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File: 830 KB, 1024x768, dqx_WP03_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2929084 No.2929084 [Reply] [Original]

DragonQuestIX was sold.
Is there the person playing DQ9?
Is DQ9 interesting?

>> No.2929088

woah we might have a real japanese guy here

>> No.2929089

i can't stand this art style

>> No.2929091

DQ9 looks like a turn in the wrong direction for the series.

>> No.2929100


>> No.2929115

I've never played a single DQ game in my life.


>> No.2929116

I haven't been paying much attention, but the impression I've got is that it's supposed to be a hugely open-ended, nonlinear game, almost like Japan's answer to the Fable series.

Am I right or am I on the wrong track? And if so, how is that a "turn in the wrong direction?" DQ3 was probably the most nonlinear game in the series up until now (having a fully customizable party including choosing the main character's sex, and letting you do at least the middle part of the game in pretty much any order) and it's widely considered one of the best.

>> No.2929118

I can never get over the character art in the DQ series. Damn you Dragon Ball!

>> No.2929124

Whoa whoa

the series has made TURNS???

>> No.2929128

I've always hated this game

>> No.2929134


>> No.2929139

I spy an FFfag.

You can't compare DQ (or any series for that matter) to FF, where each of the installments is developed by a completely different staff and have nothing in common except the title and chocobos.

The only DQ games that are really excessively similar to each other are 6 and 7, and I think most people agree that 7 kinda sucked.

>> No.2929167

That's because each installment is "similar" that people play Dragon Quest.
>The only DQ games that are really excessively similar to each other are 6 and 7, and I think most people agree that 7 kinda sucked.
6 is the sucky one. 7 would be great if it wasn't THAT FUCKING LONG.

>> No.2929187

Is this chrono trigger?

>> No.2929194

I remember when DQ7 came out, reviewers who had never played a DQ game talking about its "intricate job ability system, slowly perfected over six games". When said job system actually only first appeared in DQ6, and moreover was pretty blatantly ripped off from Final Fantasy, specifically FF5.

>> No.2929195

Yeah, I'm playing it since it has furigana.
I don't know much about the series though, I've only played IV, V and VIII, anyway I'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.2929212

I loved DQ6's shonen fightan mango-esque storyline back in the day when I was an embryonic weeaboo and was heavily into shonen fightan mango (I'm revealing my age...) But in retrospect, it was pretty silly, and a big step down from DQ5 and even the 8-bit DQ4.

>> No.2929215
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ITT we talk about a shitty/generic JRPG with a non-existent plot.

DQ stopped being relevant 16 years ago. It might be the JRPG that started it all, but its gameplay never managed to adapt to the 21st century. Battle systems like Grandia, Digital Devil Saga, and Chrono Trigger are indeed better than DQ in terms of complexity, strategy, and fun factor. And don't even get me started on DQ's music and plot. Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, and Xenogears makes DQ's plot seem childish. The only thing DQ has over the aforementioned games is its field map, but not even its field map is good enough to get me to touch it with a 10 inch stick. With exploring games like Morrowind/Oblivion how could anybody with half a brain go back to exploring DQ's 2bit area designs? Nostalgiafags need to wake up, nowadays DQ isn't worth its weight in shit. Don't get me wrong, it was good back in the days when VCRs were considered cool.

Enjoy your shitty grinding game you no life loser. Some of us have better stuff to do with our time.

>> No.2929220
File: 23 KB, 500x500, un.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Star Ocean

>> No.2929603

>7 would be great if it wasn't THAT FUCKING LONG.

7 is my first attempt at DQ and I think I chose the wrong game for my first. I'm just past the part that I know the old Jester has walked into some mysterious cave I can't follow into, and I feel so bored and yet I've only covered half the world in my travels.

I like Jessica and sex appeal, I dislike the endless repetition of "new area with monsters that wear you out" until you gain the levels to pass the area easily, just to get to a new area and do it all again.

Fighting 9 mobs at a time is also all about casting sleep and confuse over and over so you can slowly kill them.

No, I prefer FFs, they feel slightly less grindy, but just slightly.

>> No.2929602 [DELETED] 

>Some of us have better stuff to do with our time

>> No.2929609

>Some of us have better stuff to do with our time

>> No.2929630
File: 441 KB, 798x598, 4764133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did somebody mention Star Ocean?

I heard Star Ocean and came running.

>> No.2929631

You're like, 3 hours late. I don't feel like trolling anymore.

>> No.2929638
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Yeah I run slow.

>> No.2929650
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But I come bearing loli-Maria.

>> No.2929658
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She's not drawn often you know.

>> No.2929665
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I mean I only have 5 pics of her and I've got every picture of Maria I can find on the internet.

>> No.2929667

But Star Ocean sucks while Dragon Quest doen't.

>> No.2929672
File: 17 KB, 200x200, loli_maria_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Strange that the plot point of her being adopted was pretty much ignored after it was revealed.

I guess she's just fine being a Traydor.

>> No.2929673

Actually, they both suck.

>> No.2929682
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You are entitled to your opinion but I am equally entitled to disagree vehemently.

>> No.2929694
File: 297 KB, 612x800, 4060390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, my favorite RPGs are Star Ocean 3...

>> No.2929697
File: 275 KB, 635x945, 2083829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Final Fantasy V.

>> No.2929700

More like THE MATRIX

>> No.2929705
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The kicker is that I like FFV more.

>> No.2929722
File: 184 KB, 720x840, 4141693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In what ways is it like The Matrix at all?

The Matrix has humans plugged into a virtual reality machine that does not really exist. Star Ocean has a computer programed reality that 'exists' in its own right.
The Matrix is humans in a machine with certain AI programs, and the Eternal Sphere is almost entirely AI with certain Player Characters sporadically appearing throughout the universe.

>> No.2929732
File: 68 KB, 500x800, 1232867773352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And while the Matrix was made by machines of this universe to enslave humans, the Eternal Sphere was made by gods of another for entertainment (humans are just a self-writing script).

>> No.2929735

Yeah, those two things are completely different.

>> No.2929741
File: 361 KB, 800x594, 4708764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Matrix isn't considered real, otherwise the Resistance wouldn't even care and just accept it.

The Eternal Sphere, however, is considered 'real' (both by denizens and the majority of the creators) and just wants to stop being interfered with by the Creator.

>> No.2929749
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The sole similarity is "the construction of an apparent artificial reality in which the people inside get out".

That's all. If artificial reality = Matrix then you have some slack tastes.

>> No.2929752

Look, I don't feel like spelling out the similarities to you. But you've already done that for me, since your posts demonstrate the fact that you've already thought about it beforehand.

>> No.2929759
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Yes, I've had this conversation many times.

>> No.2929770
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 4851446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Also, "The One" can't exist in the Eternal Sphere. The universe will crash if something with such extremely high parameters exists. Hell, time slows down when Convictors get too close to each other.)

>> No.2929780
File: 69 KB, 480x480, 4881854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(One of the NPCs was considering making a critical reality crash by luring a bunch together. Universe has bluescreened, please watch warmly)
