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2925027 No.2925027 [Reply] [Original]

Family Project- End of this month
Cross Channel - ~50% finished
Shuffle- Next Month
Higurashi - At least the entire set of question arcs by the end of the year, Answer arcs soon after
Remember11- text more then 50% translated
Symphonic Rain- 60% translated
Sumaga- Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games!
Demonbane/Jingai Makyou Hopefully early next year
Umineko 5- this fall
G-Senjou no Maou- Chapter 2 fully translated
Devils Devel Concept- farther than it should be
Mindead Blood- lol bullshit excuses, despite $1060 in commissions
ToHeart2- 34.5%
Little Busters/Little Busters EX- who knows
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- good translator, no numbers
Sharin no Kuni- new translator working on it now

>> No.2925030

So, any July releases?

>> No.2925039

Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu- #ensue is working on it

>> No.2925041

>Cross Channel
>Umineko 5
>G-Senjou no Maou
>Little Busters lol
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
>Sharin no Kuni

Interested in these.

>> No.2925042

>Family Project- End of this month

>> No.2925045

Might as well throw LB! in the Duke Nukem Forever group.

>> No.2925046

>Little Busters/Little Busters EX-FUCKIN NEVER
Fix'd. They've given me about as much confidence as the old Higurashi translators.

>> No.2925049

>Little Busters/Little Busters EX
It will never happen. Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.2925050

One more coming up soon:

Kanon~Standard Edition~ Translation patch - 7/21


>> No.2925057

>G-Senjou no Maou- Chapter 2 fully translated

That was the teaser patch back in April right?

Or did I miss a release somewhere?

>> No.2925059


How would you know?

>> No.2925062

>Family Project- End of this month

>Remember11- text more then 50% translated

>Umineko 5- this fall

>Little Busters/Little Busters EX- who knows


Is Little Busters! that much of a lost cause?

>> No.2925064

>Higurashi - At least the entire set of question arcs by the end of the year, Answer arcs soon after

Question = October
Answer = December

>> No.2925066

Did Darktranslations seriously get $1000 for Mindead? His translations are shit.

>> No.2925068

>Is Little Busters! that much of a lost cause?

>> No.2925069

Chapter 2 hasn't been release yet (still needs the translation check to finish, the Cross Channel guy said he wouldn't be available from the 5th to the 11th, so he should be back todayish) but the original translation of chapter 2 has been completed.

>> No.2925075

When I wrote that, I am not assuming that the Higurashi dates are set in stone, seeing that it is MangaGamer we are talking about, but I am confident in them getting at least the question arcs by the end of the year.

>> No.2925080

> Did Darktranslations seriously get $1000 for Mindead? His translations are shit.

Yeah, he also got 800ish for Devils Devel Concept

>> No.2925081
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>> No.2925084
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>Week 3: 76/125 (60.8%)

>> No.2925086


chinese dresses make me hnnnnnnnnnnnggg

>> No.2925088

What a great gig he's got going on

>> No.2925091

Enjoy waiting forever.

>> No.2925092

I doubt Umineko will be finished by fall. Remember how long it took Witch Hunt to translate ep4?

>> No.2925093

For Family Project
> Status: In Development Golden master! Last chance to preorder for free shipping.

>> No.2925095

The translator had something going on then

>> No.2925099


I know it's xbox hueg on text, but is that the sole reason?

>> No.2925100

They had exams. Episode 1-3 were translated fast, though. It's out around mid-August, probably should be translated around October or early November at the latest.

>> No.2925107

>What a great gig he's got going on

I wouldn't mind if some speedy translation group did that for good games, someone could get a few thousand for commission to translate Muv Luv.

>> No.2925110

Any words on how long Umineko episode 5 will be?

Episode 4 was twice as much as the previous ones or something.

>> No.2925115

No idea, probably have to wait until it comes out.

>> No.2925125

Little Busters probably won't be out for another year.

>> No.2925129

For MangaGamer, from EvoSpace

>As far as I know, here’s mangagamer.com’s tentative release schedule in an organized format.
>August 2009: SHUFFLE!
>October 2009: Higurashi no Nakuko ro ni Pt.1 (Ch.1-4)
>November 2009: Another title in between (Soul Link?)
>December 2009: Higurashi no Nakukoro ni Pt.2 (Ch.5-8)

>> No.2925131

Oh wow.

>> No.2925135

Little Busters probably won't be out until Key decides to enter the North American market.

>> No.2925138

>Higurashi - At least the entire set of question arcs by the end of the year, Answer arcs soon after

Now, who's doing this?
I want to ask them if I can be their manwife.

>> No.2925142


Shit yeah. If I'm super lucky, my copy should arrive just in time for when I take a holiday next month.

>> No.2925143

Little Busters will be out the same day as Duke Nukem Forever.

>> No.2925145

>ToHeart2- 34.5%
What's this about? I thought the group doing it was full of shit.

>> No.2925150

>What's this about? I thought the group doing it was full of shit.

A different attempt, see http://forums.novelnews.net/showthread.php?t=12454&page=9

>Progress update time.

>Karin's route is now complete, which brings the total text translated up to 34.5%.

>Yuma's route is up next.

>> No.2925151

Is there a way to play g-senjou chapter 2 already?

I dont mind a rough translation here or there.

>> No.2925153

>Is there a way to play g-senjou chapter 2 already?

No, unless you are involved with the project.

>> No.2925156

I really like Sumaga and want to offer some support to those guys still translating it.

>> No.2925166

It's also an indirect translation project too, be prepared for some weird jokes or sentences here and there.

>> No.2925167

Alright, thanks.

Back to waiting patiently then.

>> No.2925179

The first chapter translation was excellent though. Doesn't really matter if you do japanese -> chinese -> english when you have a good editor.

>> No.2925188

What other projects has this editor worked on before?

>> No.2925197

No idea, he just did a great job.

>> No.2925204


>>Little Busters/Little Busters EX- who knows


>Using WRYYY to express disappointment

I don't think you know what WRYYY means.

>> No.2925213

>Family Project- End of this month
>Cross Channel - ~50% finished
>Higurashi - At least the entire set of question arcs by the end of the year, Answer arcs soon after
>Remember11- text more then 50% translated
>Symphonic Rain- 60% translated
>Umineko 5- this fall
>G-Senjou no Maou- Chapter 2 fully translated
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- good translator, no numbers
>Sharin no Kuni- new translator working on it now
>Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu- #ensue is working on it

Fucking awesome.

>> No.2925217

What do you mean by good then.

>> No.2925219

Dunno, maybe he's a vampire and he likes to scream everytime he's angry.

>> No.2925246

>Mindead Blood- lol bullshit excuses, despite $1060 in commissions

Fucking bastard, just translate this and be useful for a change.

>> No.2925279


>> No.2925284


I know if all those people offered me that much money I'd translate that VN even if my Japanese was complete shit.

I wonder how much money people will have to fork up to get him to cave in and translate the damn thing.

>> No.2925303

Wouldn't it be in his best interest to translate something people give a shit about so that more people know about him and would be willing to pay him commissions?

>> No.2925305

>Jingai Makyou Hopefully early next year

Have you any grounds for thinking this? There doesn't seem to be much progress from where I'm standing. I know I haven't done anything new in months.

>> No.2925322

Symphonic Rain, Remember11, F/HA, Sharin, ToHeart2, probably expect them late next year or two years from now.

>> No.2925327

>Have you any grounds for thinking this? There doesn't seem to be much progress from where I'm standing. I know I haven't done anything new in months.

Jast is doing an official release of it, and they claim early next year.

>> No.2925337


>Sharin no Kuni

The new guy looks to be awesome, and it appears he began from the beginning, not where the scripts were

4 July 2009

* (diff) (hist) . . Sharin no Kuni:010.ks‎; 23:32 . . (0) . . The n00b avenger (Talk | contribs)
* (diff) (hist) . . Sharin no Kuni:010a.ks‎; 22:25 . . (+26,005) . . The n00b avenger (Talk | contribs)

11 July 2009

* (diff) (hist) . . Sharin no Kuni:016.ks‎; 04:45 . . (-3,348) . . The n00b avenger (Talk | contribs)

>> No.2925339

I'd say JAST is going to delay both at least a few months. I doubt we will get the second Nitro+ game until around Anime Expo next year.

>> No.2925343

The n00b avenger.
I've seen that name before on GameFAQs a few times.

>> No.2925364

I reckon OP forgot about Eien No Aselia (the all age version, no H). http://dakkodango.com/ (fanTL group of TtT)
Script: 27.3%
Last Updated: 7/7/09 (they started the project on the 12th of April)
Hopefully we might see a partial patch at least by autumn or so.
Also Downhill Night was promised by the end of the year (doubtful, but that's what the JAST site says).

Additionally I imagine Ixrec bro might be able to finish something after CC, even before many of the above projects. Actually we should try voting on some unlicensed Nitroplus titles for the hell of it.

>> No.2925369

>G-Senjou no Maou- Chapter 2 fully translated

How many chapters does this contain?

>> No.2925388

With the amount of at least half-promising translation projects and licenses lately, I think it would be most interesting if Ixrec started translating something a bit more obscure (but still well-ranked among Japanese eroge players) as his next project. Stuff like Swan Song or Saihate no Ima (not saying Swan Song is really obscure, but it seems like the kind of game most people wouldn't like translating, just like CC)

>> No.2925389

Your absolutely right, I did forget about Eien No Aselia.

>Additionally I imagine Ixrec bro might be able to finish something after CC, even before many of the above projects.

He likely will, just remains to be seen what, I for one would like him to do Muv Luv, which seeing that it was second on his poll, I think it is likely that he will.

>> No.2925392

Has anyone hack the MuvLuv engine successfully yet?

>> No.2925395

Okay for Swan Song but who the fuck could translate Saihate no Ima.
Stop thinking about it, it's fucking impossible, even native players had problem reading this game.

>> No.2925399

Also, I did not include
Navel game 2 (likely Soul Link) from MangaGamer in between Higurashi
Jast's usual Sex Romps
HgameZ will likely have sex romps for sale in the near future.

>> No.2925400

No. Someone over at novelnews apparently has already translated Muv-Luv TE, but has no means to get inserted

>> No.2925404
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>Cross Channel - ~50% finished

wait, what? he started like two months ago, are you fucking bullshitting me? A FREE TRANSLATOR THAT ACTUALLY WORKS WITH PASSION INSTEAD OF ATTENTION WHORING ANDPROCRASTINATING?

>> No.2925406

So if I understand, we need someone to hack Muv Luv before the insanely fast translator finishes Cross Channel.

Someone get to work on it fucking now.

>> No.2925409

He says translating that is awesome fun.

>> No.2925411

So much for the confidence Ixrec had in his connections to crack the engine during the poll thread.

>> No.2925413

Don't forget one gameplay-based Sengoku Rance third patch this week. If it gains audience, it's possible to get more of this hybrid type games from Alicesoft, Giga, or Eushully.

>> No.2925418


But Ixrec is really dedicated. I bet even that guy could do it if he tried.

I mean, most translators had trouble with CC and so did Ixrec at the beginning, but look at him now. He's plowing through that shit.

>> No.2925419

From when he finished playing the game, direct quotes

>I have finished reading the entirety of Cross Channel.

>Easily the most profound and moving ending I have ever seen to a story in my life.

>I shall translate this to the end if it is the last thing I do on this earth.

>(only a slight exaggeration)

>Tomorrow, I shall begin. Some months thereafter, I shall finish. I pray you can all endure the wait.

>> No.2925425

Somehow forgot that too, not sure how, I have created lists like this before and always included both big titles I missed.

>> No.2925452

G-Senjou no Maou <--- HOW MANY CHAPTERS?

>> No.2925460


It's 10 for Haru's route and 3 or 4 for the others I think. I'm not 100% sure though.

>> No.2925469
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Anyone working on Yosuga No Sora?

>> No.2925477

Not that I know of. I can't wait for the fandisc.

>> No.2925491

it has 5 chapters. 1 (prologue), 2 (tsubaki), 3 (kanon), 4 Mizuha, 5 (Haru)

>> No.2925493

So if "G-Senjou no Maou" has like 14 chapters and only one/two have been translated what's the big deal? It'll probably take another two years to complete...

>> No.2925496

Anybody know how the Cartagra translation is coming along?

>> No.2925498


>> No.2925499

fucktard. You could have googled the correct amount of chapters in a matter of seconds.

>> No.2925502


>> No.2925510

* Translation progress: 11.2%
* Proofreading progress: ?
* Tools: 100%
* EXE hacking: 80%

* May 23: Thanks to Serke, the Cartagra engine has been bested. A tool set has been created and the exe hacking is getting closer to completion with each passing day. There are still things left to do, especially fixing/finding bugs but nothing that will keep this project in limbo for any longer. So everyone give a round of applause to Serke for his hard work and feel free to expect this project to be completed without delay. I have fixed the sad excuse for a translation I had lying around here as well as transferred it to the proper format used by the tools. I hope to have this finished at latest by the end of summer. I have finals soon and worse still I have classes over summer so I can't dedicate as much time to translating as I would like to, but I will try and have everything complete as soon as possible. I will also get around to putting up a more detailed version of the translation progress within the next few days so it's easier to keep track of.

>> No.2925524

No problem OP, I was keeping an eye on Eien No Aselia TL for a while now, hence why I found it strange not included in the first post (first I've thought they ceased TLing or something, but thankfully not).

By the way, that short loligame called Naisho no Jikan might be also included there if you do a similar thread next time. I know it's quite a small game (2-10 on vndb), but just for the sake of completion or whatever. http://kodomo.scarletdevilmansion.com/ .
I don't know much about their recent progress, so I can't be certain when are we going to see it in english but as a Lolicon I certainly hope it's going to be sometimes soon.

>> No.2925530

Sweet ... who? Is there a need for people on the project?

>> No.2925532

Really? Who?

>> No.2925534

Thanks anon. I guess I'll be more patient.

>> No.2925559

I heard rumors that Manga Gamer would be at Otakon for another panel, however that Otakon site doesn't list them anywhere, can anyone confirm this?

>> No.2925569

Anyone working on Pygmalion?

>> No.2925570

> I heard rumors that Manga Gamer would be at Otakon for another panel, however that Otakon site doesn't list them anywhere, can anyone confirm this?

To my understanding, they only have a booth

>30 Jun 2009 HELP WANTED!!!!! at our booth during Otakon 2009.

>From July 16th to 19th, for the detail, please contact info@manga-corp.com

>MangaGamer.com will be participating in the coming Otakon 2009 convention in Baltimore USA ,July 17-19th.

>We'll sell hot bishojo game merchandise and give away free goods,

>Otakon 2009
>Location: Baltimore Convention Center
>Booth #1001,1002

>Exhibit Date & Time
>July 17th (Fri) - 19th (Sun) 2009
>17th 12:00 - 20:00
>18th 10:00 - 18:00
>19th 10:00 - 3:00

>> No.2925572
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At least one of the two people doesn't want to be named (you know, in case the project fails and stuff, you won't know who to blame), but it's an amateur hacker/translator and an amateur translator.
Hacking is going rather slowly, though...expect a release around the time Duke Nukem Forever or the Little Busters translation is released. Probably.

>> No.2925588

>expect a release around the time Duke Nukem Forever or the Little Busters translation is released.

>> No.2925589

It's on their website.

>> No.2925593

Hacking is going slowly? Wasn't Yosuga a kirikiri game or am do I remember completely wrong?

>> No.2925608


Ah i see, thanks

>> No.2925649


>> No.2925675
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Nope, it uses EntisGLS, and the scripts are stored in a .csx archive, which still remains unsupported by Crass.

>> No.2925690
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>Little Busters/Little Busters EX- who knows

>> No.2925708

She's so adorable.

>> No.2925750

Hows it going for that Naisho no Jikan guy anyway? He finally found some translator again last I heard from him, the question is if it is any working one.

Site didn't seem to say any larger number of percent done.

>> No.2925768

June, July and August are the epitome of our VN infected life, and it will never be as fucking awesome than this ;_;

Rance, Kira Kira, Family Project, Cross Channel, Shuffle! (:3)

>> No.2925809

Don't just look at these three months, this year is simply fucking awesome.

>> No.2925833

I might be in the minority on this but I really can't understand why almost everyone seems so concerned about the LB translation. I mean haven't we seen enough Key already? Their stories always boil down to LOL KISEKI DA anyway

>> No.2925840

I just fucking want my Little Busters EX, is that too much to ask?

>> No.2925844


>> No.2925859

Key may reuse everything, but I still love them.

>> No.2925860

Key = masterful

But sure you can stick with your shitty neko fail nekofag, hurr lol zhu randum Conan with witches hooorey, who cares about japs not liking it durr

>> No.2925878

There is no need to be like that. I love Clannad and Umineko.

>> No.2925892

I for one love Key, and I can't wait for Rewrite

>For work on the scenario, Key has employed Ryukishi07 of 07th Expansion, the creators of the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni game franchise, and Romeo Tanaka, known for his work on Yume Miru Kusuri and Cross Channel; Yūto Tonokawa returns after his help on the scenario for Little Busters!.

>> No.2926325

If you still around OP, then I'd also recommend implementing Koitate ( Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate) on the "possibly getting some kinda TL by the end of the yearish".
The script of the first partial patch (I have no idea how many there are to be honest) is TL'd around 55-60%ish according to the last update and the comments by the project leader. Also if you follow Ixrec's forums you can see that she's quite persistent about everything, so I imagine there is good chance of that getting translated sooner or later.

>> No.2926690

No one interested in Aoi Shiro aka lesbian Tsukihime? http://www.solelo.com/aoishiro/pc/

>> No.2926701

I've started a couple threads on it but yeah apparently everybody likes demons, everybody likes lesbians, but they don't like it when they're combined.

>> No.2926886

I was just browsing that myself too. Isn't there a translated demo out somewhere? According to the offsite translations on the TLwiki there was once, however the rapidshit link is dead, and the other seems dead too.
Is the demo uploaded somewhere else? I'd love to try out some lesbo vampires!

>> No.2926886,1 [INTERNAL] 

seriosly.. no one working on Yosuga no sora?

>> No.2926886,2 [INTERNAL] 

interesting on translation we provide game translation services. we provide all types of japanese game translation and in other language too.
