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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2803180 No.2803180 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/... /k/ommando here, asking for help.

Lately, I've become interested in the Touhou series and I think this is the right place to ask about it.

I wonder which one should I start with. I don't want to miss something really important (I don't even know if it has a consistent / consecutive story, though).

Also, how's the art? I'm not too demanding, but I've seen people complaining about it being really shitty... they might have been trolling, though.

Any other things I should know before I start?

Thank you for answers.

>> No.2803191

The story doesn't really matter, you won't miss anything important.
Start with Perfect Cherry Blossom (play in Normal mode, playing in Easy won't help you improve)
The art is well...shitty

>> No.2803198

The games don't matter at all, you got to download the porn doujins first and then some Touhou metal and you're all set.

>> No.2803205

PCB is probably the best one to start at.
the fanart's better than zun's drunken scribbles.
the music is catchier.

>> No.2803206

The art is pretty bad, but you have to pretend to prefer it to fanart or ZUN himself will whine at you

>> No.2803210

Most people suggest starting with Perfect Cherry Blossom. I personally began playing Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Don't worry about the story, it really doesn't matter.
The character portraits art is kind of poor relative to what you'd see in most manga, but it has its own charm and is better than stick figures. Again, that is irrelevant to the gameplay, so it doesn't really matter.
What you should know? Hold shift to slow down movement to make precise dodging easier. With the exception of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, it also shows you the size of your character's hitbox.

>> No.2803224
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>> No.2803232

You could also give the PC-98 games (first 5 touhous before windows) a try just for the sake of it.

>> No.2803233

OP, I'm a bit of an obsessive compulsive, so if you're anything like me, you might want to do the whole series in chronological order, including the fighting games.

>> No.2803247

The art and the music are both much better than the games, but if you really want to try Perfect Cherry Blossom is your best bet.

The stories don't matter, nothing builds on anything, and they all end with the characters drinking tea together.

ZUN's art is actually pretty good.

>> No.2803249

not this guy but

ぴずや, みょん -The Grimoire Of Alice
Lix - SubZero
Kissing the Mirror - S.T.B. 〜Locus of the Eastern Dream
スカーレットな迷彩 - Land of the phantasm Perfect Edition

Probably top 4 touhou metal CDs imo.
The last one is not entirely metal though.

>> No.2803272

>All of those

>> No.2803286

you could at least provide better examples if you're going out of your way, yeah?

lol&run wat

>> No.2803292

Hmm you seem like you actually want to give this a try. Meh I guess I won't be a fag today. Here's the wiki just in case you might need additional info about touhou in general.


>> No.2803354

Demetori - Il Mondo dove e finito il Tempo
Demetori - 闡提宗祀 ~ offering to the sukhavati
Demetori - 如臨深遠
CROW'SCLAW - Brutal Games For Reminding Of Death
Crazy Voltage - Drawing the Spell III
まぐなむお~ぱす - 東方幻有夢境 ~ depth psychology of unconsciousness ~
光収容の倉庫 - 君が見た地獄

IRON ATTACK! disclaimer: lolsweeppicking

>> No.2803388
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Thank you all. I was a bit afraid to ask, but you don't seem to be bitches like my fellow /k/omrades.

I listen to the Touhou music, read something related (generally, I don't understand shit) and randomly scan through the Touhou Wiki, but my view of it is... well... "fragmentary" is an euphemism for it.

Anyway, thanks again, I'll start with the PCB (pic related).

>> No.2803402

I thought the earlier Touhou CROW'SCLAW albums were better than the new one.

>> No.2803403
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>> No.2803424

Eh, can't speak for Frozen Frog but the arrangement in Crossfire Barrage came off as kind of weak compared to Brutal Games... There was a few good tracks though.

>> No.2803433
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Just go to touhou.com and start reading the documentation.

>> No.2803436

Play Ikaruga and laugh about the kiddies in here.

>> No.2803444


>> No.2803451

ぴずや - SYMMETRY BURZUM is better than all of those.

>> No.2803464

hahahaha, oh man.

>> No.2803470

Sorry, I know it was shitty, but I study military health sciences and the association with PCB was just too strong.

>> No.2803492

And thus, a magnificent secondary fan was born.

>> No.2803496

when i think about ikaruga, my frothing demand for the game increases.

>> No.2803575

You fold three white socks together and you get a chain.
