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File: 246 KB, 1600x1200, marisa alice forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2794634 No.2794634 [Reply] [Original]

Is Marisa hispanic?

I think it's possible that she is.

>> No.2794637

Talk about beating a dead horse.

Saged, hidden.

>> No.2794644


>> No.2794645

This kind of corny joke would probably have better reception at Pooshlmer.

>> No.2794661


I'm just dumbfoundered.

>> No.2794679

Actually, you're just dumb.


>> No.2794782

If Marisa is hispanic, Alice is white, Reimu is Japanese, and Meirin is Chinese, then are there any Jewish touhous?

>> No.2794796


>> No.2794801

Nazrin's one for sure

>> No.2794807

The way Alice looks in that picture always bothers me.
There's just something off about the size and shape of her head compared to the rest of her body.

>> No.2794818

If Marisa was hispanic she would have darker skin, not nigga-dark but darker in some shades.

>> No.2794835


>> No.2794887

>>2794818 If Marisa was hispanic she would have darker skin
lol, what? Shakira?

>> No.2794924

look closely at shakira, she has this pale brown skin tone

>> No.2794941

Northern Portugal and Spain have some pale-blond people.

>> No.2794945

>If Marisa was hispanic she would have darker skin
In what world do you live?

>> No.2794947


>> No.2794950

What about Rosie Perez?

>> No.2794957

Yeah, that's called a tan. White people WHO GO OUTSIDE get that sometimes.

>> No.2794959

Hispanic can pretty much be any race actually. Since they're just some sort of fucked up gene soup.

>> No.2794964

While Shakira is Colombian, she has Arabian genes.

>> No.2794968

Well, I do know someone named Marisa, it's a pretty common name.

>> No.2794969

In America, "hispanic" basically just means any ethnicity from a Spanish-speaking country.

>> No.2794976

Brazilians aren't Hispanic?

>> No.2794983

He means anywhere in Central and South America.
I mean you don't call people from Spain hispanic now right?

>> No.2794997

> I mean you don't call people from Spain hispanic now right?
I do.

>> No.2794998

Don't know actually, why would a foreign name have kanji? You know, 魔理沙.

>> No.2794999

Cartesian approaches never work with ethnicity.

>> No.2795003

Yes, also spics.

>> No.2795006

I wish I could hate you to death.

>> No.2795009

In older games her name was written マリサ.

And apparently, some South American countries have a lot of Japanese immigrants. There's a lot of hispanic people who have a Japanese last name.

>> No.2795011

Protip: the Spanish are white

>> No.2795014

Well, I guess I can understand how you wouldn't want to be associated with the blubbering retards of South America... but seriously, I can't tell the difference online. All hispanic peoples are JAJAJAJAing retards.

>> No.2795017

Brazil has highest concentration of Japanese people outside of Japan, I believe.

>> No.2795019

I can confirm that alright.

Some Hispanics are too, remember who conquered them.

>> No.2795030

I'm Hispanic.
That's like saying all Americans are LOLOLOLing retards and such.

>> No.2795043

Get out spic, someone call LA MIGRA we got some deporting to do.

>> No.2795055

I just said I was Hispanic, yet you say spic even though it was already said that they were not the same. But then again, you're just a cheap troll.

>> No.2795061

Fuck, all you brown people look the same to me

>> No.2795066

Varying degrees of skin color and features.
Hispanic refers to everyone in the Americas of Spanish decent. It's not a race.
Spaniards are caucasian and dislike sudacas for the most part. Can't blame them, far too many immigrants lately.
Shakira is of arabian descent. So is a bunch of the coastal population.
>>2794959 is right. In colonial times they used to keep track of the level of racial mixing, with a different name for each combination. It's fucking crazy.
Marisa is not a hispanic name. Maria is.
The biggest settlement of japanese overseas is in Brazil.
In the internet, every country south of the Rio Bravo is Mexico.

Facts motherfuckers.

>> No.2795067

Spic... that's someone from Iberia, right?

>> No.2795078

And all niggers look the same, and all asians look the same, etc, etc. It's called race, the fact that Americans are too used to having bastardized versions of all races is their problem.

>> No.2795089
File: 7 KB, 250x167, 1151057112914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap troll
And yet, you bite anyways
What does that say about you, hombre?

>> No.2795092

Not too sure now.

>> No.2795099

Bite what? I think you need to learn what trolling is.

>> No.2795106

Sup butthurt white faggot. What's wrong? Know that you're inferior to every other people out there? Asians are smarter than you, Jews are better at making money, Blacks are faster and stronger and Hispanics are harder workers.

Enjoy sucking at everything.

>> No.2795108

I can't fight with this.

>> No.2795122

Our white blood is purer! My Aryan Beam will eradicate you.

>> No.2795130
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1160608123133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I haven't heard such butthurt rage out of anyone on /jp/ for a while. Enjoy your hurt butt, mexican.
Biting, as in feeding the troll, biting the bait. I think you need to learn2troll

>> No.2795148
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, Trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is you.

>> No.2795160

>Man, I haven't heard such butthurt rage out of anyone on /jp/ for a while. Enjoy your hurt butt, mexican.

Is that all you can say? Why not try making a rebuttal, kid? Or can't you?

>> No.2795198

A jack of all trades but a master of none, is usually better than a master of one.

>> No.2795334

Where does the name Marisa originate?

I've never seen any "spanish" people as pale as Marisa though personally...

>> No.2796343

I've seen Spanish white blond people.

>> No.2796360

The name's Italian.

>> No.2796379

As Italian as Maria

>> No.2796393

>Where does the name Marisa originate?

Diminutive of Maria Luisa

>> No.2796415


So she's a fucking Wop...a greasy wop.

>> No.2796419
File: 39 KB, 492x650, 1176001093712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but I think Marisela Rodriguez is.

>> No.2796422

She could also be Portuguese or Spanish.

>> No.2796424

>Diminutive of Maria Luisa
That's Marilu.

>> No.2796427


>> No.2796437

both are diminutives of the same thing

>> No.2796454

that's more true than anyone likes to think.

And not just for Americans, but rather people in general.

>> No.2798023

I lol'd. Poar whities.

in b4 niggar niggar niggar

>> No.2798048

Marisa is a Japanese name the Japanese can pronounce.


>> No.2799132


>> No.2799725

the fact that she steals shit makes Marisa pretty damn hispanic.
