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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2797066 No.2797066 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I keep coming back to /jp/? It just makes me feel sad and ronrey...

>> No.2797077


>> No.2797075
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Because the alternative is much, much worse.

>> No.2797081




>> No.2797083
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>> No.2797086

I know what you mean, everytime I'm here, I think "Maybe playing with doll's as a 28 year old man isn't normal." q_q

>> No.2797089

Because Satsuki is the most attractive girl in Tsukihime.

search your heart anonymous

>> No.2797090

I'd rather be here than on /a/.

>> No.2797091

If you are Dark Helmet, it's normal. And he was like 40 or something.

>> No.2797093

Don't say they, we still love you Satsuko

>> No.2797095

When she said "Now stand next to me and hold my hand and make me feel better" I Hauu'd for 3 days straight.

>> No.2797096
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It's the only place I can get Misti poison.

>> No.2797100

She's too much of a crazed stalker for me.

>> No.2797101
File: 135 KB, 809x1150, Arcueid Ciel underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a pair of buxom beauties here to prove you wrong.

>> No.2797106

Sometime I wonder why I keep browsing /jp/. I think most of the userbase are idiots (no offense), and the threads I like are quite rare. I just can't seem to stop.

Is this addiction?

>> No.2797108



>> No.2797118
File: 523 KB, 1100x1100, 793583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a pair of flat-chested cats to prove you wrong.

>> No.2797117

Same, except that I don't think that they're idiots, but many seem to like being lonely. I dunno, but it's like some of you sentence yourselves to neetdom because you don't feel persecuted enough.

>> No.2797123

Ciel's the best, punch the rest in the chest etc.

>> No.2797125

Satsuki is the perfect girl. Just the right hair length, twintails, just the right breast size, cute facial features, plus she makes that school uniform her own.

Arc looks too old, Ciel's hair is too short, Akiha is probably second to her.

>> No.2797128

How is running away from all responsibility a desire for persecution?

>> No.2797129
File: 104 KB, 394x583, 1646119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Truly, they are the best.


>> No.2797131

It's like gambling addiction. You never know if you'll find a good or interesting thread. But as long as they show up now and then, it creates a strong kind of reinforcement to come back for more.

>> No.2797134

I'm saying that some seem to like the title of "So Ronrey", "Friendless" or what not. But iono

>> No.2797140

That's just to mock people who think that just because they have friends or a job that they are so much better than everyone else.

>> No.2797148


I remember when the first KoG first posted his 5 bullshit. IT was about a month before the split. He hadn't perfected his technique at the time and I could see his misses and deletes clearly. I think it took him (5) times to get it right the first time, and yet nevertheless the faggots on /a/ went along with the !holy shits and >5>5>5>5>5>5
Unfortunately far too many of those reactions weren't the OP's.

>> No.2797155

Actually, I barely come to 4chan anymore because of how shit /jp/ and especially /a/ have become, just recently in particular.

It's like a combination of terrible inactivity on the part of the old posters and an influx of newfags.

I spend my time actually playing visual novels etc. Those who whine about being ronery don't know what escapism is and are probably new anyways.

I remember feeling ronery when I was just giving up my former life for all this, but now I am as cold a person as you can imagine.

>> No.2797179


I envy you somewhat. I don't feel ronery much and yet I keep coming back to this stupid board.

Maybe I'm some kind of Socializer at heart.

>> No.2797208


You're not proving me wrong very well.

>> No.2797225
File: 218 KB, 465x640, 1675981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat-chested is superior.


>> No.2797235

Hey /a/ isn't that bad of a place.

>> No.2797236

You should have called me out on the cat part if you wanted to be convincing.

>> No.2797282

I haven't been here in a couple days. I put a lot of thought into my posts, especially the threads that I make, and most of the effort is wasted when 90% of the userbase either doesn't understand what I'm trying to express or just writes my thoughts off as trolling because they disagree with me on some of the points I may have made.
