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File: 127 KB, 332x395, jkgigioh7878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2859614 No.2859614 [Reply] [Original]

Just started Umineko

He looks like the biggest slimy asshole out of all of them. Am I correct?

>> No.2859619


>> No.2859629
File: 96 KB, 188x209, 767686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Umineko charcters are pretty nice as time goes by it just takes time to get to know them.

>> No.2859631

That face radiates slimy asshole

>> No.2859637

Wait 'till you meet Rosa.

>> No.2859645

eva is worst.

>> No.2859655

battler is the worst of them, also shannon is annoying.

>> No.2859662

( ≖‿≖)

>> No.2859668

Wait till you meet Trollkastel.

Basically everyone is a fucking troll in Umineko. Trust no one except Ange.

>> No.2859670

Krauss may be a slimy asshole, but there are bigger slimy assholes out there.

>> No.2859672

Truth is that all of the parents except Rudolf and Rosa are complete bitches killing each other for the money. Everything about Rosa are a bunch of lies made by Maria.

>> No.2859674

Krauss is the most immediately dickish character there, but he shows some balls eventually (EP4). A couple of the siblings are quite a bit worse..

>> No.2859676
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She is a sadistic fuck who loves to torture people for her own personal amusement.

>> No.2859684

All of the parents are tremendous shitheads. All of them.

>> No.2859693
File: 10 KB, 100x100, 001cb7pr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back

>> No.2859706


At least she doesn't have any ulterior motives.

Not that we know of, anyway.

>> No.2859708
File: 104 KB, 264x800, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Battler likes it. He just won't admit it.

>> No.2859710


I fucking hated Eva.

She came off as a huge bitch from the moment she was introduced.

>> No.2859713


Episode 3 Beatrice made me learn to never trust anyone ever again.

>> No.2859718

i liked eva, but then i hated her

also natsuhi i never liked her, its like the worthless woman of the family

>> No.2859732

Rudolf seems the least asshole-ish out of the siblings. And he was pretty GAR nearing the end of EP 3.

Haven't started 4 yet. Are they going to reveal his past and make me hate him like they did with the others?

>> No.2859734


>> No.2859743

krauss is GAR on ep 4 just wait for it

>> No.2859747

>also natsuhi i never liked her, its like the worthless woman of the family

You shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.2859749
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>> No.2859752
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Of course

>> No.2859755



>> No.2859756

i liked eva in the introduction then she talked to natsushi for the first time and everything went bad after that.

>> No.2859766

Natsuhi is the best of all the mothers. You be quiet.

>> No.2859770


Natsuhi scored some points nearing the end of EP 1. She just seems naive and out of place next to the money-grubbing siblings.

>> No.2859776

Only until Episode 3. Then Eva dethrones him as biggest asshole/bitch.

>> No.2859778
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 1240330256908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shit, Natsuhi is sexy/adorable/awesome

>> No.2859780

Kanon that little kid always saying furniture he is a coward and never does a thing.

>> No.2859792


Seriously? Even she's a troll?

what does she do

>> No.2859794
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>> No.2859795


>biggest asshole/bitch

Beatrice still holds that title.

>> No.2859796

You meant Rosa.

>> No.2859799


He does some serious shit, you just wait.

>> No.2859806

First panel "Repeat 'I love battler' in red."

Second: "I refuse..."

Third: "Repeat 'I hate Battler'."

Fourth: "I refuse..."

>> No.2859807


Play Episode 4.

EVERYONE is a troll. The entire game is trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling Battler

>> No.2859823


Third line is actually Battler telling her to repeat "Battler hates Beatrice", not the other way around.

>> No.2859831

Battler is a troll too, he just doesn't realize it.

He's been trolling Ange this whole time... ;_;

>> No.2859835

Oh yeah.

Sorry I was just going off of memory, I can't actually read the runes.

>> No.2859853


As much as Beatrice has done, I can't bring myself to hate her for some reason. She's really adorable sometimes.

>> No.2859864


>She's really adorable sometimes

And that's how she gets you.

>> No.2859865

i almost hated her in the second episode.

>> No.2859867
File: 48 KB, 511x370, 09-05-14-krauss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animu Krauss doesn't look nearly as slick as VN Krauss.

>> No.2859877

In the end Beatrice is a witch who has had nothing to do for a whole millennium.
1000 years of absolute boredom. Hell, if I were in her position I'd pluck someone from there to play a game, too.

But then you realize she's just a lady forced to play a game she didn't necessarily want to keep playing. She's a heartbroken tsundere who only wants to relieve some boredom.

She's like a 5-year-old and I find her adorable.

>> No.2859880

I found her trolling endearing.

>> No.2859883

I will never hate Beatrice.

Also if you don't think that Beatrice is going to get a good end when all is said and done you haven't read enough VNs.

>> No.2859886


>> No.2859892


Her and Battler's relationship is really interesting to me. The fact that even though they're supposed to enemies it doesn't stop them from playing around with each other almost all the time.

And I found it incredibly sweet how she honestly tried to cheer him up at the beginning of Episode 4 when she thought he was moping.

>> No.2859900
File: 137 KB, 800x600, 0a0475121f9b7541d449c1c06b861678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn right

>> No.2859904

If she loses Battler, it's like losing a friend to her, or a playmate. And it then leads to eternal boredom again once she stops moping herself.

That's how I interpret it.

>> No.2859916


At the end of the day, I think that Beatrice really sees the whole thing as just that: A game. She doesn't put much emphasis on winning or losing and just wants to keep having fun.

Even though she taunts and tricks Battler all the time, she most likely genuinely considers him as a friend/playmate even if he might actually hate her.

But we all know that Battler's just tsundere.

>> No.2859930

She is tsundere for Battler. She is a huge teaser.
For Battler, she is exactly his type - big boobs, blond hair. He does not necessary hate her either.

They fought from times to times because of the game they are in. But hey.. I CALL THIS LOVE!!

>> No.2859941

And how would you explain that she doesn't mind and laughs at him getting killed by her furniture?

>> No.2859948
File: 26 KB, 409x319, beatrice_battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because I am the Endless Witch. I can kill and revive people as I wish.

>> No.2859949


It's just part of her personality.

She can also just revive him at any time, so she probably doesn't see it as a big deal. With Beatrice, you won't die even if you're killed.

>> No.2859959

I still don't think she will get a good end, she doesn't exist after all.

>> No.2859963


Battler staring at a snowglobe END?

>> No.2859967

What >>2859948 said. She doesn't know mortality, or its true meaning, and so isn't bothered by even the death of her plaything.

>> No.2859977
File: 49 KB, 264x800, Battler haet beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2859981

OP here


You were fucking right about Rosa. I want to punch the bitch in the face.

>> No.2859988

I felt like that a bit at first, but I loved her by the end of episode 2. After episode 4, I don't know what to think of her anymore.

>> No.2859989

If that is so, Episode 4 will make you pop a blood vessel. Also try to post as little as possible and continue with the story.

>> No.2859991


Episode 4 will make you won't to punch a hole in the wall.

>> No.2859996

i was like, stop it, stop it.
battler, jessica, george damn don't leave her alone.

>> No.2860005

I have a quick question, how long are the episodes?
I'm about 7 or 8 hours into episode 1 and I figured it would already be over but it's still going.

>> No.2860006



I don't even like Maria that much, but the scene where Rosa 'kills' Sakutaro had me raging and crying bitch tears at the same time.

feels bad man

>> No.2860009


They're all pretty long.

Each episode took me over 12 hours to complete, and this was with nonstop reading, only taking a break to use the bathroom or get a drink. And I consider myself a pretty speedy reader.

>> No.2860011

Depends on how fast you read.

>> No.2860024

Same here. I hated her, then loved her, now I think I might hate her again.

>> No.2860031

With average reading speed. If you're a slow reader than probably 1.5 times that.

Episode 1: 8 hours
Episode 2: 8 hours
Episode 3: 12 hours
Episode 4: 16 hours

>> No.2860035

Looks like I better marathon it then.

>> No.2860036

Where are you in the episode?

>> No.2860037


I'm going to continue with the story in a little bit, but god damn, it's like Teppei from Higurashi all over again.


>> No.2860038

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are the real witch playing the game. And both of them won't let Beato win, they have their own agenda about how the game will end. Bernkastel knew what will happen to Ange in the end and she was just treating her just like any other disposable pawn.

I wish Ange can get a happy end somehow. All the other trolls can just fuck off. ;_;

>> No.2860043

>Episode 4: 16 hours

What? Really? I guess EP4 seemed longer because of the draggy first act with all the Ange angst and herp derp Maria + Sakutarou stuff, but it can't be that much longer than the others.

>> No.2860046
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>> No.2860047

I marathoned episodes 1-3 in 2 days. (Well, more like 5, I had to take the beginning of episode 1 in bite-sized chunks, the latter half of episode 1-3 was 2 days though).

Best 2 days I've spent in a while.

>> No.2860050

Kanon just died I think

>> No.2860051

Bern said in the first episode that she's a cruel witch. You just assumed she was good.

>> No.2860053


Rosa is no Teppei. She's also abusive, but very different character-wise.

>> No.2860064


I don't know. Bern still seems the least cruel out of all of them.

She actually wants the game to end, whereas Beato and Lambdadelta want it to keep going for all eternity.

>> No.2860065
File: 70 KB, 360x200, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who doesn't like marathoning things? I like to take it easy.

>> No.2860069

Oh, but Bernkastel was a cruel witch.

>> No.2860071
File: 103 KB, 259x325, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried like a baby in that scene.

Damnit Rosa ;_;

>> No.2860077

It took me a few days to finish Episodes 1-3, mostly non-stop.

>> No.2860078

Nah bro, I'm the same. I always take a long ass time to finish VNs, but maybe it's because I only spend about two hours or so each night reading.

I've been reading Clannad for over two months now. Almost done.

>> No.2860081


I usually don't.

Umineko actually managed to genuinely keep my interest and kept me eager to find out what was going to happen next. I didn't force myself to marathon it, I just honestly got hooked and couldn't stop reading.

>> No.2860085

Suddenly, spoilers everywhere. The culprit for episode 2 is actually small bombs.

>> No.2860088

The thing is, from my experience, even if I planned to read just 1 chapter, the end of one chapter often makes you want to continue.

>> No.2860093

And then there's the Tea Parties and ????.

>> No.2860100

Can't take it easy when the story is so engaging and I couldn't stop once I started.

Nah didn't assume she was good. But was suprise the way she troll Ange just for her own amusement.

The only character that I sympathize with is Ange. Wish there is a way for them to reset the board for her to be in the game. ;_;

>> No.2860102

But why is the art so shitty?

>> No.2860110


Seconding Beato being adorable.

Lambdadelta creeps me out for some reason though.

>> No.2860124

It REALLY sucks for Rosa.

Think about how hard it would be for her to find a husband with Maria as your child.

Shit would be impossible. Maria/Rosa are fucked up because of the guy that left them both: I'd expect to see him in somewhere in the answer arcs. He has too much influence on their relationship to NOT have a place there.

>> No.2860133

I don't think it's that bad.

>> No.2860137


Further proves that everyone in this game is a troll.

Maria's father is a master troll and he hasn't even been shown.

>> No.2860140

It's not bad at all. Maybe it just isn't for you, anon.

>> No.2860142
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>> No.2860143


Because it places much more emphasis on the story rather than looking pretty. The BGM also makes up for it too.

Besides, the art grows on you after a while. It stopped bothering me a few hours in to the first episode.

>> No.2860154

The colouring bothers me, but I kind of like the art style. Maybe just because I'm used to it.

>> No.2860157


It all makes sense now! Gore is behind it all!

>> No.2860165

It's a sound novel

>> No.2860170
File: 55 KB, 800x600, FUCK YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860172


The art in the game look definitely better than the shit that DEEN is doing now.

>> No.2860177
File: 2.50 MB, 2000x1447, cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the anime to come out so that Japan can REALLY start cranking out the fanart

>> No.2860182

I can't be the only one who enjoys Rosa punching Maria in the face and calling her stupid. Maria IS a fucking retard.

>> No.2860189

>The art in the game look definitely better than the shit that DEEN is doing now.

don't be a faggot. The art in the game is shit, only the facial expressions are good.

>> No.2860190

I didn't mind her much until episode 4. What an awful character she turned out to be.

>> No.2860192

You grow to get used to it.

>> No.2860195
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 000542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So Gore was just driving around, crashed his car into Kinzo's hidden mansion, and thought 'Hey, this looks like a great place to fuck shit up. Lets do it!'.


>> No.2860197

It's not that I enjoy it, but yeah, can't really blame her.

>> No.2860199

>What an awful character she turned out to be.

oh get fucked. Just because you don't like her, doesn't make her a bad character. She's one on the best in the game.

>> No.2860201
File: 60 KB, 206x190, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that Rosa is twice as shitty...

>> No.2860221

Beato > Battler > Everyone else > Maria > Dick rubbed on a cheese grater > Rosa

>> No.2860232

Nah, it was probably because Yuka likes Battler. A lot.

>> No.2860269

Everyone Loves Battler

>> No.2860276

I smell sitcom!

>> No.2860305

Anyone got that screenshot from Motion Graphic vol.2 with Beato's *cackle*face grabbing Battler's hair? That was hot.

>> No.2860309
File: 110 KB, 640x480, 1242137769966b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shannon was the killer.

Now go GTFO, this place ain't your fucking blog.

>> No.2860313

*Beato with her *cackle*face

>> No.2860314

I want her to step on my while laughing

>> No.2860372
File: 51 KB, 640x480, hawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860375


Your what?

>> No.2860385


I want her to me

>> No.2860408

Fucking give.

>> No.2860480


But everybody is doing it ;-;

>> No.2860526
File: 9 KB, 346x128, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to play this game for a while.
But the download is stuck.
Does anon know how to fix this?

>> No.2860547

Keiichi and Mion playing a video game End confirmed.

>> No.2860553

switch to japanese locale

>> No.2860575
File: 1 KB, 74x32, jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, it wouldn't stop the download, right?

>> No.2860582


Ahahaha. Nice one bro.

>> No.2861030
File: 56 KB, 858x755, 4659094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in your dead thread, Ingot Dog.

>> No.2861453
File: 86 KB, 505x480, ber_akuwaraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry you feel that way about me.

>> No.2861478

What a slut.

>> No.2861479
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>> No.2861480
File: 84 KB, 505x480, ber_akuwaraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. I wish for it to end.


I'm sorry. Hopefully she can find a happy kakera.


True. I did say such.

>> No.2861499

they didn't get the bags under his eyes right in his anime design.


>> No.2861512
File: 84 KB, 505x480, ber_komarua1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2861530

Nvm, I have Vista.
What now?

>> No.2861546

eyebag moe~♥

>> No.2861586

This scene would have been so much better if Ep 2 would have had another ending.

>> No.2861593

Episode 2 ending was beyond awesome.

>> No.2861622

can't wait for the first Beatrice doujin. and in that i mean her sexual assaulting and humiliating Battler.

>> No.2861681

Has there even been any consensual Umineko doujins yet?

>> No.2861686


Aside from EREKTIONI, I don't think so.

>> No.2861721

Like to spoiler yourself, huh OP?

>> No.2861731

You mean that wasn't caused by Beatrice's magic?

>> No.2861753

op here lol sup nigga

>> No.2861811

Would Umineko no Naku colony 2 count?

>> No.2861824

No. Magic doesn't exist.

>> No.2861870

ggrr himeyashop, its been more than a week, my payment has long since been completed, yet it still says my order for ep 4 is being processed? fffff

>> No.2861917

You bought the game already, so you can torrent the game without feeling bad about it.

>> No.2862730
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I also thought Krauss was the worst, along with Natsuhi at the start. Thought they were both really up themselves. Thought Rosa was pretty sweet, and thought Eva was was rather cheeky, yet kind of fun. Then Eva went all KNOW YOUR PLACE KNOW YOUR PLACE, and I started disliking her from there on. Towards the end of episode one, I really liked Natsuhi. It was odd. Didn't like her at the start, loved her at the end. Thought Eva was a good character, raged halfway through. Eva's 'servaaaaant' quip about Shannon didn't help, either.

Rosa pissed me off so, so much in two. I thought that she was the quietly kind type, but she turned into an absolute bitch. I understand where she was coming from, though. Being brought up in an environment like that, along with having someone like Maria as a daughter surely must have been harsh. Especially how she can't really go with a guy.

Couple-wise, Rudolf and Kyrie are my favourites. Rudolf seems kind of flakey, but well meaning. And Kyrie just oozes cool.

And I agree with most of the posters, I just can't hate Beato. She's just having a bit of fun, really. And of course, her interactions with Battler are just gold.

Then again, I'm not that far into episode three, so opinions are likely to change.

>> No.2862758

Use this. It's a preinstalled and prepatched version.


Since it's already installed, you shouldn't need your locale set to Japanese or have to use Applocale to play it (just to install it) since Witch-Hunt improved the onscripter.

>> No.2862760

To run it, go into the English folder and run onscripter.exe

>> No.2862897

Sorry bro, but your opinion of Rudolf and Kyrie is going to change at the end of episode 3.


Also Ange will get her good end when she gets her Onii-chan back in 1986.

>> No.2862922 [DELETED] 

Kumasawa is Virgilia.
Eva solves the riddle and becomes Eva-Beatrice.
Rudolf and Kyrie kill Leviathan and Belphegor.
Beatrice acting all softy is just a big act.
Ange appears at the end of Ep3

>> No.2862951

That guy is handsome like me!

>> No.2862952

Why are you dumb fucks posting in here like this place is your blog, and without even finishing the fucking stories first?

>> No.2862957

because we are dumb fucks

>> No.2862978

Maria becomes the Witch of Origins.
Battler isn't the Real Battler, he's a fake.
Ange dies.
Kinzo was dead all along.
Lambdadelta and Bernkastel are scheming together.

>> No.2862992


Are these real?? WTF

>> No.2863005

No. Did you really believe ridiculous shit like that?

>> No.2863015

I like peanut butter.

>> No.2863018

OMG fucking spoilers

>> No.2863024

Battler is the real Battler (direct lineage descendant from Kinzo/Rudolf).

>> No.2863029

awesome, don't need to play the last 2 episodes now.

>> No.2863034

No problem bro

>> No.2863036

protip: DON'T FUCKING COME HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED. This applies to everything. 4chan has always been full of assholes that love to spoil every piece of information.

>> No.2863039

Half of it is.

>> No.2863046

More like all of it

>> No.2863050


>> No.2863057

don't try to save the newfags, all of those spoilers were true lol

>> No.2863058

Spoilers don't detract from the awesome

>> No.2863060

Expert umineko fan here!lolyes

>> No.2863064
File: 61 KB, 179x190, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, this thread is STILL alive?

>> No.2863075

Me behind rubbing her ass from the lingerie look!

>> No.2863079

Yes Mr.I-don't-know-how-to-rip-sprites-so-i-take-screenshots-and-crop-them.

>> No.2863095

George pretends to choose the 3rd choice.
Jessica fights Ronove
George fights Gaap
George and Jessica kill each other.
Krauss kills a goatman with his bare hands.
Real Beatrice appears to Battler inside the gameworld.
Battler is fake, there is another Battler.

>> No.2863102

Oh let me be already.


>> No.2863108

I believe George wasn't pretending, he just decided Gaap was first to go.

>> No.2863119

Trolls or not, I think that every character still manages to have at least some sort of likable or admirable trait to them. I mean, just look at Eva. Sure she can be an uppity bitch who looks down upon anyone not directly related to the family as inferior, yet there's something heartwarming in the way you can see that she at the very least genuinely loves her son and husband with all her heart. Sure, she more or less becomes a mega-bitch when it comes to taking care of Ange, but between the extreme grief she must have felt over the death of the two people she cared about most in the world, and her environment and upbringing while growing up rendering her incapable of expressing that grief in any sort of healthy, constructive way.

And Rosa? Holy shit. Being the youngest of a group of siblings in a family like that? There was no fucking way she had any hope of growing up into a normal adult, even without the trauma she surely must have received when she accidentally got someone killed as a child. Consider how she probably had less time to be raised by their mother compared to the others, meaning more time spent being raised by insane, abusive asshole who kept another woman locked up elsewhere on the island, and it's no wonder she has no clue about how to be a decent parent. Yet, at least at the end of Episode 2, when it's just her and her daughter, she finally realizes what should have really mattered to her all along, and manages to serious the fuck up and act like a mother should at the very end. Considering just how horrible a mother she was shown to be in Ep 4, her turnaround at the end of 2 is even more impressive, I think.

>> No.2863140

jesus christ, if i don't stop reading all those spoilers i really don't need to finish the last 2 episodes

>> No.2863149

Have some willpower. Close the site and play Umineko. Don't return until you're finished.

>> No.2863155

It's more important how the stuff happens. Just knowing about it isn't a big deal.

>> No.2863157

ok, should I post more spoilers then?

>> No.2863178

go ahead, thread hidden

>> No.2863191

I just started playing Umineko myself and this thread is tempting me.
So far the goings have been terribly boring. The music is enjoyable, but the writing is poor, nothing is happening, and I don't think I can stand hearing more about the reunion of this group of people I've already grown to hate.

I've managed to get to the point where they're all having dinner. Please tell me I'm almost done with this ungodly first Episode.

>> No.2863207

Kinzo summons the 3 Siestas (45, 410, 00) to do the 1st twilight murders.
Kinzo also summons Virgilia, Ronove, Gaap.
George/Jessica die in the 2nd twilight.
Stakes were done wrong in EP4.
Battler dies in the very very end of EP4.

06151129 is the bank PIN number.
Ange dies, both in the meta and real world.
Kasumi survives.

Lambda and Bern meet in an unknown kakera and discuss plans to torment Beatrice.

>> No.2863214

You've barely even started it. Go take a few adderall and resume reading.

>> No.2863218

>I've managed to get to the point where they're all having dinner. Please tell me I'm almost done with this ungodly first Episode.

Keep reading. It starts off slow deliberately so you get to know all the cast, it speeds up a lot in the episodes that follow.

At least keep going until you hit the twilights.

>> No.2863249


Rudolf, Kyrie, Shannon, Gohda, Krauss, Rosa die in the first twilight.
Eva and Hideyoshi die in closed room for the 2nd.
Kanon is staked in the boiler room.
Nanjo, Genji, Kumasawa die in the parlor room with Maria remaining alive.
Natsuhi dies in the end by meeting 'Beatrice'
All 4 cousins end up missing.

>> No.2863271 [DELETED] 


>> No.2863297 [DELETED] 


>> No.2863311

Maria's body was found

>> No.2863318

Oh yeah, Maria's jawbone was found, along with her alleged diary. Sorry about that.

>> No.2863329

Second day is when the shit hits the fan but you shouldn't have found the inheritance talk, the epitaph talk, Rosa smacking the hell out of Maria and the magic talk boring.

>> No.2863370
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>> No.2863411


>> No.2863422

Oh, just wait until the first twilight. When the music kicks in, you'll see that all the slow build-up was worth it.

>> No.2863434


>> No.2863440
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Non-thumbnail version.

>> No.2863455

>the inheritance talk, the epitaph talk, Rosa smacking the hell out of Maria and the magic talk

sup. >>2863191 again. I don't think I've gotten to any of those things yet.
Well, maybe the first one.

I'll get back to reading soon, but if I see "In other words", "That is to say", or "I might have said this already, but..." one more time, I might just end up punching a hole through my computer screen.

>> No.2863466

Prepare yourself for atleast 10hrs more reading before you get to the first murders.

>> No.2863478


>> No.2863491

and all I got was psshhhhhh

>> No.2863495

Then you mean lunch and not dinner. If that's the case then I can see why you were bored. It doesn't pick up until after lunch.

>> No.2863536

So what is the story behind Uu- uu- uu-?

>> No.2863537

Magic words

>> No.2863544

It's a spell to get along with her mother

>> No.2863556

One day, at a picnic Rosa and Maria were having, Maria was singing a song to her mother, forgot the words and just went 'Uu-uu-uu' instead. Her mother still seemed happy, so Maria thinks that they're magic words that'll make her mother happy.

Except they're not.

>> No.2863568

It's a spell to make her mother hit her, she's a masochist who enjoys being punished.

>> No.2863569
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>> No.2863601

Am I the only one who didn't think that episode one had a slow start? I was enthralled all the way through.

>> No.2863622

If anything, I thought Episode 2 was the one that took the longest to get interesting. It's the only episode I didn't read in one sitting.
Episode 1 managed (to me) to set a good mood almost immediately and get me hooked.

>> No.2863656

Same. I thought the intro with the relationship stuff dragged on way too long.

>> No.2863698

The boring stuff from Ep1 felt a hell of a lot longer than the jessica/beato, george/shannon, jessica/kanon and rosa/maria stuff, half of which was actually good. Played episodes 2 and 3 pretty much straight through. Ep 1 took me a while to bother with due to it's slow start.

>> No.2863720

Those were only about 4-5 short chapters, (the first doesn't take much longer than ~5 min if you read fast enough) AND you got Tsurupettan.

>> No.2863837

Episode 2 picks up a lot faster than episode 1 but most of episode 2's best scenes don't match up to 1's.

Episode 3 picks up about the same as 2 but it's a good bit longer and most of its best scenes are better than 1's

Episode 4 takes the longest to pick up and it's by far the longest but its best scenes are even better than 3's

>> No.2863883

I fucked that up. Meant shannon/beato.

Episode 1 didn't really have 'best scenes'.

>> No.2863890

"Best scenes" are best scenes for that episode not the overall series.

>> No.2863942

That shed (or whatever building it was) scene was rather memorable.

>> No.2864052
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Ep 4 didn't take long for me, thanks to Ange, whom I identified with the thoughts of, heavily and whom became my favorite character ever in anything.

>> No.2864066

>Episode 2 picks up a lot faster than episode 1 but most of episode 2's best scenes don't match up to 1's.

Phoenix Wright scenes, Rosa musou, the chase scene are WAY better than the ones in 1.

>> No.2864124

That was my point... Episode one didn't really have any stand out scenes except maybe the discovery of the bodies for the first twilight.

I remembered that after.

Meh... I didn't mind the angst at first but it was too drawn out and I just wanted stuff to happen.

>> No.2864257
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>> No.2864281

The letter in the study.
