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2820554 No.2820554 [Reply] [Original]

Just in case you weren't paying attention.

Fate/Zero Volume 2: The Mad Feast of Kings translation complete (save for postface).


>> No.2820564


>> No.2820599


* June 18th, 2009

* Translation for Act 8: Part 3 Complete

* June 21st, 2009

* Translation for Act 8: Part 4 Complete

* June 23rd, 2009

* Translation for Act 8: Part 5 Complete
* Translation for Act 8: Part 6 Complete

Wow, that was fast.

>> No.2820703

That last part 6 has WAY too many interjections on the part of the translator.

Removal please

>> No.2820742
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This pleases me.

>> No.2820750

I love Fate/Zero

“ – What kind of cheap wine is this? How can you use this kind of wine to conduct a fight between heroes?”

Archer said with repulsion written all over his face.

“Really? I bought it from the market here; it’s pretty fine wine.”

“You only think so because you don’t know anything about wine, you mongrel.”

Beside Archer, who dismissed the wine derisively, ripples appeared in the empty air. That was the harbinger of the strange event that can summon Noble Phantasms; Waver and Irisviel felt a chill running down their spines.

– But what appeared beside Archer tonight weren’t weapons; instead it was a set of wine bottles inset with sparkling gems. Colorless lucid liquid filled bottles made of heavy gold.

“Behold, this is what ‘the king's wine’ should be.”

>> No.2820752


>Colorless lucid liquid filled bottles made of heavy gold.

how the fuck could they tell the color of the liquid in a solid gold bottle

>> No.2820753


>> No.2820756

Omniscient narrator, duh.

>> No.2820758

King's wine can do that kind of stuff.

>> No.2820759


>> No.2820760

Is the Drops of God translated? Is it good?

>> No.2820762


But the omniscient narrator calls Archer "Gilgamesh" and would state what the Gate of Babylon is (not describing it as "the strange event").

>> No.2820768

amazing if you dig wine.

makes you crave the stuff though.

>> No.2820778

he did the wine thing in complex too. I thought it was a nice touch to his character.

I like zero gilgamesh just because he's less cold villain and more overpowered dick.

>> No.2820792

If I had a dad like Kiritsugu things would be different around here.

>> No.2820798

If Rider was my bro I'd be in Ionioi Hetairoi

>> No.2820801

Just because the narrator is omniscient doesn't mean he can't be ambiguous.

>> No.2820805

Just because he's omniscient it doesn't mean he has to explain all he knows. Even if he describes it as strange event, he knows what it does and what its function is.

>> No.2820810


But we've already witnessed it and had it explained. Hell, there has been ZERO ambiguity on Gilgamesh because he was in Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.2820816

He says those in Ionian Hetairoi crossed space and time thanks to their bond with him after their deaths. IF YOU BELIEVE IN HIM YOU TOO CAN BECOME AN HERO.

>> No.2820817


>> No.2820823



>> No.2820829

This Fate/Zero should be alright, I liked KnK. I'll print it out and take it uni tomorrow for lecture reading material.

>> No.2820837

Fate/Zero isn't written by Nasu, though.

>> No.2820840


Only the very best !

>> No.2820841
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Which makes it BETTER.

It takes Nasu's brilliantly crafted universe and gives it a HORRIBLY DEPRESSING new angle.


>> No.2820847

It's not good at all. Mostly for the Type-Moon otaku.

>> No.2820849

I don't mind, I kinda picked that up by the above comments about it being in third person.

>> No.2820852


It's quite excellent if you want to see Nasu's universe outside of Nasu's dry, repetitive exposition.

>> No.2820853

...The current Cross+Channel translation is longer, uses more complex dialogue and has been done in little more than a month by a newbie translator. Is it just me or are light novel translators lazy?

>> No.2820856

You are now realizing that Gil's wine is several thousands of years old.


>> No.2820861

Yummy vinegar.

>> No.2820862


Noble Phantasm : thousand years old wine ?


>> No.2820865
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The Gate of Babylon holds treasure beyond measure.

>> No.2820869

This, it's not just weapons.

>> No.2820905

I bet it holds the worlds greatest collection of pornography from every age.

Shit would be so awesome.

>> No.2821201


No wonder why he has turned gay.

The man has seen it all.

>> No.2821211

This sentence makes no sense. If he had seen it all, what point is there in turning? He goes after anything he likes.
Like Saber.

>> No.2821217


He could've payed a little for Rin's care support, you know..

>> No.2821219


Tokiomi was a dick who got a knife in his heart.

>> No.2821224


Because knowing it all, he got bored by the uninteresting figures of female, and pursue the fantasy of the same sex.

Saber just happened to be one of those rare items that popped up after he cleared the game.

>> No.2821232

He already had Enkidu, a man as great as him.
If he wanted to pursue the fantasy, he already did LONG ago.
Besides, Gil add's in his collection any treasure, silly things like 'This one is female or not' are insignificant to the king.

>> No.2821246


No, no. He only added treasure worthy of a king like him. Anything else is worthless.

And nostalgia, haven't you had one of those ?

>> No.2821260

Mongrels trying to ascertain what the king feels like doing?

What I do has no bearing. Just indulge in your yaoi fantasies.

>> No.2821271

Pornography? Why would the King of Heroes lower himself to collecting pornography?

The bastard has a motherfucking battleship in there, do you think he doesn't have his own harem of sex robots?

>> No.2821273
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>> No.2821342

“…Archer, why are you looking at me?”

“Ah, I am merely studying your annoyed expression.”

Archer’s smile was surprisingly gentle, but at the same time, fearsome.

“It is rather like a virgin in heat, lying on her bed, I like it.”

>> No.2821460

Fuck yeah, Gilgamesh

>> No.2821475

Saber's such a moralfag in this one

>> No.2821506

Did you skip F/SN?

>> No.2821511

She wasn't that irritating in the original FSN

>> No.2821520

She is plagued by the same exact problems and starts with the same attitude.
There is just no conflict of KING views.

>> No.2821584

What made rage the most is her letting Lancer go run to his master

I'm not sure if even Shirou would be that dumb

>> No.2821602

Shirou just doesn't like killing people due to broken psyche among other things.
Saber adheres to the knight code no matter the situation. Hardheaded disposition, even if it's not advantageous.
She acts like that in F/SN too.
Shirou hasn't actually let somebody run away to thhe point it bites him in the ass later, excluding Matou Zoken(who he did not appear to be the enemy either way)

>> No.2821611

F/SN could certainly benefit from more kings. Suleiman the Magnificient or Julius Caesar would've been awesome.

>> No.2821623

Julius Caesar does not really have heroic feats or legends surrounding him.

>> No.2821631

Didn't prevent old Gilles from getting R'lyeh Text.

>> No.2821642

Gilles and the character inspired by him (Bluebeard) were rumored to dabble with the Dark Magic.
Alexander participated in almost every battle and went out alive.

Julius was a leader and a strategist only.

>> No.2821656

And declared a deity two years after his death. He beats fucking Imhotep at that. Come to think about it, Imhotep is an amazing Caster choi-IMHOTEP

>> No.2821662

I'm waiting for a genuine animal or robot Eirei

>> No.2821859

Dammit, F/Z is way more awesome than F/SN.
I mean, there are dogfights, Servants with submachine guns as NPs, kings holding drinking contests, broships, assassinations, no WOMEN AND CHILDREN and MEANLY TEARS.
