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File: 98 KB, 802x602, what do I do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2793238 No.2793238 [Reply] [Original]

Last night, I dreamt I was Rance. It was the best dream of my life.

>> No.2793242

Having sex is all you care about? I thought /jp/ was better'n that

>> No.2793249

You dreamt you were homosexual? Cool story bro

>> No.2793252


You're giving /jp/ faaaaaaaar to much credit.

>> No.2793283



>> No.2793305

Also, OP here, I forgot to say that it might be because the only thing I've been doing for the past three days was playing Sengoku Rance.

I played something like 60 hours out of 72 hours.

>> No.2793589

ks devs

>> No.2793594

Because raping and killing other people is fun?

>> No.2793600

Definently. No seriously, i have too much fun playing this sort of game. Well yeah, Rance would be king of assholes in 3d, but its 2d, so its awwwright

>> No.2793601

I was dreaming that I succesfuly defeated the Demon Army 5 part Blitz without losing a single territory and no unit permanently killed.
Won the last battle againt Agireda with a Rance Attack, barely tipping the battle meter.
Seeing myself swinging Chaos and causing a shockwave was awesome.

>> No.2793602

But has Rance ever actually fallen in love? He's just using girls for sex. If he gave men seriously thought, he would likely find his true love right off the bat.

>> No.2793603
File: 509 KB, 800x600, 1231064981222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night, I dreamt I was Perla. It was the best dream of my life.

>> No.2793608

Well, in the IF routes he has peculiar feelings concerning the girl it involves.
Also, his stance with Kou is pretty unique in comparison.

>> No.2793611

How sad, that Rance is now illegal.

>> No.2793615


He's tsundere for Sill and Kenshin makes him go hnnnnnggg

>> No.2793631


>> No.2793641


He loves Sill in his own violent way, he wants Suzume to "be his ninja forever", and the 3 IF routes.

>> No.2793660

There are routes?

>> No.2793666

3 character routes which in a certain points late in the game take a different set of events.

>> No.2793667

After the first playthrough you can do the Ran,Kenshin or Yamamoto routes

>> No.2793689

Rape is funny.

Almost as funny as aids.

>> No.2793701


Rance enjoys the romance of his relationships too, if the girl resists he just rapes her though.

>> No.2793718

So any other rance games going to be translated? I assume this lowly possible, but this is too fun being a jerk

>> No.2793722

I doubt DOS games will even concern anyone.

>> No.2793725
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1245270134559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night, I dreamt about Rance anime. It was weird, but awesome.

>> No.2793729

So what would Rance do if a girl turned the tables on him and raped him? Would he enjoy it, or get pissed off?

>> No.2793735


Unless it was anal rape he'd probably enjoy it.

>> No.2793736

He has been sexually exploited in the past games. But they were hot and it felt good, so he let bygobes be bygones.

>> No.2793756

It would be better if a guy raped him, to give him a taste of what a hyper weapon feels like from the other side.

>> No.2793765

Considering that he can only take in a hole that was not really meant to receive things, it's not exactly an equal position.

>> No.2793766

>Rance 6

>> No.2793771

Fine, genderswap Rance, then rape him.

>> No.2793778

I just wanted to emphasize that for the OLDER ones, there is no chance in hell.
I already played through 6, my obssession with Magic carried through Sengoku too.

>> No.2793779


This game is hard

>> No.2793781

Rape would be the least of his troubles, with his hyper weapon he may off himself.

>> No.2793792
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>> No.2793796

So I just finished Kenshin's route.
Why the fuck is she so popular in moonland?
She is basically a bland retard, one of the least interesting woman in the game, and in Rance it's quite a feat.

Anyways great game, I had a lot of fun though the story and dialogues are shit, but it's not really important.

>> No.2793799

Why is Rance such a shitty character?

>> No.2793801

Because Chibi Lovestruck Kenshin with her metal cone hat is the most fucking adorable thing ever.

>> No.2793824

Why are you such a shitty troll?

>> No.2793828

Speaking of kenshin, she declared war on me few turns ago and fall in love. Shoud i smash her to conquer, or she join me willingly some day? Wars became great pain in the ass, since everyone has shitloads of guardians with +200%defensesomething.

>> No.2793836

Keep attacking.

>> No.2793837

Rance really is shitty then.
Look at his retarded smile.

>> No.2793840
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>> No.2793844

It doesn't matter whether he is shitty or not as a character.

I still don't like the guy.

>> No.2793845

Any time she and Rance are deployed in the battlefield, you auto win a battle.
Also, Footsoldier defences can be overcome.
Finally, you have to conquer her provinces to ge ta chance at recruiting her.

>> No.2793857

i'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.2793862

Hi there, Princess Kou.

>> No.2793876

Sup Kazemaru

>> No.2793885
File: 11 KB, 144x240, 1235925902654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uesugi Kenshin - The girl who defeated Saber of Fate/stay night and became the most popular eroge heroine.

I don't really care for Saber, but FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.2793894

You are saying that like Ran or Isoroku are better.

>> No.2793907

Kou is the real heroine and yes she is much better.

>> No.2793915

I thought Senhime was better.

>> No.2793921

But she doesn't have a route.

>> No.2793922

'I just tried to gouge out your stomach'.

So cute.
I loved shen she makes you rest on her lap as compromise.

>> No.2793927

True route is her route.

>> No.2793929

I thought the girl Ranmaru adopts was the best heroine. There should have been a threesome sex scene.

>> No.2793955

You take that back, faggot.

>> No.2793960


Sup Shibata.

>> No.2793961

Enjoy not being able to fuck your onee-sama.

>> No.2794040
File: 97 KB, 478x600, banchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance do not deserve anyone, he should just settle down with Sill. I feel bad for all the girls that fall for him.

Rouga from daibanchou is loads better than him as a main character.

>> No.2794049

Rance do not deserve anyone, he should just settle down with Chaos. I feel bad for all the girls that fall for him.

>> No.2794056

Rouga looks like a flaming faggot.

>> No.2794071

Rance at least deserves Shill

>> No.2794082

Rance do not deserve Chaos, we should give to a hero that really cares about protecting the world.

>> No.2794083

Rance is awesome. One of my favourite protagonists of all times. He doesn't give a shit about good or evil, which is what most protagonists suffer from.

>> No.2794120
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>> No.2794130

Rance actually is a normalfag, though. It's only tolerable because he's 2D.

>> No.2794131

But KS is actually good, unlike Sengoku Rance

>> No.2794134

That's because he's evil.

>> No.2794136

More like Chaotic Neutral.

>> No.2794137

Sup ks dev

>> No.2794141

>Chaotic Insane

>> No.2794143

Sup antiKSfag.

>> No.2794146

>Chaotic Stupid

>> No.2794147

Sup proKSfag

>> No.2794158
File: 53 KB, 480x640, lookatthatbaka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chaotic Cirno.

>> No.2794236

Akihime is my waifu...

>> No.2794259
File: 156 KB, 800x600, killingkids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game made me hate myself

killing kids and raping innocent girls. I ended up holding the fast-forward key for most of the game

>> No.2794271

Get out.

>> No.2794272

The problem lies in a commander setting out kids in the battlefield.

>> No.2794279

Welcome to conquest.

If the enemy throws a child at you, you need to shoot it out of the air.

If he throws himself at you, cut him down ruthlessly.

If he surrenders, he and his army are worthless, destroy them to make room for a new, better one.

If he puts up a reasonable fight, but then surrenders, he is trying to trick you. Destroy him.

>> No.2794289

The odd thing is that some of the random female commanders are lolis and Rance has no problem hitting on them.

>> No.2794294

>in a battle

sorry mate,but thinking like a loser will just get you killed in a real war,there are no "kids" in the battlefield.
there are only allies and enemies.
hesitate,and you will taste the sweet gift called death.

>> No.2794302

How do I capture an enemy footsoldier?

>> No.2794309

Random characters who you can't
even really see the body do not count.
And he just doesn't want to fuck them, it's not like he gets cooties.

You must completely defeat the unit(aka, 0 troops left). There is a chance they will join you, or simply die. Some units have the skill called 'Defeated warrior hunt' which increases your chances. The guy who has this in the beginning is your Archer unit commander, Niwa.

>> No.2794310 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 840x1200, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a game that lets me equally rape men and women?
I'm tired of just girls being raped, raping a guy is far more humiliating for them.

>> No.2794318

Just go get Enzai or something.

>> No.2794320

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.2794323
File: 47 KB, 485x590, hirasaka_hatsune_46545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlach=Nacha comes close.

>> No.2794358

sauce on pic

>> No.2794373

Happening date by minion, translated by desudesu

>> No.2794406

It happens in this game

>> No.2794411

This scene was so fucking hilarious.

>> No.2794417

Good lord, I seriously laugh at the genderswapped Rance ending.

>> No.2794420

If Rance loses against Suzaku he gets raped in the ass

-5 satisfaction points

It was hilarious

>> No.2794430

-5? That's it?

>> No.2794439

I can't recruit Ran, is it because im already in kenshin route?

>> No.2794456

Guys, what do the 2nd playthrough bonuses "Can Kill Toukichirou" and "Additional Characters" (aside the Dokuganryuu, Takeda, Uesugi, Hojo, Mori houses characters bonus) do?

>> No.2794460

>Can Kill Toukichirou
Xavier won't appear.

>> No.2794467

'Can kill Toukichirou' lets you kill Nobunaga's monkey, which prevents the initial gourd from breaking. So you're basically playing a ffa game in story mode.

Additional characters are cameos from other Alicesoft games. Some of them are decent, but most aren't worth it.

>> No.2794471

Can you eventually get all of the bonuses by beating the game a sufficient number of times?

>> No.2794476

So how do you kill the monkey? A midgame event or something else? What's the advantage for doing that?

>> No.2794483

You'll get 5 points per route you complete, but that's pretty much the only thing that stacks. Otherwise you'll get the majority of your points from your highest-scoring playthough.

So in a sense yes, as the more you play, the better you'll be, and therefore the more points you'll get.

>> No.2794485

What does it mean when a unit is highlighted red and how do I get it back to normal ( I cant attack)?

>> No.2794489

Are you fighting zombies? Because it cases one of your units to be inable to take action for a turn. He'll turn back to normal next turn.

>> No.2794494

>>2794476 here, thanks for the info. Also, aren't the Alicesoft cameos got their own activation bonus choice? (Like Natsumi Papa, Takakura Kamei etc)

>> No.2794495

Oh, I see.

That's harsh.

>> No.2794496
File: 27 KB, 803x602, additchar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional characters are this one witch who shows up with Maria, and apparently there is someone else but I never got him. The witch is fucked up though, don't know if it's just my game or not.

Pic related any time you have an event or even scroll over her name this happens.

>> No.2794499

zombies are a pain

they actually decrease your maximum troop limit with each successful hit

>> No.2794505

patch your game.

>> No.2794508


Isoroku's route is very easy and very fast to clear.

>> No.2794514

They usually don't have too many attacks, and that effect only occurs when they attack you, not the other way around. Kenshin/Uruza or some Bushido can stop them fairly easily.

>> No.2794521

Does the anti-youkai/monster sword item do triple damage on Xavier?

Or are Demons are separate category?

>> No.2794524

It works ok for me

>> No.2794525

I see, I did get both Masou Shizuka (Magic) and Kasumi (Cannon). Dunno how to get Shizuka's character clear though. Her affection status keeps on "Hate" and it seems no event to get her to "Normal".

>> No.2794536


>> No.2794543

Agireda is pretty nice, just found out that when you get her to trust she gets 2000 bushido units for free.

>> No.2794549
File: 144 KB, 793x559, Demon attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't pay attention on my second playthrough, wanting just to rack up a better score, and this came about... Which If route is this?
What do I do?
Not specific battle wise, but finishing the playthrough to get more starting points on the next-wise.

>> No.2794560

So why hasn't Sill gotten pregnant yet from all the fucking they've done?

Unless theres a version of the pill in Rance world?

>> No.2794563

WTF? I need source

>> No.2794566

Wait! Fighting Xavier and the Demon King?
How do you get this?

>> No.2794569

Guessing that it's Yamamoto 56's route. Just because you don't have Ran.

>> No.2794570


That's the Demon King route. You don't get points for clearing that route, but you do get see hilarious moments with Miki bossing Xavier around and being a silly couple with Kentarou

>> No.2794578

Rance is sterile.

>> No.2794583


It's explained in Isoroku's route. Sill has contraception magic cast on her.

Although by the time of Sengoku Rance, Rance has already fathered at least one child with another woman.

>> No.2794584

So, what dod I do in order to finish the route?
Just go to Morocco again?
He actually has gotten a woman pregnant at least twice.

>> No.2794591

How do I get this route?

>> No.2794592

Rance uses magic as birth-control and STD-protection.

>> No.2794596


Demon King route

must be on 2nd play
let Miki run out of Hirami Lemons
If you are on 2nd play this will not result in a gameover

Miki will make her way to Xavier and take over.
Kentarou will follow a few turns after that and leave his holy sword behind. (you can equip it on another character)

>> No.2794600

Ha, I wonder if a son of Rance would be just as much a pimp as his dad?

Is it genetic or is it just the way he was raised?

>> No.2794607

He is cursed.

>> No.2794614

All that is good, but how do you beat the route?

>> No.2794616

Great thanks!

>> No.2794624
File: 654 KB, 1082x1600, kurohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kurohime gets bullied even more?

>> No.2794638


His son HATES his guts

You see, Rance managed to force a devil (not demon like Xavier is) into servitude by learning her true name

Eventually he manages to knock her up. This is usually impossible, but he forced sex on her during her "devil period"

She gives birth as is actually quite happy with the child for a while, but soon after she is punished by her peers because well.. you're not supposed to be knocked up by humans, dumbass.

Eventually they manage to save her for punishment but she's still fucked up in the head because of it. His son is currently on the run traveling the world along with the mother.

>> No.2794647

Is that from the fanbook?
I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.2794652


You take over every demon army territory. Use a scout each time you attack a territory. If you see Miki sortied in battle load your recent save since you can't damage her AT ALL

>> No.2794655

Is it translated?

>> No.2794660

Rance is truly a god among men.

>> No.2794662

More like a dick among dicks.

I feel bad for his son.

>> No.2794667

Pls, tell me you get to rape the fucking Demon King on this route

>> No.2794669


>> No.2794681


>> No.2794684

And then it is over? No epic commander battle?

>> No.2794687

Do you get to fuck Miki in that route?

>> No.2794694

They're saving that epic battle for a future sequel.

>> No.2794700

Watch his son become an upstanding, noble demon just to be contrary to his dad!

>> No.2794709

Devils != Demons in the Rance universe.

>> No.2794712


No, she teleports far away after accusing Rance of using cheat codes

>> No.2794747

Did he grow up in 2 days or something?

>> No.2794761

Oh fuck, that's hilariously unexpected.

>> No.2794809
File: 28 KB, 393x480, 02_301_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's around one year old, but he looks around 11~ years

>> No.2794851

How the fuck do you get Kojika in your team?
I have conquered Mori already (with him uncursed), seen her events up to the one where she lost money with that merchant thing, haven't recruited Nozomi and shit, but she doesn't appear.
Any help with this?

>> No.2795173

I would like to know this as well.

>> No.2795273


>> No.2795299

someone make a turn 1 save with max gold

>> No.2795327

Just use cheat engine.

>> No.2795359

link to one please?

>> No.2795368

First hit in google, fucking idiot.

>> No.2795820

When you conquer Mori,you are supposed to see an event with her and Rance.Then she is recruitable in Izumo.

>> No.2796385

How do you actually use this thing though? It looks pretty tricky.

>> No.2797497
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Good end.

>> No.2797510


Whoa, when did Saki get tits?

>> No.2797544
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>> No.2797570
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>> No.2797823

Takes your time and learn, use the tutorial and some logic skills. Who knows maybe you can pull this

>> No.2799250

trying to bump

>> No.2799378

Ha ha ha, oh wow

>> No.2799399


>> No.2799440

There a sex change temple somewhere on one of the demon army's territory. Trigger that event and pick rance when it asks who to change into a girl.

>> No.2799519 [DELETED] 

Shich game?

>> No.2799529

Which game? Sengoku Rance?

>> No.2799553

Yes, there's a sex change temple in one of the Shimazu territories

>> No.2799615 [DELETED] 
File: 760 KB, 792x593, sensen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.2799702

hahaha, oh wow

>> No.2799729
File: 86 KB, 800x638, byakko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, how i suppose to fight it, when he wipes whole pack in 2 turns?

>> No.2799732

Use continues.

>> No.2799742

no other way to do it fair?

>> No.2799749

what character is this?

>> No.2799759
File: 139 KB, 800x600, hanny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know exactly what these options do? Not the National Power, Preparation, or one at the very bottom that recruits a captain, but the other ones.

>> No.2799762

OP is win.

Reading the trolls just made me RAGE.

>> No.2799773

Wanna rage even harder? Play KS, it's the best game ever. Fact.

>> No.2799777

Not trolls. Just troll. Same pattern used in the other threads, if you put 1+1 together.

>> No.2799784

>I'm a KS dev. My game is better despite it not having any actual gameplay in it like Sengoku Rance.

>> No.2799797


Get the fuck out of here, the lot of you. If someone is shitting the thread up, ignore them, or report them. I don't really care.

>> No.2799812

Yes, I am a KS dev. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my dev soul long ago and I am happy together with my KS (who is a shittty OEL eroge!). We have a fucking lot of retarded fanboy devs in and outside of the official forum and I am pretty fat and queer looking.

But thanks anyway asshole. Go and play your stupid rape shit while I have SEX with an incapacitated girl.

>> No.2799833
File: 56 KB, 200x200, marisa-get-out-close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I am a KS dev.

Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.2799846


>> No.2799850
File: 151 KB, 816x656, FFA options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2799865

new patch???

>> No.2799870

You are lying. Otherwise KS would have FUCKING MISAH ROUTE!!

>> No.2799875

I thought it was weird at first, but now I know why there's the same troll in every Rance thread we've had on /jp/. Damned ks devs.

>> No.2799885

Not yet. FFA will be translated for the Ran route release, though.

>> No.2799887


>> No.2799915

> Last update: June 19.
> Ran route translation complete

>> No.2799922


>> No.2799970

Heil Hitler! Heil Ganondorf!

>> No.2799972

Wait, what?

>> No.2800019

Probably referring to Hojo House's crest.

>> No.2800130
File: 105 KB, 800x638, RAPERAPERAPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to violate miki right now, but im afraid of game over, what shoud i do?

>> No.2800137

enjoy bad end > reload

>> No.2800142

Last night, I dreamt I was with Perla.

Think about it.

>> No.2800146

Yes, choosing to rape her gets you a bad end.
But go ahead and do it just to see what happens, if you want.

>> No.2800158

Shit. Will rance get laid with her later?

>> No.2800166

No. She is the other fags girlfriend.
Rance accepts this.

>> No.2800183

So, does getting the bonus option to kill the monkey mean that the whole Xavier being released/Demon Army invades part of the game wont ever happen, and that I can conquer territories at my leisure?

>> No.2800225


>> No.2800239

Its like playing FFA modo using Oda.

>> No.2800248

And most house events happen, unlike FFA

>> No.2800250

Can I expect something other than rape from Rance? Well, other than the gameplay that looks like a lot of fun.

>> No.2800268
File: 760 KB, 792x593, sensen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has some rather odd characters

>> No.2800269

It's usually a weird kind of pseudo-rape, really. There are very few cases where the woman isn't actually willing (during sex).

That being said, I skip through all the h-scenes, myself.

>> No.2800275

Actual rape is about 30%(reward scenes after conquering shit).
The rest of the sex scenes are forceful-purely pohysical situations.
Romance is minaimal and only in certai routes and situations.

The only other things you may expect is one liners and comedic situations (like making Tokugawa Ieyasu surrender and mess with him), and a solid soundtrack.

The storyline serves mostly to explain why you may get fucked in the ass during gameplay.

>> No.2800277

If you are a war she will love you.

>> No.2800281

Senhime's scripts weren't actually edited for the .5 release, but I'll go file that typo report anyway.


>> No.2800304

full patch fucking where?

>> No.2800307

Most of the times, it's not really rape. And most times when he does rape, it turns into happy or fun sex, the woman being raped deserved it, he made deals to sex them up, uses their own values to make it happen, or at one point, he was drunk. I was actually surprised by the not as much rape as I expected in this game. Spent most of the time running errands to get the women wanting to have sex with Rance.

The Hojo conquest CG was pretty fun. Slut Yin Yang user is slut.

>> No.2800330

Well Xavier was all about romance.

>> No.2800332

>Romance is minimal
But some of the best scenes in the game are those that actually develop or those that already have romantic feelings for the MC. Wouldn't really say that they're minimal. His interactions with his girlfriends are top-tier, especially Magic and Maria. Even Sen has some good moments with Rance. But like anon said, the translation patch needs another japanese translating proofreader.

>> No.2800347

Well. to be exact, they are minimal concerning the ratio from currently translated scenes and the few ones that were easy for me to understand

>> No.2800365

Senhime going dere for Rance with that lap pillow was HHNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. A lot of the stuff in this game needed HCGs like that one.

>> No.2800369

!zllab kcus og nac toom ,os

>> No.2800373

>woman deserving rape
Don't know if I like this concept or not. I guess the CG will set my mind. So you just run the translation installer and you're good to go?

>> No.2800378

Just started my kill the monkey route too. Is there some action I need to take, or will Rance kill him by himself in a cutscene?

>> No.2800382

Have you installed the 1.04 patch? If so, then yes.
Prepare for a LOT of trial and error.

>> No.2800384


Ran is a total slut

she's like.. we must save Soun so hurry up and fuck me in the butt!

>> No.2800386

There will be an event in Oda around 8 turn.

>> No.2800393

Oh, there's one bitch that deserved what she got. That's for sure. You need the 1.04 patch before the translation installer.

Help is at http://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/Sengoku_Rance:Version_history

>> No.2800404


>> No.2800416

Well, in the Ran route, she actually does fall in love with Rance if you try to clear her. She goes complete dere for him at that point in a tsun manner.

>> No.2800420

>The Hojo conquest CG was pretty fun. Slut Yin Yang user is slut.
Yeah, 4p for the win. That girl in the center was real slutty.

>> No.2800447

>>His interactions with his girlfriends are top-tier

Like how he constantly abuses Sill, hits her, and generally treats her pretty terribly. The only time he really cares is when she's frozen, but I guarantee that if she comes back it'll go right back to Rance treating her like crap, regardless of her status as slave or not. Sorry, but the forced "romance" in Rance is absolutely terrible with shallow characters that are drawn to Rance only for tiny bits of interest he shows when he's not acting like a complete ass while almost all conveniently ignore his habit of sticking the Hyper Weapon in anything with a vagina and over 4 feet tall.

>> No.2800457

Sill is not a "girlfriend", she's Rance's slave, you tard'.

>> No.2800458
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>> No.2800472

>Like how he constantly abuses Sill, hits her, and generally treats her pretty terribly.
Rance is a complete tsundere towards Sill; I don't see how you couldn't see it.

>> No.2800473

Sill is not on the same level as Rance's girlfriends. She's his slave. She's important to him and even Maria thinks she's Rance's favorite, but she's not a girlfriend. PLAY TEH GAEM.

>> No.2800485

>Like how he constantly abuses Sill, hits her, and generally treats her pretty terribly.
You know, like Naru, Louise, and all the other tsundere female characters in LOLJapan? Except reversed.

>> No.2800490

It's okay if a woman abuses a man.

>> No.2800494

So this is what happens when you turn tsundere into males. Oh wait, Chiaki from Nodame Cantabile...

>> No.2800500

Stop listening to your feminist bullshit.

>> No.2800501

male tsundere = average male

>> No.2800505

Double standard faggotry.

>> No.2800508

Aside from all the other awesome, I really came to appreciate the music in Rance.

Kenshin's theme, Mars, is godly in every way possible. Rebirth the Edge is fucking awesome as a final boss theme. Ontology, the theme that plays when defending against the Demon Army, is sounds like something Motoi Sakuraba would compose.

>> No.2800526

Yes. Rance does indeed have awesome music. Been nerding out to it on my MP3 player recently.

>> No.2800536

I prefer the Kichiku Ou version of Ontology


(spoiler? warning) contains almost every Demons in Rance-verse

>> No.2800546


>Ontology, the theme that plays when defending against the Demon Army, is sounds like something Motoi Sakuraba would compose.

It's probably the electro-organ synth. The one that makes up every song in every Star Ocean game to date.

>> No.2800551

I chuckle every time I hear My Glorious Days, because I know what's coming next.

>> No.2800559

No guitar riffs make it have much less impact.

>> No.2800571
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The soundtrack is pretty win, gotta agree with that. When they made this, I came in my pants.


Hatin' on a playa ain't cool, bra.

>> No.2800584


Agreed. It's also mixed/mastered well, and I love the guitar playing (and the guy's guitar tone). It's a solid little soundtrack with some great variety.

Alice Soft, pretty awesome when it comes to music. I need to listen to more of their stuff besides SR and Atlach-Nacha (which is also incredibly awesome).

>> No.2800587

Fuck yeah!

>> No.2800596



better now?

>> No.2800602

Fuck yeah Setera, can't wait to see her again soon

>> No.2800608

I'd really love to see Hornet.

Then Rance fucking her.

>> No.2800631
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Rance fucking the hot demons in his world is one of the things that are awesome in that world.

>> No.2800642

Dunno if I like what they're trying to do there. It kinda pulls you away from the action, actually.

>> No.2800700


>> No.2800726

Sengoku is great but I miss the global war scale of Kichikuou


>> No.2800967


Sengoku is on a large scale, though. It isn't Japan, it's JAPAN. There's Africa, Texas, and all sorts of places there.

>> No.2801184

So is there any cheat device which will grant me 9999HP and every hit=instant kill or something similar?

Stupid demon army is annoying me.

Or is there some way to NOT have the demon army take over all of JAPAN?
