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2911656 No.2911656 [Reply] [Original]

Is school bullying really that horrible? I mean all Ive been reading from games, manga etc etc is that they give them cold shoulders, verbal abuse and ostracizing. Sometimes even mean tricks like steal your pencil case and put tacks in your shoes but is it really that bad?

If it's just verbal abuse why lie down and take it? Why not tongue lash a faggot or explode on them? It's not physical so it shouldn't be a problem.

Also what the fuck are the teachers doing?

I know if it was me being tongue lashed I'd call you a faggot and insult your mom.

>> No.2911666

<== /a/

>> No.2911661

Have you played Yume Miru Kisuri?

It's exactly like that.

>> No.2911670

No I haven't what happened there?

>> No.2911683
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If somebody bullied me like that I'd shank that nigger. I keeps it real. No nigga gonna get up in my face like dat.

>> No.2911684 [DELETED] 
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>Is school bullying really that horrible?
It's worst. It leaves deep psycological scars.

>> No.2911689


Come to think of it, it's kinda like OP's picture. Except with more people, generally when it comes to school bullying it's many against one.

Beating, humiliating, sometimes even outright raping.

>> No.2911693

where the fuck are the teachers?

>> No.2911704

Not always, but with leniency, it can become that bad.

>> No.2911706

They are joining in on the fun.

>> No.2911715


I always thought japanese schools worked on a kind of "Tell them to stop, tell their parents, that'll solve everything system". Corporal punishment doesn't exist and you'd need to do something seriously fucked up to be expelled, so anything less than that just continues if they choose to ignore the slap on the wrists.

>> No.2911751

If you want serious answers you should probably ask somewhere that, you know, actually has knowledge of the Japanese school system. Not /jp/.

>> No.2911766

Actually, I stopped being bullied when I realized that.
Well, of course, since I'm a guy, then they started with the physical abuse, but I eventually started to fight back with that as well.
It's wonderful to realize how bullies in groups can be cowards when they are caught alone and with an "armament" disadvantage...

>> No.2911768

so yeah..OP you have to remember, Japs stay quiet about anything that offends them in order to not offend other non-offensive Japs. It's quite the vicious cycle.. They're quite reserved about anything and everything. Except porn and little girls.

>> No.2911778

Whatever they do in Japan isn't as bad as what bullies do to girls in China.


>> No.2911789

I remember being a short asian kid I got picked on by black people alot when I was a kid. This nigger used to kick my ass and take my lunch. One day I had it. I grabbed my mathematical compass and when he came to steal my lunch I stabbed his hand. Then I opened my thermos of tea my mom made me everyday and poured it all over him. Got suspended for a week but nobody messed with me. On the down side noone wanted to talk with me because they thought I was crazy.

>> No.2911794

Way to go, crazy Asian kid

>> No.2911805

Or American redneck girls.


>> No.2911811

Don't even talk about China. If you rape women there they give you a medal.

>> No.2911825


Sorta like this?

>> No.2911829


I never had the balls to fight back. I just got beat up periodically until high school when everyone grew up. Good job.

>> No.2911831

But regardless, Niggers do it best


>> No.2911837

You're asian. Use you're crazy Jackie Chan powers.

>> No.2911843

I've never been bullied or anything. But I've seen kids who would read yugioh in the middle of class get bullied.

Also more pics like OP?

>> No.2912060

I never got bullied. Why would they? I'm a generally likable person. Awkward, but likable.

>> No.2912070

doesn't mean they can't bully you for being white.

>> No.2912251

its japan. most passive bunch of pussies ever.
if someone bullies them, they take it.usually to the point they kill themselves.
they dont report it to the teacher, they dont tell their parents, like all of japan, they bottle it up because 'its insignificant compared to the greater society'.

the teachers dont do shit either. they might try to talk to the students, but even then im pretty sure i read or heard somewhere on a youtube video about japanese bullying that teachers cant and WONT do anything about it because they're not there to maintain peace, they're just there to teach whether students listen or not.
so for bullying in japan, if you're the victim, you're on your own.

personally, i'd shank them too. if its a girl, beat her silly
if its a guy, try and break his arm or abduct / rape his sister or blow up his car or something.

>> No.2912294

Just wear a Fedora.

>> No.2913817

Do you enjoy being teased?

>> No.2913834

Only faggots and pussies get bullied.

This is how you do it guys

Yeah sure, and Japan is exactly like anime, right? YMK is horribly over-exaggerated.

>> No.2913858

1. Japanese bullying is psychological
2. You can't just "tongue lash a faggot or explode on them"
3. lrn2understandJapaneseSociety

>> No.2913862

>2. You can't just "tongue lash a faggot or explode on them"
You can't just make claims without giving a reason

>> No.2913865
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>personally, i'd shank them too. if its a girl, beat her silly
>if its a guy, try and break his arm or abduct / rape his sister or blow up his car or something.
Just who are you trying to convince anyways?

>> No.2913881

Boys usually bully physically.
Girls usually bully psychologically, which is much more devastating.

>> No.2913896

Girls are also long term bullies, and hold grudges.

I've seen worse girl bullies than boys, they truly are awful.

>> No.2913912
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Was I the only one who thought this?

>> No.2913921

And look at what happened to that bitch who was bullying Aeka, she got what she deserved.

>> No.2913944

The following would happen if retribution was involved

-Wrath of falculty: Being seen as the insane little brat whom lashed out at others is much more damning to a student's reputation in Japan, they will associate you with criminals and thug like elements and try to dump you off at lower QL schools. It won't just be expulsion but the chance of obtaining any sense of employment is out of the question
-Wrath of student body, remember Kamille from Zeta Gundam? Punching an officer, got tossed in the brig, got out for revenge, wind up losing his family, friends and eventually his mind? Well its like that with a student, except they first lose the trust of their best friends (whom would less likely to be associated with him) then family whom sees them being the aggressor and shaming the family and then eventually go batshit insane.
-Escalating retribution, pretty much standard bullying fare, you sent barbed words back, they send harsher words, you punch back, they ambush you one day, you set up a prank as retribution, they send something harsher. MAD is all but involved and may lead to A and B.

>> No.2913945

in b4 some weaboo says that girl bullies are *dere.

>> No.2913958

You'd just be ostracizing yourself even further. Congratulations.

>> No.2913966


>> No.2913973

Snapping on people works great in American society. I imagine many people here have done it before. If you snap on somebody, everyone thinks you're crazy and leaves you alone. We all want to be left alone, by frat boys and unfaithful biting women.

That makes us some of the most sane, stable, reasonable people in society. Isn't it funny that it's us that needs to snap? Or maybe insanity is defined by culture, not logic and reason. But I digress.

Trust me, gentlemen. Being lonely and bullied is no punishment for having what we have.

>> No.2913975


And your family bears the brunt of the humilation, my sis knows this, she had to contend with gossip of how I got into trouble over minor things and did things from kicking trash cans to swearing at the teachers, if I was in an Asian school, I was fucked 9 ways to monday.

>> No.2913985

I'm not independent enough to retaliate if I'm being given shit in real life.

Primary school for me was pretty much stolen shoes, and items in general. High school was an improvement, but only because I got in with the alpha crowd somehow.

I know a lot of bullying happens, but really, its an impossibility to rectify the situation. Calling somebody in a position of power usually leads to retaliation, and any preventative measures can not possibly be universally applied. Pretty much, the only way to avoid it is to keep to yourself, or be at the top of the ladder.

People are so cruel.

>> No.2914006

If you're being bullied just blackmail a boy into cumming on their clothes. Fucking simple.

>> No.2914062

I know it's just a stupid tripname thing, but I imagined the actual Alice suffering like this.

>> No.2914104

>That makes us some of the most sane, stable, reasonable people in society
Well no, if you want to be left alone then you're trying to get out of society, which is why it can only frown upon you and think of you as unreasonable.

>> No.2914161
File: 217 KB, 403x463, 1242076824387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, like some people here seem to think, bullying is not exclusive to Japan. It happens everywhere.

Reporting bullies to the teachers or similiar people who 'will help you' is extremely counter-productive. The bullies get some kind of half-assed punishment, and then they take revenge. You'll eventually learn to shut up about it.

Bullying also causes a vicious cycle. Bully bullies victim because he/she doesn't like him/her, which in turn causes the victim to react in a way the bully doesn't like, which causes more bullying, etc.
Just snapping or something like that generally doesn't do anything, unless you're lucky, and will only get you made fun of even more.

YMK's bullying is only slightly exaggerated, but it's very close to reality. The least realistic part is probably the severity of the bullying compared to the amount of time she's been bullied - generally that kind of stuff happens after several years of bullying, not the first year. But, with the exception of the taser, that stuff DOES happen if it goes too far.

Even if boys' bullying is mainly physically doesn't mean it can't have horrible psychological effects. Regardless of how it's done, bullying can make a victim extremely depressed and make him/her lose all self-confidence.

>> No.2914196


>> No.2914264

Not to mention if you fight back in many countries, both parties get punished. So the bully will get suspended and the victim will get suspended, which is called a "zero tolerance" policy. Also in the US, there's a huge stigma against "narcing" or reporting something to higher authority. Bullying relies a lot on intimidation and limited options to fight back, so pretty much the bullying victim is fucked in the ass

>> No.2914279

I was never bullied, but I am fairly big, so I think people assumed I was stronger than I am. 6'2" 240lb

Oh, and I got the top grade in most classes and played chess at lunch, so I was a potentially huge target. I live in a fairly rural area though, I assume bullying is worse in cities and areas with a high nigger population. The worst we had was alot of puerto ricans. I can't remember a single black person...

My friends used to hide my bookbag all the time though, bunch of faggots.

>> No.2914298

I was bullied back in middle school and I told the teachers. After that point he never bothered me again.

I don't know what the teachers told him to make him stop but it worked.

>> No.2914339

An inspiring story, to say the least.

>> No.2914382

Oh wow.. I didn't know that it really was that horrible and often.

I only got bullied once. I forgot what grade it was but it was this strong looking kid who thought he was all that and bullied other kids but I hadn't been a target yet, well one day he decided to try it and I must of said something that really pissed him off as he punched me(in the goddamn eye) and must of thought I was someone who would take it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a nice guy to everyone who is nice to me but I'm one of the worst people to choose as your enemy.

well I responded to a fist with a fist.. except multiple times, I hit him, and hit him again and again and I didn't stop hitting him until I was literally dragged away from him by the gym teacher. sure I did get suspended but the day I went back to school that bully apologized and surprisingly he wanted to be my friend after that and he turned out to be a pretty good guy and stopped bullying, I ended up with a good friend and no one attempted to try to bully me after that as they know what I did and I also now had a friend that was also someone who most the school didn't want to mess with.

got a lot more popular after that too and ended up meeting my current best friend because of it so all in all the reward was vastly greater than the punishment received, it's probably a very rare situation of course.

standing up for myself and retaliating when punched led to the best outcome so I don't really know why people just let it happen, even if they can't respond in the way I did they can still get help from someone like a teacher or a friend right?

>> No.2914408

We should publish books of it.

>> No.2914447

Now, this has nothing to do with your story, but you don't happen to be anemic as well, do you?

>> No.2914477

No, why?

>> No.2914489
File: 39 KB, 180x180, Inui Arihiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing, Tohno. Forget about it.

>> No.2914497

i got expelled from school because of nearly killed one bullies

the problem is that the bullies is actually very weak and fag, they only fight someone weaker than they are.

>> No.2914509 [DELETED] 

I've never seen any bullying like what they show in anime/manga. Maybe some faggots picking on a kid once in a while but it was never constantly or for very long. But I was occasionally made fun of.

I had a "funny" voice in middle school so I was always picked on or made fun of for it. But it was by people I considered friends and would hang out with outside of school. The only time it really got to me was one time in a class. This guy who was way shorter and smaller than me started joking about me right in the middle of class (I had a lot of friends in that class and it was a substitute teacher so it was "wild".) Everyone was laughing, and I tried to laugh it off and not let it bother me like always, but he just kept going. That was the only time I REALLY wanted to go and beat the shit of someone in school. Classes ended before I did and so did the laughing. I was still mad of course. But I was to pussy to go up to him. He was in our circle of friends so I still saw him and talked to him but I never wanted to hang out with him or do anything outside of school with him.
The next semester we ended up talking, I can't remember exactly why but I know it was a class where we didn't know anybody. I guess since we knew each other we sat together I still hated him but I didn't know anyone either. We started talking and that time came up. I acted like I had forgotten, but he apologized for going to far. I didn't really care if he said sorry or not, but I couldn't stay mad. I forgot about it and we ended up having fun in that class. I still talked to him in high school but we were never close friends.

>> No.2914517

I've never seen any bullying like what they show in anime/manga. Maybe some faggots picking on a kid once in a while but it was never constantly or for very long. But I was occasionally made fun of.

I had a "funny" voice in middle school so I was always picked on or made fun of for it. But it was by people I considered friends and would hang out with outside of school. The only time it really got to me was one time in a class. This guy who was way shorter and smaller than me started joking about me right in the middle of class (I had a lot of friends in that class and it was a substitute teacher so it was "wild".) Everyone was laughing, and I tried to laugh it off and not let it bother me like always, but he just kept going. That was the only time I REALLY wanted to go and beat the shit of someone in school. Classes ended before I did and so did the laughing. I was still mad of course. But I was to pussy to go up to him. He was in our circle of friends so I still saw him and talked to him but I never wanted to hang out with him or do anything outside of school with him.

The next semester we ended up talking, I can't remember exactly why but I know it was a class where we didn't know anybody. I guess since we knew each other we sat together I still hated him but I didn't know anyone either. We started talking and that time came up. I acted like I had forgotten, but he apologized for going to far. I didn't really care if he said sorry or not, but I couldn't stay mad. I forgot about it and we ended up having fun in that class. I still talked to him in high school but we were never close friends.

>> No.2914520

Has anyone ever seen somebody intervene when somebody gets bullied?

>> No.2914532

I once punched out a couple losers where were a grade higher than me for bullying a little girl.

Does that count?

>> No.2914536


..I do happen to have insufficient iron intake though.

Fuck, do I really seem like shiki? I don't know whether to take that as a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.2914541

Of course. If it really happened.

>> No.2914546

you miss the point. you should proceed to rape the little girl later

>> No.2914550

It did.

I got into all the trouble. Hooray education system.

>> No.2914561

Well you know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

>> No.2914640

School bullying is horrible, but it does not happen to the extent that it happens in Yume miru kusuri. The severity is exaggerated too much in the VN. Also, it is different depending on the school's area. Some areas are worse than others.

To understand, it is necessary to know that Japanese social system's in-groups and out-groups are very different from America. In America, a bully is alone or a small group, and . But in Japan, bullys are able to abuse classmates because they will force them to an out-group, and isolate them, with no friends to support them. And then, the in-group can abuse the classmate freely. Unlike america, it is very difficult to speak out if you are not part of the in-group, and there is not much else that can be done to stop it.

Also, in America, the bully will be kicked out of class, or kicked out of school, or if the parents are called, the parents will punish the child. However, in Japan, teachers will not interfere with bullying. Because if a teacher tells the parent, the parent will say "no, my child wouldn't do such a thing", without believing a word. If a teacher tells the bully, maybe the bully will harm the teacher as well.

>> No.2914659

Come to think of it me and a best friend once did some bad bullying to one kid.

In 8th grade I think is when it was. There was this kid who was a bit awkward. He would try to hard to be cool and it would backfire on him. They type that's shy but wants to fit in, the type you would feel bad for. He wanted to hang out with the jocks so he joined football. They made fun of him and used him for jokes but they were never physical, he also failed at football but he tried! Anyway I was a skater back then and he would try to hang out with us too. He wanted to learn how to skate so we said we would teach him.

So he started hanging out with us more skating ect... he sucked and was scared but he tried! One time though it was me, a friend, and him. We were skating but then we got the bright idea it would be fun to hide his board. Next thing you know were playing keep-away, he was chasing after us trying to get it back. He was on the verge of tears... And we were laughing at him. I had the board at the moment and he was chasing after friend, for some reason though I thought it would be funny to throw the board. It hit him in the back of the legs perfectly and he ended up falling. It wasn't a hard throw or fall. Next thing I see is him crawl with one hand grab his leg with the other and scream in a teary voice "MOMMY!" Of course we got scared and stopped, we helped him up and he was fine. We apologized and joked about it. He was more embarrassed than anything. I mean it was a 14 year old kid crying and yelling mommy.

He still skated with us until high school. We never did anything like that again and I still consider him a friend.

I felt so bad about that though, I hated being picked on and never bullied anyone. I don't know why I did it but I still feel guilty about it.

>> No.2914662

Holy shit, I must have somehow blacked out all the trips to Japan I took each day.

Because that's exactly how every school I went to worked.

Because I had a single incident in the past, and because of my attitude or something, I was marked as a 'bad kid' in all my files, apparently. ANY incident, regardless of the facts, was my fault. The principal and vice-principal would lie their asses off to sway things against me. In MULTIPLE schools. The teachers hated me and picked on me too. The best part is that all the students knew this, so I was usually the ONLY target for multiple grade-levels. Fun times.

I was eventually expelled when the last principal could dig up enough lies and incidents about me.

>> No.2914695


Good thing. Shiki is cool.

>> No.2914731

I am so sorry you had to have that experience in Japan. I hope things turned out okay for you after all. Actually, your experience is common and can be found in almost every school, and even work. And, because Japan resists changes, it will probably be common for a long time. Many Japanese don't even know that the social system is different abroad, until they go on a student exchange students. After that, many of the exchange students eyes are opened, and it can be difficult to return to Japanese life afterwards. Even after returning, many still think about how they eventually want to go abroad again

>> No.2914739

No, see, the joke there was that I'm from America, thus making your comparison kind of pointless when the exact same thing happens in both places.

>> No.2914782

You know, even I feel like making you a target, and I'm a pussy.

>> No.2914815

Cool story, tough guy.

What's next, gonna insult my mother? Pussy ass maggot. You wouldn't be able to make anyone a 'target'.

>> No.2914836

>If it's just verbal abuse why lie down and take it?
It's a societal thing. It's inherently a bad thing to rebel against anything. So if you're getting picked on, the societal expectation is that you'll take it.
>Also what the fuck are the teachers doing?
Teachers don't have a whole lot of real authority. Students aren't even obligated to go to class.
>Beating, humiliating, sometimes even outright raping.
A buddy of mine that grew up in japan (lol real reliable source lol) told me about a time when one girl beat up another girl, then let her boyfriend rape her.
It's also a societal thing to avoid interfering. So if Person A and Person B have a disagreement, everyone else pretends to ignore it, no matter what.
>I always thought japanese schools worked on a kind of "Tell them to stop, tell their parents, that'll solve everything system".
Not really? Both parents typically work until late and essentially depend on the school and after school clubs to watch out for their children.
Also, A lot of it is reputation. If you're bullied and you fight back, you ostracize yourself from the rest of the student body. Given a choice between being the odd man out or seen as someone on the side of the rest of the school, then you're going to choose the unbullied side. Any sort of rebellion would damage the reputation of the school. It would damage your parents reputation. it would damage your teacher's reputation.

>> No.2914838

Relax~ I'm just making a joke, or an observation. Your pick, lucky you.

Maybe your problem was a faulty sense of humor?
Whatever the case, that's really no reason to flip out.

>> No.2914847

I remember that the only Indian guy in our school was going through a living hell after the 9/11 attacks. YES, I MEAN BOLLYWOOD INDIA.

>> No.2914871

Cool story, bro. I already knew that one, though. Maybe you should learn some new stories.

>> No.2914892

Sure, sure. I'll let you cool off, then.

The mean old Anonymous is going to stop saying unkind things.

>> No.2914905

44 But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you; 45 That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

>> No.2914939

That reminds me of some old naive saying I heard a while back. About how you should be kind to everybody, but especially to people who don't return any kindness. The idea was that because they didn't show kindness, it meant that they were sorely lacking in it.

I found it funny after trying to follow that saying, because it's never done me good. The people I helped only stayed bitter, and as I tried to share my happiness with them, they affected me instead. Then it continued until I became bitter like them.

>> No.2914971

I'm not just saying this because I'm an atheist but I think that that's very hard to do in real life. If anyone has pulled it off then kudos to them for perseverance but I'm not that righteous that I won't put a fist in the face of someone who just punched me.

>> No.2915016

I meant more that I already knew that from my first post.




>> No.2915027

Well if someone is actually physically harming you and wants to inflict some serious injury, you would have to preserve your life and limb. Go ahead and retaliate if your life is at risk.

>> No.2915039

In high school in science class a guy called Kyle used to kick the back of my chair, only lightly but he was a real asshole and would do it constantly, but he would only do it to me and not to my friends next to me, which kinda made it 'my problem'.

Once day he kicked it so hard I cracked my head on the desk, I lost it, picked up this metal ruler I had and hit him across the face.

I didn't think it was so bad at first, but because the thing was metal and kinda sharp my hit was closer to a 'slash', it like nearly cut his ear apart.

I got suspended by the principal for the rest of the week, but because everything else came out Kyle was suspended for the next two weeks as I heard.

But yeah, nearly got bullied again, he got moved to a different class. Felt good man.

>> No.2915049

Oh. Haha, you got me then!

>> No.2916034

Pussies. When I was in school, bullying meant spray-painting people blind or poking out their ear drums with a piece of wire.

On my first day I saw 4-5 people beating the head of one student against a metal railing.

>> No.2916048

In my school, bullying meant being gangraped, it was an all-boys school.

>> No.2916056

>one girl beat up another girl, then let her boyfriend rape her.
That is so romantic. They must have a wonderful relationship, I wish I could find a girl like that.
