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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 800x600, CasterDown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2830497 No.2830497 [Reply] [Original]

It had gotten quite late, and it is very cold outside. Issei had asked you to come to the Temple to help fix some broken heaters so that there would be heat for the monks, and fortunately you had been able to use strengthening magic to repair them. Hungry and tired, you decide to head home. As you bid your friend farewell and leave the temple, you notice a woman stumbling around at the bottom of the stairway.

She's dressed oddly in robes and a hood that partially obscures her face. As you watch this strange person, she falls and looks to be in great pain, a look of resignation in her eyes. You then notice some spots of blood on her outfit. You...

Go to her aid and take her back to the Temple
Go to her aid and take her back to your house
Quickly leave, its none of your business

>> No.2830516

help her to your house, it's the most impractical option

>> No.2830524
File: 372 B, 15x15, emot-downs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes help the bloody, cultist looking lady, she seems like she's not a threat

>> No.2830535

Take her back to the Temple, you can't care for her at your house.

>> No.2830538

A bloodstained woman with pointy ears ?
Oh fuck this, I'm going to stay the hell away from her.
... wait, I'm Shirou, disregard that, my life ain't worth shit, I go and ask her what's wrong.

>> No.2830546

Awesome you're actually doing it?

>> No.2830549

Nobody denies the Do It Faggot.

>> No.2830550

Just curious, won't she disappear at this stage in the game if she's taken outside the temple because of it's strong spiritual anchor is the only thing keeping her here??

>> No.2830552
File: 64 KB, 396x500, keiichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take her to the Temple.
Wait until her wacky sisters arrive.

>> No.2830557

>Go to her aid and take her back to the Temple
>Definite BAD END, or move onto the other routes

>Quickly leave, its none of your business
>Move onto other routes

>Go to her aid and take her back to your house
>Caster route GO

>> No.2830559

Take her home.

>> No.2830567

This means I'll remain a virgin for decades. SHE'S NEVER GOING TO SLEEP WITH ME.

>> No.2830570
File: 72 KB, 600x600, Taekuhoem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only real option.

>> No.2830580

That's the spirit, thinking like Shirou.

You rush to her aid. Clearly she's in pain, and could be seriously hurt. Your honor as a man demands you do something to help this woman. You consider taking her to the temple as its near, but you banish that thought as you don't wish to impose on Issei. As you go to her side, she notices you and looks at you with empty, dead eyes, almost as if she expects something horrible from you. You pick her up gently and start to walk quickly towards your house. She's not as heavy as you expected to her to be.

Fifteen minutes later, you arrive at the Emiya household. The lights are out. It's late, and Taiga and Sakura have gone home, leaving you a note that says your dinner is in the fridge. You quickly take her to your room and lay her on your futon. You...

Check for wounds, she looks hurt.

Gently try to awaken her and find out whats wrong, someone might be after her or she may have worried family.

Call for help.

>> No.2830586

>>2830550 Just curious, won't she disappear at this stage in the game if she's taken outside the temple because of it's strong spiritual anchor is the only thing keeping her here??

>> No.2830594

I could check for wounds, but I'd have to touch girlie parts. I could ask for help, but I don't want to trouble other people. I'd be best off disturbing the rest of an injured person!

>> No.2830598

Check for wounds.

>> No.2830599

We're supposed to be Shirou, so THIS.

>> No.2830603

Check for wounds

>> No.2830604

>Gently try to awaken her and find out whats wrong, someone might be after her or she may have worried family.

>> No.2830618

Gently awaken her. Make food in kitchen.

>> No.2830620

Wake her So that she can beg us meekly to take her.

>> No.2830623

>>>Gently awake her. Make vividly described food in the kitchen.

>> No.2830655

Stick it in.

>> No.2830660
File: 78 KB, 600x400, 6a00d83451d0ed69e200e54f2251978834-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that THAT inevitability has occurred, can we move on?

>> No.2830661
File: 350 KB, 876x1241, 1245864281808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caster route, FUCK YEAH

>> No.2830674

We're getting there, be patient.

>> No.2830682

Adult Len fapfapfap

>> No.2830685
File: 106 KB, 480x640, Caster13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to see if she'll wake up. You aren't sure about checking for wounds because you don't know how she'd take it if she woke up and found you touching her body. You gently touch her shoulder.

"Can you hear me?" you say to her, hoping for a response. She stirs at your words and slowly opens her eyes. Gone is that empty look, replaced by one of surprise. Before she can panic you decide to calm her.

"You collapsed outside the Temple. You looked hurt, so I brought you to my house. Are you injured anywhere? Do you have any family I should contact?"

She takes a moment to gain her bearings before answering.

"No, no family. I'm not 'physically' injured. You brought me here?"

"Well yes, I couldn't just leave you passed out in the streets."

"Thank you." She chuckles lightly. "It's been a long time since anyone did something nice for me. I'm so tired, I need to rest" her voice drifts off as her eyes close, faling into sleep's embrace. She seems not to be physically hurt. You...

Go about your daily business, she's fine.

Prepare dinner. You're hungry and she probably needs something to eat too, and you're a good host.

Call Taiga and Sakura and ask them for help.

>> No.2830707

Prepare dinner.

>> No.2830709

Prepare dinner, shes probably hungry.

>> No.2830710

>Prepare VIVIDLY DESCRIBED dinner. You're hungry and she probably needs something to eat too, and you're a good host.

>> No.2830712

TAIGA AND SAKURA! Might as well get it out of the way or awesome Taiga Dojo, either way it'll rock.

>> No.2830727

Become Shinji
Rape Caster
Good End

>> No.2830731

Call Taiga and Sakura, AND make dinner after.

>> No.2830733

I want to hear about Shirou's dinner in HD.

>> No.2830746


Prepare dinner

I'm in the mood for some god damn manly steak.

>> No.2830752


>> No.2830753

and it begins

>> No.2830757

Yes, god forbid we have a thread everyone enjoys.

>> No.2830765

>>>fun detected, faggotry protocol initiated

>> No.2830784
File: 72 KB, 400x600, Caster14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to prepare dinner. Let it not be said Emiya Shirou is a terrible host. Opening the fridge, you see Sakura had prepared an amazing meal. You silently wonder how much of it Taiga inhaled. You don't need to cook anything, simply warm it up.

Warming the meal takes only a few minutes, and preparing a tray only a few more. Sliding the door to your room open, you approach her with two trays, one for her and one for yourself. Her eyes flutter open as you bring the food in.

"Have you eaten anything recently?"

"Not in days" she replies. Now you have an idea of why she's so weak.

"You need to eat then to regain your strength."

You watch as she slowly reaches for the food. Her hand is shaky and she nearly spills it. You do the manly thing and help her sit up and eat. She looks surprised, but quickly accepts your aid. She swallows several mouthfuls of soup.

"Do you have a name?"

"Its Caster. What about you?" she eyes your critically.

"Emiya. Emiya Shirou."

"Well Shirou, thank you for the food. I didn't expect any kindness in this world."

"You sound like you expected to die" you say, startled by her words.

"I did" she smiles weakly. "Thank you for the food, it will help me maintain a small amount of strength for the time being."

The two of you finish the meal in silence and you allow her to go back to sleep. You clean up and then go to bed in the next room, tired from your ordeal. when you wake up in the morning you check on Caster and find her sleeping peacefully. You...

Go to school, act normal.
Stay home and make sure Caster is alright.
Skip school and surf 2chan on your laptop.

>> No.2830800

Now you're just trolling.

>> No.2830801

>>skip for 2chan
I have to see this, I don't care if its out of character and Dojo express, do it.

>> No.2830810

>Stay home and make sure Caster is alright.

>> No.2830818

Trollercoaster AWAY!

>> No.2830820

Well its an obvious bad end, but people said they wanted some humorous choices.

>> No.2830827

And we do. They have a /b/ on 2chan right? HEAD FOR IT!

>> No.2830832

>Stay home and make sure Caster is alright.

>> No.2830833

Stay home for Caster

>> No.2830849

Be a man, make sure caster is alright.

>> No.2830851

I don't really see how 2chan will lead to a bad end. Take pics of Caster while she sleeps, post them on 2chan instead.

>> No.2830858


>> No.2830859


Against your better judgement, you decide to take it easy. You did a good deed yesterday, and need to look on Caster now and then. Heading over to /b/ on 2chan you browse some threads.

You read a thread about Korea being pig disgusting. You silently agree. Next is a Touhou thread, and you relish the fact that you've beaten every game without bomb spamming. You silently rage with your fellow surfers about western feminists ruining the eroge industry, then get bored and decide to create a "Shiki can kill servants" thread.

Finally you stumble across a loli thread. Curious, you open it up. However at that moment you hear a noise behind you. You see Caster with an odd dagger in her hand.

"That's disgusting. You're no better then my previous master."

Before you can contemplate what she means, you find yourself impaled on her dagger. Your vision slowly fades, not knowing what just happened.

Tiger Dojo ---

Obviously you don't surf 2chan or 4chan while normalfags are about! RULE #1 and #2! Go back to your last save and try again.

>> No.2830860

Engage Hyper Weapon

>> No.2830866

Damnit guys, what the shit.

>> No.2830867

Caster finds out. There's your bad end.

>> No.2830868


>> No.2830874

Now straight to staying home with Caster

>> No.2830875

Now to continue with the RIGHT choice, which is stay home with Caster. Give me a min.

>> No.2830879 [DELETED] 

Type "www.Anon" into your address field. Follow with "Talk" and finish it off with a nice ".com". Now press enter and bookmark the resulting page. Then remove 4chan from your bookmarks. You have now seen the light. Welcome.


>> No.2830881

Nice job.

>> No.2830885

Fine then, reload last save and watch over Caster.

>> No.2830889

Ok I've never actually done this, but does anyone know what happens if you DO go there? I assume virus rape?

>> No.2830893

It's just ads for another chat site.


>> No.2830894

>"AnonTalk is a unique place on the Web which allows anyone to discuss anything anonymously without having to register an account."

Sounds like shit version of 4chan on a BBS board.

>> No.2830901

Don't know, don't care. Report it and watch it go away.

Eventually the fuckers will realize that this isn't really the place to be spamming that, or die of old age.

Whichever comes first.

>> No.2830916
File: 107 KB, 800x800, Caster6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to stay home with Caster. She's very weak and the moment and may require aid. You also feel she may not react well if she's left alone for long periods at a stranger's house with no warning.

You start to cook breakfast. A few minutes later a knock at the door alerts you to the arrival of guests. Shit! You completely forgot about Sakura and Taiga. You go to the door and let them in.

"Oh you already started to cook Shirou, thats my job senpai!" Sakura says, looking a little miffed.

"Sorry Sakura, I'm hungry this morning."

"Well you were out late, we gave up and ate without you" she glances at you sadly.

"Sorry about that. Okay, you can cook."

She smiles at you and proceeds to finish the meal you started while Taiga strikes up a conversation. When the meal is ready you remember Caster. You...

Bring out Caster and explain to them what happened.

Hide the presence of Caster and promise yourself to take her food as soon as they leave.

Grab a plate and head to your bedroom oblivious to the bewildered stares of Sakura and Taiga.

>> No.2830924

>Grab a plate and head to your bedroom oblivious to the bewildered stares of Sakura and Taiga.

>> No.2830937

Bring out Caster and explain to them what happened.

Taiga can kill us with her Tora-Shinai from the length of a Dojo away.

We'll never escape.

>> No.2830940

Tough choice.

I'd have to go with >Bring out Caster and explain to them what happened.

>> No.2830941

So i guess the rape antics are for the nameless protagonist only?

>Grab a plate and head to your bedroom oblivious to the bewildered stares of Sakura and Taiga.

>> No.2830948

>Grab a plate and head to your bedroom oblivious to the bewildered stares of Sakura and Taiga.

>> No.2830949

Split so far!

I can't see Shirou raping anyone, unless Man Jew possessed or roleplaying at a female's request.

>> No.2830951

Bring her out and probably be cut off before you can explain

>> No.2830955

There is no other outcome, THIS.

>> No.2830960
File: 51 KB, 797x597, fixyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice you're trying to give people what they want, but this story is impossible. At least find a gimmick to bind her before they leave the temple.

>> No.2830970

Mana leaked from Shirou's skin thanks to MAGICAL TOUCH MANA TRANSFER

>> No.2830975

Rule of Fun dude.

>> No.2830987

The only thing that leaks for shirou is an aura of plot armour and stupid in equal measure

>> No.2830988

You made her delicious Shirou food.

>> No.2830989

I bet you also say stuff like "It's probably not a mountain of HUNDRED rocks, I think there should be about 97 of them"

>> No.2830993

>Bring her out and explain

>> No.2831023

You decide honesty is the best option, and you don't want to treat a guest so terribly. You announce someone will be joining you. Sakura and Taiga look puzzled as you leave the table. You go to your room and see Caster is awake and laying down. She sounds from the kitchen and smell of food must've awakened her. You quickly explain to her the situation and ask her to come out with you to the table to introduce herself and be a part of the breakfast table. Caster looks surprised by this.

"Are you sure you want to alert them to my presence?"

"I don't see why not, you're a guest and I'd never throw out someone in need. Sakura and Fuji-nee are like family and they wouldn't be unkind."

Helping her up, you reluctantly walk back to the dining room with her. At her appearance, both Sakura and Taiga look stunned, the later's mouth gaping in surprise.

"Sakura, Fuji-nee, this is Caster."

Before you can start to explain you swear your hear a roar and feel a smack to the head. Taiga moved so fast you didn't even see it.


Rubbing your head, you explain the situation. Caster introduces herself. Fuji-nee reluctantly accepts her, while Sakura tries to hide a frown. After breakfast, you...

Proceed to school - You don't want to upset Fujimora anymore or recieve more bodily harm.

Tell them you need to stay home to make sure Caster is alright.

Offer to bring Caster to school with you.

>> No.2831025

>Grab a plate and head to your bedroom oblivious to the bewildered stares of Sakura and Taiga.

>> No.2831031

>>2830989 I bet you also say stuff like "It's probably not a mountain of HUNDRED rocks, I think there should be about 97 of them"

You'd lose that bet horribly.

I'm really not trying to be a dick. I'm just trying to help improve the fanfic. They dedicated the entire "Intermission - Princess Medea" chapter to how she was able to stay in the world after she killed her master and it feels like that was disregarded.

>> No.2831036

bring caster to school
do it.

>> No.2831037


I was too slow!

>Tell them you need to stay home to make sure Caster is alright.

This one then

>> No.2831039

well we don't know how long it was she was unconscious, he could of just left her there until she woke up on her own. shirou woke her up as soon as he got her back there then gave her food so that might of given her just slightly longer time to still maintain her form....

I'm just trying to make excuses here.. but it might work, even with a 1% chance it would of worked it is still not 0%.

>> No.2831041

No fix needed. She survived because at the Temple she found Kuzuki who mana transferred her. Saber eats to keep up her mana, Shirou feeding her and caring for her should be just about enough to keep her if she's completely inactive and resting.

Rule of Fun dude. Its Nasuverse, shit doesn't always make sense.

>> No.2831048

That felt a little understated, but still amusing.

Hmm, I'm going to have to go with bring Caster with you.

>> No.2831052

>Bring Caster with me
In bat-cape form, if possible

>> No.2831057

Tell them you need to stay home to make sure Caster is alright.

>> No.2831059


when given a option like that..who could not choose it.

Offer to bring Caster to school with you.

>> No.2831060

I vote for both stay home and bring her with you

>> No.2831067

She's probably not strong enough for that. But yeah, take her with you.

>> No.2831073
File: 61 KB, 770x564, 1236651143446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the robed Christmas Cake following me around fellow schoolmates, it's fine because she's staying at my house after I picked her up in the middle of the night.

>> No.2831074

Let's stay home with caster. She's looking a little weak and could use some more mana...

>> No.2831077

OP here.

Are you SURE you want to bring Caster to school, where Rin and Archer will be? *Hint Hint*

>> No.2831080

What, weren't you listening?

>> No.2831082

You guys are idiots for voting to bring her with you. You honestly think Taiga would allow that? lolno

It's the same as choosing to go to school with no complaints,except in this scenario you're going to be hit,again.

>> No.2831084

On second thought, I change my vote.

Take Caster to school.

>> No.2831086

This is a game about surprise.
You just ruined a surprise.
A game's goal is to be fun.

You just ruined the fun.

>> No.2831087

But even that small change would be worth it.

>> No.2831093

>Stay home and take care of Caster

>> No.2831094

Just letting you think a little, surprise isn't ruined! Archer and Rin could be a bad thing or a good thing.

>> No.2831097

I think it's more that OP doesn't want to waste time of Dead Ends, and ignoring Rin and Archer would be major fridge logic.

>> No.2831098

Though that's a fair point too.

>> No.2831106

>Are you SURE you want to bring Caster to school, where Rin and Archer will be? *Hint Hint*
Remember what happened when Shirou didn't bring Saber along?
Yes, Rin started shooting cancer at me. That WILL NOT happen again.

>> No.2831112 [DELETED] 

Stay home and take care of Caster, do the honorable thing, since Taiga's such a blabbermath she's now ruined for marriage and you need to take responsiblity.

>> No.2831114

Stay home and take care of Caster, do the honorable thing, since Taiga's such a blabbermouth she's now ruined for marriage and you need to take responsiblity.

>> No.2831116

No, but who can resist doing it? just like all the obvious bad ends or stupid stuff you can choose and you know it will not be a good idea but you go ahead and do it anyway.
He doesn't have saber yet and Rin doesn't know he has a servant with him, he isn't even a master yet.

the best choice would most likely be to stay home, you know.. mana transferring and master-servant contract?

>> No.2831129

I doubt our derptastical protagonist is getting some THIS early.

>> No.2831137

Stay home, possible Medea loving is infinitely better than being given cancer by Rin

>> No.2831151

Tell them you stay home
Then proceed to break Caster's mind with our meta-knowledge and use this opportunity to rape her

>> No.2831159

>Engage Hyper Weapon

>> No.2831164


>> No.2831165

well normally he wouldn't, but the state caster is in she either needs mana transferring or to kill multiple people to help maintain her form and stay in this world.

even shirou would do it if she told him she would disappear if he didn't.

..OP if you are having a hard time writing the bad end and Tiger dojo or just don't want to waste that much time you could just skip that and go on with the story, I'm sure we wouldn't mind.

>> No.2831167
File: 348 KB, 800x600, Caster15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something in you tells you that leaving Caster alone is a bad idea. You also don't want to upset Fuji-nee. Suddenly you have an idea.

"Caster, are you feeling any better?"

"If I limit my activity I should be alright for the time being thanks to the food you provided."

"Would you like to attend school with us today?"

All three women looked surprised by your offer. At first Taiga rejects the notion, but you explain to her that you have a responsibility to help Caster now, but at the same time you're a student and should not forget your studies. She buys it, but takes one look at your guest and shakes her head. Going into her room that she uses for rare sleepovers, she returns with an old school uniform.

"You'll need to wear this if you want to fit in with the other students."

Caster nods and takes the outfit to Shirou's room to change, realizing her own attire is in serious need of a wash. When she returns Taiga forces a smile. Caster almost looks like a student.

When you arrive at school, you notice Rin and Shinji arguing with each other over the archery club among other things. You...

Jump into the conversation and try to help Rin.

Jump into the conversation and try to help Shinji. Your friendship has been shaky lately, but he's Sakura's brother.

Ignore them both and head to class, its none of your business.

>> No.2831168

Rin summoned Saber this time, not Archer.

>> No.2831175

Ignore them both.

>> No.2831176

Crappy bros before bitchy stranger hoes, help Shinji.

>> No.2831177

OH GOD Seifuku Caster. I don't even care about bad ends any more

>Ignore them both and head to class, its none of your business.

>> No.2831179

>>>Seifuku Caster

>> No.2831181

Bros before hoes, help Shinji.

>> No.2831184

Goddamn anon
We just jumped into the lake
[x] Ignore them

>> No.2831185

>Jump into the conversation and try to help Shinji. Your friendship has been shaky lately, but he's Sakura's brother.


Well then we are double fucked.

>> No.2831191
File: 373 KB, 1600x1200, 1243784131817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this in my Caster folder

>> No.2831193

There is no reason why she would have summoned Saber instead...
Anyways, I vote to ignore them.

>> No.2831195


Seifuku Caster /r/ thread. We need to keep this alive gentlemen.

>> No.2831199

Part of the fun of actually writing this is the reactions from /jp/ers. Looks like we're torn between ignore and help Shinji.

>> No.2831200


Perhaps its really Emiya Shirou as Saber then.

....That makes absolutely no sense at all does it?

>> No.2831205

Help Shinji. Who knows? If this thread keeps being as interesting as it is, his personality might actually become tolerable.

But are we really satisfied with ONE Seifuku Caster?

>> No.2831208

Shinji will eventually screw us over.
Rin would be an option, but Caster is too dangerous for her to just 'let her slip'.
Don't stick your nose into their business and let them kill eachother

>> No.2831210

we need a drawfag in here.

I think we were just dropped in the ocean without knowing how to swim.

...help shinji?

>> No.2831218
File: 105 KB, 533x745, 1245874907227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, the b/r/others deliver! And we get Seifuku Rider and Magical Girl Caster as bonuses, free of charge!

>> No.2831222

Ignore them, Caster is not the type to want to cooperate and we all know that's where talking's headed

>> No.2831225

Can't we just rape them both?

Or, wait. Shirou.

Okay, side with Shinji for now.

>> No.2831227 [DELETED] 

Proceeding to school ignoring the damsel-in-distress presence isn't Shirou-like,
Proceeding to school with Caster ignoring the damsel-in-distress physical condition isn't Shirou-like,
Staying home is (was?) the only logical choice.

>> No.2831229


>> No.2831234
File: 91 KB, 499x700, ee04a6289319e36561215b1b3814c573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something i did ages ago, either way i vote for help Rin due to Saber>Caster

>> No.2831239
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1244510665376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2831246

Oh it was actually you who drew it? Awesome.

However, you are missing the point.

>> No.2831248

Should I side with the guy that gets killed 2 out of 3 times or the girl who WILL one of the most powerful masters? Easy choice.


>> No.2831257

Shinji. Since we're doing a hypothetical route already, might as well knock out more birds with our stones.

>> No.2831262


But thats easy mode.

You dont want to play on easy mode,do you? You'll get called a scrub.

You scrub

>> No.2831269

This. I support Shinji and Shirou's rape of the world.

>> No.2831271

Rin only helps you because you don't know shit about magic.
If she finds out that Caster is your servant, she'll most likely see you as an enemy.

>> No.2831272

Shinji is gonna try and rape Caster.

She's gonna end up killing him, anyway.

If we meet with Rin, Caster might decide to make her an apprentice... by force.

>> No.2831276

As Caster puts it, Rin is too talented.

>> No.2831285
File: 139 KB, 400x500, Caster16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to ignore them and let them have their argument. You're still upset at Shinji and you don't want to involve Caster in an argument after everything she's been through. You continue walking, however as you pass them they suddenly stop mid sentence and look at you and Caster. You look to your companion and notice her giving the two of them a hard glare. She seems highly agitated by their presence.

"Caster its ok, lets head to class" you say, trying to guide her into the school.

Both Rin and Shinji's eyes widen when they hear you speak. Immediately they break apart and head in seperate directions.

When you arrive at class, Taiga introduces Caster as a guest. For the first several minutes the two of you have to fight off questions from gossiping classmates at her unusual appearance. Other then that, school proceeds normally. After lunch you come back to class and find two notes on your desk. One from Shinji, and one from Rin. Each of them asks you to meet them after school. You...

Decide to meet Shinji behind the school after class.
Meet Rin, you're curious what she could want with you.
Ignore them both, you're worried about Caster's health.

>> No.2831286

..And now I'm picturing them sitting on two adjacent golden thrones, trading Rider and Caster between them. Assassin is standing nearby drinking.

>> No.2831290

Go help out Shinji, it'll give you the opportunity to White Knight it up when he inevitably tries to rape Caster

>> No.2831294

Assassin is the best part of that picture.

I'm putting in a vote for Shinji and a Vote for Caster.

>> No.2831300

>Ignore them both, you're worried about Caster's health.

>> No.2831304


>> No.2831305

This is an awesome mental image.

In light of that, go see what Shinji has to say.

>> No.2831306

vote for shinji, vote for caster

>> No.2831307

>"Caster its ok, lets head to class" you say, trying to guide her into the school.
Rin and Shinji are probably scheming something.
Might as well try making a deal with Rin, since Shinji will backstab you anyway.

>> No.2831309

Go see Rin.

Bros before hoes, but Shinji obviously wants to kill us. At the least Rin would be reasonable.

>> No.2831314

Nonsense, Shinji won the Jeremiah Gottwald Award for most loyal partner. It's on his mantle. A bit odd that there's something scratched out where his name would normally be and his named is badly carved above the scratch, but the award is a great testament to his character. tl;dr go see Shinji

>> No.2831315

True dat.
One for Rin.

>> No.2831316

hmmm, i wonder if Caster will find out about Shirou's magic, and then teach him reality marble?

>> No.2831321

>Ignore them both, you're worried about Caster's health.

Alliance is impossible now,they're going to kill you. Rin wont be as easy as you before since with Saber,you saved her life. Now? She sees you as an enemy. Shinji now knows that due to the ignorance you just showed,you do not know jack shit about your situation. He's going to steal or do something bad to Caster. Avoiding both is the only option.

>> No.2831325
File: 10 KB, 168x251, 1242330452401s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinji all the way. Maybe we can get Caster to improve him with her magic later. <--*cough*

>> No.2831326

This is most amusing because Shirou has jumped right into this COMPLETELY FUCKING CLUELESS just like he usually does.

>> No.2831341

Meet with Shinji.

Rin will likely see us as a enemy and want to kill us at the moment, Shinji will likely try to side with us as we aren't with Rin. looking at it if we ignore them we may make them both a enemy but we may get Shinji and Rider as a ally if we go with Shinji.

and Rin isn't there to provoke Shinji like she did in all the other routes so he may stay as a ally as long as we play our cards right.

>> No.2831348

This is a tough one.
One for shinji, one for neither.

>> No.2831352

Shinji, this is going to be funny as hell.

>> No.2831358

I see your point.
[ x ] ignore and run the back back to your house.

>> No.2831372

Changing vote. Neither.

forgot that we haven't made a contract with Caster yet so we may have caster stolen from us, run shirou run.

>> No.2831374

>"Caster its ok, lets head to class"
>"Caster its ok''
At least you looked like a manly man by not keeping a secret about your servant.

Maybe they can put that on your grave: 'it was a manly man'
I choose Rin as our victimizer..

Ýeah, I may have rage'd, but it sure was realistic. Good job, OP.

>> No.2831375

Rin will at the least not outright kill us before having some sort of discussion.

Even without the life saving thing, she still knows about Shirou and how much Sakura depends on him. Which is why she saved his life after Lancer killed him at the start.

>> No.2831389

Hey OP, assuming we don't finish this today, are you willing to see it to the end over multiple days?

>> No.2831403

Ignore both, take Caster, go shopping for some casual cloths for caster

>> No.2831415

Yeah but she didn't know he was a magus when she saved his life, a piss poor magus but he still summoned saber.

as I see it from the shooting shit at him because he went to school without his servant she will try it, and because he hasn't explained anything at all, let alone going to school and blatantly saying "CASTER" in front of her she may take it as he was trying to taunt her.

>> No.2831428
File: 284 KB, 1065x1514, 2for1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 votes for Shinji...

You decide to meet with Shinji after school. As you exit the building and go around the rear of the building, Caster looks at you puzzled.

"Shirou, where are we going? I need to rest and there's some things I need to tell you. Very important things."

"Don't worry Caster, this will just take a few minutes. We haven't been on good terms recently, but Shinji is an old friend. I'm sure he just wants to talk."

"Shirou" she starts, adding more force to her words. Before she can complete her sentence, you see Shinji step forth.

"Yo Emiya, how are you doing?" your old friend says with his trademark smirk.

"What did you call me out here for Shinji? Is it something important?"

Instantly Caster is on edge.

"Shirou, we need to leave, NOW."

"Oh its very important. Rider, come out."

Before you understand what's happening, a woman with long purple hair in leather appears next to Shinji. She holds two spikes connected by a chain in her hands. You're stunned speechless.

"Master, you called?"

"How strong are they Rider?"

Rider ponders you and Caster for a moment before speaking.

"She's very weak. In fact, he's not even her master."

"So he's useless then?"


"Take care of him for me."

Cluelessly you watch as all of this happens, not knowing what they're talking about. Before you know what hit you, Caster is knocked to the ground and you find yourself pinned face down on the ground. Shinji steps forward and eyes Caster.

"You're so weak right now you can't even stop a human. I think I'll enjoy this. Rider, take care of him."

The last thing you see is Shinji dropping his pants as Rider's spikes gouge out your eyes. You never had a chance.


Tiger Dojo - Did you HONESTLY THINK Shinji would let an opportunity to rape another female and kill off a threat go?

>> No.2831438

>"She's very weak. In fact, he's not even her master."

>> No.2831442


I called it,anyways

Reload save

Choose to ignore them both.

>> No.2831443


>> No.2831447

man, /jp/ is making very bad choices today. Yesterday was much smoother.

Reload last save. Choose ignore them both and take Caster home

>> No.2831448

Fucking this

>> No.2831451


>> No.2831452

reload and ignore them. RUN SHIROU

once I remembered he wasn't even casters master yet anything but ignore them both and run looked like a bad idea.

>> No.2831456

Rin or go home.

>> No.2831460

This is decidedly more gay than the last story yesterday.

- At time of Caster's saving, it was...what? A week or two before Archer's summoning?

- Which means Archer's not there, Saber's STILL Shirou's real Servant, and he's in mortal danger from Lancer, Gil, Rider, and Berserker, should Ilya be in country.

- Caster would've immediately swallowed her pride long enough to ask Shirou to dick her down, just for the sake of survival, and then seduce the moron completely, if not be eventually turned by his sense of seflessness down the road.

- OP is being too much of a pussy to display Caster's full character traits.

>> No.2831463

Ignore them both.
Punch Shinji in the face too, work that in somehow.

>> No.2831480

You haven't given me a chance yet damnit. Caster is weak as a kitten right now and doesn't have the energy to do more then walk around. She's a survivalist, she's not going to act like a bitch and alienate the one thing keeping her from disappearing. Nor has Caster explained what happened yet, which will come in a bit.

Writing ignore both option give me a few.

>> No.2831506

i was just about to say Caster hasn't even recovered yet, and Shirou is around, She hid everything from her master before right? And this doesn't have to line up with the real story, i mean shirou picked up Caster, geeze, TOTALLY MUST FIT IN CANON STORY

>> No.2831507

So bad end where Rider offs a weak Caster and a completely innocent Shirou.

>> No.2831523

>- At time of Caster's saving, it was...what? A week or two before Archer's summoning?
for the sake of a caster route that can be ignored, perhaps rin hasn't even summoned archer yet. who knows?

>- and he's in mortal danger from Rider
We learned that part just then when Shinji stole Caster from us, rest hasn't came yet.

>- Caster would've immediately swallowed her pride long enough to ask Shirou to dick her down, just for the sake of survival
Would of came if we stayed home most likely but we went to school with caster, she won't ask him to mana transfer if they are at school. she said she needed to tell him very important things before we got him killed too, so be patient damnit.

>- OP is being too much of a pussy to display Caster's full character traits.
Caster was always loving of Souichirou who was the one who saved her, except now replace Souichirou with Shirou. Caster will likely be a lot different with Shirou as her master.

>> No.2831582

>for the sake of a caster route that can be ignored, perhaps rin hasn't even summoned archer yet. who knows?

Already said this. Only active Servants should be Beserker (summoned first, damn-near a month prior to the start of things), Gil (already there), Lancer (two week window or more), Rider (two week window or more), and Caster.

>We learned that part just then when Shinji stole Caster from us, rest hasn't came yet.

I again raise my "OP is pussy" card. Damn do I need to write out the rape and eye-gouging/death/vore myself?

>Would of came if we stayed home most
I meant from the very first time she gained consciousness. She's in a home where she can SENSE the barrier, with some random good sumeritan, and she knows she's been summoned for battle. It's foolish and stupid not to immediately fortify herself against any kind of attack--at the very least, she'd use him for mana until she could get a hold of better strategical footing for them both (taking in mind she's supposed to take a liking to Shirou in this play).

>Caster will likely be a lot different
No, she'll be a lot more subtle, and get away with even MORE shit because Shirou's willfully oblivious. Manipulating Sakura and getting an in on the Zouken mansion AND possibly Rider in tow? Sneak-slaving Rin to gain the Tohsaka leyline? Or even befriending them once Shirou finds out her purpose and duty?

>> No.2831593


You do realize you're arguing against fiction right?

You do realize we're just in this for fun right?

You do realize you could be doing something better with your time....Right?

>> No.2831602

Guess he isn't.

>> No.2831613
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>Sneak-slaving Rin to gain the Tohsaka leyline? Or even befriending them once Shirou finds out her purpose and duty?

>> No.2831669

what I meant on the first part is this could be ahead in time when Rin already has Archer or it could be before at the time of Casters saving when Rin doesn't have archer, we don't know until it comes up.

>I again raise my "OP is pussy" card. Damn do I need to write out the rape and eye-gouging/death/vore myself?
I don't really expect to see any of that in something that is fate/stay night related.

I somewhat expected that she would have him mana transfer after she ate but she may of gained enough from the food that she could wait until morning, we don't know how long she was unconscious so we can't really guess how long until she would of disappeared. she may of been very tired and just needed to rest until morning and knew that mana transferring could wait.

>No, she'll be a lot more subtle, and get away with even MORE shit because Shirou's willfully oblivious.
She wanted to grant her masters wish and he said she could do anything she wanted, he didn't care about what she did. can't remember if it is that exact way but it is something like that.

Shirou doesn't have any wish and casters wish was being granted until she died[UBW route](it was caster right?) so with no reason to do so she will probably be doing things differently.

>You do realize you could be doing something better with your time....Right?
I just want to waste time so it doesn't really matter to me.

>> No.2831688
File: 66 KB, 550x712, Caster17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You decide to ignore both of their requests. Caster takes first priority. If it's that important, they can talk to you at school early in the morning.

You walk home with Caster, and upon arriving you head to the fridge to grab ingredients to start preparing dinner. Sakura and Fuji-nee will be late with archery practice tonight, so its your turn to cook. As you start to mix ingredients, Caster approaches you. You can see she's hesitant.

"Shirou, I have to tell you something."

"Sure Caster, have a seat" you say as you continue to your cooking preparations.

"Shirou, this is important. You've unknowingly risked your life to save me when you had no reason or obligation to do so. I learned long ago true kindness is rare in this world, and you need to know the truth."

"Are you in some kind of trouble Caster? If so, I'm sure Fuji-nee and I can find a way to help you" you say, calmly taking a seat next to her to show your support.

Caster gives a weak smile before continuing. "Although the food you've given me has allowed me a tiny amount of energy, I won't be able to stay in this world much longer. Also, as long as I'm around and at your house you will be in constant danger."

"Won't be able to stay in this world? I'm sorry Caster, you lost me."

"I imagine you would be." You can see the serious expression in her eyes. She tells you about the Grail War, her role as a servant, and about her mana situation. The explanation takes quite some time, and you listen patiently. She seems surprised you're taking her seriously.

>> No.2831689
File: 193 KB, 750x1047, Caster3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So you're a participant in this war, and you need mana? Is there a way to help you? I'll do what I can, this whole idea sounds terrible. I can't believe they'd kill you and use your power to make you a part of this object" you tell her bravely. Even though you're overwhelmed by the situation and your mind is racing by this information, you're a magus. A weak magus, but the existance of magic is not an alien concept to you. It doesn't matter what the situation is, she's here and she needs your help.

"You're taking this seriously?" Caster asks, incredulous.

"Well, to be honest, my adoptive father was a magus, and I have some talent as well."

At your words Caster's eyes light up in amazement. It appears she didn't expect to be saved, let alone by a magus. However before you can continue, you hear the alarm to your house go off.

You suddenly feel nervous. Caster stands ready to defend herself. You can practically taste the killer intent in the air. As you stand you instinctively dodge something as it whirls barely past your head and imbeds itself in the wall. You see a woman with long purple hair dressed in leather with two spikes for weapons. Beside her stands your old friend Shinji.

"Yo Emiya, how have you been? You were quite careless today to come to school with your servant visible. I wish I didn't have to fight you, but you're an enemy in this war now. Rider, take care of Caster, but don't kill her. I'll handle Emiya."


Charge Shinji, hoping to take him out before he has a chance to do anything.

Move to protect Caster.

Try and run to the shed out back. Your father left his gear there and it might be useful.

>> No.2831712

Shed, gun, shoot him

>> No.2831715

>Try and run to the shed out back. Your father left his gear there and it might be useful.

Go get the shotgun.

>> No.2831734

remove the shroud

>> No.2831743

Shirou Choice:
>Move to protect Caster.

So I'll go with "Move to protect Caster". Shirou has the sheath, he'll live somehow as Caster grabs him and retreats to the shed, causing the circle to activate the Servant Summon, etc.

>> No.2831748

Charge Shinji, he's a pansy. Besides, Rider hates him so she probably won't defend him unless he has to order her to do so.

>> No.2831751

Ahh here it is, the harder choice where what you decide you know will either be correct or a dead end.

Protecting Caster seems like the right choice, she is weak and doesn't have much mana.. you aren't even her master yet.

but then you see the Shed choice.... you know what happens in the shed, that is where you end up asking yourself a lot of questions. if you run to the shed will caster be ok? if you summon saber what happens to caster? can caster exist without you being her master? if you aren't her master will she find another master?

but then the main question hits you. will you and caster be able to live if you don't summon saber?

.....I'll have to go with Protect Caster.

>> No.2831753

I don't think the sheath works without Saber.
I want to pick >Move to protect Caster.
However, I can't stop myself from wanting to punch Shinji in his fucking face.

>> No.2831762

but if they get to shed then summon her, then he'll be okay...

>> No.2831774

>if you run to the shed will caster be ok?

What's stopping her from following me? She should at least be able to run a short distance

>> No.2831779

- Sheath doesn't work without Saber

- Shirou has no command seal so there's no point in thinking Saber will spontaneously save him

- BAD END imminent unless Sakura is on the premises. Obviously the only choice is going back to picking Rin.

>> No.2831797

Rider is stopping her. As soon as she turns around, she'll get a nail in her back.

If we run to the shed Caster will be dead by the time we get back. We can't abandon her. Protecting Caster will probably kill us. We can't fight Rider.

Shinji is not a magus and is physically weak. If we can surprise him with projection, he'll fall quickly. Hell, we don't even need projection to beat Shinji. Caster will be able to survive against Rider long enough for us to beat Shinji to a pulp.

I vote for charging Shinji.

>> No.2831803

>If we can surprise him with projection

Which Shirou also lacks.

>> No.2831804

No projection possible yet and we lack the triggers for Shirou to pull it off. Though kicking his ass is still possible.
Caster is good at escaping (teleportation).
She can probably avoid rider no matter what.

>> No.2831805

Move to protect Caster.

Buy some time. I wonder how Rider would react to Caster's offer to cancel her contract with Shinji. She's a perceptive woman, she may have noticed some things about Sakura.

>> No.2831810

>"Rider, take care of Caster, but don't kill her."
Go to shed, summon Saber, rescue mission for Caster.

>> No.2831812

Shinji does know some stuff, he shot magic at you in UBW. Of course, you trained by saber by that point, but now your a novice and probally a dead man.

>> No.2831818

Rider is, you know how Lancer raped Shirou while he was trying to get to the shed, what's stopping Rider from killing caster while you run to the shed to summon saber to try to save caster and to survive?

or for that matter, what's stopping Rider from killing you while you run to the shed? the answer is Caster. she is very weak right now and doesn't even have a master but she will likely try to protect you. will you be able to make it to the shed and summon saber before Caster dies? if you protect Caster will you die? if rider tries to attack you the only one there to protect you is Caster, whos life you saved, she will try to protect you with her life and you are the only thing that is keeping caster in this world. if you die she dies.

But what can shirou do to protect her? all he can do is protect her with his body, what happens then? it's a pretty tough question but I can't choose anything but protect Caster, something is telling me that is the only way that she will live.

>> No.2831849
File: 198 KB, 876x1200, 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Rider has been ordered not to kill Caster
2. Shinji is a physical wuss
3. Run to the shed, thinking you will find weapons
4. Find weapon, with attached tits
5. Kill Shinji and take Rider
6. ???

>> No.2831852

Holy hell, RUN TO THE SHED!

>> No.2831856

I'm gonna say
>Protect Caster
If she's anything like the typical Type-Moon heroine in this fic, she'll be inspired by your loyalty and be able to pull out a hidden HYPER BEAM by the power her and Shirou's love-love synergy.

>> No.2831858

>Move to protect Caster.

Shinji's a coward,he certainly has something planned. Theres no way in hell he would ever 1 vs 1 you without some sort of backhanded scheme. Besides this is something Shirou would logically do anyways,it also makes the most sense since she just told you she's low on mana.

>> No.2831867

I really want to say this, because those are excellent points, but we're Shirou. We do not die when we are killed, therefore we don't risk much by defending Caster.

>> No.2831872



>> No.2831873

It seems like this doesn't it? but heres the thing.

If Rider attacks you while you are running to the shed, the only thing to protect you is Caster.

What can Caster do when she is this weak to protect you? there is only one answer I know of... and that is to take the hit for you.

>> No.2831880

Go for it, if we're wrong it's just another dead end and reset.

>> No.2831889

True, but look at it this way: Caster probably has a spell in reserve for this. Plus, as >>2831880 pointed out, if we're wrong we just reset. It's not like a Caster Route fic is going to go on without Caster.

>> No.2831892
File: 151 KB, 459x640, Rider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choice is easy for you. Despite your burning urge to deck Shinji with all your might, your body moves on it's own. Moving faster then you've ever moved in your life, you manage to get your body in between Caster and Rider just as she throws one of her spikes.

For a second you almost black out from the blinding pain that shoots down your arm. Caster and Rider both look shocked by your actions, the former apparently not wanting to believe you sacrificed your own body to protect her. It is then you notice that Rider's spike has completely blown through your shoulder. Resisting the urge to scream in pain, you charge forward. There's no way you're going to let her hurt Caster!

Rider smirks and delivers a kick to your chest, sending you flying a good 10 meters through the thin sliding door, and ripping her spike from your shoulder in the process. When you notice her slowly advancing towards you, ignoring Caster, you decide to run to the shed, hoping to find a weapon for your good arm. There's no way you can take another hit like the last one.

You swear you can feel her breathing down your neck as you hear he speak during your run to the shed.

"Run, it only makes the chase more intense and satisfying."

>> No.2831895

Yeah, I figured leaving Caster to deal with Rider while you go after Shinji probably wouldn't end well either

>> No.2831901
File: 101 KB, 570x617, Caster18..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just before you enter the doors, pain explodes in your back as she kicks you, your body breaking the door off the hinges and causing you to land inside your destination. In the middle of your father's old and dusty casting circle, you see Rider go for the finishing blow. Time slows to a crawl as shining light bursts forth around you, momentarily blinding you. A loud clang is heard just in front of you. Your hand starts to burn. When you open your eyes, a beautiful girl armored girl in blue stands before you, preventing Rider from killing you. Surprised, Shinji's servant quickly retreats.

"Are you my master?" she asks you.

You're speechless. However, you suddenly remember Caster is in danger. Ignoring the pain and danger, you rush to the house. The girl in blue follows and engages Rider in combat. You see Caster is on the ground, pinned by Shinji. He's groping her. Enraged, you charge forth and punch him with all your might! A sickening crunch is heard as both your hand and Shinji's jaw crack from the force.

Rider sees the condition her master is in and grabs him, attempting to flee, Saber moves to persue. You...

Let Saber persue Shinji and Rider on her own.
Rush to Caster and protect her.

>> No.2831917

Wait, that doesn't seem like a choice. If you are running to protect Caster, what is stopping Saber from pursuit. And the other one is simply letting Saber go, with no action at all on your part.

>> No.2831920

>Find weapon, with attached tits

Flaw in your logic. Shirou has no command seal, saber has no tits.

>> No.2831921

Maybe it is a reference to that one HF choice where you get three of the same option (I think it was save Ilya or something).

>> No.2831925

IIRC you only get your seal when you summon the servant. Point on the tits though.

>> No.2831928

This was protect Caster right? seeing how we took the spike for caster it looks like it, if we ran or attacked it would of ended with her taking it? seems quite smart there, the one correct choice actually did all three but if you picked anything else caster would of died.

Protect Caster still, you are afterall right there and Saber can still pursue Rider.

>> No.2831933

>Enraged, you charge forth and punch him with all your might! A sickening crunch is heard as both your hand and Shinji's jaw crack from the force.

>> No.2831937

>Rush to Caster and protect her.

>> No.2831943

er, no. The seal comes before the summoning--the Greater Grail designates 7 people of high mana ranking (or dumb luck, see Shirou & Ryunousuke) to participate in the war. The selected Masters summon the Servants.

>> No.2831957

OP here, clarification because I wasn't descriptive enough trying to get it out to you. Yes it was the protect Caster choice. Shirou has one arm useless from the spike, and his other arm has a broken hand from decking Shinji. If Saber goes there's no one to protect Caster, Shirou effectively has 2 useless arms.

>> No.2831962

[x] Reinforce shoes. Kick Shinji in the face.

>> No.2831963

Well who would we protecting her from? Rider and Shinji are running away. Is Lancer hiding nearby? Or Rin?

>> No.2831969

I've encountered a lot of choices like this in VNs, that seem like non-choices. The key is in the phrasing. See, girls in VNs can sense your motives. Your action is the same, but in the second choice, your thoughts are focused on Caster. In the first choice, your thoughts are focused on the battle.
So, the obvious choice is
>Rush to protect Caster

>> No.2831970

Possibly. Or possibly just earns you affection points from Caster so you don't bad end later like Dojo #13?

>> No.2831973

[x]Tell Saber to stay.

>> No.2831971 [DELETED] 

-Protect Caster.

If Shirou tries and attacks Shinji, it's most likely that he'll lose. Shinji does have some powers and against a rookie magus without anything to reinforce, it's more than enough. Besides, even if Shirou beats him up, Rider will kill him as soon as she subdues Caster.
Running away is the logical option, but Rider may still kill me from the back and, more importantly CASTER MAY LOOK AT IT AS COWARDICE. We are talking about a man-hating witch here, it doesn't take much to make her mad and without Caster's trust, this route is lost. Besides, since when Emiya chooses the fucking logical option.

Protecting Caster is the manly and stupid thing to do. Go for it.

>> No.2831975

Ah so protect Caster again ends up with Saber protecting caster instead of going after Shinji and Rider?

hm.. a bit harder choice then, but I'd still have to go with protect Caster. Rider isn't much of a threat against saber and once Caster has mana she won't be much of a threat to her either.

>> No.2831988

protect caster

Come on Saber, grab Rider! We need 4p!

>> No.2831994

There are many things on Saber's mind. Sadly, this is probably not one of them.

>> No.2831998

>Grope caster
>Engage hyper weapon

>> No.2832000
File: 290 KB, 527x751, sleep with berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's gonna get that mana magically without harming anyone, right?

>> No.2832014
File: 111 KB, 800x600, superior to nanaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“– Besides, it just doesn’t feel like the supervisor of this war can be trusted and respected. Hiding Assassin’s Master as if he knows nothing about it; he’s probably on Tōsaka’s side. Before we figure out everything about him, we should temporarily regard him with some doubt.”


>Saber was so angry her body was shaking, and countless thoughts roamed in Irisviel’s heart. For a moment, the two of them both sank into silence. Kiritsugu took such a silence as the sign to end the meeting.

>“Then the meeting’s over. Irisviel and I will remain in the castle and prepare for Caster’s assault. Maiya is to return to the city and gather intelligence. Report it to me if there are any changers there.”

>“Yes sir.”

>Maiya nodded unhesitatingly, stood up, and left the meeting room. Kiritsugu stood up a while later, gathered the map and documents on the table, and also left the room. Kiritsugu didn’t look at Saber even once until the end.

>Saber, completely ignored by Kiritsugu, bit her lip tightly and angrily and stared at the carpet beneath her feet. Irisviel and Saber remained in the meeting room. Right now, Irisviel didn’t know what words she could say to soothe the fuming Saber.

Next choose your own adventure needs to be about him.

>> No.2832019

Well, there is always mana transferring.

if Saber will allow it now that shirou is her master and he has Caster, that's one of the things that may of been bad about summoning Saber.

>> No.2832048

Because of this, FSN is rife with truly excellent setups for yaoi scenarios. Too bad 99% of yaoi fandom is dominated by fat pre-teen girls with absolutely zero taste.

>> No.2832090

Rush to Caster and protect her.

>> No.2832097


Pick one

>> No.2832102

Rush to Caster and protect her.

>> No.2832123

This is awesome, I'm saving every bit of the story to a text document.

>> No.2832126

Oh, I assume there is taste.
And it tastes bad.

>> No.2832141


New thread >>2832137

>> No.2832147

They probably wouldn't archive it, so save away

>> No.2832171

Easymodo is automatic

>> No.2832222

best thread i've seen in a looooooong time

>> No.2832410

I have never archived a thread, how does it work?
