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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 1059x485, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2812863 No.2812863 [Reply] [Original]

Have you fapped to your waifu being fucked by a guy that is better in bed than you today?

>> No.2812871

Didn't we already establish that almost nobody on /jp/ is into NTR?

Netori, on the other hand...

>> No.2812884

Eroge newbies usually don't like NTR.

I guess this explains a lot about /jp/ userbase.

>> No.2812889


>> No.2812891

Most people don't like NTR, eroge newbies or not.

But the people who like NTR really like NTR, and many NTR games are excellent.

>> No.2812898

wuts ntr?

>> No.2812899

I don't know what NTR is.

>> No.2812913

Welcome to /ks/ lol

>> No.2812920

NTR = netoware , like that explains anything.

i feel tempted to say lurk more, because there's been a bit of discussion about it not too long ago, but whatever.

>> No.2812928

NTR = cheating whores.

>> No.2812931


Not that I really care, but isn't it a bit much to be elitist about porn games?

>> No.2812935


I see.

>> No.2812946

A quick question ... Do people feel RAGE the same way.. For example when I feel RAGE I feel a tingling on the top of my head that for some reason feels good

>> No.2812947

45% of Japanese women cheat their partners. Needless to say they must suck real hard when it comes to sex.

I find it hot because it's the opposite side of the fantasy but mixed with the real world concept of sex.

>> No.2812952

I rage when doujin artists do NTR stuff with the girls I like.

Original characters don't bother me though.

>> No.2812955

In my stomach maybe. I don't rage over NTR though.

>> No.2812966

So... /jp/ isn't place for cuckold fetishes?

>> No.2812970


Is she fucking a shota?

>> No.2812994

I don't really rage. The most I get is annoyed and that just means that I furrow my brow and sigh. That said, I don't find NTR that interesting unless it becomes /d/ in some way.

>> No.2813051

Is NTR more popular of late or something? I'd never heard people talking about it until recently.

>> No.2813056

I hate NTR period.

>> No.2813070

Not only do I hate NTR, I also hate people that don't hate NTR.

>> No.2813082

Don't hate me Anonymous, I'll hate NTR too if you want.

>> No.2813089

Sauce on op?

>> No.2813117

Wives that cheat on their husbands in this way should be Hanged, Drawn and Quartered.

>> No.2813164

I don't understand this thread

>> No.2813181
File: 131 KB, 804x604, 凌辱メールNTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like rape NTR the best. The simultaneous feeling of anger and despair.

Full-game download

>> No.2813197

NTR explained


>> No.2813222

Oh wow. His post is so ridiculously cute.

>> No.2813229

fhc gets really really disturbingly excited about his fetishes yet moves on so quickly, before long you'll have him claiming NTR is disgusting and that his new fetish is the greatest thing.

>> No.2813253

The whole NTR thing is definitely not my cup of tea. If I want to have the girl I love leave me so she can fuck a millionaire with a 12 inch dick, I'll just think back to last July. ;_;

>> No.2813283

Real life, the eroge.

>> No.2813302

I'm trying to find a walkthrough for the girls, but no luck so far.

>> No.2813319

>millionaire with a 12 inch dick
I think the guy who stole your girlfriend was the same person who stole my girlfriend in July 2006.

>> No.2813361

Entirely possible. And many moons ago when I was still in high school, another girl I loved abandoned me so she could get jackhammered by a black guy who played drums in some failure of a garage band and had a dick the size of a small dog.

>> No.2813378

>black guy who played drums in some failure of a garage band
well thats at least respectable and he wasnt raping :/

>> No.2813405

/jp/ is well known for being the slowpoke of the eroge communities.

We're almost like the Sankaku Complex of the eroge boards.

>> No.2813413


Ah yes, Nelson "Horsedick" Rockefeller: the bane of lesser men everywhere.

>> No.2813415

I've always liked NTR, I just never talked about it because I didn't think anybody else liked it.

>> No.2813437

I prefer open relationships or swinging

but that's actually more rare than NTR for some reason

It's as is you can either go faithful all the way or go slutty all the way but none in between


>> No.2813452
File: 169 KB, 675x286, gunma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why I like Kisaragi Gunma stories

>> No.2813464

Sometimes I like NTR, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood, depends on if the manga/game is any good, depends if wincest is involved, depends if the characters are original or characters I like from anime or whatever.

anyway, sauce?

>> No.2813468

>"I don't feel that it's right for me to keep you all to myself."
True bro.

>> No.2813473

I like when the woman accept her slutty side and become the cum hole of the hotshot.

Her husband sucked at sex, it's his fault for not being an alpha male and tried to have a woman. Now it's time to suffer the consequences.

>> No.2813482
File: 111 KB, 800x632, yukkr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2813485

The one girl I loved told me the sex was nice but that I was too rough. Then she left me for a short trap-looking guy ;_;

>> No.2813486
File: 13 KB, 209x168, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2813503

I took my time to post after I found it since I had to fap to it.

Anyway, here's the link:


>> No.2813519

In this world we have two kinds of man: the one that can having all the woman they want, the so called alpha males, and the ones that simply can't keep up with a pussy, the losers (or /jp/ if you prefer it this way).

Alpha males know how to make a woman crazy for them and they won't betray him because he's good at it. Losers aren't made for sex and seduction, they're just male trash and won't ever be happy with a woman. Why? Because they'll never be satisfied with them, thus the cuckolding.

>> No.2813526
File: 62 KB, 628x418, 1244282532807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2813540
File: 33 KB, 598x448, stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgin status: told

>> No.2813601


Created by some guy on /h/ awhile back; he received a positive reception. Links are there for all your NTR needs.

>> No.2813826

Source of this?

>> No.2815250

I'm sorry, I don't like NTR because I consider women property. You wouldn't steal a car!

>> No.2815259

we've been over this already. I would if I could get away with it.

>> No.2815266
File: 81 KB, 640x961, 15871853_org.v1228915680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamaki thread?

>> No.2815269

What's worse, is, I'd borrow your woman, duplicate her, and then distribute duplicates of her peer to peer over the internet.

>> No.2815281

broke the support disc?
