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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2834486 No.2834486 [Reply] [Original]

Steam avatars, /jp/. This was on /v/ too, but perhaps there will more likely be people here who play on weeabootique.

>> No.2834497

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.2834510

laughing danny elfman.jpg

Sorry /v/, but we don't do that Steam nonsense. We play STGs on MAME and eroge all day here in /jp/.

"Weeabootique" is Daniel H. Kim's name/pretend anime store though. I hope he isn't a /v/ friend.

>> No.2834534
File: 7 KB, 195x197, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw you guys, I play on there.

>> No.2834541

I play TF2 every 1-4 days, but I don't go on shitty /v/ servers.

>> No.2834594
File: 73 KB, 370x248, mikuyawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We play STGs on MAME and eroge all day here in /jp/.
You're only fooling yourself there.

>> No.2834636

...perhaps you just don't belong.

>> No.2834638

I could've sworn that 90% of Weeabootique is inhabited by /jp/ just judging by the names.

>> No.2834647

No wonder it's so shitty.

>> No.2834650

Yeah. The shitty portion of /jp/ that goes to /v/ and /a/ also.

>> No.2834656


Are there Touhou-related names? You can tell if they're real /jp/'ers or not by the character.

If it's Cirno, Alice, or the Eientei crew, then it's most likely the /b/, /a/, or /v/ bros. Especially with Cirno.

>> No.2834659
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, that might be true, but uh -

>> No.2834660

Why so tsun /jp/ ?

>> No.2834661


Cirno is KoG material broski.

>> No.2834663

But the Teek sucks. :3c

>> No.2834664
File: 97 KB, 175x150, reg1166129060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's that IRC channel again!

>> No.2834665


Reported for CurryButt.

>> No.2834666

>We play STGs

Oh how I wish, it's just endless Touhou bullshit with 9% of them playing the games.

Get some Cave in here.

>> No.2834673

Anybody not saging this thread is OP.

>> No.2834681
File: 32 KB, 158x144, miku2v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRC Channel?
Regardless, if my life were on a bet, I wouldn't doubt that at least half of these members browse /jp/, invalidating your statement.

>> No.2834688

>>86 Online

There aren't even that many people on /jp/ at the moment. We don't even get that much during our most busy weekend times.

Who are these people? Just lurkers that never post?

>> No.2834707


Protip: Tons of people go on IRC and chatrooms and leave the window open for weeks. That's why in a lot of IRC rooms, you'll see 200 people in it, but only 3 or 4 of them are talking.

>> No.2834718


Yeah, I now remember why I haven't been to an IRC room in 15 years.

>> No.2834720
File: 150 KB, 480x640, adc5b0311c71273c3150f974d5b3dc27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mixture of everything.
Lurkers, posters, people with absolutely no relation to /jp/ whatsoever and only joined cause they want large group lists which no-one ever looks at and so forth.

Noone said they're all on at the same time. The term idling should be familiar to you.

>> No.2834735

nobody cares

>> No.2834741

I can't stand going to the weeabootique because I have self respect for myself, and I can't stand faggots.

However, I'm glad it's there. The longer people go to that server, the longer they're NOT on /jp/

>> No.2834795

Oh yeah, wouldn't want them shitting up /jp/.

It's not long this board is shit 98% of the time.

>> No.2834821

I once went to #/jp/ on rizon and all of them doesnt even visit /jp/.

>> No.2834842
File: 89 KB, 546x201, 名称未設定.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong.

I don't play on weeabootique though.

>> No.2834843

Makes sense. I don't visit /jp/ either.

Wait a minute...

>> No.2834846

98% is still better than 99%!

>> No.2834848

I leave my PC on even when I'm sleeping. I didn't think it was that weird.

>> No.2834859

I don't even think there are more than 50 people in this board.

>> No.2834868

The group is full of Touhou, Idolm@ster and KS avatars. It's pretty safe to say that they at least know of /jp/.

Also, the last.fm group has 51 members.

>> No.2834869

I played on the weeabootique the other night because I thought "hey, might as well see what it's all about"

90% of the mic spam wasn't even anime related. The only thing japanese anyone seemed interested in was K-ON and Katawa Shoujo. And those who were interested only were a small portion of players. Most of the rabble were just the average meme-spouting retard you would find on any other 4chan server.

At least everyone sucked though, I got to break my old kill point record as medic.

>> No.2834887


I don't mind the avatars but god damn some of those names annoy me, especially the RP fags.
