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File: 446 KB, 700x992, Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2844372 No.2844372 [Reply] [Original]

CASTER ROUTE THREAD. Previous threads...

You quickly make up your mind. You decide to invite Rin and Archer to your house.

"Rin, we should probably leave before the police arrive. I don't know how long you want this truce to last, but you can come to my house if you want."

She smirks at you. "Deal." Archer eyes you carefully, but makes no move against you. You head to the Emiya household with haste.


"Stupid bitch Tohsaka. Damnit Rider why are you so weak! You couldn't even scratch Saber" Shinji rages as he runs up the hill. He makes it to the church and flings open the doors unceremoniously. His eyes dart around wildly.

"Hello?" he shouts into the room.

"Can I help you?" comes a voice. A priest appears from the other side of the room in answer to Shinji's call.

"I need sanctuary. That bitch Tohsaka defeated me. She told me she'd kill me if I didn't come here. If I had Rider I'd make her sorry."

"Really now? It sounds like you lost command of your servant but you still wish to fight" the priest smiles.

>> No.2844377
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"I can't. I don't have control of Rider anymore and she's not strong enough to fight them."

"Well I may have just the solution for you. I have a servant that currently has no master. He is far stronger then Rider." Shinji's eyes light up at the priests words. "Gilgamesh, would you come out please?"

"What do you want Kotomine?" asks a blonde haired man as he walks into the room.

"Master Shinji is without a servant. Shinji, why don't you tell Gilgamesh about your fight and see how he feels about helping you?"

--End Intermission--

The first thing you do when you arrive home is make some phonecalls. Fuji-nee will need to spend several days in the hospital to recover, but will be fine. Sakura claimed to be feeling ill and decided to head home. School will be closed for at least a week as officials try to determine exactly what happened. As night falls Rin has Archer act as a lookout while you discuss the situation. You tell her about how you found Caster, and how you summoned Saber when Rider attacked you. She's shocked by you having control over both of them, claiming its a violation of the rules. Despite her unease at your power from having two servants, the two of you come to an agreement not to fight, at least until all other masters are defeated.

With no Sakura or Fuji-nee, you cook dinner for your guests. Afterwards you...

Talk to Caster
Talk to Saber
Talk to Rin

>> No.2844383


>> No.2844385

Talk to Caster

>> No.2844386


Ah well, talk to Saber, we need more points there.

>> No.2844390

Talk to Saber, we've spent enough time with Caster for now.

>> No.2844391

Talk to Caster
We need every Caster point we can get!

>> No.2844399

Talk to Saber

We have no saber points. We need at least a few.

>> No.2844403

We've gone with Caster everytime a choice came up. Let's see what Saber thinks of the whole situation.

>> No.2844407

It's not a violation actually (unless she refers to Caster being the Master).
Also, talk to Saber.
We need to make sure we don't get bad ended.

>> No.2844409

Talk to Caster.

>> No.2844412

Rider escaped, right?

jumped out the window after the book acting as her command spell was destroyed, right?

So we can find her later. No problems there.

Talk to Caster.

>> No.2844413

Seiba please

>> No.2844419

>"Gilgamesh, would you come out please?"


I saw this coming.

>Talk to Saber

I dont want a bad end just because we spent a little too much time with Caster.

>> No.2844427

Let's talk to Saber.

>> No.2844434

Shit if we had gone to the Church we might have convinced Kotomine to give us Gilgamesh.

Fine, whatever. Talk to Caster.

>> No.2844440

Why would we want Gilgamesh? He's an asshole.

>> No.2844450


>> No.2844458

Talk to Saber. I sense an incoming bad end if we talk to Caster.

>> No.2844464
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>He's a king

Fixed it for your mongrels. Also Gilgamesh teaming up with Shirou...? I dont see that going very well. Especially when Shirou starts to develop his tracing ability.

>> No.2844470

Plus only Caster is allowed to rape her toys.

>> No.2844473

Saber. We never did anything with her.
Purely for collection purposes. Catch them all!

>> No.2844476

For an epic Shirou x Gilgamesh x Caster x Saber 4some? Gil and Shirou tag teaming Saber, exchanging a high five as they do so?

>> No.2844477

Talk to Caster. We need Caster enhanced UBW to beat Gil.

>> No.2844482

Allying with Gil will get us stabbed in the back sooner or later and turned into writhing mass of flesh.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.2844488

Killing Shirou would eliminate Saber and Gil really, really wants in Saber's pants. At worst he'd begrudgingly accept his presence.

>> No.2844489

This implies that Gil can share. He cannot.

>> No.2844504

my vote is Rin

>> No.2844508

Gil can have Saber. I want Shirou to love Caster and Caster alone.

>> No.2844515

That only means Gil has to keep Shirou marginally alive.

Zombie in the Church Basement End

>> No.2844523

Gil doesn't mind sharing with Enkidu

>> No.2844525

>>>Using the mythological character as evidence for FSN
Oh you.

>> No.2844532
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I believe most Anons are shooting for a harem route, so they're wanting to build Saber affection points.

If/when we get Rider (my guess would be she's still around and perhaps Sakura became her Master again?), we'll need to build Rider affection points too. Hm.

>> No.2844533

The only point in talking to Rin would be if she has information on the other masters, unless that was covered in the dinner conversation. So no real point talking to her unless you want to talk about that blood fort thing, which you may as well get Caster into the conversation as well since she's the superior magus.

All of you saying Saber I can't understand why other than VN affection points. The only real reason for Shirou to talk to Saber would be about Rider's combat prowess and whether or not Saber thinks Rider is a threat. Since she's defeated Rider twice by now, I think everyone can agree Saber is the stronger servant, excluding NP since we still don't know about Rider's.

Talking to Caster about her condition and the blood fort , possibly with Rin, is the choice Shirou would take since it kills two birds with one stone. Shirou isn't that much of an idiot that everyone makes him out to be beyond his occasional bursts of self-sacrifice, which none of these choices warrant.

>> No.2844540

Harem end would be awesome. Talk to Saber.

>> No.2844545

Fuck, I knew this would happen.

Talk to..Saber? need some points with her I guess.

>> No.2844546

Not to mention she promised to teach us more about magic.

>> No.2844551


Good point, I forgot about that. Yet another reason not to bother Rin unless you think Caster would teach her something in exchange for the leyline.

>> No.2844559

体は剣で出来ている (I am the bone of my sword)

>> No.2844560

Why the hell can't we just have a group huddle or something?

>> No.2844562
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>> No.2844563

Oh yeah, the only reason we went with her.
Changing my vote to Rin.

>> No.2844564

Caster, you must talk to her.

>> No.2844570

Agreed, I'm changing my vote.

>> No.2844574

Voting Rin because we want the leyline.

>> No.2844577 [DELETED] 

Visit the best site for intelligent people:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


Tplk = Talk

PS: Every time you post junk there, you get 10,000 more of these messages on your shitty Retardchan.


>> No.2844579

Rin. We need mana, the leyline has that. Get leyline.

>> No.2844589 [DELETED] 

Visit the best site for intelligent people:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


Tplk = Talk

PS: Every time you post junk there, you get 10,000 more of these messages on your shitty Retardchan.


>> No.2844588

Rin. Leyline's the only reason we went with her.

>> No.2844591

Voting Rin.

>> No.2844592
File: 130 KB, 425x596, 3411f2ee25632476fa7a72db5e7d22d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have to have the Tohsaka leyline. Besides, we may want to get the one from Ryudou temple before someone else gets it.

>> No.2844599

That one requires a lot of brainwashing, which derptastical Shirou probably won't agree to.

>> No.2844606
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Rin fags, all of you! I wish I could hate you into a little girl.

>> No.2844608


If we get Rin on our side we get her leyline for free, though, and we also get Rin as an overflow Master for any Servents Shirou can't support.

Voting for Rin.

>> No.2844611
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>implying I don't want to be the little girl

>> No.2844612

It's not Rin we want, it's her stuff. Voting Rin.

>> No.2844614

Talk to Saber

>> No.2844617

Rinfaggotry smells like a samefaggotry.

>> No.2844622

Talk to Caster
Seems like talking to Saber wouldn't do much, Rin would possibly involve the leyline, but I doubt she'd go for it. So Caster seems to be the best answer in my opinion

>> No.2844624
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What if she's already using it? (Does she use it? Can she use it? Can more than one magus use the same leyline?)

>> No.2844627

Again, no point going to Rin saying you'll have Caster teach her/provide some other service in exchange for the leyline until Caster approves of the idea.

Still voting Caster, unless OP somehow combines the Caster and Rin conversations into one, or everyone gets together to talk in more detail about the current situation, which is just redundant..

>> No.2844628
File: 16 KB, 360x288, 1236558252443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>implying all the votes haven't been plagued with samefaggotry.

>> No.2844630 [DELETED] 

Visit the best site for intelligent people:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


Tplk = Talk

PS: Every time you post junk there, you get 10,000 more of these messages on your shitty Retardchan.


>> No.2844635

>>2844624 Does she use it? Can she use it?

I think it was mentioned that she can, and did, use the leyline in one of the routes where she was either severely injured or needed to recover mana quickly by being buried vampire style into the ground for a day.

>> No.2844648

Heaven's Feel when the Ilya's forest happens for the second time.

Kotomine was the one that did it though, I don't know if Rin can use it herself.

>> No.2844651

So, I'm wondering what will happen to Rider. I doubt this writefag is just going to let her fade away after making sure she didn't die on screen, especially since she's the class with the longest lifespan sans master.

Here's a thought: we still haven't seen hide nor hair of Lancer. Obviously the time line is all messed up, since Caster was either found much later or Archer and Saber summoned much earlier. Is it possible in this route that Bazzette is still alive?

Rider wanders the city, alone, without a master, ready to die, glad to be rid of Shinji at the very least, but still afraid for Sakura. She's so absorbed in her misery and worry that she doesn't notice Lancer when she walks past the grocery store where he works. He immediately begins following her with the intent to kill her, but as he waits for a moment to strike when there won't be any civilian witnesses, he hears her start to talk to herself, mummbling about Sakura, Shinji, the fact that she's masterless, and another master with two servants.

Thinking this could be critical information (and noticing that this servant is smoking hot a la that one Lancer vs Rider doujin) he reveals himself to her, and convinces her to come back with him to Bazzette's place.

Bazzette, being the smart tactical thinker she is, decides that the best way to fight a master with two servants is to BE a master with two servants...

cue much witty sexually tense banter between Rider and Lancer during the big 3v3 servant&master battle later down the road,

>> No.2844654
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Looks like 10 Saber 6 Caster 1 Rin as I'm writing this.
You decide to talk to Saber. With Rin talking magic with Caster, the two of you are alone. You're the one who summoned her into this war and you realize you haven't spent much time with her. Heading to the fridge you pull out a pie you had bought to share with Taiga and Sakura and gather some plates. As you sit down at the table you notice Saber eyeing the confection.

"Shirou what is that?"

"Its lemon meringue pie. There's a bakery in the shopping district that specializes in Western foods. Its pretty good."

You hand Saber a slice of pie and watch her dig in with a smile. Her face lights up when she tastes it.

"This is very good!"

You watch in fascination as she eats a second slice, and cuts herself a third. How does such a small woman eat so much?

You make small talk with her as she continues to inhale the lemon flavored creation. You briefly talk about today's encounter with Shinji and Rider. When you tell her about your encounter with Rin and Archer she looks less then pleased.

"Shirou, you could have gotten yourself killed. What were you thinking?"

"I couldn't let another tragedy happen, not like the one that happened last time. I don't want anyone to have to feel that feeling."

"Last time?"

You explain to her about the fire from your childhood. About how you were the only one saved, and spent months in the hospital. As you talk, Saber is unwilling to meet your eyes. She stops eating, and looks away with an expression of guilt and remorse. You realize that you've put a somber mood on the room. Looking for a way to lighten it, you notice one last slice of pie. Smiling, you put it on Saber's plate. She smiles at you gently before digging in.

Its gotten late. You've allowed Rin and Archer to stay the night. You...

Go to bed to get a good night's rest.
Head to the shed and practice.
Go to Kiritsugu's shrine.

>> No.2844657

what continuity are you in?

>> No.2844660

Doesnt happen in reality breh. F/HA was never real, remember? Kotomine is already kinging this shit

>> No.2844664


daaaw, and I never thought I'd be able to forgive pie after School Rumble...

I vote for shed.

>> No.2844665

Head to the shed and practice WITH CASTER.

>> No.2844669

>>Report to Kiritsugu

>> No.2844670


>Head to the shed and practice.

It is time to bone my sword.

>> No.2844671

OP here
> Is it possible in this route that Bazzette is still alive?
No. Kotomine just hasn't had a chance to use Lancer yet.
> I'm wondering what will happen to Rider.
Well she's still alive, and Shinji doesn't have the book anymore. You played the game, you know what this means.

>> No.2844674

>Head to the shed and practice.
Because there is a chance that Caster will join us.

>> No.2844675

Actually one of the things that IS real about HA is that Bazette survives.

>> No.2844678

Head to the shed and practice.

Caster time?

>> No.2844679


Well, I've never actually played the games unfortunatly, I've only seen the anime and read doujins/done general research on the nasuverse. But am I wrong in my remembrance that Kotomine stole Lancer from his rightful master in the canon storyline? Bazzette is as good a character to use as any for the position as "Lancer's real master."

>> No.2844680

>Head to the shed and practice.

>> No.2844681

>You explain to her about the fire from your childhood

I am dissapoint that you didn't say something to the degree of FIRE + 10 YEARS AGO.

>Go to Kiritsugu's shrine.

Kiritsugu had a shrine? Jesus, I'm forgetting everything about F/SN.

As for choice, either head to bed or go to shed. I get the feeling either choice will involve Rin+Caster running into to you to talk about your magic.

>> No.2844687

Though going to the Shrine probably means running into Archer.

>> No.2844688
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>You make small talk with her as she continues to inhale the lemon flavored creation

>> No.2844689

But does Rider truly have no master now?

Shinji's book is a fake command spell made by Sakura, who is Riders true master. when his book is destroyed Rider goes back to having Sakura as her master, and Sakura can create another book for him. but she can only do it twice. with Shinji going down ubw route and getting Gilgamesh, unlike ubw route Rider wasn't killed. this means she is back with Sakura
I'd have to go with shed, if we are lucky this is where Caster comes in and we may learn something new.

>> No.2844695


>> No.2844702

Say OP, after Caster Route do you think you could do that Lancer route we've discussed where Shirou summons Lancer and nearly the whole route is them getting wasted in a bar?

>> No.2844710

Head to the shed and practice.

>> No.2844712

We need a fancy schmancy name for this route. Obviously, the other routes names were based on pivotal story events, and its too early for that at this point, but its something to keep in mind.

>> No.2844715


>> No.2844719

Nothing happened that validates this name.

>> No.2844725


>> No.2844735

Use your imagination bruv.

>> No.2844738


Actually, I'm changing my vote to "go to shrine". Shirou needs some alone time to think about what he should do, especially after giving his life story to Saber.

>> No.2844742


>> No.2844748

You just want the bad end.

>> No.2844759

You are correct. Rider reverts to Sakura when Shinji loses the book.

>> No.2844762


I'm not convinced any choice will cause a bad end at some point in time. If Rin or Caster want to find Shirou, they'll find him regardless of where he goes.

>> No.2844769

[x] Head to the shed and practice
Possible Caster lesson again tonight.

>> No.2844807

Head to the shed and practice.

This is Shirou after all. He'll continue doing his daily routine unless he's comatose.

>> No.2844833

What's the source on this? Is it sfw or not?

>> No.2844844

Chronicles of an infinite ururun pleasure trip. It's sfw as far as visuals go. It's also the best FSN doujin ever, including all h doujins and CCC things. Get it at Gaku Gaku.

>> No.2844847

No /h/ contained.

PS. Rin enjoys uterus sex. The slut

>> No.2844851

It's also supposed to be a part of Tamate Note, but they were two sections translated separately.

>> No.2844867

The fuck is uterus sex. I didn't understand when I read it and after three months of rumination I still don't.

>> No.2844875 [DELETED] 

To me it sounds like totally normal sex because as far as I know the uterus would be involved but fuck I don't know.

>> No.2844882

The Uterus is deep inside.
Reaching it can be painful.

>> No.2844901

Shirou's giant cock ruptured her uterus. Don't ask me how saber manages to survive intercourse; this is the real reason Ilya cannot have an h-scene.

>> No.2844912

Then why/how the fuck would one have uterus sex!? THIS GAG MAKES NO SENSE!

>> No.2844922

Because Rin is a slut.

>> No.2844927

Roleplaying is against the rules. I have reported this thread and encourage others to do so too.

>> No.2844946
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Yeah, because you are the first to do that.

>> No.2844951

I encourage you to find something slightly more productive to do with your time.

Entertainment is entertainment, who gives a fuck what form it takes.

>> No.2844954
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Wow. You are a faggot.

>> No.2844956


/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

I see no rule against role play.

>> No.2844957


We got ourselves a rebel.

You think breaking the rules is fun? Why don't you go spike your hair and spray paint an overpass you little shit.

>> No.2844970
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To the normal fag, this would be a 8/10. To anyone who can see past his faggotry, he is a weak 0/10.

>> No.2844974


Quit feeding the trolls. I said it once and i'll say it again:

The more you say to them,the more they have to say back.

Ignore them and move on.

>> No.2844980

Isn't it contradictory to be saying that while using sage? Not that sage does anything of course, I'm just questioning the logic.

>> No.2844983

This is the worst post.

It combines saying something is against the rules when it really isn't, pointless saging, and SAYING you reported something.

Also, I vote shed.

>> No.2844988

>I see no rule against role play

Tell that to the mod dishing out 30 day bans to the roleplayers a year back.

>> No.2844991


What is up with Rin's swirly eyes in F/HA?
I could never get an answer out of anyone.

Does anyone know?

>> No.2844995
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You decide to head to the shed. You prepare to create a magic circuit and insert it into yourself. Caster's words ring out in your mind. "Shirou every time you do so, you risk death."

It's the only way you know. You only have what Kiritsugu taught you. You know no other magic. Reinforcement and Projection, an ability that most magi find little practical use for, is your only ability. Caster told you that you don't have to make new magic circuits each time. That means they should already be inside you, inactive. All you have to do is find a way to activate them.

Next to you lies an old shovel. You pick it up and hold it in front of you. It should be satisfactory to practice on.

"Trace on."

You close your eyes and analyze the structure of the shovel. Everything else is drowned out by your concentration. You see the patterns and attempt to reinforce the object. At first nothing happens, but suddenly a slight prickling sensation assaults your skin. Somewhere inside you it feels like someone has flipped a switch. The sudden rush of power is too much for you to safely reinforce with. It's like putting 10 pounds of mud in a 5 pound sack. The wood handle of the shovel splinters with a loud crack. You fail to reinforce the object, but then you realize that you did this without inserting a fresh circuit into yourself. You've made progress.

Before you can attempt it again, you notice a presence behind you. It's the servant in red, Archer. You realize he's been watching you this whole time.

"Trying reinforcement magic I see" he says with little expression or emotion.

"I'm not having much success. I guess I'll be taking lessons from Caster."

"Well she is a magus, and the strongest magical servant in this war. If anyone can teach you it's her. How did you manage to acquire two servants?"

>> No.2844996

Kaleidostick probing her anus.

>> No.2844999

Where's the roleplaying in this thread ANYWAYS.

I see someone writing with input from other posters.

>> No.2845002
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You explain to him the situation with Caster, the fight with Rider, and the summoning of Saber. He smiles softly and shakes his head.

"That was stupid. You took a complete stranger to your home, and throwing yourself between her and Rider could have easily killed you."

"I couldn't let someone suffer."

"If you continue on like this, all that awaits you is misery. Trust me, I know." Archer closes his eyes and sighs.

"But I want to protect them. I don't want to see people die over this Grail."

"Then you'll be fighting people much, much stronger then you are. You're going about this the wrong way."

You don't understand, and he can see it written on your face.

"Projection is the next step up from Reinforcement. If you lack the strength to defeat someone, then imagine what can."

Suddenly two short swords appear in his hands. He practices a few cuts and moves. You're struck with a sense of deja vu. They're so familiar to you, yet you've never seen them before. Your mind races as you study them.

"I better get back to lookout duty before Rin catches me and starts an argument. You should probably get some sleep. You have difficult choices ahead of you."

You nod, and head to your room. Rin and Caster are still talking. You bid them goodnight and lay down. In your dreams you see Archer fighting with his twin swords.

Morning comes. The sun has just risen recently. You're the only one awake. You...

Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.
Go to Sakura's house to check on her. You're worried about yesterday.
Practice in the dojo.

>> No.2845005

Time to go shopping.

After all, Shirou's gotta make a good breakfast for his harem

>> No.2845007
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Getter rays overdose.

>> No.2845012

Maybe she gained a form of mystic eyes?

>> No.2845013

Go to Sakura's house.

>> No.2845015

Practice in the dojo.

>> No.2845021

I'd rather not get raped by Gilgamesh.

Practice or store.

>> No.2845022

Sakura's House ho!

>> No.2845023


>> No.2845030

[x] Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Dangerous choice... Ilya showing up?

>> No.2845036 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 161x100, ily03a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go shopping, no scary monsters will appear there!

>> No.2845038


Biggest complaint is Archer being too friendly to Shirou. Hell, in all of the other routes, Shirou never sees his weapons until combat; why does Archer give him a freebie now? The magic lesson about Reinforcement and Projection is possible I guess if it was presented more in a snide and cynical way making fun of Shirou's ignorance but the rest of the conversation is too out of character for Archer. It's like Archer's trying to become your bro or something.

But since my ranting is unlikely to change what you wrote,

>Go to Sakura's house to check on her. You're worried about yesterday

>> No.2845040

Sakura can wait, while store can start some new shit and it's not the best time for it.

>> No.2845048


>Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Going to Sakura's house is just asking for a BAD END because chances are high that Shirou's not going to bring a Servant and is, in turn going to get picked apart by Gilgamesh while Sakura's getting raped by Shinji in front of him.

>> No.2845050

>Meet Ilya
>Get Rider
>Duel Saber

Let's go to Sakura's house.

>> No.2845052

Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Ilya meetin time.

>> No.2845054

Shinji's probably just wandering around right now, let's go recruit Rider and Sakura!

>> No.2845056

Okay. Store looks like Ilya hijack. Sakura sounds like Gil hijack or Dark Sakura hijack. Let us go with the safe thing and practice. We can still do something else once everyone is awake.

>> No.2845061

Sakura's house, there's recruits there.

>> No.2845087

Sakura's house. I'm still hoping we can get False Assassin because he's awesome, but for right now we need Rider and Sakura.

>> No.2845099

Because Archer is being friendly at the moment, doesn't mean he suddenly ditched his #1 goal of killing Shirou.

He was somewhat friendly in the Fate route IIRC.

>> No.2845110

Grasping at straws here, but maybe because there's a clear difference between the Shirou here and who he was?

>> No.2845122

He expressed surprise over Caster, so I'm thinking yes.

>> No.2845123

Go to the store, chance to meet Ily---

No, we haven't been almost killed by berserker yet so I'm not sure how she would act.

Sakura's house seems like a good or bad thing, I can think of a few things that may happen. we get turned into a pincushion by Gilgamesh, points with Sakura, possible Rider get, or meeting with Zouken.

I'll have to go with Sakura's house.

>> No.2845134

To the store!

Illya points are always good.

>> No.2845145

Sakura, partly because of Rider but mostly because I want to know if Zouken is going to be polluting things.

>> No.2845146

To the store. Mos def Illya. You need to see your adorable sister!

>> No.2845150

She giggles! She dances! She'll FUCKING KILL YOU!

Go to Sakura's house.

>> No.2845152

OP here. I admit its been a long time since I read the Fate route, but I could've sworn that when Rin and Archer are at his house and Archer has that private conversation with Shirou he sees Kansho and Bakuya.

>> No.2845157

I remember you, that's exactly what you said yesterday.

>> No.2845164

She'll fuck you then kill you.

Not to mention she'll kill half the town in the process.

>> No.2845168

>Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.
It isn't a F/SN route without the stupidly long cooking scenes.

>> No.2845170

Not really sure if Ilya is friendly yet, or if she will be friendly now that we have two servants. we may get taken home.

>> No.2845177

Its more likely Zouken or Shinji kills you then Sakura.

>> No.2845199

/jp/ are the powergamers of VNs. No wonder we like /tg/.

>> No.2845215

In my mind there are three possibilities

A. sucked into the erotical black hole

B. Murdered by the erotical black holes worm dad thing

C. Enslaved by Illya

I choose C.

>> No.2845218

Implying /tg/ wouldn't powergame or min/max.


>> No.2845225

Read again bro.

>> No.2845226

Not sure, I do know that Archer did something with Shirou when he was in the shed.. was it ubw or fate?

Zouken won't touch us yet, he sees us more as a useful part than a threat. unless he now sees us as a threat since we have caster we should be fine from him for a little. Sakura wouldn't harm us either.

Shinji will have Gilgamesh turn us into a pincushion though.

>> No.2845246

I'm 100% positive it was Fate, since in that route You never find out Archer is Shirou

He's also the most friendly in that route and sets you down the path to projection. I'm almost positive you see his swords then.

>> No.2845247


Archer was never friendly with Shirou in any of the routes. At best, he was civil towards him because Rin forced him to be. Sure, he may be interested in seeing how things develop as Caster is Shirou's Servant in this fan route, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to kill Shirou.

However, I do wish to change my choice as I did not read the whole "NO ONE ELSE IS AWAKE" part. Shirou might be worried about Sakura but he still has guests to attend to.

Make breakfast.

>> No.2845253

Ah, but we're not here for Sakura. We're after Rider. And we want to know how much of Heaven's Feel will be polluting the thread.

>> No.2845255

yeah now that I remember a little Archer isn't with you much in ubw.

also remembered something to do with him touching your back, slowly remembering it I guess.

>> No.2845257

This is true. Archer could be interested in seeing how Shirou progresses here, so different from how he did. It might help him understand and come to terms with himself. Something like that.

>> No.2845262


Remember, Shirou saw those swords already in the prologue. The only thing that Archer showed Shirou in Fate was his bow as he was testing how much he recovered, which he stopped when Shirou interrupted. After mocking him for a bit, he goes spirit form.

The only times you can really say Archer was friendly towards Shirou is when you're running away from Ilya's castle and when he arrows Gilgamesh at the end of UBW.

>> No.2845264

[X] Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Sakura points don't matter in a non-HF route. Everyone knows that.

>> No.2845269

Well, he did give Shirou a lecture on "follow-through," I'm not so sure I'd go as far to say it was mocking him though. Heavy cynicism aside it almost sounded like Archer was approving of Shirou continuing down his path to the end.

>> No.2845276

Do want rider information.
[x] Go to Sakura's house

>> No.2845282

Rider opportunity? Sakura's house it is!

>> No.2845286

>>psychotic loli
>>Rider or Dead End
>>shit nobody cares about
RIDER IT IS! Take us to Sakura's house OP.

>> No.2845287

sakura's house sounds very BAD END to me.

let's make breakfast.

>> No.2845290

Sakura's house, we aren't ready for loli sister yet.

>> No.2845293

Sakura's house sounds good to me. Dead End or not, it should be informative.

>> No.2845305

I specifically remember the "if you can't beat them, imagine what can" pep talk in Fate at the house.

Anyways I'm heading home now, sorry for the delay in writing. It'll be a little longer. Looks like 7 for go to store, 9 for Sakura's house, and 3 for dojo.

>> No.2845306

Good points all around, but I've got to go with Sakura's house.

>> No.2845328

Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Sakura's house sounds like a bad idea. Although with all the samefagging not sure if it'll matter anyway.

>> No.2845346

I'm voting for the dojo, not that it'll win.

>> No.2845399

Well it's not really for Sakura points, it's just one of the multiple outcomes going to Sakura's house may give us

>> No.2845425

Tempted to say Sakuras but I'd have to go for shopping.

>> No.2845453

I'm curious as to what would happen if we went to the Matou house, so uh... I choose that one.

>> No.2845455

Go to the store to buy ingredients for a great breakfast.

Sakura's a slut. You don't need to check up on her.

>> No.2845459

>Go to Sakura's house to check on her.
Dark Sakura / Zouken / Gilgamesh GET

I vote for great breakfast (+ loli sister GET)

>> No.2845462


I recall that line being said as they were running away from Berserker, not at Shirou's house. Maybe he mentioned it twice.

>> No.2845489

Sakura's house. I don't give a shit about black hole, but any chance at Rider must be taken.

>> No.2845495

I'm changing my vote. Screw the dojo, let's go see what's up at Sakura's house.

>> No.2845497

Archer emphasized that Shirou was a maker rather than a fighter as they ran from Berserker, but the actual line about imagining something you can beat them with came from a pep talk near the Shed.

>> No.2845514

No ilya points is always bad end.
Plus FSN is all about cooking.

>> No.2845529

Screw Rider, bitch is dangerous. She killed me when I tried to kill Sakura that one time.

Head to the market.

>> No.2845531


>> No.2845535

A: Only in HF
B: We have no idea how she'll act if we meet her.
C: Sakura's house.

>> No.2845541

Thinking on it, both Sakura's house and the market sound like dead ends. I'm changing my vote from market to dojo.

>> No.2845542

Someone has to love that girl, or she really will win the war.

>> No.2845544

What about UBW? Nobody loved her there and she died, or did you forget crying during that scene?

>> No.2845546

Illya can't attack in you broad daylight. She's going to be happy to meet her onii-chan and play with him. This way, at nighttime, she won't relentlessly kill you.

>> No.2845548

Market can't really be dangerous. Ilya wouldn't attack us early in the morning, I don't think Shirou ever even encountered her there in the morning in any FS/N game, and even then she only attacks at night.

>> No.2845558

Go to Sakura's house to check on her. You're worried about yesterday.

This is how it can go down, if you play your cards right.

Caster, having knowledge of True Magic, has a hack that can syphon infinite mana out of the grail without requiring a sacrifice. This immediately removes a lot of the competition there would be between Shirou and his allies in any other route.

Rider is now Sakura's servant, but there's no possibility of her protecting her from Shinji, since in any case Gilgamesh would kill her and maybe Sakura then as well. Sakura would not be in a position to refuse her brother or Zouken.

However, we have the Rule Breaker. If we can convince Rider that breaking her bond with Sakura will help Sakura in the end, by preventing her from being used as a tool, we can avert Rider's death as cannon fodder as well as Sakura's progression into Angra Mainyu. Rider has good independent action, but more importantly, our now ally, Rin, is going to be seeking something to keep our own party growth in check; her servant is also a magus, so Archer should be able to form a pact with Rider. This alliance will be sealed when it's revealed to Rider than Rin is Sakura's sister.

What follows is a rearranging of servants through dynamic use of the Rule Breaker. Rin can break her bond with Archer, and Caster with Saber, placating Rin who really just wanted Saber as her servant from the very start, and whose determined, no-nonsense personality (and lesbian tendencies) better suits her as Servant.

Archer's desire to kill Shirou can be obviated by offering him the chance to protect Sakura, breaking his pact with Rin and forming one with Sakuta, who is most in need of his help, and she will have a natural liking to him, replacing her (now hopeless) romantic desires for Shirou with an older, grittier version of him. Rider as Archer's servant brings this full circle.

>> No.2845567


That leaves Shirou with Caster, and Caster likely with Fake Assassin. Fake Assassin is no joke; he would be a true ace-in-the-hole against Gilgamesh, along the lines of an UBW Shirou or an Avalon-empowered Saber, even moreso since Caster is going to grant higher stats than she would under Kuzuki, since Shirou is a real magus.

Assassin is a nameless hero, without a real history, and he doesn't even possess a real Noble Phantasm, and it would incense Gil greatly that he cannot find a match. The reason being, Tsubame Gaeshi is a mastery technique, one allowing him to stand toe-to-toe with expert sword users who greatly surpass his stats and wield A-EX level Noble Phantasms. Gil on the other hand is a jack of all trades, not especially proficient in any one of his weapons. Enkidu would have no use, and the fact that Gil is completely mortal obviates Assassin's lack of a spiritual weapon, and as similar to the end of UBW, Assassin would merely cut Gil's arm off if he attempts to show off-by summoning Ea.
That or in a thirst for revenge after forcing Rider to sacrifice herself, Sakura pulls an eleventh hour summoning of True Assassin, who while useless against any other Servant can stab the mortal Gil right between the ribs, in addition to Shinji and Zouken.

tl;dr: The ideal conclusion of this route ends in Gilgamesh & Kotomine vs. everybody.

For what it's worth, I nominate this FSN run be titled "Rule Breaker", because that's all we've been doing so far, and it's reaped us quite the windfall already.

>> No.2845571

That's far too convenient for any FS/N story to play out.

>> No.2845584

What makes you think Archer would want to help Sakura at all?
He hates being a hero so much that he wants to kill himself so that he will never become one.

>> No.2845585


>> No.2845588

That's completely insane. Count me off the dojo, I'm voting for Sakura.

>> No.2845606

Well fuck you. Now that you have typed this all out, there is NO chance in hell that it will happen.

>> No.2845612

Here's the most obvious reason for making breakfast: Who else in the house knows how to cook beyond Shirou?

>> No.2845615

Also, I don't really think Assassin could beat Gilgamesh. We didn't really get to see a lot of that Assassin's ability, but he always fought on the defensive, so we don't know if he's good at sneaking. And if he can't get close to Gilgamesh he's not going to be able to do anything, and Gilgamesh has absolutely no reason to allow him to close the gap. And he'd probably die in, like, one rain of swords.

>> No.2845618
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 2b2e516db14becb595a05b30cfa7a699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"You're strong, Berserker"

>> No.2845627

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.2845633

I always loved how his feet are buried in the snow there.

>> No.2845634

So was the Heavens Feel magic around back in Casters days?

Did the greeks/romans/various savages have Magus's and Sorcerers and the such like that?

>> No.2845638


Sup, Xanatos.

>> No.2845643
File: 9 KB, 241x333, xanatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much.

>> No.2845645

apparently you dont kno jackshit about greek mythology

>> No.2845647

Still hangin out with them stone bitches?

>> No.2845650

They had many demigods. Lots of them. Medea was the granddaughter of Helios, the sun god.

>> No.2845660

No wonder she's so hot

>> No.2845674

Oh I get around. Guest starred in a couple Star Wars book from '99 to 2000. Not much since then though.

>> No.2845676

I saw what you did. And I liked it.

>> No.2845677
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>> No.2845680

Medea lived in the age of gods and true sorcery. Her magic is top notch.

>> No.2845682

She also serves a goodess in Hades. Forgot her name.

>> No.2845695

She actually mentions "I lived in the age of the gods, to modern day magi my magecraft must look like sorcery!"

>> No.2845698

What, were you that Blue dude?

>> No.2845702

The wiki mentions Hecate, if that's what you mean.

>> No.2845709

Nope. They just let me use my name. I was Jinn's old apprentice and a, you guessed it, scheming industrialist.

>> No.2845714

Yeah, that's her.

>> No.2845717

FUCK THE RULES I GOT magic women

>> No.2845723

Making me recall Jason and Medea...can Medea do to Shirou what she did to Jason and make him hella strong?

I don't know if she's got those herbs of hers to make the concoction with.
When you think about it, Nasu's Medea is nothing like the actual one in terms of powers.

>> No.2845730

Apparently that was just a Strengthening spell.

She still hasn't used that on Shirou yet.

>> No.2845735

Maybe, if she creates her temple. And if they get Gilgamesh in there, strengthening potion+UBW=one deflated golden balloon.

>> No.2845738
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>> No.2845745

I wonder how a D&D 3.5 Wizard would do in the Grail war, as a master.

Starting at level 10 since you need to be powerful enough to catch the attention of the grail, Human Race with various Heritage bonuses for whatever family you're coming from, unless you're a magus like Shirou in which case you'd be starting out at level 2 or so.

Perhaps 3 Fighter/2 Wizard if you're someone like Shirou with no real skills beyond determination and your little niche ability.

>> No.2845753

>Starting at level 10
Level 7 seems good enough. There are quite a lot of buffs and you can already move at crazy speeds and blow big areas at this point.

>> No.2845755

Even if it's "just" a strengthening spell, it must be way better than a regular one.
She goes through pretty much an entire ritual, chopping him up, put him in the pot with herbs, and voila, you have Super Shirou. Also, I think it's permanent, if not, very long lasting.

>> No.2845773

Speculation of servants while we wait, sure ok.

Captain Harlock as a Rider class.

>> No.2845789

Simon as a Berserker.

>> No.2845790


Lelouch Vi Britannia as an Avenger class

>> No.2845797

Kain as Lancer Class.

>> No.2845800

Gene from Godhand as a Berserker.

>> No.2845804

Rance as Saber.

>> No.2845813

Your mom as Rider

>> No.2845818

the loli bard I played in D&D as Archer.

f year loli bard

>> No.2845830

Atlantis as Avenger. The whole. Fucking. Thing. All in one body. The NP would be unleashing all the military might of Atlantis at once.

>> No.2845831

A bard would work better as a master than a servant.

They're great buffers, and perhaps if you abuse Diplomacy you can convince other masters into alliances.

>> No.2845835

aw shit, this thread just took a huge nosedive...
writebro if you come back I might suggest making another thread

>> No.2845838

So it'd be like Zero Rider, only instead of summoning the army, Avenger IS the army, and it comes with loads more dakka?

>> No.2845842

This is what happens when anon gets bored. Bad things.

>> No.2845846
File: 74 KB, 800x600, Caster40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's asleep. You're worried about Sakura. With Shinji out of the war and hiding at the church you decide to pay her a visit and make sure she's ok.

You trek across town to the familiar hilltop residence. The journey takes less then twenty minutes. Its early, but you expect Sakura will be up. You ring the doorbell and wait.

"Can I help you young man?" an elderly gentleman asks after opening the door. He's very old and using a cane to support himself, his pale features and beady eyes looking you up and down.

"My name is Shirou, I'm a friend of Sakura's. I wanted to check up on her after the incident at the school yesterday and make sure she's ok."

"Ahh, so you're the Shirou I've heard so much about. I am Matou Zouken, Shinji and Sakura's grandfather. Please come in."

You follow him into the estate that you have not entered in over a year.

"It's good to see Sakura has people worried about her. She's feeling a little ill, but she's helping me with some chores in the basement. Let me show you the way."

You don't recall there being a basement to Sakura's house when you played here as a child with Shinji. Zouken leads you to a dark, narrow stone corridor. An odd smell assaults your nose.

>> No.2845850
File: 85 KB, 550x514, Caster19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Please forgive us, but we had a problem with water getting trapped down and there's a slight smell. Watch your step."

You descend into the darkened basement with Sakura's grandfather. As you near the bottom, your blood starts pumping. Your heart rate picks up. Thump. Thump. Thump. Suddenly every hair on your body stands up. The smell is worse down here. It's too dark to see.

"I guess we could use a little light."

A soft glow illuminates the room. Your head spins. It takes a moment for your mind to register the scene before you. You see worms everywhere. Crawling on the floor. Crawling on the walls. Then you notice. Sakura is kneeling in the middle of the floor, her head low, hair covering her face. Worms are crawling over her, going under her clothes, exploring her body. You nearly vomit.

"Beautiful isn't it? I'm so glad you came by to visit us, especially without your Servants! What a thoughtful little gift!"

Quickly you raise your hand and go to use a command spell. "Caster come to me!" you shout. Nothing happens. When you look to your hand, you realize its gone. An involuntary scream comes from your throat. A sound. You look to its source. You see a man in black, with a white skull mask grinning at you. He holds your hand up for you to see. You back away and slip. You fall on your back. Suddenly worms swarm you. They bite you, tearing out chunks of your flesh. Sakura never moves. As you go into shock, the last thing you see is the laughing face of Matou Zouken.

Bad End.

>> No.2845850,1 [INTERNAL] 

For those who aren't aware, Caster Route is being continued at http://plus4chan.org/boards/coc/res/13334.html
