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28895270 No.28895270 [Reply] [Original]

Lately, I've been noticing the word "waifu" has been losing it's meaning, with people using it to describe any anime girl, isn't that wrong? I always thought that "waifu" meant a character that you truly loved, who is one of your reasons for living and stuff

>> No.28895562

The less mature/structured the (sub-)society which uses a symbol, the less rigid the meaning of that symbol. Welcome to human civilization.

>> No.28896247

It came from Azumanga Daioh.

>> No.28897303

Dumb underaged weebs think that waifu can be applied to any character you like, and to as many of them as you want. It does makes sense to refer to waifu as being plural in the sense you are talking about a group of anon's wives though.

>> No.28897655

I've stopped using the world altogether ever since /v/tards, redditors and sundry ironic weebs started spewing it all day everyday.

>> No.28898107 [SPOILER] 
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I just call her my wife / spouse, "waifu" sounds meme-ish.
But i sometimes call her my 幼妻 among more cultured anons.

>> No.28909521
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To the general peopulation, the original meaning has been diluted beyond recognition. I'd argue that's what happen when a subculture gets any sort of mainstream traction.
To most people it just means bishōjo.
Curious to see how it will look once this "weeb trend" fades out. Maybe we will become guardians of forgotten knowledges? Although I see knowyourmeme has an article on it so I doubt it.

Here's a Marisa.

>> No.28910669
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so does waifu mean someone you would protect (someone like kagura) or someone you would fuck(any generic isekai big boobs) ?

>> No.28912588

It used to but got butchered by normies and it even got commercialized.
Same, I call her my wife or 嫁. But even then, both of those are also abused by people who aren't actually in love or anything.
So I just say I'm deeply in love with her in Japanese, the usage of 深く actually makes people notice I am very serious about her.

>> No.28940672

>every single one is used goods thanks to r34
How does one find a pure waifu?

>> No.28940935

stop consuming porn
doesn't exist if you don't want it to

>> No.28941064

Who are you quoting?

>> No.28941250

a person from /v/

>> No.28942260

please go back

>> No.28945333

Create your own original character and never tell anyone else about her.

>> No.28958868

There is no true meaning.
It's literally just bastardized pronunciation of the Japanese way of saying "wife"

>> No.28986666
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A waifu for me is the girl you will always love and be dedicated to, you can think some other girls are cute and awesome but there will never be anyone like your waifu for you.
But as many others have said a lot of people miss use the word and call any cute girl they see their waifu, overusing it and simply making the word loss all meaning, power and impact.

>> No.28994287

>overusing it and simply making the word loss all meaning, power and impact.
Overusage of anything results in the loss of meaning.
Not only that but underusage has the same effect.
M.U.G.E.N. for example has been around for years, had a windows port, 3 major versions and some people have forgotten what M.U.G.E.N. stands for, and those who do (when I last checked) either aren't even around or can't give the full answer.
You can come up with any assortment of words for the acronym, but I haven't seen "waifu" get the same treatment.

>> No.28997647

Doesn't it stand for infinite?

>> No.28997785

Making your own. But then that's hollow and stupid.

>> No.28998170

A waifu is a character you find yourself completely enamored and head-over-heels in love with. You don't choose a waifu, much like how you don't choose who you fall in love with. Also, it's only right if you use 'you're' instead of your when talking specifically about someone's waifu. e.g.
>you're waifu a shit

>> No.29000960

Waifu is a fictional character you genuinely love and consider as your one and only significant other.

>> No.29001024

"Waifu" mean 2D girl you're in love with. Any other answer is wrong.

>> No.29011295



>> No.29011378
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there are 3D girls that exist only in 2D pics

you'll never ever see in person a girl like in pic related

>> No.29046832

it was to drive a point regardless of the outstanding information.

>> No.29046867

Well, its a good thing nobody cares about 3D.

>> No.29058297

Yes, words are losing their meaning.
Waifu, Weeb, etc.
it all has to do with normalfaggots like those who use reddit for example, and their tendency to try and copy us but fail and instead just ruin it for everyone

>> No.29060124

This will work until you'll lewd her in your mind during a moment of weakness

>> No.29062526

thank god I have art of the two of us fucking

>> No.29068129

Waifu originally started as a joke term from Azumanga Daioh, though it eventually became something more serious in the mid-00s. It's simply gone full circle and become a joke term again; it's returned to its roots. It's obnoxious, but is only to be expected.

>> No.29071972

Was the meaning as superficial and empty as it is now, though? Prior to its popularization by normalfags, I remember it always having a deeper meaning with the implication that there was a rather strong emotional attachment to a character. Maybe it was the communities that I took part in during that era, but waifu was by and large not a word to be said lightly.

>> No.29076049

Not OP but I believe what was at first sort of an inside joke spread everywhere due to how nowadays internet works and became a meme, I guess? The joking intent might be the same but I believe there's a substantial difference

>> No.29089128
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>you'll never ever see in person a girl like in pic related
I see girls like her in porn all the time, TF you talking about?

>> No.29093379

Why haven't you made a tulpa yet?

>> No.29093999

I'm already a dumb schizotypal, I really don't want to keep advancing towards schizophrenia.

>> No.29094699
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marisa is still my waifu even when all these people throw the word around faster than the spread of aids

>> No.29095050

>Was the meaning as superficial and empty as it is now, though?
No, it was used sparingly when it was merely a joke from Azumanga Daioh and was humorous. The term now isn't near as humorous and gets to the point of being obnoxious.
>I remember it always having a deeper meaning with the implication that there was a rather strong emotional attachment to a character
Yes, that's what it meant after the brief period of it being an Azumanga Daioh-related joke.

>> No.29107354

I can imagine my waifu being next to me with ease, talk with her, touch her. I don't feel a need to give her a consciousness though.

>> No.29107518

I think people who use it for every cute girl actually means "waifu material", but it got shortened to just "waifu".

If I'm correct, then there is no overusing.

>> No.29133334

Saying ''she's my waifu'' as a short form of ''she's my waifu material'' doesn't make sense. If your theory was correct, people would be saying ''she's waifu.''

>> No.29133472

originally: a joke from azumanga diaoh
then: your actual pretend wife, used exclusively by emotional basket cases
now: any anime girl you wish was your wife

>> No.29138945

not interested in messing with demon shit

>> No.29142502

It's not demon shit unless you believe it's demon shit. If you're at that point, you couldn't make one anyway.

>> No.29142703

Waifu is used by ironic western weebs. We use 推し like the Japanese do.

>> No.29160591

Honestly westerns also use waifu to mean 推し, but the Japanese also use 嫁 in the same ironic way weebs use waifu. Can't get anything I still call her my wife/嫁, but I always make it more clear that I am actually seriously in love with her.

>> No.29160914

Because tulpa sounds too much like tulppa.
