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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2845961 No.2845961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay what happened to the thread THAT time?

>> No.2845964

I'm guessing some queer reported it

>> No.2845965
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Yeah, last time it died because of replies, fair enough, but what the hell just happened?

>> No.2845966

Well fuck me. And we were having fun.

>> No.2845968

We've been reported again and again, but not matter how many times that happens we ARE NOT BREAKING ANY RULES OF /jp/ OR 4CHAN IN GENERAL.

>> No.2845971

You wake up in Gensokyo all over again.

>> No.2845974

/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.2845976

Faggots who hate people having fun happened.

>> No.2845977
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>> No.2845980


No roleplaying allowed. We were roleplaying as Shirou. Same deal with GM. I told you faggots to keep it low-key to keep away the janitor but noooooo, everyone had to have an imitation.

>> No.2845985

Well, it's not like we didn't know it was coming.

>> No.2845989

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Lets all just post Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti instead.

>> No.2845994

There is porn on the first pages. And they delete this? Seriously, what the hell.

>> No.2845995

You guys should move it to /tg/, that kind of thing is endorsed there.

>> No.2845996

The janitor was roleplaying that roleplaying isn't allowed and roleplayed himself deleting the thread.

>> No.2845997

A: Where in the rules does it so no roleplaying.
B: We weren't roleplaying, Writebro was posting his fic and we were offering input.

>> No.2846000

You're a retard.

A giant retard.


It was a guy writing fanfiction taking some of the plot direction from posters. If this is against the rules then every single doujin thread is banned, and 90% of touhou threads (since 90% of Touhou is fanfiction) is also banned.

>> No.2846002

No ones roleplaying shit. You're all helping write a FSN route.

Roleplaying implies tripfaggery, and people acting in character.

>> No.2846003


It was in the sticky, newfag.

>> No.2846005

Newbros don't know 'bout Gensokyo Man.

>> No.2846007

Why would Caster route be encouraged for traditional games OR gender swap?

>> No.2846008

I can't operate the easymodo archive for shit

anyone got a link?

>> No.2846009


>> No.2846012

It wasn't. It was added much later.

>> No.2846013

I see no sticky, and I see 1 rule on the rule board.

>> No.2846015


there's the thread that got deleted.

>> No.2846016

This just further cements /jp/'s position of "worst board on 4chan" having managed to usurp /v/ from it's poop-throne.

>> No.2846018

Fuck this. FUCK THIS! I'm going to go beat the shit out of those sentai midgets on God Hand. Sunset Heroes always cheers me up.

>> No.2846019

If the thread got deleted, then why does it still work for me? Refresh brings me back to the thread with all the images gone. Same with pressing go on my URL bar.

>> No.2846021

Well, play-by-post games have been on /tg/ ever since RubyQuest, and even that had a very loose basis in traditional gaming.

>> No.2846022

/a/, /b/ and /mu/ are all significantly worse than /v/. So /jp/ isn't THAT bad.

>> No.2846024

I love how some people apparently didn't expect this to happen.

>> No.2846029

Nothing happened with the other 5 250 reply threads.

>> No.2846030

There was fucking porn on the front page!

>> No.2846034




>> No.2846036

I love how Touhou porn thread is still there for like a day.

>> No.2846038

We've been getting a lot of new visitors lately.

>> No.2846042

There's even a dedicated "Quest" image board they've set up off site ever sine the whole questing thing really kicked off.

>> No.2846046

But you still knew it wasn't going to last.

>> No.2846048

Make it six (or seven?), considering that we had that berserker run.

>> No.2846049

Basically, a long time ago there was something similar to this current Caster route on /jp/. It was called You Wake Up In Gensokyo, or YUWIG for short. Its creator, Gensokyo Man (who was later found to be a woman and claimed waifu by many Anons) did basically the same thing - some sort of CYOA thread, or as you guys are calling it, "a guy writing fanfiction taking some of the plot direction from posters". It was very successful, I believe.
However, some day GM was banned, and a sticky put up on /jp/ saying something along the lines of no RP threads. A great shitstorm ensued. Why did that mod do that was a mystery, but... well, it happened. GM, his/her threads and a whole legacy of CYOA threads moved to touhouproject.com, where everyone lived happily ever after.

>> No.2846050

Even the writefag didn't know about the archive, so I assume he was a newfag too.

>> No.2846051

/jp/ is a board where "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" is not deleted.

If that's still here then I had assumed that almost anything was allowed.

>> No.2846052


>> No.2846056

Do you think the anon got banned? That'd be sad times.

I do see some FS/N on /tg/ occasionally though. They do the group story thing, and like medieval fantasy, so the heroic spirits and all should appeal to them.

>> No.2846065

Writefag doesn't give a shit enough memorize 4chan history.

If it wasn't moot himself attached to the sticky, it smells like bullshit to me.

>> No.2846070

In other words there's this one gigantic faggot mod who probably nerd rages against anything approaching creativity here.

We can't have that in /jp/ nope.

>> No.2846076

Those get deleted. The bot just posts it again.

>> No.2846077


>> No.2846078

yeah, especially since /a/ has a Storyteller doing CYOA katawa shoujo threads these past few days as well

>> No.2846082

As much as I hate to say it, I didn't think this kind of thing would last on 4chan very long. Which is too bad, because these threads over the past 2 days have been the best thing to happen in awhile (yes i liked YWUG also, but it was alot more gay and not as fun). There should be another place set up for this kind of thing.
Ironically though, this kind of activity, on any other smaller corner of the internet, would not be able to garner enough user participation.
Anyway mods = fags, deleting these threads was totally lame.

>> No.2846083

I was waiting for that.

>> No.2846085

Sounds like e-mail moot time.

Maybe he'll do us a favor and delete /jp/

>> No.2846088

Hasn't he been doing that for a while now? I swear it's been a few weeks.

>> No.2846089

Okay so, move to /a/ and post this. Sure we'll get a lot of troll replies. Sure there will be sage bombings. But at least it won't be deleted.

>> No.2846091
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>this thread

>> No.2846093

Problem: THERE HAS BEEN NO SIGN OF THE WRITEBRO! All is lost without his awesomeness.

>> No.2846095

He's probably just waiting for an excuse to.

>> No.2846096

Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies,

None of these ever get enforced on /jp/, ever. Yet some random no name mod can make up rules?

>> No.2846098

I've been posting in this thread.

>> No.2846101
File: 76 KB, 358x500, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfriends abound!

>> No.2846102

I told you guys those threads counted as roleplaying, but you didn't believe me. I was just trying to help you out and you called me a troll.

>> No.2846103

Finally found it.
Read that and see what happened, which included moot posting there.

>> No.2846109
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> Implying length of time spent on 4chan means something

>> No.2846110

Oh. Well then where should we take this? /tg/? /a/? Off site?

>> No.2846113

It's kind of cute seeing the newbros getting worked up over this situation for the very first time.

>> No.2846115

If I remember correctly, moot himself said he would determine what to do with roleplay threads, before he just got lazy and told the mods to do whatever they wanted.

>> No.2846117


>Implying that /tg/ stands for anything other than "What the people on /tg/ feel like talking about"

>> No.2846120


Spoken like a true summer boy.

>> No.2846121

Lets take this to /anime/. No one ever goes there.

>> No.2846127

moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ##Admin Wed Apr 9 06:42:01 2008 No.420581

I have been swamped recently and haven't had time to address this--my apologies.

Here are my two solutions:

1. Create a text board for RP threads. They don't require pictures, and are more suited to the long-term discussion dis.4chan.org offers. This would allow for centralized/ongoing threads with a limit of 1,000 replies.

2. Limit the posting of these threads to "x" every few hours. There shouldn't be more than a handful of them going on at any given time. As I said when I created this board, I didn't want to see it get overwhelmed with any particular topic. This is going to be a hassle to enforce so I'm leaning towards solution #1.

I'll [hopefully] make a final decision some time before the weekend.


Oh well, I wouldn't mind a general board where that kind of thing is accepted. That would be nice.

>> No.2846135

>I'll [hopefully] make a final decision some time before the weekend.

And we waited and waited. But then TP came... and shit didn't matter anymore.

>> No.2846137

You have no idea what role playing is like.
Neither do the mods, though.

I'll try to find a REAL example of touhou role playing. Compare it to the caster stuff, WUIG, or anything else. They're very different.

>> No.2846138

Doesn't make the situation any less ridiculous. This thread:
Is far more offensive. Any one cares? No.
"roleplay" thread was bloody damn good, yet it was deleted. Ain't that fucked up?

>> No.2846139


>Here are my two solutions:

1. Create a text board for RP threads. They don't require pictures, and are more suited to the long-term discussion dis.4chan.org offers. This would allow for centralized/ongoing threads with a limit of 1,000 replies.

>2. Limit the posting of these threads to "x" every few hours. There shouldn't be more than a handful of them going on at any given time. As I said when I created this board, I didn't want to see it get overwhelmed with any particular topic. This is going to be a hassle to enforce so I'm leaning towards solution #1.

Well, 1 hasn't happened, so I assume 2 was chosen. And I don't see any other CYOA threads.

>> No.2846140

You're the mod who decided they're roleplaying. Calling it.

>> No.2846143

If there was actually a Janitor or Mod this thread would be gone by now

>> No.2846144

It's all your fault for getting so worked up about it anyway. Anyone with a brain would've saged their replies to keep it off the front page but that would be CONSTRICTING OUR ORIGINAL CONTENT


>> No.2846146
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>> No.2846147

I actually do regularly go to an old fashion text based rp site. It really is nothing like this.

>> No.2846149

They were and still are banned, newfriend-san/troll-san.

>> No.2846151

I think the real reason is that moot hates /jp/ and anything that produces any enjoyment in the board must be destroyed because otherwise it won't just wither away in a slow and painful death.

>> No.2846153

"Real" roleplaying is fucking retarded. Check out Beast's Lair for examples of that.
CYOA isn't retarded.

>> No.2846154

Even though you say that, we were taking the role of Shirou in making decisions about Caster route. Isn't that roleplaying, although not as bad as those RP threads I sometimes see on /a/ or /v/?

>> No.2846155

make caster thread on /a/?

>> No.2846158

>And I don't see any other CYOA

Because they got deleted too. WHOA LOGIC FFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.2846159

No, it just means that moot is a lazy ass.

>> No.2846162

Somewhere a mod is furiously masturbating over the shitstorm and butthurt he caused.

>> No.2846168

Beast's Lair doesn't have real roleplay, nor is real roleplay retarded. Either way this was not roleplay.

>> No.2846170

He's also poor and swamped, but we don't care about those.

>> No.2846172


Then the solution is simple.

Everyone its time to Email moot!

....And by everyone I mean the rest of you. Get going.

>> No.2846173
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"Continued shitting up of the board will result in banishment. "

>> No.2846175

They somehow got deleted before being noticed, but this one achieved popularity and a lot of people liked it.

I suspect the real reason is that so many fun hating fags reported it that some mod said "screw this" and just deleted it just to get some peace.

>> No.2846178

why is there a rule against it anyway?

>> No.2846179

god damnit mods
if you're going to delete these threads, then you better at least promise to do your fucking job with all the other shit on /jp/ from now on.

>> No.2846182

I can't wait to have /a/ and /jp/ swapped around again, another /jp/ - Katawa Shoujo or getting /jp/ deleted!

>> No.2846186

THERE ISN'T. That's why we're pissed.

>> No.2846188

[x] go kill yourselves you whiny newfags

>> No.2846189

This was on march of last year? It's been such a long time.
I think I should be goin'

>> No.2846191

Found it.


Check the member's pages. Another example of role playing is the guy who posts on /jp/ as Sakuya Izayoi, complaining about Meiling (or as Meiling saying Sakuya was going to kill her). Usually with a picture of InuSakuya. Interestingly, that /jp/ roleplayer/troll used a situation of Meiling getting fired/kicked out of the SDM and being replaced by Komachi; which is the same thing that happened on this site.

>> No.2846192

But thats just being spiteful in true 4chan fashion. You should support it.

>> No.2846193


moot hasn't given a shit about 4chan in years. Emailing him will probably result in the board getting deleted for a few days out of spite or something, he's no stranger to doing stupid-ass shit.

>> No.2846194

Let's just go to /a/. They'll probably be quiet so long as we provide pictures of Caster in various levels of undress. Hell, we could got to fucking /h/, they don't give a damn about anything.

>> No.2846203


see >>2846103

>> No.2846206

He keeps us running and loses money on us, I call that giving a shit.

>> No.2846208

There was no roleplaying going on.

If this is what the mods think is roleplaying then they're idiots.

>> No.2846210


>> No.2846212

i am all for this if thats what it takes

>> No.2846213

CYOA is roleplaying.

>> No.2846214

What is considered positive contribution?

Our definition of "positive contribution" is the submission of substantial, helpful, friendly, and humorous posts to the boards, along with the uploading of quality images and files. We feel that positive contribution should be treated as a way of donating to 4chan without actually having to fork over cash.
Why is contribution so important?

Contribution is important because it is what drives this website. If we didn't have a dedicated pool of users who frequently contribute, we'd be yet another stagnant run of the mill forum. But we aren't. By having an increasing number of diverse and quality contributors, 4chan becomes more unique, interesting, and enjoyable to use.
How can I become a good contributor?

It's really quite easy. If you have something to add to a topic: reply. If you have an interesting, high quality, neat, rare, etc. picture: upload it! Share your mind and image collections with us. Don't just leech! Give back to the community which you take from. It's a simple and effective way to grow the site. Before contributing, make sure you're acquainted with the rules.

>> No.2846215


You call this a shitstorm? Were you not here when the WUiG writer was banned? That is what a real shitstorm looks like.

>> No.2846216

role playing and fan fiction
same shit, different asshole.

>> No.2846218

And how exactly is choosing what Shirou should do not roleplaying?
It's not as bad as >>2846191, but it's still roleplaying.

>> No.2846219

That's actually not a terrible idea. They don't give a shit about anything over there so we probably won't be deleted, and we could post Rule 34 as we like.

>> No.2846220


Everyone knows the mods are idiots. You don't think mods=fags came about because it sounded funny, did you?

But regardless, you guys still brought it on yourselves for getting worked up about it. I guess either everyone is new or you all forgot about GM real quick. You did the same shit with this faggot as you did with GM: "is he home yet? when's the next update? OH GOD I HOPE HE DIDN'T DIE SOMEHOW" etc

>> No.2846221

Give that a good read and come back saying that shit again.

>> No.2846222
File: 137 KB, 730x1016, a2dae6bd308c65a69204a4c0bddedc2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True freedom is worth fighting for. Do you call this...Freedom,Anonymous!? No! I certainly do not! It is time to turn our sorrow into hatred...Our voices have been quashed by the federations demands. No longer shall we remain in their shadow. So RISE! Rise and never forgot that we,the Principality of /jp/ have god on our side!... Rise! And never forget the emotion that has brought us to this point! Rise! Then proudly sacrifice yourself on the front lines! Now get out there!!!


>> No.2846224

Why do people keep mentioning mods? /jp/ has no mods, only a janitor/meido, and he knows how to do his job. CYOA threads have been banned for over a year, you guys should have expected the thread to be deleted. If you want fanfiction so badly there are numerous sites devoted solely to that topic.

>> No.2846226


Does that mean that real VN routes are, in actuality, RPGs?

>> No.2846227

Whats the reply limit on /h/?

>> No.2846228

Fun little story is clearly not a "positive contribution"

While this :>>2838956 is.

I think /jp/ exists solely to troll people.

>> No.2846233


moot hasn't given a shit about improving 4chan in years. happy now, retard-san?

>> No.2846234


>> No.2846236

The ones where you have choices, yeah.

>> No.2846237

You have found the hidden truth.

>> No.2846238


If it's not in the http://www.4chan.org/rule, it is not a rule. QED.

>> No.2846239

I'm not sure, I don't think I've ever seen a thread max there.

>> No.2846240

Not in the style it was being done in. Fanfiction sites want complete stories. Most ban CYOA.

>> No.2846242

Oh wow. I nearly forgot that. All of /jp/ went berserk when GM got banned. It was glorious.

>> No.2846243

>he knows how to do his job

Hahahahahahahahaha good one.

>> No.2846246

/h/ can be quite hysterical sometimes. And without porn, shit is often deleted.

>> No.2846247

Hilarious /jp/ drama. I'm sure the janitor is sitting back in his chair and laughing as you all scream at each other in fury. Either way, I don't give a fuck. Go continue it on the ghost board if you want it so badly.

>> No.2846249

Guys, Guys, /h/ has a vigilant janitor becuase of all the requests shitting up the board. Things get deleted FAST there. it only appears he doesn't care becuase there is so much shit and only so much a janitor can do.

>> No.2846250
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So you are the crazy sister that stole one of our uniforms.

>> No.2846250,1 [INTERNAL] 

And so it's gone.
Ghostbros, if you still want this Caster route, I suggest you try it on /anime/ or something.

>> No.2846250,2 [INTERNAL] 

I take it no one here listens to Boston.
Or they just didn't care.
