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2837018 No.2837018 [Reply] [Original]

So my Tsukihime import (yeah yeah I didn't pirate so I'm an idiot) came in the mail about 2 or 3 day ago. I just finished Arc's route and felt not a little sad. Then the credits started rolling and... what the fuck was with the wailing guitars?

>> No.2837040

Only Arc True? You have not yet begun to cry. As for the guitar credits, the song is called Nowhere and... I've got nothing. Does ANYONE know what's up with the pseudo Guilty Gear ending theme?

>> No.2837055

How much did you pay for it OP?

>> No.2837057

Assuming you just finished the route once, go back through the ending again. There's a choice in the epilogue now that'll make you happy.

>> No.2837058


No Idea but I always thought it was awesome

>> No.2837068

I'd rather not get into that. I hate myself for paying ANYTHING considering that I know EXACTLY how to pirate the damn thing. Stupid moralfaggotry.

I agree that it was awesome, it just seemed like it belonged to a different game.

>> No.2837076

>Tsukihime import
Holy shit, they don't even sell those anymore. You must have paid so much for a second hand copy or something.

>> No.2837078

Yeah... moving on to less depressing (I hope) subjects, do the routes get happier after Arcs.

>> No.2837089

You should be happy about owning it. It's a good game, and a rare one at that. I would like to own it, but I don't think I would be able to afford it.

>> No.2837091

Uh... kind of. Ciel's Route has two endings, one of which is a happy end and the other of which is an even HAPPIER ending. Then we get Akiha's route, which is LOL GRIMDARK and stars the shittiest heroine, so don't expect to be too happy after that. then there's Hisui's route. And that's where you stop being able to describe things with words.

>> No.2837094

>shittiest heroine

No, that would be Ciel.

>> No.2837095

Trust me, Arc's route is one of the less depressing routes.
And you're not -that- much of an idiot to actually buy the VN.
After playing a pirated version of Tsukihime I considered buying the actual VN. Just so I can physically touch it.
Mind if I ask where you bought it?

>> No.2837098

You have a shit taste. Akiha's route is by far the best, quickly followed by Hisui's route.

>> No.2837100

I actually got it off Ebay if you can believe it (so I suppose 'import' isn't technically correct). As I'm pretty sure this was a miracle, I wouldn't hope for too much.

>> No.2837102

Shut your whore mouth. Akiha's route was one of the best routes.
The Near Side routes, not so good.

>> No.2837103

Personally I was depressed the most during Arc's route. And then it's a tie between Akiha true and Hisui true.

>> No.2837104

Kohaku has the best route. Hisui's is actually pretty boring aside of the endings and insanity scenes. That said, Hisui is the best heroine.

>> No.2837109

Yeah that's pretty much a miracle.

>> No.2837129


>> No.2837135

...THAT'S THE ONLY DIFFERENCE? Whether or not she THINKS she can handle the impulse? What a rip-off.

>> No.2837144

Yeah Arc's route kind of irritates with that minimal level of distinction. The other routes are better, with the ending actually depending on Shiki's actions.

>> No.2837151

Wait until you get Ciel's last choice (you can get Ciel Good AND Ciel True right off the bat). I'll simply say that it involves obeying or disobeying Arc.

>> No.2837162


>> No.2837165
File: 150 KB, 1104x920, 1238540918818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- Here's how it goes OP.

>> No.2837175

No it's not a rip-off, but obviously makes sense. Don't try to weazel-talk Nasu aniki

>> No.2837178

Who the fuck added all that crap to lower row?

>> No.2837180 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Isn't it sad ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I cried the most when you say you like Sacchin, but end up killing her anyways.

>> No.2837183

OP here. What the fuck is up with the mustache thing at the end? And who's Aoko?

It's just so anti-climactic!

>> No.2837191

What, and you DIDN'T fell happy for the Kohaku ending?

>> No.2837208

Didn't you read the prologue? Aoko is the sorcerer who gave Shiki his glasses.

>> No.2837219

Oh right, sensei. But then what about the other thing, with the mustache?

>> No.2837222

It's not what she thinks, it's more like how much the energy she takes back from Roa rejuvenates her.
In the True end, we assume it's not enough for her to be freely out, while the good ending assumes it's enough to at least wander around normally.
It's not her perception that changes, rather the effect.

>> No.2837230

tl:dr, Nasu logic, don't question it OP.

>> No.2837229

It's the fact that a rote supposedly exists for Sacchin, but he didn't like it enough to put it in the game, and she just ends up always dead or a joke.
And then he makes a joke that her 'Supposed' ending is the basis for Melty Blood.

>> No.2837245

Who's Sacchin? (I've avoided Tsukihime spoilers as much as I can, so if this is something obvious, that would be why I'm asking).

Oh and what was that thing that happened before the title screen appeared, with a kid (I presume Shiki) finding a bunch of people dead? I assumed it was the accident, but that is obviously not the case anymore. Does it get explained in later route?

>> No.2837246

It's not weird logic, it is a simple 'What-if'.
If there was no distinction in the events, what's the point of different endings?

>> No.2837255

Sacchin = Yumizuka Satsuki, the class idol.

You'll find out more about her later on if you completely ignore Arc and Ciel.

>> No.2837262

You'll find out a little bit more about the pre-title scene later in the game, but it only gets explained in depth during Kagetsu Tohya. Also the manga, but the manga's awesomeness can only be truly appreciated once you've been Tsukihime and Kagetsu (which you should just pirate btw).

>> No.2837269

This place sucks and is for retarded morons only. You should check out the best site on the WWW instead:

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2837275

Ciel true is the best ending. Ciel is the best heroine and Shiki does not deserve her. Everything else said ITT is bullshit.

>> No.2837282

Ciel Good, Hisui True, and Kohaku True are all better endings and Hisui is a better heroine.

>> No.2837287

Honestly, as much as I liked Ciel, I found that I much preferred Arc.

But hey, to each their own, right?

>> No.2837295

Hey someone who doesn't just spout memes by the Doujin Work guy, hooray!

>> No.2837440

Ciel was better in everyone else's routes.
Her true ending was nice, that was about it.

>> No.2837498

Tsukihime's music is poor.

10 tracks and 3 are reserved for specific parts, that only leaves 7 for the rest of the game.

>> No.2837510

Wow, a visual novel with no real budget has meh graphics and sound, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?

>> No.2837525

>my Tsukihime import
I would buy Tsukihime
>what the fuck was with the wailing guitars?
sounds like you used the original game soundtrack. that was a mistake.

>> No.2837538

Umineko has no real budget and awesome music.

>> No.2837561

It has a far more experienced and well backed up team in comparison.

>> No.2837573

It came out 7 years after Tsukihime as well.

>> No.2837585

By the way, take Rougoku out of Umineko folder and replace track 05 in the CD Folder in Tsukihime.
Revisit Dream scenes.
Shit just got epic.

>> No.2837590

>Umineko music in Tsukihime

>> No.2837598


>> No.2837640

Tsukihime has awesome music. It can get repetitive but the tracks themselves are great.

>> No.2837671

You know, I thought I was the only one who actually enjoyed the normal Tsukihime tracks.

>> No.2837673

Which track is that? My bgms aren't label'd

>> No.2837762

This. A thousand times this.

>> No.2837782

You are not. And Ketsubetsu is awesome. It makes me cry girly tears every time I hear it.

>> No.2837785

I like Under the Moonlight, Homesickness, and Nowhere (as out of place as it is).

>> No.2837799
File: 26 KB, 1104x920, e321c0e2cbf01fa4d1b4e8a8b81a7d29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like that Sacchin Ending reaction, so here's the old one.

>> No.2837804

Fuck you.

>> No.2837809

retarded /b/ version.

>> No.2837813
File: 309 KB, 582x456, 1244225165082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god don't get me started...

>> No.2837814
File: 13 KB, 317x367, 1243348075273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2837816

I didn't know that when I grabbed it, I just thought it was odd.

Thanks so much.

>> No.2837856

>>>under the moonlight


Kickass remixes
