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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 853x500, SaberDay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2821495 No.2821495 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you have a nice day Anonymous.
It can be a great day today.

>> No.2821502

that's so sweet of you.

>> No.2821505

Why the fuck are you doing this again?

>> No.2821513

Thanks, man.
Have a nice day you too.

>> No.2821652

Thanks, it's 22:45 though

>> No.2823213

Nope, it sucked so far.

>> No.2823240

>>2821495 Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw

>> No.2823241

Well, unlike the Jap bird cooking spaghetti guy, AoC has a logical motive for doing this. I recall him saying he does this to test the current nature of the board. Basically testing to see how hostile the board is. (I think there was a word for it, but I'm not fancy like that).

>> No.2823243

I will do my best. I go to work in a couple of hours, but its a short easy shift inside, instead of the usual 8 hour march in outside in the 100+ degree heat.

>> No.2823264

I was going to go out and buy a new rifle today. So it is a good day. But the only thing that sucks is the 10 day waiting period.

>> No.2823314

it can never be a good day today, it's FUCKING HOT AND HUMID and i'm all out of basements.

>> No.2823316

> I hope you have a nice day Anonymous.
> Anonymous
Get out tripfags.

>> No.2823346

Don't worry about it bro. If the politicians I voted for get their way that 10-day waiting period with soon become NEVER.

>> No.2823353
File: 83 KB, 546x365, YotsubaDay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always glad to see you're still around. How's translation going?

No, those are the "This thread has no explicit goal or purpose" tests. Only reason for these is that there are still people that like seeing them every now and then.
And the word you're looking for is zeitgeist, spirit of the times.

I'm having a great day. Doujin is done now, Windows 7 is running as it should, and the sun came out after a couple days of freezing rain.

>> No.2823361

With the current government setup we have that is a very real possibility. I stocked up before Obama took office.

>> No.2823391

is that a loli saber i am seeing ?

>> No.2823408

I, for one, can't wait for it to happen.
Weapons sales in this country are fucking stupid. What, are you going deer hunting with that submachine gun?

>> No.2823423

I love these threads. It contains the spirit of taking it easy that /jp/ has come to embrace. And yes it is a nice day today. It's nice and sunny after days and days of overcast skies. I think I am going to take a walk and smoke a cigar.

>> No.2823434

Not exactly. Just tiny.

>> No.2823450

>Weapons sales in this country are fucking stupid.
Don't be silly, firearms are necessary for a well regulated militia. Oh wai-

>> No.2823453

Those of us who are smart enough to remember history realize that the greatest threat to our nation isn't necessarily foreign enemies, but our own domestic government.

A well-armed populace is the last possible counter against a government which has gone off the deep end.

>> No.2823474

What is the source of the OP's image?

>> No.2823479
File: 19 KB, 320x240, ned e jimbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2823504

THIS is what our second amendment was for.

>> No.2823512

I don't know about you two, but I don't really want to see an insurrection here in the States any time soon.
Look, let's face it. The greatest threat to any particular person is another person armed with the latest and greatest mankilling device. If our government was even remotely close to any of the repressive regimes in history, I could understand wanting a well-armed populace so that the people could protect themselves / overthrow a dictatorial regime. But as it stands, the only people who stockpile guns are kooks and radicals. I'd rather the kooks and radicals be unarmed, personally.

Also, for you right wingers out there: think how easy it must be for a would-be home grown terrorist to acquire guns and ammo.

>> No.2823522

Yeah right, America will collapse like the Soviet Union did. With a peep. The guns are to protect you and yours as the shit hits the fan.

>> No.2823535

You have an inaccurate grasp of who buys guns.

This isn't /k/, so further argument is stupid.

>> No.2823539
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>> No.2823540

Your terrorists and criminals will always be armed. They will never had the most advanced weapons, it isn't their style. Terrorists don't grab guns legally, too much paper trail, and criminals don't really care if they get them legally or not. The only thing the laws are doing is disarming the law abiding citizen.

>> No.2823542

Ok, let's play it from the way you set it out. Even if the government isn't currently "even remotely close to the repressive regimes in history", there wouldn't be anything to stop them if it headed that way after the banning of guns.

Basically, if the government became opressive after banning guns, there wouldn't be any way for the American people to take arm themselves any longer, due to guns being banned previously.

>> No.2823547 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.18 MB, 2399x3000, Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post was stupid, even for a tripfag.

This is the west we're talking about (the people that invented democracy). We're not sandniggers, nor are we a bunch of chinks. The whole authoritarian bullshit is propaganda created by fascist/anarchist that want to turn our civilization into a jungle. Just like global warming and atheism, it's just another scheme created by the jews to control us. Just remember that every time you hear Bill Maher talk about atheism, Al Gore talk about global warming, or Alex Jones talk about fascism, money is being exchanged behind closed doors.

Atheism for example is really pathetic, after the masses finally managed to shake off the mythical Jew religion they started worshiping another religion -> atheism.

>> No.2823548

It's a good thing I never go to /k/.
Everyone in there is a kook or a gun fetishist. I'm not sure which is worse.

>> No.2823555

> The only thing the laws are doing is disarming the law abiding citizen.
What about when the law abiding citizen flips out and goes on a shooting spree (instead of a stabbing spree)?

>> No.2823554

I know a good therapist you could talk to. You seem like you really need to find one.

>> No.2823560

I was sarcastic. As far as I'm concerned, the second amendment is no longer applicable and therefore there is no particularly good reason why a normal citizen should be allowed to own guns.

On the other hand, if guns were banned... let's just say that when people are killed by sharp objects, it can be pretty gruesome.

>> No.2823566 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 227x214, israel_defense_force_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In all seriousness, though, how does even the craziest nut believe this stuff?

>> No.2823569

...what have I done? I've turned this taking it easy thread to a /k/ debate

>> No.2823571

That's okay because people like me will bring /k/ to you.

Notice how >>2823361 started an innocent comment into this?

Yeah. You're welcome. :3

>> No.2823572

Because not everyone lives in the fucking city you stupid git.

>> No.2823574

You're never going to prevent insane acts by insane individuals unless you go the whole way down the dark path and turn us into a nightmare police state.

The side effect of being free, depending on personal responsibility, and believing in the law as a tool of solving disputes/grievances AFTER the fact is that bad things will occasionally happen.

People who jump on the bus leading to tyranny, oppression, and the infantilization of all citizens think it will save us from any crimes committed by citizens against other citizens. And it will!

By turning us all into eternal prisoners. And what exactly will save us from abuses by our guards?


>> No.2823581

This is the cost of Liberty.

>> No.2823598
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S-stupid gate guard! You can't do anything right!

>> No.2823617
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>> No.2823618

Are you incensed? ;)

>> No.2823634

Give me liberty and give me death!

Not really such a rousing slogan.
But, you know what? Even trained citizen militias with machine guns won't be able to defeat the army. For this reason, I propose that civillians should be allowed to purchase weapons of mass destruction, including chemical, biological, and nuclear weaponry and long-range ballistic missiles to deliver them from the average American citizen's ranch in Montana directly to the Pentagon or the White House.

>> No.2823643

America currently has enough military muscle to take on Japan, China, and the EU combined. A red neck and his little musket wont amount to shit the day America starts to endorse authoritarianism. The only way to prevent Alex Jone's doomsday scenarios is to educate the next generation. Which is ultimately irrelevant because only a collectivist Nation like China would endorse authoritarianism.

Case and point:

>> No.2823652

The understanding is that no one would choose to deploy chemical or biological weapons in their own country, and should they choose to do something like that, then we're all done for anyway and the least we can do is take out our own so that the rest of the world never needs to face a United States gone insane.

All indications point to the fact that the United States military, at its general ranks, would NOT fulfill an order to target civilians during an actual revolution against a government unpopular by the majority of citizens, especially if there is evidence that the government has broken the law in order to secure its own power.

Which it has to a great deal just recently.

>> No.2823697

I thought this thread was supposed to be nice days. stfu alredy u guis.

>> No.2823716
File: 35 KB, 625x390, 2005_mainimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even in science fiction do you see weapons that powerful.

>> No.2823815
File: 252 KB, 500x500, 1243617418958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-s-top arguing and lets enjoy our day anonymous!

>> No.2823827

Good luck being drafted and dying for a country full of ingrates.

>> No.2823857

Sure is /k/ in here. I approve.

>> No.2823863


Is that Kagu-chan and Mokou's kid?

>> No.2823880
File: 488 KB, 1000x1200, MokaChild2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them.
Here's another.
They're working on eleven.
To make a soccer team.

>> No.2823885
File: 70 KB, 536x536, 1232979888715[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of you DRONES (Yes, you are drones) fail to remember that a great deal of citizens are ex. military in the USA. If it came to fight and everyone revolted, we would take them down with the veteran's help. And guns are needed to do that.

>> No.2823913
File: 150 KB, 575x829, 1245606965858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhous support the 2nd amendment. They support freedom. Viva la liberte! Viva Gensokyo!

>> No.2823917
File: 375 KB, 800x450, Mokou16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about taking it easy, Mokou style.

>> No.2823929
File: 139 KB, 600x600, Mokou24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2823931
File: 170 KB, 650x800, 1245033365743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Touhous are tyrants. Look how they oppress the people.

>> No.2823938

You're stupid. Ex-military population in the US is very low compared to the rest of the world, and active military beats grandpa, believe it or not.

>> No.2823961

I think gun control is a major problem in America. I certainly oppose the outright ban on firearms, but in my opinion there is something wrong with a country that makes and sells rifles and shotguns specially designed for use by children.

>> No.2823976

How are you going to instruct the next generation in proper gun maintenance, safety, and firing if you don't have weapons appropriate for them?

Oh, wait, you were just ant-gun trolling. Sorry.

Lots of people seem to think that learning how to use a gun puts you on the same level as being a killer. Well, by that logic, learning how to use your vagina puts you on the same level as being a prostitute.

In before everyone agrees with my logic, for the wrong reason.

>> No.2823980
File: 235 KB, 1000x1000, Mokoubg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2823999

>learning how to use your vagina puts you on the same level as being a prostitute.
But that's tru--
>In before everyone agrees with my logic, for the wrong reason.
Well, shit.

>> No.2824029

I already said I'm not against an outright ban on firearms. I just find it disturbing that there are guns, lethal guns, designed for children no older than ten and that I can buy a gun in the same place I get my groceries. Even my grandfather, who was born in Buttfuck County, Arkansas and never finished high school wasn't allowed to go hunting until he was 16.

We live in a gun culture and quite frankly I find it disgusting.

>> No.2824064

Quite frankly, I find you disgusting, but that doesn't mean I want the government to prevent you from existing.

Firearms are best introduced early, so you learn how to use them, use them right, and respect them, before some gangbanger wannabes try to get you to join a gang to have some fun with guns.

Kids these days are soft. Teach a kid what it means to potentially hold someone's life in their hands with a weapon and he won't grow up thinking he can use physical, mortal threats of violence without repercussions, like those little gangster wannabe dipshits that roll around in all the ghettos.
