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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 324x43, firesux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2917895 No.2917895 [Reply] [Original]

fuck this i'm switching to opera

>> No.2917917

not /g/

>> No.2917928

Is there an easy way to get something similar to adblockplus working in opera? From what I've heard it's a real pain in the ass.

>> No.2917929

Why use Opera when you can use Chrome~

>> No.2917930

Does it have a rikaichan equivalent?

>> No.2917946

rikaichan blows nuts. what it choses to translates is so arbitrary at times and doesn't even make sense

>> No.2917952

It works fine along side common sense.

>> No.2917958

upgrade to firefox 3.5

>> No.2917963
File: 213 KB, 450x660, Opera_engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opera has ad blocking built-in. In fact, it has many things built-in. There's almost always an Opera equivalent for your favorite extension.

(>>2917930) except rikaichan :(

In fact, many of the features that are popular in other browsers today were invented and pioneered by Opera a long time ago. Opera invented the precursor to tabs (in 1994), Page Zoom (1994), was the first browser to block pop-up ads (2000), first to add a Search field in the browser toolbar (2000), Sessions (1996), deleting private data (2000), Mouse Gestures (2000), User JavaScript (2005), BitTorrent support (2005), Widgets (2006), Speed Dial (2007), and much more.


http://my.opera.com/Tamil/blog/ad-block (This site is useful for a lot of stuff)

>> No.2917968

I'm with you op. This is NOT Micro$oft, they have no excuse for their memory leaks.

Opera looks better, handles pages faster, and to add insult to injury, it consumes less memory. Oh, and just to let you know. The more you use something the faster it dies. Rest assured if Firefox keeps using 30% of your RAM, it can (and will) meet an early death.

>> No.2917979


Ah man, this makes me laugh every fucking time I see it.

You another one of those that thinks Microsoft is the devil because it happens to be more successfull at makin money?

>> No.2917988

Well I'll switch. My memory leaks aren't really leaks as much as floods.

>> No.2917991

Does Opera include not4chan grab?

>> No.2917993

What? It works perfectly fine.

>> No.2918004
File: 17 KB, 492x41, 356546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ OP

>> No.2918008

No Anon, I'm just an angry costumer that doesn't want to get his anus haxed by an activeX exploit. Microsoft is one of the richest companies in the world, so you'd assume they would have used their money to hire (I dunno) programmers that know more languages than java. It's Corps like microsoft that make me feel good at night when my utorrent is pirating expensive products.

>> No.2918012

agreed, Opera was the champion for a good few years.
But now firefox is the best browser. Anyone who disputes this is just trying to be "edgy" or "cool". Firefox is among the most standards-compliant browsers and has a genious, well-supported add-on system. Noscript fucking rocks. That is all.

>> No.2918023

I never understood why Firefox suffers those ridiculously massive memory leaks. It's just a damn browser.

You sure know your stuff about Opera!

>> No.2918026
File: 23 KB, 991x155, saveimages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what not4chan grab does exactly, so I assume it saves images from a thread.

In that case, yes, Opera has a Links features. It can save anything that's being linked (like images) on a given page.

>> No.2918029

<------- /g/

>> No.2918033

That doesn't preserve original filenames.

>> No.2918043
File: 21 KB, 187x145, 20080422210436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Firefox is among the most standards-compliant browsers

This is arguable. Firefox uses proprietary standards. Whereas Opera strictly uses open standards.

>> No.2918049

sage for /g/

>> No.2918057

Hey buddy, I wouldn't argue with that guy. He's one of those "your opinion is different so you are only trying to be cool and edgy" people.

>> No.2918072
File: 276 KB, 423x600, 1246728084250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Firefox using more RAM than my OS, apps, and /h/ games combined? And to think it's only loading html pages for fucks sake. God forbid it has to load something above the kb range. And any argument about how Firefox uses some type of l33t cache or memory buffers is invalid because Opera does every that Firefox does except faster.

And to the Furyfox users that are still in denial. Here's the final nail in the coffin to shut you guys up once and for all. The following thread from the archive has 2700+ post:

Opera loads it with ease, while Firefox... well, go and see it for yourself. Disclaimer: this can (and will) crash your browser if said browser is a memory hog.

I'm sorry but Opera has a better engine. Firefox's source code is 2 million lines of bloat.

>> No.2918089

Sorry to say, but you are all incorrect.

Chrome > Opera > Firefox

>> No.2918092

Can I hide what I've been fapping to on opera?

>> No.2918100

Loaded it fine. Very quickly.

>> No.2918105

With Opera or Firefox?

Try to make a post and watch what happens.

>> No.2918107

Sounds like a virus bro.

>> No.2918113

Took a while to load but didn't crash anything. Increased the memory usage by about 8,000K.

>> No.2918115

My 2cents worth.

I use firefox for surfing mostly because the majority of websites these days are optimized for it. I have IE and Opera installed too, for just in case scenarios. But of the three, I must agree that Opera loads the fastest.
It makes a damn good image browser too.

By the way, anons. Is Firefox 3.5 hogging much more memory than usual?

>> No.2918116

Are you new here? It's the /a/rchive.

>> No.2918118

The poster means his problem, not the site.

>> No.2918121
File: 72 KB, 744x826, Clipboard Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it ok?

>> No.2918122

no problem loading in firefox though I am now up to 150mb

>> No.2918123

Firefox didn't pause or anything?

How much RAM do you have?

>> No.2918125

Firefox > Chrome > Opera > Internet Explorer

>> No.2918133

good thing I have a monster 4Gbs of RAM

>> No.2918136

These arguments are silly. The fastest browser changes every month.

Opera = Firefox > Chrome > Safari > Internet Explorer

>> No.2918139

Well, freeze ups are common for threads that are bigger than 700. Hence the reason why the archive has a 'view the last 100' function. I guess only some computers are affected by it. Even 2ch's (shiichan) has a view the last 50 post function to prevent crashes.

>> No.2918141 [DELETED] 

Are you using Firefox 2.0 or something?
Because that one (Bloatfox) had a problem as it occupied 'unlimited' RAM and never released it without closing and restarting.

1. Enter “about:config” eingeben
2. Search for “browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers” and change the value to “0″.

>> No.2918147

1 gig, I'm on a shitty laptop that's falling apart as well. But I do often get times where firefox starts stuttering, but that page doesn't cause it for me.

>> No.2918148

Can Opera run from a flash drive yet?

>> No.2918151

Are you using Firefox 2.0 or something?
Because that one (Bloatfox) had a problem as it occupied 'unlimited' RAM and never released it without closing and restarting.

1. Enter “about:config” eingeben
2. Search for “browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers” and change the value to “0″.

rightclick on -”new” – “Boolean”
Write as name: “config.trim_on_minimize”
choose value “true”

>> No.2918154

judging browsers by speed is stupid anyways. if speed was the be all end all, chrome would be the winner. but the differences in speed is negligible so it doesn't even matter.

having said that, Opera is my browser of choice. Opera manages to have a lot of crap built in, yet it's fast and slim and is smaller than vanilla firefox!

Firefox is just bloat, don't argue it, you know it. Add on to it hundreds of add-ons and it becomes a huge lumbering beast I would not touch with a ten foot pole.

>> No.2918161

Not op, but I had the problem with 3.x and now 3.5

>> No.2918167
File: 294 KB, 791x800, 2295815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yet?

What do you mean yet? Opera has two portable versions.


>> No.2918174

Your computer is too powerful. You've been disquailified from the crash test. Try the test with one of your older computers. The point of the test is that Opera handles it fine, even on lower-end PCs. While Firefox freezes.

I guess my 2GB of ram wasn't good enough for Firefox.


>> No.2918184

Works fine on my 2gbs of ram. Loaded fast with no crashes or anything

>> No.2918194

My computer is 5 years old. I have 1gb of ram. Firefox went from ~250mb used to slightly over 300mb when opening that tab. I have 22 other tabs opened.

Nothing crashed. Using FF 3.5.

>> No.2918206

One question, how come Firefox doesn't return the ram when you close your tabs. Here's a test, get you Firefox to 300MB, then try to close some tabs. Notice how it doesn't return the ram. Even once you've cleared your history it still consumes a lot of ram. Can any /prog/ friends justify this?

>> No.2918215

i downloaded opera now how do i make it delete my history cache and shit when i close the browser?

>> No.2918225


My Firefox loaded that fine. Took a while, but my internet isn't very good. Firefox is leaky, but I've never had it crash before. I use Opera occasionally, but add-ons keep me using Firefox.

>> No.2918230

run cacheman. herp derp.
btw I've never encountered any memory leaks with firefox. stop visiting spyware sites with javascript exploits and clear out your caches once in awhile, faggots.

>> No.2918234
File: 32 KB, 715x376, archivetab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just because tabless or not, the memory usage of FF is very similar. If you have one that takes a huge amount of ram though, you'll clearly see it.

>> No.2918240

Tools->Preference->Advanced->History OR Cookies

>> No.2918249

>btw I've never encountered any memory leaks with firefox. stop visiting spyware sites with javascript exploits and clear out your caches once in awhile, faggots.
Do you even know what a memory leak is?

>> No.2918254

Here's a FF tip. Press Ctrl+J to bring up the downloads pane. See that button on the bottom left? "Clear List"? Hit that every once in awhile.
Wow, less memory usage. Imagine that.

>> No.2918256

Yes. Do you?

>> No.2918265

Back when I didn't clear that, it would make my FF (2.0 back then, I think) freeze for like 20 seconds every time a download finished. That was painful.

>> No.2918270

Back in my day we used browsers to view porn, not use it to wage modern day battles about efficiency and what not.

>> No.2918278

How do I make opera show me the download speed, time, and shit in the bottom right like firefox does?

>> No.2918279

Even easier - Tools > Delete Private Data, and then check what you want to delete.

>> No.2918295
File: 46 KB, 1021x601, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply clearing your history will not stop the Firefox from abusing your RAM. I browse with the history/cookies turned off, yet it still manages to use 200MB of RAM.

At first I thought it was my plug-ins and extensions, but after lurking google for a while, I learned that this was common.

>> No.2918299


LOL. I just opened that and it's still loading after around a couple of minutes. It's at February and still going. I never usually have it open because I use download statusbar. Better clear my history or something...

>> No.2918303

but does that delete everthing when i close the browser or do i have to do it manually?

>> No.2918309

You guys act like 200M is a lot or something.

>> No.2918319

Is there a 4chan extension for Opera? If not, it's useless.

>> No.2918321

lol chrome.

in the agreement it states google rightfully owns anything uploaded or created with chrome

>> No.2918326

I think so - after you do it, opera automatically closes all your current tabs, so it's probably flushed all the data

>> No.2918329

oh wow Firefox is a PIECE OF SHIT

shit takes one fucking minute to open

uninstalled ages ago

Opera FTW

>> No.2918343

I'll switch to Opera when:

1. It can properly load every website on the Internet. It's preposterous that one of the top browsers still manages to not load some websites.
2. Opera gets addons
3. Once Opera gets addons, people rewrite:
- 4chan addon
- Greasemonkey
- Rikaichan
- NoScript
- Torbutton

Actually, this goes for Chrome too.

Until then, fuck off with your /g/ threads.

>> No.2918350

My Firefox at normal is just 98M, which while I find quite a lot doesn't really hold a candle to you guys' 200M. And with the /a/ super-thread loaded it just goes up to 128M, with no problems. Are your Firefox 'roid-ed up with add-ons or something?

>> No.2918355

As someone who uses both Opera and Firefox, I can tell you they're both retarded and clunky in their own ways. But you'll learn to live with it.

You'd do well not to listen to the "HURR, BROWSER X ROXX, BROWSER Y SUXX!" type of people.

>> No.2918357 [DELETED] 

>You guys act like 200M is a lot or something.
It's not. I just don't understand why it's using more RAM than my Operating System. What's different about Firefox that makes it use 250% more RAM than most apps?

Why do we even have an OS. Firefox should become its own Operating system. Funny thing about Firefox 3.5 is that it's impossible to run it on an (older) gen PC. It uses more RAM than Windows 95, 98, Me, and XP combined. And no this isn't an exaggeration.

>> No.2918362
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys act like 200M is a lot or something.
It's not. I just don't understand why it's using more RAM than my Operating System. What's different about Firefox that makes it use 250% more RAM than most apps?

Why do we even have an OS. Firefox should become its own Operating system. Funny thing about Firefox 3.5 is that it's impossible to run it on an (older) gen PC. It uses more RAM than Windows 95, 98, Me, and XP combined. And no this isn't an exaggeration.

>> No.2918370

ITT people with shitty computers

>> No.2918389
File: 24 KB, 300x402, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thanks for reminding me about Firefox's opening speed. Here's a fun drinking game.

1. Get some beer.
2. Restart your PC.
3. While Windows is loading, try opening up Opera and Firefox.
4. Take a sip every time Opera manages to load up while Firefox is still getting its shoes on.

This test will only work on lower-end PCs.

>> No.2918402

Uh, nope - it works for higher end pcs too. Also, for Mac as well.

>> No.2918415
File: 368 KB, 800x600, 800px-Opera-tan-9.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2918417

opera is the most shitty and pretentious browser I've ever seen.

>> No.2918423

5. Die of alcohol poisoning.

You probably don't use a lot of tabs or browse stream sites.

>> No.2918426

firefox smell of feces

>> No.2918427

Umm. That page loads just fine in IE. How is that a good example?

>> No.2918446

And oddly enough, if you try to open 20 or more mogulus streams on Firefox it'll crash, yet Internet Explorer handles it with ease. And no I'm not endorsing mogulus or Internet Explorer. Some person on /g/ showed this to me.

>> No.2918447

Oh wow that's a lot of posts.

but it doesn't slow down one bit even while I am running my scheduled virus scan, could be that I haven't upgraded to 3.5 and don't plan to for a while though.

>> No.2918459
File: 786 KB, 1000x1222, 1260971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usefull 4chan stuff


>> No.2918470
File: 37 KB, 820x459, firefox is shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Firefox is such a fucking memory hog?

>> No.2918488
File: 4 KB, 371x148, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Opera is so fat?

>> No.2918502
File: 75 KB, 460x276, opera2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opera is so crappy and overrated it's not even funny.

>> No.2918551
File: 44 KB, 313x375, linux-online-inc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't /v/. This thread is not about my browser is better than yours.

Most of the Opera friends in this thread are just disappointed in Firefox. They want Firefox to get better. As of right now the only thing Firefox has that Opera doesn't is better third party support (i.e. plug-ins and extensions). Which kinda makes Firefox Windows and Opera *nix.

Mozilla better patch those memory leaks soon, because the second Opera gets a few more extensions, I'm going to take this over-weight Fox back to my shed and put it out of its misery, once and for all.

>> No.2918565

Opera sucks sure there's an ebuild for opera but it just get dropped to /opt, it's statically linked, and it's CLOSED SOURCE, which means that it is a BINARY package.

>> No.2918616

If Firefox is supposed to be so open-source and community orientated, how come there's no section on their website to ask them to do something about the memory leaks? They do have one page where you can report bugs.

True story: one time I told them I detected a few memory leaks in Firefox and they told me the memory leaks were a feature.


>> No.2918629

What? You must be trolling. Memory leaks can't be a feature anywhere.

>> No.2918635


>> No.2918643
File: 32 KB, 350x491, fat_lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2918652
File: 118 KB, 280x500, Fat Lady Sings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918654

fail, it says singers

Look at all the fanboys cling to their precious browsers.

>> No.2918667
File: 27 KB, 305x193, 1246198088885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>firefox fanboy resorting to posting pictures of opera singers because his browser sucks

>> No.2918706

Even though my suggestion of memory leaks being a feature was a joke, sadly if you were to google around you would see that Firefox has several memory wasting features that are well documented. And the folks at Mozilla are proud of them. The first result for google returns this:

Especially Firefox's tabs. Firefox creates several bloated caches for every tab you open.

>> No.2918725
File: 40 KB, 400x322, 563236053_a00acc8529_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918733

Of course, how else could it have fast history?

>> No.2918739

Oddly enough, the longer you leave your Firefox 3 tabs open, the more RAM they waste. Open up 15 tabs on youtube and let your computer sit idle for a few seconds and Firefox 3 will consume 20% of your RAM.

>> No.2918750

*few minutes

>> No.2918753
File: 10 KB, 163x257, FatLadySings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918770

That's shopped, right?

I mean, I use Opera, and it doesn't go above about 100,000K even when I'm on a Livestream channel.

>> No.2918771
File: 2 KB, 330x39, fix yo shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a virus nigga.

>> No.2918783
File: 548 KB, 750x501, 20070515-fat-lady-sings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2918784


>> No.2918795 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 494x746, FoxFurry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too can play at that game.

>> No.2918798

True, it gives me 200mb max

>> No.2918804

Maybe you should read the comments on that page.

>> No.2918805
File: 117 KB, 494x746, FoxFurry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two can play at that game.

>> No.2918807
File: 41 KB, 298x288, fat-lady-opera-sing-sketch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918812
File: 204 KB, 600x465, color-wall-st-fat-ldy-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918823
File: 873 B, 342x20, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Firefox] starts off at 80-85MB and hovers at around 120-130 after it's been open for a while.
>hovers at around 120-130

>> No.2918833
File: 27 KB, 400x400, fat lady sings 2--watercolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2918838

Yeah but Opera sucks

>> No.2918845

Why isn't Mozilla listening to the market? The consumers want a fast, thin, and customizable browser. I for one prefer speed over bloat. If Firefox has a feature that is wasting my RAM on something, I want them to give me the option of changing it. It's my RAM, I should be the one that dictates how I'm going to spend it. And before you say it uses the RAM to make it more efficient, Opera has Firefox beat in pretty much every speed test known to browsers. Every time Firefox comes out with a faster version, Opera comes out with a much faster version.

>> No.2918847
File: 185 KB, 500x477, 55386919_56936e83bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918854

The consumers get exactly that, it's just the Windows users that don't really understand computers but have a vague understanding of what memory is that complain.

>> No.2918861
File: 38 KB, 350x375, aretha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2918876

If you have no valid arguments as to why Firefox is better than Opera, making fun of the name just makes you look stupid.

Especially when your browser is named after furries.

>> No.2918886
File: 114 KB, 800x734, Ro_The_Fat_Lady_Sings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

