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2790308 No.2790308 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2790322
File: 15 KB, 640x480, umineko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tremendous bombs.

>> No.2790321

I must be a faggot, because random gore with people killing eachother for poorly played reasons is shit

>> No.2790366

Way to prove that you know nothing of Umineko or Higurashi.

>> No.2790371

>Watch higurashi

heh no.
Fuck off now.

>> No.2790377

I like you.

Polite sage.

>> No.2790398

y r seagulls colled seacats in jpaan?

>> No.2790408


All they do is make loud noises and eat fish.

Myaa myaa nyaa nyaa

>> No.2790412 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming us, you dumb niggers: http://www.AnjnTalk.com/ (replace "j" with "o")


>> No.2790428

I know I'm answering to a troll, but Umineko barely has any gore because the art is kinda limited or something. It's all pretty underwhelming.

>> No.2790435

S1 = awesome
S2 = do not want / best friends forever

>> No.2790442

>S1= I liked Elfen Lied

>> No.2790452

I must say that I enjoyed S1 as well, however, S2 was far superior.

>> No.2790453

Pfft, hardly.
S1 has SUSPENSE. I was scared shitless some episodes, especially those near the beginning and end of S1.

S2? It was less exciting than watching subatomic particles dissipate into nothingness over 10^200 years. Lots of pointless "hurr durr, please do your job child's aid organization" crap. By the time Sextoko has to choose between broccoli and cauliflour, who cares(*).
(*)BTW, color-blindness is a male disease. You have to be real trash to be a color-blind woman.

>> No.2790454




>> No.2790464

Thanks for summing up my feelings on this series.

>> No.2790473

So you prefer the game?

>> No.2790481

You're welcome. It's good to see I'm not alone in this.

>> No.2790483

I've never played anime and do not intend to in the future.

>> No.2790487


>S1 has SUSPENSE. I was scared shitless some episodes, especially those near the beginning and end of S1.

Then the spirit of Higurashi has been completely raped.
You were supposed to be confused.

>S2? It was less exciting than watching subatomic particles dissipate into nothingness over 10^200 years. Lots of pointless "hurr durr, please do your job child's aid organization" crap.

I found them actually going to the police and government to be beautifully refreshing than "WE HEROES ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN CHANGE FATE EVER ANYWHERE now where'd I put my baseball bat".

>By the time Sextoko has to choose between broccoli and cauliflour, who cares.

Who cares when the climax to a truly suspenseful arc comes? A lot of people in the audience.

>(*)BTW, color-blindness is a male disease. You have to be real trash to be a color-blind woman.

She's not colorblind, she's just a kid.

>> No.2790501

I just looked up Umineko on cosplay.com. Weird stuff. But I imagine it takes a lot of work to make some dresses from that game.

>> No.2790505

>Then the spirit of Higurashi has been completely raped.
>You were supposed to be confused.
I was confused. Deeply confused. It didn't make sense. One minute Rena is talking pleasantly on her way home with K1, the next minute the anime goes all QUALITY and she's got cat eyes, bad attitude and keeps going KA NA, KA NA in a frightening way.

Higurashi scared me so much that the "lun lun lun" flowers in the Hayate Intro make me flip out everytime they flashed on the screen.

>> No.2790516
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Not the right style of confusion.

"Why is this happening" =/= "what is happening".

Did you not read Keiichi's final message?
"Figure out what happened here. That's all I ask."

>> No.2790523

I remember when I picked up Higurashi. There were 13 episodes out and I watched them all in one go. I was so into it that after finishing them I had one of those "back on earth" feelings.

>Lots of pointless "hurr durr, please do your job child's aid organization" crap.
It wasn't pointless. The worlds where Teppei returns are the worst. Satoko must be saved or else shit goes horribly wrong and Rika wont get her happy ending.

>> No.2790528

Which Keiichi would that have been?

Short plot arcs, full of suspense and excitement. Season 1 had it all baby.

Even a doctor with the hots for Satoko who was willing to wait until she was ripe to date her. That's class. The kind of class you wouldn't expect in a small crazy little village full of nutbars.

>> No.2790539

>I remember when I picked up Higurashi. There were 13 episodes out and I watched them all in one go. I was so into it that after finishing them I had one of those "back on earth" feelings.
I remember seeing someone posting artwork in /a/ when S1 was still new and shiny. "Huh, looks chibi chibi kawaii" I thought and downloaded a few episodes.

It was late at night, it was dark, and I just wanted a calming Slice o' Life for 20 minutes or so before bed. Boy was I wrong.

I watched the whole first plot arc and then really had trouble falling asleep.

>> No.2790542
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>Short plot arcs

You just said why S1 fails

>> No.2790549
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Don't watch Higurashi.

>> No.2790551
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>Which Keiichi would that have been?

The one who went insane and killed his best friends.

In other words, the first one we see.

You want things good on face value. Shallow. Higurashi was supposed to be deep and many-layered.

>> No.2790558

So you're trying to say:
Your Way of Enjoying Anime > My Way of Enjoying Anime?

Wow, that's pretty convincing. I'm going to move in with you so I can study how to be more like you in every facet of my being.

>> No.2790573
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Cloud watched Higurashi.

>> No.2790572


>> No.2790579
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I'm saying, you were enjoying Higurashi for what Higurashi was not supposed to be. Season 2 is how it was meant to be. Season 1 was not.

>> No.2790585

Season was was rushed to hell. Tatarigoroshi, Meakashi and Tsumihoroboshi were heavily bastardized. Trying to fit 6 games worth of content into 26 episodes is crazy.

>> No.2790589

If Ryukishi07 went "serious business mode" with the Umineko anime is because he doesn't want another HURR BLOOD WHO CARES ABOUT PLOT.

>> No.2790593
File: 37 KB, 640x480, satoko - not 100 percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ha ha wow.
Season 1 was what it was, no more and no less. It stood on it's own as a suspenseful thriller. You didn't like that? Too bad, suck it up buttercup. That's what it was.

I prefer my anime with heaps of sweetness and drama. Never do I watch anything this violent and despite that fact, I loooooooved Higurash S1. It was like a breath of fresh air.

Seriously, what on earth did you see in S2? What kept you tuning in instead of tuning out? There was nothing to it. Episode after episode we knew Satoko was being beaten shitless by her uncle and yet the plot did not advance. Pointless. An absolute betrayal of the first season.

>> No.2790594

To be fair, game fans didn't care for Matsuribayashi either. It was cheesy even in the visual novel.

>> No.2790598
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>> No.2790603

>There was nothing to it.

Nothing except the DAMN ANSWERS of everything it's been teasing you about in the past.

You do know Kai in the title stands for Answer/Solution, right? The whole point of Kai is to answer the questions and to resolve the story. It's not supposed to be the first season again.

>> No.2790605

I never agreed with this. Elfin Lied is miles apart from Higurashi.

>> No.2790608

Sometimes mysteries are better left unsolved.
Higurashi is an excellent example of that.

>> No.2790611


>> No.2790613
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>It stood on it's own as a suspenseful thriller.

No, it was an adaption of a visual novel and nothing you can say will change the fact. You can say it's more ENJOYABLE if you don't think it as such, but that doesn't mean the visual novel doesn't exist.
"Too bad, suck it up buttercup."

>What kept you tuning in instead of tuning out?

Seeing the mysteries get answered. It came completely out of left field to me that Oyashiro-sama <exists>, and was honestly absolutely surprised that the Sonozakis had nothing to do with the disappearances.

>> No.2790618
File: 15 KB, 206x247, 1244854741385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2790622

>Sometimes mysteries are better left unsolved.

No, a mystery that doesn't have an answer is lazy writing. The author couldn't think of a good explanation. It's one of the worse copouts you can do.

>> No.2790633

>Seeing the mysteries get answered. It came completely out of left field to me that Oyashiro-sama <exists>, and was honestly absolutely surprised that the Sonozakis had nothing to do with the disappearances.
That's my point exactly. S2 was just one long disappointment followed by another. The world I can constructed turned out to be far better than the one the storywriters can pulled out of their asses.

As for standing on its own, that's what adaptions have to do, don't they? After all, anime watchers aren't necessarily game players. And Higurashi as an anime was bigger than Higurashi as a game will ever be.

I was in electric town when Higurashi S1 was out (January 2007). The bigger-than-life-size posters were everywhere on the streets.

>> No.2790646

S1 and S2 were so different, I can't comprehend someone liking them both.

>> No.2790649

I like both seasons.

>> No.2790652

>And Higurashi as an anime was bigger than Higurashi as a game will ever be.

Only for the English community and that's only because the visual novels weren't translated.

>> No.2790656 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming us, you dumb niggers: http://www.AnjnTalk.com/ (replace "j" with "o")


>> No.2790664


I enjoyed S1, and loved S2, so yeah.

>> No.2790666

I watched them back to back and didn't notice that much of a difference.

>> No.2790678

This reminds me that I haven't watched Higurashi S2 yet, even though I have already watched S1 a long time ago.
Better watch it again and then watch S2 possibly before Umineko starts?

>> No.2790679

Quality > quantity

>> No.2790684

Same, I liked both.

>> No.2790706

Lambdadelta tried to beat Bernkastel down, but her playing style was defeated by the fact that it has very little variation (brute force for most of the arcs) and Bernkastel's endless respawning defeated her mysteries one at a time.

There's no doubt that Lambdadelta did a good job of tossing in red herring after red herring (Sonozakis and Miyo's faked death, among other things), but she was pretty much screwed from the beginning.

>> No.2790721

I liked both season 1 and 2.
I liked them for various reason, and while other people may not necessarily agree with said reasons I enjoyed the show nonetheless and their disagreement does not hinder my enjoyment of it any.

Get over it.

>> No.2790945

Genji did it.
