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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2916910 No.2916910 [Reply] [Original]

Can it be VanPri time?

1.01 game

LunaPort r21

>> No.2916921

Does the netplay work now?

>> No.2916924

fuck that shit

Where is my SisPri fighting game?

>> No.2916926 [DELETED] 

Yes it is

>> No.2916943

Almost flawlessly(?)

>> No.2916978

Glad people are taking my advice and looking through vector for games.

>> No.2916999

I'll play if someone wants to host.

>> No.2917011

Dont expect good ping though if you lives anywhere outside asia.

>> No.2917032

Shit wait, try connecting again.
Was 1325ms

>> No.2917038


OK. This will be laggy as hell.

>> No.2917048

My side was using player2 control :/

>> No.2917052


OH GOD. I don't blame you for quitting, that was terrible. Anyone from Europe want to play?

>> No.2917069

italy here. i'm not sure how to use this lunaport thing.

>> No.2917083

Hosting again.
Let's see this time...

>> No.2917090


Download it, copy the contents of the lunaport folder into the same folder as the game .exe, then run lunaport.exe. Oh, and make sure port 7500 is forwarded.

I'll host on

>> No.2917111

Hey, cool! Online already.

I'll download and try it later, I'm busy with emil.

>> No.2917377 [DELETED] 

Vanpro 1.01 game download is going as slow as shit for me. Anyone got a mediafire/rapidshit link?

>> No.2917387

Vanpri 1.01 game download is going as slow as shit for me. Anyone got a mediafire/rapidshit link?

>> No.2917676

Bump for players.

>> No.2917698

How does netplay work?

>> No.2917739


See >>2917090. Hosting again at, btw.

>> No.2917756

It works already?

>> No.2918927

Hosting to see if the netplay works.

>> No.2919403

just got it, but i haven't played a fighter in a long time. My thumb callous went away, and when I jumped back into playing this, it blistered right away, so I'll start playing once I heal up.

until then tell me more about this game, I just picked lilith at random, and wow. a loli grappler. being that I usually play grapplers, and happen to be a lolicon, this lead to a great first impression of this game.

>> No.2919424

I downloaded this the other night and had no idea what I was doing.

Most of the normal fighting maneuvers didn't do anything (for the character I played) such as QCF, etc....and I couldn't activate any specials or the like. Though as the gun girl, sometimes she'd use her super after like one button press.

It seems fun, but is there like a movelist or tutorial out?

>> No.2919505


movelist comes with the game. looks pretty traditional to me, though I havent figured out how to do specials yet.

>> No.2919511

236 bc and
214 bc

>> No.2919530

Except for a couple of characters like Lilith or Luna.

>> No.2919540

not enough panties

>> No.2919547


I was mainly talking about lilith

>> No.2919558

Just like Zanguief then:

>> No.2919602


Nice games bro. As you can probably tell, I don't know how to play with most of the characters. Lag's a little too high as well.

>> No.2919648


What the hell, went into practice mode. Should really reconfigure my pad so the button isn't so easily pressed...

>> No.2919675 lets see if this game works

>> No.2919694

looked like it was working then suddenly

connection closed
connection closed
connection closed

>> No.2919703

this game is awesome

to do specials for most characters you do a half circle towards and b+c at the same time

>> No.2919731
File: 275 KB, 1689x767, コマンド表.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games.
This was just a test so the lag doesn't matter for now.

This has a complete movelist for every character so it might be worth checking out.

>> No.2919738


>> No.2919760

i think we desynced after those last few matches but gg

>> No.2919773

QFC/236 actually.

>> No.2919795


Aha, thanks. That'll be useful.


You still hosting? I'll try to connect...

>> No.2919829
US West - testan

>> No.2919837 hosting
dont bother if you arent east coast

>> No.2919877

>>dont bother if you arent east coast

Why? I beat you in MB before!

>> No.2919879

Eh, guess I'll try hosting again.

>> No.2919880

asdfasdfasdf They gave me default buttons I cant play with TFBH as my arrows ;_; Sorry bro.

>> No.2919888

hosting again
whoever is fine!

>> No.2919897

Don't worry about it. I can't do shit without a controller either.

>> No.2919986
US West

Seems like I forgot to set my keys after downloading the new version のヮの Let's try this again, though I really wish I had brought my controller with me.

>> No.2920221

Good games.
I think we started to time out or something, unless you stopped moving on purpose.

>> No.2920232

Good games. It does seem like we were desyncing at the end there.

>> No.2920727

apparently lunaport is upto r26?

hosting. USE LUNAPORT R26

>> No.2920778


someone connected but didnt enter delay or something

>> No.2920900

Hosting with r26

East coast, I suck bawlz but I have nothing better to do.

>> No.2920936


>> No.2920962
US West lunaport r26

>> No.2921015

still hosting

>> No.2921062

seemed like it wasnt desyncing at all

>> No.2921078

still hosting~

>> No.2921106

Do I have to forward any ports to get this netplay shit to work

>> No.2921108

Not sure why it isn't working now...someone host please~

>> No.2921110

port 7500 if you want to host, you shouldnt need to open it if youre joining

>> No.2921177

I'm hosting. My IP is

>> No.2921196

Not working for me. I get an error saying cannot read from socket.

>> No.2921257

Lets try this

>> No.2921268

LunaPort r27 http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lmljmw0ztzn

>> No.2921323

Have you updated to r27? Maybe that's why it isn't connecting.

>> No.2921340

rehosting with r27

>> No.2921371

up again

>> No.2921519

bump for hosts

>> No.2921558



>> No.2921637

i guess we finally desynced?

>> No.2921646

GGs whoever I played, it's not connecting anymore.

>> No.2921681

Any eurofag hosts out there? Tried it out for about 30 minutes and now I'm ready to get my ass kicked online.

>> No.2921693

Anyone else hosting?

>> No.2921732

Still trying to host. Tell me if there's a problem please, first time hosting, but ports already unblocked since I can host meltan.

>> No.2921753

I still don't know how to combo. Is it not like fighting games that goes from light to heavy hits?

>> No.2921779

Well I can't connect at all. r27 and still nothing.

>> No.2921865 [DELETED] 

Go here to learn how to tourneyfaggan: http://vaginapoverty.mizuumi.net/index.php/Main_Page

Also hosting: - US West

>> No.2921914

r27 seems to be the current stable one.

>> No.2921997

>> No.2922016


>> No.2922021
US West - v1.01 - LPr27

>> No.2922051

That seemed terribly laggy (also my gamepad didn't seem to work), sorry.

Do I need to change my gamepad configuration so that it's the same for player 1 and 2 or something?

>> No.2922074

It's cool.

>Do I need to change my gamepad configuration so that it's the same for player 1 and 2 or something?
No idea. I haven't had a chance to try out my gamepad yet.

Still hosting

>> No.2922088

how do i work this? i wanna play against somebody

>> No.2922125

unzip the contents of the lunaport-r27 folder into the ヴァンガードプリンセス.exe directory and open lunaport.exe

Spectator? Lol. Play me instead!

>> No.2922169


>> No.2922170


>> No.2922185

it seems the spectator crashed us

>> No.2922223

why cant i connect to anybody?

when i enter ip it just says connecting to lunaport on (ipadress) and thats it

>> No.2922234

GGs I have to go out now.

>> No.2922246

Did you get the newest version 1.01 of the game?

>> No.2922259


do i have to forward port? idk how to do that
sorry if i sound like a retard

>> No.2922313

port forward only if you want to host

>> No.2922314

So I beat hard difficulty today... Last boss is so annoying. Stupid death beam when the support characters just guarding the front.
Also when I open up Lunaport, I just type 2, then type the IP to join?

>> No.2922324
File: 294 KB, 640x480, 0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rehosting with r27

>> No.2922350

urrrg, can't we just play meltan, I don't like moon

>> No.2922476

Any games running? I'm also getting connection failures

>> No.2922580

pretty sure we desynced

rehosting r27 try not to have 15fps

>> No.2922581


GGs anon, but remind me never to use 22C again.

Any idea what happened at the end there?

>> No.2922653

oh god its like i was playing on god mode

>> No.2922657

also my controls were being retarded

>> No.2922703

So is it me, or does spectating just plain not work?

Oh well, might as well go ahead and try my hand at HOSTAN
Don't expect too much though.

>> No.2922753


GGs, rehosting.

>> No.2922834

GGs, and thanks for teaching me how bad of an idea it is to make your loli blow up the screen before rushing in with combos.

No really, I thought it'd work too.

Rehostan again

>> No.2922847

is anybody else having a problem where down and back are CONSTANTLY being pressed, even when they aren't?

>> No.2922925

Desync after 5 seconds, fun.

Still hosting.

>> No.2922928


Ugh. Sorry about that. Trying to reconnect.

>> No.2923007

Hosting again:

>> No.2923062


Still hostan
Near east coast, just to clarify.

>> No.2923289

It says Connacting to LunaPort, but it just stays like that.

Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.2923337

If you're hosting, no.

Otherwise, you're probably trying to spectate when there's not a game going or something.

>> No.2923356

Good games. Too slow to play properly, but whatever.

Oh and I didn't realise you could get the boss's assist characters. They seem pretty good.

>> No.2923364


I was trying to connect to a host. LunarPort either stays at "connecting to XX.XXX.XX.XX" or gives me the host is busy message, depending on who I try to connect to.

>> No.2923377

Aaaaand desync'd.

GGs, think I might start playing Saki more often now.
Also wish I could've screenshotted that double KO.

Anyway, hosting one more time:

>> No.2923391

If it tells you that then they're not hosting anymore.

"Host is busy" message means they're in a match, which is more or less just the green light to spectate.
I really have no idea if spectating even works though; haven't been able to get it to myself. Last time I tried it just took me to the single-player select and didn't do anything.

>> No.2923409

Ha ha yeah. I should save replays...

You seemed pretty good with Kaede. I'm still trying to work out how to use Natalia. Her moves are damn weird.

>> No.2923431


I'm currently spectating. It goes into story mode, then it loads the game.

>> No.2923475

Eurofag hosting yet again:

Come on, there must be some Europeans who want to play...

>> No.2923642

GGs time to sleep

>> No.2923670

Well shit damn, that's just weird.

GGs, those Remi-- I mean Kaede mirrormatches had to be the most terrifying moments of my life.
One thing that really bothered me, though, was how we accidentally went into practice mode once or twice. LunaPort really needs to do something to keep that from happening.

Anyway, my thumb is callused to fuck. Time to retire for a while.
Have fun /jp/

>> No.2925044

Sorry for being an idiot, but does this work on USB controllers?

>> No.2925790


>> No.2925804

I've never played a fighting game before. The AI kicks my ass. How do I stop sucking?

>> No.2925836

block learn the moves and combos, etc. Play a lot. I rarely play Meltan and manage to do well everyone and a while. I suck too

>> No.2926009 [DELETED] 

connecting is taking awhile. is anyone still playing?

>> No.2926038

anyone still playing?

>> No.2926050

I'll try hosting. EC

>> No.2926065

Does this have the stupid MvC2 combo system?

>> No.2926074

Hm, some weird error, are you using r27?

>> No.2926087 [DELETED] 



>> No.2926118

Is it that hard to update to r27?

>> No.2926126

where can i update?

>> No.2926131

LunaPort r27 - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?lmljmw0ztzn

>> No.2926139

I have to use NTLEA to run this. But when using lunaport, it won't recognize the ヴァンガードプリンセス.exe name, so I have to change it to game.exe.

When I do this I can no longer play the game on single player either using NTLEA, applocale or normally. I just changed the regional config to japanese, and I can run it normally, but If I change the exe name to something else than ヴァンガードプリンセス it won't open too.

Anyone else suffering the same? Shit sucks

>> No.2926146

You gotta change ヴァンガードプリンセス.kgt to game.kgt as well.

>> No.2926153

its been saying im connecting to you for awhile. do i wait at the vs screen?

>> No.2926157

Thanks a lot.

>> No.2926161

Try again please, I don't see anything.

>> No.2926162

I've had no response on my side so far.

>> No.2926197

I keep getting wsaeconnreset errors

>> No.2926200

Adding on to this, how do you change the controls? Using the joystick option won't let me change button layout or anything. Does it have to be changed in the config file?

>> No.2926211

i had the same problems stuff like this never has an faq or help file ;_;

>> No.2926212


Yes, you can change them in the config file.
I think you have to turn on joysticks in the options menu, but it should be checked by default.

>> No.2926247


Had the same problem. But now I have a question:

Does lunaport works even if the game.exe requires NTLEA to work? Do I really have to change my regional configuration to japanese?

>> No.2926262


I use Applocale, and it works by running Lunaport with it. You probably have to run Lunaport in NTLEA, also.

>> No.2926299 hosting
shit tier in most fighting games.

>> No.2926354
US West - v1.01 - LPr27

>> No.2926369

fun games man don't know why it decided to die there though

>> No.2926371

GGs, had packet loss for 10 seconds that last round. I had to go anyway, was mostly trying out lunaport.

Thanks, finally got it to work using applocale.

>> No.2926388

>was mostly trying out lunaport.
same here seems to work well

>> No.2926392

rehosting i think we got desynced there

>> No.2926393

host is busy ;_;

>> No.2926397


I think we disconnected, want to try again?

>> No.2926400

Hostan again:

>> No.2926440

Hosting, US East

>> No.2926517

game froze rehost

>> No.2926534

First time hosting. West coast.

>> No.2926571

No one? ;_;

>> No.2926600

I'm hosting.

Location: Kentucky

>> No.2926671
File: 141 KB, 932x624, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun games :) i was raging when i kept losing at the beginning when you had so little hp. i need to start making dinner now though

>> No.2926676

Are any of you guys using an arcade stick or pad for this?

>> No.2926683



>> No.2926783

i'd be using my 360 pad if i were at home

>> No.2926806

I got my PS3 fightstick that I use for BlazBlue most of the time.

>> No.2926813

using my 360 pad....plan on buying an arcade stick soon

>> No.2926838


Sorry, my router cut off on me.

GG's tho.

>> No.2926861

Latin America
Someone wants to try (never played using Lunaport)?

>> No.2926867

It's cool ggs

ggs gotta go now

>> No.2926868


Sudden packet loss.

>> No.2926900

After connecting to someone, I got "Connection closed".
"Packet loss for 10sec".

>> No.2926902

Can't connect to you. Try following the advice on

>> No.2926907

Useing my PS3 controller D-pad doesn't register so I have to use Xapadder as well.

>> No.2926913


>> No.2926930

Done. Can you try again please?

>> No.2926935

US West

>> No.2926980

Wow, this game is actually pretty fun. Some of the characters are very distracting to play against though.

>> No.2926995


No one? ;_;

>> No.2927068


Se desconecto. O cerraste. No se. El lag estuvo medio feo pero jugable, creo.

>> No.2927076

I don't know with whom I was playing but.. good game
A little laggy, and there was sometimes that looked desync. Sorry.
I have to go now. Bye.

>> No.2927094

See >>2927076
GG's, have to go now.

>> No.2927158

Not sure who I was playing, but good games. Kaede looks like the one for me.

>> No.2927175

GGs to whoever connected, but two full hours straight of this nonsense is just too much, even for me.
Still, I have two words of advice for you:

Seriously, the only reason I beat you so many times with crap like Ciela's 2D was because I'd played you enough to know you weren't going to try to block it.

Another thing: Lilith + Eko = BAD.
Being the grappler loli, the only way she can do anything besides closerange is with assists, and Eko definitely didn't do anything to stop my turtlan.

Lastly, fighting Haruka is fairly straightforward: GET IN ClOSE.
If you stand still and don't move, I guarantee she CAN and WILL turtle you to death.

Anyway, might as well host again., US East


I use a PS2 controller with a USB and so far no problems, everything worked just fine with no XPadder or anything. Weird.

>> No.2927187

Ugh, looks like LunaPort froze.
Mind connecting again?

>> No.2927209

R28 is out, get it at the wiki

>> No.2927211


haha, I'll just wait for you to open VS. mode

>> No.2927229

>> No.2927243

That should help, thanks anon.

>>2927175 hostan again, using R28 now.

>> No.2927273


playing for 20 minutes or so

>> No.2927487
File: 123 KB, 643x524, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs whoever I was playing aganist

>> No.2927490



You should cover more, specially when idle. Also, use range on characters that are mean to use it, like Haruka.

>> No.2927541

wwww sorry about that. I just REALLY dislike that char with the orange sword. Only time I like using the pistol wielding char although I'm best with her. I need to learn the characters names. Hoping to get good with the schoolgirl eventually

>> No.2927570

Would've been nice If you had used Luna (pistol girl) more. First time my keyboard lost the configuration and had to play with the weird default config.

>> No.2927579


Did you play rounds where both of you were Kaede?

>> No.2927659

I'm in vanpri1/12345 on Hamachi if anyone wants to play

>> No.2927686

hosting EC

>> No.2927708


Good games.
However, you tend to attack a lot as soon as you get up, leaving you open to attacks that hit you as you get up. Try to play more defensively, and look for openings to get hits in.

>> No.2927714

Trying to connect to you right now. It's just hanging on "Connecting to LunaPort on [IP]". Think you need to accept the connection or some such thing.

>> No.2927721

GGs, thanks for helping me confirm that Saki and Kaede are GOD TIER.
Done playing for the night though, sorry for abruptly leaving like that.

Yeah, that was me. Then again, every game today involved a Kaede mirrormatch at some point. I was probably one of them though.

Speaking of which, what's the deal with Kaede and Natalia being so popular?
When this first came out I could've sworn that nobody was going to like those two, yet so far everyone I've played uses both.
Conversely, I've only seen like one or two Liliths from the lolicon /jp/. What gives?

>> No.2927725

Sorry gotta go, ggs.

>> No.2927731

if you dont connect after awhile it means the server isnt around or its EXTREMELY bad

>> No.2927733

ggs, and rehosting

>> No.2927735

East Coast host

>> No.2927740

It's not so much a comboan game until you learn to really use your assists. There's not even 1-2 cancels(low kick -> hadouken), so you have to keep things running with your assist character. Not to say that there aren't stupid long or damaging combos in this; Saki was even -more- busted in 1.00, and Eri restuns are disgusting.

>> No.2927755

Sorry, something was set weird, all my controls were fucked up...

>> No.2927760 [DELETED] 

east coast, having problems connecting to the others that are up
playing for 20 minutes or so

>> No.2927762


>> No.2927820

So how do I get this working? Well I downloaded what seems to be a demo from the vector site and the latest LunaPort...

>> No.2927840

Looks like the connection desynced or something. It was being really finicky about command inputs outside of half-circles for some reason... Could've been the delay. 6 isn't exactly the greatest methinks.

Rehosting r28

>> No.2927897

>> No.2927948


west coast, california

>> No.2927950

How do you go to practice mode? I know someone mention it in the previous thread. Can't find it in the archive.

>> No.2927957

Go to versus mode, start game, press F button on second player controls, then press F with first player controls

>> No.2927959

Start versus mode. Press P then E during the match.

>> No.2928004

>>2927948 here

I think my internet is crapping out atm. GGs regardless, fun sets.

>> No.2928006


>> No.2928008


>> No.2928211

Looks like R29's out.
Might as well host again then.
US east

>> No.2928223

its actually up to 30 already

>> No.2928235

Well fuck.
Rehostan with R30 then

>> No.2928256 test

>> No.2928268

Whoever I was just playing, I think I lost you.

Good games!

>> No.2928269

Wanted to grab R30, see if it fixes that stupid random slowdown we've been getting. GGs so far, but you need to attack more. Rehosting with R30

>> No.2928270

ggs, too laggy to do inputs properly

>> No.2928272


>> No.2928276

GGs Madscientist, never realized Lilith was so FUCKING hard to hit.
Wish I could've shown you my Haruka though.
Oh well, rehostan:, R30

>> No.2928313
File: 14 KB, 308x500, ciel_n01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.2928321

Still hosting, r30

>> No.2928337

loli fightan game

>> No.2928377

ggs, going to sleep

>> No.2928382


Good games. I think I played you earlier.
Though, are you suffering lots of input lag while playing? I had some really bad delay at some points, while it was much smoother at others.

>> No.2928384

gg didn't know what I was doing.

>> No.2928412

GGs. Didn't have much delay except for a few times when pressing up or down would cause severe lag, but those only lasted a few seconds. I could tell you probably felt it too since we both stopped moving when it happened.

But did we desync or did we crash when you paused at the end?
Because if pausing causes LunaPort to crash, expect R40 to be out in maybe an hour or so.

ALSO. Probably shouldn't say this about one of my mains, but I think Haruka is desperately in need of a nerf. Once she gets her opponent to the opposite side of the stage, she can do pretty much infinite pressure with wizard shield and melt shot, and it ruins matches.
I almost want to stop playing her for fairness reasons, but that's not likely to happen.

US East, R30

>> No.2928439


It was a desynch. I'll probably start challenging people in a moment after I get something to eat.

Even so, I still expect R40 to be coming around very soon.

Though, while Haruka is pretty great at a distance, she's not so great when up close.

Can't you duck Melt Shot at max range? I haven't really been in that situation before, though.

>> No.2928454

>Can't you duck Melt Shot at max range? I haven't really been in that situation before, though.
That piques my curiosity. Think I'll try it against this unfortunate person I'm playing now.

>> No.2928458
File: 371 KB, 600x800, 5082211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, Luna doesn't seem loli enough

>> No.2928470


>> No.2928516


Already followed

>> No.2928524

>Though, while Haruka is pretty great at a distance, she's not so great when up close.
You've got a point there. Against someone who can teleport up close like Saki, her whole playstyle changes to BLOCKAN GAEMS.

You can't, apparently. Turns out you can't Sakiport over them at any range either. Ouch.

>> No.2928556

It was working just now. Probably locals only. Just like with mbcaster.

>> No.2928583


You can duck them, I'm spectating a game in which it happened, but then they got up mid-melt shot and got hit anyway.

>> No.2928666

Blah, GGs. Couldn't pull out a special move to save my life... And yes, as you saw, you can duck under Haruka's laser.

>> No.2928685

Looks like we finally desync'd.
GGs to whoever connected; I learned a lot of things. Like how Haruka versus Saki is more fucking boring to play than it probably is to watch.

If we ever play again, let's remember not to do that matchup anymore. Really.
Hostan again:

>> No.2928813
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>> No.2928878
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>> No.2928946

GGs Arjuna
Fun times, I lol'd often. Especially at that Kurumi throwspam during the lagspike and the accidental practice mode run.
Done hosting for now though, 'night /jp/.

>> No.2928949


Good games once again. I have never seen that "Please Wait..." screen before.

Eri and Luna seem like pretty fun characters, also.

>> No.2928954


Haha, yeah, that was pretty hilarious. As well as shielding Yui's tackle and grabbing me, that was pretty surprising.

Night, Tree

>> No.2929008

Eri is my favorite.

Tomerarenai, yo!

>> No.2929018


Whoa, sudden WSAECONNECT error.
Good games.

>> No.2929032


She's pretty cool, but I have no idea what I am doing at all when using her. But her playstyle's pretty fun, so maybe I'll try to figure things out.

>> No.2929064
File: 107 KB, 245x474, 1244768763103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 2D Talim.

Much like Kaede is just Remilia with boobs.

Oh what the hell, let's have one more.
R30, US East

>> No.2929114


Sorry about that, controller going crazy. Reconnecting.

>> No.2929334


Good games, I think I'm getting a hang of Eri.
Trying to get Lilith's super out seems to be a coin toss for me.

>> No.2929349

Don't worry, it happened to me too.

Anyway, GGs again Arjuna, but did you actually... DEFLECT Wizard Shield?
Holy crap, I had no idea you could even do that.
Still, I'd like to stress a few things:

First, Haruka is NOT Aoko. She's not a melee character who just happens to shoot lasers; being the turtle queen she is, her whole game revolves around standing at the edge of the stage and shooting her opponent dead. That being said, knock them down with a melt shot or vertical ray first, THEN proceed to shieldspam and whatever else you can do to keep them in place.

Second, blocking. Do more of it. LOLI EXPLOSIONS are one thing, but I should NOT be getting away with bullshit like standing still and sniping you with Ciela 6D or blossomspam with Saki/Yui, or even melt shots. And that "walk up and eyespark you once" finish? Come on. The key here is to block THEN dash, and in Haruka's case if you hear that "click click click" you're good to go.

Lastly, Lilith is a terrible character and I'm never touching her again. That is all.

>> No.2929376


I had no idea I did, but didn't you only use it once?

From the games we played, a lot of them ended up in repeated corner pressure with Kaede/Eri/whomever to finish. I probably shouldn't even have been getting away with blocked full rekkas with Kaede or Eri, but that seemed to happen quite a bit.

While Haruka works best at range, reliably setting that range is the most difficult part. I can't think of any knockdown setups with her that will get there, and melt ray's far too unreliable unless they somehow don't see it coming. The vertical shot isn't even an overhead (I think, I forgot), so they can block it any which way.

Which match what that finish in, again?

Lilith's not that bad, but grapplers are far from my style.

>> No.2929403

>I had no idea I did, but didn't you only use it once?
Wizard Shield? No way, that one came out every two seconds (it's the one that says "SHIELD ON" ~5 times). But one time you just deflected one of the shields, and I guess the only thing that made it so awesome was the idea of deflecting a shield.

>Which match what that finish in, again?
Somewhere near the middle. You stood still when I did it so it was probably lag, but it was still pretty cute to do.

>Lilith's not that bad, but grapplers are far from my style.
Normally it'd make sense that she'd be a good character in capable hands, but in the end her moves are just way too difficult to pull off in comparison to the other characters, so she falls short.
Just about everything is either some form of 180 or 360, and even then they don't do very much.
I imagine she'll be a decent amount better in later updates, probably due to everyone else getting nerfed.

>> No.2930144

Her Final can fuck you up if you fall for it. A combination of all her specials in one move is insane.
