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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2914099 No.2914099 [Reply] [Original]


/v/ has a thread about us, /jp/

>> No.2914106

>I made a post about us on /v/. Just wait until they start raiding us along with /b/.

Get out of here.

>> No.2914112

No one said that.

>> No.2914115

You need to learn to read between the lines.

>> No.2914119

/jp/ - Every thread gets replied to. No Exceptions.

>> No.2914125

Well, when you have such a slow board with only retards posting, it's bound to happen.

>> No.2914125,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone else unable to post on /jp/?

>> No.2914125,2 [INTERNAL] 

You know, I actually though about doing something like this several times.

>> No.2914125,3 [INTERNAL] 

Inviting /v/ to invade us?

>> No.2914125,4 [INTERNAL] 

Raid faggots are attacking /v/, /a/, and some other worksafe boards, which is fucking us up too somehow.

Goddamn. We really need to move somewhere that's not on the same site as /b/. This is ridiculous.

>> No.2914125,5 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, we're not on the same server as /b/. /b/ is img, /jp/ is zip. /a/ and /v/ are also on zip, though, so if they get raided, we can get screwed over as well.

>> No.2914125,6 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is getting bombarded with some fucker who looks like a properly nourished moot.

>> No.2914125,7 [INTERNAL] 


Same with /v/.

Feels good man. Having /jp/ go down is a small price to pay for that.

>> No.2914125,8 [INTERNAL] 

No, this

>> No.2914125,9 [INTERNAL] 

Almost all the .zip boards are getting bombed

>> No.2914125,10 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ froze again?

>> No.2914125,11 [INTERNAL] 


>We really need to move somewhere that's not on the same site as /b/.

try gaia and animesuki, why you came to 4chan in the first place anyway?

>> No.2914125,12 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to /b/.

>> No.2914125,13 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2914125,14 [INTERNAL] 

Well I know that I sure as hell don't come to 4chan for /b/.

In fact, I'd rather be on Gaia or AnimeSuki than on what /jp/ will inevitably become someday, thanks to its association with /b/.

>> No.2914125,15 [INTERNAL] 

Most people at /jp/ stopped caring about /b/ years ago. If you like lulz xD raids then go there.

>> No.2914125,16 [INTERNAL] 

I liked /b/ once, but not anymore.

>> No.2914125,17 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm, maybe I'll finish Planetarian before it's light out.

>> No.2914125,18 [INTERNAL] 

At least that ugly thing isn't stuck on the front page

What we have is a touhou thread, some vn threads, a KS thread, a rance thread, and a troll thread, which is pretty much what /jp/ is all about.

>> No.2914125,19 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it's time to finish FMD Muramasa demo.

>> No.2914125,20 [INTERNAL] 


I don't care about /b/, the funny thing is people often shit about this site but still came here anyway.
4chan been struck by many ddos and raid for years, seeing people who complain about this is really strange.

if you guys really want a safe place made your own forum, and don't complain moot to made another board already.

>> No.2914125,21 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not asking moot for anything. I'd rather he wasn't involved in /jp/ at all. It would be really cool if we could all move to a board like iichan, but I know that's never going to happen.

So yeah, go back to whatever slav imageboard you came from. You people have the worst English.

>> No.2914125,22 [INTERNAL] 

>It would be really cool if we could all move to a board like iichan

I'll be heading there in the next year or two once /jp/ hits the same level as /a/, /v/, and /b/.

>> No.2914125,23 [INTERNAL] 

lol'ed at /c/ and /fa/ getting hit.

>> No.2914125,24 [INTERNAL] 

Where does /jp/ usually go outside of /jp/? All the places I've tried were too full of xD epic win ^__^

>> No.2914125,25 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't seen those outside.

>> No.2914125,26 [INTERNAL] 

Why not just go to 4-ch? People from /jp/ would be better suited for a text board anyways.

>> No.2914125,27 [INTERNAL] 

I pretty much only visit /jp/

>> No.2914125,28 [INTERNAL] 


>It would be really cool if we could all move to a board like iichan, but I know that's never going to happen.

Well, if you like iichan so much, why don't you go there? In fact with all the complaining we do on /jp/ about newfriends and related faggotry I'm surprised that more of us haven't jumped ship. In fact I wonder why I even bother to keep coming to /jp/.

>> No.2914125,29 [INTERNAL] 

I'm only here because there's not enough people in other places. If there was a massive migration with most people here moving elsewhere, I'd join.

>> No.2914125,30 [INTERNAL] 

a migration would never work unless that place had a lot of moderation, since lots of faggots would come along.

>> No.2914125,31 [INTERNAL] 

Took a quick look at iichan, and damn it sucks. It's nothing like /jp/ at all. Also, where's the VNs?

>> No.2914125,32 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, why the hell is there a Type Moon board but no VN board?

>> No.2914125,33 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, I guess it's a perfect opportunity to check out this:

>> No.2914125,34 [INTERNAL] 

Was in /a/ while it had less than 500k posts. Saw the birth of Gar, the haruhi spam, fsn comics, etc.

The glory days.

Now its just full of fail.

I pray /jp/ will follow a different path, but I know that the end will still come.

>> No.2914125,35 [INTERNAL] 

Is it finished? or just 2% translated.

>> No.2914125,36 [INTERNAL] 

While wandering around the zip boards I stumbled upon thread 483257 in /an/, kinda humorous, seeing ISM getting counter-trolled.

>> No.2914125,37 [INTERNAL] 

It's a teaser patch, so I suppose that the translated part is not that big.

>> No.2914125,38 [INTERNAL] 

>Why not just go to 4-ch?

I already do, every day.

>> No.2914125,39 [INTERNAL] 

The game has a lot of text, most of it boring. Sometimes the conversations go on forever.

>> No.2914125,40 [INTERNAL] 

Moot seriously needs to just get rid of /b/ and /r9k/ once and for all. They do nothing but generate negative publicity. They already cause more trouble than they're worth, and it's not like this will impact moot financially (seeing as he's already 20k in debt, it won't make much of a difference). Their glory days are over, and it's better to get rid of them now and have to endure a few days of "WERE IS MAH /B/?" than putting up with spambots for Anontalk and porn sites and god knows what else on every other god damn board.

>> No.2914125,41 [INTERNAL] 


>The game has a lot of text, most of it boring. Sometimes the conversations go on forever.

It's like I'm really playing a VN!

>> No.2914125,42 [INTERNAL] 

More people from /jp/ should go there.

What board do you use for VNs anyways? Anime?

>> No.2914125,43 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, but then we'll still have /a/ and /v/, and it's not like /jp/ is a great board either.

Honestly, all of 4chan is shit.

>> No.2914125,44 [INTERNAL] 


/b/ and /r9k/ are the source of a lot of the cancer in 4chan. They're like toilets overflowing with shit and dumping it on the rest of us.

But even if /b/ and /r9k/ were removed the cancer wouldn't stop. /a/ and /v/ are already well known imageboards and attract enough newfags and shitposters on their own. And their fail always pours over into the other boards. Give it time. /jp/ will succumb to the cancer, eventually.

>> No.2914125,45 [INTERNAL] 

Well, the rest of 4chan is a different kind of shit than the boards on the img server. We can at least wallow in our own filth in peace, can't we?

>> No.2914125,46 [INTERNAL] 


I'm pretty sure moot has said he isn't going to get rid of /b/, unfortunately. Though he could always change his mind.

Really a lot of the cancer in boards like /a/ could be mitigated by moderation. A while back moot made a post about wanting to have heavier moderation, make changes to the way the site runs, etc. He said he get around to implementing those changes "soon". What the hell ever happened to that?

>> No.2914125,47 [INTERNAL] 


Why would moot get rid of the board where half the traffic is coming from, and what has made 4chan so popular? If he ever starts profiting off 4chan, it will be because of /b/. He can't get rid of it.

And even if he were to get rid of it, half of the people from would just go to the other boards.

I know that he's had a problem with paypal and advertisers due to content, but there has to be alternatives to make money off this site. I want to see moot do well with 4chan.

>> No.2914125,48 [INTERNAL] 

This is a horrible paradox.
4chan is shit, /jp/ is shit.
Yet, every other place is worse.

>> No.2914125,49 [INTERNAL] 


I don't think many advertisers would go anywhere near /b/. And if he got rid of /b/ it would cut hosting costs dramatically. Less traffic = less bandwidth usage.

>> No.2914125,50 [INTERNAL] 

You guys are small time.

>> No.2914125,51 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, do you guys go to 4ch a lot? It seems like a truly miserable little site full of pathetic people. I will fit in just finely.

Anyhow, why is /ck/ down again? Some kid ddossing yet again? Well, it is not like noone bothers to post in its ghost board during the downtime even.

>> No.2914125,52 [INTERNAL] 

On iichan, you can talk about VNs on Video Games, Type-Moon and there was a Higurashi board until recently. I haven't seen much visual novel discussion outside of the more mainstream ones, but iichan is pretty much wapanese central and so I'm sure no one would object. We like to take it easy.

On 4-ch, we use the Games board for VNs.

For example: http://4-ch.net/games/kareha.pl/1105242533/

I feel like VNs are more suited to the imageboard format though.

>> No.2914125,53 [INTERNAL] 

Despite /jp/ being complete shit, it's still miles better than most other sites. I would rather stay here than go somewhere like Animesuki.

>> No.2914125,54 [INTERNAL] 


Hi meru.

>> No.2914125,55 [INTERNAL] 

Forums make me rage hard, so no.

Probably pooshlmer.

Moderation is what /a/ needs. And BANS. Godfucking damn. BAN THE MOTHERFUCKERS.

>> No.2914125,56 [INTERNAL] 


Well true, but many of the people would just go to the other boards. We have to look at the potential rewards here though. moot is trying to make 4chan even more popular than it is now, and profit off that popularity. He can't just pull the plug on the place that is the reason for that.


As a fansubber, I hang out there. It's really not that bad. It's better than most other anime-oriented sites.

>> No.2914125,57 [INTERNAL] 

As much as /jp/ claims to hate Pooshlmer, I know that not all of you are using Share to get your Touhou music. I'm on to you.

>> No.2914125,58 [INTERNAL] 

Moot's still in debt, and I think that article that got published about him definitely mentioned that he's not making any money from ad revenue.

I say cut /b/ and /r9k/ to save costs, put up more non-intrusive ads (like on the 404 page and the "Updating page..." page, and there you go. I doubt that he's making that much money off of the "MEET PEOPLE, THEN FUCK THEM" and "FACEBOOK OF SEX" ads that you see in the img server.

>> No.2914125,59 [INTERNAL] 

You've seen what happens to 4chan's other boards every time /b/ goes down, right?

>> No.2914125,60 [INTERNAL] 

You sure? I had the impression that Animesuki was full of the KILLER LOLIS XD crowd.

>> No.2914125,61 [INTERNAL] 

>Probably pooshlmer.

Maybe if you strictly enjoy Touhou, but there's too much other /jp/ content.

>> No.2914125,62 [INTERNAL] 

It's just the simple fact that moot is in over his head and he never expected 4chan to ever get this big.

I wouldn't blame him if he just said "Fuck it" and sold it off.

>> No.2914125,63 [INTERNAL] 

Tried lurking, here's what I mean

Look at all those fucking emoticons. That place would drive me crazy.

>> No.2914125,64 [INTERNAL] 

Well gee, hi ya.

I surely do not understand what is up with Moot. I mean, this is a totally awful site with idiots using it. And it is constantly filled with illegalities. It hogs terrible amount of money and contributes nothing at all. Not to mention it has prolly ruined his private life, while taking considerably energy and time to maintain. The whole thing is just a trainwreck. It is quite sad, really, since Moot apparently has this totally unwarranted sense of responsibility about it.

And honestly, All boards in 4chan badly need captcha.

>> No.2914125,65 [INTERNAL] 

I would if I were him. This site has nothing going for it and he would make a ton of money.

The internet would be a better place if he just pulled the plug on the entire site. Also, it would be nice to cut my addiction to this site.

>> No.2914125,66 [INTERNAL] 

Alright, back to sleep.
So much for the drawing thread I wanted to make.

>> No.2914125,67 [INTERNAL] 

How does moot get mods? Are they all just friends of his? I remember hearing that there's very few of them considering all the boards that need to be moderated. I would like to see mods more. Not necessarily public bannings, but just active in the community so we know they're there.

Janitors just suck. They aren't objective and many of a boards problems can't be solved with just deleting a thread.

>> No.2914125,68 [INTERNAL] 

>And honestly, All boards in 4chan badly need captcha.

Yes. Badly.

>> No.2914125,69 [INTERNAL] 

He said that finding competent and trustworthy people out of the lot of us is impossible, and he's pretty much right.

And yeah, the /jp/ janitor sucks pretty hard. To me it seems like he just deletes threads he doesn't like, as board related threads have been deleted quite a few times.

>> No.2914125,70 [INTERNAL] 

>All boards in 4chan badly need captcha.
Was thinking the same thing. Although maybe not all boards, just the discussion oriented ones.

Last I heard close real life and internet friends. Also, he hasn't hired new janitors for almost 3 years now.

>> No.2914125,71 [INTERNAL] 

>And honestly, All boards in 4chan badly need captcha.

Every single bot and spammer would cease to exist if this happened. No more imagebombing or hijacks either, unless manually.

>> No.2914125,72 [INTERNAL] 

>All boards in 4chan badly need captcha.

I agree, at least for making new threads and posting with images. Though the OP should be allowed to post images in his thread without captcha input.

I think that would work

>> No.2914125,73 [INTERNAL] 

You know, 4chan sorta captured the zeitgeist back in the day and became this global internet phenomenon. I think Moot is still illusioned by this. I would be if I founded a thing that would suddenly became "it", so to speak. What he does not realise is that this whole internet culture does not translate into anything worthwhile irl.

I was sorta like a part-time mod in this board for a short period of time but they kicked me out since they did not like me or such.

>> No.2914125,74 [INTERNAL] 

omg i missed /v/'s opinion about us

>> No.2914125,75 [INTERNAL] 

>What he does not realise is that this whole internet culture does not translate into anything worthwhile irl.

But it can though, look at 2ch.

>> No.2914125,76 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be a /jp/ janitor

Delete those shit spam and troll threads, unless troll thread is amusing. Leave the rest alone, metathreads included.

>> No.2914125,77 [INTERNAL] 

"Who cares what weeaboos think."

>> No.2914125,78 [INTERNAL] 

I really wish a janitor or mod would exile those that actually think /jp/ is about Japan. How many /trv/, /lang/, and /r9k/ threads have I seen?

>> No.2914125,79 [INTERNAL] 

I believe /jp/ should be /b/-lite with /a/ old fags.

Them shit was fun back in the days.

I am so gonna janitorize everything into old /a/

>> No.2914125,80 [INTERNAL] 


That would probably turn into a cesspool of shit and piss. We should just stay an otaku/weeaboo board.

>> No.2914125,81 [INTERNAL] 

Well, not that I visit /jp/ or 4chan all that much to begin with but what the janitor needs to do is to eradicate the userbase who takes /jp/ as their exclusive otaku den.

>> No.2914125,82 [INTERNAL] 

Moot should open up mod applications and then just give them a strict admissions test. Have them work as janitors and then grade them on their performance, then promote them to mod. We shouldn't have to suck his cock on IRC for several years before we can finally make an effort to make the site a little better.

>> No.2914125,83 [INTERNAL] 

cool trollpost bro

>> No.2914125,84 [INTERNAL] 

The problem with captcha is that it is an annoyance to regular users, and spammers may find a way to surpass it.

Maybe it would be a good idea to implement captcha on a trial basis on one board only. /a/ would be a good choice, since sage bombing is constantly abused there. If it actually improves the quality of the board, it can be moved to other boards.

>> No.2914125,85 [INTERNAL] 

Why does /jp/ come here even when the board is down? Play a VN or something, bros.

>> No.2914125,86 [INTERNAL] 


Why are you here?

>> No.2914125,87 [INTERNAL] 

To see if /jp/ is talking about shit here before going to sleep.

>> No.2914125,88 [INTERNAL] 

I'm doing both. I am playing a VN this very second, it's about lesbians, in the post-apocalyptic future, with vampires and stuff.

>> No.2914125,89 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have the attention span to do one thing at a time, I'm usually playing VNs and refreshing /jp/ every five minutes

>> No.2914125,90 [INTERNAL] 

Since you guys are bored with nothing to do.

Go crack My sex slave is a classmate or Cosplay fetish academy.

The torrents are up on mininova.

>> No.2914125,91 [INTERNAL] 

I suffer withdrawal symptoms if I don't get an imageboard fix

>> No.2914125,92 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone want to cyber? I get dibs on the little girl role, though.

>> No.2914125,93 [INTERNAL] 

Come to think of it, /jp/ always have the most active ghost-posting every time there's a major 4chan downtime.

So much for the other imageboards claiming to hate the very theme they're participating at.

>> No.2914125,94 [INTERNAL] 

Why not both be the little girl?

>> No.2914125,95 [INTERNAL] 

The only other boards that really use the ghostboard are /a/ and /m/, since there really aren't that many. Not sure why /m/ doesn't have active ghostposting, though. I can understand /a/ since it's full of newfriends.

>> No.2914125,96 [INTERNAL] 

I'll be the guy.

>> No.2914125,97 [INTERNAL] 

oh god i'm so lonely without /jp/ ;_;

>> No.2914125,98 [INTERNAL] 

I am playing HinataBokko, and this is a stupid question but can you fuck the imouto?

>> No.2914125,99 [INTERNAL] 

Is One worth playing? The art is turning me off.

>> No.2914125,100 [INTERNAL] 

I'm wonderin' if I should start umineko episode 2 or read the Rozen Maiden manga

>> No.2914125,101 [INTERNAL] 


This is probably My sex slave is a classmate.
I wonder if anyone else is downloading it now?

>> No.2914125,102 [INTERNAL] 

I can imagine /v/tards flocking at various "vidya" channels at livestream; probably the same can be said about the others.

>> No.2914125,103 [INTERNAL] 

why the hell are you not caught up on umineko yet?

>> No.2914125,104 [INTERNAL] 

>He said that finding competent and trustworthy people out of the lot of us is impossible, and he's pretty much right.

Because unlike in a forum, you can't discern between shitposting Anons and the slightly better Anons.

The more civilized boards (I'm talking about you, /jp/) could just nominate their most trustworthy tripfag (tripfriend)/namefag (inb4 tripfaggotry and trolls) to do the job.
(No, this is not supposed to promote tripcode use on an Anonymous board. It just so happens to be possible to track down the trip and namefags' post history.)

>> No.2914125,105 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, hi me.

>> No.2914125,106 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if this crack works or not but it can't hurt to try it.

>> No.2914125,107 [INTERNAL] 

>4 leechers
Yeah they are.

>> No.2914125,108 [INTERNAL] 

because i'm a slow reader and get distracted easily

>> No.2914125,109 [INTERNAL] 

I nominate me.

>> No.2914125,110 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,111 [INTERNAL] 

Of course you nominate yourself 100 times anonymously.

>> No.2914125,112 [INTERNAL] 

Thirded. He is the best name/tripfriend and I'd go gay for him if he wanted me to.

>> No.2914125,113 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty much, yeah. Jisaku jiens in the dark of night.

>> No.2914125,114 [INTERNAL] 

See you ghost bros around.
I am gonna go watch Canaan. Wonder how good Nasu concept is outside of his usual nasuverse.

>> No.2914125,115 [INTERNAL] 

one is shit

>> No.2914125,116 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,117 [INTERNAL] 

Why yes, you are.

>> No.2914125,118 [INTERNAL] 

The only people who would do a good job as a mod/janitor on /jp/ don't want to do it.
Anyone who actively wants to become a mod/janitor on /jp/ would do a shit job by default.

>> No.2914125,119 [INTERNAL] 

Haruhi1994 for mod

>> No.2914125,120 [INTERNAL] 

Well, this is going to be one long boring day of classes without 4chan to distract me from the mind numbing boredom of 6 hours worth of classes about shit I already learned in high school.

>> No.2914125,121 [INTERNAL] 

Why? I'd like to be a janitor just so I could browse /jp/ and not have the front page full of "why is /jp/ so shit", "japanese bird cooking spaghetti", etc.

>> No.2914125,122 [INTERNAL] 

If I was a janitor I would just end up blackmailing the trolls and tripfriends.

Also, thanks /b/. Next time, don't start shit if you're not going to finish it.

>> No.2914125,123 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly! I'm on /jp/ 8+ hours a day anyway, why not clean it up while I'm around.

>> No.2914125,124 [INTERNAL] 


Japanese bird threads are 70% better than the average /jp/ thread. If you really wanted to help the board you'd deleted all those "I am going to post this image every day" threads. Especially the ones involving that horrible painting.

>> No.2914125,125 [INTERNAL] 

You know what why don't we just have all /jp/users become janitors, that way /jp/ won't be shit.

>> No.2914125,126 [INTERNAL] 

>Japanese bird threads are 70% better than the average /jp/ thread
Really? I wouldn't know, I hide those on sight. Does it just change into a random "talk about anything" thread or something?
>If you really wanted to help the board you'd deleted all those "I am going to post this image every day" threads
Those too, though some have decent discussion sometimes, like the Little Busters one

>> No.2914125,127 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you've thought that through fully.

>> No.2914125,128 [INTERNAL] 

That's a great idea.

>> No.2914125,129 [INTERNAL] 

It won't exist anymore.
Can janitors ban janitors, mods mods, mods janitors?

>> No.2914125,130 [INTERNAL] 

Janitors are janitors because all they do is cleaning.
Mods hand out the bans.

>> No.2914125,131 [INTERNAL] 

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads ARE "I am going to post this everyday until you like it" threads.

It's just a hybrid of it.

>> No.2914125,132 [INTERNAL] 

Bans don't do shit since any idiot can IP change or proxy.

>> No.2914125,133 [INTERNAL] 

Of course, that much is easily known but that's not the point I was getting at. Some people still seem to think janitors were given ban privileges.

>> No.2914125,134 [INTERNAL] 

Janitors job is to deletes threads they think doesn't contribute to the board or they just delete threads they don't like.

>> No.2914125,135 [INTERNAL] 

Any /prog/ friends here? Explain to me why bots are still able to post, but users are not.

I just saw one of Anonymous of the Russian Federation's I'm going to post this everyday until you like it threads on /a/.

>> No.2914125,136 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably just brute force. They keep trying to post until they get a short window of opportunity to post through. It's why we're seeing scattered, non-bot posts on /jp/, /tg/, and other boards not being shitflooded.

>> No.2914125,137 [INTERNAL] 

How hard is it to run a script?

>> No.2914125,138 [INTERNAL] 

You tell me.

>> No.2914125,139 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck those ban evaders, they keep using my backup proxies

>> No.2914125,141 [INTERNAL] 

So, if the 'pl' in your name really does stand for perl, what exactly does the 'Ekso' stand for?

>> No.2914125,143 [INTERNAL] 

Well I should stop being so gullible then.

>> No.2914125,144 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ /c/ /g/ /k/ /v/ /fa/ /tv/ /x/

I don't get it.

Why the seemingly random selection of boards?

>> No.2914125,145 [INTERNAL] 


They're all //zip

>> No.2914125,146 [INTERNAL] 

I'm curious, would a script be capable of posting on a board like: http://orz.4chan.org/con/imgboard.html

If so, we should claim it as our new colony.

>> No.2914125,147 [INTERNAL] 

My sweet, sweet /jp/

How could you go down on me

>> No.2914125,148 [INTERNAL] 

I'd let /jp/ go down on me, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2914125,149 [INTERNAL] 

Yea, but it's not all of the zip boards.

>> No.2914125,150 [INTERNAL] 

So is /jp/ the only .zip board that wasn't spammed? I hope it won't be Girugamesh all over again.

>> No.2914125,151 [INTERNAL] 

/co/ wasn't, along with a few other of the low activity ones. See >>2914125,144

>> No.2914125,152 [INTERNAL] 

Most likely. It's not like the orz server uses a different system than the rest of the boards. Only thing is that nobody gives a shit about the boards on the orz server because they're only for porn and shit.

>> No.2914125,153 [INTERNAL] 

jay pee jay pee creativity

>> No.2914125,155 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,156 [INTERNAL] 

Now that both of the ghost admins are here. Will we ever live to see the day when we can start new threads on the ghost board. Picture related:

Not that I would want this feature or any thing. Just speculating.

>> No.2914125,157 [INTERNAL] 

Did 4chan just die (as a whole) for anyone else?

>> No.2914125,158 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, moot finally pulled the plug.

>> No.2914125,159 [INTERNAL] 

What are you guys doing right now? I'm currently on Hitomi My Stepsister, shit's pretty fucked up.

>> No.2914125,160 [INTERNAL] 

I'm coding something to contribute to that original content thread.

>> No.2914125,161 [INTERNAL] 

Umineko ep 3
I think I'm nearly finished it, Battler just summoned EVA-beatrice into the game world thing.

>> No.2914125,162 [INTERNAL] 

Shit is about to get awesome

>> No.2914125,163 [INTERNAL] 

Use a double spoiler tag next time. Spoiler:[insert spoilers].

>> No.2914125,164 [INTERNAL] 

Cleaning up my computer and looking at all the shit I've downloaded and forgot about.

By the by, how's SWAN SONG? Downloaded it a while back and I completely forgot that I had it.

>> No.2914125,165 [INTERNAL] 

It should be obvious that it's a spoiler given the context, and anyone who hasn't read Ep 3 yet should know better than to hover over it.

>> No.2914125,166 [INTERNAL] 

Ah...I think I'll play Heart de Roommate. I feel like I should do something educational, but I can't think of anything, so reading a VN about a crossdresser is the best I can do.

>> No.2914125,167 [INTERNAL] 

Copying Monster Hunter to my PSP, playing mahjong on the DS.

>> No.2914125,168 [INTERNAL] 

Is it a homebrew mahjong game or what?

>> No.2914125,169 [INTERNAL] 

You know that there are tons of mahjong games on the DS already, right? Why bother to homebrew when it's already available? Hell, I've already got a mahjong game on my Iphone (in before "lol you have an Iphone").

>> No.2914125,170 [INTERNAL] 

Just finished Ep 3. The new girl is Battler's unborn sister, right?

>> No.2914125,171 [INTERNAL] 

Battler's sister is already 3 years old at that time if I'm not wrong. Komachi's the one who appeared to save Battler.

>> No.2914125,172 [INTERNAL] 

Nope. She's his maybe non blood related six year old sister.

>> No.2914125,173 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

she's blood-related. Rudolf is her actual father

>> No.2914125,174 [INTERNAL] 

Disregard this post, Jones got it correct.

>> No.2914125,175 [INTERNAL] 

Why would she be not blood-related? Rudolf is her father, and he's also Battler's father. So they're half siblings

>> No.2914125,176 [INTERNAL] 

It's Mahjong Fight Club, quite a nice game.

>> No.2914125,177 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,178 [INTERNAL] 

When was it stated that Rudolf is Battler's father? I thought all that was established was that Kinzo is Battler's grandfather.
But I have bad memory so smack me if I'm wrong.

>> No.2914125,179 [INTERNAL] 

Who is Komachi?

>> No.2914125,180 [INTERNAL] 

How come Battler the small bombs?

>> No.2914125,181 [INTERNAL] 

"Ange is, ......my little sister

>> No.2914125,182 [INTERNAL] 

You know, I never thought about it that way. I just finished Episode 4 and I just assumed that Battler is Rudolfs son, because of the 'grandson of Kinzo' link. Oh man, I hope he really is his father, in stead of that faggot Krauss

>> No.2914125,183 [INTERNAL] 

There are just 2 missions left and they become ridiculous.
I somehow cleared the "start with 100 points and win the game" on my first try, but what comes next? "Win 5 times in a row". That's not quite possible with all those riichi ippatsu the AI seems to shit out of their head.
I wonder what is the last mission... "win by tsumo within 3 turns"?

>> No.2914125,184 [INTERNAL] 

You'll have to think of this with the Japanese language in mind, I think. He could've said that she's his little sister because he cares for her as a little sister, or something like that
If it's true though, it definitely proves that Rudolf is Battler's father. Or Krauss must've had his way with Kyrie and gave her a second child

>> No.2914125,185 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck, I just shit myself at this scene.


>> No.2914125,186 [INTERNAL] 

I only played a few of them (Mostly the win a hand with at least X points), the lack of knowledge of runes just didn't help.

I had an interesting game a few hours ago, I closed kan a 5-pin for instant dora 6, went for a quick tanyao hand, CPU deals into my hand and another CPU rons too, he had dealer mangan, I had haneman, 12k points each and the first CPU goes into the negatives, so we're tied at 32k points and they gave him the 1st place. Never happened to me.

>> No.2914125,187 [INTERNAL] 

Yet again, for the hundredth time, I feel compelled to sit down, memorize the damn hands, and learn to play maajan.

And yet again I won't do anything.

>> No.2914125,188 [INTERNAL] 

So anyone playing NeoTokyo? There has to be some steamfags.

>> No.2914125,189 [INTERNAL] 

I hear it turned out to be an overhyped Counter Strike/Dystopia clone.

>> No.2914125,190 [INTERNAL] 

I never found a rules page that bothered to explain that, but I guess that when there's a tie, 1st to 4th place = 1st East->2ndSouth->3rdWest->4thNorth
(meaning he only won because he was East)

Also about the missions:
トップ = top, just be 1st place (in most missions you also start with less points than the others.)
ツモ = tsumo, win by tsumo (the total number of tiles (134?) is reduced, in the hardest one, there are only 39(?) tiles to draw.
ドラ = dora + number, have it least as many dora (akauudora included) in the whole game/hanchan etc. and win.
X回 = win X times

>> No.2914125,191 [INTERNAL] 

I dunno, I haven't played much but at the very least it's a gorgeous mod. And the mechanics seem to work well.

>> No.2914125,192 [INTERNAL] 

The dora and tsumo wins would explain why I didn't clear some missions.

Have you defetead a PRO with you being 1st and him/her being 4th? They say a different line and give you some stars.

>> No.2914125,193 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

I haven't played much apart from missions, but when I play pros, there are 3 of them and at the end only one of them has talks.
I don't know what I am supposed to do with stars.

>> No.2914125,194 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't played much apart from missions, but when I play pros, there are 3 of them and at the end only one of them talks.
I don't know what I am supposed to do with stars.

>> No.2914125,195 [INTERNAL] 

Even more Rance, I've been really addicted to it recently. With /jp/ down I can't post my hanny threads though ;_;

>> No.2914125,196 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. If you like Key stuff.

>> No.2914125,197 [INTERNAL] 

You're not a true fan of Rance 7 if you've never played Samurai Warriors:

Search your heart and you know it to be true.

>> No.2914125,198 [INTERNAL] 

I can't deal with the awful voice acting in the recent Warriors games

>> No.2914125,199 [INTERNAL] 

I just noticed there's a Samurai Warriors 2 (PC) torrent on the piratebay? This is too good to be true. Am I dreaming? Yeah, I'm a little new to the whole pirating thing.

If my memory serves me correctly, Samurai Warriors was basically an action RPG version of Rance 7. Minus the nudity. And it is arguably more addictive than Rance 7 by a longshot.

>> No.2914125,200 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of Rance, and other turn-based strat eroges.
We had that thread yesterday or the day before about Mirror Moon, and I kinda forgot to ask whether anyone knows why they stopped working on that game called Vagrants?
I really loved Studio E-Go games (especially the art), and if the info on MM is correct, they pretty much translated almost everything, yet they stopped halfway for some reason. Anyone knows why?
link on the project on MM: http://mirrormoon.org/projects/vagrants
vndb link: http://vndb.org/v1643
Thanks in advance for whoever sheds some light on that for me.

>> No.2914125,201 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't you ask the wonderful folks at MM. Or better yet, demand them to comply.

>> No.2914125,202 [INTERNAL] 

I'll probably ask them whoever is still left at MM, when their forums come back (my router blocks the ports for the IRC).
Even if they just put everything on TLwiki, someone would do the editing/insertion I imagine. I was thinking they might have abandoned it due to the staff suddenly changing their mind or something, and I've thought someone might have heard about that here a few years ago.
Well no worries, gonna find out later.

>> No.2914125,203 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus, you guys are idiots. You can't have the elitism of an unpopular board and the activity and instant gratification of a popular board in one place. You guys complain about how 4chan is full of shitposters and newfags but when someone suggests starting a less popular board you complain that it won't have much activity, even though 99% of the so-called activity on 4chan is shitposting. You want some kind of Garden of Eden that is always full of current events and original content, but it doesn't exist.

tl;dr: you're all idealists and shut the fuck up

>> No.2914125,204 [INTERNAL] 

And you're slow; try to keep up.

>> No.2914125,205 [INTERNAL] 

Whenever I see "tl;dr" in a post I just disregard the whole thing out of hand. It's up there with "lulz" and "epic" for me.

>> No.2914125,207 [INTERNAL] 

What's with you and LJ?

>> No.2914125,209 [INTERNAL] 

>"tl;dr" in a post I just disregard the whole thing out of hand. It's up there with "lulz" and "epic" for me.
Well that's just like your opinion man. Rest assured I know more about 4chan's culture than you and for the life of me I cant find any thing about "tl;dr" that correlates it to 'lulz'. You DO know tl;dr (and most commonly used phrases on /b/) predates 4chan, right?

'EPIC' on the other hand IS bad because people abused it. The same thing goes for 'GAR'.

>> No.2914125,210 [INTERNAL] 

Both "lulz" and "tl;dr" followed the whole
"LJ -> ljdrama.org -> Encyclopedia Dramatica -> /b/ -> rest of the Internet" path.

>> No.2914125,211 [INTERNAL] 

tl;dr is fine as long as it's used correctly. If someone writes a full page of something and I can't be bothered to read it all, for example. Using it after a simple single paragraph is just annoying, though.

>> No.2914125,212 [INTERNAL] 

>Well that's just like your opinion man
This one is also getting pretty annoying now.

>4chan's culture
Oh, that's definitely another one I hate. I can't help but imagine you in a Guy Fawkes mask when you say stuff like that.

>> No.2914125,213 [INTERNAL] 

>>2914125,212 Bawwwwwww
Lurk the fuck moar you weeaboo namefag. How dare you insult Guy Fawkes (the mascot of the Legion). All of you're post is tl;dr. Newfags these days cant 4chan culture. Here's what I'm going to do, if this post ends in 3 (4 is fine too), I'm going to post the words '4chan culture' every day until you like it. Back in my days the word lulz was considered EPIC during our raids. Kids these days and their GAR and 'Japanese bird cooking spaghetti' memes don't know what they are missing.

>200 GET
The sauce to the English patch is Boku no pico. I just got done installing it, shit was so cash.

u mad?

This is what (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ actually believes.

>> No.2914125,214 [INTERNAL] 

Ecks dee.

>> No.2914125,215 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know. That's so accurate for /a/ and /v/ that it's scary.

What exactly were you trying to prove?

I like you and would be interested in buying you a cigar.

>> No.2914125,216 [INTERNAL] 

>>2914125,215 What exactly were you trying to prove?
He's being obnoxious towards some harmless phrases. Earlier I composed a list of dead phrases/memes. And tl;dr is far from being annoying:

Words killed by 4chan:

Lurk moar

Words about to be killed by 4chan:[/u]

u mad?

>> No.2914125,217 [INTERNAL] 


Oops, I fail at bbcode. I guess that makes me an average /prog/rammer.

>> No.2914125,219 [INTERNAL] 

How good is DDC by the way? Is the story enjoyable?
I'm still disappointed the jewfag chickened out of translating Mindead Blood.

>> No.2914125,220 [INTERNAL] 

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2914125,221 [INTERNAL] 

I like you. Come over to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.2914125,222 [INTERNAL] 

Why the hell are three samefags talking in this thread when it's not even at the top of the page?

No wonder /jp/ is 4chan's least favorite board.

>> No.2914125,223 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,224 [INTERNAL] 

>when it's not even at the top of the page?
What? If there's a ghost post, it will be at the top of the page.

>> No.2914125,225 [INTERNAL] 

<b><i>Not as much as me</b></i>

>> No.2914125,226 [INTERNAL] 

You fail

>> No.2914125,227 [INTERNAL] 

So what's everyone doing right now?
Sengoku Rance made me seek out other SLG eroges. Right now I'm playing Ouzoku by Softhouse Chara.

Basically the story is that there's a country(Visto) that almost conquered most of the continent. The main character, Zin is a genius tactician that has a grudge on Visto. He goes from place to place seeking employment on countries at war with them. After succesfully stalling Visto for 3 years, the kingdom that hired him finally succumbed due to an internal revolt. Escaping, he was captured and hired by Elt Kingdom. Elt Kingdom recently lost all of their high ranking people including their King against Visto. Seeing all hope lost, the nobles revolted. The only one left are a Queen that doesn't know politics, the daughter of a renowned general that doesn't know how to lead an army and an eternal loli prime minister that speaks in archaic Japanese (My head hurts comprehending her speech). Long story short, Zin aggrees on leading their army in exchange for their bodies.

I like the battle system, it's a bit too hard though. You really need to grind otherwise you'll have a very hard time. Also your own troop blocks you own troop's movement range.


>> No.2914125,228 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,229 [INTERNAL] 

I'm reading sci-fi novels and, with the help of my 10 year old friend Laphroaig, drinking myself into a stupor. I just finished "The Songs of Distant Earth" and I'm about to start "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" which is something I really should have read a long time ago, considering how much I've enjoyed everything else from PKD.

>> No.2914125,230 [INTERNAL] 

Raging at tsukuru faggots who deleted all the info about Nitroplus translation projects.

>> No.2914125,231 [INTERNAL] 

Why is SofthouseChara always so awesome?

>> No.2914125,232 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell, is that an unlockable content ingame or something? Now I can't stop laughing.

>> No.2914125,233 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,234 [INTERNAL] 

So I'm not in a VN mood right now, any PC games you guys would recommend? No FPSs, long games are a plus, doujin games are fine too.

>> No.2914125,235 [INTERNAL] 

Up for some racing game? Burnout Paradise.

>> No.2914125,236 [INTERNAL] 

Go play a Total War series.

>> No.2914125,237 [INTERNAL] 

It looks beautiful, sadly I don't have shader 3.0.

>> No.2914125,238 [INTERNAL] 

Hearts of Iron 2

>> No.2914125,239 [INTERNAL] 

Downloading Medieval II Total War right now, shit's gonna be so cash.

>> No.2914125,240 [INTERNAL] 

So long as you play the Grand Campaign. 50 provinces + Jerusalem/Rome/Constantinople is going to take you a long time to finish.

>> No.2914125,241 [INTERNAL] 

Play a real game, like Age of Empires 2.

>> No.2914125,242 [INTERNAL] 

Or you settle for nothing but the best, i.e Age of Mythology

>> No.2914125,243 [INTERNAL] 

Pfft, real men play EU3 with the Magna Mundi mod on Hard.

Nothing beats watching your little country crumble to pieces within a few years.

>> No.2914125,244 [INTERNAL] 

It looks like the download itself is going to take a long time to finish ;_;
I don't know why, but µTorrent has never exceeded 300 kb/s on my new computer, and it's really aggravating.

Age of Kings is one of the few games I actually own, as in hard copy, paid for.
That's a good idea. It would never work right on my last laptop because of a graphics card issue, so it's been quite some time.

>> No.2914125,245 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ AoE2 netplay, everyone chooses Japanese. Sugoi~! I need to go find my discs now...
AoM is fun, but some of the god powers aren't balanced very well. The Norse were pretty cool though.

>> No.2914125,246 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of strategy-games, how do you folks liked the Heroes of Might and Magic series?
One of the rare series I have most of the games boxed and original (except the expansions).

>> No.2914125,247 [INTERNAL] 

Hell yeah. I don't understand these people with their endless easy modo Starcraft clones.

Are you looking forward to Hearts of Iron III? It'll be out in a few weeks.

>> No.2914125,249 [INTERNAL] 

Of course. I love the amount of new provinces it'll have, and from what I've heard, the AI is going to be much better. Can't wait for it.

>> No.2914125,250 [INTERNAL] 

You are lucky my friend, I never had an original version of the first one. I probably wasted the most time on the third one. Hell I still remember back when me and my mates used to go to school, and every friday we went to one of us, and played hot-seat mode for hours. One game with 3 of us took like two months. Good times.

>> No.2914125,251 [INTERNAL] 

Heroes 3 is tied with Diablo 2 for the game that I've wasted most of my childhood on, and I keep compulsively reinstalling every year. I haven't played 1 or 2; I tried 1 some years ago but I couldn't get it to work properly (it kept crashing for some reason, even with dosbox).

4 was decent, I guess, not as addictive but I liked the new approach at heroes, and things like caster units. Don't really feel like playing it again, even though I never finished the chaos campaign.

5, I didn't really get into either. Mostly because I couldn't stand the square tiles. It seemed too simple and restrictive, 3's hexagon grid was alot more fun to play on.

>> No.2914125,252 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, the battles are going to be a lot more interesting now that troops will have to be spread out over all those new provinces. And finally the AI will be able to fight on more than one front without getting confused and failing horribly.

I really hope that the 1914 and Kaiserreich mods are remade for HoI3 someday.

>> No.2914125,253 [INTERNAL] 

Aw, man, this sucks.

Guess what just crashed my computer? Yeah, Age of Empires II.
At least I'll still get my Medieval II Total War in... 18 hours ;_;

>> No.2914125,254 [INTERNAL] 

I hope they improve maritime combat in HoI3. Fuck your ships, I have MARITIME PATROL PLANES FROM HELL

also a stack of 1000 subs

>> No.2914125,255 [INTERNAL] 

What did I do to deserve this?
Worst day ever.

>> No.2914125,256 [INTERNAL] 

They'll have all of that fixed with Halo 4

>> No.2914125,257 [INTERNAL] 

Nice Vista

>> No.2914125,258 [INTERNAL] 

Win7 actually

>> No.2914125,259 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,260 [INTERNAL] 

That's my typical speed. The best of days I get 100k down. You'll take that and you'll like it.

>> No.2914125,261 [INTERNAL] 

It's not just the download. I cap the upload at 100kb/s, but so far today it hasn't broken 80.
I don't know if there was some setting I messed with on my old machine to make µTorrent realize its full potential or what. I'm not restricting its connections, so why...!

>> No.2914125,262 [INTERNAL] 

ETA: 1 d 4 h


>> No.2914125,263 [INTERNAL] 

355 download connections means 80kb/s, apparently.
Fuck my life.

>> No.2914125,264 [INTERNAL] 

You can always go to the nearest game store and buy it. Surely, it'd be faster than 1d4h.

>> No.2914125,265 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, well BT fucks my modem up. Some times it works, other times it'll crash. I guess it just can't handle the amount of connections, Share works fine and I get in the 500-700 kb/s range depending on how much I'm downloading (something that rarely ever happens on BT.)

>> No.2914125,266 [INTERNAL] 

Throttling. You probably forgot to enable the traffic encryption when you switched computers.

>> No.2914125,267 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, no. I started downloading it from my old Shana and I'm getting 600kb/s.
I'll just have some fun with a crossover cable when it's done.

>> No.2914125,268 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,269 [INTERNAL] 

Damn, I can't post my "browned on both sides" Hanako pic

>> No.2914125,270 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2914125,271 [INTERNAL] 

That image makes me cringe inside every time I see it.
Her eye... it looks painful.

>> No.2914198

Daily mandatory sage for Katawa Shoujo.
