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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 37 KB, 317x500, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2794784 No.2794784 [Reply] [Original]

I have simple doubt.

In Japan, use is not possible in a net with a picture of Disney.
Their abnormal trial is the cause.

4Chan is an American bulletin board.

If there is not a Japanese picture, there is not 4Chan.

Disney thinks anyone to be feces, but.

How do you think of this thing?

>> No.2794787

I have absolutely no idea what you just said.

>> No.2794792

No sense is.
What your post is not making.

>> No.2794795 [DELETED] 

Every single time one of you dumb fucks spam your retarded cancer on our board, or it goes down for one minute for any reason, you get 10,000 more of these messages all over your shithole. Enjoy your current 100,000,000 spam messages and counting.

http://www.EnonTalk.com/ (Enon = Anon)


>> No.2794813


>> No.2794814


>> No.2794822

You do not know fear of the suit of Disney?
Anyway, we cannot use the picture of Disney in Japan.

>> No.2794831

Op want to say things like that.
I have a question.
In Japan Disney ban to post Disney pics or they insist that Japanese should pay money for using Disney characters.
What do you think about it.

>> No.2794836


I think Disney should eat a bag of dicks, then.

>> No.2794843 [DELETED] 


>> No.2794850

My insistence is a problem of the degree.
Anyway, a Japanese NET does not have a picture of Disney.
What is this as a result of extremely severe copyright?

I do not know your country.

>> No.2794865
File: 62 KB, 250x417, disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan, Disney force Japanese elementary school kids delete their fan art.

>> No.2794877

Just post it somewhere else, not like they can sue everyone on the internet for it.

btw OP, are you using some automated translation tool to translate from japanese to english?

>> No.2794885

If you do not know extraordinariness of the copyright of Disney, you had better not write in it at here.

The person knowing please write in an opinion.

>> No.2794892 [DELETED] 

Every single time one of you dumb fucks spam your retarded cancer on our board, or it goes down for one minute for any reason, you get 10,000 more of these messages all over your shithole. Enjoy your current 100,000,000 spam messages and counting.

http://www.EnonTalk.com/ (Enon = Anon)


>> No.2794908

When a primary schoolchild paint a picture of Mickey Mouse in commemoration of graduation, protest came from Disney.

>> No.2794927

don't misunderstand me. I am not hard-core anti-Disney. but, american are really close to korean when they are criticized, lol.

>> No.2794929

Disney is pretty fucking stupid then.
Free publicity? How dare them, let's sue!

A true American company.

>> No.2794931

Disney banned their pictures from the internet? Sunrise and Kadokawa also tried to do that, yes? I believe that we are doing them a favor by discussing them over the internet because it lets new people know about their products.

>> No.2794937

Because Disney is full of greedy corporate fucks. Give them the middle finger!

>> No.2794944

You might be mis-understanding what I said.
I simply stated that if you want to post Disney fanart, you could do so in lots of places around the Internet, as Disney would have trouble finding all of them and sueing them. I'm also not American.

>> No.2794960

So what barbarian. Do you admit that barbaric Disney's Lion King is inferior copy of honorable Tezuka?

>> No.2794963

I think fuck Disney

>> No.2794965

Well, the thing is, it's not about free publicity, they're worried about free bad publicity. They don't want their Mickey Mouse to be associated with abortion, because then all the anti-abortion people won't want their kids watching disney. Same with gays, religion, politics, etc. They get more profits by staying on the fence, so to speak, on these issues because then no body is left out.

Disney is like pre-WWII Switzerland

>> No.2794973
File: 964 KB, 275x190, Euphie[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2794977

OMG our honorable Disney Stole everything from Japan.

>> No.2794978

American here.

Money is why.

Disney = Sony.

Bunch of dicks.

>> No.2794989

maybe it is better url

>> No.2794994

I do not know your country.
However, in Japan, the copyright of Disney is abnormal.
The Japanese may use a thing of Disney so that you use the Japanese picture in 4Chan freely?
I say that I do business with the picture of Mickey Mouse particularly, and there is not it.

>> No.2795012
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1240263240730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2795015

Find a friend that knows English to translate for you. We still can't figure out what you're trying to ask.
..what? That was very rude and unrelated. Go learn English.

>> No.2795036


Japanese most do not have an opportunity with English.
Both the Anime and Manga are Japanese.
Overlook the unskillfulness of English with a few opportunities to spend.

>> No.2795038

why unrelated? everybody knows that your inferior Disney Lion King is copy of Tezuka. If you have a brain search the years both anime/cartoon were made.

>> No.2795057

You don't understand him because he's sending shit through google translate a few time to make it unreadable.

>> No.2795070

I think you need to stop trolling.

>> No.2795071

In american amazon.com, many american users said Disney Lion King is original. they are too stupid to search for the years which is older, Tezuka or inferior Disney. They are really stupid like Korean.

>> No.2795074


And the Japanese took the huge dinner-plate eyes they use in anime and manga from old American cartoons. What's your point?

>> No.2795076

By the way, in the country of you, is not the copyright of Disney abnormal?
On NET, can you put the picture of Mickey Mouse like a Japanese animated cartoon freely?

>> No.2795086

lol that is MY word. What is your point? You already admit that Dinsney Lion King is inferior copy of Tezuka?

>> No.2795093

Disney sucks now so who cares. Also I have no idea what anyone is saying in this thread gb2/2chan you fucktards.

>> No.2795098
File: 124 KB, 910x568, Hiroshima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you insult glorious Corea, you dirty nihon-jin. Japan never invented anything, just stole ideas from other countries.

Corea > Japan.

>> No.2795095

Well yes, that's probably true, but the post No.2794944 was explaining an alternate way to post Disney fanart online. He was not talking about The Lion King or any other Disney rip-offs.
I also don't see what part of his post made him a "barbarian." Calling someone a barbarian can be rude. That poster wasn't trying to insult anything or anyone.

Anyway, I'm going to guess at what you're asking.
My answer is: If you're not making any money from using their pictures, it should be just fine and ok. As for 4chan using pictures from Japan.. it's because we just don't care about any copyright.

>> No.2795112

ITT: We share a mutual laugh about the xenophobic and absurd beliefs and mannerisms of the Japanese on an imageboard dedicated to them.

>> No.2795116

lol typical korean. why koreans are so forgetful? tons of korean japanese were killed by nukes. but, tons of korean behave as if they have been american.

>> No.2795120

Oh, that's clearer, thanks. Yes, we can easily use and post Disney pictures only if we don't make any money from using them. As soon as one starts making money from using copyrighted material, there is a problem.
Of course, a company can always make you stop using their material for any reason if they feel like it. In that case it doesn't matter where you live.

>> No.2795133

I confirm it.
In your country, is the copyright of Disney abnormal like Japan?
Is only Japan special?

>> No.2795140

All nihonjin are Coreans anyway.

>> No.2795146

stupid korean post. it is the same thing to "korean invented everything."

>> No.2795150

Corea did not invent everything, but Japan invented nothing. Japan just stole ideas from other countries and changed them.

>> No.2795159

lol. show me korean Lion King immediately.

>> No.2795161

The Korean will ignore it!
In your country, can you complete the picture of Mickey Mouse in NET?

>> No.2795167

Well, there may be some slight differences in copyright between America and ANY other foreign country. I don't know for sure though.
However, I am sure that Japan is not treated any differently from any other foreign country when it comes to copyright.
If you think it is, then I leave you with this: Broaden your mind, and realize how absurd your xenophobia really is.

>> No.2795169

Lion King is based on Tezuka. Tezuka is cartoon, which were invented by Amerikkan. Japan stole cartoons from Amerikka and claim they invented them.

>> No.2795179

Son of a bitch Japanese.
Japanese is pig disgusting.
Do you want a Rape of Nanking?
Do you want a Mitsubishi?
Japanese is pig disgusting.
Akihito is a murderer.
Fucking Japan.
