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2934134 No.2934134 [Reply] [Original]

TOKYO, Japan (CNN) — Japan’s Prime Minister Taro Aso will dissolve the lower house of parliament this month and call for general elections in August, the government said Monday.

The lower house of the Diet will be dissolved the week of July 21; elections for new lawmakers will be held on August 30, said Jun Matsumoto, the chief Cabinet spokesman.

The beleaguered prime minister has faced increasing pressure from within his party, the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), to step down as his approval rating plummets amid Japan’s worsening economy.

On Sunday, the LDP suffered a huge defeat in local elections, when it lost its majority in the Tokyo assembly to the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and its coalition partner.

While the race for the Tokyo assembly does not affect the Diet, it was the fifth successive local election loss for the LDP — and a further sign that Aso’s party is losing the confidence of the populace.

The LDP holds the majority in the lower house, but not the upper house.

Sunday’s defeat convinced some in the LDP that they must oust Aso as party leader before national elections that were scheduled for October, according to analysts.

With Monday’s announcement, Aso has moved up the elections by two months.

Aso, an outspoken politician and a former foreign minister, became prime minister in September.

The last two prime ministers, both from his party, resigned after less than a year in office.

>> No.2934150

Happens all the time, it's not like Obama dissolving the House or anything.

>> No.2934158

>conservative Liberal

wait what? No wonder he's always confused, he doesn't know what he is.

>> No.2934164

That would be a lovely thing to see happen. I would love to see congress dissolve and have a forced election. Pity we don't have something in place for that to happen.

>> No.2934174


I kinda like it this way, so that the president can't just get rid of everyone when they disagree. But more often than not Congress is just a dick.

>> No.2934175

3 prime ministers in 3 years? Come on Japan, let's shoot for a fourth!

>> No.2934176

Those words actually mean something, and are not just insults thrown at each other by two opposing parties in US, you know.

>> No.2934178

The USA must be the only place in the world where "liberal" is used to design leftist political tendencies...

>> No.2934179

Which party is it that want to pass cp laws?

>> No.2934186

I just have a seething hatred for the current congress and would like to see them forcibly have to rerun every few years.

>> No.2934192

Err, liberal and conservative are antonyms. That's what he means.

>> No.2934199

I don't believe you.

>> No.2934200

Japan goes through more prime ministers than a prostitute does birth control pills.

>> No.2934205

more than one a day?!

>> No.2934211

They aren't (unless you're using them as US slang terms). Check the dictionary near you.

>> No.2934213

Not in political terms.

>> No.2934223

At this rate, you'd think that they're getting their PMs from gachapon machines.

>> No.2934228

>>Check the dictionary near you.

I just did:

>>favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

>>disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

They seem like polar opposites to me according to the definitions..

>> No.2934232




>> No.2934248

>>favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

I believe the word you were looking at is "progressive".

>> No.2934265

You're going to have to summarize these, I'm not spending my evening/early morning reading that wall of text so I can pass off as an intellectual on an image board.

>> No.2934272


that's what is said mate, just copying pasting shit not adding my own details.

>> No.2934301
File: 56 KB, 550x550, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carry on, soldier.

>> No.2934305

It's a strange mix of Adam Smith and Rousseau. Free market and equal rights, basically. Historically, after the 18th the mainstream politics of the west are aligned with liberal views, hence, when you are conserving something in today's politics, you are conserving liberalism and being a liberal.

>> No.2934323

Classical Liberals are pretty much like today's liberals in their approach to civil liberties, but also believed in free markets. After the left started moving towards more interventionist views on economics, people started making a distinction between Classical liberals and today's liberals.

>> No.2934322 [DELETED] 

That's not what I'm getting at. If you think having knowledge of something is equal to skimming it on wiki then I have bad news for all you armchair political majors...

If you have accurate knowledge of what the hell you're going on about then it's not too hard to summarize it in your own words for laymen who are not acquainted with the subject. Just posting a wall of text and going "Here you go bud happy reading, come back and continue the discussion after wards" shows that you don't know what you're going on about and you're just trying to look sophisticated.

The topic here as of now is whether or not the term Conservative and Liberal are mutually exclusive from the source I have it is but if you think that's not the case because you have inside knowledge then go on ahead and share with the rest of us who didn't take Pol science 101.

>> No.2934328

Maybe somebody should tell the pollies that - most of them fall in the authoritarian part of the compass lately, not the libertarian - to the detriment of society.

>> No.2934355

This debate is rather useless anyway, as calling LDP liberal in the classical sense doesn't really make sense either, as the only view the two hold in agreement is free markets. They're simply a conservative party with a name from a long time ago that doesn't quite fit anymore.

>> No.2934356

I don't know much about the history of politics in the US but today's american "liberals" are roughly the same things as the european social-democrats, who are an originally communist group who denied the marxist idea of revolution, believing that the perfect society could be reached through democracy. Over the time they completely dismissed the communist objective as well.
