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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2923079 No.2923079 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you left your house?

>> No.2923087

Does the back garden count? If not, nearly a month

>> No.2923092

2 years. Not joking either.

>> No.2923100

yesterday when i went to work, not all of us are NEETs like you.

>> No.2923109

August 2008.

>> No.2923113
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>> No.2923117

a few hours ago. i just go back from a party

>> No.2923122

2 months ago

>> No.2923128


>> No.2923129

Just came back inside (yes at 5:30am) from working on my car.

>> No.2923132

get a job

>> No.2923134

Late 2007 or early 2008, I've forgotten. It was around 3am and only for a few minutes. You'd need to go back another year or two for the time prior to that.

>> No.2923137

Just a few minutes ago. I bought a bottle of Coca-Cola.

>> No.2923145

Cool story time.

I stopped going outside sometime in May 08 and went out again in August-September when attempting a normalfag life again. I failed and went back, have only gone outside once since then.

>> No.2923154
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>> No.2923156

I'm outside my house right now at a party, browsing /jp/ as I have two chicks sucking my cock.

>> No.2923158

No way, me too.

>> No.2923160

When I dropped out of college October 2007.

>> No.2923161
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>> No.2923164
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>> No.2923175

The day before yesterday. I went out for a smoothie.

>> No.2923177

Fucking lazy bastards with rich parents. Man, I wish I could sit at home for years too. Do you guys buy your food online too?

>> No.2923178
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>> No.2923183

No, I just wake up at night and warm the dinner up that my parents leave in the kitchen.

>> No.2923187

I went outside yesterday when I was pushing my little sister on the swing.

'Higher niisan! Higher!' (just without the niisan)

>> No.2923188

And how old are you?

>> No.2923191


>> No.2923193
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>> No.2923195

That's really not healthy. You should sleep at night.

>> No.2923196

Took out my trash yesterday. That counts?

>> No.2923198
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Eat basic/live with parents/grow your own in a flower pot.

>> No.2923200

If you count university, yesterday.
If you don't, November 2008.

>> No.2923202

17 and a drop out.

>> No.2923204

>17 and a drop out.

How can you become a hikki faggot at 17?

>> No.2923207

Reported for underageban

>> No.2923211

I hate being around people too, but don't you guys ever feel like just walking in a park in the morning or something? It feels really nice.

>> No.2923216

It's only unhealthy if you experience sunlight. If you don't experience sunlight your body clock is adjustable.

>> No.2923219

No, I can't anyway. I live in a very rural place.

>> No.2923223

Because I'm a gigantic faggot.

My house is too noisy during the day. I can't relax.

>> No.2923224

drop out ate enough that you're 18 by the time they notice?

>> No.2923226

You would think I wouldn't admit to being a year underage if I were scared of being banned.

>> No.2923227

I wasn't actually going to report you, but now I am, hmph.

>> No.2923232

Why? ;_;

>> No.2923233

Starting early?

>> No.2923235

About 10 minutes ago. Had to buy something for breakfast. (Germany reporting in, 11:48 AM)

>> No.2923236

Too much sass.

>> No.2923238

Get out boy. Only the big dawgs can roam here.

I've been a shut-in since 16, which makes 4 years now.

>> No.2923242
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PS: No you do not have one if you never leave the house. Not even in Oz would this count. Ever.

>> No.2923245


There's nothing within walking distance where I live besides farms and such.

>> No.2923247

Same as him but I'm 20, not 17.

>> No.2923248

I love people on 4chan saying shit like GET A LIFE. Srsly? Go troll digg or something.

>> No.2923251
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The outside world is an ugly place. My neighbours have some kids that play out front which I occasionally see when passing through a room with open blinds.

'Ah! That girl's hair looks nice, she seems rather cute', I think to myself. Then her picture appeared in the paper... I prefer my imagination.

>> No.2923252

The term get a life is quite silly because if I didn't not have a life I would be undead.

>> No.2923253

Why do I need to get a life?

>> No.2923258

>only the big dawgs can roam here
>18-23 year old userbase

>> No.2923259

Hikki live amazing lives once they decide to intergrate back into society.

>> No.2923261
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truth hurts huh?

>> No.2923263

That's pretty big when you compare it to the rest of 4chan.

>> No.2923266

Get a better sarcasm detector.

>> No.2923267

>once they decide to intergrate back into society

Why would they do that?

>> No.2923269

I went out for a job interview on Thursday.

>> No.2923272

I am not a hikki, I guess I am weak because I have always needed some kind of social contact.

I am still at college, but to be honest I like still being a sociable person. I can be really nice to a girl and then be completely cold asshole. I get off on the ability to see how far I can go in humiliating some slut while leveraging it with being nice to her occasionally.

>> No.2923274

18-23 is pretty adult compared to the 14-15 year olds in /a/ and /v/.

>> No.2923277

There was a documentary about hikikomoris aired once where I live (forgotten the title), the only 'recovering' one I remember had a job in a doughnut stand. Not very exciting.

>> No.2923279

This morning, went out to buy some groceries and stopped by the bank to process some papers.

>> No.2923281

I leave my house ever night around 2 for a walk in the park and some stargazing. I haven't spoken to anyone in 3 years though.

>> No.2923283

Just now to take a walk with my sister's dog.

>> No.2923286

Depends on your age and how long you've been a hikki.

>> No.2923292

I leave at least 2 times per week due to work or for rations that cannot be covered by the mini market right next to my house.

But for entertainment or to meet people?
About 7 months ago.

>> No.2923294

The only time I went outside in 2009 was to piss outside when all the water in my house broke.

>> No.2923301

why does /jp/ think that it's an accomplishment to be as big of a loser as possible?

>> No.2923303

You're not going to help that way, faggot. This isn't NHK.

>> No.2923312

Nobody thinks that way fagget. gb2/a/

>> No.2923313

Sometimes things just change. Not much though. For instance, instead of being afraid to talk to people, I just avoid them by being normal. I spent ages 15-17 in my room. One day, I realized, if you act normal and polite people won't give you a second look, and if they do, it's for your polite attitude. Having no friends means you do whatever you want on your own terms. My parents know I'm not social, so they don't push me to do anything much, besides chores inside the house. It's great. In other words, it's the perfect life of a NEET.

>> No.2923314
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>17 and a drop out.
>hikki at 17

>> No.2923319


I'm going for the five years achievement..

>> No.2923323

a few months..

>> No.2923325

That doesn't work for me because I'm a bitter and cynical asshole. I used to be a nice guy though.

>> No.2923341

I just came out of room and was drinking some tea in the kitchen, and my brother comes home with some girl. And she says 'Oh heeeey! You must be his brother then!' and I'm like 'Yep that's me'.

God I hate them all, bitches and whores.

>> No.2923344

Cheer up emo kid.

>> No.2923346

Today for work.

I stayed indoors for a year when I was 15/16 once.

>> No.2923358

You're really missing out.

>> No.2923368

What were you expecting? Honestly..

You must be a normalfag if you can't understand the difficulty of recovering for a real hikkikomori.

>> No.2923369

get a fucking life you fatasses

>> No.2923373

bwhahahaha on what? On stupid retards maybe

I will have to leave the house end of the month for work, but the bright side of this is the fuckign m o n e y so I will be able at last to buy the Saber L fig :3

>> No.2923379

30 minutes ago to get some food.

>> No.2923380
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>> No.2923387

Not only are you retarded, but you are also a selfish and ignorant human.

>> No.2923392

>selfish and ignorant human

Welcome to 99% of the human population.

>> No.2923399

I work every day, but that doesn't make me any less of a hikki, it's not like I have any friends, I only work because my parents practically kicked me out of home at 23 and I have to eat, pay my rent and net connection etc.

It's just means I can only come on /jp/ now after work on weekdays and on weekends.

I am currently saving my money so I have a 'reserve' so I can go to part-time hours.

Time, or time to play eroges, is my most important asset. And time costs money for me.

>> No.2923402

You're just the same as one of those "I stayed indoors the whole summer break, I'm such a hikki xD".

>> No.2923404

Where did I say I was expecting anything great. It was in response to >>2923259.

>>postnumberhere is a quote. Try reading the FAQ before you become all megarighteous.

>> No.2923407
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>>2923369 Hello there.
>>2923313 Here.
In the recent years I've actually lost much of the weight I gained when I was younger. As it is now, I've dropped about 60 lbs and the only thing I've changed is my outlook on life. I consider myself to be at a normal weight now, which makes me even happier, being able to fit into the normal archtype and all. Sometimes I wonder if I've played the false life card too well, seeing as I've noticed quite a few girls looking at me a lot or try to talk to me when I go out. Bitches don't know about my waifu. Pic related.

>> No.2923408

What's the best way for one to recover? I want to change before I go insane.

>> No.2923413

Some of us didn't have nice parents who were willing to let us sponge off them for eternity bro. My goal was always to be a hikki, I just had to work for it.

>> No.2923418

I went from 160 lbs to 125-130 since I've been this way.

>> No.2923424

Well, you could start with taking out the garbage or getting the mail.

>> No.2923429

I don't go outside, but that doesn't mean my parents are nice. I'm struggling with not getting kicked out and starving to death on the streets.

>> No.2923435 [DELETED] 

Compared to 99% of the people I had to meet I'm sugar sugar moe.
I got annoyed by the backstabbing and chattering, it was like when one person leaves the table the whole group starts talking shit about said person. This was daily life for me in the first two years in college,
But I once had really like when I got into an almost complete geek class at a IT school (not amerikkan school system). Shit was so cash and it ended so fast ;_;

>> No.2923437

>My goal was always to be a hikki

Enjoy your insanity and life getting progressively shittier and dull month by month.

>> No.2923442

Compared to 99% of the people I had to meet I'm sugar sugar moe.
I got annoyed by the backstabbing and chattering, it was like when one person leaves the table the whole group starts talking shit about said person. This was daily life for me in the first two years in college,
But I once got really lcuky when I moved into an almost complete nerd class at a IT school (not amerikkan school system). Shit was so cash and it ended so fast ;_;

>> No.2923447

I haven't left my home in several years, haven't talked to a person in months, still not insane.

>> No.2923452

If you don't like seeing normal people, don't see them then. It's as simple as that. For instance, I buy all of my groceries after 1 AM. No loitering kids there at that time. For anything else, just ask a family member to get it for me. If I can't get it sometime during the night, or someone else can't get it for me, it's probably not worth it then. When summer ends, this all changes of course. Most of the kids go back to school and you get to enjoy nice quiet days for a couple months before the cycle starts all over again. Nothing quite like those quiet days while school is in session.

>> No.2923454


Hello, future me.

I can't imagine myself staying in college for much longer. My parents are weak and tolerant, but even that has its limits, so it looks like over-educated under-qualified grunt work for me.

>> No.2923460

You're a lucky one then, because I'm already going insane at just short of a year.

>> No.2923468

Yeah, it sucks bro. Routine is what you get stuck in. But think of it this way, routine of living off your parents is unsustainable, you are eventually going to have to leave home.

It's fucking hard I know, but once you get your resume done and manage just to get some lowly peasant job like a cashier or something, things look up, once you have your own income you become more independent.

Once you start renting you will never have to speak to your parents or siblings, or anyone else you knew, ever again. The privacy you gain feels so great.

>> No.2923473

I work graveyard shift, buy my shit in town at night, and sleep during the day. It's an ideal lifestyle for me.

>> No.2923479

>chattering, it was like when one person leaves the table the whole group starts talking shit about said person.
This is what I hate about people. I wouldn't even mind backstabbing as long as backs actually get stabbed, instead people seem to love just hovering in that fine little line where they're fucking bastards behind eachother's backs but without actually sticking in a knife all the way so they act like it's all still just okay.

>> No.2923482

I just wonder if I have the willpower to manage a job every day until I retire. It would be nice to live on my own and finally be able to buy things, though.

>> No.2923490

Does graveyard shift pay more?

>> No.2923502

Depends on the job. Some really need people working from night until dawn. I'm doing 12:00 - 6:00 five days a week and it's paying me enough to live on my own.

>> No.2923503

Not the one you guy but sure. Only ronery do that work on a constant basis.
I wish I would find a job somewhere as watchman ;_;

>> No.2923509

That's not insanity, any anon could tell you that. It will pass, and when it does you won't be so emotionally weak.

I remember in the first few months after I severed social contact and spent all my time on visual novels/anime, I was depressed all the time.

That's just the normal part of you dying.

>> No.2923516

It's not really depression, rather I just freak the fuck out from time to time and have trouble controlling myself for a couple hours.

>> No.2923527

wut? just by being alone?
I know a fagget that spends his whole free time playing shitty console FPS over the internet and he's fucking retarded when he gets killed and I'm not talking about someone underage

>> No.2923536

>console fps
What did you expect from a console gamer?

>> No.2923545

I went to the cinema to see a movie with my friend (a guy from college I only actually see every few months or something) last week. Before that it was like a month. And before that it was around three months after I dropped out of college again.

I don't really understand why people glamourise being hikki and NEET. After high school I was literally hikikomori in that I didn't even leave my bedroom for months on end, which I think my parents actually appreciated. I eventually got out of that and went to college, which I dropped out of and spent another year hardly ever leaving the house (although I wasn't as bad as I was the first time). I dropped out of college for the second time three months ago, but I can deal with it now. I have a couple of friends I hang out with every month or so and I sometimes like to walk around outside for no real reason. Hiking alone with an MP3 player and whisky is actually pretty fun.

I haven't got much of a problem with socialising (I can act, at least), but I do feel drained afterwards. Also, I'm 21 years old.

>> No.2923563

I was a WoWfag before I was a hikki, so it's basically the same habits, except now I masturbate alot.

>> No.2923566

4 months.

>> No.2923569 [DELETED] 

Ah, make that six months since I dropped out. Time flies when you're in your bedroom 24/7.

>> No.2923587

The last time i went out was back in January when i was trying to get back into society.
One day my dad was going grocery shopping and i had to beg him to let me go with him (he's never liked me), anyway at the store we ran into one of his old friends, and trying to be as social as possible I greeted him, when he asked my father if I was his son he said "no he's not my son", fucking broke my heart.
I haven't left the house nor talked to any other person at all since that day. Before that i didn't leave the house for 4 years. 19 year old here btw, currently trying to work up the courage to try and get back into society again.

>> No.2923588

In fact, that would make it four months since I dropped out. I dropped out in March IIRC. Hurr numbers is hard.

>> No.2923589


I don't think we glamorize NEETdom or Hikidom, we just want to commiserate with comrades.

>> No.2923590

I went to work this morning.

>> No.2923594

I have an excuse for being what I am as I was born one week after schedule and the docs were already losing my pulse so they instantly decided to forcefully pull me out of the womb.

I-It's not like I ever wanted to be born into this world ;_;

>> No.2923603

get a job you waste of space

>> No.2923606
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>> No.2923612

Maye you really aren't his son?

>> No.2923613

I went through the same sort of thing with my parents, especially my father. Things got a lot easier when I left that house to live with a relative. You should do the same if you can.

Actual socially reclusive NEETs are my comrades.

>I work every day, but that doesn't make me any less of a hikki
>My goal was always to be a hikki

These people I'm not so sure about.

>> No.2923615

I'm sorry to hear that your dad is such an asshole

My mother hates me and my father is a weak willed faggot.

>> No.2923617

I went outside only once since August 2006.

Holy fuck.

>> No.2923637

I have a job, because I hate relying excessively on others. Also, it feels good to just party by yourself. I have a dozen large pillows scattered around the apartment so I can pass out whenever I want. Blankets are everywhere so I can just lay around. I have a ton of rugs so it doesn't hurt as much if I happen to doze off on the floor. It's nice.

I'm absolutely positive that my parents would not accept that sort of shenanigans. Besides, I also sometimes feel bad for not always enjoying their taste in food, and not eating their cooking. At least I don't have to deal with that anymore.

>> No.2923644

Wow, sure is shit parents in here. When I suggested that I should leave home soon last year my mother basically went into hysterics and started crying, and spend the rest of the day reminiscing over all old photos of when I was a kid.

>> No.2923647

Yeah becoming independet should be the master goal for all of us. I haven't achieved it yet ;_;

>> No.2923656

You have any siblings? I'm first born and once I didn't attent college anymore, they shifted their attention to my imouto. I'm living here still but it feels like I'm not really here. I wish I had the guts and the resources to move out.

>> No.2923668

Two years. I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

>> No.2923690

>>get a job you waste of space
or what, are you going to cry yourself in a pillow that he can take it easy and pursue his hobbies while you slave away?

>> No.2923701

I'm actually hoping to get a graveyard shift job, maybe something along the lines of a night auditor or something, hopefully for a bigger hotel so I don't have to do as much front desk work. Considering I'm in fucking Vegas though...

>> No.2923705

I've thought about that, but i do look like him and I also have many random things that i could only get from him like on my heel this birthmark that apparently all the men on my fathers' side of my family have, which includes my male cousins and uncle on whom I've actually seen it , so I've actually thought about the possibility that my uncle is my biological father, but at this point I'd rather not know anyway
that's exactly what I'm gonna do as soon as I can
Looks like we got the same situation with parents just switched on the gender, heh.

>> No.2923734

>When was the last time you left your house?

17 minutes ago. I was out of beer.

>> No.2923802

I have never had a job. I am 21.

I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass too much later. It probably will.

>> No.2923833

I might apply for a job soon to get out of this lifestyle, but I've been putting it off because my social skills are ass.

>> No.2923848

Apparently, people bitch all the time about not being able to sleep well or socialize will in graveyard shift jobs. Go figure.

Try looking for a job at a local 24/7 store for graveyard stocking, or maybe UPS.

>> No.2923856

Wow, that came out all wrong. You get the point though.

>> No.2923867

If you want a normal life again, you should go for something somewhat social, or nothing will change except for having some income.

>> No.2923870 [DELETED] 

>nothing will change except for having some income

You know, this would be ideal for me and probably a few of us here.

>> No.2923874

I agree. I really don't have very many qualms about my own (anti) social lifestyle right now, but it would be nice to have at least some money to burn, as well as an opportunity to possibly move out.

>> No.2923882

I don't really care for a normal life so much, but a job, my own house, and a friend or two would be nice. That's all I really want.

>> No.2923884

Why would I want to be 'normal'? Fuck that shit, only reason I got a job was to support my lifestyle, not to change it.

>> No.2924165

I can understand being a NEET, but how do you hole yourself up without buying groceries at the least?

I tried shopping online but it's expensive as shit to have it delivered. The only reason I bother with having a friend is so I can use his car to get to Walmart.

>> No.2924257

I've been a NEET for a few years, but I'm not scared of socializing, just awkward at it. Although recently I've been wanting to move a state over (I live in the US), but I'm doubtful a failure like myself could sustain a life alone out there without the aid of my parents. I need a job first of all and I have applied here and there, but nobody wants to take some loser who has shitty speech craft, lives with his parents and dropped out of college twice.
I'm fine being alone, I just want to become independent and make myself worth half a shit. Dropping out of college probably wasn't such a great idea for that, but I couldn't take it, as forcing myself back into society on top of the pressure of school work was just too much for me. I couldn't resist immediately resigning from school as soon as the first semester was over.

>> No.2924265

About 3 months ago.
