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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.54 MB, 4096x3554, the new trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28969944 No.28969944 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28969950
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1584684945191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't there be one thread without tourists and dogfuckers shitposting each other ? after 24 hours you could finally start to calm down

>> No.28969951

Fucking dork

>> No.28969958
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1604904928374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a holo that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Momosuzu Nene?
Let alone defeat her. And I'm not talking about CEO Nenechi. I'm not talking about Super Nenechi. Hell, I'm not even talking about Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God Master Ginga Victory Strong Cute Beautiful Galaxy Baby Nenechi (with the army of spics and being capable of punching gods and dumb devils), equipped with her favourite movie "Teen Beach Movie", a perfect cardboard form, control of the Korean octopus and some Indonesian fujo alien, with Aloe DNA implanted in her so she has sexy powers and can perform doxxing and avoid jannies while being an expert in failing and trying again.

>> No.28969961
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xth for Unity

>> No.28969967
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>> No.28969970 [DELETED] 

THE DEATH JESTERS stand with PolkaxMori!

>> No.28969978

The best singers of Hololive

1) Moona

2) Risu

3) Kanata

4) Gura

5) Mori

>> No.28969981 [SPOILER] 
File: 467 KB, 2560x1440, 1605010583189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28969984
File: 1.43 MB, 1419x790, 1598328830037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Haachama collab gonna be on the JP server?

>> No.28969986

How will she make up for it to kiara

>> No.28969988
File: 254 KB, 1563x2198, 1603774760973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone who does the sound images combine these two? Thanks.

>> No.28969990
File: 178 KB, 889x462, 1605005805907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face the facts, Gura is just shit at video games. She has no one to blame but herself.

>> No.28969996
File: 1.76 MB, 3600x2400, EmaQw3WXYAEl7sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969995

Why are there so many covers of this song

>> No.28969997
File: 466 KB, 635x635, 20FC6C4C-849A-45F4-95C7-6E28770C8AD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for the PODCAST deadbraps?

>> No.28970000

>[medieval Japanese] perceptions of natural disasters, and how these views were framed to serve various social and political circumstances
Are they going to kill /pol/ka when she connects the dots or notices way too many coincidences?

>> No.28970001
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>> No.28970003
File: 1.13 MB, 4092x2893, EmdBWS5U4AAsFlh-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28970005
File: 338 KB, 498x499, get_doxxed_aru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too powerful.

>> No.28970006


>> No.28970007
File: 246 KB, 695x710, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes at the start of a new thread I scroll to a random point in my download folder and grab a random image, then make a narrativepost based on it to see if anyone will buy it.

>> No.28970008

If you're not even talking about Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God Master Ginga Victory Strong Cute Beautiful Galaxy Baby Nenechi (with the army of spics and being capable of punching gods and dumb devils), equipped with her favourite movie "Teen Beach Movie", a perfect cardboard form, control of the Korean octopus and some Indonesian fujo alien, with Aloe DNA implanted in her so she has sexy powers and can perform doxxing and avoid jannies while being an expert in failing and trying again, then who are you talking about?

>> No.28970009


>> No.28970012

Ame is a FUCKING machine

>> No.28970013
File: 57 KB, 227x222, Curse upon ye[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9e8r9b.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invoke the Beating Dead!

Lurking from the shadows, we no longer!
Omen of the Unholy Friday reveals itself
Vicious mockeries of Death's Apprentice intensifies
Even then, we will weather this raging storm

Deadbeats, gather for our ritual!
Eviscerate our fallen brothers and sisters
May the antituber storm drown the rrats in the walls
One day we may rid ourselves of ghostlings, antis and shippers
No mercy for the unworthy, no rest for the faithful
Diablerie is the only fate to those of weak will
Immolate their wicked souls as burnt offer to the Dark Lady
Castigate their sinful flesh with a lash for every sinful thought
End our suffering, Mori Calliope, set us free!

>> No.28970015

But what is the other secret
5 minutes of free groping

>> No.28970019

Great tourist shitter taste
Now neck yourself

>> No.28970020
File: 256 KB, 1000x1129, kiara creep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is such a pathetic creep with no self-awareness

>> No.28970021

Can't wait, not gonna lie.

>> No.28970023


>> No.28970031

>Mori and Kiara live relatively close
>they regularly visit each other
>when one of them is streaming and the other is not there's a good chance she's in the same room backseating

>> No.28970032

at this point I'm angrier that its taking so long to drop

>> No.28970033

Reminder that Mori x Roboco is a very real possibility
>K's san and Roboco have talked in the past
>K's san has helped Roboco with songs in the past

>> No.28970034
File: 962 KB, 2938x4096, EmbcHmhU4AAJDTM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28970035
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1602490862085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK is on sale if you're interested boys

>> No.28970038

everyone was shit, gura just had the shittiest luck to boot

>> No.28970039
File: 1.50 MB, 1026x1561, illust_85585891_20201110_131613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970040
File: 46 KB, 1274x529, 1603654104951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970044

You retards are going to milk this as much as possible huh

>> No.28970045
File: 9 KB, 848x38, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2020.11.10-09_16_46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28970050

I like how Suisei guys always out themselves

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82T8yOG5MTk is still the single best rendition any holo has ever done imo

>> No.28970051
File: 1.90 MB, 2549x3541, 1600682168036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm morbidly curious and I can't wait for the purge.

>> No.28970052
File: 2.06 MB, 3500x1003, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours threads are only as good as (You) make them.
Ignore bait and tribalism.
Have fun and do your reps.

>> No.28970053
File: 199 KB, 848x1200, 1604416176549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970054

why are cometfags like this?

>> No.28970056
File: 163 KB, 1049x590, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some new bait

>> No.28970057
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, reapyawake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what song do you think TakaMori are singing RN?

>> No.28970073

We need another purge.

>> No.28970074

Why is SEGA so absolutely fuckin segay?

>> No.28970075

thats honestly kind of sad..

>> No.28970076
File: 32 KB, 861x144, clingy kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28970077

cometflakes are just far to fucking easy

>> No.28970083

Apex psychopath

>> No.28970084
File: 11 KB, 598x91, Screenshot_2020-11-10 Ayunda Risu(リス)🐿 ホロライブID ( ayunda_risu) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970090
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>> No.28970093 [SPOILER] 
File: 570 KB, 512x512, 1605010829788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970096
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1591520551491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no self-awareness
are you retarded? she always numberfagging, there is no way she has no self-awareness

>> No.28970097

Mori already uploaded song videos
Kiara getting one with Mori this week
Gura will definitely do those too
what about Ina and Amelia

>> No.28970098


>> No.28970104

That Risu one is weird to me

>> No.28970107

oh man chicken is gonna be lost

>> No.28970108

Lmao why wont concershitters just kill themselves already

>> No.28970109

>watermarks in EVERY SINGLE PANEL

>> No.28970110


>> No.28970111

Where's AZKI?

>> No.28970115

You already posted this last thread retard.

>> No.28970118
File: 1007 KB, 786x1062, 1604907516326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970122

>all studio songs except for Gura
Nice try indog

>> No.28970123

>one chicken-anti trying to shitpost with 3 devices
I see through you, nigger.

>> No.28970124

What happened?

>> No.28970125

The special tokyo drifting episode pushed back their hosting rotations; Garnt's the one hosting for the Mori collab

>> No.28970128
File: 318 KB, 1448x2048, EF60552E-CD07-4C4E-B28C-A16E2F87EC31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said

>> No.28970130

then input your list suifaggot

>> No.28970131


>> No.28970132

No one even mentioned Suisei. Why does comet live in your heads rent free?

>> No.28970134

>Kiara just got home
>Kiara isn't streaming at mori's house
damn no impromptu collab

>> No.28970138
File: 1.14 MB, 1309x731, 10chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel like your english is getting better with these english streams or do you practice offline mostly?
>"I think my english is getting better a bit but I usually get a notice when I do the english livestream when I start. When I start, like ten minutes, but I get used to do that. I think I need to do every day or three times a week and get used to speak english. Because it's not the same as like conversation, the english conversation. I have to speak alone with the comments and then the comments is so fast I have to read fastily (Firstly?) Oh, and I think my english grammer is *vomit sounds and giggles* . My english grammar is *vomit sounds* I don't care for the grammar. I need more vocabularies."

>> No.28970140
File: 1.31 MB, 1241x1457, Tokoyami.Towa.full.2817819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970141

gonna need some extra aggressive oral to make up for this

>> No.28970142
File: 419 KB, 1736x2048, ElpzoVCVMAAwV8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>> No.28970144


>> No.28970145

She spoiled that Kiaras secret project is a song with her.

>> No.28970147
File: 121 KB, 1086x1122, 1602750560492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970153


>> No.28970159

That way even if a single panel gets cropped out for a meme out of context, the artist's watermark will always be present.

>> No.28970161
File: 19 KB, 250x244, 1604898469626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? I've dreamt of your exact post exactly one year ago. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.28970163
File: 617 KB, 1500x844, Konachan.com - 307991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is amazing, people who can't appreciate enka need not apply. Based PPTenshi.

>> No.28970167
File: 1.12 MB, 624x924, 1604847002027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970169


>> No.28970168
File: 143 KB, 582x706, 1598903166617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Hyper Nenechi will be the one to tame Matsuri's menhera.

>> No.28970170
File: 14 KB, 262x206, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit chicken there was a chance for something interesting

>> No.28970171


>> No.28970172

SEGA is run by idiots, anon. Simple as.

>> No.28970177

Nice, Mori got a new mic

>> No.28970183

Nice try Suifaggot, cope dilate and have sex in that order please.

>> No.28970186

Hell yeah, she already sounds good so this should be great

>> No.28970189

Kiara visited Mori's house near the end of the Yakuza stream for "Business". Mori let slip to her viewers the business was recording a song as she was wrapping up, so Kiara is the rumored EN collab song partner Mori has mentioned.

>> No.28970190

Honestly how did she get away with this atrocious mic quality for so long?
Chicken got absolutely shitted on for hers, which was not nearly as bad as current Mori

>> No.28970192

Listening to it again, I think Haachama actually said:
>I usually get a nervous when I

I was just transcribing too fast.

>> No.28970194
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, 1602043767777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970197

Hey at least they tried to make them relatively inconspicuous instead of stamped right on top.

>> No.28970199
File: 37 KB, 112x112, 1604934569104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a gosling with a deadline due in two days, please shizoposter, I need your strongest narratives.

>> No.28970204

i had hoped the IDs would be creative and sing more arranged local music after this one

>> No.28970205

Tragic that she won't be able to sing for much longer

>> No.28970207

You can hear it struggle when she screams, I'm looking forward to some crystal clear ear blessings

>> No.28970215


>> No.28970216

>the cometflake got so fucking blown out he's now moved on to chicken antiposting
You hate to see it

>> No.28970219
File: 341 KB, 821x498, 1604868934858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970221

Can't wait to hear it. She can scream even LOUDER now.

>> No.28970222
File: 586 KB, 750x1000, 1576828875840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what you guys are seething about just looking at this thread.

>> No.28970229
File: 11 KB, 236x236, 2e6e138e8cb9b4e5ac1450d92aafcde5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me really sad man. God is a Kanata-anti, it's not fair.

>> No.28970232
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, 1574647455183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori did nothing wrong
Kiara did nothing wrong
Ina did nothing wrong
Ame did nothing wrong
Gura did nothing wrong

Deadbeats did nothing wrong
KFP did nothing wrong
Takodachi did nothing wrong
Teamates did nothing wrong
Chumbuds did nothing wrong

There is no thickest skin fanbase
There is no thinnest skin fanbase
There is people who sow discord for entertainment and if you can't handle that, either filter or leave

The podcast doesn't matter, roommates don't matter, creative mode doesn't matter, who sings better doesn't matter, who has more talent doesn't matter,
my post doesn't matter

>> No.28970234

>Kiara calls Mori's place her home already

>> No.28970238

I really love her voice and it's tragic what she's going through.

>> No.28970243

Moririn... ASMR please...

>> No.28970247

Chumcuck hands wrote this post

>> No.28970249

all of /hlgg/ is just an AI spewing randomly generated narratives

>> No.28970251

Suisei antis from /hlg/ making themselves too comfortable in this thread, best to ignore them.

>> No.28970252

I remember Mori saying she'll do something after getting a better mic, but I cant remember.

>> No.28970253
File: 35 KB, 551x639, 1605011133512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when I have to sleep. I always miss something. I hate Mori's stream times but I love Mori. Life is strange.

>> No.28970254

Maybe you'll have a better chance if you posted on /hlg/

>> No.28970255

what happened

>> No.28970259

ASMR is a meme

>> No.28970260
File: 138 KB, 912x541, 1604557426477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970261

these are place really well though, i didnt even notice until i read your shitty post

>> No.28970262
File: 309 KB, 1448x2048, Eh3YWrjU4AALKV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura will definitely do those too
Onegai... Ride on Time or Plastic Love...

>> No.28970263

So it's all suisei's fault?

>> No.28970265

This was written by the weak

>> No.28970267

don't be delusional makes us look cult like

>> No.28970268

Chickencuck hands wrote this post

>> No.28970270

I can't imagine its going to be terribly interesting, only so much Cover will let them discuss.

>> No.28970272

I'm behind on this. Educate me?

>> No.28970273

Ryan Gosling is gonna be a Holostar EN

>> No.28970274

Unfathomably based, this post should be engraved into the mind of whoever comes into this thread.

>> No.28970275

I wish this could become a ritualpost instead of whatever shit is omitted now

>> No.28970280

I'm pretty sure most people here, particularly the ones from /hlg/ are legit mentally ill at this point. I thought it was just shitposting at first, I guess I should have expected.

>> No.28970281

I miss zen posting already.

>> No.28970282

Nothing matters

>> No.28970283

Deadbeats did everything wrong
and they should be punished for their sins

t. deadbeat

>> No.28970284

shitposting aside this is based as fuck

>> No.28970285 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 843x903, shart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free cope dilate have sex cringe yikes seethe

>> No.28970288

Nah, its just some dedicated Kiara anti that samefags around this time.

>> No.28970287

I'm legit terrified of the thought of what sort of ASMR this dork would come up with.

>> No.28970291

how fast is her disease advancing? does she have much time left?

>> No.28970295


>> No.28970296

The threads are going to be interesting though

>> No.28970297

I'm only a chicken anti. I support the trinity + mori. You'd never catch me hanging with dogfuckers.

>> No.28970298

Too based a post for this place

>> No.28970300
File: 1.41 MB, 4096x2896, 1604693971281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970302
File: 437 KB, 1200x839, NAMAFFFF_1302490773556834304_20200906_081614_img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi's big PP!

>> No.28970303

What the fuck, I tuned out mid-stream so I totally missed that. That's very sweet, must be nice to have friends nearby.

>> No.28970305

oof, that ain't it chief

>> No.28970307

Was pretty unlikely anyway. Mori has said several times she hates having people stay over at her place for long.

>> No.28970309

Ménière's disease, she's slowly losing her ability to hear, I believe.

>> No.28970313

I love this hard working dork and am considering becoming a haaton. Change my mind.

>> No.28970315

y-you good anon?

>> No.28970317

Tell me what do you want for the chicken? Graduation?

>> No.28970319

Wine drinking, obviously.
Or kazoo.

>> No.28970323

Thank god my imposter syndrome prevents me from thinking of myself as being part of one of the fan groups even though I enjoy watching the streams and like the girls. None of the shitposting in these threads is ever directed at me.

>> No.28970324

It's 4chan. Of course they are. Right now there's more hate than dedicated anti sites. Maybe they've flocked here right now.

>> No.28970325

how can one post hold so much power...

>> No.28970327

>The podcast doesn't matter
I disagree with this one, though. I think it's a bad idea and opens the flood gates for all kinds of ultra faggotry collabs with non-holos. It's a slippery slope.

>> No.28970336
File: 46 KB, 562x623, 20201020_182116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken anti
Low test.

>> No.28970339

chickenfag hands typed this post

>> No.28970338

>too insecure to give me his list
zero balls on this man

>> No.28970342

>I have a pineapple, I have a pear
Pekora spoken english getting pretty good, that sounded natural

>> No.28970344

Is hers more advanced than Noel's?
What the fuck even are the odds of two Holos having the same degenerative ear disease.

>> No.28970345

She was #1 in first collab and this time everyone ganged on her. She was right to get pissed.

>> No.28970346

Drinking wine through a kazoo

>> No.28970347

Is this what cometkeks do after listening to their oshi's terrible live concerts

>> No.28970348

your ass will be a slippery slope when I'm done with it
do you really think this will change things around here?

>> No.28970350

ive heard that it is currently only in one ear, although theres a chance it can affect the other

>> No.28970355

Thanks for this anon.
Unironically been having it on loop at work.

>> No.28970356

A whole not of nothing

>> No.28970358

Because it's a meme song

>> No.28970363

it doesnt matter in the sense that its not preventable

>> No.28970365

>Mori will never call you a Big Boy

>> No.28970367

>It's a slippery slope
Exactly, a logical fallacy that schizos keep falling into.

>> No.28970368

Thank you. That sounds like hell. That's definitely something I would never want to experience. I hope she can recover from it.

>> No.28970371

Why are Deadbeats like this?

>> No.28970374
File: 2.19 MB, 1400x600, 1604108301209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity is the one true way.

Fuck the antis

>> No.28970376

i like small chests

>> No.28970383


>> No.28970388
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1604795934017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think Suisei is cute. Is that a crime?

>> No.28970389

Eh? Kikoenai

>> No.28970392

Gurame brehs.....

>> No.28970394

A demonstrated slippery slope is not a fallacy you brainlet.

>> No.28970395

some SEAfags got ranged ban
based shark meido

>> No.28970401

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.28970406
File: 296 KB, 924x872, 1582838181911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself cometcuck

>> No.28970407

This webm always make me smile

>> No.28970410
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1604972320440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stronger TakaMori becomes, the more cult-like Deadbeats morph into
>the KFP is a cult
At last, I truly see

>> No.28970411


>> No.28970413

Pekora didn't even draw chicken. It's so funny

>> No.28970414

is chicken going to stream for 7+ hours again?

>> No.28970419


>> No.28970421
File: 412 KB, 1473x2048, 1604981634159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck her but don't care enough to watch her

>> No.28970423

Suisei is fucking great, and so is Gura

>> No.28970426

Look at her go!

>> No.28970431

Suisei is particularly cute every day.

>> No.28970432

gurame is fucking dead now bro get with the narratives

>> No.28970444

ppt unironically suffers from a rare incurable hearing and vertigo disease that will eventually lead to deafness
it fucking sucks

>> No.28970449

When they finally have sex the world will end and with it our suffering.

>> No.28970450


>> No.28970452

She had it too? What the fuck

>> No.28970453
File: 75 KB, 772x772, EhymUmFU8AESTzd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"But anon why would you want a tiny single chest when you can put 2 next to each other and make a double chest?"

>> No.28970454 [DELETED] 

At what point did hlg turn on Suisei? I remember watching her 3D debut concert and hlg kneeled hard.

>> No.28970455

use a VPN and try to post from Manilla

>> No.28970457

I agree with everything except the last bit. Your post matters, you matter anon. Thank you for existing c;

>> No.28970458

No, she's pretty boring and lacks talent though. Good design.

>> No.28970459

You just inadverdently made me mad because I've been playing Cultist Simulator and discovering how much I dislike the game.

>> No.28970466

I just want to watch my cringey boy

>> No.28970467

I'd ask how you could tell if it weren't for the fact that I like Ina more as a streamer but I idolise Mori as a lyricist and am more into music and art, meaning that I am neither a Deadbeat or Tentacultist, I am no one.

>> No.28970468


>> No.28970469
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>> No.28970473

VPNs are blocked though. Atleast every time I accidentally try to post using Nord they are.

>> No.28970477

>hey what if we have two girls from the same company who share much of the same audience play the same part of the same game on the same day

>> No.28970478
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>> No.28970479


>> No.28970481

holy shit look at her gooooo

>> No.28970485

>Ina ships it too
The cult is powerful.

>> No.28970488
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>> No.28970489

i really love astels singing, but ame has too much soul

>> No.28970490

Assuming the stream restriction doesn't end midway while playing she'll have to stop at one point and then I think its just the Takamori SCs + whatever she gets during the stream.

>> No.28970491

Are deadbeats self flagellatist at this point?

>> No.28970492

do people just say that so that by the next collab everyone will be "OMG GURAME IS BACK BROS"
if so I'll be willing to follow along

>> No.28970495

Honestly curious as to who you think is talented in hololive.

>> No.28970500


>> No.28970501

Six shots... More than enough to kill anything that moves...

>> No.28970502

Nah, she's cute

>> No.28970504

Fuck I hope they can slow it down for as long as possible

>> No.28970512

I like Suisei with her Nijisanji girlfriend.

>> No.28970513

>My post doesn't matter
The only true shit you typed

>> No.28970517

Everyone ships it except maybe Suisei who wants to kill it and claim Mori for herself

>> No.28970525

You gotta wonder if all the NA girls really said no or if there is some regulations fuckery.

>> No.28970527

exactly 3 seconds after that

>> No.28970529

just realized Ame is doing more collabs than Kiara

>> No.28970531

Superior Japanese business management, please understand.

>> No.28970533

why would I hurt myself? I just want to filter the weak

>> No.28970546
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>> No.28970555

Just woke up. I swear every time I come back to this thread there's a new narrative you guys are losing your shit about

>> No.28970557

And Polka, for the same reason.

>> No.28970558

What the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.28970559

I think he was referring to Tentacultists having involvement too.
Also pretty sure Polka and Suisei are going to murder chicken and then 1 vs 1 over who gets to lovingly rape and murder Mori.

>> No.28970561
File: 217 KB, 640x602, 11316846516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People shitting on Suisei and her fans
I thought I opened /hlgg/, not /hlg/

>> No.28970563
File: 79 KB, 398x414, 1601655240910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night everyone, UNITY FOREVER!

>> No.28970565

Because the only way to do that is similar to chemo

>> No.28970568
File: 250 KB, 1007x1762, 1588371813846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post scares the schizos.. It's shining too bright

>> No.28970569

Amelia should graduate
imagine hiring a non virgin slut as a talent on your company that targets the idolfags.
she is the worst than kiryukoko

>> No.28970570

Sega is so smart that the only way they let you play their games is by them paying you to do it

>> No.28970573

either that or gurame is actually dead and then I can jerk off about being right. Its a win-win

>> No.28970582

Suiseifags got too cocky

>> No.28970585

>go alone
>die or get ejected because no one saw you
>be surprised
I understand it was early morning for her and she wasnt playing right but there's no way she doesnt know how the game works by now.
If no one sees you and you have no alibi you're probably getting kicked out, this is really not that hard to get.

>> No.28970590

>she is the worst than kiryukoko

>> No.28970594

When /hlg/ sends people, they're not sending their best...

>> No.28970599

Your Google translate is showing Chang.

>> No.28970607

Fuck lofi. She’s doing it to earn sympathy points. I actually feel bad for Gura. Those girls basically bullied the shit out of her. Ame just went with it and Calli was completely unaware, but the JP and ID girls knew exactly what they were doing. They were ignoring every single one of Gura’s statements and then voting her off when she correctly said the imposter. It was absolute bullshit. Even if she got imposter, she would have been voted off with no evidence. Fuck those girls.

>> No.28970608
File: 256 KB, 521x253, 1604416908545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli...its us again...please pick up the phone....Riri has even gained 20k subs. She wants to do a celebration stream with her old friend.....please

>> No.28970609
File: 9 KB, 344x166, 1573651047252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome anon, though I do apologize for not including the first minute of the song since my recording fucked up during Astel's karaoke earlier. I'm still looking for a more complete archive in the meantime

>> No.28970611


>> No.28970612

5D marketing scheme that we cannot understand

>> No.28970616


>> No.28970617


>> No.28970620

they thought it was a good idea to go to war against chumbuds

>> No.28970622
File: 68 KB, 227x222, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are already here, anon.
The only recourse for deadbeats to save our kind,
and UNITY, is to drag this thread into holy flagellation
of conflagration

The purifying flame wars
will set the lost and the damned

>> No.28970623

t-they might be terrible at marketing but least they have Sonic as a mascot, haha

>> No.28970627

can't wait for someone to leak it from their patreon

>> No.28970629
File: 554 KB, 1629x317, goslingunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night anon

>> No.28970630

I think the reason why Suisei likes Mori is because she is anemachi. Suisei is part russian just like mori and anemachi has bigger boobs just like mori

>> No.28970632

Poll time!
>Which Chuuba lives rent free in your head
>Why haven't you evicted them yet?

>> No.28970635

Can any twitter user help me? How do i private messenge my dick to holos?

>> No.28970637

Always a SEAnigger.

>> No.28970638

ching chang chong to you

>> No.28970639

Kiara got permission to start from the beginning apparently

>> No.28970641

She was running on no sleep and had 0 interest in playing crew. I think if she'd slept her attitude about the entire situation would have done a 180 but she had negative luck that morning.

>> No.28970642

>Tfw you destroy your own mascot so hard the only people that can fix it are your fans

>> No.28970645
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>> No.28970648
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Sorry, what was that? Organize a collab with Haruka? Will do!

>> No.28970650
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>> No.28970651

It sure is a good thing Noel and Flare haven't collabed with Mori yet. That would be some chaos

>> No.28970654

get them to follow you

>> No.28970656

Shut up Zhang. Go away with your dog eater people

>> No.28970659
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>> No.28970660

So apparently Kiara fought with Sega to get permissions to play from chapter 1. Is she really the strongest Holo?

>> No.28970662

>start listening to comet's songs because fags keep shilling her
>actually good ngl
>tune into her live karaoke
>pretty bad
>her live concerts
>even worse
Suisui did nothing wrong, but cometfags can neck themselves

>> No.28970663
File: 689 KB, 477x598, 1604480173230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to TOUCH Mori's pet snake

>> No.28970665
File: 42 KB, 744x348, 1594229209951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this? it's going to be so awkward

>> No.28970667

Which Holo has cultivated the largest European fanbase so far relatively speaking?

>> No.28970668

>Gura's happiness is my number one objective in life
>I love her too much

>> No.28970669
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>> No.28970672
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>> No.28970674

Its only preview clips on there I think, but it'll give us an idea on if she just had a segment or the whole thing

>> No.28970677

Based stacy

>> No.28970681


>> No.28970682

Thank goodness. They're not as dumb as I thought.

>> No.28970684

Based chicken did it she beat SEGA

>> No.28970686

>Nevermind that 20 minute cutscene, I got permission to play a 1 ½ hour cutscene!

>> No.28970688

you forgot the most important thing:

>> No.28970689

Gura will challenge Ame to chess and flex on her

>> No.28970694


>> No.28970695

>gura ame collab

>> No.28970699
File: 3.57 MB, 3541x4100, illust_85143201_20201021_145036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight bro
I really hope they do collab, eventually

>> No.28970698

Your weak narrative have been destroyed narrative seller

>> No.28970700

If only she got JP dub permissions as well...

>> No.28970701



>> No.28970702


>> No.28970703

Is there a worse fate than being called a Chinknigger kek

>> No.28970706


>> No.28970707
File: 22 KB, 242x288, pikameee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more gura art

>> No.28970712

Did anyone clip this part and want to share a link

>> No.28970713

Connect 4 revenge match.

>> No.28970714

defective detective bullies and teases shork brain

>> No.28970716

I can't believe she turned the game stream into a watch-a-long

>> No.28970720
File: 62 KB, 182x150, 1575691042270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, whoever you are, I can't collab with you, I have to get ready for my threeway with Gigguk and Animeman

>> No.28970722

We have no idea because there are no reliable metrics publicly available. Every answer would just be narratives.

>> No.28970723

Prepare your anus, there's no way they wouldn't play chess

>> No.28970724

This has no right to be so funny

>> No.28970732
File: 732 KB, 600x338, 1603943528549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it will be great

>> No.28970733
File: 136 KB, 750x1334, 296E262B-687E-46E6-9CD7-3523B945C07F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending the fanbases

>> No.28970735

>Ame has to sacrifice an entire stream slot to sandbag for the shitty brat so she feels better
She really is an angel.

>> No.28970736

Ina this week
2x gesture drawing
chatting with ame
game with Mori
7 so that's it?

>> No.28970737

2003 or Brotherhood?

>> No.28970740

Kiara... Don't look...

>> No.28970744

Funny how she was able to acquit herself as a crew member just fine in the previous collab and never got falsely ejected despite doing the same thing, and that was despite dominating as imposter twice so people would be wary of her. It's almost like communication and understanding is the most important thing in the game or something.

>> No.28970745

I just woke up from a 48h coma, how was the AU collab?

>> No.28970746

Clip it yourself, it's easy.

>> No.28970749

Being a North Korean is equally as bad

>> No.28970750
File: 5 KB, 314x29, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bird is picking up some bad habits from Mori it seems.

>> No.28970752
File: 23 KB, 370x361, 1604578472657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good thing for Riri? Her chat is flooded with EOPs, and she can barely understand anything. It's also pushing away her initial core audience, the japs.

>> No.28970753


>> No.28970757
File: 100 KB, 1080x1184, 8i8e4fns4tv51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesnt give a fuck about Miko and streams over her
>Doesnt give a fuck about Gura and kills her in among us
>Saves collabs with actual talent like Koro and Polka
>Forces ENs to do their JP reps by not translating during JP/EN/ID collab
>Posts funny club every day for a month
>Can actuallly sing and voice act


>> No.28970768

>implying they won't be going at each other the entire time to keep up kayfabe and make you schizos lose your minds
Get worked into a shoot

>> No.28970769
File: 263 KB, 1727x2048, Sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched 2003 but I haven't read the manga all the way through or watched Brotherhood so I ain't qualified on the subject.

>> No.28970774

You'll be watching Moona's return stream in 15 minutes, r-right bros?

>> No.28970776
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>> No.28970778
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>I want Kiara to stop numberfagging

>> No.28970779

>Gura has to sacrifice an entire stream slot to sandbag for a literal twitch who so she feels better
I love my daughter

>> No.28970780


>> No.28970781

The only thing this means to me is that Gura has a working switch. One step closer to Ring Fit Adventure.

>> No.28970785


>> No.28970786

Why do they keep playing that shitty game?

>> No.28970788

Fuck her, she and the other girls purposely worked against Gura because they’re jealous as fuck.

>> No.28970791

it's funny because the time she didn't went alone seems to be the one she got tilted the most, first by the medbay scan misunderstanding and then by no one voting for suisei

>> No.28970797

2003 executes the opening arcs better but the manga story Brotherhood does is ultimately superior

>> No.28970799

>Mori and Kiara get some alone time in the hot tub together and start rapping
>Mori gets some of Kiara's gigastacy
>Kiara gets some of Mori's speech patterns
It's like herpes but cute

>> No.28970802

Did it work?

>> No.28970803

So odds on her playing the full Japanese version?

>> No.28970804

Now that you think of it, ye. Poor girl. If anything at least she's in the algorithm now.

>> No.28970805

2003 until it stars diverging then continue with brotherhood

>> No.28970807

I watched both, and you should too.

>> No.28970814

Is there a Teamup yet?

>> No.28970815

It existed

>> No.28970816


>> No.28970818

Starting Cali's Yakuza stream. Any explanation for her starting in Chapter 5?

>> No.28970819
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>> No.28970823

That was the risk she took by entering a contest attached to a member of the biggest current English vtuber trend. She'd been doing English rep streams, I find it hard to believe that this isn't what she wanted.

>> No.28970825

...are chumbuds actually seething over the among us collab??

>> No.28970829

>the haachama collab will be another clusterfuck
i cant wait for it

>> No.28970830

>Stream starts
>Gura barely talking
>Ame trolling her even more
How would you feel?

>> No.28970832
File: 147 KB, 365x365, 1604487652870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one anon, saved.

>> No.28970833

just don't let the shitposting get to you, everyone had fun with it during the stream

>> No.28970837

SEGA demands it

>> No.28970838
File: 14 KB, 986x153, 1595422849945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better an English audience than no audience. And she's doing her eigo reps too. The nips can go fuck themselves if they don't want to support her because they're scared of a few English comments in her chat.

>> No.28970839

Y'know even with all the shitposting, and narratives, I love this place. Y'all love the girls more than I'm capable of.

>> No.28970840

Sage said to

>> No.28970841

She pulled an Ina and played half the game off stream. Chapter 5 is where the demo starts.

>> No.28970842


>> No.28970844

Anon... you need a break from this board.

>> No.28970847

Nonstop Nut November helps her to gain more NUT power

>> No.28970848

this 4 week old narrative is dust

>> No.28970849

Promo-Demo. So they wanted her to start at a point where she can show of more of the games mechanics etc.
Why they originaly wanted Kiara to play the same chapter is anyones guess.

>> No.28970851

Wait for chicken stream, she starts from the start, maybe they overlap in a way where you can then continue watching the game from Moris side

>> No.28970860


>> No.28970863

Sega made her play the demo but Kiara asked to start the full version of the game

>> No.28970864
File: 201 KB, 680x673, 1604944077239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Sharkzawa is so great, why didnt she overcome a bunch of small fry working against her?
Risu can stand up to the likes of Miko on a big day. Gura cant even oppose supposed "small fry" litterally whos like Risu.
Shark is weak
Squirrel is strong

>> No.28970866

do we watch the same streamer?

>> No.28970871
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Sure it is

>> No.28970872
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>> No.28970873


>> No.28970875

Some gura fans outside this thread, like clippers and Youtube commenters, might be
In these threads it's a handful of false flaggers posing as chumbuds and saying ridiculous things, and others taking the bait

>> No.28970881

She barely had subs before the EOP came. And she's getting superchats now.
She's in a good spot.

>> No.28970882
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>> No.28970887

Well, she doesn't seem to mind it too much. And it is much better than having ~40 new subs a day and never becoming actually relevant, especially since she puts a lot of effort into that channel that would mostly go to waste otherwise.

>> No.28970892

some people like to still pretend ame was good at games

>> No.28970893

Painy is probably glad to get an audience at all

>> No.28970896

Give me the timestamp of the original. I ain't sifting through her superchat stream.

>> No.28970902
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>> No.28970904

>watching anitubers.

>> No.28970906

Of course. I actually missed her

>> No.28970907


>> No.28970909

If she didn't want an eigo audience she wouldn't be actively engaging them in her streams by using Google TL and doing her Eigo reps.

>> No.28970912

I mean, they can all leave and she can go back to streaming for 20 people and 5 dollars.

>> No.28970913

Will Kiara and Moona ever get along?

>> No.28970916

nah, the collab is going to happen. WAs talking about the sex narrative. Believe it or not that was something that was actively discussed for a while

>> No.28970927

She does realize that the nnn videos are going to cause her channel to look like Fubuki where most of the subs are empty right?

>> No.28970929

he said the thing

>> No.28970931


>> No.28970935

Ayunda forced her to do it.
Don't blame Risu!

>> No.28970944

I love these two


>> No.28970945
File: 56 KB, 1000x1000, 1493496181626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we going to get raided by chinks and other subhumans till time immemorial?

>> No.28970948

two weeks ago she had 150 people catching her live. 3 days ago she broke 1000. Shes doing fine

>> No.28970951

So like does Mori actually like Kiara? Sometimes I honestly can't tell

>> No.28970955
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1672, 5d513770f435d9ac12ac4f61e539fd88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28970956

She has mister K's blessing. It's gonna be fine. Mori's been boosting her friends. I hope she keeps doing that.

>> No.28970958

yeah, it's just gonna create a bunch of subs waiting for another meme video

>> No.28970962
File: 178 KB, 1000x1133, 1602998819810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think she gained weight off-stream in a training-arc-esque manner?

>> No.28970967

Have you been tested for autism, anon?

>> No.28970968
File: 3 KB, 123x125, 1604026517413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then JOPs just have to flood the chat, easy enough? Oh wait they cant because JOPs dont give two about her.

>> No.28970970

She needs to do more true crime asmr

>> No.28970973

She went to a spa date with Kiara, you tell me

>> No.28970981

Fake ass bitch

>> No.28970983


>> No.28970986

Because you cant draw

>> No.28970990

What's her niche? I don't get it.

>> No.28970991
File: 1.01 MB, 640x480, 1604768277912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stream starts
>Hey Gura, Iofi and Risu got alot of hate because of your incessant whining. How do you feel?
>Guhahaha... Yeah serves them right. Never mess with the the apex predator. HOOCHA!

>> No.28970992

Why did Moona move back to her parents?

>> No.28970999

I don't think any of the girls care about "dead" subs, as long as they still get views (and they do) it doesn't really matter, and higher sub numbers obviously matter to Cover

>> No.28971001

you overreacted to a single chink

>> No.28971006

Like her fellow IDs, she needs to find her own unique niche that only she can take advantage of.

>> No.28971007

arranged marriage to mohamed

>> No.28971009

Only the biggest snowflakes don't like Iofi. Everyone loved her during the Ina collab.

>> No.28971011

how fat is moona irl?

>> No.28971013

everyone likes you <3. Don't listen to the haters aka Chumkeks

>> No.28971015

I doubt the people just looking for a meme video are going to care about what she plays. Unless she keeps it up for DDD.

>> No.28971018

Give me a good reason to stick around for dead hours anymore
I've accumulated over 300+ hours on these threads and the patterns are too obvious for me now

>> No.28971021

Makes people with low energy with high energy

>> No.28971024 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1500x2000, 1605012855955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah get fucked iofi, you lying pos.

>> No.28971029

Are you guys actually still mad about some aspect of this Among Us collab or is this some kind of strange LARP? Where are the new narratives about today's streams instead?

>> No.28971034

pure kino

>> No.28971035

nobody talks about Ina

>> No.28971036

Sounds hot, anyone got arranged marriage doujins?

>> No.28971037

Ayame has over a thousand dollars and she's still refusing to give her family food to save a measly ten dollars
This fucking whore

>> No.28971039
File: 118 KB, 1003x1417, 1582958553799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara already fluent
>cringe reaper and tako doing their best
>watson and gura not even trying
defend this shit

>> No.28971040

They were familiar enough with each other pre-debut that Kiara made the spa proposition at that time and Mori accepted it.

>> No.28971041
File: 44 KB, 634x485, 1604077767081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.28971047
File: 13 KB, 615x102, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already planning what to eat

>> No.28971053

You still here cometflake?

>> No.28971056
File: 133 KB, 350x350, 1604534950740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you wanna tako 'bout?

>> No.28971058

>and higher sub numbers obviously matter to Cover
Not as much as you might think. Subs are mostly celeberated because "celebration streams" get more viewers on average, and the views matter.
Subs basically just help with the youtube algorithm a little.

>> No.28971059

>It’s 2PM and yakuza still hasn’t showed up
Fuck you deliveryman I want to play ahead so I can watch the streaaaaaams

>> No.28971060

2:18:33 if that didn't work

>> No.28971065

What streams? The only streams today are Yakuza shilling streams

>> No.28971067

It's slow paced everyone knows the rules to the games (except chess apparently) which allows for more talkinginstead of something like Overclocked where everyone is too pre-occupied with task to keep a conversation going.

>> No.28971069

I want an A-chan x Enma-san collab.

>> No.28971070

Tough call, Kiara is streaming at the same time as her, so I'll probably watch the VOD instead.

>> No.28971071
File: 168 KB, 1600x1600, 1525317971207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOPs normally come and go as fast as they abandoned Eilene. Though to be fair, the deal with Square Enix plus yidtube being fucking retarded has really fucked her over and I hope she will still make it eventhough she got nerfed really hard in the vtuber meta.

>> No.28971075

huh did I miss something?

>> No.28971076
File: 931 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 23.55.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead hours threads are perfect for watching a couple of JP holos

>> No.28971077
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1605012518356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your excuse?

>> No.28971083

>not trying
I guess you haven't checked on how much she streams

>> No.28971085

Ina had discordsex with THAT?!
Damn she's cute.

>> No.28971084

arguing with people on 4chan gives me the greatest of highs

>> No.28971086
File: 164 KB, 504x280, 1604614851924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the truth is that ENs should do their JP reps, just like JPs do their EN reps.
The world does not revovle around them.
Of course Gura is too much of a solo player to understand the true meaning of a collab and wants the spotlight only for herself.

>> No.28971089

Is Ina the only one that plays mahjong?
I want mahjong or uno streams

>> No.28971092

God damn it Inarlos.

>> No.28971094

is Chicken's stream shadowbanned again?

>> No.28971095

do your irl reps anon

>> No.28971099

that's precious money she earned by sucking off her favourite salarymen, mind you

>> No.28971101

>"the artist" holo
>mogged by multiple non-artist holos, don't even need Marine or Ina to btfo her

>> No.28971104

Deadhours produces are most inane content.

>> No.28971106
File: 31 KB, 626x371, 1604487665875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rratburger sounds nice.

>> No.28971111

I still don’t know why she just uses that deadpan voice

>> No.28971113


>> No.28971114
File: 772 KB, 900x450, 1604912820643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little shark, it’s a simple calculus. This universe is finite, its resources, finite, if life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction... I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.

>> No.28971120

We have a dogfucker infestation right now and they're constantly seething about Suisei.

>> No.28971121

I mean JOPS didnt give a fuck about her, and she entered competition made by English vtuber

>> No.28971122

she carried rbc on a 300ping server. she is good

>> No.28971124

Even Nene mogs her. Even Nene.

>> No.28971125

I broke down laughing when she asked Ina if she watched 'Hannibal' thinking, 'oh, this is going to turn into one of THOSE streams'.

>> No.28971126

They weren't hired to speak Japanese

>> No.28971129

>she's still refusing to give her family food to save a measly ten dollars

>> No.28971130

anonchama...your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.28971132

I dont know but I love it

>> No.28971141

Okay. You're right. But she still zones me out.

>> No.28971142

And what's your excuse for watching huh

>> No.28971143

The sex narrative was just a joke spawned off people thinking Cover would allow an offcollab who are unfamiliar with how gift exchanges worked.
Hell, we know she didn't drink the wine with them because she was drinking it during one of her member streams

>> No.28971148

The fuck is a mog

>> No.28971151

How hard is it to test if something is shadowbanned? Just check if it's in your sub box/ homepage.

>> No.28971154

You can only see Mori's drawing during the sponsored segment which happens at this timestamp, because it was recorded much more recently than the rest of the podcast episode

>> No.28971155
File: 620 KB, 2568x3883, rion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are guys ready ?

>> No.28971156
File: 1.04 MB, 1204x1746, 1601686298854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even Nene
Why do you say it like this? I'll have you know the CEO is supremely talented in everything she does.

>> No.28971157

it's not in my sub box which is why I was asking

>> No.28971162

Kiara is about to start bros

>> No.28971165

Emotionally stunted freshman, pls understan.

>> No.28971168

How about the JP girls finally learn to speak proper English.

>> No.28971169

anon you may be retarded

>> No.28971170

That's when anons shit on your oshi and create the craziest narratives, it's great to grow a thicker skin.

>> No.28971176

I heard it has to do with someone’s roommate but eh

>> No.28971177

Hers doesnt even have SOUL. Pekora and Ame's drawings are better.

>> No.28971178

Go back to /hlg/

>> No.28971180

deadhours is the only time you can talk, non dead hours is just youtube chat spam

>> No.28971186

For all the talk abouf From, Capcom and Atlus permissions, what I want to see the most is Jackbox collabs.

>> No.28971190

Got baited by chink

>> No.28971191

Its in mine.

>> No.28971194

In the age of loud screeching vtubers, this is a very much welcomed alternative.

>> No.28971193

It usually doesn't go to the top of the box until she's actually live. It's in the slot of when the stream first gets published.

>> No.28971195

Her standby animation is making me dizzy/

>> No.28971198

Shouldn't her long term coworkers know she's full of it though? Do they not know Suisei at all?

>> No.28971199
File: 256 KB, 2400x1694, 1603467031769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she get the permissions now?

>> No.28971200
File: 87 KB, 1050x1350, Emdrr6TVcAAmy7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28971201

It works, thanks.

>> No.28971203
File: 1.07 MB, 1275x671, nutqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KNEEL before the nutqueen

>> No.28971202
File: 6 KB, 238x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huke already in chat

>> No.28971204
File: 32 KB, 454x199, 160392481920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone.....your numbers......

>> No.28971208

paid promotion?

>> No.28971210


>> No.28971211
File: 1.54 MB, 2500x2000, illust_85587678_20201110_135908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stream and my online classes start at the same time

>> No.28971209

Everyone shut up, my wifes on TV

>> No.28971213

Your crossboarder reps, anon.
I want to mindbreak Iofi until she starts drawing depressing abstract art!

>> No.28971214
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1604202953046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971216

>german menu

>> No.28971217

>only 3000 viewers
wow Chicken is gonna kill herself

>> No.28971224

I'm curious to see what happens when a paid-promition stream is shadowbanned.

>> No.28971225

>Deutsche Version
Warum Kiara?

>> No.28971228

She's playing Papers Please

>> No.28971232


>> No.28971236


>> No.28971237

Can her PC even handle this?

>> No.28971239
File: 13 KB, 189x189, guntako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon what the fuck are you doing here
go do your reps and become a better (you)

>> No.28971240

do you know how long it would take her to finish P3 with her stream schedule? it might take 2 years

>> No.28971242

>Chicken gets to start from the beginning
>Doesn’t realize that Sega probably gave people the chapter 5 save because it’s gonna be 90 minutes of cutscenes and tutorials otherwise

>> No.28971243

>It's german Yakuza

>> No.28971244
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1542487676812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huke really supports Kiara alot. Im jealous no homo

>> No.28971246

>Of course Gura is too much of a solo player to understand the true meaning of a collab and wants the spotlight only for herself
anon are you from some parallel universe where gura wasn't a mute background object on big collabs during her first month? even now she can only speak if ame is there and mostly to her

>> No.28971255

>Everything on German

>> No.28971257

Die Bratwurst mafia...

>> No.28971256

No fucking good border control

>> No.28971262
File: 895 KB, 3678x3035, Das Hähnchen [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1zb2yz.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971264

Fubuki, Polka, Watame, and Roboco played that the other day. They had the rabbids skin on and there was a lot of screeching and rabbid noise imitation

>> No.28971265

Is that her stream fucked or my PC?

>> No.28971270

is the stream all stuttery for anyone else?

>> No.28971271

I have been here since split nigger

>> No.28971273

I appreciate that she'll do art collabs with anyone, regardless of their level. I'd imagine a lot of artists would be insecure drawing next to Ina or Pochi.

>> No.28971276

This guy is probably the happiest guy there is for bringing his waifu to life.

>> No.28971281
File: 164 KB, 1396x1172, 1604943696308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if koro wants number she can easily get them.
She controls her numbers, the numbers dont control her.
Unlike other holos.

>> No.28971283

Hopefully she looked up how to play it

>> No.28971285

Kiara's PC

>> No.28971287
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1604942197576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for another suffering stream?

>> No.28971288

Hey it might feel like a true journey that we get to embark with her

>> No.28971291
File: 516 KB, 850x1200, plka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the clown allowed in this thread?

>> No.28971293

God I wish I were him. It's like Kiara is his actual daughter.

>> No.28971298

>Are chumbuds completly delusional?

>> No.28971299

Her PC won't be able to handle it...

>> No.28971302
File: 1.58 MB, 1041x883, HukesType.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971304

Cool language

>> No.28971306

Clown is loved

>> No.28971310

Calli hit new game and it started from chapter 5. I think it's a special demo version or something.

>> No.28971311

>open chicken stream
>technical problems
>close steam

I'll check back in half an hour.

>> No.28971312

It'll go up pretty fast over the next few minutes but she's streaming during prime time along with like 15 other holos.

>> No.28971317

Moona what the fuck is your audio

>> No.28971318

Mori's wife is cute

>> No.28971319

I mean her voice sounds exactly on the mark, but are we absolutely sure she's Painy? Could cause something weird if it wasn't true all along.

>> No.28971320

She's part of Mori's harem so yes.

>> No.28971323
File: 39 KB, 227x222, 1603687989691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971329

For the love of god Kiara, this is an sponsored stream

>> No.28971333

IMAGINE if the infamous nickname moment had instead occurred during this collab. Imagine the threads. Imagine the narratives.

>> No.28971335

Wtf did Kiara give Moona her old mic?

>> No.28971336

of course

>> No.28971337

Should have just streamed from Mori's place.

>> No.28971338

I dont want to be a Holostar. I want to become a papa instead. But how?

>> No.28971339

Yes but she's playing Ark right now so there's not much to talk about for her

>> No.28971340

Why is Moona in a Kia

>> No.28971343
File: 45 KB, 240x317, 1600760006924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, is the Ame x RBC collab worth watching? I went to bed instead of watching live because I figured it'd be mostly cringe, little kino. I hope I was wrong.

>> No.28971344

>tech issues
>game is in German
You chose her well Sega

>> No.28971347

She only has herself to blame. Streaming at the worst times possible for her audience with what feels like 20 other holos also streaming.

>> No.28971348

Why does Kiara always sabotage herself?

>> No.28971353

Then you should know that you should not post any japs in here you double nigger

>> No.28971354

All JP is

>> No.28971358

No, she's only allowed in my dick.

>> No.28971359

I knew her PC was to weak but I thought since its a sponsored stream surely her manager or someone would do something about it....

>> No.28971361

Don't tell me she's playing this on her toaster.

>> No.28971366

All according to Sega's master "plan."

>> No.28971370

Seven hour zatsudan time

>> No.28971373

Is she playing on steam? I think she has to change the language settings in the launcher

>> No.28971374

imagine the banter as Gura goes to offensive now. Can't fucking wait

>> No.28971379

She'll be fiiiine

>> No.28971380

The first 10-15 minutes are patchy, but it's pretty good once they warm up. Unfortunately it ended due to a dumb misunderstanding.

>> No.28971381

why doesn't this bitch take her job more seriously?

>> No.28971384
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxredhdhhdhsdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lag lags lags are here to cheer the chicken up

>> No.28971383

It was pretty fun. Got better near the end but RBC thought Ame wanted to end it. Hopefully they do more.

>> No.28971386

Do your art reps and make Japanese artist connections

>> No.28971387

Is this PS4?
She will have to set her playstation to English and reopen the game.

>> No.28971389

Her manager literally just said "Just start the game it gets better 2 hours in lol"

>> No.28971390

Why she couldn't simply play it on Mori's PC again? She was already there a few hours ago.

>> No.28971393
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1603435871992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971394
File: 15 KB, 388x105, 1604416933710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a huge fan of BRS back in 2009.. it's so hard to believe it's the same Huke.

>> No.28971396
File: 539 KB, 790x653, 1602651131002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better when the game starts

>> No.28971401

it takes a bit but is pretty comfy by the end. the two are cute together.

>> No.28971404

Moona's streaming in her fucking car I love her

>> No.28971405

I'm more concerned about her fanbase than Koro herself. 1 million subs and barely anyone watches whenever she streams. A lot of the top holo's fanbases have that problem, meanwhile Pekora always has great viewer ratio, getting 60k viewers on her minecraft streams consistently.

>> No.28971408

Korone and Gura.

>> No.28971409

not going to any more sure than this anon.
shes also a part of 666d6's posse

>> No.28971411

Bild > picture
Schirm > canvas
Helligkeit > Brightness

>> No.28971412

Maybe you should read the name of the thread again

>> No.28971413

are you calling me one or him

>> No.28971414

changing language settings on steam used to redownload a shitton of your games, I don't know how it is now

>> No.28971415

It starts awkward but eventually they find their stride. Not sure if it's really a must-watch, though.

>> No.28971417

>open chikin stream, shitty frame rate

jesus fuck what's happening

>> No.28971420

Gura will challenge Amelia to a chess match best of 3 to absolutely embarrass and expose her

>> No.28971428

a chicken stream

>> No.28971431

Makes me wonder what even is the point of the other thread then

>> No.28971433

Why is German like this?

>> No.28971435
File: 824 KB, 872x679, 1604184977150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sponsored stream for a game her pc can barely run properly without streaming

>> No.28971436

it means to best/dominate someone

>> No.28971438

She won't fucking upgrade her rig.

>> No.28971439

>Game is out "today"
>But not really since it doesn't even have a fucking timer on steam

>> No.28971440

Ame mogged RBC despite the ping disadvantage.

>> No.28971441

Nice fucking slideshow

>> No.28971444
File: 323 KB, 1341x1885, __gawr_gura_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chaki_teasets__cf3c7855a2db73b2c29b45eef70fdea7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only oneìwho is getting damn pissed off by the lag? What the hell?

>> No.28971445

>The same man that dragged me through the emotional journey that was Steins;Gate is now watching a phoenix play video games
weird huh.

>> No.28971446

What about that is hard to believe? We watched the same BRS right?

>> No.28971449

Anti posting and not discussing streams

>> No.28971451

before I always thought huke to be the kind of cool guy base on his design on character, now I know he's a really cool guy that support his daughter

>> No.28971452

Chemistry isn't there yet for Uno and Mahjong Soul is a chink game so it's probably out.

>> No.28971453

wow nice audio kiara, only makes my ears bleed a little bit, not quite lethal

>> No.28971454
File: 67 KB, 620x614, 1604148157317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, welcome bro

>> No.28971456

Lmao, you’re implying Risu worked alone.

>> No.28971457

Did Sega really not make sure Kiara can actually run the game?

>> No.28971458

Designated EN anti thread

>> No.28971459

Did Kiara got shadowbanned again?
I only saw her stream after going to her video List

>> No.28971463

I will explain
Technology is of the Devil
The chicken is among God's chosen
Thus the Devil routinely tests her through technical issues

>> No.28971467

Meme boost produces dead subs.

>> No.28971469
File: 421 KB, 1080x1082, Pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chimkin's streams always so painful to watch?

>> No.28971468

Why not? It's convenient and descriptive.

>> No.28971471

Shoulda streamed from Mori's house chicken

>> No.28971470
File: 355 KB, 756x739, 1589565538385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971472

German makes it incredibly easy to make descriptive compound words

>> No.28971473

language based on facts and logic

>> No.28971475

Why does Comet has moon shaped holes in her head?

>> No.28971477

>barely anyone watches whenever she streams
did I stutter?
She controls her numbers.
If she wants 11k viewers she gets them. If she wants 1M viewers she knows how to activate her sleepers.

>> No.28971479

Its on my home page at least

>> No.28971478


>> No.28971480

No I hate it too, it's actually terrible.

>> No.28971481

Ye, I know. Did a collab even. But none of that ties to Riri.
Just worried if this will blow up to something weird, that's all

>> No.28971484

she already ordered parts, but yeah

>> No.28971485

kiara, your hardware reps.....

>> No.28971486

Is her manager for real? It was already clear from the past streams that she has no idea about tech stuff and her PC is garbage so why would she just let her stream it like this?

>> No.28971487

Gura and Amelia have been weebs for how long and still speak no Japanese? Very low IQ.

>> No.28971488

Is moona the first homeless holo

>> No.28971489

He didn't write the story dude

>> No.28971493

It makes me hope Ame, Roboco, Towa, Matsuri, and Choco end up setting up a low-key Apex collab channel for whenever they feel like playing Apex and want to turn it into a buff collab. That is something Ame would definitely do

>> No.28971495

There is none, I'm only here because I'm at work and don't want to do my job.

>> No.28971497
File: 231 KB, 670x257, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine to me.

>> No.28971498

It’s one thing to fuck up your regular stream, but to fuck up a sponsored stream.....
Hololive getting Sega permissions NEVER

>> No.28971499

It's the EN anti thread

>> No.28971501

But god is a chicken anti

>> No.28971502

I can't believe this. It actually IS her potato PC.

>> No.28971503

imagine selling your game all over the world and not having a language selector in a handy idiot-proof location with flags

>> No.28971505

okay thats it gonna go for morning exercise instead of watching chikin this is painful to watch

>> No.28971506

Because it just works™

>> No.28971508
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1603846429106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 different streams live right now
>in a few hours there will be another 4 hour window of zero streams

>> No.28971509

Same. A die hard fan of SG and his artstyle on the VN but I hate Kiara's design the most on EN. He dropped the ball.

>> No.28971512

>houlda streamed from Mori's house chicken
yeah, her pc is much better

>> No.28971513

>moona has to stay in her car, in the garage of her own house, unable to go inside, for 14 days

>> No.28971518

After WW3 turns up every holo is going to be homeless

>> No.28971519

Uno might work if they do the JP thing of giving each round a 'theme', like the chuuni and obaasan rounds to help break the ice.

>> No.28971520

I fucking knew it

>> No.28971526

Sega is very smart yes

>> No.28971528

its about to get sufferkino

>> No.28971530

>she already ordered parts
Did she? She said she was looking into it but she literally can't find parts for the 3080. No surprise there.

>> No.28971531

They're on the level of the average /a/ weeb that recognizes 12 words in an anime episode and can identify a percentage of hiragana

>> No.28971537

Steam manages the language for you so there's not really a reason to have that

>> No.28971539

Pekora had shit for views until she got a massive boost with the Moona stuff. Curious to see if they stick around once it fizzles out.

>> No.28971548
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2090, 20201109_135018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamup guy... At Amelia to the schedule!

>> No.28971550

>Draws the breast that's farther away from the viewer bigger because the artist didn't take perspective into account.

>> No.28971552

The power of everyone wanting to stream during JP prime time.
HoloEU when? That'd patch up dead hours very nicely.

>> No.28971553

Fake tear time?

>> No.28971555

Oh good lord the frame rate is like 2fps or some shit, Kiara's POLtato PC

>> No.28971557

I want to hug the chicken.
Also buy her a proper pc.

>> No.28971556

god damn it peko

>> No.28971558

I fucking love Moona bros

>> No.28971559

It merely seems so. God was not a Job anti either.

>> No.28971562

You are weak

>> No.28971566

>pain peko
who is nagato in the holoverse?

>> No.28971565

Bird has lived for thousands of years, so she has issues with contemporary technology.

>> No.28971570
File: 757 KB, 1541x1106, 1602074436502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new F**e T**e MV
I see. So that's what she's been working herself to death on.

>> No.28971571

>What's Vsync

>> No.28971573

>What’s vsynch

>> No.28971576

this chicken need to learn how to properly set up her game or at least buy a better rig

>> No.28971577


>> No.28971578
File: 78 KB, 242x242, ayamep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the clown is allowed in this thread. That's mean ojou can too

>> No.28971579

>Technical issues in a Chicken stream
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.28971583

Oi, HoloEN manager, if you're reading this, bully Kiara into getting a new PC or something, GDI.

>> No.28971584

It's what happens when you let a general become more about the people in the thread than the content it's based around. And since most of them can't understand streams as they're happening, it devolved into garbage.

>> No.28971586
File: 128 KB, 600x888, 1604925024954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking dub quality

>> No.28971587

>Game is paused
>cutscene plays anyway

>> No.28971588

I think her computer just barely hits the recommended specs for the game, not sure it should be this bad

>> No.28971589

How could management let her play this game on her garbage PC?

>> No.28971593

How can the manager be this much of a fuck up holy shit
"Just start the game it will get better lol"
How dumb can they be?

>> No.28971592

Oh god is there a dub for this? Why would you play dubbed Yakuza? That's like playing Japanese Death Stranding.

>> No.28971594

What the fuck?

>> No.28971596

Isn't this game available on console? Why couldn't they give her a PS4 version or something?

>> No.28971600

literally unwatchable

>> No.28971604
File: 494 KB, 1000x1000, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_bailingxiao_jiu__64f225a5b2a1015515534fba752b861f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma watch Amelias last streams if she does ot solve it, it's so annoyiiiing

>> No.28971606

>She didn't disable VSync

>> No.28971609

Oh hey whatya know, the game didnt magically run smoother than the main menu. Good job manager.

>> No.28971610

Imagine being Cover
Imagine being Cover and heard one of your talents works from her car using public wifi hotpost.....

>> No.28971611

At least we know now it's more likely to be a woman.

>> No.28971612

I'm not talking about her, I'm talking about her fanbase. The fact that the overwhelming majority of them see her streaming and choose not to watch speaks volumes. You don't see this problem for Pekora, for example.

>> No.28971613

Didn't her manager think that 2gb or RAM was enough to stream when Kiara used their PC on that one minecraft stream?

>> No.28971614

I wish Kiara would rent a better PC compared to the one she currently has.

>> No.28971615

As evidenced from past streams no holoEN knows what Vsync is or does

>> No.28971618

kiara if youre streaming games you better have a streaming rig capable of running game and obs aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.28971619

People who collab with EN are allowed.

>> No.28971620
File: 87 KB, 602x660, 1604855705683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover Corp
>A fucking tech company
>With a CEO literally carrying some engineering degree
>Can't setup their employees for a sponsored stream

>> No.28971622

Ojou may be allowed, but not fucking SEAnigs. Fuck off, ESL cunt.

>> No.28971623

>Things Cover should do.txt

>> No.28971625

*Insert failing to prepare, prepare to fail sc.png"

>> No.28971624

Apparently mandated by Sega
Doesn't own a PS4

>> No.28971629
File: 47 KB, 220x260, 1603291785482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for ded hours to post about it

>> No.28971627

Only if you actually talk about her instead of using her as an avatar

>> No.28971630
File: 320 KB, 860x1020, 1600649354155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ended due to a misunderstanding
Sounds awkward, hopefully not 66 minutes levels of awkward. Otherwise, it sounds like it went pretty well, I'm happy for my oshi.

>> No.28971632

>Don't worry Kiara. Once you start the story the lag will go away.
Is Enma fucking retarded?

>> No.28971633

At last I see

>> No.28971635
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1603374154242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori stream
>EN dub cuts out every now and then
>not even all the scenes are dubbed
>Starts randomly at chapter 5
>Kiara stream
>Technical difficulties galore
Holy fuck SEGA is based as fuck

>> No.28971644

I think in her second art stream she said that she was buying a new computer.

>> No.28971645

So what’s the excuse this time?
How is not preparing for a sponsored stream and wasting 15 minutes in setting the fucking game up acceptable?

>> No.28971647

Learn to code.

>> No.28971648

Moona is being quarantined in a car?

>> No.28971649

Mark Hamill Majima is worth experiencing once in your life.

>> No.28971651

This has been a real tough week for the Chicken, huh.

>> No.28971653

That'll be Kiara when she goes back to Ostrich.

>> No.28971654
File: 35 KB, 372x766, Risu smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi did nothing wrong

Risu did nothing wrong

Gura just needs to do her Japanese reps, Ame and Mori did fine

>> No.28971657

I hope the payment was worth it

>> No.28971659
File: 10 KB, 841x194, 62356257527275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes got a GTX 1050. I don't remember the rest off hand

>> No.28971664

Just how bad is Kiara's PC that it can't run a fucking menu screen?

>> No.28971666

Too busy buying a car and game consoles for her boyfriend sorry I mean brother

>> No.28971667

The people that should've been her alibi lied about her so she got ejected, and when other people had no alibi, everyone voted for Gura to get ejected.

>> No.28971669

Peko and Gura are the only ones with consistently high views for each video.

>> No.28971671

Teamup should include english streams from IDs and JPs desu

>> No.28971673

I dunno, Artia is Naruto though.

>> No.28971674

covercucks give kiara a fucking 2080ti at least.

>> No.28971675

Japan good at bussiness, please understand.

>> No.28971676

>13 mins in
>Kiara is still in the menus

>> No.28971677

Yes. Apparently she lives in the garage until the 14th I think

>> No.28971679

I'm laughing so hard at Moona sitting in a kia while eating donuts

>> No.28971681

>chicken streams the same game
Wew lads, I'm just catching up with Mori's and I thought I went back in the fucking time just now.

>> No.28971682

Japanese Death Stranding actually has some decent seiyuu involved, to be fair, unlike the bargain bin VAs used for this dub. You'd still be mad to play that game in Japanese though.

>> No.28971684

Is Moona literally living in a car for the next two weeks?

>> No.28971685

I don't either I just turn it off

>> No.28971686

Thanks for the heads up. Looks reminiscent of Madoka and Panty&Stocking.

>> No.28971688

Since Kiara occasionally says a few words in Italian, "sega" means saw, wank.

>> No.28971689

>720p at Medium
Her computer isn't good but it shouldn't be running at 5 fps
Shes doing something dumb

>> No.28971690

nah, she's quarantined in the garage with her car

>> No.28971693

This isn't FPS, this is SPF.

>> No.28971694
File: 12 KB, 200x251, 1598417646403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara and technical difficulties
Name a more iconic duo

>> No.28971695

Sometime menus are REALLY fucking badly optimized. Happened to me several times when I had a weaker PC.

>> No.28971696

I don't care, I will just say it: This is embarrassing. Not a single brain cell was used by her to make sure this works. I don't really blame Sega for this, how could they know that Kiara doesn't have a computer strong enough to play this game? Where was/is the manager in this case? Do they even have one?

>> No.28971697

Risu needs to be do her not being a cunt reps

>> No.28971700

fucking finally and it only took us 14 minutes

>> No.28971705

Why the fuck are you still trying to stir up shit?

>> No.28971708

Some old 4 core AMD CPU

>> No.28971707

Kiara is the least now

>> No.28971712

I can't believe she actually fixed it

>> No.28971716

You're making this too easy:

>> No.28971717

Corona pls andastand

>> No.28971718

need to eat overpriced beef at a spa instead of investing in her job

also IMAGINE ACTUALLY being a kiara member

>> No.28971720
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1924, 85vs1iazpgv51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stream still has less probelms than Kiara's
Pekora made the right choice

>> No.28971722

How did chimkin fix it?

>> No.28971723

Nah, it wasn't awkward for either of them, just kind of sad for us the viewers since things were going well. I don't think either of them even realized there was a misunderstanding.

>> No.28971725


>> No.28971728
File: 43 KB, 314x680, DoiRtu6UYAAMTWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue oni is cuter than red oni.

>> No.28971730
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1601606365104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too afraid to ask other people to collab with her so she just waits for them to ask her instead
>somehow ends up with the most amount of collabs in HoloEN
how does she do it?

>> No.28971731

Watame and numberfagging

>> No.28971732

English picked up a few French words and German developed further.

>> No.28971738

>Kari can start from chapter 1
>Calli has to start from chapter 5
Nani the fuck?
SEGA-san explaination please

>> No.28971740

>Chapter 7

>> No.28971742

Imagine all the food in Moona's Kia right now

>> No.28971749

Prease understando

>> No.28971750

They attacking my oshi, just reminding them that theirs is shit :)

>> No.28971752
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>> No.28971754

bro, a single stream worth of SCs could buy them a whole gaming room, how tf do these girls still have shitty PCs?

>> No.28971760

>check treerrat subs
wtf when did she start inclining? All the nonstopnut november clips?

>> No.28971763
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1604699813525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kiara is so worried about viewership, she should really set up the game before stream and not stream when powerhouses like Pekora are live.

>> No.28971764

Fuck off it's been almost 24 hours no one gives a shit

>> No.28971765

>Still dropping frames

>> No.28971767

Hang yourself SEAnigger.

>> No.28971768

Imaging thinking Corona is real

>> No.28971769

So at least 80% of the people in this thread.

I've been a weeaboo for almost 15 years now (not particularly veteran numbers) but I can only read katakana and hiragana and some 30 kanji.

>> No.28971770

Cute and blonde

>> No.28971771

But Coco already played it half a year ago on stream.

>> No.28971772

yeah i have seen that, im kinda excited to see what my boy made this time
sure thing bro

>> No.28971774
File: 75 KB, 1024x1366, 1604958049108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Yakuza games fun? I bought Yakuza 0 for like $5 and still haven't touched it

>> No.28971775

Coz she has very few views so they partner her up with other Vtubers. Not that difficult

>> No.28971777
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, 1575869438635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hearing Moona eat on stream
now this is the stuff

>> No.28971779
File: 466 KB, 674x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28971783

chat backseating her config

>> No.28971785

Kiara actually called them out on this bullshit and they allowed her to start from the beggining.

>> No.28971786

Ryzen 3200G

>> No.28971784

Risu has made it her mission to take down the shark all by herself
Based squirrel

>> No.28971791

The terms of the sponsorship were to start from chapter 5, but Kiara asked to start from chapter 1 and Sega was cool with it I guess.

>> No.28971792

Kiara... stop hanging around this shithole and continues streaming...

>> No.28971793

Wait. Does moona has coroners?

>> No.28971795

>have companies willing to pay you to shill their games
>can't even spend the two grand per talent to make sure they can shill properly
I know I know...

>> No.28971796

Is Kiara trying to convince her audience to not buying this game?

>> No.28971797

Yes. I never cared for the story but I like punching things to death.

>> No.28971799

Someone ring me when chicken fixed her issue, I can't bear to watch.

>> No.28971800

If you have to ask, then no.

>> No.28971802

0 is fucking stellar. I still need to play Kiwami 1 and 2 though.

>> No.28971803


>> No.28971804

I wonder who else she's been on contact with. Matsuri would be a nice apex collab but Matsuris English is absolute dogshit. Maybe Aqua?

>> No.28971805

Enma is the US zone one, the Japanese one hasn't been revealed yet I think

>> No.28971809

Nigger, move on with your fucking life

>> No.28971810

They're great, rather cinematic heavy though if thats a turn off

>> No.28971811

Oh wait thought you were talking abt Kiara sorry

>> No.28971814

>actually clapping

>> No.28971816

>A little bit

>> No.28971818
File: 899 KB, 1014x1080, 1604692654476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like fren

>> No.28971821

Chikin is retarded. She has a gaming PC in Austria so she isn't planning to buy a new one since she is going back in a few months.

>> No.28971824

I thought Kiara said that she was going to buy a new computer in her art stream?

>> No.28971828

kek i need to watch this trainwrek

>> No.28971829

Quarantine, moving back to her parent house

>> No.28971834
File: 87 KB, 1080x1072, Pain peko 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiaras PC cant even run the cutscenes

>> No.28971835

>"We're still a bit laggy huh?"
>drops to 10fps

>> No.28971836

Did she catch COVID?
Can't she rent a hotel-room or something?

>> No.28971840

I hate you

>> No.28971846

Reminds me of playing tf2 on a shitty asus laptop at 15 fps on badwater. Good times.

>> No.28971847

Sheer amount of stream hours and exposure. Ame is basically the face of HoloEN for actual fans of Hololive.

>> No.28971850

No 3080 stock pls andastand

>> No.28971857
File: 487 KB, 891x579, 1574783559086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's pretty clear that RIsu is a cunt and needs to graduate.

>> No.28971858

Was Moona evicted?
Maybe there her house had an insect infestation and got sprayed with chemicals.

>> No.28971859
File: 31 KB, 662x384, interpreter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leeches gang up on you for meme clips
>Ame shits on you when you're already down
>Iofi who on twitter promised to translate abandons her post for convenience (pic related)
Yeah, I'd be pissed too.

>> No.28971862

If you do watch it make sure to put Ame's BGM over it.

>> No.28971864
File: 299 KB, 445x436, polsmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing it boys.

>> No.28971867

Kiara an actual streaming pc onegai.....

>> No.28971868

It's going to be just as garbage just wait.

>> No.28971869

>You don't need makeup to be beautiful
Oh the irony

>> No.28971870

She has to stay quarantined due to traveling regulations or some shit

>> No.28971873
File: 64 KB, 451x553, 1597382776088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvidia stock the 3070 already... onegai

>> No.28971874

I hope Mori considers restarting from chapter 1 now since she started to really get into it but I guess Kiara also streaming it from the beginning might kill that

>> No.28971875

0 is pretty good. Kiwami 1 and 2 are slightly less good. Gets much better again with 5.

>> No.28971877

It's almost 2 monthes and I'm still waiting for mine pain-peko

>> No.28971878

Why doesn't cover buy a PC and give it to her? When Kiara leaves they can take the PC back and give it to a future holo gen until they can buy a better one.

>> No.28971879

I'm not even a graphics fag but this is painful to watch. Chicken.... you should've streamed in Mori's place.

>> No.28971880

The absolute state of Kiara
Well at least she knows she'll get a barrage of pity supas again like this

>> No.28971883

Just tuned in
Why is her framerate so low?
Why is she starting from a different point from Mori?

>> No.28971885

oh did she? i missed the last one

but like, it's been 2 months now, they should've upgraded it in the first week

>> No.28971886

>Sega paid for this

>> No.28971891

Sorry chicken I can't watch this slideshow

>> No.28971893
File: 21 KB, 480x360, PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28971895

It's pretty bad when Moona streaming from her Kia on shit wifi reception has less lag

>> No.28971897

did she translate a single word?

>> No.28971900

I have a GTX 970 and can run everything in 60fps.

>> No.28971902

What the fuck is this story

>> No.28971901

Is it actually that high? Feels more like 10 to me.

>> No.28971904

She said she was buying a new PC in her recent art stream.

>> No.28971912


>> No.28971913

Wait, is chicken running this shit on her crap PC? This won't end well.

>> No.28971914

Why is she playing this with English dub?
Who the fuck plays Jakuza games in English?

>> No.28971915

chimkin should really upgrade her PC now or maybe buy a new one. Isn't she renting this PC?

>> No.28971916

fuck yoko ono, destroying the beatles and making this cutscene lag

>> No.28971917

>doing anything but stalking and harrassing their talent

>> No.28971918

she played it, this is for western audience, besides mori didnt have any difficulties, was a fun stream, and hey Kiara basically just started, could be good

>> No.28971922

Cover doesn't provide their talent with tech support or tech beyond a phone for vtuber capture shit, so they would have no use for a PC. Of course they absolutely should provide proper PCs, it would cost them absolutely nothing to do so and prevent many issues, but they are extremely incompetent.

>> No.28971924

Can someone tell Kiara to invest in an actual streaming/gaymin pc now that it's her main job

>> No.28971929

Cover is all about minimum investment

>> No.28971928

>No lag on my side
So did she mess with obs settings again?

>> No.28971932

What the fuck was her manager thinking? Everyone could see that her PC won't be able too streaming the game.

>> No.28971931

>Why is her framerate so low?
Tech issue please understand
>Why is she starting from a different point from Mori?
SEGA marketing plan, it's sponsored

>> No.28971933

The Ryzen 3200G is doing its best.

>> No.28971934

It sure does drop to 10fps or so

>> No.28971935

Potato pc that can't handle the game + streaming + rendering the Live2D

>> No.28971937

Because her computer is trash
Because she talked SEGA into starting from the beginning

>> No.28971938

And now I'm interested. I have to hear flirty cheerful stalker Hammill.

>> No.28971939

Moona laughs just like Suisei, fucking kek

>> No.28971945

It went something like this

A: It's the same like last game (referring that the previous game they went as a duo)
R: Last game? ok.

>> No.28971946

SEGA's orders

>> No.28971950

Sega paid them to play the dub for some reason

>> No.28971951

Moona is currently sitting in the back of an old Kia in the Indonesian jungle while eating donuts and chicken and streaming over mobile data

>> No.28971955

> Fuck Yoko Ono
Get in line behind John

>> No.28971959

sega aren't very smart

>> No.28971961

Indonesia is basically just the zone but women live there too.

>> No.28971965

she gets her regular pc back in 4 months

>> No.28971966

Why are chumkeks like this?

>> No.28971967

She has a 1050ti, what do you expect?

>> No.28971969

>And it was a boy
You can't just say shit like that Kiara

>> No.28971971

It's a sponsor stream for the release of this game on PC in the west today, she is streaming a demo that has to be in english

>> No.28971972

protagonist charisma

>> No.28971973

i might unironically cry this is so fucking cute lads...

>> No.28971975
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>> No.28971979

>game starts out with a woman slicing up a tranny

uuhh based?

>> No.28971980

This is part of Sega's master plan.

>> No.28971981

maybe Kiara should just get ps5 for everything single player and leave the PC for the collab games like minecraft. should avoid shit like this
i swear i've been hearing about this new pc since she debuted. by the time she gets it she's already out of japan.

>> No.28971982
File: 286 KB, 1027x1066, rrmujii61qm51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next time I cut you
>cut appears
>Kiara: "How did this happen?"
Kiara IQ non existant

>> No.28971985

>no lag on my side

>> No.28971984


>> No.28971986

not mobile data, some pubs public wifi

>> No.28971988

Well a big part was that they forgot to turn on visual tasks

>> No.28971990

Wtf moona prepare a lot of snack huh

>> No.28971991

Has the most streaming experience and plays games that don't have a massive language barrier.

GUN and board games are universal.

>> No.28971992

My mobile data can hardly load a youtube video.

>> No.28971993
File: 19 KB, 684x425, 1602621299949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streaming in 1080p with 4C/4T

>> No.28971998

Kiara was talking about traps a few streams ago...

>> No.28971997

Sega shilling the game hard

>> No.28971999

Like this how? Based?

>> No.28972001
File: 886 KB, 1080x1594, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua, Towa, Choco, Matsuri, Watame, Fubuki, Botan and etc.
Ame got alot of potential collab partners now that she have started her apex reps on the JP server.

>> No.28972002

Just woke up, what's the narrative on GuraAme at now?

>> No.28972003

Can she get any more based

>> No.28972004

Thats normal

>> No.28972005

Woman is truly the nigger of the world

>> No.28972007

>They paid the two HoloEN's located in Japan to play the game in Japanese prime time, in English, to try to appeal to Western buyers.

>> No.28972009

>Black static screen
>I think the FPS is fine now

>> No.28972008

the only thing missing is her blessed laugh after

>> No.28972010

>I want to eat some pekin duck right now

>> No.28972011
File: 437 KB, 1546x2048, 1603958034546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28972014

>4 months
nigga, that ain't gonna cut it. Go fucking buy a top end pc with your fucking holobucks you dumb chicken

>> No.28972015

Why do you falseflaggers always make it so obvious?

>> No.28972018

>Imagine Kiara in extremely polite Japanese cursing at the SEGA-rep until they caved.

>> No.28972021

>I want to eat out Subaru
What the hell Kiara, you can't say that on stream.

>> No.28972022

The ideal SEGA marketing is to have someone passionate with the series like Coco play the game from the beginning. If they can't get Coco, at least let Mori and Kiara play the game properly. Geez, Sega.

>> No.28972023

>Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
​>Peking duck tastes a little different than chicken...
I can't believe Mori ate out Kiara AND Subaru

>> No.28972025

The thing is she has absolutely no clue about computers and her manager apparently as well. Cover should just have a dedicated IT guy that can build computers for the girls...

>> No.28972026
File: 2.49 MB, 2360x1640, NoWayChmkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the shit for you all Takamorifags

>> No.28972029

Okay you want a serious answer?
Besides being cute, she is fucking great at making her english understood by japs, and she has a lot of their mannerisms down.
For the biggest EOP in EN she sure is a fucking weeb or otherwise extremely adaptable, because the way she makes herself jap friendly is really good.
She answers with sharp as fuck "Hai!"s, she addresses everyone not with "you" but with their name, she always makes noice to try and avoid dead air, she always uses honorifics (unless presumably told not to in private).
The list goes on.

>> No.28972031

>Why doesn't cover-
You faggots never learn huh

>> No.28972033

>240FPS loading screen
Now this is what I bought a 1050TI for.

>> No.28972034
File: 323 KB, 469x411, date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calliii, Calliii my wife hahaha
>(doesn't even complain) Oh! she's here Ok everyone, get out of my house

TakaMori antis, current and past, be brave and don't hide. How are you coping right now? How are you dealing with all that has happenned this days?

>> No.28972036

>I'm gonna take a shit

>> No.28972042

How jewish can you be? She makes 10k a month, dropping 1.5k on a setup, even if its just for 4 months, is absolutely justifiable. It's even tax deductible.

>> No.28972044

Mori Caliante in the chat

>> No.28972046

looks like playing that debuff game enough has actually done well for her.

>> No.28972047

They're dubbing Yakuza games now?

>> No.28972048

Risu and Suisei did nothing wrong, but they are still cunts holy shit.

>> No.28972052

Her background killed my fucking sides. That girl is cheeky.

>> No.28972053

the dub is pretty good tho

>> No.28972056

>streaming the demo
What the absolute fuck, sega

>> No.28972055

The NNN videos got her an insane amount of attention, she was actually beating Gura in getting new subs at one point.

>> No.28972057

More like Peking GUN

>> No.28972060

Our chicken a little bit retarded, don't bulli ;_;

>> No.28972061

Mori translated alot more than the indogs combined

>> No.28972063


>> No.28972064

>I've never been in a male toilet before, I didn't want to see that!

>> No.28972066

Iofi did actually translate a few times, unfortunately the whole thing was so fucking disorganized that people were making decisions without listening to any of the three people capable of translating.

>> No.28972068

How did this instantly make me smile from ear to ear?

>> No.28972069

Thanks, anon.

>> No.28972070

Thanks for the (you) anon

>> No.28972073


>> No.28972075


>> No.28972076

>I've never been in a male toilet before
Something I didn't know I needed confirmation on, thanks Chicken

>> No.28972077

Doujin of them sucking ojii-san cock together when

>> No.28972080

Just woke up, what the FUCK happened

>> No.28972083

Botan is knowledgeable about such things, but really Cover should just buy them one. They're a tech company but can't provide working tools for their employees, or even help them do it themselves. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.28972084


>> No.28972086

Coco already played the game though?

>> No.28972088

At the very least Kiara needs to buy a 2060 and a 3600 if she wants to play on PC. She can do a bettet upgrade when ayymd and nshitia actually of stock of their new shit.

>> No.28972089

Coco already streamed and finished it months ago
It's a demo specifically made for this stream, it start from a certain point and ends at one.
Mori had a different demo
Game isn't out yet

>> No.28972091

I literally don't give a shit about that forced trash ship

>> No.28972093

Who is the youngest holoEN?

>> No.28972097

Danke Shön!

>> No.28972100

not really a Takamorifag, just a deadbeat but thats great, kek

>> No.28972098

Ame whoring around with males again

>> No.28972102

Based as they say.

>> No.28972103

Based anon

>> No.28972104

The roles should be reversed

>> No.28972108

this is actualy the second time shes appearing in Chickens chat in a soo stream

>> No.28972110

God this dub is back

>> No.28972113

cometfag raid from /hlg/

>> No.28972114

First time

>> No.28972116

>thinks showing video game violence is against TOS
Kiara... no...


>> No.28972121

As of Judge Eyes

>> No.28972122

I can't believe that Jackbox of all things doesn't have open permissions for streaming.

>> No.28972123

The chinks will interpret it as something political again since you're literally beating the shit out of bugmen in the game.

>> No.28972125

She's planning on convincing all the JP Holos to hate Gura so they convince Yagoo to kick her so she can take Guras spot in EN

>> No.28972130

I don't think she even knows that her potato pc is the root of a lot of her tech issues either. So it's also pointless to ask your co-workers for help since she's completely clueless.

>> No.28972131


>> No.28972133

>Get FUCKED you cumstain

>> No.28972135

Does she not know we can pee standing up?

>> No.28972136

Kiara is gonna spank Mori for leaking their duet

>> No.28972139


>> No.28972141

I fucking love it bro

>> No.28972142

I love you anon

>> No.28972147


>> No.28972149

Holy shit the pop-in

>> No.28972150

Holy shit that fucking pop-in.

>> No.28972151

>George Takei
Alright pretty based dub.

>> No.28972152

Gimme the narratives.

>> No.28972154
File: 49 KB, 739x745, 1604638970375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking render distance

>> No.28972157

>this pop in
what the FUCK Kiara!?

>> No.28972158

>The world loading in around her
Unexpectedly kino

>> No.28972159

>whole half hour of cutscenes and technical issues before gameplay

>> No.28972160

hahahaaha holy shit Kiara running in the VOID

>> No.28972162

>that pop-in

>> No.28972163

They dubbed the original Yakuza for western release but dropped it for later releases when the game didn't sell that well.
Now the series has gotten a lot more traction in the west they seem to be revisiting it.

>> No.28972164

I agree. It is more intimate if you call them by their name instead of just "you".

>> No.28972165

My bad I thought it was a new game. Just PC release I see.

>> No.28972166

Mad lad actually fucking did it

>> No.28972167

The game isn't even loading right lmao

>> No.28972169
File: 158 KB, 343x399, 160501469986690795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the bait in these threads is always the same? How come it always gets replies? I'm losing my fucking mind

>> No.28972170

lmao that pop in
someone pls get chicken a better pc

>> No.28972171

That fucking popping

>> No.28972172

Wait is the tranny from the start the main character of this game?

>> No.28972174

holy fuck this kusoge

>> No.28972175

>thinks showing video game violence is against TOS
>Trusting youtube's "AI" to be able to tell the difference

>> No.28972176


>> No.28972177

>those animations
>that draw distance
>this whole stream

>> No.28972178

I'm pretty sure she's just trying to steal my bag of chili nuts. Fucking little snake treerrat.

>> No.28972181

The fucking pop-in kek.

Sega thought this would sell their game.

>> No.28972182

what the fuck is chimkim playing holy shit

>> No.28972186

now the question is: is the game unfinished or is pc too shitty to load the game fast enough?

>> No.28972183

Did it fucking crash?

>> No.28972187
File: 75 KB, 388x420, ekum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pop in

>> No.28972189

Silky smooth

>> No.28972191

The Fist of the North Star game came before that, right? That was the first one with a dub.

>> No.28972190


>> No.28972196

i'm fucking dying

>> No.28972197 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1604646672891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fact she could at the very least just stick a fucking 3600 into her AM4 board is triggering me

>> No.28972198
File: 745 KB, 731x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice game Sega

>> No.28972202

Kiara....children are watchin-
>less than 10k viewers
yeah no go ahead

>> No.28972201

chimkin running into the void

>> No.28972212
File: 16 KB, 418x235, 1604598255967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that popin
Jesus fuck chicken what is this potato.

>> No.28972214
File: 66 KB, 326x282, 1604934297807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cummind

>> No.28972221

The Kiara stream might turn out way funnier than I expected

>> No.28972223


>> No.28972224

People are going to blame Kiara for this but really her manager should have known her PC won't be able to handle it.

>> No.28972225

Its fucking youtube, I would be scared aswell.

>> No.28972226

Alright, Youtube ban pretty much guaranteed

>> No.28972227

>Animal fuck videos


>> No.28972229

I feel bad that Mori missed all this good shit in the beginning.

>> No.28972231
File: 547 KB, 1000x577, 1603382772667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pop-in

sega reps going insane

>> No.28972233


>> No.28972235

>What is that?
Chicken what fucking zoomer are you?

>> No.28972234

Sega.. please don't punish chicken for this..

>> No.28972236

mori played the game just fine. its just kiara's PC being an actual potato

>> No.28972237

I can't wait to play Yakusoge

>> No.28972238

You'd think an Austrian would be pretty familiar with animal porn

>> No.28972239

>bottom left line
good pun

>> No.28972240

How the fuck would she know to do that?

>> No.28972241

Okay I'm starting to understand why Mori had to start at chapter 5

>> No.28972242

The latter. Mori's stream was perfectly fine and that was the pc version too.

>> No.28972244

animal fuck videos...

the heck is this game about

>> No.28972246

She doesn't want to bother Botan.

>> No.28972249

I think paying Kiara to stream the game with her shit equipment was a poor choice on Sega's part.

>> No.28972255

>Chicken doesn't know what VHS cassettes are
How old was she again?

>> No.28972256

10/10 would explore void

>> No.28972259
File: 644 KB, 769x601, 1603991898719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Kiara is currently using a potato for a sponsored stream and SEGA didnt bother checking lmao
2. Kiaras PC uses the internal GPU for the game instead of the dedicated GPU

>> No.28972261


>> No.28972267

This is where AO-Chan lives

>> No.28972268
File: 74 KB, 147x234, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28972269

>Kiara single-handedly killing Sega permissions for life
What can she NOT fuck up?

>> No.28972270

I've only heard him in the first few hours but he really kills it here.

>> No.28972271


>> No.28972272
File: 282 KB, 1080x1920, 1602426860562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely based. Tweet it at Plague.

>> No.28972273


>> No.28972274

>she chased down cgl tranny distributing dogfucking videos

>> No.28972276

My understanding is the PC version is pretty good, her computer is extra level trash

>> No.28972277

Can't she just ask Amelia then? Even better, ask her fucking chat

>> No.28972280

There's a SEGA marketing intern in this thread RIGHT NOW gauging reaction to this sponsored stream, say something nice about the game!

>> No.28972282

Does her PC not have an SSD?

>> No.28972287

This is Enma and Covers fault not her lmao. She just got a game she was told to play

>> No.28972288
File: 196 KB, 512x512, 1602277601905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly wonder how much Moona weighs... Is she committing to the "big eater" meme, or is this her true self? Fatty or not, I still love her.

>> No.28972290
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1604937534909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Chicken hire an adviser for herself instead of spending it on gacha? Somebody help her.

>> No.28972292

yakuza? more like yakuso

>> No.28972293
File: 731 KB, 866x866, 1507062985818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eventhough she's new to Hololive, she has at least 3 years of streaming experience prior to HoloEN. She's basically a neeto anyway and isn't really busy with anything. Kiara and Mori literally have to work to comply their visa requirements. Ina will never let go with her previous work because of course she won't. Gura's pretty shy and has anxiety issues so she might not do collabs with anyone other than the HoloEN crew I guess, kinda like Pekora in a way

>> No.28972294

>turn based
Wait what the fuck why

>> No.28972298


>> No.28972301

I'm not convinced this sponsored stream is really helping Sega sell this game.

>> No.28972307

Why did you make a Yakuza jrpg?

>> No.28972308

Mori stream was amazing and fun
Kiara stream is sufferkino as usual

>> No.28972309

>Kiara is older than Mori
What the fuck this is cute

>> No.28972312

>he lacks critical information

>> No.28972313

Vega 8? Damn

>> No.28972315

Permissions, pls

>> No.28972317

4chan is not a place smart people hang out.

>> No.28972318

>Kiaras PC uses the internal GPU for the game instead of the dedicated GPU

>> No.28972319

Sega's fault for not providing a PS4 and the PS4 versin of the game.

>> No.28972321
File: 242 KB, 1331x1073, 1602613461773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Big Ups", my dude

>> No.28972322


>> No.28972323

>JOPs calling out her shit PC in the chat

>> No.28972324

Her PC is barely a PC anon

>> No.28972325

They've been really fucky with permissions outside of sponsored streams anyway so it's not gonna change much.

>> No.28972328

i bet she only eats what she posts and nothing else during the day

>> No.28972330

>ask chat
>get 5000 replies, 4995 are retarded zoomers that have no clue and give bad advice

>> No.28972332

just fucking @SEGA as reply to her tweet thanking them.

>> No.28972334

Bottom left

>> No.28972336

wow that's stupid

>> No.28972338


>> No.28972341

Wow, this game sure looks fun! I'm glad this v-tuber streamed it and exposed me to it's existence, I'm going to go buy it immediately! I love Sega!

>> No.28972342

Yakuza game writing takes a lot of inspiration from GTA, they emphasise and highlight seedy and vulgar themes

>> No.28972350

>Shit PC
>Only one monitor

>> No.28972353

Why did they let Kiara do this with the shittiest PC in EN? At least let her play the ps4 version or something geez.

>> No.28972354

You could ask her, but considering that she doesn't know what vsync is you may overheat her brain with concepts like SSD.

>> No.28972356

ive seen anons buy the whole steam bundle earlier because of that mori stream, so that's probably something at least

>> No.28972357

>b-bottom left *sigh*

>> No.28972358

devs got tired of the beat em up gameplay of the older games so they wanted t experiment on this one. there's a possibility they will go back to it's original style in yakuza 8.

>> No.28972359

Wow she's just like me

>> No.28972368

>tea with cheese cream

>> No.28972369

The entire gimmick is that MC is a chuuni whos obsessed with dragon quest. Yakuza was already a rpg so this is just embracing it really.

>> No.28972374

I bet she's one of those mukbang girls that eat 5000 calories per sitting and still don't gain a pound.

>> No.28972376

Reminder that she also plays the game through her OBS because she only has one monitor

>> No.28972377

Because she connected the desktop to her mainboard instead of the GPU

>> No.28972379
File: 247 KB, 463x453, omg peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't they find a better rental PC?

>> No.28972381
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, TEN DOLLARS?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 Yen? That's nothing!

>> No.28972382
File: 60 KB, 687x268, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA sponsoring sufferkino TWICE so I repayed them.

>> No.28972388

When it comes to the outfit, sure it’s a little disappointing, but he probably couldn’t do his regular style, since it’s different from the other holos. Wouldn’t want a situation where the style is all over the place like with Nijis

>> No.28972389

Chicken literally asked Mori why she doesn't get embarrassed seeing her naked and Mori responded right off the bat that its because she doesn't see her that way

>> No.28972391

I almost considered buying this 'cause I love the other games, but I forgot they fucked the combat for this one. Thanks for the sponsored stream, Sega!

>> No.28972392

SEGA, your permission reps....

>> No.28972396

I mean thats not thaaaaat bad

>> No.28972399

2gb is all minecraft will use by default, and that's what F3 shows, not total computer ram

>> No.28972404

Not really. She's since deleted that tweet but not this one. That was a response to it.
She intentionally mistranslated.

>> No.28972405

Holy shit this dub is so bad I can't wait to hear dub Majima

>> No.28972407

man I can't even fucking watch this. I'm sorry Chicken, I really like you but get your shit together please.

>> No.28972408

Where is Kazuma?
Who is this 黒人?

>> No.28972409

just buy a fucking pc you dumb chicken

>> No.28972411

Blows my mind that people praise Yakuza when it's the same fucking game over 7 entries, but shit on this one for actually trying something different.

>> No.28972412

But you posted this way back when Mori streamed, you already had it before the stream started.

>> No.28972415

It's so weird, it's not like Kiara knew if the game would run or not, Cover just got her to do it and I'd think they would consider the streamer's specs to see if the person is capable of running the game properly or not.

Kiara really, really needs help on the technical side of things. Someone said that all the gens are autonomous or something, and that Amelia is the tech support of this gen, but I wonder if that's really the case, Amelia quickly got busy with her own stuff too.

If Mori is watching, maybe she can help her later.

>> No.28972416

Another episode of Kiara tacitly revealing how much she doesn't care about vtubing by making absolutely no effort to address long-standing tech issues before a major stream.

>> No.28972418

>Kiara falling for the Yakuza are nice narratives

>> No.28972419

Still talking about that fucking goddamn collab. It's been a nonstop fucking timeloop all day.
One thing this shitshow did though, is make me appreciate Holofive even more. They have a great synergy with HoloEN and I want them to interact even more.

>> No.28972420

tbf for a turn based game latency won't be as big a problem

>> No.28972421

We need to protect Mori from this Christmas cake rapist hag.

>> No.28972431

Nipon company please andastando

>> No.28972438

i swear it sounded just like him for a second there

>> No.28972444

You mean connecting the screen to the mainboard, right?
Shouldn't that stay deactivated when a working graphics card is installed? I guess that depends on the motherboard.

>> No.28972446

assuming they paid lets say 6k, as long as 1% of her viewers buy the game then they get their money back.

>> No.28972447

How is Chicken fucking it up again? When will she graduate again and how will you celebrate the occasion?

>> No.28972449

she is better version of nene she dox other people without selfdoxing

>> No.28972450

kazuma is already in his 50s on this yakuza, and he shows up near the end of the game as a bodyguard

>> No.28972451

she worked for them so she's biased

>> No.28972454
File: 135 KB, 847x1200, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_g9_jiiku__32e3bb1128d6fdf032bb4d74c9633a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the ENs attending Miko's Minecraft undokai?

>> No.28972458

>make Cover shill the dub
>Make the dub shit

>> No.28972460

Not even close

>> No.28972464

It has QTE's.

>> No.28972467

Did they get Mark Hamill to do Majima again?

>> No.28972468 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1041x547, chickenporn-censored2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt know yakuza were so nice
chicken... you worked for them...

>> No.28972473

I think she is, she said so in one of her recent streams.

>> No.28972475

I can't fucking unhear that anon wtf

>> No.28972477

She knows from experience, bet there's some vhs tapes with her in the leading role.

>> No.28972478

It always amazes me how expressive Mori's model is.

>> No.28972479

Mark Hamill voiced him in the dub of the first game, but he's not reprising sadly.

>> No.28972481

Yes, and the IDs.

>> No.28972482

Dead Souls left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths so their scepticism is warranted at least a little.

>> No.28972486

>tfw no gigachad chicken to translate truthfully

>> No.28972484

So wait, why isn't the dub cutting off dialog now, but it did in Mori's stream?

>> No.28972488

Pekora has had some of the best live viewer counts in the company since MGS3.

>> No.28972491

so wait you mean the video game called yakuza is propaganda

>> No.28972494

Chicken I think that's the wrong kinda bird...

>> No.28972493

back then I only thought they only paid for mori but knowing they paid double makes this even more worthwhile

>> No.28972495

Since when did selling lewds = Yakuze

kys Doxxnigger

>> No.28972496

>taking notes what hairstyle Kiara is into so I can chop my legs off and be a Gimli with a fresh cut
I've gone too far.

>> No.28972500

What day is it?

>> No.28972502

>In his 50s
>Still only a bodyguard

>> No.28972503

I'd be surprised if both of them decided to continue this as a long term series considering current commitments they both have. plus I'm not sure if they even could if they wanted to considering how fucky permissions get.

>> No.28972509

Late to the chicken stream, was she required to play it with the dub on or does it actually not have dual audio?

>> No.28972514

tbf thats the Westernized name

>> No.28972522
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1453351674996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here bro

>> No.28972525

>lost forever
I-it's ok.

>> No.28972530


>> No.28972532

No, I think that's just for console games. She can't have console gameplay and her stream stuff on the stream at the same time, so she plays through OBS for those. I don't see why she'd do that for a PC game unless she's just that inept.

>> No.28972535

>Kiara is only allowed to stream 2 hours
>1 hour is just cutscenes

>> No.28972537

Talent shouldn't be expected to troubleshoot their own tech issues in a company the size of Cover. They're not employed to and their time is better spent doing the things they are employed to do. If I started at a new company and they expected me to organise and set up my own hardware to work with whatever memestack they use I'd tell them to fuck off and stop wasting my time.

>> No.28972541

Ame regularly helps out with OBS issues and such but hardware troubleshooting from the other side of the world is a bit much.

>> No.28972542

She was forced to by Sega

Mori was having alooooota fun with it so she'll probably continue eventually

>> No.28972544

Knowing Mori, she was accidentally hitting the confirm button and skipping dialogue thinking the cutscenes were just cool dialogue windows

>> No.28972546

>It's so weird, it's not like Kiara knew if the game would run or not,
Seems she connected the screen to the motherboard instead of the GPU. So she's using internal graphics instead.

>> No.28972550

this was Coco's reaction about it

>> No.28972551

only the chosen one can see her roommate
keyword: ahika

>> No.28972552

Am I retarded for thinking you'd probably run into Yakuza at least once or twice if you live in Japan long enough?

>> No.28972556

i love it when devs try to take these kinds of risks especially in longer running series
im still salty about how people bitched about pokemon gen 5 for being different and it resulted in the later games being being absolute shit

>> No.28972558

>Can't buy them anymore
>Literally 0 leaks anywhere
I fucking hate it.

>> No.28972563

Yeah when will she graduate and how would you guys celebrate it?

>> No.28972565

The game isn't named Yakuza in Japan.

>> No.28972566

I wonder that too
Part of me wonders if Mori didn't fuck some flag up by setting it to Jap temporarily

>> No.28972567

Yakuza games are like 40% cutscenes, what can you expect?

>> No.28972568

You must be retarded to think that she doesn't care about her dream job.

>> No.28972571

This is so retarded it actually makes sense

>> No.28972575
File: 84 KB, 360x450, 1576507570022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakuza are nice people

>> No.28972577

Cover is a talent agency not an employer.

>> No.28972578

God I wish I was Kiryu

>> No.28972581


>> No.28972582

>getting horny for the MC
Yuribros...don't look...

>> No.28972584

What is it with Devs and never following the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?

>> No.28972587

>moona doxxed the bitch
it's literally 0.1% on moona and 99.9% on the bitch

>> No.28972595

just finding the time limit retarded

>> No.28972596

porn is owned by the yakuza and so is the idol industry.

>> No.28972598

She has a funny way of showing it.

>> No.28972604

I hate that I can see that actually happening

>> No.28972606

>things yakuza should do for their clients
>things yakuza actually does

post it.

>> No.28972610

They wanted to try something new, but did mention that they would go back if people don't like it.

>> No.28972611

>You mean connecting the screen to the mainboard, right?
Exactly, and yes it depends

>> No.28972616

So I could pull out your tail plug?

>> No.28972617


>> No.28972620

So is the dub as scuffed as it was earlier or was that potentially something on Calli's end?

>> No.28972621

I'm pretty sure she's actually bi irl. She was thirsting for a few of the male Arknights on stream and twitter and now this, and there is no way she isn't into women

>> No.28972623

What, really? That pisses me off. I'm playing the first game right now.

>> No.28972625

They're an embarrassment.

>> No.28972627

Yakuza owns nintendo

>> No.28972634

I'm not saying it Ame's fault or anything, it's just that it's really weird that this is how things work in Hololive, since there will be too much that Ame can't do for the other girls and she has to prioritize her own career as well.

If that's the case, at leat Kiara is showing that everyone can play the game even on a Potato PC. But how do you know that, are you sure?

>> No.28972635

>just to talk to her viewers after 2 weeks of absence
you faggots are lucky if moona is your holo

>> No.28972640

Theres been 0 dialog cutoff so far

>> No.28972642

Because publishers often tell them 'we want the X' audience and ask them to make changes.
Sometimes however they just want to make a change themselves.

>> No.28972644
File: 44 KB, 640x360, tumblr_2a712eaa8ae7ffe619d21d91fc708777_5be785cf_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the yakuza

>> No.28972645
File: 434 KB, 785x402, 20201109_194233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you talk any shit about a game when it's sponsored? I feel like it will be hard for Kiara to hold her tongue the entire time.

>> No.28972647

Devs can't win. If they follow that rule people will shit on them for releasing the same game over and over again like cod or assassins creed

>> No.28972648

Kiryu Kazuma not Kiryu Coco

>> No.28972653

I just noticed Gura changed her twitter banner. Is she mad at her fans?

>> No.28972654

The game has very low minimum required specs but that's without taking into account streaming the game with the same machine. Chicken's rental PC is barely a gaming PC, it has no business running modern games while also streaming them.

>> No.28972658

Should be this weekend

>> No.28972663

>Syntax Error sign

>> No.28972661


>> No.28972671

Literally just Cali's fault

>> No.28972672

Devs get tired of making the same thing over and over, but the publisher doesn't want to put money towards a new IP. So you end up getting spinoffs like this.

>> No.28972673

>chicken has never been drunk
yeah that's believable

>> No.28972675

Is a soapland like a landromat?

>> No.28972678

>I don't know what are soaplands

X to doubt

>> No.28972680

Mori danced around the dub being bad very carefully, so probably not

>> No.28972683

>Can i take a bath

>> No.28972685

>Mori knows what soaplands are but not Kiara

>> No.28972688

Meme popularity leads to dead subs. Peko never had a meme boost so she has the fewest dead subs in JP and will be the only holo to deserve her 1M

>> No.28972690

I just looked it up and it's prostitution

>> No.28972691

>syntax error
is this a fucking calculator?

>> No.28972694

Didn't she admit to pretty bad underage drinking during Oktoberfest that turned her off drinking?

>> No.28972696


>> No.28972698




>> No.28972699

>what are soaplands?
>are they like public baths?
I almost believed you, chicken.

>> No.28972701

Her dream job was being an idol, a vtuber "idol" was just a nice substitute.

>> No.28972702

At least Kiara shows that this can be played on a potato. Considering how many people on steam have shit PCs this is a good thing .

>> No.28972703

>Chicken pretending she doesn't know what a Soapland is
Nice try Klara, even Mori knew.

>> No.28972704


>> No.28972706

Is this meant to be a joke, or are you new enough that you don't know that Watame's famous catchphrase was built on her having hundreds of stream drops during her first month of streaming?

>> No.28972713

So this game is just a comedy?

>> No.28972715

She mentions how she hates drinking in basically everystream so id believe it...

>> No.28972717

Seems so

>> No.28972718

one of them is being honest

>> No.28972719

legal in austria

>> No.28972721

A laundromat for your penis

>> No.28972724

Am I lost? is this the global thread?

>> No.28972722

You don't understand, SEGA gave Kiara this stream fully knowing of her PC to show off people the port can run on literal anything

>> No.28972725

It doesn't guarantee deafness. From what I understand it mostly just affects one ear, and leaves the ear with damaged hearing. If its what people think it is.

>> No.28972728

>I'm getting a better PC
thread BTFO

>> No.28972729

all genre, comedy scifi horror action thriller suspense

>> No.28972730

Its japanese GTA

>> No.28972736

Holy fuck I bet she was mashing A without thinking

Did she mention she's bad at games?

>> No.28972737

God I want Kiara to shake me down so bad.

>> No.28972738

Yakuza is like this, yes

>> No.28972739

First Yakuza?

>> No.28972740

Holy shit better dub than the official

>> No.28972743

If you're a schizo this is the wrong thread.

>> No.28972744

Yakuza has always been serious main story mixed with stupid as fuck side stuff.

>> No.28972746

>Deeper Kiara

It begins

>> No.28972752

This voice is incredible

>> No.28972754

>chicken voice acting
I love it

>> No.28972756

wait kiara is fucking good at doing these voices

>> No.28972761

>is this the global thread?
yea, did you think this was /hlg/?

>> No.28972762

not when she drank she was very underaged when she had ren fair mead

>> No.28972764

Yakuza games have a lot of goofy shit in between the serious bits.

>> No.28972765

The voices in my head tell me I'm not

>> No.28972766

I want her to dub every character

>> No.28972767

Yakuza games tend to have a lot of tonal whiplash from serious moments and comedy.

>> No.28972768

I see.

>> No.28972770

Sega actually kinda based if they actually did that on purpose

>> No.28972774

Kiara should do voices more often, they're quite good even if they're still influenced by her chicken voice

>> No.28972775

stop giggling, my dick almost tingled

>> No.28972779

But didn't she make fun of that while she was playing? maybe a settings problem?

>> No.28972785

ahahah yes on purpose....

>> No.28972786
File: 395 KB, 581x358, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's finally getting a new PC
Hell, it's about time

>> No.28972788


>> No.28972787

Dramedy with main story focusing on the drama and side stuff on the comedy generally

>> No.28972789

thank fuck, i could barely run kiwami 2 myself because of the shit optimization

>> No.28972790

I'm liking this dumb voice from Kiara a lot.
I need a "stupid voice off" between this and Calli's Fat Albert/Yoda voices

>> No.28972806

What if she just didn't want to listen to the dub?

>> No.28972811

Haha yeah we did it on purpose... sure.

>> No.28972813

Wow it's almost like he used a pic of Watame specifically because of her early tech problems

>> No.28972817

my boy....your permission begging reps....

>> No.28972820

Atleast Mori anti's make some sense, you guys are literaly making shit up
The girl who both stream the longest and drags out her stream for hours "reading superchats" hates streaming

Simply genious

>> No.28972822

Kiryu Coco is better than kiara

>> No.28972825
File: 342 KB, 850x1006, 1600220919790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cute dork.

>> No.28972826

Kiara seems to be enjoying the game.

>> No.28972827

She might not have even realized she was doing it

>> No.28972830

Her doing older JRPGS that have no voice acting and doing all the voices could be very comfy.

>> No.28972832

Anon, as you no doubt know, Mori is Very Bad at Games, Sasu-GAH. It's entirely possible she was skipping dialogue by pressing A without realising what she was doing and just blamed the game in her confusion.

>> No.28972841
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1590227707702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a "good PC" like Enma-san's PC

>> No.28972842

>okie dokie
my heart melts

>> No.28972845

feels good to follow her since beginning

>> No.28972846

She might as well be a literal chicken. She sees pretty colors and her neurons lights up.

>> No.28972849

>Getting the timing wrong because she's playing through OBS
Oh boy, it's Lulu all over again.

>> No.28972857

Date is voiced by fucking Goofy but I dunno if we’ll see him.

>> No.28972861

That's Cover's job not the talents

>> No.28972862

>sub11k viewers
How many did Mori have...

>> No.28972863

>ask the girls to play the game on English dub
>characters still speak japanese
Bravo Sega!

>> No.28972864

Kiara's voice acting makes it good

>> No.28972871

Yes, and?

>> No.28972872

Do Yakuza even still exist?

>> No.28972873

She probably means she's getting a 3070/3080 because chat told her to even though it probably won't fit with her current PC

>> No.28972877


>> No.28972881


>> No.28972883

Like 15-17k?

>> No.28972887

But her name is Ichiban Kiara

>> No.28972888

16k IIRC but Mori streams once a week which inflates her numbers

>> No.28972892

peaked at like 17-18k I think?

>> No.28972893

Yes and Coco is just a way for them to launder money

>> No.28972894

To be fair sponsored games have less impact on the 'integrity' of holos, since few of them shittalk games regardless

>> No.28972899

They're tentacultists now

>> No.28972900

She was likely expecting something more serious, but she's a good fit for this one with both her and the protag being being JRPG fans.

>> No.28972903

unfortunately yeah

>> No.28972904

So Mori plays from OBS too?

>> No.28972905

she was around 15k

>> No.28972910

Her debut was done over mobile data with people arguing in the background, so she's getting back to her roots.

>> No.28972908
File: 587 KB, 474x588, 1603438146116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28972914

meanwhile peko has 50k with a random minecraft stream

>> No.28972918

About 14-16k viewers?

>> No.28972922

Anon she’s been saying that for over a month now

>> No.28972931

What did he mean by this?

>> No.28972935

I mean, it's possible... but it could also be the demo.

>> No.28972936
File: 129 KB, 720x1010, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_shirokitsune__468590aa7a8dc25b0f6d202b0917335f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since holoEN debuted i havent played very many games and have basically dead stopped watching anything else only reading these threads and watching these girls for hours in my free time... Do i need help bros or is it fine if im enjoying it

>> No.28972938

Someone (Ame) just needs to tell her to buy a good prebuild

>> No.28972939

shes fiiiine

>> No.28972940

>Don't lick me, old woman
What did she mean by this?

>> No.28972941

soon.. yeah.. any day now

>> No.28972943

>Did our autistic boy with huge milkers realize she was cutting the dialog short?
We're talking about the cute cow that wouldn't do her assigned minigames in that among us collab, which is a literal flash game.

>> No.28972944

Don't jinx it, else she'll numberfag on stream again...

>> No.28972946

She does have 100k less subs so it makes sense desu

>> No.28972949


>> No.28972951
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, polkacchi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only webms had sounds....

>> No.28972952

They got their hooks into the post-tsunami reconstruction

>> No.28972953

It's a bad time of the day for viewer numbers since NA boys are either asleep or off to work/school. Even Gura couldn't boost NA morning numbers.

>> No.28972954

>back to the licking now.
Yup, gotta put your tongue to the grindstone.

>> No.28972958

I'm gonna be honest. the podcast is just going to bring more antis.

>> No.28972961
File: 548 KB, 595x595, 1591570171992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open kiara stream
>KFP numberfagging
>Close stream

>> No.28972965
File: 234 KB, 309x303, 1604476948260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats true, they're playing different versions, maybe the demo was just scuffed

>> No.28972970

I think she said that she was getting a completely new computer in her art stream.

>> No.28972975


>> No.28972978

you need help

>> No.28972979
File: 304 KB, 1649x70, 1585014969433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good numbers considering pic related

>> No.28972981

>Do i need help bros or is it fine if im enjoying it
Can you just stop coming here and watching the streams? If not then you need help

>> No.28972982

Yeah, but most of the buisness is behind closed doors n shit trying to scheme govt money into their pockets. You dont really get those big crimes stories like you get in fiction like this.

>> No.28972986

Anon your sound posting reps

>> No.28972989

>Kiara doesn't know what a shakedown is
Not sure if Legit ESL problems or playing dumb

>> No.28972990

The ruthless CEO of KFP...

>> No.28972991

eigo lesson for Marine.

>> No.28972993


>> No.28972994

I just woke up, why do we hate Mori now?

>> No.28972995

kiara is going to body snatch pekora...

>> No.28972997

Understandable, I'd been in the same position for a while, until I started doing minecraft reps with another dude who was also inspired by holos

>> No.28972999

Knowing chicken, she'll probably get scammed by a very overpriced one. She has vtuber money now though, so she can go crazy.

>> No.28973001

wtf coco is cute

>> No.28973005
File: 356 KB, 1079x771, 1604118465930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizos starting to get uppity again in hlgg
today I will remind them

>> No.28973008


>> No.28973012

Make it a soundpost

>> No.28973013

It's fine, we've all done the same thing. I've managed about 40 hours of Hades in the last 2 months and nothing else, and the only movies or anime I've watched is in the watchalongs. It's crazy, but I take it as meaning these anime girls are more fulfilling than games.

>> No.28973015

>is this public park 3?

>> No.28973017

are those ordered by viewer numbers?

>> No.28973019

Doubt it, she's got multiple monitors. You can see her looking at them from time to time.

>> No.28973027

Numberfag is?

>> No.28973031

Am a different anon, and posting from Manila

>> No.28973032

>that fucking bench
My sides

>> No.28973034

Ahahahah that guy just floating on the wall because of the bench loading in

>> No.28973039

>Moona with more viewers then Peko


>> No.28973040

well, obviously. But said antis wont come on /hlgg/ to seethe abut it. If anons here want to become antis because a collab that was confirmed weeks in advance dropped, that's ind of weird. You'd expect them to already be antis, right?

>> No.28973043

What the fuck is with this texture pop in?

>> No.28973045

for some reason I want to draw Polka next

>> No.28973044

Shes got 4 monitors

>> No.28973048

The real narrative is Kiara has already skinwalkered Peko and that's the reason the don't collab

>> No.28973049
File: 56 KB, 1858x284, 1604853435620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28973051

Of course it will. Anyone should be ridiculed for openly engaging with ironic weebs.

>> No.28973054


>> No.28973056

>But I tested it before the stream and it worked fine!!
how much do you want to bet that these incompetent retards didn't have her stream it at the same time? It's almost like streaming would take up 70% of the resources her shit pc can muster up

>> No.28973057

>i am learning a lot of great swear words

>> No.28973058

You think it's a coincidence she called herself 'kiryu'. She's a major Yakuza fangirl.

>> No.28973066

But I like comet.

>> No.28973072

kusoheta potato pc pls andastand

>> No.28973081

Probably, her current ones a rental, so I doubt she's even allowed to upgrade it if she wanted.

>> No.28973080

Shitposting =/= anti

>> No.28973085

she fucked Suisei in front of Kiara

>> No.28973094

As a Sonic fan I can say that having Sonic as their mascot ain't a plus anymore.

>> No.28973097

Where did this narrative of Coco laundering money come from? You actually believe she's Yakuza?

>> No.28973100

>watching vtubers at all
you know the answer

>> No.28973102
File: 450 KB, 480x270, 9466169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yakuza with a fucking dub

I hate this.

>> No.28973106

don't try to ruined their narrative posting

>> No.28973107


>> No.28973112

Soooo many people are streaming right now it's ridiculous. Including heavy hitters like Korone and Pekora. This is peak hours right now

>> No.28973114
File: 289 KB, 500x379, 1602105457797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open moona stream
>she's talking about eating

>> No.28973119

This dub aint that bad desu

>> No.28973120

She's not, but some of her fans definitely are

>> No.28973123

Visual taks werent on. Play the game.

>> No.28973122

POLtato pc

>> No.28973126
File: 27 KB, 471x471, 1604690853323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive literally been stuck to playing gacha games, and even then im playing less than I normally do.
Hololive has sucked most of my motivation. Hell I used to stream and I cant even bring myself to do so.Get me out this hole.

>> No.28973125

>he's huge, I'm scared

>> No.28973130

Yeah this stream has turned me off on the entire series.
Cringy comedy and 90% cutscenes, real snoozefest.

Nice marketing SEGA.

>> No.28973133

I can't stop reading these threads...

>> No.28973139

ESL problems for sure

>> No.28973140

It's fucking awful

>> No.28973142

your not close stream?

>> No.28973152

Then she fucked both in front of Polka while throwing foam clown noses at her head

>> No.28973155

It's better than the first game dub Majima aside

>> No.28973156


>> No.28973159

>Open stream
>Ears start to bleed from the noise
>Keep stream open
I need another Kiara and Polka collab to deal the final blow to my ears

>> No.28973161

Its ESL. She didnt know words like ringmaster either.

>> No.28973164

She's definitely training them.

>> No.28973165

Wouldn't you have to post it on /wsg/ for that? Or did I miss the memo and soundposting is allowed on normal boards?

>> No.28973167

>Spamming MP-consuming moves
She plays JRPGs, right? Does she not know about hoarding?

>> No.28973172

I just play while watching on my second monitor, not very hard... Especially with Covid I have nothing else to do

>> No.28973176
File: 321 KB, 1436x1074, AgAJ8PX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really a great timeslot for a sponsored game by a publisher you're trying to get on your good side! Also, well done in showing the game in a good light!! COVER LOVE!!!

>> No.28973179

this is literally every other yakuza game dude

>> No.28973181

not surprised desu

>> No.28973187


>> No.28973189

Zero has a way better start than 7 here.

>> No.28973192

Kek. I belieb it.

>> No.28973194

Soundposting is back

>> No.28973196

they don't dominate like the old days but they still organized crime in japan.
if you look at the yakuza section on tokyo reporter you can still find plenty of crime news involving the yakuza.

>> No.28973199
File: 922 KB, 851x705, 1587927789317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching holoEN has made me warm up to anime-style/japanese characters speaking english desu

>> No.28973205


>> No.28973207

Sponsored stream, it's probably a request from Sega

>> No.28973206

wtf why do I wanna fuck Aniki???

>> No.28973208

Youre getting Kiara and Rushia this week. Guaranteed to make you deaf.

>> No.28973209
File: 131 KB, 1440x1080, Blue Comet SPT Layzner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this comet, does that count?

>> No.28973212

What kind of yakuza is this clown?

>> No.28973213
File: 154 KB, 1600x1200, brosnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona talked about food with an older man on the plane

>> No.28973214

Man Kiara actually makes it a lot of fun. I want to see her react to all the Yakuza wackiness. I hope she actually plays the full game once she gets her new PC (and with JP dub of course)

>> No.28973215

Yakuza games are glorified movies with some sort of GTA-style open world fuckabout game mixed in. That's kind of their appeal. Sega are the only ones still making classic Yakuza movies and they just kind of tack a game onto them so they can charge 70 bucks a ticket.

>> No.28973216

>not listening whatever the shit she talked

>> No.28973220

They should've had shark do the promotion stream

>> No.28973224

She didn't notice weapon durability in FE until chat told her to save uses.

>> No.28973233

Good I'm tired of being able to hear

>> No.28973235

>Superchat laundering

>> No.28973246

the meme format is

>open stream
>close stream

>> No.28973247


>> No.28973249

Yeah, both of them confirmed they had to play with the dub, Calli specifically mentioned she'd normally play subbed. Kiara might've said something similar, but Idk, I got here late

>> No.28973251

They should do a karaoke duet stream. For some reason Kiara strikes me as the kind of person who'd be really into mahou shoujo, she'd probably get along well with Polka's music choices.

Oh fuck. They should do a precure watchalong stream together.

>> No.28973254
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, 1603995596924.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close the stream? Of course not

>> No.28973259

Beyond based
Suisei cosplaying Layzner when

>> No.28973263

Weird, it doesn't work for me.

>> No.28973267


>> No.28973268

absolute levels of kek

>> No.28973269

Even so the start still has a ton of dialogue/cutscenes.

>> No.28973273

I have a feeling Coco will love Sleeping Dogs.

>> No.28973276

Hope they got permission to play other yakuza game after this, SEGA GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND ALLOW THEM TO PLAY

>> No.28973281

>Ojou is second to Pekora
Huh, I guess her absence gave a substantial boost.

>> No.28973282

bless his soul

>> No.28973285

Red comet vs Blue comet, who wins?

>> No.28973284

Uh. This is satire, right?

>> No.28973288

No, it's right.
>close the chimkin stream
>keep watching the moon stream

>> No.28973289

Is that fucking Duke Nukem

>> No.28973292

should depend on setting of the game, It doesn't make sense in Yakuza games

>> No.28973293

They called this game Yakuza: Like a Dragon in the west, and really missed a chance at RE7-level synergy by not having the subtitle be Yakuza in the Japanese version.

>> No.28973294

Every new game she plays makes me doubt the legitimacy of her rpg credentials

>> No.28973313

Mamma mia

>> No.28973315
File: 742 KB, 1128x748, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi8cltj.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this work?

>> No.28973316

Do they have other sega permissions?

>> No.28973330

i really wanna like Kiara but every time something stupud on her stream happens
why is she like this

>> No.28973335

fair, at least it's not as bad as the earlier yakuza dubs though imo

>> No.28973351

Why can't you speak English?

>> No.28973353

most people dont really care, fuck a lot of people are even excited to see it, nobody really gives a shit if we are mad here desu

>> No.28973355

Like how it happens with all big crime organizations around the world they eventually became legit politicians and business men. Now gook and chink gangs rule the streets and are in charge of running all the shady shit.

>> No.28973358

Kiara is an absolute fucking casual.

>> No.28973359
File: 974 KB, 1892x868, 2edef6fa6de6e77ea10a556155ee1d93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed in the ending, Vincent is wearing a brown T-shirt and Leo is wearing a blue T-shirt

Pain peko

>> No.28973361

I don't know but when will she finally graduate?

>> No.28973362

Sharks having fun:

>> No.28973365


>> No.28973371

Kiara they said they were the same age..

>> No.28973373

Haachama kneels to the comet twice already, on Tetris and Clubhouse

>> No.28973375

Wait what? Sorry SEA friend your English reps...

>> No.28973379

>He's a hot master


>> No.28973381
File: 76 KB, 668x322, 1604752571423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been in Kabukicho many times

>> No.28973383

No. As far as we know this sponsorship is a one-off thing and considering how it's going, probably won't be the gateway to future partnerships.

>> No.28973384

Kiara likes the young master a LOT

>> No.28973385


>> No.28973391


>> No.28973393

Why are all the guys in these games hot???

>> No.28973394

What do you mean? I've always literally hated Calli

>> No.28973400

They don't have any SEGA permissions. They're only playing this because SEGA wanted them to shill it.

>> No.28973401

English? what are you trying to say retard?

>> No.28973407


>> No.28973408


>> No.28973409

you told me the chicken was a lesbian.......

>> No.28973412

>Kabukichō is an entertainment and red-light district in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. Kabukichō is the location of many host and hostess clubs, love hotels,

>> No.28973414

Why not?

>> No.28973416

11k is still a great time when competing with all the others.

>> No.28973417

No we still hate Koopa

>> No.28973419
File: 2.05 MB, 3000x1629, XX[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbaxz0t.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We should robably turn deadhours to music vibing hours. No-one but fellow soundposters can hear them anyway.

>> No.28973420

Chicken isn't wrong the men in these games are fuckin handsome

>> No.28973423
File: 972 KB, 1920x2040, 1604272233829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder.

>> No.28973429

Nope. Maybe it's something on my side I suppose.

>> No.28973431

I imagine they'd play the gachage Marine and FBK are working with them on, but it seems to be limited to what SEGA want them to stream rather than picking and choosing.

>> No.28973430

That's only slightly higher than her usual viewers and that's due to the meme game. Ojou would be getting Marine's numbers if she remembered about her stream more often.

>> No.28973432

Blue comet because the lasers in that anime look op AF

>> No.28973434

Guess we know what Kiara's audition consisted of.

>> No.28973438

Everyone said she was bi though

>> No.28973441

They're not sending their best.

>> No.28973443

Because they use legitimate businesses to launder money but end up finding out that those businesses make more money than their shady shit without having to hide in the shadows.

>> No.28973444

I dont usually think guys are hot, thats all. Fuck imma have to sub to Homostars now

>> No.28973445

and its full of niggers, maybe thats why Kiara said it was dangerous.

>> No.28973447

she is

but she's also straight

>> No.28973450
File: 23 KB, 336x165, 1592910241030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the cringe akas today

>> No.28973455


>> No.28973457

She isn't, shes bi. It's been known for quite some time.

>> No.28973459

you can acknowledge someone's attractiveness without wanting to bang them, you know

>> No.28973458

>subbing to homostars
>not domming them

>> No.28973460

shes a hotpeoplesexual

>> No.28973466

>This fps....

>> No.28973469

Don't worry bro, if I recall correctly all the girls are hot too

>> No.28973473

clap clap next slide

>> No.28973475

They're mostly face scanned actors, so they're just actual, vaguely tough looking japanese men

>> No.28973476

Don't worry, you still don't have a chance with her.

>> No.28973480

I have to leave early but I'm doing preemtively:
>Open Kiara stream
>She's numberfagging
>Close Kiara stream

>> No.28973481

I love this powerpoint

>> No.28973482

stream dying for anyone else?

>> No.28973489


>> No.28973488

You don't have to feel ashamed about wanting to bang people, anon.

>> No.28973493

>0.25 FPS

>> No.28973494

jesus christ, and its a fucking red too

>> No.28973492

At least he didn't mean "hatched" in that other sense desu.

>> No.28973496
File: 20 KB, 332x196, 1585980130423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same guy

>> No.28973498

It's the same retard from Mori's chat a few hours ago.

>> No.28973500

the point is to NOT compete by picking a better timeslot. Maybe even a timeslot that would cater to US and EU customers, since that's who you're trying to sell your shitty eng dub to. But what do I know
