a baby

>Legalizing “compulsory abortions,” ie forced abortions carried out against the will of the pregnant women, as is common place in Communist China where women who have already had one child and refuse to abort the second are kidnapped off the street by the authorities before a procedure is carried out to forcibly abort the baby

>Permanently sterilizing people who the authorities deem have already had too many children or who have contributed to general social deterioration

>This would all be overseen by a transnational and centralized “planetary regime” that would utilize a “global police force” to enforce the measures outlined above. The “planetary regime” would also have the power to determine population levels for every country in the world.

>Formally passing a law that criminalizes having more than two children, similar to the one child policy in Communist China


>> No.2945875

Oh for fuck's sake. Next time, don't use fucking truther sites as cites.

>> No.2945877

You don't live in Europe. Stop referring to Kingdoms being part of Europe

>> No.2945880

Brotherhood of the Tinfoil Hat.

>> No.2945881

Please? The quotes and scans there aren't "kewl" enough for you? Maybe you should get back to your xbox "fragging" some dirty japs

>> No.2945893
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>Queen (woman) as monarch

>> No.2945896

LOL Europeans being proud of their heritage and taking a whack on USA when their countries are being turned into Muslim hellholes.

Enjoy your fake superiority Eurofags.

>> No.2945904

US isn't one to laugh either. Enjoy your nigras, latins, muslims, jews, mexicans, chinks and 30% of pure blood whites.

>> No.2945905

You don't get the facts straight, what you think is happening in the US dumbass? Did you ever hear of Los Angeles?
Just wait until they will announce the UA - United Americas because that's their new lovey-dovey term for the already exposed NAU.

>> No.2945909




>> No.2945914

Well hey, at least it ain't gonna be called United Emirates of America, unlike what's going to happen to you!

>> No.2945932

btw there was a case in Germany some time ago where a man has been stabbed by a muslim and the judge said that the victim provocated the stabber by resisting the danger of the knife because usually the stabber wouldn't have to put up with resistance and this confused him and lead him to stab the victim.

Sorry fags, but that's not what I understand under being liberal

>> No.2945941
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This is what the world thinks of Japan, especially China. You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.2945945

From the same country too, a blonde woman one said that she rather let herself be raped by Muslim gangs than take actions against them.

No doubt she would have said it differently she got raped by Jews.

>> No.2945958
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Both US and Europe sounds like shitty place to live.

>> No.2945971

Stay in the countryside and you'll be fine. Those big cities aren't that great to live in anyways, even without the immigration problems.

>> No.2945972

Were else are you going to live? Asia? Africa? South America? Polar caps?

>> No.2945973

>South America

Brazil is an okay place.

>> No.2945975

The US just does whatever ISRAEL tells it too, most of the US government or their advisers are citizens of both nations anyway.

>> No.2945977

I want to live in a forest with all the animals

>> No.2945979

You'd go insane if yo didn't have any other human contact though...

>> No.2945981


>> No.2945982 [DELETED] 

That's right. You now of the rats expirement? Living in crowded places is not healthy for human minds. That's the reason for stronger regulations from authorities, some even just to make additional money with fines

>> No.2945984

We have to thank Hitler for that. If it weren't for him there would be no Isreal today. The Jews were always hated and for a reason.

>> No.2945985

That's right. You know about the rats expirement? Living in crowded places is not healthy for human minds. That's the reason for stronger regulations from authorities, some even just to make additional money with fines

>> No.2945987

Canada or Australia if Glorious Nippon refuse to accept me.

>> No.2945989

As if most of us were getting any to begin with.

(parents don't count)

>> No.2945993

Other humans are annoying. I have been fine without friends for 6 years.

>> No.2945994

I wouldn't generelize. And they would have created Israel anyway, as the leading Zionist always wanted to create their model state were they could implement all the methods they always dreamed about like in Brave New World. Some things are already set in place like the community service, covered as military service.

>> No.2945995

No but we DO, it's just the online kind. But in the forest there is no internet. So you end up imagining, and fantasizing, and then going delusional...

>> No.2945998
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>> No.2946008

/jp/ - Stormfront.

Not that I really care TBH.

Australia isn't really a great place. The federal government runs the nation like a nany state, and lots of things are too expensive (rent, housing, groceries, electronics, crappy internet, and vidya gaems aren't as bad as they used to be, but still not cheap). The only thing that WAS going for it was the small population, large amounts of land for cheap, non-overcrowded beaches, but all that is gone now.

I hope that there are better places on the planet.

>> No.2946046

Australia is a terrible place to live in if you're not white. I've encountered more racism there than living in the U.S.

>> No.2946049

Sure buddy.

In general, I wouldn't want to live in the Empire's testing grounds, aka commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia

>> No.2946072
File: 7 KB, 184x185, HURRIMSMILEYFACE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /k/ and /b/ mindless nationalistic drones

>> No.2946078

btw frenchfags have fun with your hadopi2 aka total control over internet traffic of all french

>> No.2946083

What's the point of this thread? To show an example of why /n/ got nuked?

>> No.2946085

No one gives a fuck about anything in austria.

>> No.2946092

Same will happen with the US. Here another story of one of Obama appointees

>In “On Rumors,” Sunstein reviews how views get cemented in one camp even when people are presented with persuasive evidence to the contrary. He worries that we are headed for a future in which “people’s beliefs are a product of social networks working as echo chambers in which false rumors spread like wildfire.” That future, though, is already here, according to Sunstein. “We hardly need to imagine a world, however, in which people and institutions are being harmed by the rapid spread of damaging falsehoods via the Internet,” he writes. “We live in that world. What might be done to reduce the harm?”

Best board ever and it shows that 4chan faggots don't know shit about the world by nuking it and calling everyone informed a tinfoil

>> No.2946100

Ron Paul is code for gay sex.

>> No.2946737


Should I care for some reason?

>> No.2946750

I guess OP was right, everyone DOES hate America.

>> No.2946765

Come to the best site on the Internet: http://www..ÄnönTälk.cöm/
> j dgd

>> No.2946769

As a white man, feminists hate us, we're possible rapists because we were born with a penis, we're pedophiles if we ever looked at a child, we're hated by niggers because white guys did something to them some time ago...
And well, looks like we're also hated by neighbouring countries and whatnot.

And you know what? I don't give a fuck.
I'll just let everyone think they're superiour to me because they were born somewhere else, if they need to think like that to justify their own existance.

Also 8/10, trolled me good.

>> No.2946777

/jp/ - News & Politics.

>> No.2946803
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>> No.2946806

All Anglo and Anglo-derived countries are shit. Everything the British touch turns to dick.

>> No.2946829
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>> No.2946842

Socialism as its know today is eerily similar to facism as we new it in ww2.

And the same ideals and goals that Facism had is the same as the Liberal agenda.

Not to mention how similar hitler and obamas methodology are in terms or polotics. Except obama is weak like chamberlin.

>> No.2946850

Holy shit never seen a post filled with so many blatant untruths and lies. Even on 4 chan

>> No.2946853

canadians that come to america for health care would like to have a word with you.

>> No.2946855

I think I'm guilty of calling quite a few of these places by these names.

>> No.2946859

LOL european socilist logic at its finest.

>> No.2946869
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>> No.2946887 [DELETED] 

Listen. The western world is dying because of the Empire's globalist agenda, pushing for monopols in every critic area of human life (water, food, energy, and industry and media). All major nations are so fucking deep in debt to the same globalist banking cartell, that they won't ever be able to pay them back and now with the financial crisis wich didn't come surpisingly if you weren't a mass media leven ignorant, they won't even be able to serve the interest at current rates.
Listen to what happens here in Europe because politcians are working since the late '90 on rationalizing welfare and social services.

It's not worth the money anymore, the costs keep raising and the services get worse. That's a fact. Period. And in the near future it will become even much worse, and the taxes will be raised anyway, to cover the costs for the bailout and shitty bankers ass-powdering.

Stop living in mahou shoujo denial rand

>> No.2946889


Aren't these supposed to be somewhat humorous? It looks like it was written by a 14 year old who likes to say naughty words.

>> No.2946925

Listen. The western world as we know it is dying because of the Empire's globalist agenda, pushing for monopols in every critic area of human life (water, food, energy, industry, technology and media). All major nations are so fucking deep in debt to the same globalist banking cartell, that they won't ever be able to pay them back (not that they were meant to do under a reserve bank system) and now with the financial crisis which didn't come surpisingly if you weren't a mass media level ignorant, they won't even be able to serve the interest in the near future.
Do you fucking understand what this means? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO CREATE A WORKING AND EFFECTIVE SOCIAL NET? WHO THE FUCK IS GONNA PAY FOR THIS? The 20-30% unemployed?

Listen to what happens here in Europe because politcians are working since the late '90 on rationalizing welfare and social services where they can.

It's not worth the money anymore, the costs keep rising and the service get worsewith every year. That's a fact. Period. And in the near future it will become even much worse, and the taxes will be raised anyway, to cover the costs for the bailouts and shitty bankers ass-powdering.
Rumours say since years that the social health care system is literally bankrupt. Why else do you think that all major state-controlled banks in Europe were deeply involved in the derivative business with the amerikkans?
Same goes for the pension funds and every other social service. And once states will default on their debt and wars being fought over to "stimulate" the economy, followed by a currency reform, don't even start dreaming about any savings or services of yours.

Stop living in mahou shoujo denial rand

>> No.2946957

Come to the best site on the Internet: http://www..ÄnönTälk.cöm/

>> No.2946966

Hey amerikkan, maybe you should check out who's gonna be confirmed as supreme court judge nominee. it's a member of La Raza. Have fun with racist latins running your country.

>> No.2946967

Seriously, what is the deal with circumcision anyway?

>> No.2946991

hahaha owow here's an update on the Obama Science Czar New World Order incident


Sure buddy, we will believe in you. hahaha owow

>> No.2947063

for maximum trolling, you need to spell it AMERIKKKA in all caps. the KKK is an important part of current american culture.
