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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 134 KB, 557x800, Rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2816607 No.2816607 [Reply] [Original]

You're looking rather tasty today Shirou.

>> No.2816614

His face looks willing but his body seems scared. Oh, shirou

>> No.2816628
File: 121 KB, 400x396, Shirou3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost me

>> No.2816638

For some reason I just imagined a Type-Moon buddy comedy with Shirou and Tohno Shiki, wandering around solving mysteries and taking it easy.

>> No.2816656

that sounds like something I'd want to watch.

>> No.2816667
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>> No.2816669

Shirou doesn't know how to take it easy.

>> No.2816673
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>> No.2816690
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>> No.2816706
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Shirou come out and play

>> No.2816708
File: 301 KB, 413x588, namelessarechergirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, looks like I'm off the hook for today!

>> No.2816712

He's the straight man character.

>> No.2816727
File: 144 KB, 595x841, RiderAyako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2816759
File: 46 KB, 190x255, rin smoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.2816798

Your best friend, you silly girl.

>> No.2816808

Hey, your image there. I've been looking for the comic that's from, do you happen to have it?

>> No.2816842
File: 44 KB, 165x270, rin tsundere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here! I-it's not like I like you or anything, I just feel sorry for you not being able to look for things yourself. So I'll help you just this once!

>> No.2816843

Rin's too much of a bitch to have any friends.

>> No.2816853


I was surprised to find out that smoking surly Rin is canon. Sort of.

Reading through FSN for the first time, thing is made of engrish and endless cooking/breakfast eating scenes.

>> No.2816864

In VNs half the time they're eating. You'd think Japanese people would be fatter.

>> No.2816868

Which is why she only has one true friend. She also has that trio of retards she hangs out with sometimes, but they're not as close to her as Ayako is.

>> No.2816876

They won't be friends once Rin finds out Ayako is yet another person who wants to bang Shirou.

>> No.2816890

The mini theaters are really worth the effort it takes to get all the Tiger Dojos (it helps that the Tiger Dojos themselves are worth it). The touhou parody one is adorable.

>> No.2816894

More like Rin says she'll hook Ayako up with Shirou, then when they get over to his house, she "warms up" Ayako while Shirou is told to go cook supper.

>> No.2816930
File: 203 KB, 306x557, oho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sure, Mitsuzuri, I'll let you borrow my boyfriend for the night. Just follow me..."

>> No.2816999

> oho.png

Obviously a typo, you added an o to the beginning.

>> No.2817013
File: 159 KB, 211x574, imstoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stupid shit! Why are you looking at m-

>> No.2817021

She sure turns me to stone.

>> No.2817053
File: 174 KB, 237x554, embarrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but the only one I've ever made love to is Shirou!

>> No.2817060

And Saber.

>> No.2817082

No direct vagooo contact, doesn't count.

>> No.2817093
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>> No.2817095

I'm pretty damn sure there was vagoo contact when Rin was having fun seeing how many fingers she could get in Saber.

Slut. Just like your sister.

>> No.2817097

I think you need to reevaluate a few definitions.

>> No.2817121
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>> No.2817188

It wasn't Rin's vagooo touching Saber's vagooo, though. That was the point.

>> No.2817225
File: 161 KB, 225x553, moreembarrassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'm not a slut! I just like it when Shirou puts his penis inside me, that's all!

>> No.2817229

No you don't.

Unless you're a really good actor.

>> No.2817232

I thought she hates penis, what with being a lesbian and all.

>> No.2817243

Bi. Otherwise what's the point of having him in the harem?

>> No.2817251


She only needs him to mana transfer Saber while she gets off to it.

>> No.2817260
File: 242 KB, 800x599, purelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She learns to love it.

>> No.2817269


Hollow Ataraxia was Avenger's dream. That never happened. Stop calling mai waifu a slut!

>> No.2817276

Mobile semen producer.

>> No.2817282

No one cares about the truth.

>> No.2817283

The side stories are unconnected to the main story, anyway. More of a "what-if" situation.

>> No.2817295

It's not the semen, but the magic in it.

Normal men can't provide.

>> No.2817300

SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! It's the perfect FSN world, and no matter what LIES LIES LIES you tell that's the fact!

>> No.2817320


>It's the perfect FSN world

But it doesn't have Kotomine...


Every man stores their od in their semen, it's just that non-magi have baseline levels. Mana is everywhere (except where it's been sucked dry), od is too. Even Kuzuki, who wasn't a magus and probably had no magic circuits, was able to mana transfer with Caster.

>> No.2817329

It had Karen, who is superior because she has tits and does not find the idea of you in eternal agony particularly amusing.

>> No.2817348
File: 59 KB, 497x535, 1245206625887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2817366

Karen is a good girl. People think she's a slut because she'll have sex with anyone, but she's not. She doesn't even enjoy it that much. She simply loves everyone, and is willing to spread the love using her body.

>> No.2817375

A whore who doesn't charge is still a whore.

>> No.2817389

Um, I haven't actually played HA so I have only a basic working knowledge of Karen but... does she really have sex with anyone?

>> No.2817395


No, actually.

A whore does it for the money. A slut does it for the sex.
Karen would be impure. She's just doing something she shouldn't without realizing she shouldn't, not out of desire for the sex itself.

>> No.2817420

>Ayako wants to bang Shirou

Where do people come up with this crap? Next you'll be telling me Nero wants to fuck Akiha.

>> No.2817426

Nero actually knocked up Neko Arc. Neko Arc Chaos is his son.

>> No.2817429

>Nero wants to fuck Akiha.
Who doesn't? It's only natural that a man wants to fuck a petite girl with demonic powers.

>> No.2817431

I've never played Melty Blood, is that really the origin for Neco-Arc Chaos?

>> No.2817439

That's not part of the HA loop IIRC, rather sidescene you unlock.

>> No.2817446


>> No.2817451

Well then where the fuck did he/she/it come from?

>> No.2817465

The land of Neko.

>> No.2817470

A studio-wide drinking binge.

>> No.2817478

I take back my land of Neko answer, this is WAY more accurate.

>> No.2817499

He totally would have hot vampire sex with her.

>> No.2817502

He did with Arc in that one doujin.

>> No.2817505

This. Just like Seifuku Akiha, Mech Hisui, and all forms of Sion.

>> No.2817518

Which I have bookmarked, because it has two of my favorite things.
Nero, and rape.

>> No.2817522

All of which are awesome.

>> No.2817550

>does not find the idea of you in eternal agony particularly amusing.

Hahaha, what. She finds it immensely entertaining if she's the one causing it.

>> No.2817563
File: 109 KB, 450x527, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to her. She loves us all.

>> No.2817569

Nero is awesome, rape not so much. Nero+Rape= something I dare not look at.

>> No.2817576

I thought that was more her doujin personality.

>> No.2817577

She wouldn't wish death upon someone, though. She's just (very) mischievous.

>> No.2817583
File: 215 KB, 865x1280, SaHa_Ero_Arc_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2817605
File: 36 KB, 305x503, 1240504836729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817610


Is that female Shinji?

I'd rape that so hard.

>> No.2817620
File: 343 KB, 1128x1600, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have you been? Its fact.

>> No.2817626
File: 86 KB, 425x689, 1242353915398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Nun Kotomine?

>> No.2817634
File: 38 KB, 701x357, thatface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting/hoping he would use more of his animals, but it's mostly just standard tentacle sex with a Bad End.
Also has the best example of THAT FACE, most of the reason rape is my main fetish.
Just that look of complete hopelessness drives me nuts.

MHisui is retarded broken, Sion just came completely out of nowhere and started lusting after Shiki's cock (despite him having FIVE GIRLFRIENDS ALREADY), and Seifuku Akiha? Seriously? How about instead of ANOTHER AKIHA they give us an actual new character? Arihiko, maybe. Or somebody from F/SN, since they seem to have dragged Ryougi out of the abyss.

>> No.2817637

Better question: would male Sakura rape female Shinji?

>> No.2817640



>> No.2817641

Are you one of those people who think that Assassin would have half a chance against Roa?

>> No.2817654

"And lo the Lord told me 'Lock the orphans in the basement and be eaten by the specter Kirei, that I may have many lulz.'"

>> No.2817665

He can and he would.

>> No.2817671

Actually Nasu has said that aside of the DAA and Arc no Tsukihime characters would stand a chance against Servants. On the other hand, Death of the Author is usually invoked when it comes to Nasu.

>> No.2817689
File: 52 KB, 508x502, grp0919050708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817694

Nasu can kill servants. Discuss.

>> No.2817696

Its fact, because there's an infinite amount of parallel universes in FSN. We only see 3. So somewhere, in one of them, that happens.


>> No.2817700

Well he sure killed the interesting ones off.

>> No.2817714

Excluding Ciel, who is as strong as a human can get, who can avoid getting inst-ko'd, but ut's a defensive fight.
Most of Roa's incarnations are weaksauce.

>> No.2817740

Rider is his favorite, and he sure as hell wasn't afraid to kill her.

>> No.2817768

Kouma can fight on part with and probably beat an average Servant.

Fuck yeah, Kouma.

>> No.2817780

Strictly speaking, he doesn't appear in Tsukihime, but yeah, Kouma is fucking death.

>> No.2817786

Fuck Kouma.
Sachin FTW

>> No.2817787

Introduction, bro, did you read it?

>> No.2817789

Not for a year and a half.

>> No.2817847

What? Where'd he say that?

>> No.2817855
File: 196 KB, 576x809, creatoropin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for it...

>> No.2817859
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>> No.2817871

Clearly the third man's opinion is correct and the other two are wrong

Also are they comparing them to....consoles?

>> No.2817878

Rin, without tens is the 'Average one', second only to Saber.

>> No.2817890


I really don't see how Sakura reminds anyone of an Xbox.

>> No.2817896

She is huge.

>> No.2817900

She's a bit of a fatty.

>> No.2817909
File: 246 KB, 993x1200, 1227536364810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2817913

What's the deal with calling Rin a bitch? Can people not handle being teased? I figured people in /jp/ would be used to it.

Besides, in her case, it's a sign of affection.

>> No.2817924

Didn't the there one say that Saber was his 9th favorite female? And why does he like Kotomine and Berserker?

>> No.2817927

Saber and Berserker are Takeuchi's favourites, Rider and Kotomine are Nasu's.

>> No.2817932

Kotomine is an awesome villain whose every action has great impact, and there is this pasta which details why Berserker is the best and manliest Servant.

>> No.2817933

Except she takes EVERY opportunity to be a bitch. She lets none pass.

>> No.2817936

Who the hell doesn't like Kotomine?

>> No.2817945


>> No.2817947

It didn't say she was his ninth favourite, he was giving her a 9 out of 10.

>> No.2817949

Your standards for a bitch are different.
She is a teaser and she lectures you for your own good, even though she has no real reason or advantage. Truly the best girl.
Add Shirou mindfukery for social interactions and the combo is done.

>> No.2817954

Get out.

>> No.2817957

I don't actually remember the pasta, but Berserker makes me cry every damn time.

"You're strong, Berserker." ;_;

>> No.2817969

Lets see.

Can't cook for shit.
Sucks in bed.

Well she fails the two most important waifu qualities off the bat.

>> No.2817978

She cooks chinese, much better than Shirou.
And Shirou himself feels damn good during sex, the fact that you do not enjoy as a separate viewer is meaningless.

>> No.2817979

>Can't cook for shit.
I think I remember at least one scene where she showed that she could cook. Unless I'm misremembering.

>> No.2817980

I thought it explained how Berserker was the most sane out of all the FSN characters.

>> No.2817983

That too.

>> No.2817998 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying that I don't like Kotomine and Berserker. In fact, the Ilya/Berserker scene in UBW is the only one in the game that made me cry, though to be fair all the other big tearjerkers had been spoiled for me. I'm just wondering why Mr. Warrior of Love likes Kotomine and Berserker the most.

>> No.2818000

Chinese is inherently inferior to Japanese cuisine so she fails.

Shirou was only amazed because he was a virgin. Rin fucks like a dead fish.

>> No.2818001

Lancelot is a better Berserker than Hercules

>> No.2818002

I'm not saying that I don't like Kotomine and Berserker. In fact, the Ilya/Berserker scene in UBW is the only one in the game that made me cry, though to be fair all the other big tearjerkers had been spoiled for me. I'm just wondering why Mr. Warrior of Love likes Kotomine the most.

>> No.2818004 [SPOILER] 
File: 239 KB, 800x600, 468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can cook fine. After all, she had to cook for herself for 10 years.

She only "sucks in bed" because she was a nervous virgin who wasn't really ready to do it yet. Besides, she gets better (pic related).

>> No.2818012
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subjective bullshit opinion about food is bullshit.
Also, she proves she can do a great fucking job later on.

>> No.2818015

'Warrior of love'?

>> No.2818018

What a slut.

>> No.2818019
File: 316 KB, 969x1400, SaHa_Femme_Fatale_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin and Shirou suck at sex; Archer and Saber are sex god/goddess.

>> No.2818025

Nice to see the Rin fanclub out in force today

>> No.2818027

Apparently, that's Nasu's nickname. Obviously it isn't used HERE, since we're all cold heartless cynics that are there just for the doujin community, memes, and fights, but apparently that really is his nickname.

>> No.2818034

Well we're also here for the jokes, and sometimes the official porn is good.

>> No.2818036 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 984x1400, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice makes perfect.

>> No.2818040

Okay, I'm intrigued.
What's the story behind the nickname?

>> No.2818043

I think you're just too used to women talking down to you. Or maybe you like it? Either way Rin is a horrible bitch to those of us who aren't limp-wristed whipped-pansies.

>> No.2818048

You don't have to be a BLIND FAN BEST ABOVE ALL ELSE to defend her from silly bullshit.
I reserve that mode for Ilya.

>> No.2818054


>> No.2818063

Well I don't pretend to know THAT much about it since I'm a /jp/-type Nasu fan, but apparently in Nasu fandoms that AREN'T pure jackassery that's his nickname, since above all else he's a romance writer.

>> No.2818065

It's exactly because I am not a pansy that I do not mind a strong minded woman who cares about me and is not afraid to show it.
Being irritated or intimated means you can't even stand listening to other people's opinions, and just want to take it easy by being surrounded by quite, subservient people.

>> No.2818073

Romance, eh?
I do not agree, cause even if it's pivotal, it's not the actual focus or explored theme most of the time.
But I guess fandoms can say whatever.

I thought that perhaps it was a self-assigned nickname.

>> No.2818076

Well what little knowledge I have of the man himself implies he's not that arrogant so THAT I really doubt.

>> No.2818084

Considering he represents himself as a mushroom, I would not put it above using it for COMEDIC effect.

>> No.2818086

Can a woman who only fucks one man really be considered a slut? Even if she likes it a lot, that's just a normal sexual relationship.

>> No.2818092

Well I suppose that's possible, but the mushroom thing is just for pun.

>> No.2818094

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.2818096

But she fucks many women.

>> No.2818100

>she likes it a lot

>> No.2818107

Touches a woman on the route she does not mix up with Shirou.

>> No.2818108

The main problem I have with Rin is she lacked the serenity and common sense to know when to keep her mouth shut


>> No.2818111

...And this is bad because...?

>> No.2818115

It makes her a slut.

>> No.2818119


He uses it because his name IS "Kinoko" (lit. Mushroom)

>> No.2818120

Rin is the second most prevalent info source in the story.
If you don't listen or didn't talk to you, you would be seeing events and effects and have no fucking idea why.

>> No.2818129

Yeah, just for pun.

>> No.2818130

Yeah, I know that. But regardless of obvious pun, CHOOSING to do so is a different matter all together.
She helps you fuck the motherfucking king.
It makes her a bro.

>> No.2818145

Shame she feels the need to explain the same shit over and over again

I learned more from Kotomine in one conversation that I did from her in the entire goddamn VN

>> No.2818150

Most of the information that pours out of Rin's mouth is incorrect or missing important points.

Heaven's Feel would have been hopeless without Ilya.

>> No.2818151
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>> No.2818154

Would Rin fist herself?

>> No.2818158

It's not incorrect, it's not the full truth because she doesn't know it herself and of course you won't get full exposurefrom the start.
It's not like her scenes drag on near as much as other scenes that contribute absolutely nothing.

Overexposition is an overall Nasu problem in all such scenes, not Rin's character only.

>> No.2818162
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>> No.2818168
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>> No.2818179

She'd have to sacrifice her incredible tightness for that.

She'd probably be better off doing it to her sister.

>> No.2818185
File: 239 KB, 725x1023, 2709723021_17f7c5e2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh no, a wild Gorgon has appeared!

>> No.2818186


>> No.2818195

Wow. Now that's getting into character.

>> No.2818201

>>>Go fuck yourself Gilgameshbot. You may have shiny armor, but I am made of true loyalty, true craftsmanship. I serve my purpose: to protect. You failed your purpose: to rule responsibly over your people.
But... I... MONGREL!

>> No.2818209


>> No.2818213
File: 216 KB, 399x1506, longrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you love the Gorgon, deep down.

>> No.2818216

Rider is perfect

>> No.2818222
File: 52 KB, 480x640, 2709723021_17f7c5e2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but gorgons do not like me

>> No.2818224
File: 397 KB, 932x653, c82374197782dbc746ed1f476ee03f24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fanart that improves threads.

>> No.2818235
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>> No.2818237
File: 165 KB, 486x680, 2709723021_17f7c5e2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but the gods frowned upon her perfection, and were jealous. because of this, they made her and her sisters' lives a merry hell, defiled them, cursed them, and exiled them.

>> No.2818243

This is so incredibly awesome.

>> No.2818249


>but the gods frowned upon her perfection, and were jealous.

Or rather, one god was.
Athena's a bitch. Honestly, look what she did to Arachne just because she showed that the gods weren't perfect.

>> No.2818256 [DELETED] 

I feel sorry for asking this, but is that actually BY the AMD/Yotsuba author?

>> No.2818262

I feel silly for asking this, but is that actually BY the AMD/Yotsuba author?

>> No.2818263
File: 425 KB, 985x698, 2709723021_17f7c5e2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let us not forget Poseidon's raping of her.

it occurs to me that after being raped and traumatizes she would respond very badly to someone coming onto her in a touchy-feely way

>> No.2818269


>let us not forget Poseidon's raping of her.

That's not jealousy, that's just that the 3 ruling gods are complete dicks who take whatever they feel like.

>> No.2818272
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1243141315874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and that's the best part of it.

>> No.2818276

Well Hades isn't quite as much of a dick as Zeus and Poseidon.

>> No.2818283

Except for the odd kidnapping of pretty women, but he did it much MUCH less and no rape on the spot.

>> No.2818289


Well, he's still upset about getting shafted and living in a sunless dark realm with the dead forever.

>> No.2818294

Well he did it once, and Persephone seems more or less content with her role by the time Orpheus rolls into town. Actually, I don't recall any story where Hades DOES have sex.

>> No.2818301

He likes being the richest of the gods though (since he lives under the earth he's also the god of minerals if I remember right).

>> No.2818315
File: 217 KB, 800x600, riderlovin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the capacity for love. You just need to earn her.

>> No.2818332
File: 183 KB, 1021x1135, 2709723021_17f7c5e2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one is richer than Hades! His coffers span the Earth.


Now that's a task and a half.

>> No.2818337


Persephone was more or less content with it even shortly after being kidnapped.

>> No.2818341

Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.2818367

Didn't she try to run away several times in the story?

>> No.2818405
File: 89 KB, 440x710, 1215931840118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or maybe you like it?

Yes, I do.

>> No.2818437

>You know you love the Gorgon, deep down.

I never claimed otherwise.

>Didn't she try to run away several times in the story?

She did. She was also raped constantly. The greeks associated the pomegranate fruit with female orgasm. Persephone has to live with Pluto for six months of the year, on month for each pomegranate seed she ate their.

Basically, Hades raped her until she liked it.

>> No.2818450

I... don't recall the constant rape part. Unless it was just pure metaphor, implied via the seeds.

>> No.2818459

Please. You're in /jp/.

Also, I wouldn't call Rin's teasing "talking down to you." I don't know what your social circle is like, but my friends and I give each other good-natured ribbing all the time. It doesn't mean we're "being bitches" to each other. It's just a way to amuse ourselves, and I'm pretty sure Rin only has that intention as well.

>> No.2818467

>in /jp/
>expecting others to be part of a social circle

>> No.2818546

But Rin isn't a part of Shirou's social circle. He barely knows her at the start of the VN, and only through school.

>> No.2818580

I fail to see what difference that makes. As was said before, Rin's teasing isn't really anything but signs of her affection for Shirou.

Besides, Shirou's an easy target and they do get to know each other rather quickly in all the routes.

>> No.2819443

I wish I had friends that gave me a good ribbing. I have no idea what a ribbing is, but it sounds pretty hot.
