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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2797242 No.2797242 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you obsess over the lives of normalfags?

>> No.2797244

Why do you post shitty characters instead of the better ones?

>> No.2797253

Why do you have such awful taste?

>> No.2797255


You're not Anonymous.

>> No.2797254

I just find them plentiful and annoying. Like gnats.

>> No.2797256


>> No.2797258
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Why do you post threads that are not about Umineko?

>> No.2797266

And I didn't answer his question, so what's the problem?

I'm sorry for preferring the number 1 girl in the game.

>> No.2797267
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>> No.2797272

Because Umineko isn't that great.

>> No.2797274

Its so fun to see everyone shit bricks over words like friends party happy love girlfriend sex or 3D.
Its like you must be butthurt to browse this board.

>> No.2797280

Who is that girl and why is she offering me bread?

In answer to the question, I don't.

>> No.2797284

Don't worry, I'm sure the next thread will feature Ai.

>> No.2797298


source is アマガミ

>> No.2797302
File: 5 KB, 62x74, Schwersprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be too if nobody came to your birthday party when you were a kid.

>> No.2797310

I went out and did some stuff with a friend the other day and I felt like such a NORMALFAG. I actually thought to myself, "What would /jp/ think if they could see me now?" Of course it didn't take long for me to realize how uninteresting I am and how I know almost nothing outside of the realm of /jp/. I honestly don't understand why anyone would want to hang around someone as boring as myself.

>> No.2797313
File: 2.61 MB, 2463x3062, nanasaki_is_the_best_kaoru_is_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must keep missing those threads then.

>> No.2797317
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Oh, right. That game with the girl with the awesome wavy hair, right? Thanks.

>> No.2797330


Nah, he has a point.


>> No.2797347

I didn't bother having birthday parties after 12. Whats the point? Invite a bunch of faggots to my house to eat my shit in exchange for shitty 2 dollar gifts? Not to say I don't have friends. I just approach them logically.
In before butthurt begins.

>> No.2797362

Those people are just as uninteresting. The difference between them and you is that they aren't self-defeating faggots.
What fun is getting defeated by others if you do it yourself? Be a man and have pride in yourself. Or stay home and fap yourself to sleep with your tears as lube.

>> No.2797372

I liked you before this.

>> No.2797374

I didn't name the file bro.

>> No.2797382


Poor Schwer. I'd wish her a happy birthday.

>> No.2797386

>What fun is getting defeated by others if you do it yourself?

You enjoy being defeated by other people? Do you like it when they whip you, too?

>> No.2797429

I'm headed towards a normalfag life, and want to surround myself with romantic notions of how it is. Now that I'm socializing, I've actually found I'm not the only interesting guy in this area, and I've actually found a few potential boyfriends.

Now my life is brightening up, all of my pursuits(even weeaboo and computer pursuits) are steady and growing. Life is good, you know?

>> No.2797437
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>potential boyfriends

>> No.2797438

You're a fag, people of your kind are always happy. We don't call you "gay" for nothing.

>> No.2797447

I'm a neet, and I have a girlfriend.

>> No.2797454

Enjoy being dumped in a few years.

>> No.2797469


But, isn't it great to be happy all the time?

>> No.2797482

Better to suffer and be aware than be stupid and happy.

Who's stupid and happy? The cow waiting in line at the slaughterhouse

>> No.2797484

Great, now we have a newfriend that doesn't bother to lurk or gauge the nature of the board.

Look here, tripcode dude, no one gives a fuck about your friends, girlfriends, or parties. This isn't the place to brag about how much pussy you've gotten or how wasted you got at that party last night. There are places for you to discuss that stuff, like /r9k/ or your blog. But we here don't need to be reminded of it. Believe it or not, there are many normalfags like you that browse /jp/ regularly. Do you see anyone talking about the kind of shit your normalfag kind enjoys, outside of obvious trolls? No. because the difference is that they respect the culture of the board and decide to keep quiet and blend in. If you are not our kind, at least pretend, or else shut up.

Just give up, bro. No one is going to change because some guy on 4chan is telling them to change their ways and go out socializing. Please just keep the peace and not start unnecessary shitstorms, 'kay?

>> No.2797488

Wow, why did you get trolled so hard by a retarded tripfag?

>> No.2797489

Hey, no reason we can't be happy and aware. The truth about the world isn't so crushing when you keep digging for the real truth.

>> No.2797498

Dear god she is delicious.

>> No.2797495

Eh, just adding more shit to a shitty thread.

>> No.2797503

Tell me about it.

>> No.2797504

I don't give a fuck about them. In fact they're not usually brought up at all on this board unless people mention them in the first place (usually to troll).

>> No.2797508

I don't get it.
If the neets of this board are so happy with their lives. why would they care if other people live normally?
If I had anything of a social life, I wouldn't care if people willing choose to stay at home and play h-games.

>> No.2797518

As there are "normalfags" who feel the need to tell NEETs to shape up, there are also NEETs who feel the need to tell "normalfags" they're not so hot.

Then we have a large group in the middle who dont give a fuck either way. Threads like this are only hated upon because they have no meaning other than to cause a shitstorm.

>> No.2797536

There's also neets with girlfriend, like myself.

>> No.2797596

see >>2797484

>> No.2797609

I'm just pointing that this "neet vs normalfag" is stpuid.

>> No.2797626


wow, how'd you manage that.
I thought girls would want someone with some money at least.

>> No.2797642

He's just using the word NEET to represent the average /jp/ user. NEET does not imply a lack of social relationships, obviously.

Congratulations. You've just realized that all people aren't the same. Different people have different goals, concerns, and expectations.

>> No.2797648

The uglier the woman, the easier it is to get with her.
