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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 267 KB, 853x640, 992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2930185 No.2930185 [Reply] [Original]

Lilly goes to the convenience store.

Surprisingly high quality, and adapted well the meme, so I thought you'd like it.

>> No.2930185,1 [INTERNAL] 

Down again?

>> No.2930188

Newgrounds flash animation and Katawa Shoujo. It really doesn't get any better than this.

>> No.2930192

get out KS Dev

>> No.2930193

I laughed at Kenji avoiding the security camera then immediately frowned with the following Hanako in a microwave.

>> No.2930197

KS devs leave this place

>> No.2930197,1 [INTERNAL] 


4chan is 404ing for me too. But looking here it seems some people can still post. The internet is weird shit.

>> No.2930205

newgrounds still exists? Fuck, it does.
You'd like it more if it was on nicovideo. Actually, that's not a bad idea, comments did make watching TCM awesome.

>> No.2930206


>> No.2930205,1 [INTERNAL] 

It works on and off for me. I get page load error for 10 minutes every hour or so.

>> No.2930214

You can really tell a filthy GAIJIN drew the art.

>> No.2930216

You guys have posted your KS stuff on nicovideo before and the commenters thought it was shit.

>> No.2930218


>> No.2930220


>> No.2930226

That's such a blunt lie.
Same person

If you hate something, hate it yourself, don't spread your hate around.

>> No.2930248

Mildly entertaining, would be nice if they included subtitles so people would at least fucking understand the jokes with the song

>> No.2930250

if you developed something, like it yourself. Don`t go spreading your shit around.

>> No.2930257

No it's not. I've seen the videos you posted on there.

I wouldn't mind KS if it didn't remind me so much of a 13 year old's anime fan fiction. I'd honestly like to see the format become popular outside of Japan. Can you imagine a VN in a western setting with an original storyline? It could actually be pretty awesome if done right.

If another western VN project ever starts, it shouldn't be set in Japan, with Japanese characters, with an awkward-sounding Japanese name, with -chan and -kun thrown around everywhere. And your kawaii Newgrounds flash animations really aren't doing much to change that image either.

KS is the Naruto of visual novels.

>> No.2930258


>> No.2930281

A few things:
One, nice of you to assume that all anonymouses posting in this thread without a sage is automatically a KS Dev, especially when you're a fucking namefag.

Two, Do you even know what a thirdteen year old's anime fanfiction looks like?

Three, KS is more of a pioneer in western VN development, give them credit for that. You can't start comparing these guys to Key or 7th Expansion.

Four, This is /jp/, we don't care about the western society. Why the fuck would we read a VN that's not about Japanese people, not in Japan, and is full of shit we're already exposed to each day? Don't you think there's a reason why western dramas and eastern dramas are so different?

Five. Naruto? Comeon, seriously? It's not that bad, the story is rather well written and there's only a DEMO out.

Also, Naruto gets more money than most other animes.

>> No.2930282

You don't really have to convince me man, it's not like I'm one of those new fans or a developer.
What you say is true to some degree, but I don't think it's the Naruto of Visual Novels. It's the cargo cult of VN.

>> No.2930286

Most other series, sorry. Anime doesn't make jack shit.

>> No.2930288

One joke in there (when they ask for a smaller sum of money) you wouldn't understand unless you've been a cashier before.

>> No.2930290

go back to /a/

>> No.2930297

This thread is nothing but blatant KS developer attention whoring.

Fucking Katawa Shoujo Dev Detected.

>> No.2930300

>nice of you to assume that all anonymouses posting in this thread without a sage is automatically a KS Dev
I didn't assume that. I'm calling KS shit, that's all. But based on your almost evangelical defense of your shitty fanfic, I'm going to go ahead and assume that you are in fact a KS dev. Or you're from /a/ and this is your first visual novel, I can't quite tell.

>Do you even know what a thirdteen year old's anime fanfiction looks like?
It's full of -chan and -kun and made up Japanese-sounding names. Kind of like KS.

>KS is more of a pioneer in western VN development
Pioneer? No. They did it wrong and it has no mainstream appeal whatsoever. A few years from now, no one will even remember it. Unless you keep up the KS spam until then, I guess.

>This is /jp/, we don't care about the western society
I have a lot of interest in western society. Moreso than I do in Japanese society, in fact. I read just as many western novels as VNs.

>Why the fuck would we read a VN that's not about Japanese people
Is this your first day on /jp/ or what?

>> No.2930311


( ´_ゝ`)y-~

>> No.2930313

This man is telling the truth!

Please get out Katawa Shoujo Developers. We don't want your filth here!

>> No.2930336

Whatever, thinking rage is a fun game little anons.
Thanks for the KS flash, OP. Short and funny, the way I like it.

>> No.2930343

Please tell me this ends with guro.

>> No.2930343,1 [INTERNAL] 

I did, it was awesome.

>> No.2930346
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>> No.2930354

>Why the fuck would we read a VN that's not about Japanese people, not in Japan
You can't be serious.

>> No.2930356

The flash is on /f/ now. It's one of the better things on /f/ right now.

>> No.2930357

>I am the OP and fuck you guys I'm going back to /a/

>> No.2930372

Hello there, aidorufaggie. Sad to say your samefag detector's borken.

>> No.2930378

God I love that song.

>> No.2930380
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>> No.2930390

It figures that the same guy trying to push "aidorufaggie" as a new word would be a KS fan. Do you do anything but shitpost?

>> No.2930394

Needs a subtitles option.

>> No.2930397

Give it a rest. Reaction images shouldn't be used when anon is butthurt at being wrong.

>> No.2930400

More of these paper cutouts? The one OP posted made me hnnngggggggh.

>> No.2930403
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They are called "paper children" because they are like a daughter

>> No.2930407

Not done with your long winded "KS sucks because I think it's Naruto" bitching? What a bad reputation you're giving aidorufaggies.

>> No.2930409
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>> No.2930410

You both need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.2930415

> Hey look guys! I found something cool!


This board gets worse every day.

>> No.2930417

What's wrong with it? Sounds like a darn fitting term for /jp/'s most loathed faggers.

>> No.2930419
File: 34 KB, 300x361, 1236603345308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the touhoes?

>> No.2930422

Think about it, why would anyone even bother making KS threads in /jp/ nowadays, knowing full well that you'll never get a positive response from the community, unless of course KS thread OPs are either trolls or KSdevs?

>> No.2930425

Because /jp/ is incredibly tsundere for KS.

>> No.2930427

Is that a Hermione speaking Korean?

>> No.2930428

Butthurt anonymous schoolboys are butthurt.

>> No.2930433

I am a girl.

>> No.2930434

OP here, I knew it would turn out this way, but I expected better from you.
Mildly amusing, but it warranted posting seeing that it's a nicovideo meme. You really should cut it out with the KS dev paranoia, it was never funny and it will take the board decay higher.

Enjoy your summer

>> No.2930436

I envy you.

>> No.2930451

This thread:



>> No.2930456

It sounds incredibly fucking retarded. It sounds like something an idolfag would say.

>> No.2930458

I don't believe you.

>> No.2930459
File: 34 KB, 801x495, Demono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now a guro thread.

>> No.2930460

Why don't you stop posting with Anonymous and just stick with your shitty name, you namefag

>> No.2930462

You lost me.

>> No.2930467
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1245572216208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2930461

I want to be KS Dev. If I post here, will I become one?

Oh, and nice flash. I smiled.

>> No.2930471 [DELETED] 

Gtfo Demonphobia devs

>> No.2930476

I don't mind if you don't.

>> No.2930478

Gtfo Demonphobia devs

>> No.2930480

Love this one. Also the flash was cute.

>> No.2930482

Go back to /b/

>> No.2930487

>>Why the fuck would we read a VN that's not about Mooninite people, not on the Moon, and is full of shit we're already exposed to each day? Don't you think there's a reason why western dramas and eastern dramas are so different?

what they mean is change names to western, change the location to some place on the west and don't use any of the blatantly moon culture-related events/items.

you don't actually have to go and make them accurate to real-life westerners, it's not like the characters in 99% of jap visual novels are accurate portraits of real moon people.

>> No.2930491
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 1244592230348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Kawata Shoujo

>> No.2930496

> They did it wrong and it has no mainstream appeal whatsoever.
>mainstream appeal

Oh you.

>> No.2930492

I wish KS drawfag would come back to /jp/.
I appreciate you posting that flash short, OP. But anon kuns are powerless against these crazy raging trolls.

>> No.2930494

Welcome to 4chan, please lurk around the boards before making your first post. Thanks.

>> No.2930498

Stop using stuff "faggie" and "faggers", you'll thank yourself in the future.

>> No.2930502

I want to be a KS dev too.

>> No.2930513
File: 541 KB, 1536x2048, 1236180252938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2930521

4chan isn't one place. Most of the boards are different. Generally /jp/ doesn't do juvenile shit like shout "LOL NAMEFAG"

>> No.2930522

Jesus christ, how do I make her let go of my index
Doesn't feel good, man. ;_;

>> No.2930523

Why not, fag. Is your life faggy because you said fag a lot in your fag past? fag.

>> No.2930530

Why are you drawing my wife like that

>> No.2930531

I might make another thread within the month if I feel like it, my first thought was /a/, though. You guys are frankly a little scary.

>> No.2930532
File: 70 KB, 1000x971, rinwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2930535

>Generally /jp/ doesn't do juvenile shit


>> No.2930534

Naturally, I knows the KS Dev

>> No.2930546

/jp/ has a huge ego a bunch of name/tripfags. Blame yourself for coming to 4chan

>> No.2930555

Yeah usually I just lurk. But it's true, coming is the first mistake!

>> No.2930621

pimmy will never come back to /jp/, and this thread is the perfect example for why this is the case.

And yes, I AM a KS dev, thank you very much.

>> No.2930625


Get out.

>> No.2930627

A dev? What's the status on the diaper scenes?

>> No.2930701

Come back? ..Well I guess you mean "post."
I'm here way more often than the board is actually worth, I think.

>> No.2931046

That was fucking awesome. Where can I download this fine game?

>> No.2931100

Thread's full of KS Devs arguing with KS Devs, for the slow people in the audience.


>> No.2931100,1 [INTERNAL] 

Comiket can't come fast enough.

>> No.2931735

This is one sad thread full of sad people.

May you all die.

>> No.2931785

there are no diaper scenes

>> No.2931809

But even some devs want them. ;_;
