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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2814596 No.2814596 [Reply] [Original]

It is a little past midnight, and you are at the station just outside Okayama waiting for the night train to Nagoya. It is so cold your breath hangs in the air. The only others waiting for the train are a young Indian couple wearing traditional clothing, stood at the opposite end of the platform. Your train is approaching.

The train pulls up slowly, and you motion to pick up your suitcase when a porter rushes over to pick it up. You thank him, and he leads you aboard. You show him your ticket and follow him to your compartment at the far end of the train.

Inside is a little white girl you have never met before. She is wearing a white dress and ballerina pumps with knee-high socks. The porter shuts the door of the compartment behind you.

"Hey gaijin" she says in fluent Japanese. You detect a hint of a Kansai accent."What are you doing here?"

>> No.2814601

jump into the lake

>> No.2814600

I was payed by your daddy to give you a good time.

>> No.2814610

throw her into the lake, filthy kansai-ben whore

>> No.2814612

>white girl
>"Hey gaijin"

>> No.2814622

Am I the only one who read it as
>inside a little white girl

>> No.2814628

"I use a mac" you say, smiling.
"That makes you a fag" she says.
"I'm intrigued" you say, sitting down. "Why don't you explain it to me"
"My brother told me only noobs use windows."
"Your brother sounds like a complete faggot"
The little girl suddenly bursts into tears. "My brother is the greatest!" she cries.
"What?" you ask, puzzled.
"I asked you what your name is" she said plainly.
"I'm a pretty boring guy" you say, stroking your neckbeard.
"I'm not little, I'm 7"
"Oh, is that so? It's a shame, since I've recently set up my CFLAGS to maximum speed... oh well"
"Why wouldn't you want people to use your computer?" She asks back.
Then you rape her.

>> No.2814629

>she says in fluent Japanese

Oh, well, I just stare at her blankly 'cause I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.2814633


>> No.2814639

I tell her to mind her own fucking business and sit somewhere else.

>> No.2814646


>> No.2814656


>> No.2814657

What the fuck i'm doing in the twilight zone?
The last train between Okayama and Nagoya is Shinkansen Nozomi 98 at 21:44 and that's probably full with tired salarymen...

>> No.2814662

switch minds with her
then go down on yourself

>> No.2814669

The fuck you call me, bitch?

>> No.2814670
File: 25 KB, 400x400, baka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true Otaku would know that OP means the Ogaki night train

Shinkansen is for salarymen and gaijins

>> No.2814693

"I use a mac" you say, smiling.

"That makes you a fag" she says.

"I suppose it does"

"Then you won't mind if I get changed then...fag."

"Not at all. The female body holds no fascination with me"

With that she took pulled a backpack from under the seat and removed a white leotard, placing it on the table. She stood up and carefully undid three buttons at the back of her dress. She then hitched up the skirt and slowly pulled it over her head. Inch by inch her body was revealed. Her thighs were slim, not much thicker than her calves. She had white cotton panties on. You could tell she had been wearing them for a few days because of the slight piss stains. The panties were also clearly at least a size too big for her, and sagged slightly, giving a glimpse of smooth pink labia. Her tummy was ever so slightly rounded, and and completely smooth all the way up to her flat chest. Her nipples were a soft pink and her nipples were miniscule.

"Why are you staring" she asked.

"I lied" you say, licking your lips. "I'm actually a linux user."

>> No.2814702

"I use a mac" you say, smiling.

"That makes you a fag" she says.

"I suppose it does"

"Then you won't mind if I get changed then...fag."

"Not at all. The female body holds no fascination with me"

With that she took pulled a backpack from under the seat and removed a white leotard, placing it on the table. She stood up and carefully undid three buttons at the back of her dress. She then hitched up the skirt and slowly pulled it over her head. Inch by inch her body was revealed. Her thighs were slim, not much thicker than her calves. She had white cotton panties on. You could tell she had been wearing them for a few days because of the slight piss stains. The panties were also clearly at least a size too big for her, and sagged slightly, giving a glimpse of smooth pink labia. Her tummy was ever so slightly rounded, and and completely smooth all the way up to her flat chest. Her nipples were a soft pink and her nipples were miniscule.

"Why are you staring" she asked.

"I lied" you say, licking your lips. "I'm actually a Windows user."

I then raped her and gave her an infection.

>> No.2814707

I'd take her panties from her, and wear them over my head. I love the smell of little girl's dried pee over my face.

>> No.2814715

"Who are you calling a Gaijin" I retorted in my polished Tokyo-ben. "I am far more Japanese than you."

"Hah!" she snorted. "I was born in Kyoto to fifth generation parents. My family was here since the Meiji restoration. I spent the last 5 years in New York, but I spent all that time thinking about Japan. I am as Japanese as it gets!"

"Bah, that's nothing" you wave your hand dismissively. "My mother died giving birth to me, and my father killed himself. I was raised by a sake-brewer and his infertile wife who teaches flower arranging at the local geisha house. I went to a Japanese school, have only Japanese friends and can't even speak a single word of English."

"Baka Gaijin, can't even read English. A true Japanese can speak English. They just choose not to."

>> No.2814720

"I use Linux" you say confidently.
She stares at you for several minutes as an awkward silence fills the compartment.
After what seems like an eternity, she finally replies. "Wrong board, dipshit."

>> No.2814730

By this point your faces are inches from each other. You can feel her hot breath on your face. She blushes and swallows hard. Slowly you bring your hand to the back of her head.

"What are you..." she starts. Your lips meet softly. "b...baka gaijin...mmm..." you kiss her deep and hard. Her hand finds the back of your head and she presses your face deep into hers.

As she pulls back your eyes never break contact. She stands up and gently pulls the right shoulder strap on her dress to the side. She takes your right hand and leads it to her left shoulder strap. Understanding, you slowly pull her dress down, exposing her smooth flat chest. Her nipples are a pale brown topped with a tiny pink bump. You trace a path around her nipple with your baby finger. She moans softly. With your other hand you pull the dress further down, exposing her tummy. You stroke your palm across her tummy, causing her to twitch and quiver in your grip. Your eyes never break contact.

>> No.2814740

In before that fucken black snake going "HAVE YOU READ YOUR SICP TODAY"

>> No.2814799

its like I'm really in japan

>> No.2815274

I'll be frank with her and say:

"I'm horrible at Kanji, so I don't think we can speak with each other in Japanese"

>> No.2815285

I put on my wizard robe and hat

>> No.2815291


>> No.2815357

lol "land of the free"

more like "land of the crazy white people"

First Obama, and now a black judge. Why is it only African-Americans are able to speak sense?
