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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2796129 No.2796129 [Reply] [Original]

How are you spending your friday night? I'm off to practice Clannad's Air on my acoustic guitar with some tabs I found and then masturbate to Dawn of the Silver Dragon vol 4 that I just dled translated. Shit's gonna be awesome.....;_;

>> No.2796136

Drinking jager and watching animes

>> No.2796138

Gonna play SWR until my eyes melt.

Shit's so cash!

>> No.2796146

My sister brought home a bottle of Southern Comfort back from a party she was at yesterday....theres about half left. I should finish it off and finish Brass Restoration.

>> No.2796144

I am going to do absolutely nothing.

>> No.2796151
File: 94 KB, 444x371, 424639178a4b1bdcf0ed3a88d1e39678d5db8496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading sum JoJo

>> No.2796159

Watching anime and fapping, like everyday.

>> No.2796160

You should finish it off and fall drunk atop your sister.

>> No.2796164

Watching Star Trek

>> No.2796174


Can't. She's out clubbing tonight.

>> No.2796178

watched three episodes of top gear. (I am british, but i don't have a tv, and can never be bothered with the iplayer stuff, so i end up streaming them in a bunch)

earlier i was reading rage of a deamon king by ramond e fiest.

I was planning on going out tonight, but my friends cancelled.

>> No.2796191

Writing a few essays. And I live in a different timezone so it's Saturday morning.

Then I'll have to do some other work, writing shit, and then practicing my piano, and after that, probably brushing up a bit on my presentation assessment

No time for olev

>> No.2796192

I may have myself a nice shower. It has been almost a full week.

>> No.2796200

Relaxing while listening to some music. I have got no willpower to do anything else.

>> No.2796229

Why do you need to go to starbucks to do that?

>> No.2796227

Gonna head to starbucks and play Umineko on my laptop and smoke a cigar.

>> No.2796238


You should've paid attention when we had the Eau de Toilette thread earlier today.

>> No.2796240


I like the atmosphere. Makes me feel like I'm someone important...

>> No.2796250

I was soundly sleeping earlier today.

>> No.2796260

Practice kanji while listen to some Touhou music.

>> No.2796261

I have to work for 3 hours and then spend the rest of the night studying for my physics diploma exam.

Sounds like a party.

>> No.2796263

Finish reading Outlaws of the Marsh then tweak my Magic the Gathering decks for next weeks tourny at my local game store.

>> No.2796265


>> No.2796271

I still need to go jogging in around an hour or two. I tried jogging at an earlier time yesterday, shit was so hot.

I might either play more Total War later or watch some backed up anime.

>> No.2796279

I bought a bottle of sake. Should I warm it up or just drink it straight like the drunken irishman I am?

>> No.2796286
File: 150 KB, 1000x1300, SakuraSFIV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who might take a shower here...

This is what I'll do tonight. But first I must take a shower. Then as I enjoy some fine beverage I shall also get in on some SFIV G2 matches.

>> No.2796314

Continue learning C++ with Allegro.

>> No.2796450

Playing piano, and then debating whether or not I should do something to help the /jp/ project.

>> No.2796997


Which project?

I plan on reading my X-Factor, then watching Dennou Coil. Then, I dunno, playing MOON.

>> No.2797001

I'm going to the beach with friends. INCLUDING GIRLS. Suck that, /jp/

>> No.2797009
File: 43 KB, 374x275, ahmadinejad_unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw man, GIRLS too?
I'm so jealous

>> No.2797011

I know, I'm just the man. It's ok, you can have fun fapping and f5ing.

>> No.2797015

Figure stuff, eating fruit.

>> No.2797018

I'd rather not say, because I feel a bit guilty for helping to stall the project with a half-in, half-out attitude. I should've just quit early, but I still feel I can contribute somehow.

>> No.2797020

have fun while they make you fetch them alcohol and whine to you about their ex-boyfriends
I bet one or two will even give you her number so she can have somebody to cry and bitch too next time she gets burned by some guy who is way hotter than you
lulz, friendzone'd

>> No.2797038

>Butthurt nerd

>> No.2797039

Sarcasm is just lost on some people. Believe me, I know I'm not impressing anyone with the "WITH GIRLS" part. Girls happen to be 50% of the population, I don't actually believe it's an accomplishment to be around one. Jokes man, jokes.

>> No.2797047

You sure showed him.

>> No.2797055


Damn, people, stop the butthurtness.

>> No.2797056

Take a shower. Maybe.

>> No.2797057

How am I spending it?

Jumping between learning how to play High on Fire's Cometh Down Hessian and Sons of Thunder intros (Love those mythical, medieval, HP Lovecraft sounding intros) and lurking /jp/, saving images from Gel/Danbooru and Pixiv.

All alone.........in my apartment. Just heard my neighbors causing a ruckus as they're going out to the bar tonight with some whor......I'm sorry, some girls.

>> No.2797122
File: 135 KB, 670x701, 1245154524307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you spending your friday night?

<---------- THIS

>> No.2797132

FUCK YEA! TOTAL WAR! It's what I've been doing.

>> No.2797149

I was thinking about working on some VNs, playing some PS2, and maybe SFIV as I just rented it.

>> No.2797156

Playing StarCraft on B.net

>> No.2797153

The similarities between this picture and me are rather striking. I even have a USB PS2 controller sitting on top of my computer.

>> No.2797166

SFIV for ps3?

>> No.2797171

Play some KoF with my girlfriend, get beaten. Then some Melty, and kick her ass. Maybe I'll fuck her then if I feel like doing it.

>> No.2797169


>> No.2797174

If you want to add and play a few matches later I'm all for it.


I main Sakura, surprisingly enough.

>> No.2797188

Maybe. I'm pretty terrible at fighting games. But I'll add you either way if you want.

>> No.2797192

How exactly does a dakimakura beat you at KoF?

>> No.2797196


Same. I've been fucking over Europe with the motherfucking Russians.

>> No.2797202

A dakimakura could probably beat me at any fightan game, so it's not much of a stretch.

>> No.2797205

Today is friday? I could swear it was Wednesday. So that means tomorrow is Saturday?

>> No.2797213

Saturday usually follows Friday, yes.

>> No.2797230

Ok no problem. Go right ahead. I also use a mic in case you do as well.

I'll see your request later on then.

>> No.2797237

I was at a birthday party but now its 12AM and I'm waiting until sleep kicks in.

>> No.2797265

I just went out with a friend for dinner and drinks. I ordered a magarita and remembered how much I hate the taste of hard liquor. I should've ordered a beer.

>> No.2797288

Be a man and turn to Bourbon and Scotch.

>> No.2797296


You pussy. Well beer isn't bad I suppose. Depends on what kind.

>> No.2797300

Playing the Aion beta as Beato, a level 6 Asmodian Warrior.

>> No.2797404

She is a local tourneyfag. The only reason I beat her at Melty is because she knows I like that game ;_;

>> No.2797413

How much do you want for that dakimakura?

>> No.2797422

I didn't know you could buy tourneyfag dakimakuras. Where did you get it?

>> No.2797455

I was watching people killing themselves over a few PvP rooms in RO, but then I got bored of it and came back to /jp/.
Maybe I'll sleep soon.

>> No.2797465

I'm gonna learn how to play classical guitar and flamenco guitar. Shit's hard as fuck. Fuck your rock chords you rockers.

>> No.2797468

Guitars are for fag, play a real instrument, like a Sax.

>> No.2797476


Saxes are for spades

>> No.2797477

Sax is the god tier of wind instruments. Right next to the skin flute.

>> No.2797475

Then we could start our own /jp/ flamenco troupe. Shit would be amazing, of course there's always the issue of partners...

>> No.2797480

>skin flute
Is that some kind of innuendo for dick?

>> No.2797483


I call castanets.

>> No.2797490

I just got back from my girlfriend's house.
We talked about weeaboo shit and then went at it like rabbits.
I pity you NEETs looking for a boyfriend-free girlfriend.

>> No.2797493

French horn here, we've got wind handled. Hell sax isn't even a god tier reed, come back when you can beat oboe.

>> No.2797500

I'm a neet and I also have a girlfriend that plays fighting games way better than me. And no, she isn't a dakimura, I can't afford that.

>> No.2797501

Why you ask? You interested?

>> No.2797522

People have already done the "bragging about female companionship" thing earlier in the thread. There's really no need to do it any more.

>> No.2797528

Go away.

>> No.2797538

Closet case if I've ever seen one.

>> No.2797548
File: 290 KB, 750x616, 1214375616623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classical Guitarist here
Shit's awesome, the only problem is that the nails make you look like a faggot.
Have some Reimu

>> No.2797549

>Gay jokes

Grow up.

>> No.2797559

How has your therapy been going? Not well I take it.

>> No.2797566


Yeah. When I play I have to keep my right nails long and my left nails short. I remember I broke a nail and had to buy those individual finger picks to play classical. Right now I'm trying to get good playing the hell out of Romanza and Malaguena.

>> No.2797618

My nails are the same for an entirely different reason. Long out of laziness. But short on the left in order to play violin.

>> No.2797683
File: 81 KB, 550x600, 1214370940077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're done with that you should try some of the easy stuff by Tárrega or Carcassi, everyone starts with those, you should try some studies, many of them are boring as fuck (well, Villa-Lobos' are awesome) but they really help your technique.
Posting tohoes to keep this /jp/ related

>> No.2797722
File: 277 KB, 920x1100, 3054334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kendo practice. Just got back, and shit was SO not cash. A little too many hits to the ribs. Nothing broken, but damn.

>> No.2797736

I'm cleaned my guns. Cheaped out and used CLR instead of some gun cleaning solvent.

>> No.2798222

Sakura, you still there? I'm ready to play a few if you are still here.

>> No.2799124

