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2838985 No.2838985 [Reply] [Original]

So, in order to better understand the mysteries on Rokkenjima, let's think about the epitaph of the portrait.

Why is it here? Why was it put in place? Did the text exist before the portrait? Just a few things to get the ball rolling.

>> No.2839030
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The epitaph is a red herring, Beatrice's true riddle is her delicious Zettai Ryouki and how to get to it.

>> No.2839150

The old Kinzo put epitaph there. Then after he was killed, people start using it as a cover up for the mass murder.

>> No.2839170

That's...not what I think.

There's someone out there that REALLY wants people to accept magic for whatever reason. Whoever it is, he's willing to go to GREAT lengths to make it seem like magic killed someone. Think of the first twilight in the second game.

Whoever it is wrote the epitaph so that, when his/her plan went into action, the witch would be blamed, capitalizing on the opportunity that Kinzo died, knowing that odds were likely that there would come a time where people would fight tooth and nail for the inheritance.

Hell, maybe he/she was getting bored of all the waiting, so she/he set a plan in motion to attempt to bankrupt the children.

>> No.2839181

For what it's worth, the portrait was hung around the same time the guesthouse/hotel was built (~2 years ago), and my feeling is they're related, although obviously there's nothing to support that. Also, huge bombs

>> No.2839198

Could it be a secret passage?

>> No.2839214

Sumadera family wants the Ushiromiya family's fortune. In order to frame it on something that'll divert attention to themselves, they're dedicated to following the epitaph in order to create the idea that this was all some sort of evil ceremony and not just an ingenious plan to get the sole inheritor of the Ushiromiya fortune, the young Ange, into the Sumadera family so that they can exploit the money for themselves.

Gohda's working for them on the inside and has leaked the information about the epitaph. He's the only person that didn't have a family that Ange was able to contact. Ultimately, he's considered an expendable asset, which is why he ends up dead.

>> No.2839374

ooh, that would be nifty. It would explain the Ep1 final deaths just as well as HUEG BOMB, too

>> No.2839504

That theory seems a bit too far-fetched to me...

The painting is rigged with MACKEREL

>> No.2839535

Except that doesn't explain how the culprit would be sure that the rest of the survivors would be at the portrait at the stroke of midnight. Yes, there was the letter which incited Natsuhi to go there, but I think it'd be easier to assume they were then poisoned by some gas attack or something, like what happened in Higurashi EP3, and then hidden/buried in the forest.

>> No.2839600

One thing we need to determine before we can even start the crazy theories: Eva. Did she, or did she not use the epitaph to find the gold. None of those scenes can be proven, and might have just been the setup for the Evatrice story. The only two to leave the guest house at the time were Eva and Rosa. One didn't live to tell and the other can't be trusted.

If the epitaph really does lead to the gold, then that's all there is to it. The culprits could have any number of reason to follow the epitaph when killing everyone, thinking it was a test for the headship, a map to the gold, or just a good cover story.

>> No.2839626

It's pretty obvious the gold is hidden at the kuwodarian. I would guess that Eva either stumbled upon documents referring to the kuwodarian in the study where she was trying to solve the epitaph, or she happened to wander around the island and found it (or the hidden path to it).

This is not to say the epitaph doesn't reveal the location of the hidden gold. It very possibly might, but I believe that it's actually used for something else.

>> No.2839822

I've been considering the epitaph for some time. Is it hinting at the location of the hidden gold? Part of it is at the least- the first few paragraphs up to the twilights seem to be trying to guide one to the gold. And Eva and Rosa found it with the epitaph's help.

But what do the twilights mean? I've considered that they might be a word puzzle. The 'gouge the **** and kill' bit might be instructions for altering existing characters in order to create new ones, but nobody with a strong grasp of Kanji, or Japanese in general, has been able to offer much info in that regard.

And then there's the prizes- the gold, the resurrection of the dead, the revival of the lost love, and putting the witch to sleep for all eternity. All things considered, this seems like overkill. Reviving the witch just so she can die again right after? Wuh?

>> No.2839851

So here is what I think: the epitaph is also a message directed at Battler. Kinzo might have had the initial clues in mind from the time he built the mansions, but didn't publish them until his time was near. Battler had left the family at the time, but the after effects of his 'sin' on Rokkenjima were still expanding and growing. So Kinzo made an addendum to the epitaph, cryptically explaining what needed to be done to stop the upcoming tragedy to the only person who could stop it- Battler. "Find the gold" "Resurrect the dead" "Revive the lost love" "Put the witch to rest"... while some of these may not be literal, all of them seem to be steps in a larger plan to bring peace to the family.

>> No.2839869

The odds of Battler reasoning out what Kinzo was trying to say were slim. And the chances of him pulling it all off even worse.

But then, Kinzo's magic was always based on mathematical miracles.

>> No.2839896
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Well, I'm going to use this thread for my question, even if it's not related to the epitaph, sorry.

Isn't the red text a bit of a contradiction?

Battler wants to prove that Beatrice doesn't exist, yet he believes her red text. If she said "I exist" in red, would he be crushed instantly? Isn't it a kind of unfair weapon Beatrice could use at any moment if she feels she's going to lose?

>> No.2839916

Beatrice probably exists, so the red wouldn't invalidate anything.

The issue is were the murders done by a witch, or more specifically, with magic? That would not be able to be said in red since it's false.

>> No.2839930

>If she said "I exist" in red, would he be crushed instantly? Isn't it a kind of unfair weapon Beatrice could use at any moment if she feels she's going to lose?
Then Lambda and Bern will show up and go "lolno."

>> No.2839940
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Red text is like setting ground rules so Beatrice and Battler can play their game.

If she let it end that easily, it wouldn't be any fun, and then it's many many more years of boredom.

So she's milking this game for whatever it has.

>> No.2839947

She won't use anything that would definitely prove magic exists because it would force a stalemate. Battler would refuse to accept, but he also couldn't argue against it. No red "magic exists" or anything like that.

As to the red text itself, it's the only leg he has to stand on, so to speak. If he ignores it there's no game basically.

>> No.2839950

Wouldn't that just be like the Magic fight?

if pushed into a corner he could just deny the red truth until the end of time.

>> No.2839988

If the meta world holds any real value (which I assume it's just the world in between worlds), and if the definitions of what existence means remains the same, then by saying she exists, she may be just confirming that meta-world Beato exists, which would be true.

Using the red to explain magic is really tricky.

>> No.2840003

Magic exists. But not on Rokkenjima.

>> No.2840028

anyone have a copy of op pic without the text?

>> No.2840038
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>> No.2840543

What about the twilights? Do you think they're some kind of word game? Removing certain characters?

>> No.2840592
File: 69 KB, 646x506, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking numbers. Like the number on the chapel. We haven't been officially told what it is, but I have an idea...

>> No.2840642

Someone needs to make a full size framed painting of this kinda like that framed portrait of Horo.

>> No.2840665

> I've considered that they might be a word puzzle. The 'gouge the **** and kill' bit might be instructions for altering existing characters in order to create new ones, but nobody with a strong grasp of Kanji, or Japanese in general, has been able to offer much info in that regard.

I've seen people say this a few times... and isn't that exactly what the adults come up with in Ep3? Or are you suggesting something slightly different?

>> No.2840704

It explains far more than that.

Lets make the HUGE assumption that Kyrie's story over the phone wasn't entirely bullshit.

They've still only been TOLD that they're in the other mansion (I keep forgetting the name when it's important, fuck). And remember that they had to run quite a distance to get out of there, so it's not impossible that they never were. They could easily have been anywhere on the island. The secret passage could do most of the work.

>> No.2841123


I think they meant something more along the lines of an anagram. What I'm meaning is that you would take an existing Kanji and 'gouge out' a part of it creating a new character.

>> No.2841206

What I want to know is what the lyrics in Happy Maria correspond to. A part of me can't help but think that it's a list of "sins" of the family members.

>> No.2841227

Funny you should say that, I was planning on it. Need a nice high res version of it though.

>> No.2841662

Kyrie was trying to tell give Battler a message in that phone conversation, but presumably she had a gun to her head and was being coerced to speak. That whole bit about 'Kanon's red laser' and 'a golden thread that attacked through the keyhole' were probably meant to be leading statements. The 'red laser' might be a torch like Battler considered, I've also brought up the possibility that it is actually referring to the laser sighting on a gun, which was used to shoot off the locks.

The 'golden thread' attacking through a 'keyhole' is tough however. As Battler saw, nothing can pass through the door knobs, regardless how thin it is. She might be referring to the epitaph. The key that leads to the golden land? Was the person who claimed the name of 'Goldsmith' holding a gun to her head and telling to make up a magical story?

Or was she trying to indict a particular person, i.e., someone who might be associated with a 'gold thread'? The same person who carried out the killings in the first twilight, the 'key' that selects the sacrifices? Then there is the matter of why Jessica knew both how she would die, and how George died...
