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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2850415 No.2850415 [Reply] [Original]

Cool, Mami Futami wasn't taken on iRO Valkyrie. Any anons want to make a 765 Productions guild?

>> No.2850422

I'm in projectrage, so no.

>> No.2850432

What's your nick?

>> No.2850436

Ragnarok thread? We had one like three days ago.

>> No.2850434

I think I saw a Chihaya Kisaragi the other day, but I forgot which server it was on.

>> No.2850444


Just started yesterday, so she is a low level mage.

>> No.2850454

This post was for this>>2850432

>> No.2850473


What's projectrage?

>> No.2850477


A server. 10/10/10 rates.

>> No.2850478

Where do most bros play, I might try some time to kill some time.

>> No.2850488

Addendum, I remember when I couldn't even download the client back around when it first came out cause I was still on dialup. ;_;

>> No.2850494

Are the third classes in there yet? Or when will they appear?

>> No.2850516


No, they aren't.

>> No.2850569
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Had a ninjutsu ninja cirno.

Spams Ice Spear or whatever it was called all day long at PvP.

Obscenely short cast time, no cast delay, 100% mATK for 12 hits is fucking ace. Too bad her HP leaves a lot to be desired. On the other hand, Cicada Skin Shed is the shit.

And my all time favorite character, Yuyuko the combo champion. People are usually expecting champs to snap in and EF, not snap in, fist to the face and shake the screen with Chain Crush Combo

>> No.2850607


I'm going to be honest, I've been playing Ragnarok on and off for a year, but I still don't know what all that means.

>> No.2850621


What's with the link in there?

>> No.2850627

3rd classes are on the main servers, Loki, Chaos, and Iris. Valkyrie hasn't seen them yet. I bet very soon.

>> No.2850648

Combo monks are only uncommon on private servers, where everyone just spams TSS and Asura.

>> No.2850672
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It means 3rd jobs are shit. Broke the fucking game. Gravity should have stopped with rebirth classes and focused more on making new jobs from novices that can rebirth instead.

Also, 3rd job females have all sorts of nasty spiky armor to deter tentacle/monster rapists, except for the archbishop, who retains the holy legs. I'd hit that like the knuckle of an enraged deity.

>> No.2850679

Why the fuck is this censored.

>> No.2850688

Ragnarok threads make me happy, but then I remember that even if I tried playing a server in which most of /jp/ plays, I'd be too shy to introduce myself.
And even if I got into a guild, I'd be too lazy to level/gear up, not showing up on WoE or whatever, and then I'd be too afraid to log in that character... damn, I think I have done that two times in the last months, on two different servers.
Oh god ;_;

>> No.2850689

woops sorry

>> No.2850692

Much better.

>> No.2850696

Because you broke the rules

>> No.2850704
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Actually, third classes come with a whole renewal of the RO system, which is still being tested, so we're not sure if they're that broken or not. Obviously, if you just put them in the current RO system, like in EssenceRO and probably a lot of other private servers, everything is broken down to little pieces.

Personally, I really want to try Renewal already on a language I understand.

>> No.2850706

Holy shit are you me? I thought I'm the only one like that.

>> No.2850714

This is a slippery fucking slope, Anon.

Good job.

>> No.2850719

Oh god, judging from doddler's wiki, RO is going to get even more broken. I didn't even think this would be possible.
Also, GJ gravity for making every class look alike.

>> No.2850721
File: 30 KB, 263x366, siondude0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres already a 765 Productions on micRO created by me. we have a nonowa icon

>> No.2850729

MMORPGs are a waste of time even for anons.

>> No.2850730

Either way, it can't possible get more broken than Sonic Blow with EDP and Link coming out of nowhere, can it?

>> No.2850736

Is there a server out there with no rebirth classes, thieves can have double attacked crit and dodge MVPs, Glast Heim churchyard only have slow ghosts and no hunter flies, everyone leeching off mages firewalling/ archers sniping argiopes, and all swordsmen, merchants, thieves and acolytes walloping thief bugs in prontera culverts?

>> No.2850739



>> No.2850741

Hm. I usually start it up again for a little bit every summer. I might do that again this year.

>> No.2850756

My CIRNO just got two geographer cards in a row.

>> No.2850758

There should be a server with forced anon and PK everywhere.

>> No.2850765

I'm so fucking sick of RO. I played that shit since I was in 7th grade. SEVEN fucking years hopping server after server. Goddamnit, it was probably the main cause of why my life turned out this way too. Fucking RO! Fuck the world! I still can't stop playing. ;_;

At this point, no it's not. You can still make a network of friends. I've made very close (lolonline) friends that would be happy to meet me IRL, though I know those are pipe dreams, but hey, it's better than nothing. And I even met an asian loli on a server, I married her and we talk on a daily basis. She still isn't sick of RO so I play with her as long as she wants to.

>> No.2850778

Enjoy your random Blessing level 1 or level 3.

I met with my guild a few times IRL. We even went to play paintball twice.

>> No.2850793

Im too ugly for RL meetings.

>> No.2850796

True, but it gets so much worse on higher rates.
To think I actually killed around three thousand MVP bosses, wasting such time for this game.

>> No.2850789

I met lots of online friends in RO. Guild meetings and such. Its like I'm not alone anymore >_<

>> No.2850811

Negative nancy, tsundere, etc.

>> No.2850822

I've been doing the same, geez, it would've never stopped if the server hadn't started seriously nerfing stuff and then shut down.I still long for the shit I had accumulated on my last real server though, it ain't fun killing seven hundred of a single boss, actually waiting for it to respawn. I think I came when I first dropped the card, and then another, and another...

>> No.2850826
File: 14 KB, 213x277, sionsfavoritereaction3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's a limit to taking it easy. play a real server.

>> No.2850827

Its only scary the first time. Do what I did. Come in strong and loud, like you're still chatting with them online. It breaks the ice very well. Then settle on talking about things about the game you all did.

>> No.2850834

In have killed just one boss, and it was a long time ago with my guild. And it wasn't even one of the strong ones.

>> No.2850835
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, screenLoki552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, I put away that game again months ago. I'm seriously trying not to pick it up again. The new stuff they're going to add soon is going to ruin the game even more.

>> No.2850840
File: 14 KB, 213x277, melonsmirk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a real server where i can level up to max in one kill

>> No.2850845

There's like a thousand of those, nevermind that your guildmates will have names like ~XxDarkSasuke1994xX~

>> No.2850853

I remember the first time we I met with them. We didn't exchange photos or anything so no one knew how each other looked. Thus, we waited for half an hour next to each other.

>> No.2850858

Unlike real servers.

>> No.2850862

I walked past each of the groups of people and listened in on their conversation, looking for one that will be talking about the Game

>> No.2850866

True, then again, I only join mature guilds for mature people such as myself. Meaning we only have mature names. Geez, they even had "families".

>> No.2850871

Where do most /jp/ people play? Might start just to kill some time if there are other people from here.

>> No.2850886

I sometimes play on MicRO because I'm lazy, on EssenceRO to try to look pretty and I may start playing on Project Rage, but I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.2850892

My guildmates were saying things like "Knights are a horrible job, they can't do shit" expecting me to catch the reference.

>> No.2850897

RO is for silly children. I only play mature MMOs for mature people such as myself. I just started playing EVE Online yesterday in fact.

>> No.2850901

My guild have the same restriction. No recruiting of retards with names like "Asura then B.Wing" "[DeX]Mr.FinalStats[AgI]" "-=S3P1R0TH2003=-"

>> No.2850903

EVE is fun until you realize it's impossible to catch up to veterans who have five years of skills ahead of you.

>> No.2850907
File: 564 KB, 1280x1024, cat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RO is for silly children. I only play mature MMOs for mature people such as myself. I just started playing Trickster Online yesterday in fact.

>> No.2850913

Enjoy your right-click menu game.

Hopefully Black Prophecy or Jumpgate Evolution will be good.

>> No.2850914

RO is for silly children. I only play mature MMOs for mature people such as myself. I just started playing World of Warcraft yesterday in fact.

>> No.2850915

What's with micRO? How many people from here are on there? One of my enemies apparently plays there so I'm reluctant to, but I might consider it.

>> No.2850920

Another anon here.

I had never encountered anyone with such retarded names. Maybe because I don't go to high rate servers.

>> No.2850926

Is coon still a reason for ban despite having a raccoon class?

>> No.2850929

All RO servers have people who come up with fucking names like that. You obviously don't play enough if you haven't seen at least one. I played on a 4/4/3 server for 4 years and I encountered a few of them, as well as in past servers.

>> No.2850933

My next grinding game will be Diablo 3

>> No.2850934

The easiest way to find people like that is playing on a BR server.
That was a painful part of my life.

>> No.2850935

"Asura then B.Wing" sounds like an awesome name to me.
Then again, I used to create guilds named after the item I was currently hunting, so I guess one might want to warn people about their playing strategy with their name.

>> No.2850946

Yeah, I lol'd when I first saw that bastard in PvP.

And he's a monk baby, so its funny to see him run up to the knights and cast Guillotine Fist.

>> No.2850947

>theres already a 765 Productions on micRO created by me.
How many people, and how active?

>> No.2850957

Well, I'm gonna give iRO Valkyrie a shot. Haven't played too much RO in the past but I'm bored. If there's a server with more bros playing, I'll probably hop over there.

>> No.2850963

I had downloaded ProjectRO yesterday (was it?), still haven't installed it though. So where are we going?

>> No.2850969

Babies are always funny, because they either suck horribly or are a joke character from some overpowered grinder, complete with god items.
Anyway, I would've liked to see a WS or a Creator named "Hi to Holgrehenn"

>> No.2850972

i would never let you in. go play with your barbies or something

>> No.2850984

I don't think he said anything about wanting to join your shit guild that probably doesn't hold any castles.

>> No.2850999

Whoa, hold off with the hostilities here. We're all taking it easy, relax.

>> No.2850998

PvP rooms used to have people sitting around chatting with some monks running in and speedcasting asura then running off to relog.

Now PvP rooms are empty... because everyone is a soul linked assassin cross on EDP with a finger on Sonic Blow.

>> No.2851004

I'll be on Mami Futami in about an hour, helping my friend get the final 2 anniversary hats

>> No.2851015

Hey, you've got it easy, come back when you have people using a proxy to nodelay sonic blow, grim or sprinkle sand, now that's rape.

>> No.2851050


There are a few 'classic' themed servers out there, but they only go back to about amatsu / are not even fully changed back to the way they were.

It would be cool to get a really old server going (I'm thinking about around 2.5 (WoE, clocktower) but before comodo. I think I have all of the old AEGIS files but no server to host it on (don't do windows).

>> No.2851053

So what happened to /jp/RO or whatever? Is that thing still up?

>> No.2851054

that's been dead for like a year

>> No.2851058

I think I'll start on Valkyrie too. What should I go for, classwise? I'm not going for assassin or monk, though.

>> No.2851070

I'm downloading the Valkyrie client right now.

>> No.2851080

I think people were trying to restart it on the last RO thread we had.

>> No.2851112

Get Idolmaster name
make dancer
join 765 Productions guild

guild of dancers, hell yeah.

>> No.2851214
File: 104 KB, 800x600, screenValkyrie031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guild made. I don't like being a guild leader but this is just for shits and giggles. Send me a message and I'll find a way to add interested people.

>> No.2851320
File: 168 KB, 1280x715, regios37560964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Jones playing WoW
>>Touhou character names
>>Sion has his own guild on RO
>>two geographer cards

I think the summer heat is starting to get to us.

>> No.2851327


What's wrong with naming something as a character from a game?

>> No.2851329

I don't play WoW, ZUN. It was a lame attempt at a joke.

>> No.2851330

jones playing WoW was pure irony though

>> No.2851348

Even though all MMO's are shit, WoW is still the best MMO. Enjoy your budget grindan gaems.

>> No.2851352
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That is pretty silly now that you point it out.

>> No.2851388


Seconded on both parts.

Nothing! There are a lot of Cirnos in this thread though.

>> No.2851403
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>> No.2851437


Counted two.

>> No.2851505


I'd fuck every cirno.

>> No.2851540

I used to play iRO sakray... anyone else?

>> No.2851581


