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2882971 No.2882971 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so
Who is this?He really isn't orginal Battler?
What sin he commited?
Anyone got a fucking clue?

>> No.2882976

The "True" Battler was born from Ushiromiya Asumu. Other details unknown.

The sin has yet to be elaborated, so guess whatever you want.

>> No.2882979

Only speculations but
Beato is his true mother and he somehow "hurt" her

>> No.2882983

He dropped Maria on her head when she was a baby, leading to her current problems.

>> No.2882989

He killed Beato as in young Rosa'a story,everything was the same except that change Rosa to Battler

>> No.2883000

Every scene that doesn't have "Battler piece" in it is illusion,so probably something to do with Beato closed in that residence

>> No.2882997

He is Battler, but not born from Asumu, so in that sense he is not the "true Battler"

>> No.2883004

I want to fit in

>> No.2883009

I thought about it but she "did" it much more earlier before Battler was born.

>> No.2883023


Rosa killed Beato in the same year Battler was born, not possible.

>> No.2883031

Now that you mention it...
Oh god i am so slow

>> No.2883036
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>> No.2883050

He's a spy, sappin your witches

>> No.2883065


>> No.2883079
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>> No.2883092

He is Ushiromiya Battler. He said so in red.

He's just not the only Ushiromiya Battler. The other one was probably stillborn.

>> No.2883112

I wonder if Beatrice (game board) is a human or not. She could be the other Battler easily.

>> No.2883130

Maybe the other Battler is already on the Island. and is pissed off because Battler threw away the life he/she always wanted.

>> No.2883142

>other Battler

Well, there are theories saying that Jessica is the daughter of Asumu/Rudolph who was given away to Krauss because he couldn't make a baby.

>> No.2883152

I am sure either
Jessica or UNKNOWN Battler
is the culprit.

>> No.2883159

GAR Battler from VN is main character
FABULOUS Battler from anime is culprit

>> No.2883161


There is only one Battler, he just isn't Asumu's son.

>> No.2883168

Yes yes and some of that says she is the true daughter of Beatrice etc. etc. And there is a high chance that she is really a culprit, because we never ever see into her thoughts, just as George's and most of the adults. And among the adults, I personally think the two most reliable is Natsuhi and... Eva. Eva, yeah seriously, as long George is alive.

>> No.2883169

Jessica says Kinzo stills healthy.

There's your culprit.

>> No.2883176

Or that's what her parents told her

>> No.2883181

No, Ushiromiya Battler is Ushiromiya Asumu's son. It's said in red.

However the Ushiromiya Battler we know is not Asumu's son, but is definitely Ushiromiya Battler. Therefore, there must be more than one Ushiromiya Battler.

>> No.2883187

It's still very likely that Krauss, Natsuhi, Jessica, Nanjo and/or the servants are involved somehow. Because they know something the others do not.

>> No.2883191

Homunculus/Clone Battler is the real Battler


>> No.2883199

I would love Battler is culprit TWEEST

>> No.2883202

All servant with the one-winged symbol, plus Nanjo and Krauss with his wife, possibly with their daughter. Who else could be? Kumasawa? Gohda is only good for the food.

>> No.2883208

Sin has nothing to do with his immediate family. Real Battler/Fake Battler bullshit being tied to the sin is a giant red herring.

>> No.2883209

There's no human cloning technology in the '80s

>> No.2883215

While the devil's proof makes it impossible to deny that the other Battler is alive or even on the island, there has been no evidence which supports such a theory and it is largely irrelevant since we already know exactly who the 17 people on the island are.

Of several acceptable explanations for a phenomenon, the simplest is preferable.

The simplest explanation is that the being originally given the name Ushiromiya Battler died, and for the sake of having a legitimate heir, our Battler took his place and his name.

>> No.2883220

Hm, I think even Gohda and Kumasawa are suspicious, specially considering their behaviors in Episode 4.

There's just something about them, and not only in that Episode, that strikes me as ood.

>> No.2883224

That would put this on the level of the worst mystery novels ever. The detective cannot be the culprit, period.

>> No.2883229

That'd be outrageous, but I wouldn't mind seeing Battler accusing himself of being the murderer to solve a closed room.

>> No.2883233


>> No.2883234
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>Gohda and Kumasawa are suspicious

well fuck

>> No.2883242

Beatrice already said in red he's not the culprit

>> No.2883247

SAY IT IN RED "Battler is culprit!!"

.....(red)Battler is culprit(red).

USELESS!!IT IS ALL USELE---wait lol what!!??

>> No.2883251

Wasn't that only concerning Nanjo's murder?

>> No.2883255

Evatrice said "Battler is neither the culprit or an accomplice." This really only applies to Nanjou's death, but I'd expect Beatrice to use it every single time.

>> No.2883257

That was only for one murder(the one in Episode 3 with EVA)

>> No.2883263
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And am I the only one who finds it highly ironic that Genji's last name is "Ronoue"?

Chessboard flipping related.

>> No.2883269

So clearly Jessica knows how to fire a gun while blind.

>> No.2883268

Leave. Now.

>> No.2883282

Kumasawa is the true culprit behind everything.

It's all a murder-suicide plot so she can wipe out the entire family as revenge for letting Beato get killed.

Or she's just bored.

>> No.2883283


>> No.2883295

Kanon is the real Battler.

>> No.2883301

You can't say "all" of them are. It's a devil's proof. You also can't say that anything piece Battler has seen isn't illusion, since the red has not confirmed that his perspective is reliable, or that meta Battler sees everything he sees.

>> No.2883303

Get out

>> No.2883304

Rudolph dies on the first twilight every time except in the third game.He even knew he was going to die. Someone obviously wanted to shut him up but failed to do so in the third game, possibly because they got killed instead?

>> No.2883316

Meta Battler sees everything that is told in the story.

>> No.2883322

No this is true.
Everything that game piece Battler experiences is like RED.
However the scenes without that piece are just made to look like witchwork(because if Battler piece was there he would have to accept magic right away)

>> No.2883325

I think he said that because he was going to reveal Battler and Kyrie the truth of Battler's identity, and that would infuriate either/both of them. Not that he was really going to 'get killed' in the literal sense.

>> No.2883331

But "what is told in the story" != "what actually happened" and thus "what was actually seen." If Beatrice were to say in Red that meta Battler can see the true world through piece Battler's eyes, then everything seen by piece Battler would be real. But she hasn't.

>> No.2883333

That's a little out there

>> No.2883334

>Everything that game piece Battler experiences is like RED.
Source or STFU.

>> No.2883344

Source is VN itself Einstein....
Eveything that Battler "game piece" is part of,always is treated by meta Battler as a FACT.Notice that magic never happens when Battler "game piece" is nearby.

>> No.2883353

You'd think Rosa would suffer the same fate too, given that Maria wished for her to die.

The fact Rosa seems to get pelted the hardest (First Twilight in game 1 and 4, with extra torture in game 4 as well, Game 2 was basically a big 'let's see how much we can fuck with Rosa', and Eva's torture of her in Episode 3 seemed to be the only one elaborated on.) makes me think this is something Maria made up. After all, she's usually not a sacrifice except for in game 3, when Eva was running things.

That or it's because she's Beato's best friend.

>> No.2883360

Circumstantial evidence does not a proof make. We know the VN does not always tell the truth. To assume it's telling the truth any time you don't see magic destroys any chance of finding what actually happened.

>> No.2883377

There is one culprit that never changes.
His minions however change ever game(i think).

>> No.2883380

>Eveything that Battler "game piece" is part of,always is treated by meta Battler as a FACT
Battler is incompetent. The red agrees.

>> No.2883394

Except when he's drunk.

>> No.2883564

That was not important

>> No.2883572

How so?

>> No.2883701
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Mackerel Witch Kumasawa
the culprit is

>> No.2883706

Her accomplice is Magical Gohda Chef.

>> No.2883726
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Juuza resembles Kyrie in white/silver hair and coolness.

Juuza = True Battler?

>> No.2883727

I think people are making it out to be harder than it is. Asumu and Kyrie both went into labor on the same day around the same time. Kyrie says she had a stillbirth. Maybe it was Asumu who had a stillbirth, but paid the doctors off or something to make it seem like she gave birth while Kyrie's kid died. There you go, Battler is not Asumu's son and is still Kinzo's grandson and is done in a believable manner.

>> No.2883730 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2883742


That would mean Battler's real mother isn't Asumu or Kyrie.

>> No.2884074

Current Battler is a Homunculus.

>> No.2884093

Because it makes perfect sense for the son of Asumu to look like Kyrie, amirite?

>> No.2884095

It does if Kyrie is actually a man

>> No.2884126

Battler is cyborg Kinzo. He "died" six years ago and had his brain implanted into a new body, a better body than before. Better, stronger, faster.

>> No.2884128
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What are saying, Rudolf is Battler's mother?

>> No.2884173

Battler is the homunculus of Kinzo, but he couldn't place his soul into it, that's why he killed Kyrie's baby to bind it soul to the homunculus so it won't die.

>> No.2884467

It's obvious that he can't bind his soul because he's not dead at that time.

>> No.2884478

Someone needs to tell me the scoop regarding this game. I am late into it since I spend all my time on touhous and dolls.

What is translated and what still needs to be?

>> No.2884490

4 episodes are out, 4 are translated. Episode 5 should be out around August 17 or so.
