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2802467 No.2802467 [Reply] [Original]

Good day /jp/. I have a question. Though from the title it may seem like this is a "who wins" thread, I actually only what to discuss the differences between the two's unique eyes.

So, just what is this difference between their eyes, and whose is really stronger?

From what I know, Ryougi's eyes see the ORIGIN of things and cut them. Tohno's on the other hand sees the END and cuts them. (As a side note, Roa DRAINS the life from someone; also why he cannot see the lines on inanimate objects).
As my guess, Tohno's would be stronger, seeing as he NEEDS glasses, or he'll die from seeing absolutely everything with lines.
Ryougi can see living and inanimate objects, as well as spirits. Tohno can see living, inanimate, and marble phantasms, plus instant-kill spots.

>> No.2802497

Ryougi can kill concepts, rather than just objects. She aid herself that, if she wanted to, she could kill God.

Add to this that she can use her power without frying her mind (at least, when doing the same tasks Shiki can), and has no moralfaggotry to give her pause, she's a superior assassin.

>> No.2802498

Tohno's are better because he can kill servants with them.

>> No.2802514

My guess is Tohno can only send them back to where they came from. I bet if Ryougi killed them they would be forever lost.

>> No.2802517

I'd rather see them have sex.

>> No.2802529

She kills concepts? I suppose I understand she can kill the concept of life. But I don't understand for inanimate objects or for "God"...So if I invent a new God I believe in as my concept...she can suddenly kill it?

>> No.2802535

Yeah, but when Ryougi has Tohno's baby, it'll kick her death lines and kill her.

>> No.2802539

From memory:

Ryougi Shiki sees the origin of an object's concept. By cutting it away from its origin, it loses coherence and falls to pieces. She doesn't have issues with her mind being broken by the exercise because she can stop using her eyes, because of her origin, and because of what she encountered in the void. She already knows the concepts of the things she encounters, so she doesn't have to discern and align her brain to understand them.

Roa can see the "vitality" of a person, the point from which their lifeforce stems out. This is what he sees when he looks through his fake eyes, the eyes of a vampire. If he cuts that line, the vitality of the person vanishes for where it's cut. It becomes essentially dead meat. He doesn't really see like either Shiki does.

Nanaya Shiki sees the end of an object's concept, the automatically inborn time of dissolution. All things created will eventually be destroyed. That's an immutable law. If it has a way to fall apart and stop existing, Shiki should be able to align his brain to see it. Therefore, he connects object's concept to its end. The object, losing its conceptual existence, falls apart. He needs something to turn off his eyes because they're based on his own psychic power, the Nanaya jougan, which can't be turned off. He originally could see things which were unnatural, and by being exposed to "death", they warped into what they do now. He doesn't have Ryougi's ability to simply tap into the origin and "know" the concept of what she's killing, so he has to figure it out. Thus, his brain destroys itself by thinking in ways it's never meant to. Overclock a processor without proper cooling and it melts.

>> No.2802552

Tohno is far more efficient and absolute at destroying things that 'exist', by forcing them to something that is pre-destined. Ryougi has to cut its origin, so it's less direct and does not work on things with no origin. (Things can have no origin yet still have an end, you see.)
That is, material objects. However, he's inefficient and self-damaging when he tries to destroy things that only exist conceptually, while Ryougi just has the same effect for material and non-material.

>> No.2802575

I always thought it'd be neat if Tohno and Ryougi just swapped places. Kokuto wouldn't have a problem with it, and I doubt Arc would either.

>> No.2802594
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> Ryougi has to cut its origin, so it's less direct and does not work on things with no origin.
so what you're saying is she's useless.

>> No.2802595
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I'm not sure if this works, you need the SHIKI mindfuck after all. But oh well.

>> No.2802596

Unless I missed something, everything has an origin. What constitutes the "end" is what fucks over Shiki. He can destroy something and have it reform immediately if it's recreated by an outside source, which was the case with Wallachia. Ryougi's problem is that the older something is, the harder it is for her to disconnect it from its origin.

But you are right about physical vs. non-physical. Nanaya Shiki's vision is more geared towards what exists as a physical reality, while Ryougi is able to do things like cut psychic emanations and kill the idea of a unified language.

>> No.2802600

Thank you for breaking it down, that explains it nicely.

So to answer the question "Whose is stronger?" it would be Tohno's, as "Things can have no origin yet still have an end"

>> No.2802602

Depends on the situation.
Considering how she can cut most shit without her eyes, just skill...

>> No.2802609
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Okay. You were close.

Nanaya Shiki and Ryougi Shiki's eyes are like two sides of the same coin.
The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception 'kill' by returning the target to Akasha, the void, whatever, by two different processes. As you said, R.Shiki's eyes let her see the origin, while N.Shiki's eyes let him see the end. If you think of the eyes in that manner, they are equivalent, because all things have both a beginning and an end. Something with a nearer end than beginning will be easier for N.Shiki to cut, while something with a nearer beginning than end will be easier for R.Shiki to cut, but they should both be able to kill all things equally, given time.

However, there is a complication. N.Shiki's eyes are not true Chokushi no Magan, but rather Jougan Nanaya 'evolved' through his death and rebirth. As such, N.Shiki's brain is not able to handle the strain of seeing the lines, whereas R.Shiki's is. It's not a matter of the strength of the eyes, which are equal, but a matter of the strength of the user. N.Shiki could see the 'death' of a concept, but it would overload his brain and probably turn him into a vegetable.

>> No.2802614 [SPOILER] 
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>Unless I missed something, everything has an origin.

Actually, whatever lacks an origin also lacks an end, so >>2802552 was wrong in that regard.

That's right. I'm dragging IT into this.

>> No.2802619

In certain circumstances, there are beings that simply have no limits(Arc under the moon for example), or things whose end he cannot comprehend regardless of effort(far too alien in understanding), while Ryougi never has an 'understanding' problem.

SO it's more up to the situation, but Shiki Tohno will die faster regardless.

>> No.2802627

Roa's power is unrelated. His ability to see "life-force", which he got from T.Shiki, functions on a completely different level. Rather than "returning the victim to the Source", he destroys the vitality of his target, is a similar way to Akiha's ability to drain someone's life-force.

>> No.2802628

It has an origin.
Birthed from a planet.

>> No.2802631

Oh man, my Internet is sucking today. I tried to post those five minutes before they appeared.
Maybe I should just take a break.

>> No.2802636

It's important to note the the 'life lines' are in the exact same place where Shiki sees death lines. The different understanding of one who clinged to life and one who returned from death,

>> No.2802640

If you think about, everything we see is conceptual. Shiki doesn't see the physical existence of the body, but rather the conceptual physical existence.

That's how he's able to logically kill Nero. He doesn't attack the body of Nero, but rather the existence of Nero itself. It doesn't matter if Nero is Fabro Rowan + 665 other lifeforms, if Shiki attacks the combined existence called "Nrvnqsr CHAOS", then everything breaks down.

That's also how he can affect objects through other objects, when the knife should not be able to magically go through solid matter without cutting it.

>> No.2802651

And now I'm just extraordinarily confused. KT told me that ORT is a Dead Apostle who lives in South America (for those who don't know, it's like America, but SOUTH!) and looks like a spider.

>> No.2802665

It killed the previous dead apostle in that spot, and it acts kinda vampiric. So it gets the spot by default.

>> No.2802668


Yeah, but it's from MERCURY.

It's also a TYPE.

>> No.2802673

They have origins, but no conceivable end, like Arcueid pre-vivisection under a full moon. There's no possible way to destroy them according to the current rules. That's why something like the Black Barrel has to change the way that they exist by teaching them what dissolution is.

>> No.2802718

Nanaya's eyes also saw the origin I thoughts

>> No.2802719

I think the reason Ryougi doesn't seem different is that although the KnK universe is parallel to the Tsukihime universe, they have differences.

In KnK that scientist guy explains to Fujino that supernatural powers are like television channels, implying that if channel 8 is 'normal human brain function' that channel 4 is for supernatural powers.

Someone on channel 4 permanently would be seen by society as mentally deranged because he is unable to communicate. But Ryougi Shiki is able to switch between the two.

Tohno Shiki however cannot 'turn off' his powers, the glasses simply block them out through magic, but he would have gone insane long ago if he never got them.

So maybe it was just his luck that the red-haired witch helped him.

>> No.2802739

Well, from what I'm reading here...Ryogui Shiki's seem totally better. Since >>2802619 Ryougi doesn't have the understaidng problem
>>2802609 All this time I thought Tohno's was the TRUE Death Eyes. Guess I was wrong. But why is it Tohno can see spots and Ryougi doesn't?

Just one thing I'm not comprehending...>>2802596 She can kill a language?...What the hell? How is that possible? What would she even target to cut?

>> No.2802758

She'd cut the language. Duh. You're over-thinking this.

>> No.2802774

Oh ho, you'll enjoy it when the movies get to it.

>> No.2802790

I'll look forward to it then. I was reading the novel, but they stopped translating due to licensing. Oh well.

>> No.2802792

what is it like to hold a language in your hands

>> No.2802802

According to some, God has no origin, and has lived since forever ago.

So technically, if God has always existed, then Ryougi couldn't kill the origin, amirite?

>> No.2802853

That makes sense to me.

So, can someone tell me why is it Tohno has the instant-kill spots, but Ryougi doesn't, since she has the "true eyes".
To be honest I don't like it that Ryougi actually has the true eyes. Just makes me feel like Nanaya is lamer...

>> No.2802866 [DELETED] 

OP here. I found a far superior site: http://www.UnonTalk.com/ (Unon = Anon)


>> No.2802875

I could have sworn there were some scenes in the movies with ugly red dots.

>> No.2802889

That is not me. But I'm sure everyone here has enough sense to know that. Right?

>> No.2802895


That's why ORT's immune.

TYPEs are the closest to God you'll ever get without being the Librarian of Akasha.

>> No.2802916

Isn't Ryougi from a branch of the Nanaya family or something? I think it's canon that the Nanayas were considered the best assassins out of all the demon hunter families, we just don't get to see what N.Shiki is really capable of visually, if we saw some of the things he did animated (Like when he constantly sliced up Nero's beasts in the VN), I think it would put most of the things we've seen Ryougi do to shame.

Just saying this on the basis that their eyes do the same shit in the end, just different processes so we should compare actual physical abilities (I'm going to leave the cliche that men are generally stronger than women out of this since they are both trained killers.)

>> No.2802921
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Stirring up trouble again, huh?

>> No.2802923

Ah, I see. I forgot the TYPEs are technically God. But apparently, Tohno will be fighting ORT...So they don't have "origins" per se, but they do have ends.

Librarian of Akasha? Who now?

>> No.2802936

Not quite. There were 4 demon huntign families, Nanaya and Ryougi are 2 of them. Each family had their own way of specializing against demons. Ryougi's was to have split personalities. Nanaya's were excellent assassins, as well have Mystic Eyes of some kind.
They are separate families, not branches.

>> No.2802950

The maids are from another branch, right? Has Nasu ever written about the 4th family?

>> No.2802952

How does having two personalities help against demons?

>> No.2802962

Ryougi and Nanaya are two distinct families, not related to each other.

>> No.2802965

Tohno Shiki's are stronger but horrendously inefficiant so their power gets limited.

Ryougi's are way more efficiant and as a result get to be used at full power frequently and easily.

Ryougi is the better of the two since going full power for Shiki means he has a pretty damn good chance of having his brain explode either in the process or afterwards.

>> No.2802973

The other two families are Asagami and Fujou (I may have spelt those wrong). In the KnK movies, they're the being girl and ghost girl, respectively.
The maids are a branch of the Fujou family I THINK.

Can be two or more, and their personalities specialized for every situation. Example, one is a scholar, while the other is a swordsman, and another an archer.

>> No.2802981


Actually, even Satsujinki will probably ignore ORT. It doesn't harm anyone, and won't for a good 3000 years. Even the Church has signed off to never attack the 5th DAA.
And that was a joke about the Records of Akasha sounding like a series of encyclopedias about EVERYTHING.

>> No.2802998

3000 years? When that time is over it'll do something...what is it? Is that when Angel Notes comes in?

>> No.2803000

The reverse. TYPES have an origin, their creation at the end of a planet's lifespan and the complete death of all things on its surface. Aristotles are the ultimate lifeform of their respective planet.

One personality can learn many things while the other personality learns other things. Each can do their respective talents to the maximum, so that you can instantly switch specialties. The actual design of the Ryougi family is to create a person who has no defined mind, a completely empty vessel. Then, you can fill it with whatever you want to fill it with, while leaving out everything extraneous.

The perfect being, which can faithfully embody and express whatever is put into it.

The only thing they managed to create is people who have multiple personalities, instead of no personality.

>> No.2803002

Yeah, but can they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.2803013

Also, Satsujinki...I know it's Tohno blindfolded, and he can "see" by using the lines. Reminds me of Daredevil. But why is it he's blindfolded? Has he gone blind? Or is it that if he opens his eyes he'll see even more lines and his brain will explode?

>> No.2803024

They can. And they can kill it.

>> No.2803025

Blindfold stops the lines cause the glasses could not do it anymore.
He takes it out for RAPING time.

>> No.2803028


Satsujinki's eyes have evolved to the point where he will forcibly understand the "death" of whatever he looks at.

Satsujinki looks at a T-shirt! It's blue! BLUE IS DEAD.
Head pop.

>> No.2803029

His eyes are so powerful at this point that if he removes the blindfold he'll kill everything he touches.

>> No.2803030
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>> No.2803031

I'm guessing it's not a regular blindfold, but something like Shriou's shroud.

>> No.2803041

"Blue is dead"...you mean the entire colour blue? Just like how Ryougi can kill a language? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous and awesome

>> No.2803044

So, in addition to the Ryougi's search for an empty vessel, the Nanaya family perfected the emergence of psychic power in successive generations, which is normally an ability that dies out in the generation it shows up in while also inbreeding perfect bodies and metabolisms; the Fujyou are a clan of shrine maidens who ritually blind themselves and gain the ability to see with far sight, as well as having their own brand of anti-demonic powers; the Asagami family has hereditary psychic power regarding telekinesis and vision, which is best expressed by Fujino's ability to create a fulcrum and bend things.

>> No.2803047

Don't be silly.
A regular piece of cloth completely kills the effect of his eyes.
After all, random cloth rug is the strongest.

>> No.2803060

I made a thread some time ago asking if Shiki must cut a line with his knife (also asked if he could throw, and if somehow he had telekinesis).
So, when's he's Satsujinki, does he still have to cut with his knife, or can he just touch things and kill them?

>> No.2803067

It's more likely that he wears a blindfold so that the only things he sees are the lines.

Shiki works even faster when he's concentrating solely on the lines. That's really all he needs to see, anyway. Remember that Shiki doesn't even really need his eyes for his Eyes of Death to work: his jougan, what his ability stems from, is a psychic power which doesn't even need his eyes to work. It's a sixth sense which co-opts his vision to overlay what it detects about the world into a format that Shiki can easily interpret. But the lines and such are everywhere, all the time for Shiki. He just never consciously focuses on them when using his eyes + eye-killer glasses, so he never overclocks his brain.

If he poked his eyes out, he would see nothing buy lines and dots, and go insane and die.

>> No.2803070

I thought that even if he closed his eyes without the church's cloth, he'd be able to see the lines and points regardless of what he does, since his eyes simply became more powerful than his glasses.

>> No.2803078


What happens if he "kills" the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception

>> No.2803082

It's simple:
He has to trace a THIN line physically (hands or melee) or stabd a dot.Knife, pencil, ruler, long fingernails would work. His feet or a club or a fist, unlikely.

>> No.2803091

That's what I figured. But I was told that Shiki must use a knife because that's just how is brain works to cut the lines.

>> No.2803095

So uh.

if you damage something, will more lines form on it?

If you club a guy in the head, and then look at him with mystic eyes of death perception, will he have more lines/dots than before?

>> No.2803097

i would imagine it would be the same as when ryougi killed her 'other self', except the moment he kills his ability it would be like a knife materializing in his chest in an instant.

Basically that would be all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.2803098

He kills his own brain, therefore he is dead.

Has to have a theoretical edge. He used his fingernails, one time. Or was that Ryougi? Oh well, one of them was hardcore enough to scratch someone dead.

>> No.2803099

The knife itself is not vital.

'You can kill ANYTHING, but you must use switchblades, if you use a sword or something, you will suffer a penalty'.
Who the fuck told you that?

>> No.2803108


Doesn't Ryougi go nuts with a sword once or twice?

>> No.2803115

tohno did pierce one of nero's dogs in the vn if i remember.

>> No.2803116


>> No.2803123

Sorry, I didn't mean it HAD to be a KNIFE, but something sharp that he's holding.

>> No.2803125

Sense the sarcasm, dolt.

>> No.2803129

with his whole hand too

>> No.2803131

It's not a LAW as it should be obvious.
It's one of the appropriate tools for the job, and one he happens to have around.

>> No.2803134


I could. I have Mystic Eyes of Sarcasm Perception, you know.

I was just mentioning.

>> No.2803135

Kinda sorta. Arcueid has lines depending on what her conditions are. The closer something is to its own end, the more lines there are and the more they are thicker. Lots of people have jumped in and said "PRE-DESTINED END, LOL", but that defies the capacity for Shiki to "kill" something that shouldn't end until its own time is reached. Causality paradox.

Makes sense to say that something has more lines and thicker ones the more chance it has to die at the moment. Arcueid can be killed in daylight, so she has lines. At night, she doesn't have any, or has almost none, even after Shiki killed her once. Under Gaia's support, she doesn't have lines, but after Shiki kills that support, she does. The Dead have huge lines that cover their entire bodies, and that makes sense considering they are walking corpses that fall apart at any second once they run out of steam. Shiki mentions that Kohaku is okay after being pinned to the wall by Akiha because "she doesn't have many lines".

Things which currently have no way of being destroyed, like Arcueid under a full moon, or things which have conceptual ends that Shiki cannot interpret, like Wallachia as a swirl of information, don't have lines.

>> No.2803137

Bka-Tsuki has translated up to the third movie, minus the ending. But they stopped due to licensing. But, if you can rad moon, then this obviously doesn't apply to you.

>> No.2803138

There must have been an influx of posters here, we had discussed this shit to death.

>> No.2803140


>> No.2803147

Which clan are Hisui and Kohaku from? It was mentioned somewhere, but I don't remember it.
BS. He killed one of Nero's familiar by cutting its lines with his hand.

>> No.2803160

Oh well. It's better than "X CAN KILL X, DISCUSS" trolls.

Fujyou clan. They're from a branch family that ran into hard times for being heretics. Makihisa bought them, pretty much.

>> No.2803189


Just mentioning that Ryougi goes postal with a sword.

>> No.2803215

Ok, I get it, so I was ORIGINALLY right, and Shiki doesn't HAVE to use something to cut, as he can use his hand. Got that down.
So does Satsujinki see anything extra that what he already does now, or does he just see MORE lines of the same stuff he already can see.
Example, he can see a tree's lines. Does he only just see more lines on the tree?

>> No.2803218

i don't believe that you know what you're talking about bro.

>> No.2803231

Depends on what he's trying to visualize the end for. Satsujinki doesn't see anything more than lines and dots.

He doesn't use his hand, like some sort of grabbing, but as a thrusting motion. You've got fingernails. That's an edge right there.

Poke the dots. Kill them all.

>> No.2803239

it's more like he's afraid his eyes will become too powerful that he'll actually sink into the void.

>> No.2803240

...I think you kinda need to re read Tsukihime and understand how the whole shit works first, you have a very weird basis.

>> No.2803251
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>> No.2803262


No, but he'd see lines on the color of the tree and the concept of trees and the word "oak" etc. etc. etc. HEAD POP

>> No.2803276


Wouldn't "oak" be in japanese?

>> No.2803289

Then you have languages, etc...

>> No.2803299

it is fabric knitted by the strongest girl.

>> No.2803309

She used her fingernails once, ended up with broken fingers

During her fight with Araya she cut the concept of distance to get closer to him
Later in the novels she comments how it would be so easy for her to end the world
Killing concepts, fuck yeah

>> No.2803317

That's what I wanted to know.

So fuck, Satsujniki is insane strong. But he'll DIE if it gets too out of control. Too bad he can't get some sort of regeneration - would that even fix the problem?

>> No.2803321

One thing I've wondered about Shiki - when his eyes are blocked, does that mean he can't interact with lines/points even if he touches them? When you fight Roa in Arc's route you see some huge fucking holes in the floor and walls, and it makes me wonder how Shiki has avoided accidentally stepping in any until that point.

>> No.2803323

so if she can selectively cut the distance between herself and someone/something else... couldn't she basically teleport anywhere?

>> No.2803326

That's why he always has the option to RAPE THE MAIDS

>> No.2803328

He could become a vampire under Arcueid.Power spike, fixes body problems, and should allow better control/understanding.

>> No.2803332


If he got some way to live without the blood vessels in his brain rupturing, he'd be fine.

Unfortunately, we need blood vessels in our brain, and for all of his power and skill, Shiki is still human.

>> No.2803365
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>under Arcueid

Well, he COULD, but then humankind would have to deal with RED ARCUEID + DEAD APOSTLE SATSUJINKI.

In other words, everything's fucked forever.

>> No.2803377

If Ryougi killed the concept of an AT Field in order to defeat the angels, would that turn all of humanity to goo?

>> No.2803379

maybe shiki could become powerful enough like...that one girl...

huh, i can't remember her name, but you know what i'm talking about...right?

>> No.2803382

When Aruceid turned Roa into a DA, did she poured her blood on him? This' usual for DA, but it's never explained if True Ancestors work the same way.

Also, turning into DA doesn't mean that he can't fight his master. He'd still kill Arcueid if she goes Berserk.

>> No.2803389


That would be so awesome.

>> No.2803390

oh yeah, funny, it seems I also can't remember her name, isn't it sad?

>> No.2803410

Fucking the maids, eaten by Arc, or Churchhax. Pick one, I say he's still got a long life ahead of him if he bothers looking for it.

>> No.2803412

She tricked her into drinking his blood, she went into rage and he stole part of her power.
It's possibly more the 'magic research-stealing her very essence' effect than the usual 'have vampire's blood in you'. This act transformed hin in an apostle (since a True Ancestor's strain is overwhelming)

>> No.2803415

Is this girl you're trying to remember Sacchin? I don't play Melty Blood, but I do know she has a Reality Marble that drains magic. Does it make her hella strong?
That seriously sounds awesome

>> No.2803438

>I don't play Melty Blood, but I do know she has a Reality Marble that drains magic.
>she has a Reality Marble that drains magic.
She had that in Tsukihime? It's been a while since I've read it, and maybe I missed that part somewhere.

>> No.2803440

Newfaginess showing.
And she drains the mana in the atmosphere.
Annoying mostly for a magus.

>> No.2803443

No, she has it in Melty Blood. Something Garden.

>> No.2803446


Last Arc: Depletion Garden.

Melty Blood only.

>> No.2803448

Depletion garden, sucks up mana from the surroundings, also giant killer leaves.

>> No.2803452

Would vampire Shiki instictively kill himself?

>> No.2803456

Haha, oh wow
not remembering Sacchin is a meme, and about her marble, it does just what you said, drains magic, or at least that's what I think

>> No.2803457

Yes, I suppose I am a "newfag". The Nasuverse really intrigues me, but I don't know all about it like experts, I'm sure such as yourself.

>> No.2803460


>> No.2803465

It has nothing to do with actual knowledge of the setting, rather the workings of the /jp/ board.

>> No.2803474

maybe he can kill the concept of him being a vampire but able to retain all the bonuses he'd get

>> No.2803478

Nah, instincts don't just take over on their own over reason (unless demnj brother/vampire messes with mindlink or you are about to die).
He'd have weird 'You a monster that should die' voices in his head, perhaps.

>> No.2803479

Then once again I'm a "newfag", since this is perhaps only the third time I've even been to 4chan.

>> No.2803486

how about you read the source material before asking questions.

>> No.2803487

didn't this happen on the Ciel route or something?

>> No.2803488

Exactly, it showed.
We all start somewhere, and you came to a weird place.

>> No.2803508

So, saying 'Satsuki can kill servants' wouldn't be entirely wrong?

>> No.2803521


If they're in the world of Depletion Garden and do not dispatch Saccin IMMEDIATELY, their mana is going to drop like a stone.

So yes, except post-HG4 Gilgamesh, who has a flesh-and-blood body and will not die from lack of mana.
And will probably punch her to death, because Gilgamesh was a grappler in legend.

>> No.2803522
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>> No.2803530

Doesn't Depletion Garden only destroy the mana in the world, and not the od inside people? Servants like Assassin and Lancer that don't use much magical energy in their attacks would probably fare well in such a situation.

>> No.2803537

Wrong. It drains mana which in the atmosphere.
Servants rely on 'prana', aka the magical energy they store within(and which the master provides'.
So they won't dissipate just by being inside..

A spellcaster who can't store too much inside him and uses mana to cast bigger spells is the guy who is fucked.

>> No.2803541

Sacchin can kill servants

>> No.2803551

Right, Servants who can be careful with their use of internal magical energy will be fine, while those who need a lot from their Masters (who can't get any from the world in Depletion Garden) are probably fucked.

>> No.2803585


Servants get mana from Masters
Cannot get mana, Master has no mana
Exclusion: Servants with Independent Action who are dropped to baseline

>> No.2803590

That would have to be the strongest fabric.

>> No.2803592

A servant who is already full has no problems.
Or someone like Rin who stores shit in her jewels.

>> No.2803593

5th War Assassin doesn't use magical energy in his attacks, and 5th War Lancer uses very little with Gae Bolg.

>> No.2803610


>5th War Assassin doesn't use magical energy in his attacks

Zabaniya is made from a clump of raw magical energy, but Darks should be just fine.

>and 5th War Lancer uses very little with Gae Bolg.

If he's fully stocked, he'll be fine.

But still, Heroes > Dead Apostles in general combat, even without Noble Phantasms. For the most part. Maybe not Hassan. Hassan sucks.

>> No.2803624

>Zabaniya is made from a clump of raw magical energy, but Darks should be just fine.
Wrong Assassin bro

>> No.2803626

Usually, the 27 and the Servants have an almost 50-50 battle situation, with Servants having better stats/combat abilities, while the DA ancestors have unique skills/resistances.

>> No.2803629

>Heroes > Dead Apostles

Tell that to the top 10 DAA.

>> No.2803630

Depletion Garden
As the name says, it rapidly drains the mana from the environment, so it's only useful against mages who uses the environment mana for attacks or elementals needing mana to live. Useless against everything else.

>> No.2803635
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He is not even a Heroic Spirit.
Lazy bum can't even leave the mountain.

>> No.2803644

Killing primate murder would need all 5th war servants to attack him at the same time, including Fake Assassin and Gilgamesh.

>> No.2803648
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It's a super-blindfold made out of super-fabric!

>> No.2803649


>Tell that to the top 10 DAA.

Let's see, the top 10 Dead Apostle Ancestors.
1- Primate Murder - NOT A DEAD APOSTLE
2- the Dark Six - Oldest Dead Apostle EVER
3- Brunestud of the Crimson Moon - NOT A DEAD APOSTLE
4- Kishua Zelretch Schweinorg (Wizard Marshall Zelretch) - KALEIDOSCOPEHAX
5- ORT (Type-Mercury) - NOT A DEAD APOSTLE
6- Rizo-Waal Strout - Shit.
7- the Forest of Einnashe (the Disemboweling Sea of Trees) - Shit.
8- Fina-blood Svelten - Shit.
9- Altrouge Brunestud - NOT A DEAD APOSTLE
10- Nrvnqsr Chaos (Nero Chaos) - NOT A (normal) DEAD APOSTLE, also inferior to any Servant with a NP that can target 666 or more (that is to say SEIBA and the AAACHAs).

>> No.2803653
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Are we talking about the Dead Apostle Ancestors or just generic Dead Apostles? I thought Sacchin was still considered the latter.

>> No.2803655

>Altrouge Brunestud - NOT A DEAD APOSTLE

Half True Ancestor, Half DA then.

>> No.2803657


Primate Murder is not a Dead Apostle. It is not even human. It is not even a True Ancestor. It's not even a goddamn vampire. It's just a [dog] that drinks blood.

>> No.2803661


She's a hybrid, but not either one.
Arc and Shiki (that is Redarc/Satsujinki >>2803365) should have a kid and crush her.

>> No.2803684


Nrvnqsr Chaos vs. 4th Berserker


>> No.2803731

Dead Apostle is not strictly a race or teh curse generated by the true ancestors, it is classification by the Church.
Also, we know near nothing about Rizo and Fina to just say shit.
DA Ancestors are not normal existences by default, top ten or not and have vastly different origins for the most, so argument is invalid.

>> No.2803780

Lancelot would win if Artoria and him ever fought. So who the fuck knows.

Also isn't Excalibur only the output power of 200 people? How the hell can it kill Nrvnqsr who has 666 beats within him including Wyverns and Unicorns.

>> No.2803794


Word of God stated that a full powered Excalibur could kill all of Nrvnqsr's 666 lives. Shitty imitations, flying horses and a red pointy stick wont do him though.

>> No.2803819

Only Excalibur and Ea have enough maximum targets to destroy Nero. Let's face it, Saber and Gilgamesh are both ridiculous on their weapons.

Being able to keep going against any other Servant is pretty boss, considering Roa would probably die to a lot of the stuff that the others have.

>> No.2803857

Rider 4 would win against Nrvnqsr amirite

>> No.2804096


Oh, God, I want to see that so badly.

>> No.2804393

It would be kind of one-sided though, wouldn't it?

What's Lancelot's Noble Phantasm?

>> No.2804439

Arondight is his main one. It used to be more or less the same as Excalibur, but it's specifically anti-unit only, instead of anti-fortress. And it's now cursed.

>> No.2804463

He has a few.

The power to use anything as a Noble Phantasm type weapon.

Also a legendary dragon slaying sword.

>> No.2804470

This is quite possibly the biggest OH SHI- moment I can think of.

Everything dies for ever and ever.

>> No.2804498

Oh yeah he also has one where he can basically permanently hide his identity if he chooses. He always looks a little fuzzy and nobody can recognize him, and he has such good disguise skills he can literally pass as anyone.

Not much use in combat, but if you want to hide it's pretty awesome.

>> No.2804551

Are there any doujins where Ryougi rapes Azaka?

>> No.2804567
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There's one where Azaka rapes Ryougi.

>> No.2804579

Consensual sex in the missionary position. Im dissapointed that with Touko, Ryougi, Azaka, Fujino and whats her name, theres very little yuri doujins.

>> No.2804599
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>whats her name

The fairy girl?

Me too though, I'd love to see some Ryougi x Touko for some older woman action.

>> No.2804627

The one in the first movie.

>> No.2804630

Don't you mean the mist makes him look so fucked up that there is three of him?

>> No.2804650


Oh, the ghost girl.

>> No.2804693

So he's got an Anti-Unit NP, which Nero's 666 lives will laugh at, and the ability to use anything as a weapon.

Meanwhile Nero has 666 lives, each with the ability to manifest as one of any number of incredibly powerful animals. And let's not forget Soil of Eden, and the 999th beast.

'One-sided' is an understatement.

>> No.2804697

I'm not sure Ryougi would be able to kill someone that looked like her dead love interest.

>> No.2805656


>> No.2806202 [DELETED] 

I think that they mean Tohno = Kokutou, so she'd have trouble fighting him.
I think that it just means that she'd go at him with even more fury, but that the fight would just devolve into in passion and lust.

>> No.2806231 [DELETED] 

I think that the original poster was saying something like "Lancelot would grab a beast and use it to club the other beasts, thus gaining infinite weapons."
Just pointing that out.

>> No.2807374

Including a F-16 and a Lamp post, right?
Shit was so awesome.

>> No.2807397

Think about it. Hollow Ataraxia had Bersercar. Fate/Zero has Berserplane. I bet the third war Berserker was the Orient Express itself.

>> No.2807454

And he dual wielded submachine guns.

>> No.2807479

Using a bullet train like muthafuckin' nunchuks.

>> No.2807510

Nah, he should be the train itself. No Noble Phantasms, just running over people.

>> No.2808664

Both human, both exceedingly fast

R is warrior trained, T is an assassin.

Tohno EFFORTLESSLY cuts lines, Ryougi has to struggle.

One has a puppet master backing them, the other has the Princess of the True Ancestors.

Ryougi loses.

>> No.2808696

Wrong about the comment of lines (applies to objects only and Ryougi has no brain meltdown problems),and True Ancestor backup is only for one route out of five.

>> No.2808716

OP here. Holy crap this thread is still here?! I can't help but feel proud.

>> No.2808734


Someone make sense of this.

>> No.2808751

T cuts through lines with the ease of scissors on paper. R has to put strength into her cuts. And he still has crazy kishi demon sister as backup 5/5 routes.

Tohno wins.

>> No.2808765

Except you usually have to fight opponents, not chairs or floors.
And when T has to kill languages, he will be unable.

>> No.2808793

He CAN, but he'll die.

>> No.2808793,1 [INTERNAL] 

eh, rizo be scary at the holy grail war.

nice weapon... oops, it just got cut in half.
