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2938136 No.2938136 [Reply] [Original]

In high school, some girl's skirt got caught on the locker and I totally saw her panties. Unfortunately she was a total bitch and her friends laughed at me for looking.

Have you seen real pantsu before?

>> No.2938146

of course i have, im not a lonely virgin like you

>> No.2938151

I used to go under the table and look up girl's skirts when I was in primary school. Felt good man. Why can't I sexually harass little girls anymore without getting arrested? Kids have everything.

>> No.2938157

Wearing them right now, bro.

>> No.2938158

At work some loli was walking around doing high kicks.

>> No.2938162


>> No.2938165

I preordered the Aika DVD boxset, and I got apfree pair of panties.

Shit was SO cash.

>> No.2938167

Never. Are they as tight as they appear in 2D?

>> No.2938169

Girls who wear skirts are all sluts. All of them.

>> No.2938201

Girls with a vagina are all sluts. All of them.

>> No.2938210

Girls in more than 2 dimensions are sluts

>> No.2938238

I saw some every once in a while in Jr./Sr. High School. None since then, though.

>> No.2938270

Girls were required to wear skirts at a private school I went to (MS to HS). We had lots of Japanese and Korean transfer students as well.

It was great while it lasted.

>> No.2938275

Made up, stupid story.

>> No.2938284
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You're a stupid story, asshole

>> No.2938288

In my old high school no one ever wore skirts. It was extremely rare so no I've never seen a high schooler's panties.

>> No.2938294

Girls in my high school had a choice of trousers or skirts. I only ever saw two girls in skirts and they were both sluts.

>> No.2938339
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vaginas are gross though

>> No.2938342

That goes without saying

>> No.2938352

No one wore skirts in high school. All of the girls wore jeans. Not even dresses.
God, I feel like I missed out on something big.

>> No.2938356

Unfortunately, no they aren't. Which totally removes any motivation for me to see them in 3D.

>> No.2938370

Stop spamming the best, original board with your shitty clone:

>ggod iagffodolfg cfjuhgdrfkaf ks dfo

>> No.2938375

Well, the "lots" might be pushing it. Had at least one Japanese transfer I know of and 3-4 Koreans. Anyway, right before I graduated, they finally allowed girls to pick between skirts and trousers.

Alright, there. Is that more believable?

>> No.2938382

In my gym class, we would have to sit in lines for role taking. There was a girl in the line next to mine who's friend sat 2 or 3 people in front of me. Her shorts were a little too big for her, so when she sat towards my line to talk to her friend I was at the perfect angle to see up them. I was able to panty peek almost every school day for half of my sophomore year.

>> No.2938426

Private Schools here required students to use uniforms, so the girls had to wear nice skirts,but I hated using my own uniform.

>> No.2938429

Most of my female friends in high school were innocent fanservice girls, so I saw plenty. Also used to spar with a girl in high school who wore rather tight shorts.

Then I had sex and pantsu didn't matter as much anymore.

>> No.2938447
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I did in 7-8th grade. I was sitting down by a wall in my classroom when it was reading time. The girl I liked was wearing a skirt and was just walking by, looking in the opposite direction. I laid down sideways to get a good look up her skirt and saw her ass. I don't remember if she was wearing panties or not, or maybe I just don't remember the color of it. All that's imprinted into my memory was her ass and I'm fine with that.

I also looked up another girl's skirt right as she was walking up the steps to enter the school bus. It was a bit wrinkly...

>> No.2938526
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I saw my teacher's panties once during elementary school

She was really pretty and tall, blond, wore a long white skirt and really had that schoolteacher vibe

we were all sitting around this chair to listen to her read James and the Giant Peach, and I was right up at the front. When she got up, she spun around and i was "caught" inside her skirt for a few seconds. I looked up, and it was good. White, frilly lingerie under pantyhose. She got pregnant the next year and had to take maternal leave.

>> No.2938538

Did you impregnate her, anonymous

>> No.2938544

Are you all 11 years old. How do you remember 3 second occurrences from grade 2.

Oh wait it's /just pretend/, oops.

>> No.2938558

>the next year

>> No.2938575

You remember things like that when you've never had any closer sexual contact. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.2938582

Angry liar discovered.

>> No.2938584

Of course I've seen them

On the ground after I had sex with her

>> No.2938592


>dey see me trollin

>> No.2938597

I saw up a girl's skirt once; she was wearing a diaper.

>> No.2938601

>Calling someone a troll


>> No.2938602

Where do you work?

>> No.2938607

i'll kick ur ass

>> No.2938612

It's not hard to remember shit like this, are you retarded?

>> No.2938613

Never on a girl. I'm sure there were opportunities in between classes when students were going up stairs and such, but I keep my head down when going up stairs behind a woman anyways, because it feels awkward to have ass in your face.

>> No.2938615

Once when I was a desperate young boy. Now that I've discovered the fine life of 2D I don't hassle myself with such things.

>> No.2938621

Some of the girls at my school used to flash one another. Nothing sexual, really. Just for fun. Usually they were wearing boxers, however.

>> No.2938624

i was siting on a bench near a community center.

suddenly, about 50 little girls in leotards walked out and began to stretch, REALLY stretch. they did this for 30 minuets then a bus came and picked them all up.

i wounder if they saw me.

>> No.2938626
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>implying that trolls can't spot other obvious trolls

>> No.2938635


i have news for you.

>> No.2938639

Hot. diapers > panties

>> No.2938643

Gentleman, huh?

>> No.2938660

Made up nonsense once again.

>> No.2938666

I took a peek up the shorts of the object of my adoration in high school once when she was sitting higher on the bleachers than I was. Standard white cotton panties.

She was quite a looker, but she had MS and I'm glad in a way that I never got attached to that. I do feel very bad for saying that. :(

>> No.2938677
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>> No.2938678

It was.

>> No.2938680

One time, i found a pair of cute white panties left in the drying machine. We had tenants downstairs with a really fit daughter my age (15 at the time) and I automatically assumed the pair of panties was hers, because it was so cute and childish in design.

I took it to my room and smelled it vigorously. After a few days though, I felt guilty for keeping it. Of course I wasn't going to confront our tenants, so I shamefully brought it before my mom. My mom immediately said, "Oh yeah, that's mine, I was wondering where it went".

I was stunned, but not disgusted. I was surprised mom wore such childish underwear. I did not feel bad for sniffing it, or for putting it in my pants. I wonder what this means.

>> No.2938689


You should fuck your mother passionately.

>> No.2938699


...how..... awkward...

>> No.2938719

She's kinda old now :(

yeah, but strangely she didn't make a big deal about it
she just brushed it off like it was nothing suspicious

I wish I'd kept it.

>> No.2938741

>I wish I'd kept it.

To each his own I guess. To be honest, I love sniffing my sisters used panties, but I'd be disgusted if I mistook hers for my mom's.

>> No.2938744

Catholic school on windy days. Then they got rid of skirts as part of the girl's uniforms. ;_;

>> No.2938756

I never understood that whole panty sniffing thing. They always smelt bad when I tried to smell them, regardless of who they belonged to (sister, mother, cousin, some random girl at the beach)

>> No.2938766

It's a fetish that some people have. You don't seem to be one of them.

>> No.2938770

That's what makes it so hot.

>> No.2938776

I always sniff and fap using my maid's panties

>> No.2938781

I never understood either. I've smelled two of my cousin's panties and neither of them smelled particularly good, but they didn't smell bad either. They just had a scent on them, which didn't do much for me.

>> No.2938791

Yeah one time my sis was laying on the floor with only a shirt and panties on. She was facing away from me so I got a clear view.

I kicked her in the butt and told her to put on some pants.

>> No.2938821

I used to see my one friend's panties often because she wore jeans and bent over a lot, so I only saw the ass part. She wasn't even a slut or anything, it's like she just forgot girls are supposed to hide their panties.

>> No.2938831

i assume it's for the same high people get from sniffing glue

>> No.2938832


Some do smell bad, though. To me, it's not that it smells like roses and cocaine, but rather that it was very close and personal to someone in it's use.

Sometimes they reak of tanning cream, but other times you know they have been used at a hard day's work. The former I can't stand.

>> No.2938884

Sounds like you've smelt a lot of panties. Maybe all panty sniffers are this way?
"Hmm, smells kind of bad, but this is hot right? yeah..."

>> No.2938890

I remember I fapped once to my little sisters panties, I knew how bad her hygiene is, she must have worn these ones for days before putting them out to wash where I got them. They smelled horrible as you can imagine, urine smell and all the rest, even some blood. I felt bad afterward, but that's what made it so hot.

>> No.2938899

In before people ask for more details.

>> No.2938909

I'm not sure I want any more

>> No.2938914

They also felt like 'heavy' if you get me, probably from wearing for so long without washing and all the body fluids had soaked into them.

>> No.2938917

Is it better to sniff panties after they've been washed or while they're dirty?

>> No.2938922

That is not very attractive, my friend.

>> No.2938924

The whole point of it is to smell what vagina smells like. Doing it after they've been washed is missing the whole point.

>> No.2938925

That is disgusting. You are a bad man and you should feel bad.

>> No.2938929


>> No.2938930


>> No.2938934

Back in elementary school. Girls wore skirts and when the teacher called us to make a circle and sit on the floor to do some group activity, some used to spread their legs open, unaware that they were flashing their panties. Although we were young and had no knowledge of sexuality, me and a friend used to peep at them. Frilly panties, white most of the time, sometimes pink. Even though we had no sexual thoughts back then, we took care to not stare too openly, so they wouldn't notice.

Said friend also wanted to marry the school principal, which was quite young and beautiful. We used to go to her office on recess just to talk.

>> No.2938935

Is your name Emiya Shirou?

>> No.2938938


Pretty much this. It goes a little deeper, because you don't smell concentrated piss and vag juice when you go down on someone.

>> No.2938943

Well I found it hot.

My sister is like that though, her room is an absolute trash heap of clothes, I am alone now so I could probably go up and find a similar pair of panties, probably even dirtier.

She's like that in the kitchen too, she loves cooking and makes these elaborate breakfasts and lunches out of all these ingredients, but doesn't clean up and leaves everything dirty, and then gets told off by my mother.

Also, she doesn't shower every morning, we used to share a room before we moved and I used to see her put on her school skirt getting out of bed, wearing the same panties she slept in, and would grab some toast and walk straight to school with me.

>> No.2938945

I've always liked the cotton smell of panties rather than the musky vagOO smell. Washed is where it's at.

>> No.2938957


>> No.2938960

>I used to see her put on her school skirt getting out of bed, wearing the same panties she slept in, and would grab some toast and walk straight to school with me.

Stopped reading here. Unfortunately, you had already finished. Well played anon.

>> No.2938964

Like, sort of damp from ass sweat and other fluids? I getcha.

>> No.2938969


My principal was a nazi that hated me because my older sister terrorized the school. Me and my sister act completely differently but my teachers always shit on me first and then realized that I'm not going to act like an asshole.

>> No.2938980

What's the point if their washed? You might as well go smell a clean t shirt.

>> No.2938987
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>> No.2938988
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>and would grab some toast and walk straight to school with me.

>> No.2938989

>this thread
I love you /jp/.

>> No.2938997


If my sister was Yui I would've beaten her to death long ago.

>> No.2939009

I love this thread, it's like old school /a/ style.

>> No.2938997,1 [INTERNAL] 

Worth the read.

>> No.2939026

Once in 12th grade, in a school trip, I went to pick on the girls dorms trough the windows. then I show a girl standing with her to me in her bra and panties, preparing to change. I almost fapped and came, but she then got dressed.

Second time was when I show a girl wearing a skirt laying on a lower step, putting her legs up on the banister. So I went from a higher floor pecked and saw her panties.

>> No.2939045

I was on a school trip in 10th grade. The hotel we were staying at was in a L shape, and if you looked out the window you could see pretty well into the other rooms. I spent the entire night watching all the girls change and fapping like a madman.

>> No.2939056

The mental image of this is hilarious

>> No.2939059

English is not your first language, is it?

>> No.2939064

Did you get so excited while typing that you forgot how to english?

>> No.2939068

During most of high school, I'd spend most of the nights staying up really late playing video games or on the computer. So, naturally, when morning came around and it was time for school, I'd be tired as hell. To make it a little more bearable, there was this building on campus I'd go behind during lunch that was relatively out of the way and I'd lay down and doze off until the next class.

Anyway, as I'm laying down napping one day, two girls come behind the same building to have some kind of conversation. I guess they either didn't notice me or figured I was too deep in sleep to wake up. In any case, neither one commented on why someone was sleeping there, so whatever. So they're standing there, practically right over me talking. Both were wearing skirts, and from my position on the ground I had a perfect view. I just kept pretending to sleep while slowly opening one eye and getting a great view.

That's the only time I can think of worth mentioning.

>> No.2939072

One time, my class went camping, and I was in a cabin with bunk beds and 6 other guys

One of them dared us to jerk off and cum on the walls. In the semi-darkness, everyone pretended they were doing it, except me. I actually did it. When the teacher for our cabin came in, I panicked and had to wipe off all the jizz on the wall with my shirt. The teasing afterwards was unbearable, all throughout high school.

>> No.2939073

I don't think you know what "show" means.

>> No.2939074

Something about showing girls troughs while pecking them.

>> No.2939080


sugoi monogatari aniki.

But what does this have to do with the thread?

>> No.2939082

It's not really a gentleman thing, it was just, you know, it feels weird.

>> No.2939083

Some girl on a schoolbus was sitting to the side and directly facing me (though she was talking to her friend behind her). She was wearing a short skirt, so all you had to do was put your head on your lap and glance to the left in order to get a glimpse of her panties.

That image remains burned into my head to this day.

>> No.2939085

There was a kid in my elementary school that would often flip up girl's skirts. Or if it had a zipper on the back or it didn't look tight enough around the waist, he'd just straight pull it down.

Amazingly he didn't get in much trouble for it. He did it for months before finally the teacher sent him to the principal's office and he was moved into the "special" class.

>> No.2939086


I just thought you guys would like to know (:

>> No.2939088

What the hell, anon

>> No.2939095

>all you had to do was put your head on your lap and glance to the left
I don't understand.

>> No.2939099

Someone MSpaint this.

>> No.2939103

You know I never had the time to do this because I was always too busy staring into the sky.
I don't know if it's a good or bad or whatever thing.

>> No.2939107

>so all you had to do was put your head on your lap
go back to /fit/ yoga-boy

>> No.2939111


He's obviously a Dullahan.

>> No.2939112

>So I went from a higher floor pecked and saw her panties.

I hope you enjoy japanese birds...

>> No.2939122


lol, I'm not even that fit and I can still do that.

>> No.2939139


Even if you can do it, you're going to look stupid as fuck and draw a lot of attention to yourself if you sit there crouched over with your head on your lap.

>> No.2939143

There was a slutty but very ugly girl in my class when I was 11 who used to let boys see her panties; she even let me put my hand up her skirt and touch her pussy through her panties a few times. It was the nearest I've ever got to sex.

>> No.2939151

Last year when a girl sat across from me during lit class. It wasn't anything special but it came out of nowhere so I was somewhat shocked.

>> No.2939153

Mostly down pants back in elementary/high school. Some in college but not as many when I was in high school.

>> No.2939154

Fatass detected.

>> No.2939196

All the time. In fact yesterday I was sleeping over at a friends house and she started changing in front of me.

In before a shit-storm for using the F word.
I swear I could troll /jp/ full time with 0 effort.

>> No.2939206

Oh man, I feel so trolled! FFFFFFFFFFFFfff RAGE xD!

>> No.2939211

I'm not sure sure how I feel about this thread.

>> No.2939215

I work at an underwear store yet don't even see panties lying around. So ronery.

>> No.2939219

Threads like this make me wish I had a sister

>> No.2939236

Yes you want a sister who hasn't washed since yesterday lazing about the house in t-shirt and dirty panties, scratching her ass and farting with impunity.

You defiantly want her sitting on your chair while you notice she has a certain winged item stuffed in her panties.

>> No.2939243

You don't. Trust me.

>> No.2939244

I don't really see the appeal in smelling a pair of used panties, but whatever floats your boat.
Enjoy your unwashed vagina scents, guys.

>> No.2939247

I was sitting down. Put your head down. Like if you were about to take a nap. Then, move your eyes to the left.

That hard?

>> No.2939252

You weren't because I actually do have friends and I actually did sleep over with her and she actually did change in front of me. Some Chinese chick.

>> No.2939254

You know, there are non-terrible sisters out there.

>> No.2939256

Sup Jones, ever tried or entertained the notion of smelling your sister's panties?

>> No.2939268

Not saying they're terrible, but rather something you can do without.

>> No.2939270

No thanks. Seems disgusting.
I mean, I'd have no problem smelling a clean pair of pantsu, but that would defeat the entire purpose, wouldn't it?

>> No.2939295

Smelling used panties? You guys are gross.

Putting them on is where it is at. Your flesh and scent becoming one with the vaginal fluids and odors from a used panties.


>> No.2939317

One time I open the wrong washing machine at some public washing place and some old people panties fell on my chest along with other articles of clothing. I shoved them back in and waited. The own was this dyke lady. :{

>> No.2939387

i used to sniff on my cousin pantys... then one day she found out and told it to half of my family.... now they think im a sick pervert yet i dont give a fuck

>> No.2939411
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>> No.2939506

I've got a huge upskirt/panty fetish.
It's a shame I grew up without a sister.

>> No.2939517
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Waifu's. Often.

>> No.2939547

Some years ago my cousin (about 10 at the time) was playing cards with us and sat on the floor cross legged. I sat across from her and had a clear view for the better part of half an hour. Purple.

>> No.2939596
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When I was 12 I went to a Catholic school, which meant wonderful plaid skirts. In our classes we'd sit at tables, and I was in a four group with two of the prettiest girls in the grade. I dropped my pen once (by accident, I swear!) and when I went to pick it up I caught a glimpse of the panties of the girl across from me in all of their pure white glory. She was the shortest girl in the class and had 100% DFC. ...I don't think I ever moved on from that memory, if you know what I mean. (*´Д`)ハァハァ

Unfortunately, most sisters don't wear skirts these days. Mine is 12 and I think she's only worn skirtlike material for formal events. Then again, she's kind of a tomboy, so who knows.

>> No.2939625
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>Some years ago my cousin (about 10 at the time) was playing cards with us and sat on the floor cross legged. I sat across from her and had a clear view for the better part of half an hour. Purple.

Same here. Though in my case, she was 12 and the only thing she was wearing was a long white t-shirt and panties. Even to this day I don't know why my mom let her walk around the house wearing that. There has to be something illegal about it. Looking back on that day, it must have been so obvious that I was looking at her panties during our game of cards. And to make matters worse, my whole family was right there watching us.

Since my cousin and sister shared the same room I punk'd out of sniffing her panties because I couldn't tell her panties apart from my sister's. At that time in my age, I wouldn't be caught dead touching my sister's panties, let alone, sniffing them. Though I guess it's a good thing that I never sniffed any panties, (judging by the pantie stains alone) girls at that age are very unclean down there. We males have much better hygiene.

>> No.2939642


Unless you're uncircumcised, then all bets are off.

>> No.2939643

I used to jam sticks in this girls ass as she walked by on the bus.... I think her name was Colleen Dunn. Good times, but that was long ago and I have since moved on.

>> No.2939737

Incidentally, I also have an incest fetish, so either way I wish I had grown up with a sister.
The probably cause of my incest fetish, my cousin, is often in short skirts, but she's a disgusting slut now.
Her younger sister is coming along nicely, though.

>> No.2939744

Mine does. Was pillow fighting with her a few days ago and she fell onto my bed but quickly got up once she realized her skirt had flipped up and I had a view of her whole panty-clad ass.

>> No.2939780

Not panties-related, but about a year old my big sister (as in 22-17 big and still lives at home) overpowered me on my bed, tied my arms to the railing-thing with a dressing gown sash (like fucking tight), and then sat on me proceeded to tickle my feet for what seemed easily over two hours straight.

It got so bad that my hysterical laughing turned into like these spastic coughs which I could control for ages, but she didn't seem to care.

Then she let me slapped my cheek really fucking hard, told me loved and kissed my forehead, ruffled my hair really hard, and untied me.

I couldn't retaliate because she is actually stronger than me obviously. You have no idea how humiliating it is as a young adult to have that done to you by a girl.

So yeah, my sister is a sadistic bitch with a serious personality problem.

>> No.2939801
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>> No.2939808

Just fuck her already.

>> No.2939809

This was back in like third grade - I still remember because of how fuckin scared I got.

There was a hired "nanny" during lunch for us everyday, and one woman always came with her 4 year old daughter.

I didn't talk to many of my classmates, so I went over to the little girl one day when the mom wasn't watching us and decided to play peek-a-boo. My genius self thought of hiding behind her skirt and going, "Peek-a-boo!" I lift her skirt and put my head behind it - at that time, nothing sexual occurred to me about this moment. The mom sees me with my head underneath her daughter's skirt and yells at me. I'm trying to explain that it's not what it looks like, but I don't think she believed me. I stayed away from the brat afterwards.

Good memories.

>> No.2939812
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>> No.2939923

I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck you, bro

>> No.2939963

I have absolutely no fucking idea why catching a glimpse of somebody's underwear is supposed to be exciting in the fucking slightest. Unless you live in a nunnery or something.

Make a thread when you see two schoolgirls 69'ing in the hallway with another two fucking them with strap-ons.

>> No.2939984

That's terrible.

>> No.2940008

In elementary school when we read books we had to sit in a rocking chair when it was our turn to read. Everyone else was sitting below the chair. I go up there wearing my jogging shorts that were too short and then the girls in the front started giggling. It was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me back when I was a little girl.

>> No.2940201

A good thing about such soft fetishes is that more is left to the imagination.

>> No.2940635

god I love OP image

>> No.2940635,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Girls who wear skirts are all sluts. All of them.
