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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2923979 No.2923979 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of /a/?

>> No.2923981
File: 141 KB, 640x352, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2923987
File: 25 KB, 594x292, うんこだ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2923988

Better than /jp.

lol i trol u

>> No.2923999

It's "meh"

>> No.2924002

I prefer /jp/ over /a/, but doesn't necessarily make your board or mine the better one. People who promote board rivalry are the real unko (that's Japanese for SHIT).

>> No.2924004

It's fascinating.

>> No.2924007

Shittiest board on 4chan.

>> No.2924012

/jp/ doesn't have as many tripfags, and most of the ones here aren't as annoying as the ones on /a/.

Also here i don't have to put up with 5/8 faggotry, GETS, or as many reaction images.

>> No.2924014
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>> No.2924015
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It's dangerous to enter /a/ right now due to an endless recursion of time.

>> No.2924016

They are just sexually frustrated. I mean, can you imagine sitting through all that moeshit and not having a single H-scene? I'd be in a shit too.

>> No.2924027

its like /jp/ without me.

and its lame

>> No.2924028

This entire thread is just the OP replying to themselves. I am the OP.

>> No.2924030

I would have said 5/8/9 faggotry but 9 applies to /jp/ as well.

>> No.2924034
File: 50 KB, 548x411, yugiyamiv4troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2924037

/a/ is like some kind of downgraded version of /jp/.

Even though people can start out as /jp/, all /a/ people will evolve into /jp/ people given enough time.

>> No.2924044

I moved here from /a/ about four months ago. I haven't been back since.

>> No.2924045

/a/ is so easily trolled that it is almost not a trollworthy place.
That doesn't stop all the trolls though, the place is a freaking troll cave

>> No.2924054

/jp/ is easier to troll though. All threads get replied to, no exceptions.

>> No.2924058
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /jp/ so shitty?

>> No.2924059

It would be decent without all Naruto/Bleach/hey guise im new rocomend me sum anime pls/Yugi faggotory threads. Sometimes /a/ looks like /b/ lite.

>> No.2924062
File: 131 KB, 450x760, 06f80890d9b45af43e76f963445f54ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /a/ is pretty cute.

>> No.2924071

What the fuck man, I just fell off my chair because I couldn't stop laughing. This is a shit, a big one, a great one. Congrats, man.

>> No.2924077

/a/ seems to love you too, what the fuck is up with that?

>> No.2924082

MANkoto is the little girl.

>> No.2924089

I don't know, they be crazy.

>> No.2924097

I go on /a/ if I want to talk about animu, I come here if I want to talk about visual novels or Touhou.

>> No.2924100

Visual novels > Touhou > Manga > Anime

>> No.2924103

>Visual novels > Anime > Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>> Touhou

>> No.2924104

>Touhou > anything

>> No.2924106


Surprisingly true. Touhou is just memespouting faggotry now. Like a weeaboo version of /b/.


>> No.2924107

Fuck you, Touhou is fun.

>> No.2924109



Plenty of shit threads on both boards(more on /a/ due to higher population) but I luckily know how to use the hide thread button.

>> No.2924105

I'm indifferent.

>> No.2924113

/a/ is the shittiest board on 4chan next to /b/. I haven't been there in over six months.

>> No.2924116

I don't consider Touhou anything but video games. It is not a "culture" or "way of life" for me like people here on /jp/.

But they are GREAT video games with amazing music.

>> No.2924117


You're forgetting /r9k/ and /v/. Although /v/ might be on the same level as /a/.

>> No.2924134

Okay, /v/ is up there too in the holy trinity of shit. /mu/ and /r9k/ are just a little bit behind.

>> No.2924135

its shit

>> No.2924136

ITT /a/ talks about /a/.

>> No.2924139

I have plenty of good discussions on anime there. I'm surprised that I can talk about aold anime/manga and get decent, long discussion about them, something that I don't see on anime forums I've been around.

Though at it's worst it can get annoying, even though I usually ignore threads I don't like.

>> No.2924140

>What does /jp/ think of /a/?


>> No.2924154


They're mediocre memory games with awesome music.

>> No.2924155

This thread just prove how many new comers have been coming over from /a/ for the past year.

You guys should be ashamed of yourself. I don't lurk /a/ much after the split and totally got out of /a/ after the codegayass fiesta.

>> No.2924161

>They're fun games with awesome music and characters.

I agree.

>> No.2924166


Depends if you find mediocre memory games fun.

They were for a while, but once you're able to do it with your eyes shut... it's just not fun anymore.

>> No.2924173


Yeah right.
Show video or proof that you can beat any of the touhou game with your eye close.
SWR and IAMP not counted.

>> No.2924174

Went to shit after Code Geass fagfest.
At least /v/ is shit but they have discussions of different things, /a/ is full of moe faggotry, the cancer killing the industry.
As for /jp/, It was great for the first months, then went to shit, but at least it is better than most of the other boards. (Except /m/co/tg/.)

>> No.2924176

Stop being so good then.

>> No.2924178

How can people place their eyebrows like that? I tried to do it in front of a mirror a few times before and it's impossible for me.

>> No.2924179

/m/ is pretty bad nowadays, but /co/ and /tg/ are bros.

>> No.2924180

I can do it with one of them. Looks weird.

>> No.2924187


I'm exaggerating. I just mean when you've played it so much, you know every spot to stop in and when to move, so in theory, you could play it with your eyes closed.

>> No.2924189

I'd say that the constant stream of Naruto/Bleach threads are worse for /a/ than the moe threads.

>> No.2924186


>Dislikes moe

You don't belong on /jp/

>> No.2924185

You just lift an eyebrow. It's not really that hard.

>> No.2924191

That's still better than me. I can't even move one eyebrow no matter how hard I try.

>> No.2924194

Yeah, it is almost at /jp/ level now.
Feels bad man.
Get back to /a/.

>> No.2924195


CODE GEASS was the best time on /a/.

/jp/ only wishes this board could come together like that and have so much fun.

>> No.2924205


>> No.2924210

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2924214


That's just summer.

>> No.2924224

>Went to shit after Code Geass fagfest.
It went to shit way before it. After Gurren Lagann ended and Kaiji started to air, I guess Code Geass was the final stage of decay.

>> No.2924223

People have attempted runs like that, but I've never heard of a successful one. I've personally done some short songs in rhythm games successfully with my eyes closed, though, so it's not like it's totally out there, especially if someone made a shmup that was synced to music or had easily discernable sound effects for all the shit happening on screen.

>> No.2924226

Roughly equal to /jp/, depends on how fast you like your imageboard.

>> No.2924228

The main reason why /a/ is shit is because they care too fucking much about trolls and instead of discussing things they go around posting fractions and reaction images

>> No.2924234


The invention of the troll rating was one of the final nails in the coffin for /a/.

>> No.2924231


I was not trolling. I've been on 4chan since early 2006, so I know what I'm talking about.

4chan is ultimately just an imageboard. It is about enjoying yourself. Code Geass R2's run I had some of the most fun on the internet I had ever had.

If you weren't a Geass fan, it probably wasn't that great for you. You probably hated it, in fact. Though if you weren't a Geass fan you probably had no business being there.

>> No.2924255


>> No.2924254

>The main reason why /jp/ is shit is because neko and 2hu niggers care too fucking much about serious posters and instead of discussing things they go around posting fractions and reaction images

