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2871160 No.2871160 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get her as a commander?
Everytime I conquer the Asai-Asakura rance rapes her (fapfapfap) then she runs away.

>> No.2871180

I liked Kenshin's fuller features better.

>> No.2871197

Recruit her Papa, get his 'Affection' status to Normal, and there will be an event in her province.
Do it fast, otherwise she'll just keep fucking old men to make their countries attack you and she will go cum crazy.

>> No.2871198

Princess Snow - Only available in Second Games. She joins you after the exploration command in Texas (which is also available shortly after the house she influenced is defeated, until another event with her happens where she loses her mind; she'll not join you after this event.)


>> No.2871206

Are you sure you can get her as one? I mean, I figure, she's got no combat abilities. She never challenged me when I fought the Asai-Asakura. I figure that scene was all her role was.

But fuck-damn, that scene was messed up. The rape scenes I can usually ignore, but that one was so fucked up. That just isn't my thing. But that Akihime bitch... Never before have I felt that rape was justified, but god damn.

>> No.2871235

A part of me really wants to see her fucking old men and going crazy.. Does this happen soon, so I can get the scene and reload, or does it take a while?\

>> No.2871241

The only messed up rape scene was poor innocent Kou. But then suddenly Rance was an awesome onii-chan.

>> No.2871259

Well, if you save, just keep skipping your round and let people conquer your areas, it shouldn't take too long (after two or 3 cases where she forces war, IIRC)
They messed the one he decided will be his woman in the future.
You do not mess with Rance's women.

>> No.2871269

You need to have her father at Normal or the event where you can search for her will not appear.
Also 2nd game only.

>> No.2871270

How do you get Okita Nozomi's H scene? In the Wiki, its said that you'd get her at hostile and you need to talk to her 3 times. I got her at normal and raise her relationship to trust but no command available yet at Toukaido

>> No.2871281

Search for dungeon in MAZO. Complete the dungeon. Get H-Scene.

>> No.2871310


yea, it was nice that he killed those boys but rance can't complain since he rapes all the time.

>> No.2871320
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KS devs.

>> No.2871325

Of course he can complain.
EVERYTHING is his, especially women.

>> No.2871336

The last I saw of her was her being H'ed by a skinny old man. Doesnt look like she lost her mind though, she just says she needs to bear it. then I got like 10 turns without seeing her again and I ran out of land to be conquered.

Yukihime is God tier. I cant get enough of her scenes.

Can anyone confirm if there's another scene with her after she gets hit by the skinny old man getting them to war me?

>> No.2871338

There's a difference between raping older women who might deserve it and raping pure innocent Kou.

>> No.2871341

Rance is a hypocrite.

Plain and simple.

>> No.2871361

doesnt matter.

>> No.2871363

Kou is a whore.

>> No.2871367
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That was rude.

>> No.2871372

Get out.

>> No.2871381

I just started attacking them after trying to figure out how to conquer Uesugi before Xavier takes Kenshin and breaks her arms.
What a nice heads up, but I'm running out of space for commanders.

Is it possible to regain unique commanders after dismissing them? Also, does Suzaku make Ran explode? I hope not, she's the only diviner I have.

>> No.2871395

What can you use to extract Sengoku Rance content?

>> No.2871399

Diviners are worthless. Anyway, I found the best way to get to Kenshin quickly is through the Miko area. That way you can pick up Natori along the way.

>> No.2871404

>Is it possible to regain unique commanders after dismissing them?
>Also, does Suzaku make Ran explode?
On any route that's not her route or kill the monkey, yes.

>> No.2871405
File: 38 KB, 265x302, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otherwise she'll just keep fucking old men to make their countries attack you and she will go cum crazy.
I don't want her to go cum crazy ;_;


>> No.2871432

Kill the monkey? you mean that little shit on Nobunaga's shoulder?

>> No.2871437

Suzaku exploded Ran on my kill the monkey playthrough too.

>> No.2871439

Sounn is a pretty awesome diviner though, his summoning does great damage. Too bad he's kinda slow.

>> No.2871457




many of those other women didn't really deserved it and kou was raped by younger boys. they did it for the same reason rance does; because they can. at least those young boys didn't kill all of her friends and the people who swore to protect her and then rape her in front of her dying father.

>> No.2871460

Only if you conquer the Hojo house without capturing her in battle first, I think.

>> No.2871475

First of all, her dad did not die.
Secondly, nobody debates that Rance did it due to his good nature, or That when Rance rapes is justified, while in this case it's not.
He fancied Kou to the point he was willing to wait, and these kids come and violate her.
Of course he will be pissed.

>> No.2871479

Well, I captured Ran and recruited her, then I went through the dungeon to get Souun. I got some dialogue at the end through which I fastforwarded since it's not translated, and then Ran was dead. I wasn't really paying much attention, but Suzaku probably exploded her.

>> No.2871500


that's my point. rance can kill them, but he's even worse then they are.

>> No.2871519

Of course.
Doing a good action does not make him a good person.
He just does what the fuck he wants.

>> No.2871543

Why use diviners when you can have monks just guard cancel instead? I guess their attack all damage is decent, but that's what mikos are for.

>> No.2871574

>willing to wait

More like "I dun like loli."

>> No.2871582
File: 81 KB, 800x600, yuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried with Crass[1]. A lot of images are corrupted though... anything better?

[1] http://galcrass.blog124.fc2.com/

>> No.2871583


you never played the game did you dude? diviners have the highest damage potential of any class in the game and their damage bypasses guard.

>> No.2871597

I have a team of generic footsoldiers guarding Ellina and Natori. It's amazing.

>> No.2871600

Rance was never a man of patience.
Actually willing to wait for a loli to grow up?
That's a big investment.

>> No.2871631
File: 125 KB, 800x600, ohmygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know...I've just got to ask...

what the fuck have I done to warrant this? I was just going along happily conquering fast then slowed down after Ashikaga and Hara was mine, figured I'd take Tanegashima so I could get Yuzuhara early on then entered Yamamoto route.....

and then within 4 turns everyone declared war on me, seriously? I knew I would be facing Takeda and Akashi but my god this is too much. my highest troop count for a commander is only 583..

>> No.2871638

Diviners are WORTHLESS against Hannys. Enjoy having your entire army raped by the Hanny King.

>> No.2871647


implying hannies are hard. hohoho 2/10


what did you chose for bonuses?

>> No.2871651

If you do not have ANY other units to deal with fucking Honeys, you deserve loss.

>> No.2871655

Popularity staff and Elina, didn't have the points for anything else and this is what this playthrough was suppose to be for.

>> No.2871682

He didn't say that, and he's actually right. Hannys are immune to magic, so your diviners can only guard.

>> No.2871697

Yeah their damage bypasses guard, but monks can just remove guard so your entire party can bypass it. And enjoy your static damage while my mikos are doing % damage. Especially Natori, she is walking rape.

>> No.2871698


hannies are weak as crap so it doesn't matter anyway. it's not like you could make a diviner army anyhow.


how did you know Takeda and Akashi would go to war with you? yukihime's country won't attack you unless you groped her.

>> No.2871708


nice to know you don't know what you're talking about. elina can kill or severely damage an entire army by herself as long as she has foot solider guarding her. enjoy your 10 percent mikos and foot soldiers restoring their guard before damage dealers get their turn.

>> No.2871714

I always get to kenshin via asai asakura.
kenshin isnt that hard is it?

>> No.2871716

I'm at the part where you have to confront Xavier for the first time, this is my first playthrough and I'm getting raped by footsoldiers.

Not that my characters die or anything, I just lose nearly every battle because they just go ahead and turtle and keep spamming guard and I can't kill them in time even if I focus all attacks on them. I even have Niwa with antifootsoldier shot and he still does shit damage to them, been trying monks in the back lane spamming guard cancel but they are too slow and I end up running out of time anyways.
I was able to conquer the last stage of several nations including Tenshi sect by using Ikkyu's Witty Comeback spell but that wore out and changed to Battle Strategy three, so I can't just wait for him to instawin fights anymore.

TL;DR- How I beat footsoldiers? Because they are the only thing that causes me trouble, beyond that god-tier diviner that Kenshin has.

>> No.2871718

tat scene was hot shit

>> No.2871723

Takeda goes to war with you as soon as you start Yamamoto route and Mori makes Akashi go to war with you if you get a territory that is next to them.

the game decided to be a dick with Asai Asakura and show a event that never happened before, and Rance just so happened to be a fuck wit and grope Yukihime without giving me a choice causing them to go to war with me.

then for no reason Tokugawa went to war with me, and the next turn Mori decided to jump on the bandwagon.

>> No.2871735


Tokugawa is somewhat a Takeda's vassal area, so if Takeda goes to war against you then Tokugawa would also do the same.

>> No.2871736

Tokugawa is allied with Takeda, if you attack either or they attack you both are coming for you.

Hope you have footsoldiers.

>> No.2871742

Tokugawa goes on war with you if you are against Takeda.
Mori goes to war depending on your territories, I think.

Strong Ranged attackers that also lower their guard so your damage dealers can kill them is a straightforward way.
Assassinating one of them is a good strategy too.
Also, a monk with Guard cancel can make the process faster.

>> No.2871743

> Rance just so happened to be a fuck wit and grope Yukihime without giving me a choice causing them to go to war with me.
What's up with this? It's happened to me twice!

>> No.2871769


learning how to deal with this is the only way to survive on 5 stars. use strong attackers with penetration like diviners, musketeers and yamamoto. even if they turtle, as long as you kill their attackers they'll slowly lose. always remember to scout so you can send a proper army too. and always use weaken enemy country when you can and never upgrade rance.

>> No.2871778

Yuzumi (with working patch)
Yamamoto's whirlwind shot
Ninja assassinate
Warriors with guard crush
Leila's charge
AoE abilities (white destruction, shikigami, chun shuriken)

>> No.2871780
File: 135 KB, 800x600, i'minforaworldofpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I knew that but seem to have forgot about it, I should of taken them out early.

...I have 2 foot soldiers.. I didn't figure I would be fighting against everyone that is a neighbouring country but the nice little Miko's. I could of handled just Takeda Tokugawa and Akashi, I've taken on Takeda before while being at war with Miko, Tenshiism, and Tokugawa.. Akashi isn't too strong but Mori and Asai will be real dicks.

Asai especially, they are always attacking that one territory that is the only one Takeda can get to and I am just barely holding on to it against Takeda and Tokugawa.

>> No.2871826

Your fucked!

>> No.2871831


restart. don't upgrade rance. if you have the bonuses use weaken enemy countries instead.

>> No.2871833
File: 494 KB, 800x2400, takedablitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the people saying diviners are useless, you know Omachi is a diviner.

>> No.2871843
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>>2871716 here

I screwed up and gave Kaka the mannequin cat which gives all your troops one extra max troop per turn, now I can't unequip it.
Btw Ranmaru has the Masamune equipped

>> No.2871844

You need more foot soldiers. You should always be recruiting foot soldiers, especially on a first play through.

>> No.2871860

For some reason I survived the Takeda charged with a very shitty army. Probably because of Baba using his captain charge and Yoshikage failed his assasination. Also Kenshin reduced most of their action points against Yamagata.

Why not upgrading Rance?

>> No.2871885

Rance isn't that useful outside of dungeon battles. I mean you should probably get the elite troops upgrade to give him a stat boost, but the extra action points are worthless if you aren't dungeon crawling. You aren't going to be able to do everything in one game and still get a good score, so prioritize the army battles.

>> No.2871888
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Indeed I am.. Takeda just signaled the blitz. in a desperate attempt to escape Takeda I allowed Tokugawa to take the Oil Field... my first territory I have ever lost in 2 finished games and 2 free for all games.

Rance is actually saving my ass here, I don't know how much territory I would of lost if I didn't upgrade him.

Yeah I do need more foot soldiers, I was just about to go and recruit some more to be ready to hold my ground. wanted to try and clear fish face but I am going to have to fire him.

>> No.2871889

Why does neither of you have Dousan? Easy to get early and the best damn monk out there, makes Warriors look useless. And if you combine her with Natori you can Miko storm 2 twice in a battle.

And no other reinforcements either? Maria/Uruza/Leila are hax

>> No.2871892


all normal attackers are almost useless on higher levels. you don't want to spend your resources on units that do nothing more then pitifully attack foot soldiers. 2 action point musketeers with working bee and pen2 are pretty good. so is omachi, chinu, yamamoto and elina. use the bonus items to upgrade omachi's attack and speed right away and give her the two faced dog. give yamamoto rance's love. give the starting bonus musket girl the working bee. spam weaken enemy country. enjoy easy mode 5 star.

>> No.2871899


upgrading him to elite troops is pointless too. there are many warriors much better then him.

>> No.2871919

Rance can actually become a BEAST.
Get his stats to 6(using Textbooks is easy), then to 7 using the Upgraded textbooks.
Get the Elite troops, and Rance is a warrior with 8 in his stats.
Add improved Sill Healing, 5 action points, enhanced damage with Chaos and Rance attack, and he is FUCKING DEATH.

>> No.2871937

Yeah, but like you said it takes a lot of effort to make Rance good, whereas other warriors like Motonari and Noir join you ready to rock.

Still, since you're stuck with Rance the entire game, it's silly not to upgrade him atleast a little bit, especially if you're having trouble midgame.

>> No.2871956

It's mostly a trouble in the first playthrough.
In the second, where you can get the Improved textbooks, it can be done very soon.
A powerful Rance early on where you do not have many unique commanders is pretty important.

>> No.2871963
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would of got Dousan as I had her my last playthrough and she was pretty good but I was caught off guard by the sudden "Everyone kill Oda" phase and didn't have any nat. power to spare trying to get her. same with reinforcements.

Now that I don't have to face Takeda as Tokugawa foolishly blocked them off from me I am getting back on track, trying to keep as many of the clearable commanders as I can as this playthrough was for points and Yamamoto route after all.

..Yuzuhara is rather costly, I've never noticed this before. but she is pretty much the reason I am in this mess so I don't really want to fire her.

>> No.2871982

For some reason, I can't start the ran route. I captured her in battle, recruited her, then took over hojou. For some reason, I see no event that opens up a new dungeon. Wtf gives? This is my 4th playthrough now.

>> No.2871992

You can probably afford to lose some of those generic archers since archers are all worthless save for Isoroku. I guess you want to clear Hara Shouji though.

Also, no working bee for Yuzumi?

>> No.2871998

You have to do her dungeon that gets uncovered by a ??? event in the houjou lands.

This gets you on her route, if you wait she still dies.

>> No.2872002

Ran has to be raised to trust to see the event.
Or atleast normal.

>> No.2872017

what is this 'working bee' you speak of?

>> No.2872028
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I suppose I deserved this.

>> No.2872029

Out of all starters, Keiji Maeda is probably the beast out there. Use books to getting his stats to 6 and Kabuki upgrade him, suddenly you have a all 9s foot soldier unit, both good in attack and defense.

>> No.2872031

Raises current troops at half, grants an extra action.
Cannot be unequipped.
Give it early on when the units does not have many troops.

>> No.2872032

It's an item you can search for in Texas (Asakura territory)

Adds 2 action points but reduces troop count by half on equip. Ideally you want to give it to Yuzumi right away and let her troops build back up.

>> No.2872037

Gives the unit extra moves. I like giving mine to Yamamoto.

>> No.2872043

Yeah I am firing the archers but not all at once, making sure I have enough to use on recruiting while still being able to hold off a attack from any other country. I am keeping Niwa though as he has defeated warrior hunt as a start passive skill, pretty useful so that you don't waste turns getting it on some other commander just to put in his place.

Recruiting is rather costly so I am letting the popularity staff do that for me, I haven't got the working bee yet but I have a unused emperors ring laying around. don't plan on using that yet though.

>> No.2872046

Doesn't that take 2 satisfaction bonuses though?

I've never done it

>> No.2872047

Why not Tanegashima for that then? He starts with 2 action points.

>> No.2872057

Yuzumi is special because her attack has a chance of instant KO.

>> No.2872060

Since he already has two, he is fine.
Besides, each shot is supposed to be a kill, if you need him to do more than 3, you have a problem.
Though I like using both of them since their character clears help to give some extra satisfaction.

>> No.2872064
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Needs more Torako

>> No.2872071


Giving Yuzumi 3 action points give her 3 chances of sniping the commander due to her special skill.

>> No.2872077

I don't remember her

>> No.2872082

god damn diviner bitch holy shit shinigamis that do 500 damage to everyone what the fuck 1300 troops fuck this shit

>> No.2872083


The Uesugi's captain with mouse's ears.

And Katsuko is cuter indeed.

>> No.2872090

Can you capture her?

>> No.2872094

Yeah you can capture both Torako and Katsuko once Uesugi house falls.

>> No.2872102

Fucking Torako, I've gotten Katsuko before but I could never manage to capture Torako. I just wanted her because she is cute, is that so much to ask?

That's diviners for you.

>> No.2872135

Wait, who is this Dousan you speak of and how do I get her?

>> No.2872150

I would like to know this as well the wiki has shit on him/her/it.

>> No.2872168

Himiko from the Miko Institute? That's the only non-canon decent monk that I can think of.

>> No.2872170

After you take the oil field there should be a purple event there for something about the mino(?) three. then after you are able to recruit three captains from there. once you've done that then there should be a satisfaction bonus option to get her.

>> No.2872175

Aha, thanks.

>> No.2872186

The wiki does have it, I think it's written in the satisfaction bonuses or something. Also the monk that you can get from the start of game points bonus is really good as well, even though you can only use his convert action once in battle unlike dousan.

>> No.2872228

forgot to mention that you have to recruit all three, I don't know if they all need to be in your commander list but I left them there until I got Dousan.

>> No.2872349

Anyone know how to get the Tenshi Miko's other HCG? The one other than the one with the dildo.

>> No.2872405

Had to restart, even with just facing Tokugawa, Asai, Akashi, and Mori it was too much.

I was able to hold everything except the oil field which I gave up on in a desperate attempt to flee from Takeda up to the point where I just couldn't keep at it.. it was like the game was telling me "Fuck You". any prisoner I would recruit would be killed the next turn and I ended up just running out of money.

game really decided to be a dick that time.

>> No.2872457

If you're just going for points, I'd suggest Kenshin route. It's pretty easy, and you don't have to rush much with conquering territories. Oda actually waits a long time to do his thing during the emperor race.

I did a 1 star Kenshin route my second play through and ended up with 96 points to spend.

>> No.2872466

Anyone have a screenshot of Dousan's skills and stats?

It seems like it takes a lot to get her, 3 action fans and a satisfaction bonus?

>> No.2872469

Should have gone and conquered 9 nations.

>> No.2872504

What's this emperor race I always hear about and how do you start it?

>> No.2872526


It does that ... a lot.

>> No.2872530

Kenshin route

>> No.2872539

Eh.. just figured I'd try Yamamoto route as I already did Kenshin, I really don't know what happened to have it turn into a rape Oda bandwagon but I'll probably go down Yamamoto route again.

skills are monk charge, diviner nullify(immune to diviners?) and youkai ward that does 3.0x damage to youkai and can't be counterattacked no matter what you attack, uses same action points as monk charge and has no disadvantage to using it on normal units. very nice skill.

don't know stats and I'm not really sure on what the one skill is called, can't remember but I do know it is something like that.

>> No.2872615

Am I the only one who thought Torako was cuter? At raged at how she didn't get a sex scene.

>> No.2872643

I raged at how she didn't get an H-scene either. But both of them were kind of useless as units, so whenever I caught them I just kept them in prison and assumed Rance raped them daily.

>> No.2872655


I bet the other prisoners raped them, too. Even the female ones.

>> No.2872674

Sorry /jp/, but would you listen to my request?

Whenever I click the New Game option, the whole screen would just go black instead of proceeding with the game. I can play through the Continue option though.

This has only happened recently (this morning), and to be honest I have no idea what to do.

So if you could, please help me out. Thank you.

>> No.2872681

It does that to me too once in a while, just try again.

>> No.2872686

hold the control button and wait for a while

>> No.2872691

Same thing happens to me occasionally. Just try it again.

>> No.2872725

Hmm, it appears that sometimes it works and other times it does not. Is this a problem from the patch?

>> No.2872944


restart by touching the upper left of the screen and click the third option.


not quite as good of an idea because she'll be forced to shoot foot soldiers first. having a musketeer with pen2 allows you get get problem units out of your way.

>> No.2872959


didn't you have backups? you do know how to use comments right?

>> No.2873093

What exactly does the weaken enemy countries satisfaction bonus do?

Does it reduce their troop count or something?

>> No.2873268


yea, it seems to lower the number of troops they can hold

>> No.2873304

Yup, I used it when I was battling Dokuganryuu. It turned their troop count to around ~200-500 each except for the final castle.

>> No.2873362 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 1246420162136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there is one where she fucks a fat man and has the slut look going for her.

>> No.2873369 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 800x600, cg03406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there is one where she fucks a fat man and has the slut look going for her.

>> No.2873391
File: 104 KB, 775x1128, 1244984340430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn KS devs.

>> No.2873457

How do you unlock One Eyed house bonus?

"Trigger a beginning-of-the-turn event with all 5." Not really descriptive.

>> No.2873462

Recruit all of them. Wait for the beginning of a turn and see their event.

>> No.2873474

So what's the best way for fast, high point games? I just finished my first play through and only manged 5 points at the end. I'd like to be able to do the monkey killing route.

>> No.2873503

1 Star Ran route can be pretty fast and easy. You don't have to deal with the demon army and plot moves along regardless of what territories you have conquered.

Some things that can help:
-Get the ending bonus points for everyone you can
-Do the traveling carnival purple event that shows up in Owari from time to time, each time you do it is +3
-Get the objectives done, easier ones are beating the Youkai King (Masamune), and getting 30,000 troops
-Clear as many characters as you can

>> No.2873564

>>2871843 back

I've spent the last 6 or so hours getting to turn 89, I suck and cannot kill anything nor defend my lands in the least. Restarting tomorrow, heading straight for Kenshin and Orochi then down into HOEjou.

>> No.2873593

You'll have to fight Uesugi and Houjou at the same time. That or some variant of one house and Takeda at the same time.

>> No.2873606

Takeda won't take over Hojo if I'm at war with them correct? Guess I have to fight Takeda early on, that's a bit annoying. Thanks.

>> No.2873614

Good luck, soldier.

>> No.2873617

Oh well, I'm just fed up with all my commanders getting raped by 1800 full guard footmen and 3000 named troops.

>> No.2873624

If you don't want people conquering your lands, how do you get the rest of Yukihime's scenes?

>> No.2873661

Fighting both Houjou and Uesugi is pretty easy though. Just blitz Uesugi since Kenshin can't fight while ignoring Houjou. Then after Kensei took over Uesugi is finished. It could be done in at most 3 turns.

>> No.2873778

No. Alternatively you can go around Takeda by taking Uesugi first. Do it fast enough, I'd say within 5 turns, and Takeda won't take Hojo. Then you declare war on Hojo and get Ran.

>> No.2873783

You can see the scenes where Yukihime whores herself out by beating the houses she influences. If say she gets Takeda to go to war with you and you beat Takeda, she'll move on to the next house. Eventually she'll just go crazy from all the cum she's been getting.

>> No.2873790

Any tips for 5-star difficulty with 0 bonuses (aside from Gekkou/Shizuka bonus)?

>> No.2873868

Prepare to see 1000+ troops from Hara and Ashikaga house.

5 star is really difficult without house bonuses. I'd recommend you do 1 or 2 stars to get some points first and then do 5 star.

>> No.2873891

So how does one get kenshin?

>> No.2873929

I've just started recently, so bear with my questions.

Is it correct to say that it will be obvious to see which house she is influencing?

>> No.2873933

Well it took me 13 turns to finish up the Hojo/Ashikaga area. I'm a bit worried about time, so I'll just go for Takeda right away.

>> No.2873935

Conquer the first province.Take advanatge of Kenshin fleeing if you deploy Rance.
Then Conquer an area of Sado. She will force you to retreat automatically.
In the next turn or so, there will be a coup and her uncle will take over. Refuse the truce.
Now, conquer Sado in less the 4 turns (otherwise she gets gangraped for fun and sadism by her officers and you miss your chance).
After you finish it, there will be a purple event wheer you can recruit her as long as you have enough national power.

>> No.2873947

At teh start of the round, you should get a scene and suddenly a house will declare war against you(when they declare war, you usually get a scene where they explain you expanded too much, or they will assist their allies, this will NOT happen here).
THIS is the house you aim for.

>> No.2874010

Is there anyway for Ran not to die in the Kill the Monkey route? Suzaku pops out of her at the end of the dungeon. Is she fated to die on every route besides her own!?

>> No.2874022

Look at the good side, Souun can avenge her dea- Oh wait not in the kill the monkey route.

>> No.2874044

Fuck that nigger shit monkey.

>> No.2874059

What's the kill the monkey route like?
Since Xavier never shows up, there's no plot right? Does the game ever end?

>> No.2874068

It ends when you conquer everything. I think you can also leave when you conquer the place with the bridge to the continent.

>> No.2874074

>Conquer the first province.
And by this, you mean Mazo right?
If I just started the game, how many turns should this take?

>> No.2874088

Assuming you go straight for Uesugi, you'll probably conquer Hara, Ashikaga, Miko, then Uesugi, in that order. That's roughly 20 turns or so for a first game.

I wouldn't worry about how many turns you take though, you're almost guaranteed to have a score of 0 on your first play through. Just take the time to learn everything and try to unlock either the One Eyed or Mouri house bonuses.

>> No.2874122

Maidos coming soon to a Sengoku Rance near you.

>> No.2874193

So how far in is the next patch? I want my dungeon messages and various other untranslated things.

>> No.2874211

If I had a hunch, I would say in a month. 50/75/100%.

>> No.2874264

We're currently at about 74%. I just finished editing the maido scripts half an hour ago, and Taka's checking them over, so the Ran patch should be out in the next few days.

>> No.2874281

I see, cool.

>> No.2874314

Makes me sort of regret finishing her route a hour ago.. mother fuck.

>> No.2874327

I don't know who you are but if you are who you claim you are, you are awesome and should feel awesome.

>> No.2874367

CG set where?

>> No.2874378
File: 87 KB, 793x580, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2874417

How is the carnival event triggered? I've only had it for maybe the first run or so. Is it something that happens only after a lot of turns?

>> No.2874436

By the way,
What does "Prepare for the next battle" do, exactly?

>> No.2874441

I believe it increases your offensive/defensive % bonus granted by terrain (castle usually gives 20% to defender, "temple" 10%, field 0%)

>> No.2874954

