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2833484 No.2833484 [Reply] [Original]

Consensual adult relations with Rika are okay because she's actually lived for hundreds of years.

>> No.2833488

Except in the UK.

>> No.2833486

i agree

>> No.2833490

Or you could just rape her and run the fuck away.

>> No.2833491

We need some kind of standardized test for this sort of thing, these arbitrary age constraints cannot be accurate for all situations.

>> No.2833489

If only you were a congressman...

>> No.2833512
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No. Rika has only lived for (x<10) years. Bernkastel is the one who has lived for hundreds. She just happens to displace the consciousness of many (x<10) year old Rikas during those hundreds.

>> No.2833525
File: 71 KB, 283x400, 1237746031238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I made love to Rika, it would be the Rika who has memories of over 100 years, the same memories of past worlds that Bernkastel has. Though they're not exactly the same being.

>> No.2833547


You have no proof they are different people.

And don't you dare mention any "devils" within seven words of the word "proof".

>> No.2833566

It's a devil's proof nigga. I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.2833579

They're obviously not the same person since Rika is a flesh-and-blood human while Bernkastel is a witch.

>> No.2833607

In this thought experiment, take any human female. We'll call her Alice. Alice's physical body is only 10 years old. For whatever reason, her memories and perhaps her ability to cognate extend beyond that time. Would it be immoral to have a consensual sexual relationship with Alice? Does Alice poses the ability to give consent? By the current legal standards of the USA, it is impossible for Alice to give legal consent. This may be a systematic problem for US age-related laws.

Whatever the legal criteria, if I personally judge Alice to be capable of consenting to a sexual relationship, I have no moral problem with engaging in a sexual relationship with Alice.

If "okay" means "morally, ethically sound" then I would say yes, consensual adult relations with Rika are moral to me under those criteria. If "okay" means "legal" then no, the laws in my area rule that Rika cannot give consent, therefore a situation where we engage in consensual adult relations is impossible by legal standards.

>> No.2833612

Bernkastel is the accumulation of memories from all the Rikas that have died over the past century that have become self-aware, as she says at the start of Minagoroshi-hen. Presumably Bernkastel was created when the amount of Rika's memories that Hanyuu deposited in the dimension with the fragments reached a critical mass. The scenario for a death of Rika's mind described by Bernkastel is probably what would happen if that accumulation of memories became too great to be housed in a human being.

What presumably happens when "Rika" arrives in a new world is that a copy of Bernkastel's memories replaces the existing Rika's memories (Rika can't recall anything from before she was playing her friends in Minagoroshi-hen or from before she was hit with a ball in Saikoroshi-hen). We can't be sure that she retains all of Bernkastel's memories, since in Saikoroshi-hen Hanyuu explains to Rika that the worlds appear as fragments in the realm of the gods and how they traveled between worlds by joining these fragments, which Bernkastel must have already known since she can manipulate them (but Hanyuu could be reiterating something Rika knew). Also, Bernkastel is aware of what happened in Minagoroshi-hen at the start of Matsuribayashi-hen, but the Rika in the world of Matsuribayashi-hen lacks that information (but that may be simply be an anomaly due to Hanyuu's powers failing).

>> No.2833619


However, the fact that Rika is aware that a version of herself exists in a higher dimension, that she says she isn't Rika when she's speaking to Rena in Tsumihoboroshi-hen (Bernkastel feels that way to an extent) and that she gives herself the name Bernkastel when inhabiting Rika's body in Saikoroshi-hen to distinguish herself from the original Rika indicates that the Rikas of the various worlds possess at least some of Bernkastel's memories. Conversely, in Minagoroshi-hen Bernkastel says that she only has the memories that Rika obtained from the various worlds, that she was born in the human world and refers to herself as Rika at one point. Based on that, as well as all the things she says in the tea parties in Umineko which make it clear she was born from the events in Higurashi, we can assume that Bernkastel views herself as an being that's a continuation of Rika rather than a completely separate entity, which supports a close connection between them.

When Rika dies, Hanyuu sends the memories from that world to join the accumulation of memories in that higher dimension and thus become part of Bernkastel. This would explain why Bernkastel retains the name that "Rika" came up with in Saikoroshi-hen and why the Rika in the world at the end of Saikoroshi-hen says that the version of her in the higher dimension no longer matters, since her memories won't be joining it when she dies.

So in conclusion, a copy of Bernkastel's memories and personality replace Rika's mind and then the experiences of that copy merge with Bernkastel when the Rika of that world dies. Bernkastel neither created Rika nor is she really a separate entity (since 'Rika' is simply Bernkastel's mind in a human body) until they diverge at the end of Saikoroshi-hen.

>> No.2833690



Thanks for clearing that up, good anon.

>> No.2834086

Effectively, Rika is possessed by a 100 year-old witch. (She calls herself that after all.)

>> No.2834389

But doesn't she decide she won't be Bernkastel any more?

>> No.2834399


Tell it to the judge.

>> No.2834558


That was Rika herself saying that and throwing Bernkastel out the window.

Bernkastel then became the drifting whimsical Witch of Miracles.

>> No.2834564

│You're a pedo!│

>> No.2834566

│So am I │

>> No.2834568

│We're all pedo│

>> No.2834595 [DELETED] 


│look at this fucking sign it's fucking huge oh my god│


>> No.2834599


│look at this fucking sign it's fucking huge oh my god│


>> No.2834615


│ │
│ │
│ │
│ your ad here │
│ │
│ │
│ │


>> No.2834626




>> No.2834640

                   ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ

>> No.2834641


│f a i l |

>> No.2834643

| キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! │
                   ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ

>> No.2834775

Raping Rika is okay because she's annoying.

>> No.2835215
File: 29 KB, 512x288, 1234656491869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is never okay.

>> No.2835232

               ヽ(゚∀゚ )ノ

>> No.2835241
File: 2.63 MB, 214x142, satokochair2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raping Satoko is okay because she's annoying.

>> No.2835244
File: 47 KB, 884x722, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2835297

Don't do that; just complain to her uncle.

>> No.2837126
File: 1.26 MB, 128x256, B36F8856-7A47-4060-BC670782077444A2.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image/save file was posted in another thread and it inspired me to get 3D Custom Girl: >>>/t/309185

>> No.2837137


>> No.2837139
File: 292 KB, 750x1000, beating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beating Satako is okay because she's annoying.

>> No.2837279

One does not rape Satoko. One loves her tenderly and makes her a nicer girl by the power of nii-nii's penis.
