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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2820474 No.2820474 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2820477

Good enough for me.

>> No.2820478


>> No.2820480
File: 28 KB, 336x322, 1236021863793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shit tier

>> No.2820484

accurate. Which means you must not realize the primare purpose of this list format is to intentionally misplace elements to aggravate people. That said, this would aggravate /tv/ so put it there.

>> No.2820485

I'd rather go to /v/ than /a/.

>> No.2820486

/v/ should be on shit tier also. There the closes board to /b/ besides /r9k/.

>> No.2820487

/v/ is has bad has /a/ and its /co/ not /co

>> No.2820488

Shit Tier:

>> No.2820489

/g/ should be middle tier if /jp/ is.

>> No.2820490

on mid tier


maybe if more than 6 people posted here

>> No.2820493

Enjoy your aids.

>> No.2820495

I think the only thing I MIGHT change about this list is to swap /a/ and /v/

>> No.2820498

Good Tier:
4chan 4 years ago

Shit Tier:
4chan now

>> No.2820499

no this is right. compare /v/ with /g/ or /fa/, on topic but same-old-shit with tons of ignorance, now compare /v/ with /mu/ or /a/, down on shit tier there is only banter and ignorance and repetition and pushing your own point of view.

>> No.2820501

They're both shit tier.

>> No.2820500

There are a lot more than 6. It just changes depending on time of day. something like 2-20 or abouts there is the average range for a day..

>> No.2820502

/v/ is shit tier.

It's like /a/ except with video games instead of anime.

>> No.2820505

It's still shit no matter how you compare with other boards.

Only if you have fun discussing about console bitching with other 13 year old kids their parents just bought for them. Now that's your fucking problem.

>> No.2820508

and how is /g/ not the latter?

>> No.2820511

Where's /ck/?

>> No.2820512
File: 41 KB, 247x248, 1235937221923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good tier

>> No.2820515

>CP tier

>> No.2820525

This is 4chan, there's no good tier in here. Just Plain Shit Tier, Bearable Shit Tier, Useful Shit Tier and I Can't Stand This Shit Shit Tier.

>> No.2820526

middle to good.

>> No.2820535

[ c / p / w / wg] [i / ic] [cm] [an / ck / n / po / sp ]

noticeably absent:
/k/, /o/, /cgl/, /x/, /toy/

>> No.2820532

/v/.... Do you know how many summerfags and idiots in general go there? /a/ has been doing the exact same shit for ten or so months now (don't say they've always been doing the same shit I have a reason for the ten months). Have you also seen all the trolls in /v/? Only good thing I ever heard happened in /v/ was thaty decided to make a jojo RPG of Battle Tendencies.

>> No.2820536
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>Good Tier


>> No.2820539

/v/ is pretty troll but at least it's got redeemable threads occasionally (comic and nostalgia threads) - /a/ is just anus all the way

>> No.2820542

At least somebody recognizes how shitty /a/ is. That place is a fucking shitpile. I'd rather go to /v/ than that board and that's saying a lot.

>> No.2820544

there are boards missing in both lists ...

>> No.2820545

whoever the "4chan good teir is unbelievable" faggot is needs to see some of the shit /tg/ has pulled together over the years. Shit deserves some credit.

>> No.2820549
File: 215 KB, 509x380, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boards I can speak for.


/fa/ /v/ /g/ /k/

/b/ /jp/ /cgl/ /r9k/

>> No.2820550

those lists show boards a) not on the OP list and b) not porn boards. Why would you measure the culture of a porn board?

>> No.2820551

>maybe if more than 6 people posted here

What the shit? There's at least 50 people that go to /jp/ and plenty more that visit from time to time.

>> No.2820555

we need a damn unique poster count on main page.

>> No.2820556

/p/ is missing, so is /n/

>> No.2820558
File: 26 KB, 304x512, simpsons_comic book guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /co/ have Comic_Experts (over 10,000 read)?

The last time I went there most of the board seemed to be pretty low power level. Lots of kiddies posting about Avatar as well.

>> No.2820561

/p/ appears on the no-one-gives list, as does /n/.

>> No.2820562

sorry, you are an anon. It is you and trip/namefags. Anything else would be a non-anonymous board.

>> No.2820565

/a/ is total shit. If you make a thread about anything in that gaia/crunchyroll imageboard, you'll just get complete shit. I remember making a Berserk thread and somebody spammed it with wikipedia articles. Fuck that board.

/v/ is shit too but at least when I make threads I can gather a few good people to discuss something. Shit posters usually stay in shit threads.

>> No.2820568

you can't just judge each board by it's worst elements, the whole internet would wind up in the shit tier.

>> No.2820572

And yet, that would be an upgrade for /b/, both the way this list works and in real life..

>> No.2820577

just a count, a number of unique users that have posts. That's not a unique identifier or anything it's just an idea of how many posters exist, that is distinct from an identity.

>> No.2820578


That's why this friend has the right idea. >>2820525

>> No.2820581

/v/ here,

u mad

>> No.2820582

/a/ has a couple wikispammers that like to shit up any thread they can.

>> No.2820583

I kinda like /c/. It serves its purpose, at least.

>> No.2820588

/co/ was here
/jp/ is a fag

>> No.2820590

I notice how /jp/ hates on /v/ and /v/ hates on /jp/


>> No.2820592

Wikispammer aims for Jojo threads, One Piece threads, and Berserk threads.

>> No.2820594

I thought /co/ is always left out?

>> No.2820593

At least we don't raid them.

>> No.2820596



>> No.2820608

>/jp/ higher than us
>right, a whole board dedicated to a cripple >dating sim is better than console wars
>get real, faggot
because they acctually believe this. Basically, they are grading us on our interest instead of our ability to discuss it.

>> No.2820611

>right, a whole board dedicated to a cripple dating sim is better than console wars

I thought is was known that /jp/ hates KS.

>> No.2820613


They're just jealous.

Two other /jp/ Anons and myself have played more video games than the entire GameFAQs imageboard (AKA /v/) combined.

>> No.2820614

I hate to break it to you, but our ability to actually discuss things properly has been dwindling.

>> No.2820619

We're still better than /v/, unless you consider posting reaction images to be discussion.

>> No.2820630

Oh, I wasn't saying we were on /v/'s level of shit. I'm just saying we are headed there.

>> No.2820631

/v/ has too many /b/ shit threads. You can practically make a thread about taking a shit and get 200 replies.

>> No.2820645

>middle tier

what the hell? /m/ is not that good any mor...

>Low Tier

I see, low standars are low

>> No.2820646

And Aria threads. And Yotsuba threads. And god knows what else since I haven't been in that shithole for weeks.

>> No.2820649


Yeah, I never see any of th- >>2820221

>> No.2820651

Accurate except /v/ should move down one.

>> No.2820656

/g/ and /v/ are both shit tier boards.

>> No.2820658

/ck/ is currently suckin' that corporate cock.

We don't miss her at all, we never think about her muffins while /x/ goes down on us. NEVER.

>> No.2820657

100% of Cirno threads are troll threads.

Maybe Alice as well.

>> No.2820660

Sure is buttsore over /v/ in this thread. They make fun of your Touhou figurines or something?

>> No.2820661

We've never discussed things properly it's only arguments. There WAS a time when we kept most arguments to ourselves but not anymore.

I'm ON /jp/ because I stopped finding regular games and anime interesting. They're now all boring I can no longer find anything 'good' too play on a console no 'good' anime since-... How the hell am I supposed to know? Either way my collective knowledge makes me bored at most shit.

>> No.2820665

I'm fine with middle tier with our bros in /m/.

>> No.2820667

>/m/ has it's alright parts but have you ever seen a Gundam timeline thread? Hahaha when that happens it's /b/ doing a /jp/-like argument they don't care what anyone else says no matter how good it is.

Looks like some guy on /v/'s got it right.

>> No.2820674

They raid us constantly along with /b/.

>> No.2820679

I don't think people that call themselves not weaaboos and hate everything Japanese would be good tier on 4chan.

>> No.2820685

That /b/ tripfag isn't that bad. It's mostly /a/ not /b/ that comes here whenever someone posts a VN CG asking us all about xxx Visual Novel. About a month or two ago someone posted a Saya HCG on /a/ we had about 10 Saya threads in 24 hours. Shit pissed me off.

>> No.2820687


Don't know about /co/, but /tg/ just seems to be tsun tsun.

>> No.2820689
File: 388 KB, 1600x1200, 802ec18588770a4a2c1c9d06ee6dd80a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup /jp/, I just finished Saya No Uta (all 3 endings), enjoyed it very much and was wondering if you guys could recommend me any visual novels similar to it. When I say similar, I mean I prefer that they have a darker and more mature storyline and be fairly short in terms of length. I had played two other visual novels before SnU but this was the first one I finished because it was short and kept me engrossed the entire way. There were never any boring parts.

>> No.2820693

I'm not talking about the tripfag, I'm talking about the EPIC RAIDS XD where they flood the board.

>> No.2820694

>About a month or two ago someone posted a Saya HCG on /a/ we had about 10 Saya threads in 24 hours. Shit pissed me off.
I don't really understand this, /a/ used to have Saya dumps all the time. Did they stop when /jp/ was created?

>> No.2820696
File: 96 KB, 972x505, 34343443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever is a weeaboo can go to hell. It just shows you are low powerlevel. Most of us here are too high of a powerlevel to be interested to do most things.

Besides we were forced here because everyone else whined to moot about our threads.

>> No.2820707

>good tier
a board full of furries and the most autistic neckbeards of any board?

>> No.2820709

Oh shit... I remember that...

>> No.2820712

>I don't really understand this, /a/ used to have Saya dumps all the time. Did they stop when /jp/ was created?

A majority of the posters with more knowledge moved to /jp/ exclusively after the split, so what was old/regular material in old /a/ suddenly became new material to the posters in new /a/. Try posting about any pre-2008 anime and you'd be surprised by how few people recognize it.

>> No.2820713

>autistic neckbeards of any board?

This is a good thing.

>> No.2820714

At least the people here still post in proper English.

The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.2820990

As a resident /m/an I can tell you /m/ is boring, mostly dead, full of the same threads and overall pretty shitty
/a/ is beyond salvation
/jp/ is well /jp/. At the very least it's entertaining if you can ignore tripfags and 3d threads
/tg/ is on a whole different level though. Far better than these

>> No.2821034

Sure, why not?

>> No.2821050

/co/'s main problem is furries.
Other than that, most topics go surprisingly well, barring the odd webcomic shit.

>> No.2821065

If /a/ is shit tier, /v/ is shit tier as well.

Move /jp/ down to low tier. No way it's as good as /co/ and /m/.

>> No.2821073



>> No.2821077

/tg/ should be the only one at good tier
middle tier should be empty
everything else on low or shit tier

>> No.2821088

It seems nobody on /a/ remembers me because the kiddies cased all my old friends out who loved me. Lets try here on /jp/, also /jp/ sucks since its creation I see. Also VNs are boring shit and touhou faggotry is so bad it belongs in /b/. Typemoonfaggotry is pretentious douche baggry and everything about it is fap and no substance.

Fucking /jp/sies

>> No.2821091

>good teir

haha, oh wow.

I can see why they would think that, there is a certain arrogance about boards like /co/ and /tg/ where they beleive they are that bit more mature then everything with a better noise to signal ratio. Unfortunately for them, the faggotry they have to put up with on both boards is so much more insidious.

I mean look at /jp/ and /v/ for example. We know this board is usually shit. Shit is the standard for most forums, the idea being you go somewhere related to your interest and try to find gold nuggets among piles of shit. That's 4chan.

The difference with /tg/ and /co/ is they don't realise it's exactly the same, only with different types of shit. /tg/ is the worst for this because at least /co/ generally tries to stay on topic, but in /tg/ you'll get piles of draw whore threads about 40k, usually rule 34 and shipping requests, copious amounts of troll threads, furry content. Then you get just loads of 40k, THEN some traditional games.

/co/ has similar problems with draw whores, trolls and furries but just about manages to control it better then /tg/ which has days where it's NOTHING BUT.

tl;dr - /tg/ your shit stinks like everyone else, quit pretending you are a good board.

>> No.2821094

Where's /u/?

>> No.2821105


As far as 2D porn boards go, /u/ is shit tier.

>> No.2821109


/u/ is rage tier. Those guys hate a lot of shit and will rage over pairing worst then any /co/ faggot might rage over Avatar shipping.

>> No.2821121

/u/ is shit tier

>> No.2821124

sup fgt, /jp/ also thinks it's the best board ever. cf. ZUN earlier in this thread.

>> No.2821144

But they're cool and translate Touhou doujins.

>> No.2821156


That's ZUN and ZUN is a faggot. We all know this to be true.
