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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 300x300, hanny glorious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2933057 No.2933057 [Reply] [Original]

>Sengoku Rance patch ver. 0.75 (Ran route) release!

>This patch includes:

> * Translation: 75% of the whole script
> o All events for the first route (true history route)
> o All events for the Kenshin route
> o All events for the Ran route
> o Items, commander abilities
> o Country commands
> o Images
> o All dungeon related events (except Orochi)
> o Some of character events and misc. events
> o Few Alicesoft staff room comments

(also: maidos)


>> No.2933063


Was hoping all the misc stuff would've been translated so my first play-through would've been japanese free. Still, thank you.

>> No.2933074

Should've waited for the entire patch.

>> No.2933078

Epic, thanks loads for this. I was mostly hoping that the battle speeches-character events- Dungeon events would've been translated, but this is still very awesome. Thanks alot!

>> No.2933085


*shrug* I was just hoping they'd focus on making the primary routes and all the misc shit. And leave the other routes for last. But it doesn't matter, it'up to them how they translate and I'm extremely happy for this.

>> No.2933090

>battle speeches
Some of them are done.
>Dungeon events
Dungeon events are done.

Oh yes, also: One Eye.

>> No.2933098

Awesome, thanks loads for this.

>> No.2933106

amazing work, keep it up!

>> No.2933109
File: 10 KB, 186x220, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My glorious days is now playing in your head, manually.

>> No.2933132

Epic, seems i'll be addicted to this game again for the next number of days, Keep up the good work.

>> No.2933140

Was hoping mostly for the character events, but this is still awesome, thanks alot for this.

>> No.2933147


>> No.2933157

What's Orochi? Epic work btw, can't wait for the next patch!

>> No.2933163

Thread full of Yandere Translation staff jerking themselves off.

>> No.2933165

Thanks for the update, can't wait for the next patch.

>> No.2933175


Sup, KS dev

>> No.2933181
File: 104 KB, 775x1128, 1244984340430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some conversations with Natori
A thread full of SR translators wouldn't be complete without KS devs

>> No.2933233

Thank you for the translations, the most of them are working very good.
Good job!

>> No.2933330

orochi is a hard as fuck dungeon boss, you have to beat em for natori's clear and it gives +10 to your score.

>> No.2933345

with the new patch the Free for all mode is not working!

>> No.2933368

KS has better art than rance

>> No.2933442

Just give it a few tries (restart -> ffa, restart -> ffa). Translating some of the randomly combined names sometimes causes a new game of FFA to crash. Probably some overflow error somewhere caused by names being too long.

>> No.2933492

I was just about to make my hanny thread, but fuck yeah!

>> No.2933501


>> No.2933512

just in time for the end of the week :)
good job

>> No.2933525

fuck im just doing yamamoto 56 route.... fuck

>> No.2933619
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes it's time to erase all my saves and go through true and kenshin again, and ran route for the first time.

Yandere is the best.

>> No.2933907
File: 745 KB, 1082x1600, 1246680302276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with free for all in this patch? the only house I could manage to get working out of Oda, Takeda, Houjou, Uesugi, Shimazu, and Mori was Oda. restarted a good 6-13 times for each house except Oda which worked both times.

pic related, wanted to see what that one weird extra option that didn't do anything noticeable and didn't take any fans for Takeda was.

>> No.2935036

Very awesome, can't wait till the next patch.

>> No.2935057

>Not done: Takuga
Aaw man.

>> No.2935068
File: 74 KB, 480x876, 1235-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(also: maidos)

>> No.2935104

Cheers. Please do the character events and the battle speeches next, please.

>> No.2935114

There is another route to clear before that.

>> No.2935160


I don't know why they'd rather leave all the other routes with incomplete experiences instead of just maximizing the amounts of english in the routes already translated.

>> No.2935169

Most of the character events are unrelated to routes, and battle speech is the least important thing they should work on.

>> No.2935258

If you guys haven't noticed, the patch releases so far have been at: 25%, 50%, 75%. Guess the point at which the next patch will be released!

>> No.2935288


>> No.2935323
File: 35 KB, 736x736, awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Translation: 75% of the whole script
>Sengoku Rance Translation: 1410/1817

>> No.2935330


I found the character events the most interesting, to be honest. It gave a bit more debth to the games story. But yeah, I guess i'll have to wait 2-3 months for the next patch. And hopefully that one will be 100% translated, I'm really thankfull for them translating this.

>> No.2935331

>Translation: 10000/16000 kb.
Patches were released at 5000, 7500 and 10000. So yeah. Next one should be in 2500 or 3000 kb.

>> No.2935431

Well, this should be enough for my first playthrough, I hope.

>> No.2935606

Yeah, you won't run into much untranslated stuff

>> No.2935639

Awesome. Time to stop the grindan and fap to this again.

>> No.2935662

How's that crappy RO-remake treating you, anyway? I tried creating a healer, but after checking out their skillset, I decided to give up; they only get two buffs.

>> No.2935671

When I get the rance satisfaction bonus, what is the "recruit amazing old man" option, is it worthwhile?

>> No.2935677

Worthless in battle, 8 in Exploration, Construction,Negotiation.
Perfect to give items like the Gold Statues or Recruitment Coupons.

>> No.2935687

Hurr, are you too mentally challenged to save, try the option, see what you get, and make your choice?

>> No.2935689

Incredibly useless in the early game to develop country, recruit and sabotage. Useless by the mid-end game when you have a lot of commanders with good support stats. Considering that in the early game there are better thing to waste stat bonuses (foreign allies, different bonuses) they are really questionable choice. But I do use them sometimes.

>> No.2935700

Sabotage is only good when you can't overcome with brute force or trying to defend for the enemy's coming turn.

>> No.2935712

I dunno, I love sabotage in the end game. It can be crazy effective sometimes.

>> No.2935722

did someone say MAIDOS?? FUUUUCK YEEEAR

>> No.2935729

Thank you for providing us with this wonderful translation.
Now excuse me while I replay the whole game again.

>> No.2936084

Awww, you didn't translate the character events. =/ Ah well, still epic. Thanks for translating this!

>> No.2936108

>you didn't translate the character events
>Some of character events and misc. events translated (Hara, Ashikaga, Akashi, Uesugi, Tanegashima, Houjou, Mouri, Miko, Imagawa, Asai-Asakura, Dokuganryuu house character events)

>> No.2936135

does the patch effect my savedata at all?

>> No.2936154

No. Possibly means that some things remain untranslated till the next game you start up.

>> No.2936161

I immediately downloaded, and played till I saw yukihime become a sex slave for the bandits. I came so much.

Yukihime is love. brb fapping again.

>> No.2936166

So should I take the amazing old man or not?

>> No.2936175

Depends on whether you think you can handle using many active combat units for things like Negotiating/searching every now and then or not.

>> No.2936176

hmm..how can i get this scene again?

>> No.2936177

>(also: maidos)

>> No.2936185


>> No.2936190

conquer asai-asakura
watch yukihime exchange her body for someone to declare war on you
conquer that country
wait many turns
watch yukihime become pregnant sex slave

>> No.2936201

thank you good sir, i'm off to fap

>> No.2936204

what other options do you have.
Do you have Uruza?

>> No.2936207

Fucking summer.

>> No.2936243

personally I find the Amazing old man sat bonus pretty usefull in a first or second playthrough were you don't start with many bonus points. They make it a lot easier to increase nat power, recruit and scout.

In turn it also leaves your reg commanders free to battle.

>> No.2936259

Just ignore them like I do.

>> No.2936261

CG where?

>> No.2936338

if you don't fight them they will multiply

>> No.2936365

Oh damn patch killed my seen text.
Happy clicking.

>> No.2936413

Wait, what do you mean by that?

>> No.2936424

You cant skip stuff you have alread read.

>> No.2936463

What level should my characters be to fight Byakko?

Because I've been attempting them but a lot of my guys are around level 30 with shit health and get one shot'd by his AoE ability. Rance is level 40, i think and the others are around 30.

>> No.2936467


Ctrl skips text regardless of whether you've read it.

>> No.2936473

What? You tell me this now?

>> No.2936485

Do you mean the Hannys? Because if you fight them, they declare war on you.

>> No.2936501

Hannys are awesome. Newfags not so much.

>> No.2936521

I love this game so much, thanks for the update.

>> No.2936545

you can try leveling your commanders up by doing dungeons. Also recruiting high level commanders.

>> No.2936589

The translation speed of this game serves as demonstration against how F/HA should be translated.

Oh well, I guess we should've just forget it anyway,it's not like Beast's Lair is capable of doing something effectively when there're powerlevel discussion everywhere in thier forums.

>> No.2936614

an anon from BL translated Kagetsu Tohya. BL members have brought us a lot of stuff, actually.

>> No.2936636

Fuck this game is awesome, Too bad it's so easy though. I'm currently facerolling my way over Hara and Aishika or w/e you spell it. Does it get harder later?

>> No.2936648

I thought it was already translated in the form of raw text and some anon from 4chan (not from that website) was the one who hacked it in because no one from Beast's Lair could actually get around to doing it.

>> No.2936677
File: 17 KB, 451x316, 1233250723984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm currently facerolling my way over Hara and Aishika or w/e you spell it. Does it get harder later?

>> No.2936686


Ha,no. They only brought the stuff that doesn't involve real efforts, like translating light novels and even that took a lot of time, mostly longer than other groups.

What's more, no one outside their group seems to bother to check the validity of their translation accuracy. A lot of translation in F/SN done by mirrormoon differs from their version.I wouldn't be surprised if they'd pulled some horseshit translation on some of their work.

>> No.2936702

>I'm going to bitch about translation accuracy and how long it takes when I myself can't understand Japanese
Grow up. They got us Kagetsu Tohya. If you're going to bitch that it took too long, or that some sentences aren't 100% literal translation (which is nigh-impossible anyway), then just fuck off.

>> No.2936707

If that is your first time playing the game, then yes. It is so fucking easy.

Once you unlock the other difficulties, I recommend that you immediately start playing 5-star difficulty games.

Oh yeah, and play for points.

>> No.2936713


'sup butthurt Faggot's lair.

>> No.2936725

>Kagetsu Tohya

Hurr Durr

>> No.2936746


As a reader I have the rights to bitch about the quality of translation, if you can't stand criticism then I suggest you just get the fuck out of the internet.

Do it right, or don't do it. Shitty translation is no different from a garbage hentai rewrite.

>> No.2936748
File: 109 KB, 801x639, what the hell, Senhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Senhime, you can't even die when you need to.
She just survived the siege with 3 soldiers left and won it. So much for fulfilling the request.

>> No.2936763

Her request was probably the hardest thing in the game to me.

>> No.2936774

Easy way to do it is to use her on those three automatic losses against Akashi house.

>> No.2936781

Best way is to send her to attack so you do not have the advantage.
I sent her to fight Tenshiism, where huge numbers but low stats almost guarantee the wanted result.

>> No.2936787

oh wow.

I found fulfilling her request rather easy, I stuck her with weakling generic commanders like the mino three and do shit all. Since the generics get their asses kicked in 1-3 hits, the battle rating plummets and Oda loses.

>> No.2936795

I am currently fighting with 4 houses and not ready for Akashi yet. They are going to declare war in 5 turns anyways.
I simply hoped that her squad will be annihilated. Surviving with only 3 soldiers out of 600. Jesus, what a bitch.

>> No.2936808
File: 4 KB, 210x168, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahaha oh wow sure is BLfanboys in here.

>> No.2936825

you don't have the rights to bitch about anything, you worthless sack of shit. You're a loser pirate who probably hasn't contributed to anything ever, choosing to waste your life on /jp/ sniping at the people who do work for your enjoyment.

>> No.2936837
File: 186 KB, 1346x1181, WRen-Is-That-So.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.2936855


Gee, letting the fame get to your head already Yandere Translation staff?

>> No.2936863


Go on.This just start amusing me. It actually is funny when these egolistic underage is pointed how badly their work is done, and then they went all tantrum and threaten to quit the project.

Here's protip : Nobody cares&No one asked you to translate. If you're gonna do it, at least make sure you do not sacrilege the original work you fucking retard.

>people who do work for your enjoyment

I don't enjoy shitty rewrite, dumbass. As far as I'm concerned you people are the scum of the internet who wasted a lot of time in bs thread like "who's your favorite Servants", all the while claiming to do your work. As we all know it turned out mirrormoon did a better job, and you assholes put a load of craps in it.

>> No.2936865
File: 38 KB, 793x597, Ran route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so EVA pilots wear pink panties these days.

>> No.2936873


He's licking Beast's lair's dick, not yandere translation.

>> No.2936894
File: 136 KB, 500x511, dontlike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kagetsu Tohya

yeah, like it wasn't only one man doing in that job. You guys are so proficient when it come to stealing others' glory.

>> No.2936907

>They got us Kagetsu Tohya


Haha heavens,no. All they did was just congratulating the man after he finished his job.beast's lair didn't actually do any real work.

>> No.2937214

Is the game compatible with save-states?

>> No.2937252

If you apply the patch and load a previously saved game, about 90% of the patch will be applied; certain changes to item names and character names are not changed, as they are encoded directly in the save file itself, rather than the script file.

In order to experience 100% of the changes, you'll need to start a new game, but I wouldn't go to the bother if I were you, unless you were planning to start a new game anyway.

>> No.2937270


With new game, do you also mean a new game AFTER you´ve beaten a game. Or will only starting from easy mode again work?

>> No.2937276

By "new game" I mean hitting the "New Game" button on the title screen, thereby starting a new game.

>> No.2937576


Regardless of wether you've finished it before?

>> No.2937807



>> No.2937868

How do you fiddle with the sagaoz hack save to get the patch to work with it?

>> No.2938237


Bump for an answer.

>> No.2938243

You don't.

>> No.2938292

B-but, Suzaku Ran is total rape, moreso than Omachi!

>> No.2938296

You need it why exactly? The game is piss easy with bonuses, with cheats there is no real reason to play.

>> No.2938417

The joy of Suzaku Ran is the joy of being cummed inside, that's why.

>> No.2938456

Peasants do shit damage

Try going against Takeda House if you want to lose or something

>> No.2938498

Even the generic calvaries get to go first and one hit my commanders.

>> No.2938512 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming the best, original board with your shitty clone:

>gal sioyvl njhcyf

>> No.2938633
File: 386 KB, 800x600, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. With the latest Patch I finally feel the urge to play this.


If my first and foremost priority is the systematic rape of as many females as possible throughout the warring states.

What should be my first concern?

>> No.2938726

Hang on a tick here..

All the conversations are properly translated and all, but the interface for the campaign map is still in Japanese.

I think I fucked up somewhere.

>> No.2938746


Just invade the hell out of everything.

Conquering and rape go hand in hand.

>> No.2938787

Fuck this game is easy. I hope 5 star difficulty will be a bit tougher

>> No.2938795

You'll need to apply the .5 patch, then copy the .75 script file into your directory; the installer wasn't working properly for this release (it turned out to tbe the script file's fault, but we didn't want to wait around for a new installer to be built).

>> No.2938811


Also: obligatory Message rage.

>> No.2938817

So I just run this .exe and then rereplace the Patch I downloaded earlier?

>> No.2938828

Yes. First run:
Then copy:
Into your Rance folder.

>> No.2938834

You need to start a new game

>> No.2938840

Alright, figured it was something like that.

Thanks for the help.

>> No.2938852 [DELETED] 

No problem! Enjoy your provance conquering, plot reading, hentai skipping games.

>> No.2938863

No problem! Enjoy your provence conquering, plot reading, hentai skipping games.

>> No.2938881

Now that everything is working I can't help but wonder about the future political implications of invading all of my neighbors..

but fuck it, conquer time.

>> No.2938887

>hentai skipping

Who said anything about that?

>> No.2938893

I don't think you fully comprehend the rate at which you'll run across h-scenes in this game.

>> No.2938921


>skipping the H-scenes

You gay, boy?

>> No.2938952

So, the free-for-all mode isn't working right? or it's just me?

>> No.2938954

I don't seem to have enough troops to declare war and invade.

This irks me.

>> No.2938974

Free for all is currently bugged slightly; it'll take a few tries of new game -> restart, new game -> restart, until FFA actually decides to work properly. It seems to have to do with how generic character's names are fomulated.

>> No.2939019

Ok. Thanks for the info anon.
