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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2888567 No.2888567 [Reply] [Original]


What does /jp/ think of this?

>> No.2888571

Oh boy, Something Awful goons playing CRAZY JAPANESE GAMES!

Hilarity ensues! Why is Japan so crazy?!! :retardmote101:

>> No.2888575
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>> No.2888579

I remember this. Shit was fun.

This is somewhat hypocritical considering that SA and 4chan have a large shared userbase. I actually followed this thread when it was out. There was minimal criticism in the thread and most that followed had actually played and enjoyed the game.

>> No.2888592

There are some really bad LPs hosted on that site, but you have to admit that Daikatana and Tresspasser vids are awesome.

>> No.2888601

SA is the birthplace of LP's. You can't let a couple bad ones spoil the concept. Hell there's an LP series dedicated to mocking bad LPs.

>> No.2888602

:10bux: :smug:

>> No.2888606

My personal favorite LP will always be Boatmurdered, but this one was good too.

>> No.2888609

Boatmurdered was fun, I'll give you that.

>> No.2888621

>There was minimal criticism in the thread

That's bull.
Shit was full of "Buxomize Pills? Holy shit, Japan is nuts!" and "Wait, you could actually let her get molested? Japan is fucked up."

>> No.2888634

Even I love boatmurdered.

>> No.2888636

Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTálk.com/
>yghn cn hgg

>> No.2888639

All done with a fairly large amount of irony. I mean there's been multiple attempts to LP fucking EVER17 (there's one going on right now in fact). There's no way a fair number of them don't also hang out here.

>> No.2888641

I went ahead of myself a little bit, but the first one I've seen was a Half-Life coop run with two guys trying hard to be funny and a Black & White vid that just bored to me to tears(but that's the game's fault rather than the person playing it).

Some people actually do some research and either post all the related information in the archive or do some commentary about the game. Like that guy who did the Tresspasser lp. He knew a lot about that title and overall it was pretty entertaining.

And I like retsupurae as well.

>> No.2888645


>> No.2888648

Probably the craziest ones I've seen are DC doing La Mulana and that one Psychonauts LP where the guy did everything. EVERYTHING. All the flavor text, all the figments, etc.

>> No.2888651


"Irony" or not, it still leaves >>2888571 completely accurate.

I'm sure there are goons on /jp/, but they'll always be a hushed voice due to pedobans and tenbux.

>> No.2888662

There can be no doubt considering Melty Blood, Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, and currently FSN all have LPs.

>> No.2888675

I just tried watching that Daikatana thing, and damn was that boring.

>> No.2888678

I'll admit I actually subscribe to Deceased Crab's stuff.

>> No.2888703

Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTálk.com/
> hhfl m

>> No.2888713

Stop spamming: http://www.AnónTálk.com/
> vdyffjvylicfmhjbn hfgflk g i onvjh yh

>> No.2888723

Haven't checked lp archives in a long time, but now that we're talking about it, I remember I wanted to watch System Shock 2 that was posted there not long ago. I'll see what's all the fuss about with Psychonauts as well.

As for DC, I've seen a couple of links leading to threads over at SA(although I'm not exactly sure how was it possible for me to view the content since it's a pay site) and it seems that he doesn't get too much respect, even from the goons.

I find the whole series hilarious. Basically they make fun of and point out all the flaws in that horrible game.

>> No.2888738

Most of DC's stuff is done from his Youtube account. He's pretty funny.

>> No.2888759


Drama stems from his refusal to stop using youtube and also LP forum meltdowns he has had over really stupid shit.

Aside from the diamonds in the rough LPs in general are terrible and even it's source is full of pathetic shit. So are goon meta threads.

>> No.2888820

Sup Lowtax?

>> No.2889021

I forgot about this game. Never did get all the endings.

>> No.2889052
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1238553737401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>all endings
>>>Princess Maker 2

>> No.2889069

It's a journey of madness, but it can be done.

>> No.2889231

ycs 4chan crew represent

>> No.2889249


>> No.2889379

Despite the goon hate, this guy made me wanna play Princess Maker 2. Loved the segue into the Evangelion game during the LP.
