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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 668x482, MangaGamer's loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2910281 No.2910281 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of MangaGamer?

>> No.2910295 [DELETED] 

Get out Mangagamer dev

>> No.2910289

Mmmmmm, soooooo good.

>> No.2910293

No opinion. Will probably fail, just based on all previous "We're gonna release eroge stateside" companies.

>> No.2910294

I feel as if the collective of /jp/'s visual novel base is a leech sucking at their very life.

and it feels good.

>> No.2910303


>> No.2910307

I think they need a partnership with Age and Black CYC

>> No.2910317

Why don't we have porn of their new mascot yet?

>> No.2910320

I think they should be ashamed for charging for their shitty translations.

>> No.2910321

I feel like I should give them my money, yet I can't bring myself to do it

>> No.2910326

I'm not complaining, as long as they bring some new translations and not stuff that's been translated already.

>> No.2910329

Aren't they British though?

>> No.2910332

Because /jp/ is full of lazy fucks with no creativity.

>> No.2910345

22:49:56 <zalas|MangaGamer> we're still in the red so make sure to tell your friends to go online and buy the games

>> No.2910349
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>> No.2910350

Thought they were Dutch.

Seen some, but didn't save it.

>> No.2910353

I'd pay for their fucking terrible translations if they'd sell physical copies of the game. I'd buy it more for the box and collecting, rather than the translation.

I know I would, because I own a bunch of VNs I can't even read, so why wouldn't I pay for something that looks nice that I can? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2910354

Damn. We won't have any games to pirate if they go out of business.

>> No.2910358

Same. I don't need any extras, I just want proof of purchase.

>> No.2910365

I will buy from them eventually. Namely Higurashi and Shin Koihime Musou, and maybe Shuffle.

>> No.2910369

They are bros.

And they should start translating Himawari.

>> No.2910370

Might be, I know the server is in the Amsterdam. However, I thought the company itself was British in origin.

>> No.2910371

No, they are Japanese. The company HQ happens to be in Netherlands.

It exists, but it's just (censored) nudity.

I just told my internet friends. I've done my duty.

>> No.2910378

Reported for viral marketing.

>> No.2910381

>It exists, but it's just (censored) nudity.

I am aware of that picture, but that isn't hentai.

>> No.2910385

/jp/ hates them because they hate anything that brings what they "like" any closer to mainstream.

>> No.2910388 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 668x482, Mangagamers(284123).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2910390

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2910391

B-but I just said I don't hate them, and I'd even buy from them if they sold physical copies of the games ;_;

>> No.2910393

Mangagamer dev thread?

>> No.2910396

What the fuck is going on around her vagina

>> No.2910398

We look down on people who use that word.

>> No.2910399

/jp/ does not hate those who give us nice things, like English KIRAKIRA.

>> No.2910400


>> No.2910410

I'm glad that they're showing interest in translating VNs that aren't just sex romps, but they need to have better translations (more like Suika, less like Edelweiss) and start conducting business practices in a professional manner. Overall they get my approval more than Jast.

Oh and the new loli mascot is cute.

>> No.2910416

Mangagamer announced they were bringing over a bunch of games.

Suddenly dozens of threads about how much they suck.

>> No.2910420

There is already porn. This is a worksafe board, though, so all porn posted is deleted pretty quickly.

Japanese, company HQ in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.

Kira Kira is awesome.

>> No.2910438

No, I hate them because their translations are awful and they don't sell physical products. If they fix both of those problems then I'd consider buying from them. Popularity has nothing to do with it, I couldn't give less of a shit about what other people do or don't like.

>> No.2910471

Digital distribution is what makes possible for MG to translate games in the first place, take in mind that they are a small company, I don't think they have the funds to cover for the costs of physical distribution. Even if they did, nobody would buy them anyways.

>> No.2910473 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 1024x641, Mangagamers(284123).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HQ version.

>> No.2910469 [DELETED] 
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HQ version.

>> No.2910476
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>> No.2910479

I think that I somewhat hate them.
Their translations suck to the point that some of the things they have done almost shouldn't be called english.

The only translations they have done who are read worthy are Da Capo and Suika even though neither of those translations is especially good.

If Mangagamer got the license of a title that I really cared for I wouldn't be able to feel anything but sadness.

Hopefully JAST USA got their hands on Nitro+ which I believe I find as a really awesome thing and then their translations are "real" english as opposed to Mangagamer. (I have heard rumors about censorship though and if Niro+'s titles would be censored then that would totally suck)

I would never buy something as poorly translated as Mangagamers works.

>> No.2910489

>Hopefully JAST USA got their hands on Nitro+ which I believe I find as a really awesome thing and then their translations are "real" english as opposed to Mangagamer. (I have heard rumors about censorship though and if Niro+'s titles would be censored then that would totally suck)

I heard Cosplay Fetish Academy had some problems with the translations, but as I haven't played it yet, I won't comment farther. KiraKira was fairly well translated, even if there were some typos.

>> No.2910492

To everyone complaining about MG's translations: are you really just complaining about the grammatical errors and typos, or have you read these works in the original Japanese?

>> No.2910495

Okay, contributing seriously to the topic.

If they did sell physical copies, yes I would probably buy games I like just to keep. I do this with manga and light novels that I like, even untranslated ones. However, because they don't I have no real need to buy from them. The only think that kinda makes me want to get from them is keeping them in business.

I deleted that post because it wasn't spoilered. If you want I can get back in photoshop and remove them.

>> No.2910499

I wish that JAST teamed up with bros from tlwiki.

>> No.2910502

No, no, that's alright.

Your photoshop skills are awful.

>> No.2910504

That's exactly their problem, bro. Selling online only will bring them no money - which will make it so they cant afford to put out physical copies of games.

People will not pay for mediocre translations especially if you only get a download of it. You get nothing, so theres no reason to buy it.

>> No.2910505 [SPOILER] 
File: 300 KB, 1024x641, Mangagamers(284123).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removed them for you.

>> No.2910508

Thank you very much, I'll have you know I spent 3 painstaking minutes of hard work on it.

>> No.2910513

I wish everyone would stop complaining about the damn translations.

There's nothing wrong with the translations. There just needs to be better quality control.


>> No.2910523
File: 29 KB, 500x421, 1232739614844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me break down these two sentences you just wrote
>There's nothing wrong with the translations. There just needs to be better quality control.

>There's nothing wrong with the translations, they just need to fix the things that are wrong with them.


>> No.2910524

I think they find the translations okay, just not worth paying for. As free translations they seem fine to me. Getting some more quality checkers couldn't hurt though. There are mistakes here and there but nothing like "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

>> No.2910528

Having adequate grammar and spelling is part of a good translation.

>> No.2910531

To add to that, or explain it better, my point is simple.

People will not pay for something they can easily get for free. Download only means there is NO reason to pay a single cent for their product - as you can get the entirety of it for free via the internet. If they sold physical copies of the game, that changes everything. While you may get the actual game just as easily online, you cant download a box. You can't download whatever else comes in it. And so there is a reason to pay for it that is completely missing in the case of download only.

>> No.2910533


But a translation is just converting what was in Japanese into English. That doesn't have anything to do with some typos here and there.

Ever heard of a "rough translation"? That's why editors and QCers exist, so they can fix typos and make the language flow better.

>> No.2910535
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see >>2910528

>> No.2910541

This I do agree on. The least they can do is run spell check on it before releasing. The grammatical mistakes can be caught by quality checkers. The spelling mistakes don't really have any excuse.

>> No.2910547
File: 165 KB, 896x633, 992ca68ad5ce96d6277aebbb1c38b383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A translation by definition is taking writing in one language and translating it to another language
In this case; Japanese to English
If they're not using even remotely proper English, then they're not really translating it from one language properly to the other
Therefore: Shitty translation

>> No.2910552


Yes, but it's not the translators job to be a perfectionist on typos and such. That's the editors job.

The translator's job is to use what knowledge they have of both languages to make a decent conversion, nothing else.

If the translator had to be a perfectionist, then the translator would have too much work dumped on him, which can lead to problems.

Which is why mangagamer should hire more editors and give them more time to work on typos, because there is nothing wrong with the translation, the work of the translator just needs to be edited and quality checked.

>> No.2910556

>incorrect spelling in a post about spell check

>> No.2910561

Semantics. Obviously people referring to the "translation" mean the final edited product. QCing and editing is part of the overall translation/localization process.

>> No.2910565

Seems to me like they don't even have any editors or QCers at all. Case in point: Kira Kira. How can you spell the last name of one of the main characters wrong twice in two different ways within a couple of sentences? That's flat-out laughable.

>> No.2910569

First of all they are inconsistent when it comes to terms used in their works.
They have grammatical errors everywhere and lots of typos.

I wouldn't really say that the translation is bad to the extent where they actually miss the importance of what is being said so that it actually damages the story, but I believe that a high degree of inconsistency, grammatical errors and typos are bad enough.

>> No.2910573
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Troll? Or complete retard? You decide

>> No.2910577


I'll give the translator the benefit of the doubt and say he was doing it in a hurry with no intention to check whether he spelled things right or not, so that way mangagamer could get the game out quickly.

>> No.2910583

I don't care if their translators are good and it is the proof reading and editing that is lacking or vice versa.

The thing is that their final product which is the translation is bad, and if it is bad it is bad no matter whose fault it is.

>> No.2910585

Hopefully next release is going to be better edited. If they're still messing things up, I'll start to lose hope in them.

>> No.2910593

I agree with Sudo, WASSHOI and CurryButt.
First of all they need to do something about their translations, hire quality checkers and Beta testers to improve the overall quality. Then sell physical copies. If they do those 2 things i will buy their games.
Higurashi will show soon enough if they took everything to heart to improve themselves. If not, well then they won't get out of the red.

>> No.2910596
File: 373 KB, 539x800, 1214405714709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not talking about the translator

we're talking about the translation, which is a finished product. If it aint proper, it ain't a (good) translation

>> No.2910599

I doubt they've got the money for this though. But I'm sure there are people who would be willing to take the job for free.

The lack of physical copies means that they have less people purchasing legally. Less customers means less income obviously. Less income means less money to spend on editors and quality checkers. Because of this, their translations are regarded as shit. Or at least, that's partially the reason why anyway.

I don't expect them to last long really.

>> No.2910612

They continued to spell it wrong for quite a while after that, though. I'd proofread this shit for them for free if enabled me to play new VNs early.

>> No.2910620

The problem is they planned things out horribly and caused their own fall right when they started.

>> No.2910631


True, we all know deep down inside they probably won't make it as a company.

Even so, I want to believe they can get better and bring out more translations of things I enjoy.

I'm majoring in Japanese and want to become a full-fledged translator, so I'm going to apply at mangagamer as a translator (since I'm sure they'd probably hire a translator easily and because I've got no work experience, it's probably one of the few things I can get hired for besides good old Mcdonald's).

>> No.2910638

I sure know that I would prefer a good translation with proper language even if would take a while instead of a poor translation with lots of mistakes even if it would be released faster.

Why would I want my product faster if the result is that it will forever and ever be worse than it should and in some cases even be bad to the extent that I might not want it at all even though I know that I would have wanted one with a proper translation.

You know that being able to release things fast is not really a good thing if the quality suffers to a point where it is no longer good.

>> No.2910639

Spellcheck should take that much time. If you have a lot of spelling mistakes everywhere, yeah it could be quite a hassle. But that's even more reason to run spellcheck then.

If they're too lazy to run spellcheck, which wouldn't even take up a day of work, then what does that say about how much time they spent actually translating? Spellcheck doesn't even require any actual work, Run the spellcheck, when it finds the incorrect word pick the word you meant to spell, and that's it!

If that's too hard for them, what about actually reading a phrase or sentence and formulating an English equivalent of it?

>> No.2910648

I'd buy some of their games if they weren't in this digital copy only crap.

Getting a CD pressed in sets of a few thousand is fairly cheap, and usually includes manual and what not. Not sure on the cost of a box, but I'm not sure I really care so much about that, a physical copy is all I want.

>> No.2910691

Ironically enough, I rushed to get this post out and look at the outcome.

>comma before Run when I meant period

>> No.2910704

Something that he could have avoided if he took a fraction of the time he typed the post up in to actually read it over.

>> No.2910722

Sure, but this is an imageboard and not the translation of something he is going to charge money for.

>> No.2910741

However, unlike MangaGamer, I'm not planning on releasing my post as an actual product. If you're releasing something that you actually plan on selling, you should give it more effort than a post on some imageboard.

If they spellcheck and get some more editors and quality checkers (assuming they have any of those to begin with) then they'd have better quality overall.

I know I'd be willing to be a quality checker if it meant I was able to read their releases quicker. That alone is enough payment for me. It's something I would love to do at no charge.

>> No.2910758

Hmm, I remember awhile back mangagamer was hiring some editors.

Did anyone here apply and get hired?

I know somebody posted a comment from this guy that got hired, and he posted that they barely gave him any time to edit anything the way he wanted.

That seems like it could also be a problem.

>> No.2910876

In the previous threads about the new titles Mangagamer announced that they were going to translate, everyone were somewhat happy.
Personally it made me somewhat sad since I have yet to see something good from mangagamer.

>> No.2910944

Kira Kira is good, it's just that the translation is shitty. It's really a shame.

>> No.2910947

I'm happy about the new translations that they plan on doing. Even if it's bad quality, at least I'll be able to understand it. Although, if I had a choice between them and someone else, I might honestly choose the other translators.

Either way, I've been waiting for the longest for Higurashi to get fully translated.

>> No.2910956

I've heard their translation for Kira Kira wasn't too bad. I plan on trying that out sometime when I finish the other VNs and anime I have piled up.

>> No.2910959

Sure, Kira Kira is good.
Mangagamer didn't make Kira Kira though, they just made the translation, which is a shitty one.

>> No.2910960

The Mangagamer translations are fine. The editing needs work though. Right now I'd rate them the same as Mirror Moon in terms of quality.

I don't see them failing like Hirameki though. Hirameki was just far too ahead of its time. Even Ever17 came out 4 years ago in English, and I'm sure there are plenty of people here who didn't even know what a VN was back then. And Hirameki's DVD format games actually sold; the (more expensive) PC games are what they had trouble selling.

Anyways, if you don't know Japanese or don't plan to learn it, then you should probably support MG. Beggars can't be choosers. If you don't like the typos/editing, then email them harder. They have listened to us in the past.

>> No.2910966 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

>gg dyglmf fjjjisy lffghnm

>> No.2910971

>Same level as Mirror Moon
Wow, if I were Mirror Moon, I would be feeling pretty bad right now.

>> No.2910986

While I do agree that mirrormoon needs proper editing as well, mangagamer needs it even more in most of their translations.

>> No.2911003

MM isn't nearly as bad as MangaGamer, and MM isn't a professional company. There were less errors in all of Fate/Stay Night than in probably a few hours of Kira Kira.

>> No.2911004

slightly related here:
That Shuffle translation staffmember called Dessert wrote it a short while ago:

">Yeah, so now everyone knows whats going on.

>As for the MangaGamer thing. I went to try to talk to them a few times, nobody from navel was there, and they refused to give official word whether Shuffle has been licensed or not. Also, during the Bishoujo game panel, they didn't mention navel or shuffle at all really, from what I heard (I was unfortunately unable to make it).

>Either way, we will still be releasing shuffle as GamePatch intends. If anyone was able to try the demo on MangaGamer CD's that they gave out....Needless to say its HORRIBLE. A friendly booth at Anime Expo was playing the GamePatch Alpha Patch and humiliating them with it, twas awesome. ^_^

>As for a forum, I am looking into getting one set up, and may actually be locally hosting it this time, to avoid problems with crappy hosts etc."

Source: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=2496782&postcount=247

>> No.2911009

I like how if you ask them if they have the rights to a title, and they do, they will confirm it. Some people got confirmation of KIRAKIRA months before it was released. Also from their panel.

22:52:24 <zalas|MangaGamer> Q: Plans for Da Capo II?
22:52:39 <zalas|MangaGamer> A: We do have plans to release Da Capo II

>> No.2911014

pirates have no right to complain about anything

also, literally everything ZUN!bar says is completely wrong

>> No.2911015

Actually they clearly said they will be doing shuffle during the panel and even their booth and ads had Navel stuff, not the games themselves, but things advertising it.

>> No.2911016

You need your head checked if you think paying 20 bucks for a translation of that QUALITY is fine

MG needs at least a decent translator/editor if it really wants my money

>> No.2911018


Their Fate/stay night fan localization was shoddy and riddled with problems. I feel sorry for TakaJun because none of its problems were his fault.

But I'm glad that he has moved on. He seems to have more competent editors and proofreaders now as well; they're all doing a much better job with Sengoku Rance.

>> No.2911024

Has never played a mangagamer translation

Anyway, could the tripfag circlejerk niggers get back to their homo erotica

>> No.2911028

It was not shoddy and the finished product didn't have problems. Fuck off

>> No.2911041

>I like how if you ask them if they have the rights to a title, and they do, they will confirm it. Some people got confirmation of KIRAKIRA months before it was released. Also from their panel.

Still waiting on a response from them with my latest e-mail. Last time I e-mailed them they confirmed KIRAKIRA, which was before encubed ran their story. I am hoping they respond tomorrow and are still lenient with giving out information.

>> No.2911058 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming your shitty board on the best site:

>poyhgbh oii n mhdmdn nsfpsfgsyo

>> No.2911049

Suika's translation was better than the vast majority of commercial VN translations. They seem to have taken a step back with Kira Kira though.

>> No.2911053
File: 39 KB, 704x480, 1219195484057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually they clearly said they will be doing shuffle during the panel

>> No.2911065

>replying to a thread is considered circlejerking

>> No.2911072
File: 638 KB, 1876x2375, MangaGamer Ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually they clearly said they will be doing shuffle during the panel and even their booth and ads had Navel stuff, not the games themselves, but things advertising it.

Bottom right part of this image is quite clear that they had it.

>> No.2911083

I was looking forward to reading Higurashi, but now I don't know.

>> No.2911088

The translation is going to be fine, and it will be finished years before the twins would finish, just enjoy it when it comes out or learn Japanese.

>> No.2911089

When they worked on Suika they temporarily had a better editor, he left after Suika however because Mangagamer apparently were a really bad company to work with.

>> No.2911097

Everyone is just overreacting a little bit over the quality of MG's translations. I think Kira Kira level quality is at least passable to read, and if Higurashi at least meets that standard, it won't be that bad. I agree that their quality can definitely improve, but at the same time I also agree that beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.2911103

>>Ignorance is bliss.

I'm glad I learned Japanese.

I'm not the biggest Fate/stay night fan, but it still deserved better than that. Too bad Insani only did the demo/Rin part; their work was superior.

>> No.2911117

That sucks. Not too suprising though. I already had the impression that Manga Gamer doesn't really know how to run a business.

>> No.2911119

Kira Kira is indeed passable to read, not to BUY. If this was a fan translation, I wouldn't be complaining at all. If it was an actual quality commercial translation, I might've bought it.

>> No.2911129

It really was. I could care less about loltranslator drama and all that shit, insani's translation was just better to read in my opinion

>> No.2911160

If AnimeOnDVD and ANN are any indication, there will be a lot of buyfags getting Shuffle and Higurashi.

>> No.2911183

> If AnimeOnDVD and ANN are any indication, there will be a lot of buyfags getting Shuffle and Higurashi.

That would be great, anything that encourages more stuff to be purchased would be good, as that would mean more future titles, and a wider audience.

>> No.2912870

They should improve their translations if they want me to pay for it.

>> No.2912874
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>> No.2912883
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>> No.2912888


>> No.2912899

fucking censor bars

>> No.2912944

What /jp/ is saying:
>If mangagamer would do X, I would buy their shit instead of pirate it.

What /jp/ is thinking:
If they actually did X I'd just come up with more excuses and pirate it.

>> No.2913032

I don't mind typos and such as long as it's readable. My version of Clannad in particular got babelfish'd at some point.

>> No.2913062

I like them, and hope they do well. Sure, their editing and whatnot needs quite abit of work, but it certainly is understandable and readable enough that I can enjoy it. Need to get a proper credit card though, pre-paid ones are shit.

>> No.2913085

this thread needs to be renamed ''how many excuses /jp/ can come up with to justify stealing'

>> No.2913086


I honestly will buy Higurashi if they release actual copies like in the old days with a disc and a box and inserts and shit instead of this download-only nonsense. I wouldn't even mind a somewhat shoddy translation job too much. Hell, I got through Ever17 fine.

>> No.2913096

Next time I buy something, I'm not going to make a torrent for it (especially if it's MangaGamer). I'm a fucking tool and my record is 2/2.

>> No.2913109


Funny how you're ignoring how many excuses people are coming up with to buy mangagamer stuff despite all the problems.

Supporting products that are made poorly, that'll definately give companies the impression they need to put lots of hard work and effort into their products.

>> No.2913118


Let's defiantely spell definitely right shall we.

>> No.2913143


Hurr durr

>> No.2913204

wow yeah, not giving money to companys that need them, that'll totally work unless you know they DIE

did you even think that one through before typing?

>> No.2913217


So you're saying you should give money to every company that asks, regardless of whether or not they're worth giving money to?

>did you even think that one through before typing?

>> No.2913228

Whether they are worth giving money to or not is not really the question in this case. Any company that localizes visual novels in English should be cut a little slack as long as they provide passable translations and quality games. The industry is tiny and the fanbase is equally as small, so we need to support translations of games that we would like see more of rather than bitching and making excuses all the time. Seriously, half the excuses posted here are gross exaggerations of how bad their quality is.

As long as their future releases are at least of Kira Kira quality, there is no reason why you should not buckle down and buy it, unless you are just making excuses and never intended to buy anything in the first place.

>> No.2913234

what is with the viral marketing

>> No.2913246
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>half the excuses posted here are gross exaggerations of how bad their quality is.

Sorry but

>> No.2913273


Not familiar with capitalist economics, I see. If they can't stay competitive, they're SUPPOSED to die.

>> No.2913280

Why can't they release a patch that would correct their typos? Have they done this?

>> No.2913291

Yeah, posting Edelweiss is sure an indication of their overall translation quality. I might as well post some screenshots from Suika and advertise that MG has insani level translations.

>> No.2913297

They did; it traded old typos for new ones.

>> No.2913310


The fact they're trying to pass that off as a translation says a lot about the company.

There's examples like that in Kira Kira too, so even after all this time they haven't shaped up. If they still haven't, I honestly can't see them getting better anytime soon, regardless of how much money you throw at them.

>> No.2913320


yes children, we should have no visual novels at all instead of companies that can only get better with time.

I repeat the question

>> No.2913327


I've been playing Kira Kira and it seemed decent, but now I know not to touch Edelweiss.

>> No.2913337

I am willing to give them a chance until Higurashi's release. I don't have the highest hopes that they will improve, but I still want to believe in them because they definitely have potential with all the companies they have deals with.

Chances are, they will botch Higurashi's translation, but as long as it's passable for the most part, I will still buy it. I don't know about you, but it sure beats waiting another 10 years for the Sonozaki twins to finish.

>> No.2913346

Edelweiss is a remnant of MG's very early days with horrendously bad translations. Their newer releases have most certainly improved since then.

>> No.2913354


I'm looking forward to Higurashi too and in a way I'm glad they're picking it up so I can play the damn thing. I just don't like the idea everyone seems to have of "We may as well buy everything they throw at us just because they're here".

>> No.2913376

Is there lots in the Higurashi VN that wasn't in the anime?

>> No.2913383

Lurking more would be beneficial.

>> No.2913390


I believe there's a few things that was cut in the anime, but in general the VN's better overall anyway.


At least you didn't say "moar", but you're still fucking stupid.

>> No.2913402

I think indulging newfriends in their laziness and ignorance is a much more stupid behavior. A simple drop by wiki or animesuki would have given him answers.

>> No.2913411

That doesn't do anything since nobody talks about the VN here.

>> No.2913414

More like complaints about how stealing from MG will drive them into the ground

>> No.2913415
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>> No.2913419

successfully trolled

>> No.2913420

Klashikari's posts on Higurashi in AS are worth reading at least.

>> No.2913480 [DELETED] 

In a two year period from start up, it is likely that MangaGamer will end up releasing
3-4 decent Circus games (Circus is a driving force of the company, 5 guest at AX, they will release more stuff)
2 OVERDRIVE games (one being the great KIRAKIRA), and 1-2 fandiscs of those games
1-3 Navel games (One being Shuffle, which may not be the best game, it has a massive fan base so it should sell very well)
The entirety of Higurashi (fuck win)
Some BaseSon stuff (probably Shin Koihime Musou if they get it working)
Whatever they get from HobiBox
Multiple random sex games

Compared to what J-List will release from this time last year to this time next year, J-List is a joke. Even the Nitro+ stuff they announced isn't the best stuff from Nitro+ (but it is still decent). I will say though that Princess Waltz was decent, and Family Project will be fuck win.

>> No.2913937


>> No.2913994

ITT: product management discussion

>> No.2914015

/jp/ really is enterprise-quality these days.

>> No.2914027

>We managed to approach tororo-danchou afterwards for some questions. When asked about plans for Shin Koihime Musou, he notes that this game has a different engine and may might be hard to localise.

>> No.2914033

Forgot the link:

>> No.2914037

Different engine, you say? So it's now a beat-em-up instead of a VN?

fuck year

>> No.2914051

It said engine, not genre.

>> No.2914064
File: 181 KB, 752x575, supposedly lu bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, shit.

My dream of not pursuing Loli Lu Bu remains as such...

>> No.2914117
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


